// See https://i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html for protocol information #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ipc.h" #include "log.h" #include "config.h" #include "commands.h" static int ipc_socket = -1; static const char ipc_magic[] = {'i', '3', '-', 'i', 'p', 'c'}; struct ipc_client { struct wlc_event_source *event_source; int fd; uint32_t payload_length; enum ipc_command_type current_command; }; int ipc_handle_connection(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data); int ipc_client_handle_readable(int client_fd, uint32_t mask, void *data); void ipc_client_disconnect(struct ipc_client *client); void ipc_client_handle_command(struct ipc_client *client); bool ipc_send_reply(struct ipc_client *client, const char *payload, uint32_t payload_length); void init_ipc() { ipc_socket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (ipc_socket == -1) { sway_abort("Unable to create IPC socket"); } struct sockaddr_un ipc_sockaddr = { .sun_family = AF_UNIX, .sun_path = "/tmp/sway-ipc.sock" }; if (getenv("SWAYSOCK") != NULL) { strncpy(ipc_sockaddr.sun_path, getenv("SWAYSOCK"), sizeof(ipc_sockaddr.sun_path)); } unlink(ipc_sockaddr.sun_path); if (bind(ipc_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&ipc_sockaddr, sizeof(ipc_sockaddr)) == -1) { sway_abort("Unable to bind IPC socket"); } if (listen(ipc_socket, 3) == -1) { sway_abort("Unable to listen on IPC socket"); } wlc_event_loop_add_fd(ipc_socket, WLC_EVENT_READABLE, ipc_handle_connection, NULL); } int ipc_handle_connection(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Event on IPC listening socket"); assert(mask == WLC_EVENT_READABLE); int client_fd = accept(ipc_socket, NULL, NULL); if (client_fd == -1) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to accept IPC client connection"); return 0; } struct ipc_client* client = malloc(sizeof(struct ipc_client)); client->payload_length = 0; client->fd = client_fd; client->event_source = wlc_event_loop_add_fd(client_fd, WLC_EVENT_READABLE, ipc_client_handle_readable, client); return 0; } static const int ipc_header_size = sizeof(ipc_magic)+8; int ipc_client_handle_readable(int client_fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { struct ipc_client *client = data; sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Event on IPC client socket %d", client_fd); if (mask & WLC_EVENT_ERROR) { sway_log(L_INFO, "IPC Client socket error, removing client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } if (mask & WLC_EVENT_HANGUP) { ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } int read_available; ioctl(client_fd, FIONREAD, &read_available); // Wait for the rest of the command payload in case the header has already been read if (client->payload_length > 0) { if (read_available >= client->payload_length) { ipc_client_handle_command(client); } else { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Too little data to read payload on IPC Client socket, waiting for more (%d < %d)", read_available, client->payload_length); } return 0; } if (read_available < ipc_header_size) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Too little data to read header on IPC Client socket, waiting for more (%d < %d)", read_available, ipc_header_size); return 0; } char buf[ipc_header_size]; ssize_t received = recv(client_fd, buf, ipc_header_size, 0); if (received == -1) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to receive header from IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } if (memcmp(buf, ipc_magic, sizeof(ipc_magic)) != 0) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "IPC header check failed"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } client->payload_length = *(uint32_t *)&buf[sizeof(ipc_magic)]; client->current_command = (enum ipc_command_type) *(uint32_t *)&buf[sizeof(ipc_magic)+4]; if (read_available - received >= client->payload_length) { ipc_client_handle_command(client); } return 0; } void ipc_client_disconnect(struct ipc_client *client) { if (!sway_assert(client != NULL, "client != NULL")) { return; } sway_log(L_INFO, "IPC Client %d disconnected", client->fd); wlc_event_source_remove(client->event_source); close(client->fd); free(client); } void ipc_client_handle_command(struct ipc_client *client) { if (!sway_assert(client != NULL, "client != NULL")) { return; } char buf[client->payload_length + 1]; if (client->payload_length > 0) { ssize_t received = recv(client->fd, buf, client->payload_length, 0); if (received == -1) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to receive payload from IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return; } } switch (client->current_command) { case IPC_COMMAND: { buf[client->payload_length] = '\0'; bool success = handle_command(config, buf); char reply[64]; int length = snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), "{\"success\":%s}", success ? "true" : "false"); ipc_send_reply(client, reply, (uint32_t) length); break; } default: sway_log(L_INFO, "Unknown IPC command type %i", client->current_command); ipc_client_disconnect(client); break; } client->payload_length = 0; } bool ipc_send_reply(struct ipc_client *client, const char *payload, uint32_t payload_length) { assert(payload); char data[ipc_header_size]; memcpy(data, ipc_magic, sizeof(ipc_magic)); *(uint32_t *)&(data[sizeof(ipc_magic)]) = payload_length; *(uint32_t *)&(data[sizeof(ipc_magic)+4]) = client->current_command; if (write(client->fd, data, ipc_header_size) == -1) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to send header to IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return false; } if (write(client->fd, payload, payload_length) == -1) { sway_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to send payload to IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return false; } return true; }