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authorSimon Ser <contact@emersion.fr>2023-11-22 01:05:46 +0100
committerSimon Ser <contact@emersion.fr>2023-11-22 11:36:17 +0100
commitb2aac3390ded5155a0dcc67033c61dbdbae8f62f (patch)
parent514caea437fe7d170703591155beb93f516ae834 (diff)
render/vulkan: drop legacy rendering API
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/render/vulkan/renderer.c b/render/vulkan/renderer.c
index d07c7c41..ceaafd66 100644
--- a/render/vulkan/renderer.c
+++ b/render/vulkan/renderer.c
@@ -60,13 +60,6 @@ static struct wlr_vk_render_format_setup *find_or_create_render_setup(
struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_vk_format *format,
bool has_blending_buffer);
-// https://www.w3.org/Graphics/Color/srgb
-static float color_to_linear(float non_linear) {
- return (non_linear > 0.04045) ?
- pow((non_linear + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) :
- non_linear / 12.92;
static void mat3_to_mat4(const float mat3[9], float mat4[4][4]) {
memset(mat4, 0, sizeof(float) * 16);
mat4[0][0] = mat3[0];
@@ -1387,125 +1380,6 @@ static void vulkan_end(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer) {
-static bool vulkan_render_subtexture_with_matrix(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer,
- struct wlr_texture *wlr_texture, const struct wlr_fbox *box,
- const float matrix[static 9], float alpha) {
- struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer = vulkan_get_renderer(wlr_renderer);
- VkCommandBuffer cb = renderer->current_command_buffer->vk;
- struct wlr_vk_texture *texture = vulkan_get_texture(wlr_texture);
- assert(texture->renderer == renderer);
- if (texture->dmabuf_imported && !texture->owned) {
- // Store this texture in the list of textures that need to be
- // acquired before rendering and released after rendering.
- // We don't do it here immediately since barriers inside
- // a renderpass are suboptimal (would require additional renderpass
- // dependency and potentially multiple barriers) and it's
- // better to issue one barrier for all used textures anyways.
- texture->owned = true;
- assert(texture->foreign_link.prev == NULL);
- assert(texture->foreign_link.next == NULL);
- wl_list_insert(&renderer->foreign_textures, &texture->foreign_link);
- }
- struct wlr_vk_pipeline *pipe = setup_get_or_create_pipeline(
- renderer->current_render_buffer->render_setup,
- &(struct wlr_vk_pipeline_key) {
- .layout = {
- .ycbcr_format = texture->format->is_ycbcr ? texture->format : NULL,
- },
- .texture_transform = texture->transform,
- });
- if (!pipe) {
- return false;
- }
- struct wlr_vk_texture_view *view =
- vulkan_texture_get_or_create_view(texture, pipe->layout);
- if (!view) {
- return false;
- }
- if (pipe->vk != renderer->bound_pipe) {
- vkCmdBindPipeline(cb, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipe->vk);
- renderer->bound_pipe = pipe->vk;
- }
- vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(cb, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
- pipe->layout->vk, 0, 1, &view->ds, 0, NULL);
- float final_matrix[9];
- wlr_matrix_multiply(final_matrix, renderer->projection, matrix);
- struct wlr_vk_vert_pcr_data vert_pcr_data;
- mat3_to_mat4(final_matrix, vert_pcr_data.mat4);
- vert_pcr_data.uv_off[0] = box->x / wlr_texture->width;
- vert_pcr_data.uv_off[1] = box->y / wlr_texture->height;
- vert_pcr_data.uv_size[0] = box->width / wlr_texture->width;
- vert_pcr_data.uv_size[1] = box->height / wlr_texture->height;
- vkCmdPushConstants(cb, pipe->layout->vk,
- VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, 0, sizeof(vert_pcr_data), &vert_pcr_data);
- vkCmdPushConstants(cb, pipe->layout->vk,
- VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, sizeof(vert_pcr_data), sizeof(float),
- &alpha);
- vkCmdDraw(cb, 4, 1, 0, 0);
- texture->last_used_cb = renderer->current_command_buffer;
- return true;
-static void vulkan_clear(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer,
- const float color[static 4]) {
- struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer = vulkan_get_renderer(wlr_renderer);
- VkCommandBuffer cb = renderer->current_command_buffer->vk;
- if (renderer->scissor.extent.width == 0 || renderer->scissor.extent.height == 0) {
- return;
- }
- VkClearAttachment att = {
- .colorAttachment = 0u,
- // Input color values are given in srgb space, vulkan expects
- // them in linear space. We explicitly import argb8 render buffers
- // as srgb, vulkan will convert the input values we give here to
- // srgb first.
- // But in other parts of wlroots we just always assume
- // srgb so that's why we have to convert here.
- .clearValue.color.float32 = {
- color_to_linear(color[0]),
- color_to_linear(color[1]),
- color_to_linear(color[2]),
- color[3], // no conversion for alpha
- },
- };
- VkClearRect rect = {
- .rect = renderer->scissor,
- .layerCount = 1,
- };
- vkCmdClearAttachments(cb, 1, &att, 1, &rect);
-static void vulkan_scissor(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer,
- struct wlr_box *box) {
- struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer = vulkan_get_renderer(wlr_renderer);
- VkCommandBuffer cb = renderer->current_command_buffer->vk;
- uint32_t w = renderer->render_width;
- uint32_t h = renderer->render_height;
- struct wlr_box dst = {0, 0, w, h};
- if (box && !wlr_box_intersection(&dst, box, &dst)) {
- dst = (struct wlr_box) {0, 0, 0, 0}; // empty
- }
- VkRect2D rect = (VkRect2D) {{dst.x, dst.y}, {dst.width, dst.height}};
- renderer->scissor = rect;
- vkCmdSetScissor(cb, 0, 1, &rect);
static const uint32_t *vulkan_get_shm_texture_formats(
struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer, size_t *len) {
struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer = vulkan_get_renderer(wlr_renderer);
@@ -1513,59 +1387,6 @@ static const uint32_t *vulkan_get_shm_texture_formats(
return renderer->dev->shm_formats;
-static void vulkan_render_quad_with_matrix(struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer,
- const float color[static 4], const float matrix[static 9]) {
- struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer = vulkan_get_renderer(wlr_renderer);
- VkCommandBuffer cb = renderer->current_command_buffer->vk;
- struct wlr_vk_pipeline *pipe = setup_get_or_create_pipeline(
- renderer->current_render_buffer->render_setup,
- &(struct wlr_vk_pipeline_key) {
- .layout = {
- .ycbcr_format = NULL,
- },
- });
- if (!pipe) {
- return;
- }
- if (pipe->vk != renderer->bound_pipe) {
- vkCmdBindPipeline(cb, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipe->vk);
- renderer->bound_pipe = pipe->vk;
- }
- float final_matrix[9];
- wlr_matrix_multiply(final_matrix, renderer->projection, matrix);
- struct wlr_vk_vert_pcr_data vert_pcr_data;
- mat3_to_mat4(final_matrix, vert_pcr_data.mat4);
- vert_pcr_data.uv_off[0] = 0.f;
- vert_pcr_data.uv_off[1] = 0.f;
- vert_pcr_data.uv_size[0] = 1.f;
- vert_pcr_data.uv_size[1] = 1.f;
- // Input color values are given in srgb space, shader expects
- // them in linear space. The shader does all computation in linear
- // space and expects in inputs in linear space since it outputs
- // colors in linear space as well (and vulkan then automatically
- // does the conversion for out SRGB render targets).
- // But in other parts of wlroots we just always assume
- // srgb so that's why we have to convert here.
- float linear_color[4];
- linear_color[0] = color_to_linear(color[0]);
- linear_color[1] = color_to_linear(color[1]);
- linear_color[2] = color_to_linear(color[2]);
- linear_color[3] = color[3]; // no conversion for alpha
- vkCmdPushConstants(cb, pipe->layout->vk,
- VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, 0, sizeof(vert_pcr_data), &vert_pcr_data);
- vkCmdPushConstants(cb, pipe->layout->vk,
- VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, sizeof(vert_pcr_data), sizeof(float) * 4,
- linear_color);
- vkCmdDraw(cb, 4, 1, 0, 0);
static const struct wlr_drm_format_set *vulkan_get_dmabuf_texture_formats(
struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer) {
struct wlr_vk_renderer *renderer = vulkan_get_renderer(wlr_renderer);
@@ -1946,10 +1767,6 @@ static const struct wlr_renderer_impl renderer_impl = {
.bind_buffer = vulkan_bind_buffer,
.begin = vulkan_begin,
.end = vulkan_end,
- .clear = vulkan_clear,
- .scissor = vulkan_scissor,
- .render_subtexture_with_matrix = vulkan_render_subtexture_with_matrix,
- .render_quad_with_matrix = vulkan_render_quad_with_matrix,
.get_shm_texture_formats = vulkan_get_shm_texture_formats,
.get_dmabuf_texture_formats = vulkan_get_dmabuf_texture_formats,
.get_render_formats = vulkan_get_render_formats,