path: root/.config/nvim/lua/statusline.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/statusline.lua')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/statusline.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/statusline.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b6ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/statusline.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+local fn = vim.fn
+local api = vim.api
+-- possible values are 'arrow' | 'rounded' | 'blank'
+local active_sep = 'blank'
+-- change them if you want to different separator
+local separators = {
+ arrow = { '', '' },
+ rounded = { '', '' },
+ blank = { '', '' },
+-- highlight groups
+local colors = {
+ active = '%#StatusLine#',
+ inactive = '%#StatuslineNC#',
+ mode = '%#Mode#',
+ mode_alt = '%#ModeAlt#',
+ git = '%#Git#',
+ git_alt = '%#GitAlt#',
+ filetype = '%#Filetype#',
+ filetype_alt = '%#FiletypeAlt#',
+ line_col = '%#LineCol#',
+ line_col_alt = '%#LineColAlt#',
+local trunc_width = setmetatable({
+ mode = 80,
+ git_status = 90,
+ filename = 140,
+ line_col = 60,
+}, {
+ __index = function()
+ return 80
+ end
+local is_truncated = function(_, width)
+ local current_width = api.nvim_win_get_width(0)
+ return current_width < width
+--local modes = setmetatable({
+ --['n'] = {'Normal', 'N'};
+ --['no'] = {'N·Pending', 'N·P'} ;
+ --['v'] = {'Visual', 'V' };
+ --['V'] = {'V·Line', 'V·L' };
+ --[''] = {'V·Block', 'V·B'}; -- this is not ^V, but it's , they're different
+ --['s'] = {'Select', 'S'};
+ --['S'] = {'S·Line', 'S·L'};
+ --[''] = {'S·Block', 'S·B'}; -- same with this one, it's not ^S but it's 
+ --['i'] = {'Insert', 'I'};
+ --['ic'] = {'Insert', 'I'};
+ --['R'] = {'Replace', 'R'};
+ --['Rv'] = {'V·Replace', 'V·R'};
+ --['c'] = {'Command', 'C'};
+ --['cv'] = {'Vim·Ex ', 'V·E'};
+ --['ce'] = {'Ex ', 'E'};
+ --['r'] = {'Prompt ', 'P'};
+ --['rm'] = {'More ', 'M'};
+ --['r?'] = {'Confirm ', 'C'};
+ --['!'] = {'Shell ', 'S'};
+ --['t'] = {'Terminal ', 'T'};
+--}, {
+ --__index = function()
+ --return {'Unknown', 'U'} -- handle edge cases
+ --end
+local get_current_mode = function()
+ return string.format('[%s]', api.nvim_get_mode().mode )
+local get_git_status = function()
+ -- use fallback because it doesn't set this variable on the initial `BufEnter`
+ local signs = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict or {head = '', added = 0, changed = 0, removed = 0}
+ local is_head_empty = signs.head ~= ''
+ if is_truncated(trunc_width.git_status) then
+ return is_head_empty and string.format('  %s ', signs.head or '') or ''
+ end
+ return is_head_empty and string.format(
+ ' +%s ~%s -%s |  %s ',
+ signs.added, signs.changed, signs.removed, signs.head
+ ) or ''
+local get_filename = function()
+ --if is_truncated(trunc_width.filename) then return "%<%f" end
+ return "%<%F"
+local get_filetype = function()
+ local filetype =
+ if filetype == '' then
+ return ''
+ end
+ return string.format('%s', filetype):lower()
+local get_line_col = function()
+ return '%l:%c'
+Statusline = {}
+ = function()
+ local navic = require('nvim-navic')
+ --local mode = colors.mode .. self:get_current_mode()
+ --local mode_alt = colors.mode_alt .. self.separators[active_sep][1]
+ --local git = colors.git .. self:get_git_status()
+ --local git_alt = colors.git_alt .. self.separators[active_sep][1]
+ --local filename = colors.inactive .. self:get_filename() .. colors.git_alt
+ --local location = ""
+ --if navic.is_available() then
+ --location = navic.get_location()
+ --end
+ --local filetype_alt = colors.filetype_alt .. self.separators[active_sep][2]
+ --local filetype = colors.filetype .. self:get_filetype()
+ --local line_col = colors.line_col .. self:get_line_col()
+ --local line_col_alt = colors.line_col_alt .. self.separators[active_sep][2]
+ local mode = get_current_mode()
+ --local git = get_git_status()
+ local filename = get_filename() .. colors.git_alt
+ local location = ""
+ if navic.is_available() then
+ location = navic.get_location()
+ end
+ local filetype = get_filetype()
+ local line_col = get_line_col()
+ return table.concat({
+ mode, " ", filename, " ", "%m%r%q", " ", filetype,
+ "%=",
+ location, " ", line_col, " "
+ })
+Statusline.inactive = function()
+ return colors.inactive .. '%F'
+Statusline.set_explorer = function()
+ local title = colors.mode .. '  '
+ local title_alt = colors.mode_alt .. Statusline.separators[active_sep][2]
+ return table.concat({, title, title_alt })
+--Statusline = setmetatable(M, {
+ --__call = function(statusline, mode)
+ --if mode == "active" then return statusline:set_active() end
+ --if mode == "inactive" then return statusline:set_inactive() end
+ --if mode == "explorer" then return statusline:set_explorer() end
+ --end
+local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup('Statusline', { clear = true})
+api.nvim_create_autocmd({"WinEnter", "BufEnter"}, {
+ command = "setlocal statusline=%!",
+ group = augroup
+api.nvim_create_autocmd({"WinLeave", "BufLeave"}, {
+ command = "setlocal statusline=%!v:lua.Statusline.inactive()",
+ group = augroup
+-- NOTE: I don't use this since the statusline already has
+-- so much stuff going on. Feel free to use it!
+-- credit:
+-- I now use `tabline` to display these errors, go to `_bufferline.lua` if you
+-- want to check that out
+-- Statusline.get_lsp_diagnostic = function(self)
+-- local result = {}
+-- local levels = {
+-- errors = 'Error',
+-- warnings = 'Warning',
+-- info = 'Information',
+-- hints = 'Hint'
+-- }
+-- for k, level in pairs(levels) do
+-- result[k] = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, level)
+-- end
+-- if self:is_truncated(120) then
+-- return ''
+-- else
+-- return string.format(
+-- "| :%s :%s :%s :%s ",
+-- result['errors'] or 0, result['warnings'] or 0,
+-- result['info'] or 0, result['hints'] or 0
+-- )
+-- end
+-- end