path: root/include/client
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-28Remove obsolete client codeDrew DeVault
2017-06-07Implement Tray IconsCalvin Lee
2017-03-18wl_poitner -> wl_pointerZandr Martin
2017-03-10Correct indentationDrew DeVault
2016-09-05Fix constant scale factor in font codeDrew DeVault
2016-09-05Add client support for HiDPIDrew DeVault
2016-09-05Initial testing on hidpi clientsDrew DeVault
2016-07-16Fix #753Drew DeVault
2016-07-15Enable windows to register to get notified when the mouse wheel is scrolledDavid Eklov
2016-07-15Rename pointer_input::notify to indicate that is called on button clicksDavid Eklov
2016-07-14Use int instead of wl_fixed_t for mouse coordinatesDavid Eklov
2016-07-06Fix formatting guide violations (spaces instead of tabs)David Eklov
2016-07-06Enable windows to register to get notified of pointer button eventsDavid Eklov
2016-07-04Move code to make a window a shell surface into seperate functionDavid Eklov
2016-04-17Flesh out pango markup implementationDrew DeVault
2016-03-30Make client/pango.h not depend on client/window.hMikkel Oscar Lyderik
2016-01-25extract cairo_set_source_u32()Christoph Gysin
2015-12-20make gdk-pixbuf dependency really optionalprogandy
2015-12-12Pass keys along from wayland backend to clientsDrew DeVault
2015-12-12Add some more keyboard handling for wayland clientsDrew DeVault
2015-12-10Initialize keyboard in registry pollDrew DeVault
2015-12-10Add keyboard handling shims to registryDrew DeVault
2015-12-10Discover swaylock extension in registryDrew DeVault
2015-12-10Refactor gdk pixbuf code into shared client libDrew DeVault
2015-11-29Add text rendering support to wayland clientsDrew DeVault
2015-11-19Refactor the crap out of wayland clientsDrew DeVault
2015-11-18Basic support for extensions in server and clientsDrew DeVault
2015-11-18Support cursors over wayland clientsDrew DeVault
2015-11-18Fix SIGBUS from wayland clientsDrew DeVault
2015-11-18Normalize indentationDrew DeVault
2015-11-18Clean up memory pool files betterDrew DeVault
2015-11-18Fix up wayland client implementationDrew DeVault