diff options
15 files changed, 1516 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/examples/foreign-toplevel.c b/examples/foreign-toplevel.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40ddbb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/foreign-toplevel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wayland-client.h>
+#include "wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
+ * Usage:
+ * 1. foreign-toplevel
+ * Prints a list of opened toplevels
+ * 2. foreign-toplevel -f <id>
+ * Focus the toplevel with the given id
+ * 3. foreign-toplevel -a <id>
+ * Maximize the toplevel with the given id
+ * 4. foreign-toplevel -u <id>
+ * Unmaximize the toplevel with the given id
+ * 5. foreign-toplevel -i <id>
+ * Minimize the toplevel with the given id
+ * 6. foreign-toplevel -r <id>
+ * Restore(unminimize) the toplevel with the given id
+ * 7. foreign-toplevel -c <id>
+ * Close the toplevel with the given id
+ * 8. foreign-toplevel -m
+ * Continuously print changes to the list of opened toplevels.
+ * Can be used together with some of the previous options.
+ */
+enum toplevel_state_field {
+struct toplevel_state {
+ char *title;
+ char *app_id;
+ uint32_t state;
+static void copy_state(struct toplevel_state *current,
+ struct toplevel_state *pending) {
+ if (current->title && pending->title) {
+ free(current->title);
+ }
+ if (current->app_id && pending->app_id) {
+ free(current->app_id);
+ }
+ if (pending->title) {
+ current->title = pending->title;
+ pending->title = NULL;
+ }
+ if (pending->app_id) {
+ current->app_id = pending->app_id;
+ pending->app_id = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(pending->state & TOPLEVEL_STATE_INVALID)) {
+ current->state = pending->state;
+ }
+ pending->state = TOPLEVEL_STATE_INVALID;
+static uint32_t global_id = 0;
+struct toplevel_v1 {
+ struct wl_list link;
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel;
+ uint32_t id;
+ struct toplevel_state current, pending;
+static void print_toplevel(struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel, bool print_endl) {
+ printf("-> %d. title=%s app_id=%s", toplevel->id,
+ toplevel->current.title ?: "(nil)",
+ toplevel->current.app_id ?: "(nil)");
+ if (print_endl) {
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+static void print_toplevel_state(struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel, bool print_endl) {
+ if (toplevel->current.state & TOPLEVEL_STATE_MAXIMIZED) {
+ printf(" maximized");
+ } else {
+ printf(" unmaximized");
+ }
+ if (toplevel->current.state & TOPLEVEL_STATE_MINIMIZED) {
+ printf(" minimized");
+ } else {
+ printf(" unminimized");
+ }
+ if (toplevel->current.state & TOPLEVEL_STATE_ACTIVATED) {
+ printf(" active");
+ } else {
+ printf(" inactive");
+ }
+ if (print_endl) {
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+static void toplevel_handle_title(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel,
+ const char *title) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ free(toplevel->pending.title);
+ toplevel->pending.title = strdup(title);
+static void toplevel_handle_app_id(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel,
+ const char *app_id) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ free(toplevel->pending.app_id);
+ toplevel->pending.app_id = strdup(app_id);
+static void toplevel_handle_output_enter(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel,
+ struct wl_output *output) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ print_toplevel(toplevel, false);
+ printf(" enter output %u\n",
+ (uint32_t)(size_t)wl_output_get_user_data(output));
+static void toplevel_handle_output_leave(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel,
+ struct wl_output *output) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ print_toplevel(toplevel, false);
+ printf(" leave output %u\n",
+ (uint32_t)(size_t)wl_output_get_user_data(output));
+static uint32_t array_to_state(struct wl_array *array) {
+ uint32_t state = 0;
+ uint32_t *entry;
+ wl_array_for_each(entry, array) {
+ }
+ return state;
+static void toplevel_handle_state(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel,
+ struct wl_array *state) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ toplevel->pending.state = array_to_state(state);
+static void toplevel_handle_done(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ bool state_changed = toplevel->current.state != toplevel->pending.state;
+ copy_state(&toplevel->current, &toplevel->pending);
+ print_toplevel(toplevel, !state_changed);
+ if (state_changed) {
+ print_toplevel_state(toplevel, true);
+ }
+static void toplevel_handle_closed(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ print_toplevel(toplevel, false);
+ printf(" closed\n");
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(zwlr_toplevel);
+static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_listener toplevel_impl = {
+ .title = toplevel_handle_title,
+ .app_id = toplevel_handle_app_id,
+ .output_enter = toplevel_handle_output_enter,
+ .output_leave = toplevel_handle_output_leave,
+ .state = toplevel_handle_state,
+ .done = toplevel_handle_done,
+ .closed = toplevel_handle_closed,
+static struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *toplevel_manager = NULL;
+static struct wl_list toplevel_list;
+static void toplevel_manager_handle_toplevel(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *toplevel_manager,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *zwlr_toplevel) {
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel = calloc(1, sizeof(struct toplevel_v1));
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for toplevel\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ toplevel->id = global_id++;
+ toplevel->zwlr_toplevel = zwlr_toplevel;
+ wl_list_insert(&toplevel_list, &toplevel->link);
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_add_listener(zwlr_toplevel, &toplevel_impl,
+ toplevel);
+static void toplevel_manager_handle_finished(void *data,
+ struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *toplevel_manager) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_destroy(toplevel_manager);
+static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_listener toplevel_manager_impl = {
+ .toplevel = toplevel_manager_handle_toplevel,
+ .finished = toplevel_manager_handle_finished,
+struct wl_seat *seat = NULL;
+static void handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
+ uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version) {
+ if (strcmp(interface, wl_output_interface.name) == 0) {
+ struct wl_output *output = wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
+ &wl_output_interface, version);
+ wl_output_set_user_data(output, (void*)(size_t)name); // assign some ID to the output
+ } else if (strcmp(interface,
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface.name) == 0) {
+ toplevel_manager = wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
+ &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface, 1);
+ wl_list_init(&toplevel_list);
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_add_listener(toplevel_manager,
+ &toplevel_manager_impl, NULL);
+ } else if (strcmp(interface, wl_seat_interface.name) == 0 && seat == NULL) {
+ seat = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &wl_seat_interface, version);
+ }
+static void handle_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
+ uint32_t name) {
+ // who cares
+static const struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = {
+ .global = handle_global,
+ .global_remove = handle_global_remove,
+/* return NULL when id == -1
+ * exit if the given ID cannot be found in the list of toplevels */
+static struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel_by_id_or_bail(int32_t id) {
+ if (id == -1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel;
+ wl_list_for_each(toplevel, &toplevel_list, link) {
+ if (toplevel->id == (uint32_t)id) {
+ return toplevel;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "No toplevel with the given id: %d\n", id);
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ int focus_id = -1, close_id = -1;
+ int maximize_id = -1, unmaximize_id = -1;
+ int minimize_id = -1, restore_id = -1;
+ int one_shot = 1;
+ int c;
+ // TODO maybe print usage with -h?
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:a:u:i:r:c:m")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'f':
+ focus_id = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ maximize_id = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ unmaximize_id = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ minimize_id = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ restore_id = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ close_id = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ one_shot = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ struct wl_display *display = wl_display_connect(NULL);
+ if (display == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create display\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ struct wl_registry *registry = wl_display_get_registry(display);
+ wl_registry_add_listener(registry, &registry_listener, NULL);
+ wl_display_dispatch(display);
+ wl_display_roundtrip(display);
+ if (toplevel_manager == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "wlr-foreign-toplevel not available\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ wl_display_roundtrip(display); // load list of toplevels
+ wl_display_roundtrip(display); // load toplevel details
+ struct toplevel_v1 *toplevel;
+ if ((toplevel = toplevel_by_id_or_bail(focus_id))) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_activate(toplevel->zwlr_toplevel, seat);
+ }
+ if ((toplevel = toplevel_by_id_or_bail(maximize_id))) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_maximized(toplevel->zwlr_toplevel);
+ }
+ if ((toplevel = toplevel_by_id_or_bail(unmaximize_id))) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_unset_maximized(toplevel->zwlr_toplevel);
+ }
+ if ((toplevel = toplevel_by_id_or_bail(minimize_id))) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_minimized(toplevel->zwlr_toplevel);
+ }
+ if ((toplevel = toplevel_by_id_or_bail(restore_id))) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_unset_minimized(toplevel->zwlr_toplevel);
+ }
+ if ((toplevel = toplevel_by_id_or_bail(close_id))) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_close(toplevel->zwlr_toplevel);
+ }
+ wl_display_flush(display);
+ if (one_shot == 0) {
+ while (wl_display_dispatch(display) != -1) {
+ // This space intentionally left blank
+ }
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/examples/meson.build b/examples/meson.build
index cbf39347..589a7326 100644
--- a/examples/meson.build
+++ b/examples/meson.build
@@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ examples = {
'text-input': {
'src': 'text-input.c',
'dep': [wayland_cursor, wayland_client, wlr_protos, wlroots],
+ },
+ 'foreign-toplevel': {
+ 'src': 'foreign-toplevel.c',
+ 'dep': [wayland_client, wlr_protos, wlroots],
diff --git a/include/rootston/desktop.h b/include/rootston/desktop.h
index cd85e794..b1fcaca0 100644
--- a/include/rootston/desktop.h
+++ b/include/rootston/desktop.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <wayland-server.h>
#include <wlr/config.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_compositor.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_gamma_control_v1.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_gamma_control.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_idle_inhibit_v1.h>
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ struct roots_desktop {
struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *tablet_v2;
struct wlr_pointer_constraints_v1 *pointer_constraints;
struct wlr_presentation *presentation;
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *foreign_toplevel_manager_v1;
struct wl_listener new_output;
struct wl_listener layout_change;
diff --git a/include/rootston/view.h b/include/rootston/view.h
index e67aaf36..b1feb5ce 100644
--- a/include/rootston/view.h
+++ b/include/rootston/view.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <wlr/config.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_box.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_surface.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_xdg_decoration_v1.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.h>
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ struct roots_wl_shell_surface {
struct wl_listener request_maximize;
struct wl_listener request_fullscreen;
struct wl_listener set_state;
+ struct wl_listener set_title;
+ struct wl_listener set_class;
struct wl_listener surface_commit;
@@ -33,6 +36,8 @@ struct roots_xdg_surface_v6 {
struct wl_listener request_resize;
struct wl_listener request_maximize;
struct wl_listener request_fullscreen;
+ struct wl_listener set_title;
+ struct wl_listener set_app_id;
struct wl_listener surface_commit;
@@ -52,6 +57,9 @@ struct roots_xdg_surface {
struct wl_listener request_resize;
struct wl_listener request_maximize;
struct wl_listener request_fullscreen;
+ struct wl_listener set_title;
+ struct wl_listener set_app_id;
struct wl_listener surface_commit;
@@ -71,6 +79,8 @@ struct roots_xwayland_surface {
struct wl_listener request_fullscreen;
struct wl_listener map;
struct wl_listener unmap;
+ struct wl_listener set_title;
+ struct wl_listener set_class;
struct wl_listener surface_commit;
@@ -132,6 +142,11 @@ struct roots_view {
struct wlr_surface *wlr_surface;
struct wl_list children; // roots_view_child::link
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel_handle;
+ struct wl_listener toplevel_handle_request_maximize;
+ struct wl_listener toplevel_handle_request_activate;
+ struct wl_listener toplevel_handle_request_close;
struct wl_listener new_subsurface;
struct {
@@ -218,6 +233,10 @@ bool view_center(struct roots_view *view);
void view_setup(struct roots_view *view);
void view_teardown(struct roots_view *view);
+void view_set_title(struct roots_view *view, const char *title);
+void view_set_app_id(struct roots_view *view, const char *app_id);
+void view_create_foreign_toplevel_handle(struct roots_view *view);
void view_get_deco_box(const struct roots_view *view, struct wlr_box *box);
enum roots_deco_part {
diff --git a/include/wlr/types/meson.build b/include/wlr/types/meson.build
index 72debcf3..e2ce86e3 100644
--- a/include/wlr/types/meson.build
+++ b/include/wlr/types/meson.build
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ install_headers(
+ 'wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h',
diff --git a/include/wlr/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h b/include/wlr/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75ae0e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/wlr/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * This an unstable interface of wlroots. No guarantees are made regarding the
+ * future consistency of this API.
+ */
+#error "Add -DWLR_USE_UNSTABLE to enable unstable wlroots features"
+#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_output.h>
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 {
+ struct wl_event_loop *event_loop;
+ struct wl_global *global;
+ struct wl_list resources;
+ struct wl_list toplevels; // wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1::link
+ struct wl_listener display_destroy;
+ struct {
+ struct wl_signal destroy;
+ } events;
+ void *data;
+enum wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_state {
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output {
+ struct wl_list link; // wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1::outputs
+ struct wl_listener output_destroy;
+ struct wlr_output *output;
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager;
+ struct wl_list resources;
+ struct wl_list link;
+ struct wl_event_source *idle_source;
+ char *title;
+ char *app_id;
+ struct wl_list outputs; // wlr_foreign_toplevel_v1_output
+ uint32_t state; // wlr_foreign_toplevel_v1_state
+ struct {
+ // wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_maximized_event
+ struct wl_signal request_maximize;
+ //wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_minimized_event
+ struct wl_signal request_minimize;
+ //wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_activated_event
+ struct wl_signal request_activate;
+ struct wl_signal request_close;
+ //wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_rectangle_event
+ struct wl_signal set_rectangle;
+ struct wl_signal destroy;
+ } events;
+ void *data;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_maximized_event {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel;
+ bool maximized;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_minimized_event {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel;
+ bool minimized;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_activated_event {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel;
+ struct wlr_seat *seat;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_rectangle_event {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel;
+ struct wlr_surface *surface;
+ int32_t x, y, width, height;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_create(
+ struct wl_display *display);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_destroy(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager);
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_create(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, const char *title);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, const char *app_id);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_enter(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, struct wlr_output *output);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_leave(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, struct wlr_output *output);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_maximized(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, bool maximized);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_minimized(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, bool minimized);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_activated(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, bool activated);
diff --git a/protocol/meson.build b/protocol/meson.build
index dfe2a5ec..58f57046 100644
--- a/protocol/meson.build
+++ b/protocol/meson.build
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ protocols = [
+ 'wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1.xml',
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ client_protocols = [
+ 'wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1.xml',
diff --git a/protocol/wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1.xml b/protocol/wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..234d9535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocol/wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<protocol name="wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_unstable_v1">
+ <copyright>
+ Copyright © 2018 Ilia Bozhinov
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
+ software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted
+ without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in
+ all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
+ notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of
+ the copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity
+ pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+ written prior permission. The copyright holders make no
+ representations about the suitability of this software for any
+ purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
+ warranty.
+ </copyright>
+ <interface name="zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="list and control opened apps">
+ The purpose of this protocol is to enable the creation of taskbars
+ and docks by providing them with a list of opened applications and
+ letting them request certain actions on them, like maximizing, etc.
+ After a client binds the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1, each opened
+ toplevel window will be sent via the toplevel event
+ </description>
+ <event name="toplevel">
+ <description summary="a toplevel has been created">
+ This event is emitted whenever a new toplevel window is created. It
+ is emitted for all toplevels, regardless of the app that has created
+ them.
+ All initial details of the toplevel(title, app_id, states, etc.) will
+ be sent immediately after this event via the corresponding events in
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="toplevel" type="new_id" interface="zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1"/>
+ </event>
+ <request name="stop">
+ <description summary="stop sending events">
+ Indicates the client no longer wishes to receive events for new toplevels.
+ However the compositor may emit further toplevel_created events, until
+ the finished event is emitted.
+ The client must not send any more requests after this one.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <event name="finished">
+ <description summary="the compositor has finished with the toplevel manager">
+ This event indicates that the compositor is done sending events to the
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1. The server will destroy the object
+ immediately after sending this request, so it will become invalid and
+ the client should free any resources associated with it.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="an opened toplevel">
+ A zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 object represents an opened toplevel
+ window. Each app may have multiple opened toplevels.
+ Each toplevel has a list of outputs it is visible on, conveyed to the
+ client with the output_enter and output_leave events.
+ </description>
+ <event name="title">
+ <description summary="title change">
+ This event is emitted whenever the title of the toplevel changes.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="title" type="string"/>
+ </event>
+ <event name="app_id">
+ <description summary="app-id change">
+ This event is emitted whenever the app-id of the toplevel changes.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="app_id" type="string"/>
+ </event>
+ <event name="output_enter">
+ <description summary="toplevel entered an output">
+ This event is emitted whenever the toplevel becomes visible on
+ the given output. A toplevel may be visible on multiple outputs.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output"/>
+ </event>
+ <event name="output_leave">
+ <description summary="toplevel left an output">
+ This event is emitted whenever the toplevel stops being visible on
+ the given output. It is guaranteed that an entered-output event
+ with the same output has been emitted before this event.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output"/>
+ </event>
+ <request name="set_maximized">
+ <description summary="requests that the toplevel be maximized">
+ Requests that the toplevel be maximized. If the maximized state actually
+ changes, this will be indicated by the state event.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="unset_maximized">
+ <description summary="requests that the toplevel be unmaximized">
+ Requests that the toplevel be unmaximized. If the maximized state actually
+ changes, this will be indicated by the state event.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_minimized">
+ <description summary="requests that the toplevel be minimized">
+ Requests that the toplevel be minimized. If the minimized state actually
+ changes, this will be indicated by the state event.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="unset_minimized">
+ <description summary="requests that the toplevel be unminimized">
+ Requests that the toplevel be unminimized. If the minimized state actually
+ changes, this will be indicated by the state event.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="activate">
+ <description summary="activate the toplevel">
+ Request that this toplevel be activated on the given seat.
+ There is no guarantee the toplevel will be actually activated.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="seat" type="object" interface="wl_seat"/>
+ </request>
+ <enum name="state">
+ <description summary="types of states on the toplevel">
+ The different states that a toplevel can have. These have the same meaning
+ as the states with the same names defined in xdg-toplevel
+ </description>
+ <entry name="maximized" value="0" summary="the toplevel is maximized"/>
+ <entry name="minimized" value="1" summary="the toplevel is minimized"/>
+ <entry name="activated" value="2" summary="the toplevel is active"/>
+ </enum>
+ <event name="state">
+ <description summary="the toplevel state changed">
+ This event is emitted immediately after the zlw_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1
+ is created and each time the toplevel state changes, either because of a
+ compositor action or because of a request in this protocol.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="state" type="array"/>
+ </event>
+ <event name="done">
+ <description summary="all information about the toplevel has been sent">
+ This event is sent after all changes in the toplevel state have been
+ sent.
+ This allows changes to the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 properties
+ to be seen as atomic, even if they happen via multiple events.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ <request name="close">
+ <description summary="request that the toplevel be closed">
+ Send a request to the toplevel to close itself. The compositor would
+ typically use a shell-specific method to carry out this request, for
+ example by sending the xdg_toplevel.close event. However, this gives
+ no guarantees the toplevel will actually be destroyed. If and when
+ this happens, the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1.closed event will
+ be emitted.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_rectangle">
+ <description summary="the rectangle which represents the toplevel">
+ The rectangle of the surface specified in this request corresponds to
+ the place where the app using this protocol represents the given toplevel.
+ It can be used by the compositor as a hint for some operations, e.g
+ minimizing. The client is however not required to set this, in which
+ case the compositor is free to decide some default value.
+ If the client specifies more than one rectangle, only the last one is
+ considered.
+ The dimensions are given in surface-local coordinates.
+ Setting width=height=0 removes the already-set rectangle.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
+ <arg name="x" type="int"/>
+ <arg name="y" type="int"/>
+ <arg name="width" type="int"/>
+ <arg name="height" type="int"/>
+ </request>
+ <enum name="error">
+ <entry name="invalid_rectangle" value="0"
+ summary="the provided rectangle is invalid"/>
+ </enum>
+ <event name="closed">
+ <description summary="this toplevel has been destroyed">
+ This event means the toplevel has been destroyed. It is guaranteed there
+ won't be any more events for this zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1. The
+ toplevel itself becomes inert so any requests will be ignored except the
+ destroy request.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
+ <description summary="destroy the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 object">
+ Destroys the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 object.
+ This request should be called either when the client does not want to
+ use the toplevel anymore or after the closed event to finalize the
+ destruction of the object.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/rootston/desktop.c b/rootston/desktop.c
index 69f025e1..b41a3079 100644
--- a/rootston/desktop.c
+++ b/rootston/desktop.c
@@ -123,9 +123,17 @@ static void view_update_output(const struct roots_view *view,
output->wlr_output, &box);
if (intersected && !intersects) {
wlr_surface_send_leave(view->wlr_surface, output->wlr_output);
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_leave(
+ view->toplevel_handle, output->wlr_output);
+ }
if (!intersected && intersects) {
wlr_surface_send_enter(view->wlr_surface, output->wlr_output);
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_enter(
+ view->toplevel_handle, output->wlr_output);
+ }
@@ -149,6 +157,11 @@ void view_activate(struct roots_view *view, bool activate) {
if (view->activate) {
view->activate(view, activate);
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_activated(view->toplevel_handle,
+ activate);
+ }
void view_resize(struct roots_view *view, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
@@ -225,6 +238,11 @@ void view_maximize(struct roots_view *view, bool maximized) {
view->maximize(view, maximized);
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_maximized(view->toplevel_handle,
+ maximized);
+ }
if (!view->maximized && maximized) {
view->maximized = true;
view->saved.x = view->box.x;
@@ -501,6 +519,11 @@ void view_unmap(struct roots_view *view) {
view->wlr_surface = NULL;
view->box.width = view->box.height = 0;
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(view->toplevel_handle);
+ view->toplevel_handle = NULL;
+ }
void view_initial_focus(struct roots_view *view) {
@@ -520,6 +543,7 @@ void view_setup(struct roots_view *view) {
view_update_output(view, NULL);
+ view_create_foreign_toplevel_handle(view);
void view_apply_damage(struct roots_view *view) {
@@ -575,6 +599,66 @@ void view_update_decorated(struct roots_view *view, bool decorated) {
+void view_set_title(struct roots_view *view, const char *title) {
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(view->toplevel_handle, title);
+ }
+void view_set_app_id(struct roots_view *view, const char *app_id) {
+ if (view->toplevel_handle) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(view->toplevel_handle, app_id);
+ }
+static void handle_toplevel_handle_request_maximize(struct wl_listener *listener,
+ void *data) {
+ struct roots_view *view = wl_container_of(listener, view,
+ toplevel_handle_request_maximize);
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_maximized_event *event = data;
+ view_maximize(view, event->maximized);
+static void handle_toplevel_handle_request_activate(struct wl_listener *listener,
+ void *data) {
+ struct roots_view *view =
+ wl_container_of(listener, view, toplevel_handle_request_activate);
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_activated_event *event = data;
+ struct roots_seat *seat;
+ wl_list_for_each(seat, &view->desktop->server->input->seats, link) {
+ if (event->seat == seat->seat) {
+ roots_seat_set_focus(seat, view);
+ }
+ }
+static void handle_toplevel_handle_request_close(struct wl_listener *listener,
+ void *data) {
+ struct roots_view *view =
+ wl_container_of(listener, view, toplevel_handle_request_close);
+ view_close(view);
+void view_create_foreign_toplevel_handle(struct roots_view *view) {
+ view->toplevel_handle =
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_create(
+ view->desktop->foreign_toplevel_manager_v1);
+ view->toplevel_handle_request_maximize.notify =
+ handle_toplevel_handle_request_maximize;
+ wl_signal_add(&view->toplevel_handle->events.request_maximize,
+ &view->toplevel_handle_request_maximize);
+ view->toplevel_handle_request_activate.notify =
+ handle_toplevel_handle_request_activate;
+ wl_signal_add(&view->toplevel_handle->events.request_activate,
+ &view->toplevel_handle_request_activate);
+ view->toplevel_handle_request_close.notify =
+ handle_toplevel_handle_request_close;
+ wl_signal_add(&view->toplevel_handle->events.request_close,
+ &view->toplevel_handle_request_close);
static bool view_at(struct roots_view *view, double lx, double ly,
struct wlr_surface **surface, double *sx, double *sy) {
if (view->type == ROOTS_WL_SHELL_VIEW &&
@@ -995,6 +1079,8 @@ struct roots_desktop *desktop_create(struct roots_server *server,
desktop->presentation =
wlr_presentation_create(server->wl_display, server->backend);
+ desktop->foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 =
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_create(server->wl_display);
return desktop;
diff --git a/rootston/wl_shell.c b/rootston/wl_shell.c
index 0f7228bb..2bf4f4c2 100644
--- a/rootston/wl_shell.c
+++ b/rootston/wl_shell.c
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ static void destroy(struct roots_view *view) {
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_surface->set_title.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_surface->set_class.link);
@@ -150,6 +152,20 @@ static void handle_set_state(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+static void handle_set_title(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_wl_shell_surface *roots_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, set_state);
+ view_set_title(roots_surface->view,
+ roots_surface->view->wl_shell_surface->title);
+static void handle_set_class(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_wl_shell_surface *roots_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, set_state);
+ view_set_app_id(roots_surface->view,
+ roots_surface->view->wl_shell_surface->class);
static void handle_surface_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
struct roots_wl_shell_surface *roots_surface =
wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, surface_commit);
@@ -225,8 +241,13 @@ void handle_wl_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
roots_surface->set_state.notify = handle_set_state;
wl_signal_add(&surface->events.set_state, &roots_surface->set_state);
+ roots_surface->set_title.notify = handle_set_title;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->events.set_title, &roots_surface->set_title);
+ roots_surface->set_class.notify = handle_set_class;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->events.set_class, &roots_surface->set_class);
roots_surface->surface_commit.notify = handle_surface_commit;
wl_signal_add(&surface->surface->events.commit, &roots_surface->surface_commit);
@@ -249,6 +270,11 @@ void handle_wl_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
view_map(view, surface->surface);
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->wl_shell_surface->title ?: "none");
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->wl_shell_surface->class ?: "none");
// We need to map it relative to the parent
bool found = false;
diff --git a/rootston/xdg_shell.c b/rootston/xdg_shell.c
index d3fc5372..da8909ba 100644
--- a/rootston/xdg_shell.c
+++ b/rootston/xdg_shell.c
@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@ static void destroy(struct roots_view *view) {
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_xdg_surface->set_title.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_xdg_surface->set_app_id.link);
roots_xdg_surface->view->xdg_surface->data = NULL;
@@ -326,6 +328,22 @@ static void handle_request_fullscreen(struct wl_listener *listener,
view_set_fullscreen(view, e->fullscreen, e->output);
+static void handle_set_title(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_xdg_surface *roots_xdg_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_xdg_surface, set_title);
+ view_set_title(roots_xdg_surface->view,
+ roots_xdg_surface->view->xdg_surface->toplevel->title);
+static void handle_set_app_id(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_xdg_surface *roots_xdg_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_xdg_surface, set_app_id);
+ view_set_app_id(roots_xdg_surface->view,
+ roots_xdg_surface->view->xdg_surface->toplevel->app_id);
static void handle_surface_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
struct roots_xdg_surface *roots_surface =
wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, surface_commit);
@@ -382,6 +400,11 @@ static void handle_map(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
view_map(view, view->xdg_surface->surface);
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->xdg_surface->toplevel->title ?: "none");
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->xdg_surface->toplevel->app_id ?: "none");
static void handle_unmap(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
@@ -438,6 +461,11 @@ void handle_xdg_shell_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
roots_surface->request_fullscreen.notify = handle_request_fullscreen;
+ roots_surface->set_title.notify = handle_set_title;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->toplevel->events.set_title, &roots_surface->set_title);
+ roots_surface->set_app_id.notify = handle_set_app_id;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->toplevel->events.set_app_id,
+ &roots_surface->set_app_id);
roots_surface->new_popup.notify = handle_new_popup;
wl_signal_add(&surface->events.new_popup, &roots_surface->new_popup);
surface->data = roots_surface;
diff --git a/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c b/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c
index 6bdf749f..8d989aef 100644
--- a/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c
+++ b/rootston/xdg_shell_v6.c
@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@ static void destroy(struct roots_view *view) {
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_xdg_surface->set_title.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_xdg_surface->set_app_id.link);
@@ -325,6 +327,22 @@ static void handle_request_fullscreen(struct wl_listener *listener,
view_set_fullscreen(view, e->fullscreen, e->output);
+static void handle_set_title(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_xdg_surface_v6 *roots_xdg_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_xdg_surface, set_title);
+ view_set_title(roots_xdg_surface->view,
+ roots_xdg_surface->view->xdg_surface_v6->toplevel->title);
+static void handle_set_app_id(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_xdg_surface_v6 *roots_xdg_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_xdg_surface, set_app_id);
+ view_set_app_id(roots_xdg_surface->view,
+ roots_xdg_surface->view->xdg_surface_v6->toplevel->app_id);
static void handle_surface_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
struct roots_xdg_surface_v6 *roots_surface =
wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, surface_commit);
@@ -381,6 +399,11 @@ static void handle_map(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
view_map(view, view->xdg_surface_v6->surface);
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->xdg_surface_v6->toplevel->title ?: "none");
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->xdg_surface_v6->toplevel->app_id ?: "none");
static void handle_unmap(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
@@ -437,6 +460,11 @@ void handle_xdg_shell_v6_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
roots_surface->request_fullscreen.notify = handle_request_fullscreen;
+ roots_surface->set_title.notify = handle_set_title;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->toplevel->events.set_title, &roots_surface->set_title);
+ roots_surface->set_app_id.notify = handle_set_app_id;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->toplevel->events.set_app_id,
+ &roots_surface->set_app_id);
roots_surface->new_popup.notify = handle_new_popup;
wl_signal_add(&surface->events.new_popup, &roots_surface->new_popup);
diff --git a/rootston/xwayland.c b/rootston/xwayland.c
index d98f808b..f3f962e8 100644
--- a/rootston/xwayland.c
+++ b/rootston/xwayland.c
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ static void destroy(struct roots_view *view) {
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_surface->set_title.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&roots_surface->set_class.link);
@@ -198,6 +200,22 @@ static void handle_request_fullscreen(struct wl_listener *listener,
view_set_fullscreen(view, xwayland_surface->fullscreen, NULL);
+static void handle_set_title(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_xwayland_surface *roots_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, set_title);
+ view_set_title(roots_surface->view,
+ roots_surface->view->xwayland_surface->title);
+static void handle_set_class(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct roots_xwayland_surface *roots_surface =
+ wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, set_class);
+ view_set_app_id(roots_surface->view,
+ roots_surface->view->xwayland_surface->class);
static void handle_surface_commit(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
struct roots_xwayland_surface *roots_surface =
wl_container_of(listener, roots_surface, surface_commit);
@@ -250,6 +268,11 @@ static void handle_map(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->xwayland_surface->title ?: "none");
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(view->toplevel_handle,
+ view->xwayland_surface->class ?: "none");
} else {
@@ -261,7 +284,6 @@ static void handle_unmap(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
struct roots_view *view = roots_surface->view;
@@ -300,6 +322,11 @@ void handle_xwayland_surface(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
roots_surface->request_fullscreen.notify = handle_request_fullscreen;
+ roots_surface->set_title.notify = handle_set_title;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->events.set_title, &roots_surface->set_title);
+ roots_surface->set_class.notify = handle_set_class;
+ wl_signal_add(&surface->events.set_class,
+ &roots_surface->set_class);
struct roots_view *view = view_create(desktop);
if (view == NULL) {
diff --git a/types/meson.build b/types/meson.build
index 03e5fcba..643db233 100644
--- a/types/meson.build
+++ b/types/meson.build
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ lib_wlr_types = static_library(
+ 'wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.c',
diff --git a/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.c b/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7570716c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_foreign_toplevel_management_v1.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_seat.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+#include "util/signal.h"
+#include "wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1-protocol.h"
+static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_interface toplevel_handle_impl;
+static struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel_handle_from_resource(
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource,
+ &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_interface,
+ &toplevel_handle_impl));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+static void toplevel_handle_send_maximized_event(struct wl_resource *resource,
+ bool state) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel =
+ toplevel_handle_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_maximized_event event = {
+ .toplevel = toplevel,
+ .maximized = state,
+ };
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&toplevel->events.request_maximize, &event);
+void foreign_toplevel_handle_set_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ toplevel_handle_send_maximized_event(resource, true);
+void foreign_toplevel_handle_unset_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ toplevel_handle_send_maximized_event(resource, false);
+static void toplevel_send_minimized_event(struct wl_resource *resource,
+ bool state) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel =
+ toplevel_handle_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_minimized_event event = {
+ .toplevel = toplevel,
+ .minimized = state,
+ };
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&toplevel->events.request_minimize, &event);
+static void foreign_toplevel_handle_set_minimized(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ toplevel_send_minimized_event(resource, true);
+static void foreign_toplevel_handle_unset_minimized(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ toplevel_send_minimized_event(resource, false);
+static void foreign_toplevel_handle_activate(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, struct wl_resource *seat) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel =
+ toplevel_handle_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_seat_client *seat_client = wlr_seat_client_from_resource(seat);
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_activated_event event = {
+ .toplevel = toplevel,
+ .seat = seat_client->seat,
+ };
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&toplevel->events.request_activate, &event);
+static void foreign_toplevel_handle_close(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel =
+ toplevel_handle_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&toplevel->events.request_close, toplevel);
+static void foreign_toplevel_handle_set_rectangle(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, struct wl_resource *surface,
+ int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel =
+ toplevel_handle_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
+ wl_resource_post_error(resource,
+ "invalid rectangle passed to set_rectangle: width/height < 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_rectangle_event event = {
+ .toplevel = toplevel,
+ .surface = wlr_surface_from_resource(surface),
+ .x = x,
+ .y = y,
+ .width = width,
+ .height = height,
+ };
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&toplevel->events.set_rectangle, &event);
+static void foreign_toplevel_handle_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_interface toplevel_handle_impl = {
+ .set_maximized = foreign_toplevel_handle_set_maximized,
+ .unset_maximized = foreign_toplevel_handle_unset_maximized,
+ .set_minimized = foreign_toplevel_handle_set_minimized,
+ .unset_minimized = foreign_toplevel_handle_unset_minimized,
+ .activate = foreign_toplevel_handle_activate,
+ .close = foreign_toplevel_handle_close,
+ .set_rectangle = foreign_toplevel_handle_set_rectangle,
+ .destroy = foreign_toplevel_handle_destroy
+static void toplevel_idle_send_done(void *data) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel = data;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(resource, &toplevel->resources) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_done(resource);
+ }
+ toplevel->idle_source = NULL;
+static void toplevel_update_idle_source(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel) {
+ if (toplevel->idle_source) {
+ return;
+ }
+ toplevel->idle_source = wl_event_loop_add_idle(toplevel->manager->event_loop,
+ toplevel_idle_send_done, toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_title(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, const char *title) {
+ free(toplevel->title);
+ toplevel->title = strdup(title);
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(resource, &toplevel->resources) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_title(resource, title);
+ }
+ toplevel_update_idle_source(toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_app_id(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, const char *app_id) {
+ free(toplevel->app_id);
+ toplevel->app_id = strdup(app_id);
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(resource, &toplevel->resources) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_app_id(resource, app_id);
+ }
+ toplevel_update_idle_source(toplevel);
+static void send_output_to_resource(struct wl_resource *resource,
+ struct wlr_output *output, bool enter) {
+ struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(resource);
+ struct wl_resource *output_resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(output_resource, &output->resources) {
+ if (wl_resource_get_client(output_resource) == client) {
+ if (enter) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_output_enter(resource,
+ output_resource);
+ } else {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_output_leave(resource,
+ output_resource);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void toplevel_send_output(struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel,
+ struct wlr_output *output, bool enter) {
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(resource, &toplevel->resources) {
+ send_output_to_resource(resource, output, enter);
+ }
+ toplevel_update_idle_source(toplevel);
+static void toplevel_handle_output_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener,
+ void *data) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *toplevel_output =
+ wl_container_of(listener, toplevel_output, output_destroy);
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_leave(toplevel_output->toplevel,
+ toplevel_output->output);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_enter(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel,
+ struct wlr_output *output) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *toplevel_output;
+ wl_list_for_each(toplevel_output, &toplevel->outputs, link) {
+ if (toplevel_output->output == output) {
+ return; // we have already sent output_enter event
+ }
+ }
+ toplevel_output =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output));
+ if (!toplevel_output) {
+ wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "failed to allocate memory for toplevel output");
+ return;
+ }
+ toplevel_output->output = output;
+ toplevel_output->toplevel = toplevel;
+ wl_list_insert(&toplevel->outputs, &toplevel_output->link);
+ toplevel_output->output_destroy.notify = toplevel_handle_output_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&output->events.destroy, &toplevel_output->output_destroy);
+ toplevel_send_output(toplevel, output, true);
+static void toplevel_output_destroy(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *toplevel_output) {
+ wl_list_remove(&toplevel_output->link);
+ wl_list_remove(&toplevel_output->output_destroy.link);
+ free(toplevel_output);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output_leave(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel,
+ struct wlr_output *output) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *toplevel_output_iterator;
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *toplevel_output = NULL;
+ wl_list_for_each(toplevel_output_iterator, &toplevel->outputs, link) {
+ if (toplevel_output_iterator->output == output) {
+ toplevel_output = toplevel_output_iterator;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (toplevel_output) {
+ toplevel_send_output(toplevel, output, false);
+ toplevel_output_destroy(toplevel_output);
+ } else {
+ // XXX: log an error? crash?
+ }
+static bool fill_array_from_toplevel_state(struct wl_array *array,
+ uint32_t state) {
+ uint32_t *index = wl_array_add(array, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (index == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t *index = wl_array_add(array, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (index == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t *index = wl_array_add(array, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (index == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static void toplevel_send_state(struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel) {
+ struct wl_array states;
+ wl_array_init(&states);
+ bool r = fill_array_from_toplevel_state(&states, toplevel->state);
+ if (!r) {
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(resource, &toplevel->resources) {
+ wl_resource_post_no_memory(resource);
+ }
+ wl_array_release(&states);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each(resource, &toplevel->resources) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_state(resource, &states);
+ }
+ wl_array_release(&states);
+ toplevel_update_idle_source(toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_maximized(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, bool maximized) {
+ if (maximized) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ toplevel_send_state(toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_minimized(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, bool minimized) {
+ if (minimized) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ toplevel_send_state(toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_activated(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, bool activated) {
+ if (activated) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ toplevel_send_state(toplevel);
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel) {
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&toplevel->events.destroy, toplevel);
+ struct wl_resource *resource, *tmp;
+ wl_resource_for_each_safe(resource, tmp, &toplevel->resources) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_closed(resource);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+ wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+ wl_list_init(wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+ }
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *toplevel_output, *tmp2;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(toplevel_output, tmp2, &toplevel->outputs, link) {
+ toplevel_output_destroy(toplevel_output);
+ }
+ if (toplevel->idle_source) {
+ wl_event_source_remove(toplevel->idle_source);
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&toplevel->link);
+ free(toplevel->title);
+ free(toplevel->app_id);
+ free(toplevel);
+static void foreign_toplevel_resource_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+static struct wl_resource *create_toplevel_resource_for_resource(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel,
+ struct wl_resource *manager_resource) {
+ struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(manager_resource);
+ struct wl_resource *resource = wl_resource_create(client,
+ &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_interface,
+ wl_resource_get_version(manager_resource), 0);
+ if (!resource) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(client);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(resource, &toplevel_handle_impl, toplevel,
+ foreign_toplevel_resource_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&toplevel->resources, wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_send_toplevel(manager_resource, resource);
+ return resource;
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel = calloc(1,
+ sizeof(struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1));
+ if (!toplevel) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wl_list_insert(&manager->toplevels, &toplevel->link);
+ toplevel->manager = manager;
+ wl_list_init(&toplevel->resources);
+ wl_list_init(&toplevel->outputs);
+ wl_signal_init(&toplevel->events.request_maximize);
+ wl_signal_init(&toplevel->events.request_minimize);
+ wl_signal_init(&toplevel->events.request_activate);
+ wl_signal_init(&toplevel->events.request_close);
+ wl_signal_init(&toplevel->events.set_rectangle);
+ wl_signal_init(&toplevel->events.destroy);
+ struct wl_resource *manager_resource, *tmp;
+ wl_resource_for_each_safe(manager_resource, tmp, &manager->resources) {
+ create_toplevel_resource_for_resource(toplevel, manager_resource);
+ }
+ return toplevel;
+static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface
+ foreign_toplevel_manager_impl;
+static void foreign_toplevel_manager_handle_stop(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource,
+ &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface,
+ &foreign_toplevel_manager_impl));
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_send_finished(resource);
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface
+ foreign_toplevel_manager_impl = {
+ .stop = foreign_toplevel_manager_handle_stop
+static void foreign_toplevel_manager_resource_destroy(
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+static void toplevel_send_details_to_toplevel_resource(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ if (toplevel->title) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_title(resource,
+ toplevel->title);
+ }
+ if (toplevel->app_id) {
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_app_id(resource,
+ toplevel->app_id);
+ }
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_output *output;
+ wl_list_for_each(output, &toplevel->outputs, link) {
+ send_output_to_resource(resource, output->output, true);
+ }
+ struct wl_array states;
+ wl_array_init(&states);
+ bool r = fill_array_from_toplevel_state(&states, toplevel->state);
+ if (!r) {
+ wl_resource_post_no_memory(resource);
+ wl_array_release(&states);
+ return;
+ }
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_state(resource, &states);
+ wl_array_release(&states);
+ zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_send_done(resource);
+static void foreign_toplevel_manager_bind(struct wl_client *client, void *data,
+ uint32_t version, uint32_t id) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager = data;
+ struct wl_resource *resource = wl_resource_create(client,
+ &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface, version, id);
+ if (!resource) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(resource, &foreign_toplevel_manager_impl,
+ manager, foreign_toplevel_manager_resource_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&manager->resources, wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(toplevel, tmp, &manager->toplevels, link) {
+ struct wl_resource *toplevel_resource =
+ create_toplevel_resource_for_resource(toplevel, resource);
+ toplevel_send_details_to_toplevel_resource(toplevel,
+ toplevel_resource);
+ }
+void wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_destroy(
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager) {
+ if (!manager) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *toplevel, *tmp_toplevel;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(toplevel, tmp_toplevel, &manager->toplevels, link) {
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(toplevel);
+ }
+ struct wl_resource *resource, *tmp_resource;
+ wl_resource_for_each_safe(resource, tmp_resource, &manager->resources) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+ }
+ wlr_signal_emit_safe(&manager->events.destroy, manager);
+ wl_list_remove(&manager->display_destroy.link);
+ wl_global_destroy(manager->global);
+ free(manager);
+static void handle_display_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager =
+ wl_container_of(listener, manager, display_destroy);
+ wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_destroy(manager);
+struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_create(
+ struct wl_display *display) {
+ struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager = calloc(1,
+ sizeof(struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1));
+ if (!manager) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ manager->event_loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(display);
+ manager->global = wl_global_create(display,
+ &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface,
+ foreign_toplevel_manager_bind);
+ if (!manager->global) {
+ free(manager);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wl_signal_init(&manager->events.destroy);
+ wl_list_init(&manager->resources);
+ wl_list_init(&manager->toplevels);
+ manager->display_destroy.notify = handle_display_destroy;
+ wl_display_add_destroy_listener(display, &manager->display_destroy);
+ return manager;