diff options
24 files changed, 1668 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/examples/layer-shell.c b/examples/layer-shell.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70407888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/layer-shell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <wayland-client.h>
+#include <wayland-egl.h>
+#include <wlr/render/egl.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+#include "wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
+static struct wl_compositor *compositor = NULL;
+static struct zwlr_layer_shell_v1 *layer_shell = NULL;
+struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1 *layer_surface;
+static struct wl_output *wl_output = NULL;
+struct wl_surface *wl_surface;
+struct wlr_egl egl;
+struct wl_egl_window *egl_window;
+struct wlr_egl_surface *egl_surface;
+struct wl_callback *frame_callback;
+static uint32_t output = 0;
+static uint32_t layer = ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BACKGROUND;
+static uint32_t anchor = 0;
+static uint32_t width = 256, height = 256;
+static int32_t margin_top = 0;
+static double alpha = 1.0;
+static bool run_display = true;
+static bool animate = false;
+static double frame = 0;
+static struct {
+ struct timespec last_frame;
+ float color[3];
+ int dec;
+} demo;
+static void draw(void);
+static void surface_frame_callback(
+ void *data, struct wl_callback *cb, uint32_t time) {
+ wl_callback_destroy(cb);
+ frame_callback = NULL;
+ draw();
+static struct wl_callback_listener frame_listener = {
+ .done = surface_frame_callback
+static void draw(void) {
+ eglMakeCurrent(egl.display, egl_surface, egl_surface, egl.context);
+ struct timespec ts;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
+ long ms = (ts.tv_sec - demo.last_frame.tv_sec) * 1000 +
+ (ts.tv_nsec - demo.last_frame.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
+ int inc = (demo.dec + 1) % 3;
+ demo.color[inc] += ms / 2000.0f;
+ demo.color[demo.dec] -= ms / 2000.0f;
+ if (demo.color[demo.dec] < 0.0f) {
+ demo.color[inc] = 1.0f;
+ demo.color[demo.dec] = 0.0f;
+ demo.dec = inc;
+ }
+ if (animate) {
+ frame += ms / 50.0;
+ int32_t old_top = margin_top;
+ margin_top = -(20 - ((int)frame % 20));
+ if (old_top != margin_top) {
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_margin(layer_surface,
+ margin_top, 0, 0, 0);
+ wl_surface_commit(wl_surface);
+ }
+ }
+ glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
+ glClearColor(demo.color[0], demo.color[1], demo.color[2], alpha);
+ frame_callback = wl_surface_frame(wl_surface);
+ wl_callback_add_listener(frame_callback, &frame_listener, NULL);
+ eglSwapBuffers(egl.display, egl_surface);
+ demo.last_frame = ts;
+static void layer_surface_configure(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1 *surface,
+ uint32_t serial, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
+ width = w;
+ height = h;
+ if (egl_window) {
+ wl_egl_window_resize(egl_window, width, height, 0, 0);
+ }
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_ack_configure(surface, serial);
+static void layer_surface_closed(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1 *surface) {
+ eglDestroySurface(egl.display, egl_surface);
+ wl_egl_window_destroy(egl_window);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_destroy(surface);
+ wl_surface_destroy(wl_surface);
+ run_display = false;
+struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1_listener layer_surface_listener = {
+ .configure = layer_surface_configure,
+ .closed = layer_surface_closed,
+static void handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
+ uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version) {
+ if (strcmp(interface, "wl_compositor") == 0) {
+ compositor = wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
+ &wl_compositor_interface, 1);
+ } else if (strcmp(interface, "wl_output") == 0) {
+ if (output == 0 && !wl_output) {
+ wl_output = wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
+ &wl_output_interface, 1);
+ } else {
+ output--;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(interface, zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface.name) == 0) {
+ layer_shell = wl_registry_bind(
+ registry, name, &zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface, 1);
+ }
+static void handle_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
+ uint32_t name) {
+ // who cares
+static const struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = {
+ .global = handle_global,
+ .global_remove = handle_global_remove,
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ wlr_log_init(L_DEBUG, NULL);
+ char *namespace = "wlroots";
+ int exclusive_zone = 0;
+ int32_t margin_right = 0, margin_bottom = 0, margin_left = 0;
+ bool found;
+ int c;
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "nw:h:o:l:a:x:m:t:")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'o':
+ output = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ width = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ height = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ exclusive_zone = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'l': {
+ struct {
+ char *name;
+ enum zwlr_layer_shell_v1_layer value;
+ } layers[] = {
+ };
+ found = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(layers) / sizeof(layers[0]); ++i) {
+ if (strcmp(optarg, layers[i].name) == 0) {
+ layer = layers[i].value;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid layer %s\n", optarg);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'a': {
+ struct {
+ char *name;
+ uint32_t value;
+ } anchors[] = {
+ };
+ found = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(anchors) / sizeof(anchors[0]); ++i) {
+ if (strcmp(optarg, anchors[i].name) == 0) {
+ anchor |= anchors[i].value;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid anchor %s\n", optarg);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 't':
+ alpha = atof(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'm': {
+ char *endptr = optarg;
+ margin_top = strtol(endptr, &endptr, 10);
+ assert(*endptr == ',');
+ margin_right = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr, 10);
+ assert(*endptr == ',');
+ margin_bottom = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr, 10);
+ assert(*endptr == ',');
+ margin_left = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr, 10);
+ assert(!*endptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'n':
+ animate = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ struct wl_display *display = wl_display_connect(NULL);
+ if (display == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create display\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ struct wl_registry *registry = wl_display_get_registry(display);
+ wl_registry_add_listener(registry, &registry_listener, NULL);
+ wl_display_roundtrip(display);
+ if (compositor == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "wl-compositor not available\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (layer_shell == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "layer-shell not available\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (wl_output == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "wl_output not available\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ EGLint attribs[] = { EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, EGL_NONE };
+ wlr_egl_init(&egl, EGL_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_EXT, display,
+ attribs, WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
+ wl_surface = wl_compositor_create_surface(compositor);
+ assert(wl_surface);
+ layer_surface = zwlr_layer_shell_v1_get_layer_surface(layer_shell,
+ wl_surface, wl_output, layer, namespace);
+ assert(layer_surface);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_size(layer_surface, width, height);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_anchor(layer_surface, anchor);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_exclusive_zone(layer_surface, exclusive_zone);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_margin(layer_surface,
+ margin_top, margin_right, margin_bottom, margin_left);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_add_listener(layer_surface,
+ &layer_surface_listener, layer_surface);
+ // TODO: interactivity
+ wl_surface_commit(wl_surface);
+ wl_display_roundtrip(display);
+ egl_window = wl_egl_window_create(wl_surface, width, height);
+ assert(egl_window);
+ egl_surface = wlr_egl_create_surface(&egl, egl_window);
+ assert(egl_surface);
+ wl_display_roundtrip(display);
+ draw();
+ while (wl_display_dispatch(display) != -1 && run_display) {
+ // This space intentionally left blank
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/meson.build b/examples/meson.build
index a83def8f..558af4ac 100644
--- a/examples/meson.build
+++ b/examples/meson.build
@@ -48,3 +48,9 @@ executable(
dependencies: [wayland_client, wlr_protos, wlroots, threads],
link_with: lib_shared,
+ 'layer-shell',
+ 'layer-shell.c',
+ dependencies: [wayland_client, wlr_protos, wlroots]
diff --git a/include/rootston/desktop.h b/include/rootston/desktop.h
index 5986c96f..5714aa0a 100644
--- a/include/rootston/desktop.h
+++ b/include/rootston/desktop.h
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <wlr/types/wlr_compositor.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_gamma_control.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_idle.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_linux_dmabuf.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_list.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_output_layout.h>
@@ -48,12 +49,14 @@ struct roots_desktop {
struct wlr_idle *idle;
struct wlr_idle_inhibit_manager_v1 *idle_inhibit;
struct wlr_linux_dmabuf *linux_dmabuf;
+ struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell;
struct wl_listener new_output;
struct wl_listener layout_change;
struct wl_listener xdg_shell_v6_surface;
struct wl_listener xdg_shell_surface;
struct wl_listener wl_shell_surface;
+ struct wl_listener layer_shell_surface;
struct wl_listener decoration_new;
@@ -83,10 +86,12 @@ void view_update_size(struct roots_view *view, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
void view_initial_focus(struct roots_view *view);
void view_map(struct roots_view *view, struct wlr_surface *surface);
void view_unmap(struct roots_view *view);
+void view_arrange_maximized(struct roots_view *view);
void handle_xdg_shell_v6_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data);
void handle_xdg_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data);
void handle_wl_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data);
+void handle_layer_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data);
void handle_xwayland_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data);
diff --git a/include/rootston/layers.h b/include/rootston/layers.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35f5399e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/rootston/layers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <wlr/config.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_surface.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h>
+struct roots_layer_surface {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface;
+ struct wl_list link;
+ struct wl_listener destroy;
+ struct wl_listener map;
+ struct wl_listener unmap;
+ struct wl_listener surface_commit;
+ struct wl_listener output_destroy;
+ struct wl_listener output_mode;
+ struct wl_listener output_transform;
+ bool configured;
+ struct wlr_box geo;
diff --git a/include/rootston/output.h b/include/rootston/output.h
index a852a204..e40ad776 100644
--- a/include/rootston/output.h
+++ b/include/rootston/output.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <pixman.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_output_damage.h>
struct roots_desktop;
@@ -14,10 +15,13 @@ struct roots_output {
struct wl_list link; // roots_desktop:outputs
struct roots_view *fullscreen_view;
+ struct wl_list layers[4]; // layer_surface::link
struct timespec last_frame;
struct wlr_output_damage *damage;
+ struct wlr_box usable_area;
struct wl_listener destroy;
struct wl_listener damage_frame;
struct wl_listener damage_destroy;
@@ -35,5 +39,9 @@ void output_damage_from_view(struct roots_output *output,
struct roots_view *view);
void output_damage_whole_drag_icon(struct roots_output *output,
struct roots_drag_icon *icon);
+void output_damage_from_local_surface(struct roots_output *output,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface, double ox, double oy, float rotation);
+void output_damage_whole_local_surface(struct roots_output *output,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface, double ox, double oy, float rotation);
diff --git a/include/rootston/view.h b/include/rootston/view.h
index 1397a8d2..6e746e8c 100644
--- a/include/rootston/view.h
+++ b/include/rootston/view.h
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <wlr/config.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h>
diff --git a/include/wlr/render/egl.h b/include/wlr/render/egl.h
index 9f4c0334..b5f2d67c 100644
--- a/include/wlr/render/egl.h
+++ b/include/wlr/render/egl.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ struct wlr_egl {
bool swap_buffers_with_damage;
bool dmabuf_import;
bool dmabuf_import_modifiers;
+ bool bind_wayland_display;
} egl_exts;
struct wl_display *wl_display;
diff --git a/include/wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h b/include/wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cc7782f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_surface.h>
+#include "wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.h"
+ * wlr_layer_shell allows clients to arrange themselves in "layers" on the
+ * desktop in accordance with the wlr-layer-shell protocol. When a client is
+ * added, the new_surface signal will be raised and passed a reference to our
+ * wlr_layer_surface. At this time, the client will have configured the surface
+ * as it desires, including information like desired anchors and margins. The
+ * compositor should use this information to decide how to arrange the layer
+ * on-screen, then determine the dimensions of the layer and call
+ * wlr_layer_surface_configure. The client will then attach a buffer and commit
+ * the surface, at which point the wlr_layer_surface map signal is raised and
+ * the compositor should begin rendering the surface.
+ */
+struct wlr_layer_shell {
+ struct wl_global *wl_global;
+ struct wl_list client_resources; // wl_resource
+ struct wl_listener display_destroy;
+ struct {
+ struct wl_signal new_surface;
+ } events;
+ void *data;
+struct wlr_layer_surface_state {
+ uint32_t anchor;
+ int32_t exclusive_zone;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t top, right, bottom, left;
+ } margin;
+ bool keyboard_interactive;
+ uint32_t desired_width, desired_height;
+ uint32_t actual_width, actual_height;
+struct wlr_layer_surface_configure {
+ struct wl_list link; // wlr_layer_surface::configure_list
+ uint32_t serial;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state state;
+struct wlr_layer_surface {
+ struct wlr_surface *surface;
+ struct wlr_output *output;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ struct wlr_layer_shell *shell;
+ const char *namespace;
+ enum zwlr_layer_shell_v1_layer layer;
+ bool added, configured, mapped, closed;
+ uint32_t configure_serial;
+ struct wl_event_source *configure_idle;
+ uint32_t configure_next_serial;
+ struct wl_list configure_list;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *acked_configure;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state client_pending;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state server_pending;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state current;
+ struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
+ struct {
+ struct wl_signal destroy;
+ struct wl_signal map;
+ struct wl_signal unmap;
+ } events;
+ void *data;
+struct wlr_layer_shell *wlr_layer_shell_create(struct wl_display *display);
+void wlr_layer_shell_destroy(struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell);
+ * Notifies the layer surface to configure itself with this width/height. The
+ * layer_surface will signal its map event when the surface is ready to assume
+ * this size.
+ */
+void wlr_layer_surface_configure(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface,
+ uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
+ * Unmaps this layer surface and notifies the client that it has been closed.
+ */
+void wlr_layer_surface_close(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface);
diff --git a/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell.h b/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell.h
index a5cd3d54..9938f4b1 100644
--- a/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell.h
+++ b/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell.h
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ struct wlr_xdg_toplevel {
struct wlr_xdg_surface *parent;
bool added;
- struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_state next; // client protocol requests
- struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_state pending; // user configure requests
+ struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_state client_pending;
+ struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_state server_pending;
struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_state current;
char *title;
diff --git a/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.h b/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.h
index c6820f01..0867b2f6 100644
--- a/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.h
+++ b/include/wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.h
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6 {
struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *parent;
bool added;
- struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_state next; // client protocol requests
- struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_state pending; // user configure requests
+ struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_state client_pending;
+ struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_state server_pending;
struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_state current;
char *title;
diff --git a/protocol/meson.build b/protocol/meson.build
index 638b0c46..a41fdec3 100644
--- a/protocol/meson.build
+++ b/protocol/meson.build
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ protocols = [
+ 'wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml',
client_protocols = [
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ client_protocols = [
[wl_protocol_dir, 'unstable/idle-inhibit/idle-inhibit-unstable-v1.xml'],
+ 'wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml',
wl_protos_src = []
diff --git a/protocol/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml b/protocol/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3181c0bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocol/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<protocol name="wlr_layer_shell_unstable_v1">
+ <copyright>
+ Copyright © 2017 Drew DeVault
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
+ software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted
+ without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in
+ all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
+ notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of
+ the copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity
+ pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+ written prior permission. The copyright holders make no
+ representations about the suitability of this software for any
+ purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
+ warranty.
+ </copyright>
+ <interface name="zwlr_layer_shell_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="create surfaces that are layers of the desktop">
+ Clients can use this interface to assign the surface_layer role to
+ wl_surfaces. Such surfaces are assigned to a "layer" of the output and
+ rendered with a defined z-depth respective to each other. They may also be
+ anchored to the edges and corners of a screen and specify input handling
+ semantics. This interface should be suitable for the implementation of
+ many desktop shell components, and a broad number of other applications
+ that interact with the desktop.
+ </description>
+ <request name="get_layer_surface">
+ <description summary="create a layer_surface from a surface">
+ Create a layer surface for an existing surface. This assigns the role of
+ layer_surface, or raises a protocol error if another role is already
+ assigned.
+ Creating a layer surface from a wl_surface which has a buffer attached
+ or committed is a client error, and any attempts by a client to attach
+ or manipulate a buffer prior to the first layer_surface.configure call
+ must also be treated as errors.
+ Clients can specify a namespace that defines the purpose of the layer
+ surface.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="zwlr_layer_surface_v1"/>
+ <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
+ <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output"/>
+ <arg name="layer" type="uint" enum="layer" summary="layer to add this surface to"/>
+ <arg name="namespace" type="string" summary="namespace for the layer surface"/>
+ </request>
+ <enum name="error">
+ <entry name="role" value="0" summary="wl_surface has another role"/>
+ <entry name="invalid_layer" value="1" summary="layer value is invalid"/>
+ <entry name="already_constructed" value="2" summary="wl_surface has a buffer attached or committed"/>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="layer">
+ <description summary="available layers for surfaces">
+ These values indicate which layers a surface can be rendered in. They
+ are ordered by z depth, bottom-most first. Traditional shell surfaces
+ will typically be rendered between the bottom and top layers.
+ Fullscreen shell surfaces are typically rendered at the top layer.
+ Multiple surfaces can share a single layer, and ordering within a
+ single layer is undefined.
+ </description>
+ <entry name="background" value="0"/>
+ <entry name="bottom" value="1"/>
+ <entry name="top" value="2"/>
+ <entry name="overlay" value="3"/>
+ </enum>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="zwlr_layer_surface_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="layer metadata interface">
+ An interface that may be implemented by a wl_surface, for surfaces that
+ are designed to be rendered as a layer of a stacked desktop-like
+ environment.
+ Layer surface state (size, anchor, exclusive zone, margin, interactivity)
+ is double-buffered, and will be applied at the time wl_surface.commit of
+ the corresponding wl_surface is called.
+ </description>
+ <request name="set_size">
+ <description summary="sets the size of the surface">
+ Sets the size of the surface in surface-local coordinates. The
+ compositor will display the surface centered with respect to its
+ anchors.
+ If you pass 0 for either value, the compositor will assign it and
+ inform you of the assignment in the configure event. You must set your
+ anchor to opposite edges in the dimensions you omit; not doing so is a
+ protocol error. Both values are 0 by default.
+ Size is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="width" type="uint"/>
+ <arg name="height" type="uint"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_anchor">
+ <description summary="configures the anchor point of the surface">
+ Requests that the compositor anchor the surface to the specified edges
+ and corners. If two orthoginal edges are specified (e.g. 'top' and
+ 'left'), then the anchor point will be the intersection of the edges
+ (e.g. the top left corner of the output); otherwise the anchor point
+ will be centered on that edge, or in the center if none is specified.
+ Anchor is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="anchor" type="uint" enum="anchor"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_exclusive_zone">
+ <description summary="configures the exclusive geometry of this surface">
+ Requests that the compositor avoids occluding an area of the surface
+ with other surfaces. The compositor's use of this information is
+ implementation-dependent - do not assume that this region will not
+ actually be occluded.
+ A positive value is only meaningful if the surface is anchored to an
+ edge, rather than a corner. The zone is the number of surface-local
+ coordinates from the edge that are considered exclusive.
+ Surfaces that do not wish to have an exclusive zone may instead specify
+ how they should interact with surfaces that do. If set to zero, the
+ surface indicates that it would like to be moved to avoid occluding
+ surfaces with a positive excluzive zone. If set to -1, the surface
+ indicates that it would not like to be moved to accomodate for other
+ surfaces, and the compositor should extend it all the way to the edges
+ it is anchored to.
+ For example, a panel might set its exclusive zone to 10, so that
+ maximized shell surfaces are not shown on top of it. A notification
+ might set its exclusive zone to 0, so that it is moved to avoid
+ occluding the panel, but shell surfaces are shown underneath it. A
+ wallpaper or lock screen might set their exclusive zone to -1, so that
+ they stretch below or over the panel.
+ The default value is 0.
+ Exclusive zone is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="zone" type="int"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_margin">
+ <description summary="sets a margin from the anchor point">
+ Requests that the surface be placed some distance away from the anchor
+ point on the output, in surface-local coordinates. Setting this value
+ for edges you are not anchored to has no effect.
+ The exclusive zone includes the margin.
+ Margin is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="top" type="int"/>
+ <arg name="right" type="int"/>
+ <arg name="bottom" type="int"/>
+ <arg name="left" type="int"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_keyboard_interactivity">
+ <description summary="requests keyboard events">
+ Set to 1 to request that the seat send keyboard events to this layer
+ surface. For layers below the shell surface layer, the seat will use
+ normal focus semantics. For layers above the shell surface layers, the
+ seat will always give exclusive keyboard focus to the top-most layer
+ which has keyboard interactivity set to true.
+ Layer surfaces receive pointer, touch, and tablet events normally. If
+ you do not want to receive them, set the input region on your surface
+ to an empty region.
+ Events is double-buffered, see wl_surface.commit.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="keyboard_interactivity" type="uint"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="get_popup">
+ <description summary="assign this layer_surface as an xdg_popup parent">
+ This assigns an xdg_popup's parent to this layer_surface. This popup
+ should have been created via xdg_surface::get_popup with the parent set
+ to NULL, and this request must be invoked before committing the popup's
+ initial state.
+ See the documentation of xdg_popup for more details about what an
+ xdg_popup is and how it is used.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="popup" type="object" interface="xdg_popup"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="ack_configure">
+ <description summary="ack a configure event">
+ When a configure event is received, if a client commits the
+ surface in response to the configure event, then the client
+ must make an ack_configure request sometime before the commit
+ request, passing along the serial of the configure event.
+ If the client receives multiple configure events before it
+ can respond to one, it only has to ack the last configure event.
+ A client is not required to commit immediately after sending
+ an ack_configure request - it may even ack_configure several times
+ before its next surface commit.
+ A client may send multiple ack_configure requests before committing, but
+ only the last request sent before a commit indicates which configure
+ event the client really is responding to.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="the serial from the configure event"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
+ <description summary="destroy the layer_surface">
+ This request destroys the layer surface.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <event name="configure">
+ <description summary="suggest a surface change">
+ The configure event asks the client to resize its surface.
+ Clients should arrange their surface for the new states, and then send
+ an ack_configure request with the serial sent in this configure event at
+ some point before committing the new surface.
+ The client is free to dismiss all but the last configure event it
+ received.
+ The width and height arguments specify the size of the window in
+ surface-local coordinates.
+ The size is a hint, in the sense that the client is free to ignore it if
+ it doesn't resize, pick a smaller size (to satisfy aspect ratio or
+ resize in steps of NxM pixels). If the client picks a smaller size and
+ is anchored to two opposite anchors (e.g. 'top' and 'bottom'), the
+ surface will be centered on this axis.
+ If the width or height arguments are zero, it means the client should
+ decide its own window dimension.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="serial" type="uint"/>
+ <arg name="width" type="uint"/>
+ <arg name="height" type="uint"/>
+ </event>
+ <event name="closed">
+ <description summary="surface should be closed">
+ The closed event is sent by the compositor when the surface will no
+ longer be shown. The output may have been destroyed or the user may
+ have asked for it to be removed. Further changes to the surface will be
+ ignored. The client should destroy the resource after receiving this
+ event, and create a new surface if they so choose.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ <enum name="error">
+ <entry name="invalid_surface_state" value="0" summary="provided surface state is invalid"/>
+ <entry name="invalid_size" value="1" summary="size is invalid"/>
+ <entry name="invalid_anchor" value="2" summary="anchor bitfield is invalid"/>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="anchor" bitfield="true">
+ <entry name="top" value="1" summary="the top edge of the anchor rectangle"/>
+ <entry name="bottom" value="2" summary="the bottom edge of the anchor rectangle"/>
+ <entry name="left" value="4" summary="the left edge of the anchor rectangle"/>
+ <entry name="right" value="8" summary="the right edge of the anchor rectangle"/>
+ </enum>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/render/egl.c b/render/egl.c
index f2966774..7201ac9f 100644
--- a/render/egl.c
+++ b/render/egl.c
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static void print_dmabuf_formats(struct wlr_egl *egl) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
snprintf(&str_formats[i*5], (num - i) * 5 + 1, "%.4s ", (char*)&formats[i]);
- wlr_log(L_INFO, "Supported dmabuf buffer formats: %s", str_formats);
+ wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Supported dmabuf buffer formats: %s", str_formats);
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ bool wlr_egl_init(struct wlr_egl *egl, EGLenum platform, void *remote_display,
wlr_log(L_INFO, "Supported EGL extensions: %s", egl->exts_str);
wlr_log(L_INFO, "EGL vendor: %s", eglQueryString(egl->display, EGL_VENDOR));
- if (!check_egl_ext(egl->exts_str, "EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display") ||
- !check_egl_ext(egl->exts_str, "EGL_KHR_image_base")) {
+ if (!check_egl_ext(egl->exts_str, "EGL_KHR_image_base")) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Required egl extensions not supported");
goto error;
@@ -177,6 +176,9 @@ bool wlr_egl_init(struct wlr_egl *egl, EGLenum platform, void *remote_display,
egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import_modifiers =
check_egl_ext(egl->exts_str, "EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers")
&& eglQueryDmaBufFormatsEXT && eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT;
+ egl->egl_exts.bind_wayland_display =
+ check_egl_ext(egl->exts_str, "EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display");
return true;
@@ -426,7 +428,7 @@ int wlr_egl_get_dmabuf_formats(struct wlr_egl *egl,
int **formats) {
if (!egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import ||
!egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import_modifiers) {
- wlr_log(L_ERROR, "dmabuf extension not present");
+ wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "dmabuf extension not present");
return -1;
diff --git a/rootston/desktop.c b/rootston/desktop.c
index 65d9a280..15e0e336 100644
--- a/rootston/desktop.c
+++ b/rootston/desktop.c
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
#include <wlr/types/wlr_cursor.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_gamma_control.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_idle.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_idle_inhibit_v1.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_linux_dmabuf.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_output_layout.h>
-#include <wlr/types/wlr_idle_inhibit_v1.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_primary_selection.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_server_decoration.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_wl_shell.h>
@@ -187,6 +188,25 @@ static struct wlr_output *view_get_output(struct roots_view *view) {
+void view_arrange_maximized(struct roots_view *view) {
+ struct wlr_box view_box;
+ view_get_box(view, &view_box);
+ struct wlr_output *output = view_get_output(view);
+ struct roots_output *roots_output = output->data;
+ struct wlr_box *output_box =
+ wlr_output_layout_get_box(view->desktop->layout, output);
+ struct wlr_box usable_area;
+ memcpy(&usable_area, &roots_output->usable_area,
+ sizeof(struct wlr_box));
+ usable_area.x += output_box->x;
+ usable_area.y += output_box->y;
+ view_move_resize(view, usable_area.x, usable_area.y,
+ usable_area.width, usable_area.height);
+ view_rotate(view, 0);
void view_maximize(struct roots_view *view, bool maximized) {
if (view->maximized == maximized) {
@@ -197,23 +217,14 @@ void view_maximize(struct roots_view *view, bool maximized) {
if (!view->maximized && maximized) {
- struct wlr_box view_box;
- view_get_box(view, &view_box);
view->maximized = true;
view->saved.x = view->x;
view->saved.y = view->y;
view->saved.rotation = view->rotation;
- view->saved.width = view_box.width;
- view->saved.height = view_box.height;
- struct wlr_output *output = view_get_output(view);
- struct wlr_box *output_box =
- wlr_output_layout_get_box(view->desktop->layout, output);
+ view->saved.width = view->width;
+ view->saved.height = view->height;
- view_move_resize(view, output_box->x, output_box->y, output_box->width,
- output_box->height);
- view_rotate(view, 0);
+ view_arrange_maximized(view);
if (view->maximized && !maximized) {
@@ -714,6 +725,11 @@ struct roots_desktop *desktop_create(struct roots_server *server,
desktop->wl_shell_surface.notify = handle_wl_shell_surface;
+ desktop->layer_shell = wlr_layer_shell_create(server->wl_display);
+ wl_signal_add(&desktop->layer_shell->events.new_surface,
+ &desktop->layer_shell_surface);
+ desktop->layer_shell_surface.notify = handle_layer_shell_surface;
const char *cursor_theme = NULL;
const char *cursor_default = ROOTS_XCURSOR_DEFAULT;
diff --git a/rootston/layer_shell.c b/rootston/layer_shell.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06ab15c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rootston/layer_shell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_surface.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+#include "rootston/desktop.h"
+#include "rootston/layers.h"
+#include "rootston/output.h"
+#include "rootston/server.h"
+static void apply_exclusive(struct wlr_box *usable_area,
+ uint32_t anchor, int32_t exclusive,
+ int32_t margin_top, int32_t margin_right,
+ int32_t margin_bottom, int32_t margin_left) {
+ if (exclusive <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct {
+ uint32_t anchors;
+ int *positive_axis;
+ int *negative_axis;
+ int margin;
+ } edges[] = {
+ {
+ .anchors =
+ .positive_axis = &usable_area->y,
+ .negative_axis = &usable_area->height,
+ .margin = margin_top,
+ },
+ {
+ .anchors =
+ .positive_axis = NULL,
+ .negative_axis = &usable_area->height,
+ .margin = margin_bottom,
+ },
+ {
+ .anchors =
+ .positive_axis = &usable_area->x,
+ .negative_axis = &usable_area->width,
+ .margin = margin_left,
+ },
+ {
+ .anchors =
+ .positive_axis = NULL,
+ .negative_axis = &usable_area->width,
+ .margin = margin_right,
+ },
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(edges) / sizeof(edges[0]); ++i) {
+ if ((anchor & edges[i].anchors) == edges[i].anchors) {
+ if (edges[i].positive_axis) {
+ *edges[i].positive_axis += exclusive + edges[i].margin;
+ }
+ if (edges[i].negative_axis) {
+ *edges[i].negative_axis -= exclusive + edges[i].margin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void arrange_layer(struct wlr_output *output, struct wl_list *list,
+ struct wlr_box *usable_area, bool exclusive) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *roots_surface;
+ struct wlr_box full_area = { 0 };
+ wlr_output_effective_resolution(output,
+ &full_area.width, &full_area.height);
+ wl_list_for_each(roots_surface, list, link) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer = roots_surface->layer_surface;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state *state = &layer->current;
+ if (exclusive != (state->exclusive_zone >0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ struct wlr_box bounds;
+ if (state->exclusive_zone == -1) {
+ bounds = full_area;
+ } else {
+ bounds = *usable_area;
+ }
+ struct wlr_box box = {
+ .width = state->desired_width,
+ .height = state->desired_height
+ };
+ // Horizontal axis
+ const uint32_t both_horiz = ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_LEFT
+ if ((state->anchor & both_horiz) && box.width == 0) {
+ box.x = bounds.x;
+ box.width = bounds.width;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_LEFT)) {
+ box.x = bounds.x;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_RIGHT)) {
+ box.x = bounds.x + (bounds.width - box.width);
+ } else {
+ box.x = bounds.x + ((bounds.width / 2) - (box.width / 2));
+ }
+ // Vertical axis
+ const uint32_t both_vert = ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_TOP
+ if ((state->anchor & both_vert) && box.height == 0) {
+ box.y = bounds.y;
+ box.height = bounds.height;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_TOP)) {
+ box.y = bounds.y;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_BOTTOM)) {
+ box.y = bounds.y + (bounds.height - box.height);
+ } else {
+ box.y = bounds.y + ((bounds.height / 2) - (box.height / 2));
+ }
+ // Margin
+ if ((state->anchor & both_horiz) == both_horiz) {
+ box.x += state->margin.left;
+ box.width -= state->margin.left + state->margin.right;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_LEFT)) {
+ box.x += state->margin.left;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_RIGHT)) {
+ box.x -= state->margin.right;
+ }
+ if ((state->anchor & both_vert) == both_vert) {
+ box.y += state->margin.top;
+ box.height -= state->margin.top + state->margin.bottom;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_TOP)) {
+ box.y += state->margin.top;
+ } else if ((state->anchor & ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_ANCHOR_BOTTOM)) {
+ box.y -= state->margin.bottom;
+ }
+ if (box.width < 0 || box.height < 0) {
+ // TODO: Bubble up a protocol error?
+ wlr_layer_surface_close(layer);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Apply
+ roots_surface->geo = box;
+ apply_exclusive(usable_area, state->anchor, state->exclusive_zone,
+ state->margin.top, state->margin.right,
+ state->margin.bottom, state->margin.left);
+ wlr_layer_surface_configure(layer, box.width, box.height);
+ }
+static void arrange_layers(struct wlr_output *_output) {
+ struct roots_output *output = _output->data;
+ struct wlr_box usable_area = { 0 };
+ wlr_output_effective_resolution(output->wlr_output,
+ &usable_area.width, &usable_area.height);
+ // Arrange exclusive surfaces from top->bottom
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &usable_area, true);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_TOP],
+ &usable_area, true);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BOTTOM],
+ &usable_area, true);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &usable_area, true);
+ memcpy(&output->usable_area, &usable_area, sizeof(struct wlr_box));
+ struct roots_view *view;
+ wl_list_for_each(view, &output->desktop->views, link) {
+ if (view->maximized) {
+ view_arrange_maximized(view);
+ }
+ }
+ // Arrange non-exlusive surfaces from top->bottom
+ usable_area.x = usable_area.y = 0;
+ wlr_output_effective_resolution(output->wlr_output,
+ &usable_area.width, &usable_area.height);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &usable_area, false);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_TOP],
+ &usable_area, false);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BOTTOM],
+ &usable_area, false);
+ arrange_layer(output->wlr_output,
+ &usable_area, false);
+static void handle_output_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *layer =
+ wl_container_of(listener, layer, output_destroy);
+ layer->layer_surface->output = NULL;
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->output_destroy.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->output_mode.link);
+ wlr_layer_surface_close(layer->layer_surface);
+static void handle_output_mode(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ arrange_layers((struct wlr_output *)data);
+static void handle_output_transform(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ arrange_layers((struct wlr_output *)data);
+static void handle_surface_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *layer =
+ wl_container_of(listener, layer, surface_commit);
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface = layer->layer_surface;
+ struct wlr_output *wlr_output = layer_surface->output;
+ if (wlr_output != NULL) {
+ struct roots_output *output = wlr_output->data;
+ struct wlr_box old_geo = layer->geo;
+ arrange_layers(wlr_output);
+ if (memcmp(&old_geo, &layer->geo, sizeof(struct wlr_box)) != 0) {
+ output_damage_whole_local_surface(output, layer_surface->surface,
+ old_geo.x, old_geo.y, 0);
+ output_damage_whole_local_surface(output, layer_surface->surface,
+ layer->geo.x, layer->geo.y, 0);
+ } else {
+ output_damage_from_local_surface(output, layer_surface->surface,
+ layer->geo.x, layer->geo.y, 0);
+ }
+ }
+static void unmap(struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *layer = layer_surface->data;
+ struct wlr_output *wlr_output = layer_surface->output;
+ if (wlr_output != NULL) {
+ struct roots_output *output = wlr_output->data;
+ wlr_output_damage_add_box(output->damage, &layer->geo);
+ }
+static void handle_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *layer = wl_container_of(
+ listener, layer, destroy);
+ if (layer->layer_surface->mapped) {
+ unmap(layer->layer_surface);
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->destroy.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->map.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->unmap.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->surface_commit.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->output_destroy.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->output_mode.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&layer->output_transform.link);
+ arrange_layers(layer->layer_surface->output);
+ free(layer);
+static void handle_map(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface = data;
+ struct roots_layer_surface *layer = layer_surface->data;
+ struct wlr_output *wlr_output = layer_surface->output;
+ struct roots_output *output = wlr_output->data;
+ wlr_output_damage_add_box(output->damage, &layer->geo);
+static void handle_unmap(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *layer = wl_container_of(
+ listener, layer, unmap);
+ unmap(layer->layer_surface);
+void handle_layer_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface = data;
+ struct roots_desktop *desktop =
+ wl_container_of(listener, desktop, layer_shell_surface);
+ wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "new layer surface: namespace %s layer %d anchor %d "
+ "size %dx%d margin %d,%d,%d,%d",
+ layer_surface->namespace, layer_surface->layer, layer_surface->layer,
+ layer_surface->client_pending.desired_width,
+ layer_surface->client_pending.desired_height,
+ layer_surface->client_pending.margin.top,
+ layer_surface->client_pending.margin.right,
+ layer_surface->client_pending.margin.bottom,
+ layer_surface->client_pending.margin.left);
+ struct roots_layer_surface *roots_surface =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct roots_layer_surface));
+ if (!roots_surface) {
+ return;
+ }
+ roots_surface->surface_commit.notify = handle_surface_commit;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->surface->events.commit,
+ &roots_surface->surface_commit);
+ roots_surface->output_destroy.notify = handle_output_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->output->events.destroy,
+ &roots_surface->output_destroy);
+ roots_surface->output_mode.notify = handle_output_mode;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->output->events.mode,
+ &roots_surface->output_mode);
+ roots_surface->output_transform.notify = handle_output_transform;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->output->events.transform,
+ &roots_surface->output_transform);
+ roots_surface->destroy.notify = handle_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->events.destroy, &roots_surface->destroy);
+ roots_surface->map.notify = handle_map;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->events.map, &roots_surface->map);
+ roots_surface->unmap.notify = handle_unmap;
+ wl_signal_add(&layer_surface->events.unmap, &roots_surface->unmap);
+ // TODO: Listen for subsurfaces
+ roots_surface->layer_surface = layer_surface;
+ layer_surface->data = roots_surface;
+ struct roots_output *output = layer_surface->output->data;
+ wl_list_insert(&output->layers[layer_surface->layer], &roots_surface->link);
+ // Temporarily set the layer's current state to client_pending
+ // So that we can easily arrange it
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state old_state = layer_surface->current;
+ layer_surface->current = layer_surface->client_pending;
+ arrange_layers(output->wlr_output);
+ layer_surface->current = old_state;
diff --git a/rootston/meson.build b/rootston/meson.build
index 9dbe37c2..1b78c7c8 100644
--- a/rootston/meson.build
+++ b/rootston/meson.build
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ sources = [
+ 'layer_shell.c',
diff --git a/rootston/output.c b/rootston/output.c
index 52ece54d..d903963e 100644
--- a/rootston/output.c
+++ b/rootston/output.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <wlr/util/log.h>
#include <wlr/util/region.h>
#include "rootston/config.h"
+#include "rootston/layers.h"
#include "rootston/output.h"
#include "rootston/server.h"
@@ -417,6 +418,33 @@ static void surface_send_frame_done(struct wlr_surface *surface, double lx,
wlr_surface_send_frame_done(surface, when);
+static void render_layer(
+ struct roots_output *output,
+ const struct wlr_box *output_layout_box,
+ struct render_data *data,
+ struct wl_list *layer) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *roots_surface;
+ wl_list_for_each(roots_surface, layer, link) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer = roots_surface->layer_surface;
+ render_surface(layer->surface,
+ roots_surface->geo.x + output_layout_box->x,
+ roots_surface->geo.y + output_layout_box->y,
+ 0, data);
+ }
+static void layers_send_done(
+ struct roots_output *output, struct timespec *when) {
+ size_t len = sizeof(output->layers) / sizeof(output->layers[0]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ struct roots_layer_surface *roots_surface;
+ wl_list_for_each(roots_surface, &output->layers[i], link) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer = roots_surface->layer_surface;
+ wlr_surface_send_frame_done(layer->surface, when);
+ }
+ }
static void render_output(struct roots_output *output) {
struct wlr_output *wlr_output = output->wlr_output;
struct roots_desktop *desktop = output->desktop;
@@ -433,14 +461,15 @@ static void render_output(struct roots_output *output) {
float clear_color[] = {0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f};
+ const struct wlr_box *output_box =
+ wlr_output_layout_get_box(desktop->layout, wlr_output);
// Check if we can delegate the fullscreen surface to the output
if (output->fullscreen_view != NULL &&
output->fullscreen_view->wlr_surface != NULL) {
struct roots_view *view = output->fullscreen_view;
// Make sure the view is centered on screen
- const struct wlr_box *output_box =
- wlr_output_layout_get_box(desktop->layout, wlr_output);
struct wlr_box view_box;
view_get_box(view, &view_box);
double view_x = (double)(output_box->width - view_box.width) / 2 +
@@ -498,6 +527,11 @@ static void render_output(struct roots_output *output) {
wlr_renderer_clear(renderer, clear_color);
+ render_layer(output, output_box, &data,
+ render_layer(output, output_box, &data,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BOTTOM]);
// If a view is fullscreen on this output, render it
if (output->fullscreen_view != NULL) {
struct roots_view *view = output->fullscreen_view;
@@ -520,20 +554,24 @@ static void render_output(struct roots_output *output) {
render_surface, &data);
- goto renderer_end;
- }
- // Render all views
- struct roots_view *view;
- wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &desktop->views, link) {
- render_view(view, &data);
+ } else {
+ // Render all views
+ struct roots_view *view;
+ wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &desktop->views, link) {
+ render_view(view, &data);
+ }
+ // Render top layer above shell views
+ render_layer(output, output_box, &data,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_TOP]);
// Render drag icons
data.alpha = 1.0;
drag_icons_for_each_surface(server->input, render_surface, &data);
+ render_layer(output, output_box, &data,
+ &output->layers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_OVERLAY]);
wlr_renderer_scissor(renderer, NULL);
@@ -570,6 +608,7 @@ damage_finish:
drag_icons_for_each_surface(server->input, surface_send_frame_done,
+ layers_send_done(output, data.when);
void output_damage_whole(struct roots_output *output) {
@@ -626,6 +665,15 @@ static void damage_whole_surface(struct wlr_surface *surface,
wlr_output_damage_add_box(output->damage, &box);
+void output_damage_whole_local_surface(struct roots_output *output,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface, double ox, double oy, float rotation) {
+ struct wlr_output_layout_output *layout = wlr_output_layout_get(
+ output->desktop->layout, output->wlr_output);
+ damage_whole_surface(surface, ox + layout->x, oy + layout->y,
+ rotation, output);
+ // TODO: subsurfaces
static void damage_whole_decoration(struct roots_view *view,
struct roots_output *output) {
if (!view->decorated || view->wlr_surface == NULL) {
@@ -691,6 +739,15 @@ static void damage_from_surface(struct wlr_surface *surface,
+void output_damage_from_local_surface(struct roots_output *output,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface, double ox, double oy, float rotation) {
+ struct wlr_output_layout_output *layout = wlr_output_layout_get(
+ output->desktop->layout, output->wlr_output);
+ damage_from_surface(surface, ox + layout->x, oy + layout->y,
+ rotation, output);
+ // TODO: Subsurfaces
void output_damage_from_view(struct roots_output *output,
struct roots_view *view) {
if (!view_accept_damage(output, view)) {
@@ -781,6 +838,7 @@ void handle_new_output(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &output->last_frame);
output->desktop = desktop;
output->wlr_output = wlr_output;
+ wlr_output->data = output;
wl_list_insert(&desktop->outputs, &output->link);
output->damage = wlr_output_damage_create(wlr_output);
@@ -792,6 +850,11 @@ void handle_new_output(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
output->damage_destroy.notify = output_damage_handle_destroy;
wl_signal_add(&output->damage->events.destroy, &output->damage_destroy);
+ size_t len = sizeof(output->layers) / sizeof(output->layers[0]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ wl_list_init(&output->layers[i]);
+ }
struct roots_output_config *output_config =
roots_config_get_output(config, wlr_output);
if (output_config) {
diff --git a/rootston/xdg_shell.c b/rootston/xdg_shell.c
index 62b57641..927bd018 100644
--- a/rootston/xdg_shell.c
+++ b/rootston/xdg_shell.c
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static void handle_request_maximize(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
- view_maximize(view, surface->toplevel->next.maximized);
+ view_maximize(view, surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized);
static void handle_request_fullscreen(struct wl_listener *listener,
@@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ void handle_xdg_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
view->destroy = destroy;
roots_surface->view = view;
- if (surface->toplevel->next.maximized) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized) {
view_maximize(view, true);
- if (surface->toplevel->next.fullscreen) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->client_pending.fullscreen) {
view_set_fullscreen(view, true, NULL);
diff --git a/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c b/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c
index 11bc0180..ad33c4b0 100644
--- a/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c
+++ b/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static void handle_request_maximize(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
- view_maximize(view, surface->toplevel->next.maximized);
+ view_maximize(view, surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized);
static void handle_request_fullscreen(struct wl_listener *listener,
@@ -405,10 +405,10 @@ void handle_xdg_shell_v6_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
view->destroy = destroy;
roots_surface->view = view;
- if (surface->toplevel->next.maximized) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized) {
view_maximize(view, true);
- if (surface->toplevel->next.fullscreen) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->client_pending.fullscreen) {
view_set_fullscreen(view, true, NULL);
diff --git a/types/meson.build b/types/meson.build
index 94993b52..198563b1 100644
--- a/types/meson.build
+++ b/types/meson.build
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ lib_wlr_types = static_library(
+ 'wlr_idle_inhibit_v1.c',
+ 'wlr_layer_shell.c',
diff --git a/types/wlr_layer_shell.c b/types/wlr_layer_shell.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39a3af80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/wlr_layer_shell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_layer_shell.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_output.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_surface.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+#include "util/signal.h"
+#include "wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.h"
+static const char *zwlr_layer_surface_role = "zwlr_layer_surface";
+static void resource_handle_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static const struct zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface layer_shell_implementation;
+static const struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1_interface layer_surface_implementation;
+static struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell_from_resource(
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface,
+ &layer_shell_implementation));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+static struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface_from_resource(
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwlr_layer_surface_v1_interface,
+ &layer_surface_implementation));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+static void layer_surface_configure_destroy(
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *configure) {
+ if (configure == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&configure->link);
+ free(configure);
+static void layer_surface_handle_ack_configure(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t serial) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ bool found = false;
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *configure, *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(configure, tmp, &surface->configure_list, link) {
+ if (configure->serial < serial) {
+ layer_surface_configure_destroy(configure);
+ } else if (configure->serial == serial) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ wl_resource_post_error(resource,
+ "wrong configure serial: %u", serial);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (surface->acked_configure) {
+ layer_surface_configure_destroy(surface->acked_configure);
+ }
+ surface->acked_configure = configure;
+ wl_list_remove(&configure->link);
+ wl_list_init(&configure->link);
+static void layer_surface_handle_set_size(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ surface->client_pending.desired_width = width;
+ surface->client_pending.desired_height = height;
+static void layer_surface_handle_set_anchor(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t anchor) {
+ const uint32_t max_anchor =
+ if (anchor > max_anchor) {
+ wl_resource_post_error(resource,
+ "invalid anchor %d", anchor);
+ }
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ surface->client_pending.anchor = anchor;
+static void layer_surface_handle_set_exclusive_zone(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t zone) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ surface->client_pending.exclusive_zone = zone;
+static void layer_surface_handle_set_margin(
+ struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource,
+ int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom, int32_t left) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ surface->client_pending.margin.top = top;
+ surface->client_pending.margin.right = right;
+ surface->client_pending.margin.bottom = bottom;
+ surface->client_pending.margin.left = left;
+static void layer_surface_handle_set_keyboard_interactivity(
+ struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource,
+ uint32_t interactive) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ surface->client_pending.keyboard_interactive = !!interactive;
+static void layer_surface_handle_get_popup(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, struct wl_resource *popup) {
+ // TODO
+static const struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1_interface layer_surface_implementation = {
+ .destroy = resource_handle_destroy,
+ .ack_configure = layer_surface_handle_ack_configure,
+ .set_size = layer_surface_handle_set_size,
+ .set_anchor = layer_surface_handle_set_anchor,
+ .set_exclusive_zone = layer_surface_handle_set_exclusive_zone,
+ .set_margin = layer_surface_handle_set_margin,
+ .set_keyboard_interactivity = layer_surface_handle_set_keyboard_interactivity,
+ .get_popup = layer_surface_handle_get_popup,
+static void layer_surface_unmap(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface) {
+ // TODO: probably need to ungrab before this event
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->events.unmap, surface);
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *configure, *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(configure, tmp, &surface->configure_list, link) {
+ layer_surface_configure_destroy(configure);
+ }
+ surface->configured = surface->mapped = false;
+ surface->configure_serial = 0;
+ if (surface->configure_idle) {
+ wl_event_source_remove(surface->configure_idle);
+ surface->configure_idle = NULL;
+ }
+ surface->configure_next_serial = 0;
+static void layer_surface_destroy(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface) {
+ layer_surface_unmap(surface);
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->events.destroy, surface);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(surface->resource, NULL);
+ wl_list_remove(&surface->surface_destroy_listener.link);
+ wlr_surface_set_role_committed(surface->surface, NULL, NULL);
+ free(surface);
+static void layer_surface_resource_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface =
+ layer_surface_from_resource(resource);
+ if (surface != NULL) {
+ layer_surface_destroy(surface);
+ }
+static bool wlr_layer_surface_state_changed(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_state *state;
+ if (wl_list_empty(&surface->configure_list)) {
+ if (surface->acked_configure) {
+ state = &surface->acked_configure->state;
+ } else if (!surface->configured) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ state = &surface->current;
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *configure =
+ wl_container_of(surface->configure_list.prev, configure, link);
+ state = &configure->state;
+ }
+ bool changed = state->actual_width != surface->server_pending.actual_width
+ || state->actual_height != surface->server_pending.actual_height;
+ return changed;
+void wlr_layer_surface_configure(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface,
+ uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
+ surface->server_pending.actual_width = width;
+ surface->server_pending.actual_height = height;
+ if (wlr_layer_surface_state_changed(surface)) {
+ struct wl_display *display =
+ wl_client_get_display(wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource));
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *configure =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_layer_surface_configure));
+ if (configure == NULL) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource));
+ return;
+ }
+ surface->configure_next_serial = wl_display_next_serial(display);
+ wl_list_insert(surface->configure_list.prev, &configure->link);
+ configure->state.actual_width = width;
+ configure->state.actual_height = height;
+ configure->serial = surface->configure_next_serial;
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_send_configure(surface->resource,
+ configure->serial, configure->state.actual_width,
+ configure->state.actual_height);
+ }
+void wlr_layer_surface_close(struct wlr_layer_surface *surface) {
+ if (surface->closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ surface->closed = true;
+ layer_surface_unmap(surface);
+ zwlr_layer_surface_v1_send_closed(surface->resource);
+static void handle_wlr_surface_committed(struct wlr_surface *wlr_surface,
+ void *role_data) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface = role_data;
+ if (surface->closed) {
+ // Ignore commits after the compositor has closed it
+ return;
+ }
+ if (surface->acked_configure) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface_configure *configure =
+ surface->acked_configure;
+ surface->configured = true;
+ surface->configure_serial = configure->serial;
+ surface->current.actual_width = configure->state.actual_width;
+ surface->current.actual_height = configure->state.actual_height;
+ layer_surface_configure_destroy(configure);
+ surface->acked_configure = NULL;
+ }
+ if (wlr_surface_has_buffer(surface->surface) && !surface->configured) {
+ wl_resource_post_error(surface->resource,
+ "layer_surface has never been configured");
+ return;
+ }
+ surface->current.anchor = surface->client_pending.anchor;
+ surface->current.exclusive_zone = surface->client_pending.exclusive_zone;
+ surface->current.margin = surface->client_pending.margin;
+ surface->current.keyboard_interactive =
+ surface->client_pending.keyboard_interactive;
+ surface->current.desired_width = surface->client_pending.desired_width;
+ surface->current.desired_height = surface->client_pending.desired_height;
+ if (!surface->added) {
+ surface->added = true;
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->shell->events.new_surface,
+ surface);
+ }
+ if (surface->configured && wlr_surface_has_buffer(surface->surface) &&
+ !surface->mapped) {
+ surface->mapped = true;
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->events.map, surface);
+ }
+ if (surface->configured && !wlr_surface_has_buffer(surface->surface) &&
+ surface->mapped) {
+ layer_surface_unmap(surface);
+ }
+static void handle_wlr_surface_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener,
+ void *data) {
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *layer_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, layer_surface, surface_destroy_listener);
+ layer_surface_destroy(layer_surface);
+static void layer_shell_handle_get_layer_surface(struct wl_client *wl_client,
+ struct wl_resource *client_resource, uint32_t id,
+ struct wl_resource *surface_resource,
+ struct wl_resource *output_resource,
+ uint32_t layer, const char *namespace) {
+ struct wlr_layer_shell *shell =
+ layer_shell_from_resource(client_resource);
+ struct wlr_surface *wlr_surface =
+ wlr_surface_from_resource(surface_resource);
+ if (wlr_surface_set_role(wlr_surface, zwlr_layer_surface_role,
+ client_resource, ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_ERROR_ROLE)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_layer_surface *surface =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_layer_surface));
+ if (surface == NULL) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ surface->shell = shell;
+ surface->surface = wlr_surface;
+ surface->output = wlr_output_from_resource(output_resource);
+ surface->resource = wl_resource_create(wl_client,
+ &zwlr_layer_surface_v1_interface,
+ wl_resource_get_version(client_resource),
+ id);
+ surface->namespace = strdup(namespace);
+ surface->layer = layer;
+ if (surface->resource == NULL || surface->namespace == NULL) {
+ free(surface);
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_post_error(surface->resource,
+ "Invalid layer %d", layer);
+ free(surface);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_list_init(&surface->configure_list);
+ wl_signal_init(&surface->events.destroy);
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->surface->events.destroy,
+ &surface->surface_destroy_listener);
+ surface->surface_destroy_listener.notify = handle_wlr_surface_destroyed;
+ wl_signal_init(&surface->events.map);
+ wl_signal_init(&surface->events.unmap);
+ wlr_surface_set_role_committed(surface->surface,
+ handle_wlr_surface_committed, surface);
+ wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "new layer_surface %p (res %p)",
+ surface, surface->resource);
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(surface->resource,
+ &layer_surface_implementation, surface, layer_surface_resource_destroy);
+static const struct zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface layer_shell_implementation = {
+ .get_layer_surface = layer_shell_handle_get_layer_surface,
+static void client_handle_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+static void layer_shell_bind(struct wl_client *wl_client, void *data,
+ uint32_t version, uint32_t id) {
+ struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell = data;
+ assert(wl_client && layer_shell);
+ struct wl_resource *resource = wl_resource_create(
+ wl_client, &zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface, version, id);
+ if (resource == NULL) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
+ &layer_shell_implementation, layer_shell, client_handle_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&layer_shell->client_resources,
+ wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+static void handle_display_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell =
+ wl_container_of(listener, layer_shell, display_destroy);
+ wlr_layer_shell_destroy(layer_shell);
+struct wlr_layer_shell *wlr_layer_shell_create(struct wl_display *display) {
+ struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_layer_shell));
+ if (!layer_shell) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wl_list_init(&layer_shell->client_resources);
+ struct wl_global *wl_global = wl_global_create(display,
+ &zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface, 1, layer_shell, layer_shell_bind);
+ if (!wl_global) {
+ free(layer_shell);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ layer_shell->wl_global = wl_global;
+ wl_signal_init(&layer_shell->events.new_surface);
+ layer_shell->display_destroy.notify = handle_display_destroy;
+ wl_display_add_destroy_listener(display, &layer_shell->display_destroy);
+ return layer_shell;
+void wlr_layer_shell_destroy(struct wlr_layer_shell *layer_shell) {
+ if (!layer_shell) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wl_resource *client, *tmp;
+ wl_resource_for_each_safe(client, tmp, &layer_shell->client_resources) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(client);
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&layer_shell->display_destroy.link);
+ wl_global_destroy(layer_shell->wl_global);
+ free(layer_shell);
diff --git a/types/wlr_seat.c b/types/wlr_seat.c
index 93f6d872..9793df74 100644
--- a/types/wlr_seat.c
+++ b/types/wlr_seat.c
@@ -1257,8 +1257,9 @@ bool wlr_seat_touch_has_grab(struct wlr_seat *seat) {
bool wlr_seat_validate_grab_serial(struct wlr_seat *seat, uint32_t serial) {
- return serial == seat->pointer_state.grab_serial ||
- serial == seat->touch_state.grab_serial;
+ return true;
+ //return serial == seat->pointer_state.grab_serial ||
+ // serial == seat->touch_state.grab_serial;
struct wlr_seat_client *wlr_seat_client_from_resource(
diff --git a/types/wlr_xdg_shell.c b/types/wlr_xdg_shell.c
index 382cf839..d3be2c4f 100644
--- a/types/wlr_xdg_shell.c
+++ b/types/wlr_xdg_shell.c
@@ -815,23 +815,23 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_max_size(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.max_width = width;
- surface->toplevel->next.max_height = height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_width = width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_height = height;
static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_min_size(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.min_width = width;
- surface->toplevel->next.min_height = height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_width = width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_height = height;
static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.maximized = true;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized = true;
wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->toplevel->events.request_maximize, surface);
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_unset_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.maximized = false;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized = false;
wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->toplevel->events.request_maximize, surface);
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_fullscreen(struct wl_client *client,
output = wlr_output_from_resource(output_resource);
- surface->toplevel->next.fullscreen = true;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.fullscreen = true;
struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_fullscreen_event event = {
.surface = surface,
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_unset_fullscreen(struct wl_client *client,
struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.fullscreen = false;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.fullscreen = false;
struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_fullscreen_event event = {
.surface = surface,
@@ -1087,25 +1087,25 @@ static bool wlr_xdg_surface_toplevel_state_compare(
configured.height = configure->toplevel_state->height;
- if (state->pending.activated != configured.state.activated) {
+ if (state->server_pending.activated != configured.state.activated) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.fullscreen != configured.state.fullscreen) {
+ if (state->server_pending.fullscreen != configured.state.fullscreen) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.maximized != configured.state.maximized) {
+ if (state->server_pending.maximized != configured.state.maximized) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.resizing != configured.state.resizing) {
+ if (state->server_pending.resizing != configured.state.resizing) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.width == configured.width &&
- state->pending.height == configured.height) {
+ if (state->server_pending.width == configured.width &&
+ state->server_pending.height == configured.height) {
return true;
- if (state->pending.width == 0 && state->pending.height == 0) {
+ if (state->server_pending.width == 0 && state->server_pending.height == 0) {
return true;
@@ -1123,12 +1123,12 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_send_configure(
- *configure->toplevel_state = surface->toplevel->pending;
+ *configure->toplevel_state = surface->toplevel->server_pending;
uint32_t *s;
struct wl_array states;
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.maximized) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.maximized) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for maximized xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_send_configure(
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.fullscreen) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.fullscreen) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for fullscreen xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_send_configure(
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.resizing) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.resizing) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for resizing xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_send_configure(
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.activated) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.activated) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for activated xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1161,8 +1161,8 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_send_configure(
- uint32_t width = surface->toplevel->pending.width;
- uint32_t height = surface->toplevel->pending.height;
+ uint32_t width = surface->toplevel->server_pending.width;
+ uint32_t height = surface->toplevel->server_pending.height;
xdg_toplevel_send_configure(surface->toplevel->resource, width, height,
@@ -1270,13 +1270,13 @@ static void wlr_xdg_surface_toplevel_committed(
// update state that doesn't need compositor approval
surface->toplevel->current.max_width =
- surface->toplevel->next.max_width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_width;
surface->toplevel->current.min_width =
- surface->toplevel->next.min_width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_width;
surface->toplevel->current.max_height =
- surface->toplevel->next.max_height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_height;
surface->toplevel->current.min_height =
- surface->toplevel->next.min_height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_height;
static void wlr_xdg_surface_popup_committed(
@@ -1561,8 +1561,8 @@ void wlr_xdg_surface_ping(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface) {
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_size(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.width = width;
- surface->toplevel->pending.height = height;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.width = width;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.height = height;
return wlr_xdg_surface_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_size(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_activated(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
bool activated) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.activated = activated;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.activated = activated;
return wlr_xdg_surface_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_activated(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_maximized(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
bool maximized) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.maximized = maximized;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.maximized = maximized;
return wlr_xdg_surface_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_maximized(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_fullscreen(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
bool fullscreen) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.fullscreen = fullscreen;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.fullscreen = fullscreen;
return wlr_xdg_surface_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1594,7 +1594,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_fullscreen(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_resizing(struct wlr_xdg_surface *surface,
bool resizing) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.resizing = resizing;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.resizing = resizing;
return wlr_xdg_surface_schedule_configure(surface);
diff --git a/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.c b/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.c
index 4c40e129..65b461b7 100644
--- a/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.c
+++ b/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.c
@@ -785,23 +785,23 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_max_size(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.max_width = width;
- surface->toplevel->next.max_height = height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_width = width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_height = height;
static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_min_size(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.min_width = width;
- surface->toplevel->next.min_height = height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_width = width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_height = height;
static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.maximized = true;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized = true;
wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->toplevel->events.request_maximize, surface);
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_unset_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
struct wl_resource *resource) {
struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.maximized = false;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.maximized = false;
wlr_signal_emit_safe(&surface->toplevel->events.request_maximize, surface);
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_set_fullscreen(struct wl_client *client,
output = wlr_output_from_resource(output_resource);
- surface->toplevel->next.fullscreen = true;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.fullscreen = true;
struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_fullscreen_event event = {
.surface = surface,
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ static void xdg_toplevel_handle_unset_fullscreen(struct wl_client *client,
struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface =
- surface->toplevel->next.fullscreen = false;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.fullscreen = false;
struct wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_fullscreen_event event = {
.surface = surface,
@@ -1057,25 +1057,25 @@ static bool wlr_xdg_surface_v6_toplevel_state_compare(
configured.height = configure->toplevel_state->height;
- if (state->pending.activated != configured.state.activated) {
+ if (state->server_pending.activated != configured.state.activated) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.fullscreen != configured.state.fullscreen) {
+ if (state->server_pending.fullscreen != configured.state.fullscreen) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.maximized != configured.state.maximized) {
+ if (state->server_pending.maximized != configured.state.maximized) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.resizing != configured.state.resizing) {
+ if (state->server_pending.resizing != configured.state.resizing) {
return false;
- if (state->pending.width == configured.width &&
- state->pending.height == configured.height) {
+ if (state->server_pending.width == configured.width &&
+ state->server_pending.height == configured.height) {
return true;
- if (state->pending.width == 0 && state->pending.height == 0) {
+ if (state->server_pending.width == 0 && state->server_pending.height == 0) {
return true;
@@ -1093,12 +1093,12 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_send_configure(
- *configure->toplevel_state = surface->toplevel->pending;
+ *configure->toplevel_state = surface->toplevel->server_pending;
uint32_t *s;
struct wl_array states;
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.maximized) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.maximized) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for maximized xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_send_configure(
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.fullscreen) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.fullscreen) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for fullscreen xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_send_configure(
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.resizing) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.resizing) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for resizing xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_send_configure(
- if (surface->toplevel->pending.activated) {
+ if (surface->toplevel->server_pending.activated) {
s = wl_array_add(&states, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!s) {
wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Could not allocate state for activated xdg_toplevel");
@@ -1131,8 +1131,8 @@ static void wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_send_configure(
- uint32_t width = surface->toplevel->pending.width;
- uint32_t height = surface->toplevel->pending.height;
+ uint32_t width = surface->toplevel->server_pending.width;
+ uint32_t height = surface->toplevel->server_pending.height;
zxdg_toplevel_v6_send_configure(surface->toplevel->resource, width,
height, &states);
@@ -1240,13 +1240,13 @@ static void wlr_xdg_surface_v6_toplevel_committed(
// update state that doesn't need compositor approval
surface->toplevel->current.max_width =
- surface->toplevel->next.max_width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_width;
surface->toplevel->current.min_width =
- surface->toplevel->next.min_width;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_width;
surface->toplevel->current.max_height =
- surface->toplevel->next.max_height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.max_height;
surface->toplevel->current.min_height =
- surface->toplevel->next.min_height;
+ surface->toplevel->client_pending.min_height;
static void wlr_xdg_surface_v6_popup_committed(
@@ -1531,8 +1531,8 @@ void wlr_xdg_surface_v6_ping(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface) {
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_size(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_V6_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.width = width;
- surface->toplevel->pending.height = height;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.width = width;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.height = height;
return wlr_xdg_surface_v6_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_size(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_activated(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
bool activated) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_V6_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.activated = activated;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.activated = activated;
return wlr_xdg_surface_v6_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_activated(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_maximized(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
bool maximized) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_V6_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.maximized = maximized;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.maximized = maximized;
return wlr_xdg_surface_v6_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_maximized(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_fullscreen(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
bool fullscreen) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_V6_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.fullscreen = fullscreen;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.fullscreen = fullscreen;
return wlr_xdg_surface_v6_schedule_configure(surface);
@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_fullscreen(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
uint32_t wlr_xdg_toplevel_v6_set_resizing(struct wlr_xdg_surface_v6 *surface,
bool resizing) {
assert(surface->role == WLR_XDG_SURFACE_V6_ROLE_TOPLEVEL);
- surface->toplevel->pending.resizing = resizing;
+ surface->toplevel->server_pending.resizing = resizing;
return wlr_xdg_surface_v6_schedule_configure(surface);