diff options
authorMarkus Ongyerth <ongy@ongy.net>2018-05-17 13:45:06 +0200
committerMarkus Ongyerth <ongy@ongy.net>2018-07-14 09:48:57 +0200
commitfa39fd178dd276316c37b9a98e2bfd5e337d4da0 (patch)
parent2c120114723aaaf270e3a44df958faeda91b3f5a (diff)
Split tablet_v2 implementation for easier maintainance
6 files changed, 1579 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/include/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h b/include/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h
index 21e2d962..ca776734 100644
--- a/include/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h
+++ b/include/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h
@@ -5,16 +5,101 @@
#include <wayland-server.h>
#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 {
+ struct wl_list link;
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat;
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager;
+ struct wl_list tablets; // wlr_tablet_v2_tablet::link
+ struct wl_list tools;
+ struct wl_list pads;
+ struct wl_list clients; //wlr_tablet_seat_v2_client::link;
+ struct wl_listener seat_destroy;
+struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 {
+ struct wl_list seat_link;
+ struct wl_list client_link;
+ struct wl_client *wl_client;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *client;
+ struct wlr_seat_client *seat;
+ struct wl_listener seat_client_destroy;
+ struct wl_list tools; //wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2::link
+ struct wl_list tablets; //wlr_tablet_client_v2::link
+ struct wl_list pads; //wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::link
+struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 {
+ struct wl_list seat_link; // wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2::tablet
+ struct wl_list tablet_link; // wlr_tablet_v2_tablet::clients
+ struct wl_client *client;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 {
+ struct wl_list seat_link;
+ struct wl_list pad_link;
+ struct wl_client *client;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad;
+ uint32_t enter_serial;
+ uint32_t mode_serial;
+ uint32_t leave_serial;
+ size_t button_count;
+ size_t group_count;
+ struct wl_resource **groups;
+ size_t ring_count;
+ struct wl_resource **rings;
+ size_t strip_count;
+ struct wl_resource **strips;
+struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 {
+ struct wl_list seat_link;
+ struct wl_list tool_link;
+ struct wl_client *client;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool;
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat;
+ uint32_t proximity_serial;
+ struct wl_event_source *frame_source;
+struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data {
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pad;
+ size_t index;
struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource);
void destroy_tablet_v2(struct wl_resource *resource);
+void add_tablet_client(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat, struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet);
void destroy_tablet_pad_v2(struct wl_resource *resource);
struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *tablet_pad_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource);
+void add_tablet_pad_client(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat, struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad);
void destroy_tablet_tool_v2(struct wl_resource *resource);
struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tablet_tool_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource);
+void add_tablet_tool_client(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat, struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool);
struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *tablet_seat_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource);
-static void wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource);
+void wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource);
+struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *get_or_create_tablet_seat(
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager,
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat);
#endif /* TYPES_WLR_TABLET_V2_H */
diff --git a/types/meson.build b/types/meson.build
index 5570d0c5..03f678a1 100644
--- a/types/meson.build
+++ b/types/meson.build
@@ -43,7 +43,10 @@ lib_wlr_types = static_library(
- 'wlr_tablet_v2.c',
+ 'tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2.c',
+ 'tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_pad.c',
+ 'tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tablet.c',
+ 'tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tool.c',
diff --git a/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2.c b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45f1dd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <libinput.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include <types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wlr/config.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_seat.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_tool.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+#include "tablet-unstable-v2-protocol.h"
+struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 {
+ struct wl_list link;
+ struct wl_client *client;
+ struct wl_resource *resource;
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager;
+ struct wl_listener client_destroy;
+ struct wl_list tablet_seats; // wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2::link
+static void handle_wlr_seat_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *seat =
+ wl_container_of(listener, seat, seat_destroy);
+ wl_list_remove(&seat->link);
+ wl_list_remove(&seat->seat_destroy.link);
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *client;
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(client, tmp, &seat->clients, seat_link) {
+ wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy(client->resource);
+ }
+static struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *create_tablet_seat(
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager,
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *tablet_seat =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2));
+ if (!tablet_seat) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tablet_seat->manager = manager;
+ tablet_seat->wlr_seat = wlr_seat;
+ wl_list_init(&tablet_seat->clients);
+ wl_list_init(&tablet_seat->tablets);
+ wl_list_init(&tablet_seat->tools);
+ wl_list_init(&tablet_seat->pads);
+ tablet_seat->seat_destroy.notify = handle_wlr_seat_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&wlr_seat->events.destroy, &tablet_seat->seat_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&manager->seats, &tablet_seat->link);
+ return tablet_seat;
+struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *get_or_create_tablet_seat(
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager,
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(pos, &manager->seats, link) {
+ if (pos->wlr_seat == wlr_seat) {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ }
+ return create_tablet_seat(manager, wlr_seat);
+static struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *tablet_manager_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource);
+static void tablet_seat_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static struct zwp_tablet_seat_v2_interface seat_impl = {
+ .destroy = tablet_seat_destroy,
+struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *tablet_seat_client_from_resource(
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwp_tablet_seat_v2_interface,
+ &seat_impl));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+void wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat = tablet_seat_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!seat) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet;
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tmp_tablet;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(tablet, tmp_tablet, &seat->tablets, seat_link) {
+ destroy_tablet_v2(tablet->resource);
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pad;
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *tmp_pad;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(pad, tmp_pad, &seat->pads, seat_link) {
+ destroy_tablet_pad_v2(pad->resource);
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tool;
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tmp_tool;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(tool, tmp_tool, &seat->tools, seat_link) {
+ destroy_tablet_tool_v2(tool->resource);
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&seat->seat_client_destroy.link);
+ free(seat);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void handle_seat_client_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat =
+ wl_container_of(listener, seat, seat_client_destroy);
+ wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy(seat->resource);
+static void tablet_manager_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static void get_tablet_seat(struct wl_client *wl_client, struct wl_resource *resource,
+ uint32_t id, struct wl_resource *seat_resource)
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *manager = tablet_manager_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!manager) {
+ /* Inert manager, just set up the resource for later
+ * destruction, without allocations or advertising things
+ */
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(seat_resource, &seat_impl, NULL,
+ wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_seat_client *seat = wlr_seat_client_from_resource(seat_resource);
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *tablet_seat =
+ get_or_create_tablet_seat(manager->manager, seat->seat);
+ if (!tablet_seat) {// This can only happen when we ran out of memory
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat_client =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2));
+ if (tablet_seat == NULL) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ seat_client->resource =
+ wl_resource_create(wl_client, &zwp_tablet_seat_v2_interface, 1, id);
+ if (seat_client->resource == NULL) {
+ free(seat_client);
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(seat_client->resource, &seat_impl, seat_client,
+ wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy);
+ seat_client->seat = seat;
+ seat_client->client = manager;
+ seat_client->wl_client = wl_client;
+ wl_list_init(&seat_client->tools);
+ wl_list_init(&seat_client->tablets);
+ wl_list_init(&seat_client->pads);
+ seat_client->seat_client_destroy.notify = handle_seat_client_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&seat->events.destroy, &seat_client->seat_client_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&manager->tablet_seats, &seat_client->client_link);
+ wl_list_insert(&tablet_seat->clients, &seat_client->seat_link);
+ // We need to emmit the devices allready on the seat
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet_pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(tablet_pos, &tablet_seat->tablets, link) {
+ add_tablet_client(seat_client, tablet_pos);
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad_pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(pad_pos, &tablet_seat->pads, link) {
+ add_tablet_pad_client(seat_client, pad_pos);
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool_pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(tool_pos, &tablet_seat->tools, link) {
+ add_tablet_tool_client(seat_client, tool_pos);
+ }
+static struct zwp_tablet_manager_v2_interface manager_impl = {
+ .get_tablet_seat = get_tablet_seat,
+ .destroy = tablet_manager_destroy,
+static struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *tablet_manager_client_from_resource (
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwp_tablet_manager_v2_interface,
+ &manager_impl));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+static void wlr_tablet_manager_v2_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *client = tablet_manager_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *pos;
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, &client->tablet_seats, client_link) {
+ wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2_destroy(pos->resource);
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&client->link);
+ //wl_list_remove(&client->client_destroy.link);
+ free(client);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void tablet_v2_bind(struct wl_client *wl_client, void *data,
+ uint32_t version, uint32_t id) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager = data;
+ assert(wl_client && manager);
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *client =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2));
+ if (client == NULL) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_list_init(&client->tablet_seats);
+ client->resource =
+ wl_resource_create(wl_client, &zwp_tablet_manager_v2_interface, version, id);
+ if (client->resource == NULL) {
+ free(client);
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ client->client = wl_client;
+ client->manager = manager;
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->resource, &manager_impl, client,
+ wlr_tablet_manager_v2_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&manager->clients, &client->link);
+static void handle_display_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *tablet =
+ wl_container_of(listener, tablet, display_destroy);
+ wlr_tablet_v2_destroy(tablet);
+void wlr_tablet_v2_destroy(struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *tmp;
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_client_v2 *pos;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, &manager->clients, link) {
+ wlr_tablet_manager_v2_destroy(pos->resource);
+ }
+ wl_global_destroy(manager->wl_global);
+ free(manager);
+struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *wlr_tablet_v2_create(struct wl_display *display) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *tablet =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2));
+ if (!tablet) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wl_list_init(&tablet->clients);
+ wl_list_init(&tablet->seats);
+ tablet->display_destroy.notify = handle_display_destroy;
+ wl_display_add_destroy_listener(display, &tablet->display_destroy);
+ tablet->wl_global = wl_global_create(display,
+ &zwp_tablet_manager_v2_interface, 1, tablet, tablet_v2_bind);
+ if (tablet->wl_global == NULL) {
+ free(tablet);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return tablet;
diff --git a/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_pad.c b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_pad.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3627ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_pad.c
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include "tablet-unstable-v2-protocol.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wayland-util.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_tool.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+void destroy_tablet_pad_v2(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pad =
+ tablet_pad_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!pad) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->seat_link);
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->pad_link);
+ /* This isn't optimal, if the client destroys the resources in another
+ * order, it will be disconnected.
+ * But this makes things *way* easier for us, and (untested) I doubt
+ * clients will destroy it in another order.
+ */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pad->group_count; ++i) {
+ if (pad->groups[i]) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(pad->groups[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(pad->groups);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pad->ring_count; ++i) {
+ if (pad->rings[i]) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(pad->rings[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(pad->rings);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pad->strip_count; ++i) {
+ if (pad->strips[i]) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(pad->strips[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(pad->strips);
+ free(pad);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void handle_tablet_pad_v2_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static void destroy_tablet_pad_ring_v2(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *aux = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+ if (!aux) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aux->pad->rings[aux->index] = NULL;
+ free(aux);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void handle_tablet_pad_ring_v2_set_feedback(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, const char *description,
+ uint32_t serial) {
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *aux = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+ if (!aux) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_event_feedback evt = {
+ .serial = serial,
+ .description = description,
+ .index = aux->index
+ };
+ wl_signal_emit(&aux->pad->pad->events.ring_feedback, &evt);
+static void handle_tablet_pad_ring_v2_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static struct zwp_tablet_pad_ring_v2_interface tablet_pad_ring_impl = {
+ .set_feedback = handle_tablet_pad_ring_v2_set_feedback,
+ .destroy = handle_tablet_pad_ring_v2_destroy,
+static void destroy_tablet_pad_strip_v2(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *aux = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+ if (!aux) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aux->pad->strips[aux->index] = NULL;
+ free(aux);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void handle_tablet_pad_strip_v2_set_feedback(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, const char *description,
+ uint32_t serial) {
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *aux = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+ if (!aux) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_event_feedback evt = {
+ .serial = serial,
+ .description = description,
+ .index = aux->index
+ };
+ wl_signal_emit(&aux->pad->pad->events.strip_feedback, &evt);
+static void handle_tablet_pad_strip_v2_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static struct zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2_interface tablet_pad_strip_impl = {
+ .set_feedback = handle_tablet_pad_strip_v2_set_feedback,
+ .destroy = handle_tablet_pad_strip_v2_destroy,
+static void handle_tablet_pad_v2_set_feedback( struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t button,
+ const char *description, uint32_t serial) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pad = tablet_pad_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!pad) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_event_feedback evt = {
+ .serial = serial,
+ .index = button,
+ .description = description,
+ };
+ wl_signal_emit(&pad->pad->events.button_feedback, &evt);
+static struct zwp_tablet_pad_v2_interface tablet_pad_impl = {
+ .set_feedback = handle_tablet_pad_v2_set_feedback,
+ .destroy = handle_tablet_pad_v2_destroy,
+static void destroy_tablet_pad_group_v2(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *aux = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+ if (!aux) {
+ return;
+ }
+ aux->pad->groups[aux->index] = NULL;
+ free(aux);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void handle_tablet_pad_group_v2_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static struct zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_interface tablet_pad_group_impl = {
+ .destroy = handle_tablet_pad_group_v2_destroy,
+static void add_tablet_pad_group(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad,
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *client,
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_group *group, size_t index) {
+ client->groups[index] =
+ wl_resource_create(client->client, &zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_interface, 1, 0);
+ if (!client->groups[index]) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(client->client);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *user_data =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data));
+ if (!user_data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ user_data->pad = client;
+ user_data->index = index;
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->groups[index], &tablet_pad_group_impl,
+ user_data, destroy_tablet_pad_group_v2);
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_group(client->resource, client->groups[index]);
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_modes(client->groups[index], group->mode_count);
+ struct wl_array button_array;
+ wl_array_init(&button_array);
+ wl_array_add(&button_array, group->button_count * sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(button_array.data, group->buttons, group->button_count * sizeof(int));
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_buttons(client->groups[index], &button_array);
+ wl_array_release(&button_array);
+ client->strip_count = group->strip_count;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < group->strip_count; ++i) {
+ size_t strip = group->strips[i];
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *user_data =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data));
+ if (!user_data) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ user_data->pad = client;
+ user_data->index = strip;
+ client->strips[strip] =
+ wl_resource_create(client->client, &zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2_interface, 1, 0);
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->strips[strip],
+ &tablet_pad_strip_impl, user_data, destroy_tablet_pad_strip_v2);
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_strip(client->groups[index], client->strips[strip]);
+ }
+ client->ring_count = group->ring_count;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < group->ring_count; ++i) {
+ size_t ring = group->rings[i];
+ struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data *user_data =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct tablet_pad_auxiliary_user_data));
+ if (!user_data) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ user_data->pad = client;
+ user_data->index = ring;
+ client->rings[ring] =
+ wl_resource_create(client->client, &zwp_tablet_pad_ring_v2_interface, 1, 0);
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->rings[ring],
+ &tablet_pad_ring_impl, user_data, destroy_tablet_pad_ring_v2);
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_ring(client->groups[index], client->rings[ring]);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_done(client->groups[index]);
+void add_tablet_pad_client(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat,
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *client =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2));
+ if (!client) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(seat->wl_client);
+ return;
+ }
+ client->pad = pad;
+ client->groups = calloc(sizeof(int), wl_list_length(&pad->wlr_pad->groups));
+ if (!client->groups) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(seat->wl_client);
+ free(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ client->rings = calloc(sizeof(struct wl_resource*), pad->wlr_pad->ring_count);
+ if (!client->rings) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(seat->wl_client);
+ free(client->groups);
+ free(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ client->strips = calloc(sizeof(struct wl_resource*), pad->wlr_pad->strip_count);
+ if (!client->strips) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(seat->wl_client);
+ free(client->groups);
+ free(client->rings);
+ free(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ client->resource =
+ wl_resource_create(seat->wl_client, &zwp_tablet_pad_v2_interface, 1, 0);
+ if (!client->resource) {
+ wl_client_post_no_memory(seat->wl_client);
+ free(client->groups);
+ free(client->rings);
+ free(client->strips);
+ free(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->resource, &tablet_pad_impl,
+ client, destroy_tablet_pad_v2);
+ zwp_tablet_seat_v2_send_pad_added(seat->resource, client->resource);
+ client->client = seat->wl_client;
+ // Send the expected events
+ if (pad->wlr_pad->button_count) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_buttons(client->resource, pad->wlr_pad->button_count);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pad->wlr_pad->paths.length; ++i) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_path(client->resource,
+ pad->wlr_pad->paths.items[i]);
+ }
+ size_t i = 0;
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_group *group;
+ wl_list_for_each(group, &pad->wlr_pad->groups, link) {
+ add_tablet_pad_group(pad, client, group, i++);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_done(client->resource);
+ wl_list_insert(&seat->pads, &client->seat_link);
+ wl_list_insert(&pad->clients, &client->pad_link);
+static void handle_wlr_tablet_pad_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad =
+ wl_container_of(listener, pad, pad_destroy);
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pos;
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, &pad->clients, pad_link) {
+ // XXX: Add a timer/flag to destroy if client is slow?
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_removed(pos->resource);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pos->group_count; ++i) {
+ destroy_tablet_pad_group_v2(pos->groups[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pos->strip_count; ++i) {
+ destroy_tablet_pad_strip_v2(pos->strips[i]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pos->ring_count; ++i) {
+ destroy_tablet_pad_ring_v2(pos->rings[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->clients);
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->link);
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->pad_destroy.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->events.button_feedback.listener_list);
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->events.strip_feedback.listener_list);
+ wl_list_remove(&pad->events.ring_feedback.listener_list);
+ free(pad);
+struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *wlr_tablet_pad_create(
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager,
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat,
+ struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device) {
+ assert(wlr_device->type == WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TABLET_PAD);
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *seat = get_or_create_tablet_seat(manager, wlr_seat);
+ if (!seat) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad *wlr_pad = wlr_device->tablet_pad;
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad));
+ if (!pad) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pad->group_count = wl_list_length(&wlr_pad->groups);
+ pad->groups = calloc(pad->group_count, sizeof(int));
+ if (!pad->groups) {
+ free(pad);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pad->wlr_pad = wlr_pad;
+ wl_list_init(&pad->clients);
+ pad->pad_destroy.notify = handle_wlr_tablet_pad_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&wlr_device->events.destroy, &pad->pad_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&seat->pads, &pad->link);
+ // We need to create a tablet client for all clients on the seat
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(pos, &seat->clients, seat_link) {
+ // Tell the clients about the new tool
+ add_tablet_pad_client(pos, pad);
+ }
+ wl_signal_init(&pad->events.button_feedback);
+ wl_signal_init(&pad->events.strip_feedback);
+ wl_signal_init(&pad->events.ring_feedback);
+ return pad;
+struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *tablet_pad_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwp_tablet_pad_v2_interface,
+ &tablet_pad_impl));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+/* Actual protocol foo */
+uint32_t wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_enter(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad,
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface) {
+ struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource);
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_tmp;
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_client = NULL;
+ wl_list_for_each(tablet_tmp, &tablet->clients, tablet_link) {
+ if (tablet_tmp->client == client) {
+ tablet_client = tablet_tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Couldn't find the client binding for the surface's client. Either
+ // the client didn't bind tablet_v2 at all, or not for the relevant
+ // seat
+ if (!tablet_client) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pad_tmp = NULL;
+ struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2 *pad_client = NULL;
+ wl_list_for_each(pad_tmp, &pad->clients, pad_link) {
+ if (pad_tmp->client == client) {
+ pad_client = pad_tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Couldn't find the client binding for the surface's client. Either
+ // the client didn't bind tablet_v2 at all, or not for the relevant
+ // seat
+ if (!pad_client) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pad->current_client = pad_client;
+ /* Pre-increment keeps 0 clean. wraparound would be after 2^32
+ * proximity_in. Someone wants to do the math how long that would take?
+ */
+ uint32_t serial = ++pad_client->enter_serial;
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_enter(pad_client->resource, serial,
+ tablet_client->resource, surface->resource);
+ struct timespec now;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
+ uint32_t time = now.tv_nsec / 1000;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pad->group_count; ++i) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_mode_switch(
+ pad_client->groups[i], time, serial, pad->groups[i]);
+ }
+ return serial;
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_button(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad, size_t button,
+ uint32_t time, enum zwp_tablet_pad_v2_button_state state) {
+ if (pad->current_client) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_button(pad->current_client->resource,
+ time, button, state);
+ }
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_strip(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad,
+ uint32_t strip, double position, bool finger, uint32_t time) {
+ if (!pad->current_client &&
+ pad->current_client->strips &&
+ pad->current_client->strips[strip]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wl_resource *resource = pad->current_client->strips[strip];
+ if (finger) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2_send_source(resource, ZWP_TABLET_PAD_STRIP_V2_SOURCE_FINGER);
+ }
+ if (position < 0) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2_send_stop(resource);
+ } else {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2_send_position(resource, position * 65535);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_pad_strip_v2_send_frame(resource, time);
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_ring(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad,
+ uint32_t ring, double position, bool finger, uint32_t time) {
+ if (!pad->current_client ||
+ !pad->current_client->rings ||
+ !pad->current_client->rings[ring]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wl_resource *resource = pad->current_client->rings[ring];
+ if (finger) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_ring_v2_send_source(resource, ZWP_TABLET_PAD_RING_V2_SOURCE_FINGER);
+ }
+ if (position < 0) {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_ring_v2_send_stop(resource);
+ } else {
+ zwp_tablet_pad_ring_v2_send_angle(resource, position);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_pad_ring_v2_send_frame(resource, time);
+uint32_t wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_leave(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface) {
+ if (!pad->current_client ||
+ wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource) != pad->current_client->client) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Pre-increment keeps 0 clean. wraparound would be after 2^32
+ * proximity_in. Someone wants to do the math how long that would take?
+ */
+ uint32_t serial = ++pad->current_client->leave_serial;
+ zwp_tablet_pad_v2_send_leave(pad->current_client->resource, serial, surface->resource);
+ return serial;
+uint32_t wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_mode(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad *pad,
+ size_t group, uint32_t mode, uint32_t time) {
+ if (!pad->current_client ||
+ !pad->current_client->groups ||
+ !pad->current_client->groups[group] ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (pad->groups[group] == mode) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pad->groups[group] = mode;
+ /* Pre-increment keeps 0 clean. wraparound would be after 2^32
+ * proximity_in. Someone wants to do the math how long that would take?
+ */
+ uint32_t serial = ++pad->current_client->mode_serial;
+ zwp_tablet_pad_group_v2_send_mode_switch(
+ pad->current_client->groups[group], time, serial, mode);
+ return serial;
+bool wlr_surface_accepts_tablet_v2(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface) {
+ struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource);
+ if (tablet->current_client &&
+ tablet->current_client->client == client) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each(tablet_tmp, &tablet->clients, tablet_link) {
+ if (tablet_tmp->client == client) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tablet.c b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tablet.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bca6e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tablet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include "tablet-unstable-v2-protocol.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wayland-util.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_tool.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+void destroy_tablet_v2(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet = tablet_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!tablet) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&tablet->seat_link);
+ wl_list_remove(&tablet->tablet_link);
+ free(tablet);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+static void handle_tablet_v2_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static struct zwp_tablet_v2_interface tablet_impl = {
+ .destroy = handle_tablet_v2_destroy,
+static void handle_wlr_tablet_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet =
+ wl_container_of(listener, tablet, tool_destroy);
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *pos;
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, &tablet->clients, tablet_link) {
+ // XXX: Add a timer/flag to destroy if client is slow?
+ zwp_tablet_v2_send_removed(pos->resource);
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&tablet->clients);
+ wl_list_remove(&tablet->link);
+ wl_list_remove(&tablet->tool_destroy.link);
+ free(tablet);
+struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *wlr_tablet_create(
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager,
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat,
+ struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device) {
+ assert(wlr_device->type == WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TABLET_TOOL);
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *seat = get_or_create_tablet_seat(manager, wlr_seat);
+ if (!seat) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool *tool = wlr_device->tablet_tool;
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet));
+ if (!tablet) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tablet->wlr_tool = tool;
+ tablet->wlr_device = wlr_device;
+ wl_list_init(&tablet->clients);
+ tablet->tool_destroy.notify = handle_wlr_tablet_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&wlr_device->events.destroy, &tablet->tool_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&seat->tablets, &tablet->link);
+ // We need to create a tablet client for all clients on the seat
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(pos, &seat->clients, seat_link) {
+ // Tell the clients about the new tool
+ add_tablet_client(pos, tablet);
+ }
+ return tablet;
+void add_tablet_client(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat,
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *client =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_client_v2));
+ if (!client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ client->resource =
+ wl_resource_create(seat->wl_client, &zwp_tablet_v2_interface, 1, 0);
+ if (!client->resource) {
+ free(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->resource, &tablet_impl,
+ client, destroy_tablet_v2);
+ zwp_tablet_seat_v2_send_tablet_added(seat->resource, client->resource);
+ // Send the expected events
+ if (tablet->wlr_tool->name) {
+ zwp_tablet_v2_send_name(client->resource, tablet->wlr_tool->name);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_v2_send_id(client->resource,
+ tablet->wlr_device->vendor, tablet->wlr_device->product);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tablet->wlr_tool->paths.length; ++i) {
+ zwp_tablet_v2_send_path(client->resource,
+ tablet->wlr_tool->paths.items[i]);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_v2_send_done(client->resource);
+ client->client = seat->wl_client;
+ wl_list_insert(&seat->tablets, &client->seat_link);
+ wl_list_insert(&tablet->clients, &client->tablet_link);
+struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwp_tablet_v2_interface,
+ &tablet_impl));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
diff --git a/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tool.c b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tool.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f39f12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/tablet_v2/wlr_tablet_v2_tool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#include "tablet-unstable-v2-protocol.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wayland-util.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_tool.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+static const struct wlr_surface_role pointer_cursor_surface_role = {
+ .name = "wl_pointer-cursor",
+static void handle_tablet_tool_v2_set_cursor(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t serial,
+ struct wl_resource *surface_resource,
+ int32_t hotspot_x, int32_t hotspot_y) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tool = tablet_tool_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!tool) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL;
+ if (surface_resource != NULL) {
+ surface = wlr_surface_from_resource(surface_resource);
+ if (!wlr_surface_set_role(surface, &pointer_cursor_surface_role, NULL,
+ surface_resource, WL_POINTER_ERROR_ROLE)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_event_cursor evt = {
+ .surface = surface,
+ .serial = serial,
+ .hotspot_x = hotspot_x,
+ .hotspot_y = hotspot_y,
+ .seat_client = tool->seat->seat,
+ };
+ wl_signal_emit(&tool->tool->events.set_cursor, &evt);
+static void handle_tablet_tool_v2_destroy(struct wl_client *client,
+ struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static struct zwp_tablet_tool_v2_interface tablet_tool_impl = {
+ .set_cursor = handle_tablet_tool_v2_set_cursor,
+ .destroy = handle_tablet_tool_v2_destroy,
+static enum zwp_tablet_tool_v2_type tablet_type_from_wlr_type(
+ enum wlr_tablet_tool_type wlr_type) {
+ switch(wlr_type) {
+ }
+ assert(false && "Unreachable");
+void destroy_tablet_tool_v2(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *client =
+ tablet_tool_client_from_resource(resource);
+ if (!client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (client->frame_source) {
+ wl_event_source_remove(client->frame_source);
+ }
+ if (client->tool && client->tool->current_client == client) {
+ client->tool->current_client = NULL;
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&client->seat_link);
+ wl_list_remove(&client->tool_link);
+ free(client);
+ wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, NULL);
+void add_tablet_tool_client(struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *seat,
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *client =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2));
+ if (!client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ client->tool = tool;
+ client->seat = seat;
+ client->resource =
+ wl_resource_create(seat->wl_client, &zwp_tablet_tool_v2_interface, 1, 0);
+ if (!client->resource) {
+ free(client);
+ return;
+ }
+ wl_resource_set_implementation(client->resource, &tablet_tool_impl,
+ client, destroy_tablet_tool_v2);
+ zwp_tablet_seat_v2_send_tool_added(seat->resource, client->resource);
+ // Send the expected events
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->hardware_serial) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_hardware_serial(
+ client->resource,
+ tool->wlr_tool->hardware_serial >> 32,
+ tool->wlr_tool->hardware_serial & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ }
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->hardware_wacom) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_hardware_id_wacom(
+ client->resource,
+ tool->wlr_tool->hardware_wacom >> 32,
+ tool->wlr_tool->hardware_wacom & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_type(client->resource,
+ tablet_type_from_wlr_type(tool->wlr_tool->type));
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->tilt) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_capability(client->resource,
+ }
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->pressure) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_capability(client->resource,
+ }
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->distance) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_capability(client->resource,
+ }
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->rotation) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_capability(client->resource,
+ }
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->slider) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_capability(client->resource,
+ }
+ if (tool->wlr_tool->wheel) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_capability(client->resource,
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_done(client->resource);
+ client->client = seat->wl_client;
+ wl_list_insert(&seat->tools, &client->seat_link);
+ wl_list_insert(&tool->clients, &client->tool_link);
+static void handle_wlr_tablet_tool_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool =
+ wl_container_of(listener, tool, tool_destroy);
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *pos;
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tmp;
+ wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, &tool->clients, tool_link) {
+ // XXX: Add a timer/flag to destroy if client is slow?
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_removed(pos->resource);
+ pos->tool = NULL;
+ }
+ wl_list_remove(&tool->clients);
+ wl_list_remove(&tool->link);
+ wl_list_remove(&tool->tool_destroy.link);
+ wl_list_remove(&tool->events.set_cursor.listener_list);
+ free(tool);
+struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *wlr_tablet_tool_create(
+ struct wlr_tablet_manager_v2 *manager,
+ struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat,
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_tool *wlr_tool) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_v2 *seat = get_or_create_tablet_seat(manager, wlr_seat);
+ if (!seat) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool =
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool));
+ if (!tool) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tool->wlr_tool = wlr_tool;
+ wl_list_init(&tool->clients);
+ tool->tool_destroy.notify = handle_wlr_tablet_tool_destroy;
+ wl_signal_add(&wlr_tool->events.destroy, &tool->tool_destroy);
+ wl_list_insert(&seat->tools, &tool->link);
+ // We need to create a tablet client for all clients on the seat
+ struct wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2 *pos;
+ wl_list_for_each(pos, &seat->clients, seat_link) {
+ // Tell the clients about the new tool
+ add_tablet_tool_client(pos, tool);
+ }
+ wl_signal_init(&tool->events.set_cursor);
+ return tool;
+struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tablet_tool_client_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource) {
+ assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &zwp_tablet_tool_v2_interface,
+ &tablet_tool_impl));
+ return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+/* Actual protocol foo */
+// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/move-zeroes-end-array/
+static size_t push_zeroes_to_end(uint32_t arr[], size_t n) {
+ size_t count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (arr[i] != 0) {
+ arr[count++] = arr[i];
+ }
+ }
+ size_t ret = count;
+ while (count < n) {
+ arr[count++] = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void tablet_tool_button_update(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool,
+ uint32_t button, enum zwp_tablet_pad_v2_button_state state) {
+ bool found = false;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (; i < tool->num_buttons; ++i) {
+ if (tool->pressed_buttons[i] == button) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (button == ZWP_TABLET_PAD_V2_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED && !found &&
+ tool->num_buttons < WLR_TABLEt_V2_TOOL_BUTTONS_CAP) {
+ tool->pressed_buttons[tool->num_buttons++] = button;
+ }
+ if (button == ZWP_TABLET_PAD_V2_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED && found) {
+ tool->pressed_buttons[i] = 0;
+ tool->num_buttons = push_zeroes_to_end(tool->pressed_buttons, WLR_TABLEt_V2_TOOL_BUTTONS_CAP);
+ }
+ assert(tool->num_buttons <= WLR_TABLEt_V2_TOOL_BUTTONS_CAP);
+static void send_tool_frame(void *data) {
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tool = data;
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_frame(tool->resource, 0);
+ tool->frame_source = NULL;
+static void queue_tool_frame(struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tool) {
+ struct wl_display *display = wl_client_get_display(tool->client);
+ struct wl_event_loop *loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(display);
+ if (!tool->frame_source) {
+ tool->frame_source =
+ wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, send_tool_frame, tool);
+ }
+uint32_t wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_proximity_in(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool,
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet *tablet,
+ struct wlr_surface *surface) {
+ struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource);
+ if (tool->focused_surface == surface) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_tmp;
+ struct wlr_tablet_client_v2 *tablet_client = NULL;
+ wl_list_for_each(tablet_tmp, &tablet->clients, tablet_link) {
+ if (tablet_tmp->client == client) {
+ tablet_client = tablet_tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Couldn't find the client binding for the surface's client. Either
+ // the client didn't bind tablet_v2 at all, or not for the relevant
+ // seat
+ if (!tablet_client) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tool_tmp = NULL;
+ struct wlr_tablet_tool_client_v2 *tool_client = NULL;
+ wl_list_for_each(tool_tmp, &tool->clients, tool_link) {
+ if (tool_tmp->client == client) {
+ tool_client = tool_tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Couldn't find the client binding for the surface's client. Either
+ // the client didn't bind tablet_v2 at all, or not for the relevant
+ // seat
+ if (!tool_client) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tool->current_client = tool_client;
+ /* Pre-increment keeps 0 clean. wraparound would be after 2^32
+ * proximity_in. Someone wants to do the math how long that would take?
+ */
+ uint32_t serial = ++tool_client->proximity_serial;
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_proximity_in(tool_client->resource, serial,
+ tablet_client->resource, surface->resource);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool_client);
+ tool->focused_surface = surface;
+ return serial;
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_motion(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, double x, double y) {
+ if (!tool->current_client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_motion(tool->current_client->resource,
+ wl_fixed_from_double(x), wl_fixed_from_double(y));
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_proximity_out(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool) {
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_proximity_out(tool->current_client->resource);
+ // XXX: Get the time for the frame
+ if (tool->current_client->frame_source) {
+ wl_event_source_remove(tool->current_client->frame_source);
+ send_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ }
+ tool->current_client = NULL;
+ }
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_pressure(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t pressure) {
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_pressure(tool->current_client->resource,
+ pressure);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ }
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_distance(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t distance) {
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_distance(tool->current_client->resource,
+ distance);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ }
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_tilt(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, double x, double y) {
+ if (!tool->current_client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_tilt(tool->current_client->resource,
+ wl_fixed_from_double(x), wl_fixed_from_double(y));
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_rotation(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, double degrees) {
+ if (!tool->current_client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_rotation(tool->current_client->resource,
+ wl_fixed_from_double(degrees));
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_slider(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, int32_t position) {
+ if (!tool->current_client) {
+ return;
+ }
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_slider(tool->current_client->resource,
+ position);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+uint32_t wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_button(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t button,
+ enum zwp_tablet_pad_v2_button_state state) {
+ tablet_tool_button_update(tool, button, state);
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ uint32_t serial = ++tool->button_serial;
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_button(tool->current_client->resource,
+ serial, button, state);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ return serial;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_wheel(
+ struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool, double delta, int32_t clicks) {
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_wheel(tool->current_client->resource,
+ clicks, delta);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ }
+uint32_t wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_down(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool) {
+ if (tool->is_down) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tool->is_down = true;
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ uint32_t serial = ++tool->down_serial;
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_down(tool->current_client->resource,
+ serial);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ return serial;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_up(struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool *tool) {
+ if (!tool->is_down) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tool->is_down = false;
+ if (tool->current_client) {
+ zwp_tablet_tool_v2_send_up(tool->current_client->resource);
+ queue_tool_frame(tool->current_client);
+ }