#ifndef RENDER_VULKAN_H #define RENDER_VULKAN_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct wlr_vk_descriptor_pool; // Central vulkan state that should only be needed once per compositor. struct wlr_vk_instance { VkInstance instance; VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger; struct { PFN_vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT createDebugUtilsMessengerEXT; PFN_vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT destroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT; } api; }; // Creates and initializes a vulkan instance. // Will try to enable the given extensions but not fail if they are not // available which can later be checked by the caller. // The debug parameter determines if validation layers are enabled and a // debug messenger created. // `compositor_name` and `compositor_version` are passed to the vulkan driver. struct wlr_vk_instance *vulkan_instance_create(size_t ext_count, const char **exts, bool debug); void vulkan_instance_destroy(struct wlr_vk_instance *ini); // Logical vulkan device state. // Ownership can be shared by multiple renderers, reference counted // with `renderers`. struct wlr_vk_device { struct wlr_vk_instance *instance; VkPhysicalDevice phdev; VkDevice dev; int drm_fd; // we only ever need one queue for rendering and transfer commands uint32_t queue_family; VkQueue queue; struct { PFN_vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR getMemoryFdPropertiesKHR; } api; uint32_t format_prop_count; struct wlr_vk_format_props *format_props; struct wlr_drm_format_set dmabuf_render_formats; struct wlr_drm_format_set dmabuf_texture_formats; // supported formats for textures (contains only those formats // that support everything we need for textures) uint32_t shm_format_count; uint32_t *shm_formats; // to implement vulkan_get_shm_texture_formats }; // Tries to find the VkPhysicalDevice for the given drm fd. // Might find none and return VK_NULL_HANDLE. VkPhysicalDevice vulkan_find_drm_phdev(struct wlr_vk_instance *ini, int drm_fd); // Creates a device for the given instance and physical device. struct wlr_vk_device *vulkan_device_create(struct wlr_vk_instance *ini, VkPhysicalDevice phdev); void vulkan_device_destroy(struct wlr_vk_device *dev); // Tries to find any memory bit for the given vulkan device that // supports the given flags and is set in req_bits (e.g. if memory // type 2 is ok, (req_bits & (1 << 2)) must not be 0. // Set req_bits to 0xFFFFFFFF to allow all types. int vulkan_find_mem_type(struct wlr_vk_device *device, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, uint32_t req_bits); struct wlr_vk_format { uint32_t drm_format; VkFormat vk_format; }; // Returns all known format mappings. // Might not be supported for gpu/usecase. const struct wlr_vk_format *vulkan_get_format_list(size_t *len); const struct wlr_vk_format *vulkan_get_format_from_drm(uint32_t drm_format); struct wlr_vk_format_modifier_props { VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT props; VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags dmabuf_flags; VkExtent2D max_extent; bool export_imported; }; struct wlr_vk_format_props { struct wlr_vk_format format; VkExtent2D max_extent; // relevant if not created as dma_buf VkFormatFeatureFlags features; // relevant if not created as dma_buf uint32_t render_mod_count; struct wlr_vk_format_modifier_props *render_mods; uint32_t texture_mod_count; struct wlr_vk_format_modifier_props *texture_mods; }; void vulkan_format_props_query(struct wlr_vk_device *dev, const struct wlr_vk_format *format); struct wlr_vk_format_modifier_props *vulkan_format_props_find_modifier( struct wlr_vk_format_props *props, uint64_t mod, bool render); void vulkan_format_props_finish(struct wlr_vk_format_props *props); // For each format we want to render, we need a separate renderpass // and therefore also separate pipelines. struct wlr_vk_render_format_setup { struct wl_list link; VkFormat render_format; // used in renderpass VkRenderPass render_pass; VkPipeline tex_pipe; VkPipeline quad_pipe; }; // Renderer-internal represenation of an wlr_buffer imported for rendering. struct wlr_vk_render_buffer { struct wlr_buffer *wlr_buffer; struct wlr_addon addon; struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer; struct wlr_vk_render_format_setup *render_setup; struct wl_list link; // wlr_vk_renderer.buffers VkImage image; VkImageView image_view; VkFramebuffer framebuffer; uint32_t mem_count; VkDeviceMemory memories[WLR_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES]; bool transitioned; }; // Vulkan wlr_renderer implementation on top of a wlr_vk_device. struct wlr_vk_renderer { struct wlr_renderer wlr_renderer; struct wlr_backend *backend; struct wlr_vk_device *dev; VkCommandPool command_pool; VkShaderModule vert_module; VkShaderModule tex_frag_module; VkShaderModule quad_frag_module; VkDescriptorSetLayout ds_layout; VkPipelineLayout pipe_layout; VkSampler sampler; VkFence fence; struct wlr_vk_render_buffer *current_render_buffer; // current frame id. Used in wlr_vk_texture.last_used // Increased every time a frame is ended for the renderer uint32_t frame; VkRect2D scissor; // needed for clearing VkCommandBuffer cb; VkPipeline bound_pipe; uint32_t render_width; uint32_t render_height; float projection[9]; size_t last_pool_size; struct wl_list descriptor_pools; // type wlr_vk_descriptor_pool struct wl_list render_format_setups; struct wl_list textures; // wlr_gles2_texture.link struct wl_list destroy_textures; // wlr_vk_texture to destroy after frame struct wl_list foreign_textures; // wlr_vk_texture to return to foreign queue struct wl_list render_buffers; // wlr_vk_render_buffer struct { VkCommandBuffer cb; bool recording; struct wl_list buffers; // type wlr_vk_shared_buffer } stage; }; // Creates a vulkan renderer for the given device. struct wlr_renderer *vulkan_renderer_create_for_device(struct wlr_vk_device *dev); // stage utility - for uploading/retrieving data // Gets an command buffer in recording state which is guaranteed to be // executed before the next frame. VkCommandBuffer vulkan_record_stage_cb(struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer); // Submits the current stage command buffer and waits until it has // finished execution. bool vulkan_submit_stage_wait(struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer); // Suballocates a buffer span with the given size that can be mapped // and used as staging buffer. The allocation is implicitly released when the // stage cb has finished execution. struct wlr_vk_buffer_span vulkan_get_stage_span( struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer, VkDeviceSize size); // Tries to allocate a texture descriptor set. Will additionally // return the pool it was allocated from when successful (for freeing it later). struct wlr_vk_descriptor_pool *vulkan_alloc_texture_ds( struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer, VkDescriptorSet *ds); // Frees the given descriptor set from the pool its pool. void vulkan_free_ds(struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer, struct wlr_vk_descriptor_pool *pool, VkDescriptorSet ds); struct wlr_vk_format_props *vulkan_format_props_from_drm( struct wlr_vk_device *dev, uint32_t drm_format); struct wlr_vk_renderer *vulkan_get_renderer(struct wlr_renderer *r); // State (e.g. image texture) associated with a surface. struct wlr_vk_texture { struct wlr_texture wlr_texture; struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer; uint32_t mem_count; VkDeviceMemory memories[WLR_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES]; VkImage image; VkImageView image_view; const struct wlr_vk_format *format; VkDescriptorSet ds; struct wlr_vk_descriptor_pool *ds_pool; uint32_t last_used; // to track when it can be destroyed bool dmabuf_imported; bool owned; // if dmabuf_imported: whether we have ownership of the image bool transitioned; // if dma_imported: whether we transitioned it away from preinit struct wl_list foreign_link; struct wl_list destroy_link; struct wl_list link; // wlr_gles2_renderer.textures // If imported from a wlr_buffer struct wlr_buffer *buffer; struct wlr_addon buffer_addon; }; struct wlr_vk_texture *vulkan_get_texture(struct wlr_texture *wlr_texture); VkImage vulkan_import_dmabuf(struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_dmabuf_attributes *attribs, VkDeviceMemory mems[static WLR_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES], uint32_t *n_mems, bool for_render); struct wlr_texture *vulkan_texture_from_buffer( struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer, struct wlr_buffer *buffer); void vulkan_texture_destroy(struct wlr_vk_texture *texture); struct wlr_vk_descriptor_pool { VkDescriptorPool pool; uint32_t free; // number of textures that can be allocated struct wl_list link; }; struct wlr_vk_allocation { VkDeviceSize start; VkDeviceSize size; }; // List of suballocated staging buffers. // Used to upload to/read from device local images. struct wlr_vk_shared_buffer { struct wl_list link; VkBuffer buffer; VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceSize buf_size; size_t allocs_size; size_t allocs_capacity; struct wlr_vk_allocation *allocs; }; // Suballocated range on a buffer. struct wlr_vk_buffer_span { struct wlr_vk_shared_buffer *buffer; struct wlr_vk_allocation alloc; }; // util bool vulkan_has_extension(size_t count, const char **exts, const char *find); const char *vulkan_strerror(VkResult err); void vulkan_change_layout(VkCommandBuffer cb, VkImage img, VkImageLayout ol, VkPipelineStageFlags srcs, VkAccessFlags srca, VkImageLayout nl, VkPipelineStageFlags dsts, VkAccessFlags dsta); void vulkan_change_layout_queue(VkCommandBuffer cb, VkImage img, VkImageLayout ol, VkPipelineStageFlags srcs, VkAccessFlags srca, VkImageLayout nl, VkPipelineStageFlags dsts, VkAccessFlags dsta, uint32_t src_family, uint32_t dst_family); #define wlr_vk_error(fmt, res, ...) wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, fmt ": %s (%d)", \ vulkan_strerror(res), res, ##__VA_ARGS__) #endif // RENDER_VULKAN_H