path: root/render
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authoremersion <contact@emersion.fr>2018-03-15 12:45:07 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-03-15 12:45:07 +0100
commitde0e40d621c51cf075825633946a9ac7f98ac213 (patch)
treef3ba050e4307a8fac76dbe7a5738332338c8c7e8 /render
parent85da9df8072ff200260eea73dc169d2b50ef0e7d (diff)
parent653bc282a7f814341f6d7429000928bc696e215e (diff)
Merge pull request #698 from agx/linux-dmabuf
Add initial linux_dmabuf protocol support
Diffstat (limited to 'render')
6 files changed, 235 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/render/egl.c b/render/egl.c
index 0a68d6e5..55809983 100644
--- a/render/egl.c
+++ b/render/egl.c
@@ -167,6 +167,12 @@ bool wlr_egl_init(struct wlr_egl *egl, EGLenum platform, void *remote_display,
check_egl_ext(egl->egl_exts_str, "EGL_EXT_swap_buffers_with_damage") ||
check_egl_ext(egl->egl_exts_str, "EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage");
+ egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import =
+ check_egl_ext(egl->egl_exts_str, "EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import");
+ egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import_modifiers =
+ check_egl_ext(egl->egl_exts_str, "EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers")
+ && eglQueryDmaBufFormatsEXT && eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT;
return true;
@@ -299,3 +305,132 @@ bool wlr_egl_swap_buffers(struct wlr_egl *egl, EGLSurface surface,
return true;
+EGLImage wlr_egl_create_image_from_dmabuf(struct wlr_egl *egl,
+ struct wlr_dmabuf_buffer_attribs *attributes) {
+ int atti = 0;
+ EGLint attribs[20];
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_WIDTH;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->width;
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_HEIGHT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->height;
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_LINUX_DRM_FOURCC_EXT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->format;
+ bool has_modifier = false;
+ if (attributes->modifier[0] != DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID) {
+ if (!egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import_modifiers) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ has_modifier = true;
+ }
+ /* TODO: YUV planes have up four planes but we only support a
+ single EGLImage for now */
+ if (attributes->n_planes > 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_FD_EXT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->fd[0];
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_OFFSET_EXT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->offset[0];
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_PITCH_EXT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->stride[0];
+ if (has_modifier) {
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_MODIFIER_LO_EXT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->modifier[0] & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_MODIFIER_HI_EXT;
+ attribs[atti++] = attributes->modifier[0] >> 32;
+ }
+ attribs[atti++] = EGL_NONE;
+ return eglCreateImageKHR(egl->display, EGL_NO_CONTEXT,
+# define DRM_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN 0x80000000
+bool wlr_egl_check_import_dmabuf(struct wlr_egl *egl,
+ struct wlr_dmabuf_buffer *dmabuf) {
+ switch (dmabuf->attributes.format & ~DRM_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN) {
+ /* YUV based formats not yet supported */
+ return false;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ EGLImage egl_image = wlr_egl_create_image_from_dmabuf(egl,
+ &dmabuf->attributes);
+ if (egl_image) {
+ /* We can import the image, good. No need to keep it
+ since wlr_texture_upload_dmabuf will import it again */
+ wlr_egl_destroy_image(egl, egl_image);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* TODO: import yuv dmabufs */
+ return false;
+int wlr_egl_get_dmabuf_formats(struct wlr_egl *egl,
+ int **formats) {
+ if (!egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import ||
+ !egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import_modifiers) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "dmabuf extension not present");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ EGLint num;
+ if (!eglQueryDmaBufFormatsEXT(egl->display, 0, NULL, &num)) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "failed to query number of dmabuf formats");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *formats = calloc(num, sizeof(int));
+ if (*formats == NULL) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Allocation failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!eglQueryDmaBufFormatsEXT(egl->display, num, *formats, &num)) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "failed to query dmabuf format");
+ free(*formats);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return num;
+int wlr_egl_get_dmabuf_modifiers(struct wlr_egl *egl,
+ int format, uint64_t **modifiers) {
+ if (!egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import ||
+ !egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import_modifiers) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "dmabuf extension not present");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ EGLint num;
+ if (!eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT(egl->display, format, 0,
+ NULL, NULL, &num)) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "failed to query dmabuf number of modifiers");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *modifiers = calloc(num, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ if (*modifiers == NULL) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Allocation failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT(egl->display, format, num,
+ *modifiers, NULL, &num)) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "failed to query dmabuf modifiers");
+ free(*modifiers);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return num;
diff --git a/render/glapi.txt b/render/glapi.txt
index 0b0b452c..02ac7dd8 100644
--- a/render/glapi.txt
+++ b/render/glapi.txt
@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT
diff --git a/render/gles2/renderer.c b/render/gles2/renderer.c
index ad739cf8..ba03f599 100644
--- a/render/gles2/renderer.c
+++ b/render/gles2/renderer.c
@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ static bool wlr_gles2_render_texture(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer,
GL_CALL(glUniformMatrix4fv(0, 1, GL_FALSE, *matrix));
- GL_CALL(glUniform1f(2, alpha));
+ GL_CALL(glUniform1i(1, texture->inverted_y));
+ GL_CALL(glUniform1f(3, alpha));
return true;
diff --git a/render/gles2/shaders.c b/render/gles2/shaders.c
index 46a10248..c8ba2ae6 100644
--- a/render/gles2/shaders.c
+++ b/render/gles2/shaders.c
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ const GLchar quad_vertex_src[] =
"varying vec4 v_color;"
"varying vec2 v_texcoord;"
"mat4 transpose(in mat4 inMatrix) {"
-" vec4 i0 = inMatrix[0];"
-" vec4 i1 = inMatrix[1];"
-" vec4 i2 = inMatrix[2];"
-" vec4 i3 = inMatrix[3];"
-" mat4 outMatrix = mat4("
-" vec4(i0.x, i1.x, i2.x, i3.x),"
-" vec4(i0.y, i1.y, i2.y, i3.y),"
-" vec4(i0.z, i1.z, i2.z, i3.z),"
-" vec4(i0.w, i1.w, i2.w, i3.w)"
-" );"
-" return outMatrix;"
+" vec4 i0 = inMatrix[0];"
+" vec4 i1 = inMatrix[1];"
+" vec4 i2 = inMatrix[2];"
+" vec4 i3 = inMatrix[3];"
+" mat4 outMatrix = mat4("
+" vec4(i0.x, i1.x, i2.x, i3.x),"
+" vec4(i0.y, i1.y, i2.y, i3.y),"
+" vec4(i0.z, i1.z, i2.z, i3.z),"
+" vec4(i0.w, i1.w, i2.w, i3.w)"
+" );"
+" return outMatrix;"
"void main() {"
" gl_Position = transpose(proj) * vec4(pos, 0.0, 1.0);"
@@ -50,26 +50,30 @@ const GLchar ellipse_fragment_src[] =
// Textured quads
const GLchar vertex_src[] =
"uniform mat4 proj;"
+"uniform bool invert_y;"
"attribute vec2 pos;"
"attribute vec2 texcoord;"
"varying vec2 v_texcoord;"
"mat4 transpose(in mat4 inMatrix) {"
-" vec4 i0 = inMatrix[0];"
-" vec4 i1 = inMatrix[1];"
-" vec4 i2 = inMatrix[2];"
-" vec4 i3 = inMatrix[3];"
-" mat4 outMatrix = mat4("
-" vec4(i0.x, i1.x, i2.x, i3.x),"
-" vec4(i0.y, i1.y, i2.y, i3.y),"
-" vec4(i0.z, i1.z, i2.z, i3.z),"
-" vec4(i0.w, i1.w, i2.w, i3.w)"
-" );"
-" return outMatrix;"
+" vec4 i0 = inMatrix[0];"
+" vec4 i1 = inMatrix[1];"
+" vec4 i2 = inMatrix[2];"
+" vec4 i3 = inMatrix[3];"
+" mat4 outMatrix = mat4("
+" vec4(i0.x, i1.x, i2.x, i3.x),"
+" vec4(i0.y, i1.y, i2.y, i3.y),"
+" vec4(i0.z, i1.z, i2.z, i3.z),"
+" vec4(i0.w, i1.w, i2.w, i3.w)"
+" );"
+" return outMatrix;"
"void main() {"
-" gl_Position = transpose(proj) * vec4(pos, 0.0, 1.0);"
-" v_texcoord = texcoord;"
+" gl_Position = transpose(proj) * vec4(pos, 0.0, 1.0);"
+" if (invert_y) {"
+" v_texcoord = vec2(texcoord.s, 1.0 - texcoord.t);"
+" } else {"
+" v_texcoord = texcoord;"
+" }"
const GLchar fragment_src_rgba[] =
@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ const GLchar fragment_src_rgba[] =
"uniform sampler2D tex;"
"uniform float alpha;"
"void main() {"
-" gl_FragColor = alpha * texture2D(tex, v_texcoord);"
+" gl_FragColor = alpha * texture2D(tex, v_texcoord);"
const GLchar fragment_src_rgbx[] =
@@ -87,8 +91,8 @@ const GLchar fragment_src_rgbx[] =
"uniform sampler2D tex;"
"uniform float alpha;"
"void main() {"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = alpha * texture2D(tex, v_texcoord).rgb;"
-" gl_FragColor.a = alpha;"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = alpha * texture2D(tex, v_texcoord).rgb;"
+" gl_FragColor.a = alpha;"
const GLchar fragment_src_external[] =
diff --git a/render/gles2/texture.c b/render/gles2/texture.c
index 241b94a8..5e84890f 100644
--- a/render/gles2/texture.c
+++ b/render/gles2/texture.c
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ static bool gles2_texture_upload_drm(struct wlr_texture *_tex,
EGLint inverted_y;
wlr_egl_query_buffer(tex->egl, buf, EGL_WAYLAND_Y_INVERTED_WL, &inverted_y);
+ tex->wlr_texture.inverted_y = !!inverted_y;
GLenum target;
const struct pixel_format *pf;
@@ -226,6 +227,42 @@ static bool gles2_texture_upload_eglimage(struct wlr_texture *wlr_tex,
return true;
+static bool gles2_texture_upload_dmabuf(struct wlr_texture *_tex,
+ struct wl_resource *dmabuf_resource) {
+ struct wlr_gles2_texture *tex = (struct wlr_gles2_texture *)_tex;
+ struct wlr_dmabuf_buffer *dmabuf = wlr_dmabuf_buffer_from_buffer_resource(
+ dmabuf_resource);
+ if (!tex->egl->egl_exts.dmabuf_import) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Want dmabuf but extension not present");
+ return false;
+ }
+ tex->wlr_texture.width = dmabuf->attributes.width;
+ tex->wlr_texture.height = dmabuf->attributes.height;
+ if (tex->image) {
+ wlr_egl_destroy_image(tex->egl, tex->image);
+ }
+ if (wlr_dmabuf_buffer_has_inverted_y(dmabuf)) {
+ _tex->inverted_y = true;
+ }
+ GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
+ const struct pixel_format *pf =
+ gl_format_for_wl_format(WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
+ gles2_texture_ensure_texture(tex);
+ GL_CALL(glBindTexture(target, tex->tex_id));
+ tex->image = wlr_egl_create_image_from_dmabuf(tex->egl, &dmabuf->attributes);
+ GL_CALL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0));
+ GL_CALL(glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(target, tex->image));
+ tex->pixel_format = pf;
+ tex->wlr_texture.valid = true;
+ return true;
static void gles2_texture_get_matrix(struct wlr_texture *_texture,
float (*matrix)[16], const float (*projection)[16], int x, int y) {
struct wlr_gles2_texture *texture = (struct wlr_gles2_texture *)_texture;
@@ -239,6 +276,21 @@ static void gles2_texture_get_matrix(struct wlr_texture *_texture,
wlr_matrix_mul(projection, matrix, matrix);
+static bool gles2_texture_get_dmabuf_size(struct wlr_texture *texture, struct
+ wl_resource *resource, int *width, int *height) {
+ if (!wlr_dmabuf_resource_is_buffer(resource)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct wlr_dmabuf_buffer *dmabuf = wlr_dmabuf_buffer_from_buffer_resource(
+ resource);
+ *width = dmabuf->attributes.width;
+ *height = dmabuf->attributes.height;
+ return true;
static void gles2_texture_get_buffer_size(struct wlr_texture *texture, struct
wl_resource *resource, int *width, int *height) {
struct wl_shm_buffer *buffer = wl_shm_buffer_get(resource);
@@ -249,10 +301,12 @@ static void gles2_texture_get_buffer_size(struct wlr_texture *texture, struct
if (!wlr_egl_query_buffer(tex->egl, resource, EGL_WIDTH,
(EGLint*)width)) {
- wlr_log(L_ERROR, "could not get size of the buffer "
- "(no buffer found)");
- return;
- };
+ if (!gles2_texture_get_dmabuf_size(texture, resource,
+ width, height)) {
+ wlr_log(L_ERROR, "could not get size of the buffer");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
wlr_egl_query_buffer(tex->egl, resource, EGL_HEIGHT,
@@ -291,6 +345,7 @@ static struct wlr_texture_impl wlr_texture_impl = {
.upload_shm = gles2_texture_upload_shm,
.update_shm = gles2_texture_update_shm,
.upload_drm = gles2_texture_upload_drm,
+ .upload_dmabuf = gles2_texture_upload_dmabuf,
.upload_eglimage = gles2_texture_upload_eglimage,
.get_matrix = gles2_texture_get_matrix,
.get_buffer_size = gles2_texture_get_buffer_size,
diff --git a/render/wlr_texture.c b/render/wlr_texture.c
index a82a16b2..e4e6b9ff 100644
--- a/render/wlr_texture.c
+++ b/render/wlr_texture.c
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ bool wlr_texture_upload_eglimage(struct wlr_texture *texture,
return texture->impl->upload_eglimage(texture, image, width, height);
+bool wlr_texture_upload_dmabuf(struct wlr_texture *texture,
+ struct wl_resource *dmabuf_resource) {
+ return texture->impl->upload_dmabuf(texture, dmabuf_resource);
void wlr_texture_get_matrix(struct wlr_texture *texture,
float (*matrix)[16], const float (*projection)[16], int x, int y) {
texture->impl->get_matrix(texture, matrix, projection, x, y);