#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include <float.h> #include <libevdev/libevdev.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_cursor.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_tablet_v2.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_xcursor_manager.h> #include "gesture.h" #include "sway/desktop/transaction.h" #include "sway/input/cursor.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/input/tablet.h" #include "sway/output.h" #include "sway/tree/view.h" #include "sway/tree/workspace.h" #include "log.h" #if HAVE_XWAYLAND #include "sway/xwayland.h" #endif struct seatop_default_event { struct sway_node *previous_node; uint32_t pressed_buttons[SWAY_CURSOR_PRESSED_BUTTONS_CAP]; size_t pressed_button_count; struct gesture_tracker gestures; }; /*-----------------------------------------\ * Functions shared by multiple callbacks / *---------------------------------------*/ /** * Determine if the edge of the given container is on the edge of the * workspace/output. */ static bool edge_is_external(struct sway_container *cont, enum wlr_edges edge) { enum sway_container_layout layout = L_NONE; switch (edge) { case WLR_EDGE_TOP: case WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM: layout = L_VERT; break; case WLR_EDGE_LEFT: case WLR_EDGE_RIGHT: layout = L_HORIZ; break; case WLR_EDGE_NONE: sway_assert(false, "Never reached"); return false; } // Iterate the parents until we find one with the layout we want, // then check if the child has siblings between it and the edge. while (cont) { if (container_parent_layout(cont) == layout) { list_t *siblings = container_get_siblings(cont); int index = list_find(siblings, cont); if (index > 0 && (edge == WLR_EDGE_LEFT || edge == WLR_EDGE_TOP)) { return false; } if (index < siblings->length - 1 && (edge == WLR_EDGE_RIGHT || edge == WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM)) { return false; } } cont = cont->pending.parent; } return true; } static enum wlr_edges find_edge(struct sway_container *cont, struct wlr_surface *surface, struct sway_cursor *cursor) { if (!cont->view || (surface && cont->view->surface != surface)) { return WLR_EDGE_NONE; } if (cont->pending.border == B_NONE || !cont->pending.border_thickness || cont->pending.border == B_CSD) { return WLR_EDGE_NONE; } if (cont->pending.fullscreen_mode) { return WLR_EDGE_NONE; } enum wlr_edges edge = 0; if (cursor->cursor->x < cont->pending.x + cont->pending.border_thickness) { edge |= WLR_EDGE_LEFT; } if (cursor->cursor->y < cont->pending.y + cont->pending.border_thickness) { edge |= WLR_EDGE_TOP; } if (cursor->cursor->x >= cont->pending.x + cont->pending.width - cont->pending.border_thickness) { edge |= WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; } if (cursor->cursor->y >= cont->pending.y + cont->pending.height - cont->pending.border_thickness) { edge |= WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM; } return edge; } /** * If the cursor is over a _resizable_ edge, return the edge. * Edges that can't be resized are edges of the workspace. */ enum wlr_edges find_resize_edge(struct sway_container *cont, struct wlr_surface *surface, struct sway_cursor *cursor) { enum wlr_edges edge = find_edge(cont, surface, cursor); if (edge && !container_is_floating(cont) && edge_is_external(cont, edge)) { return WLR_EDGE_NONE; } return edge; } /** * Return the mouse binding which matches modifier, click location, release, * and pressed button state, otherwise return null. */ static struct sway_binding* get_active_mouse_binding( struct seatop_default_event *e, list_t *bindings, uint32_t modifiers, bool release, bool on_titlebar, bool on_border, bool on_content, bool on_workspace, const char *identifier) { uint32_t click_region = ((on_titlebar || on_workspace) ? BINDING_TITLEBAR : 0) | ((on_border || on_workspace) ? BINDING_BORDER : 0) | ((on_content || on_workspace) ? BINDING_CONTENTS : 0); struct sway_binding *current = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < bindings->length; ++i) { struct sway_binding *binding = bindings->items[i]; if (modifiers ^ binding->modifiers || e->pressed_button_count != (size_t)binding->keys->length || release != (binding->flags & BINDING_RELEASE) || !(click_region & binding->flags) || (on_workspace && (click_region & binding->flags) != click_region) || (strcmp(binding->input, identifier) != 0 && strcmp(binding->input, "*") != 0)) { continue; } bool match = true; for (size_t j = 0; j < e->pressed_button_count; j++) { uint32_t key = *(uint32_t *)binding->keys->items[j]; if (key != e->pressed_buttons[j]) { match = false; break; } } if (!match) { continue; } if (!current || strcmp(current->input, "*") == 0) { current = binding; if (strcmp(current->input, identifier) == 0) { // If a binding is found for the exact input, quit searching break; } } } return current; } /** * Remove a button (and duplicates) from the sorted list of currently pressed * buttons. */ static void state_erase_button(struct seatop_default_event *e, uint32_t button) { size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < e->pressed_button_count; ++i) { if (i > j) { e->pressed_buttons[j] = e->pressed_buttons[i]; } if (e->pressed_buttons[i] != button) { ++j; } } while (e->pressed_button_count > j) { --e->pressed_button_count; e->pressed_buttons[e->pressed_button_count] = 0; } } /** * Add a button to the sorted list of currently pressed buttons, if there * is space. */ static void state_add_button(struct seatop_default_event *e, uint32_t button) { if (e->pressed_button_count >= SWAY_CURSOR_PRESSED_BUTTONS_CAP) { return; } size_t i = 0; while (i < e->pressed_button_count && e->pressed_buttons[i] < button) { ++i; } size_t j = e->pressed_button_count; while (j > i) { e->pressed_buttons[j] = e->pressed_buttons[j - 1]; --j; } e->pressed_buttons[i] = button; e->pressed_button_count++; } /*-------------------------------------------\ * Functions used by handle_tablet_tool_tip / *-----------------------------------------*/ static void handle_tablet_tool_tip(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t time_msec, enum wlr_tablet_tool_tip_state state) { if (state == WLR_TABLET_TOOL_TIP_UP) { wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_notify_up(tool->tablet_v2_tool); return; } struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx, sy; struct sway_node *node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); if (!sway_assert(surface, "Expected null-surface tablet input to route through pointer emulation")) { return; } struct sway_container *cont = node && node->type == N_CONTAINER ? node->sway_container : NULL; struct wlr_layer_surface_v1 *layer; #if HAVE_XWAYLAND struct wlr_xwayland_surface *xsurface; #endif if ((layer = wlr_layer_surface_v1_try_from_wlr_surface(surface)) && layer->current.keyboard_interactive) { // Handle tapping a layer surface seat_set_focus_layer(seat, layer); transaction_commit_dirty(); } else if (cont) { bool is_floating_or_child = container_is_floating_or_child(cont); bool is_fullscreen_or_child = container_is_fullscreen_or_child(cont); struct wlr_keyboard *keyboard = wlr_seat_get_keyboard(seat->wlr_seat); bool mod_pressed = keyboard && (wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard) & config->floating_mod); // Handle beginning floating move if (is_floating_or_child && !is_fullscreen_or_child && mod_pressed) { seat_set_focus_container(seat, seat_get_focus_inactive_view(seat, &cont->node)); seatop_begin_move_floating(seat, container_toplevel_ancestor(cont)); return; } // Handle moving a tiling container if (config->tiling_drag && mod_pressed && !is_floating_or_child && cont->pending.fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_NONE) { seatop_begin_move_tiling(seat, cont); return; } // Handle tapping on a container surface seat_set_focus_container(seat, cont); seatop_begin_down(seat, node->sway_container, sx, sy); } #if HAVE_XWAYLAND // Handle tapping on an xwayland unmanaged view else if ((xsurface = wlr_xwayland_surface_try_from_wlr_surface(surface)) && xsurface->override_redirect && wlr_xwayland_or_surface_wants_focus(xsurface)) { struct wlr_xwayland *xwayland = server.xwayland.wlr_xwayland; wlr_xwayland_set_seat(xwayland, seat->wlr_seat); seat_set_focus_surface(seat, xsurface->surface, false); transaction_commit_dirty(); } #endif wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_notify_down(tool->tablet_v2_tool); wlr_tablet_tool_v2_start_implicit_grab(tool->tablet_v2_tool); } /*----------------------------------\ * Functions used by handle_button / *--------------------------------*/ static bool trigger_pointer_button_binding(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_input_device *device, uint32_t button, enum wlr_button_state state, uint32_t modifiers, bool on_titlebar, bool on_border, bool on_contents, bool on_workspace) { // We can reach this for non-pointer devices if we're currently emulating // pointer input for one. Emulated input should not trigger bindings. The // device can be NULL if this is synthetic (e.g. swaymsg-generated) input. if (device && device->type != WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_POINTER) { return false; } struct seatop_default_event *e = seat->seatop_data; char *device_identifier = device ? input_device_get_identifier(device) : strdup("*"); struct sway_binding *binding = NULL; if (state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { state_add_button(e, button); binding = get_active_mouse_binding(e, config->current_mode->mouse_bindings, modifiers, false, on_titlebar, on_border, on_contents, on_workspace, device_identifier); } else { binding = get_active_mouse_binding(e, config->current_mode->mouse_bindings, modifiers, true, on_titlebar, on_border, on_contents, on_workspace, device_identifier); state_erase_button(e, button); } free(device_identifier); if (binding) { seat_execute_command(seat, binding); return true; } return false; } static void handle_button(struct sway_seat *seat, uint32_t time_msec, struct wlr_input_device *device, uint32_t button, enum wlr_button_state state) { struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; // Determine what's under the cursor struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx, sy; struct sway_node *node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); struct sway_container *cont = node && node->type == N_CONTAINER ? node->sway_container : NULL; bool is_floating = cont && container_is_floating(cont); bool is_floating_or_child = cont && container_is_floating_or_child(cont); bool is_fullscreen_or_child = cont && container_is_fullscreen_or_child(cont); enum wlr_edges edge = cont ? find_edge(cont, surface, cursor) : WLR_EDGE_NONE; enum wlr_edges resize_edge = cont && edge ? find_resize_edge(cont, surface, cursor) : WLR_EDGE_NONE; bool on_border = edge != WLR_EDGE_NONE; bool on_contents = cont && !on_border && surface; bool on_workspace = node && node->type == N_WORKSPACE; bool on_titlebar = cont && !on_border && !surface; struct wlr_keyboard *keyboard = wlr_seat_get_keyboard(seat->wlr_seat); uint32_t modifiers = keyboard ? wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard) : 0; // Handle mouse bindings if (trigger_pointer_button_binding(seat, device, button, state, modifiers, on_titlebar, on_border, on_contents, on_workspace)) { return; } // Handle clicking an empty workspace if (node && node->type == N_WORKSPACE) { if (state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { seat_set_focus(seat, node); transaction_commit_dirty(); } seat_pointer_notify_button(seat, time_msec, button, state); return; } // Handle clicking a layer surface struct wlr_layer_surface_v1 *layer; if (surface && (layer = wlr_layer_surface_v1_try_from_wlr_surface(surface))) { if (layer->current.keyboard_interactive) { seat_set_focus_layer(seat, layer); transaction_commit_dirty(); } if (state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { seatop_begin_down_on_surface(seat, surface, sx, sy); } seat_pointer_notify_button(seat, time_msec, button, state); return; } // Handle tiling resize via border if (cont && resize_edge && button == BTN_LEFT && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED && !is_floating) { // If a resize is triggered on a tabbed or stacked container, change // focus to the tab which already had inactive focus -- otherwise, we'd // change the active tab when the user probably just wanted to resize. struct sway_container *cont_to_focus = cont; enum sway_container_layout layout = container_parent_layout(cont); if (layout == L_TABBED || layout == L_STACKED) { cont_to_focus = seat_get_focus_inactive_view(seat, &cont->pending.parent->node); } seat_set_focus_container(seat, cont_to_focus); seatop_begin_resize_tiling(seat, cont, edge); return; } // Handle tiling resize via mod bool mod_pressed = modifiers & config->floating_mod; if (cont && !is_floating_or_child && mod_pressed && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { uint32_t btn_resize = config->floating_mod_inverse ? BTN_LEFT : BTN_RIGHT; if (button == btn_resize) { edge = 0; edge |= cursor->cursor->x > cont->pending.x + cont->pending.width / 2 ? WLR_EDGE_RIGHT : WLR_EDGE_LEFT; edge |= cursor->cursor->y > cont->pending.y + cont->pending.height / 2 ? WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM : WLR_EDGE_TOP; const char *image = NULL; if (edge == (WLR_EDGE_LEFT | WLR_EDGE_TOP)) { image = "nw-resize"; } else if (edge == (WLR_EDGE_TOP | WLR_EDGE_RIGHT)) { image = "ne-resize"; } else if (edge == (WLR_EDGE_RIGHT | WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM)) { image = "se-resize"; } else if (edge == (WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM | WLR_EDGE_LEFT)) { image = "sw-resize"; } cursor_set_image(seat->cursor, image, NULL); seat_set_focus_container(seat, cont); seatop_begin_resize_tiling(seat, cont, edge); return; } } // Handle changing focus when clicking on a container if (cont && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { // Default case: focus the container that was just clicked. node = &cont->node; // If the container is a tab/stacked container and the click happened // on a tab, switch to the tab. If the tab contents were already // focused, focus the tab container itself. If the tab container was // already focused, cycle back to focusing the tab contents. if (on_titlebar) { struct sway_container *focus = seat_get_focused_container(seat); if (focus == cont || !container_has_ancestor(focus, cont)) { node = seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, &cont->node); } } seat_set_focus(seat, node); transaction_commit_dirty(); } // Handle beginning floating move if (cont && is_floating_or_child && !is_fullscreen_or_child && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { uint32_t btn_move = config->floating_mod_inverse ? BTN_RIGHT : BTN_LEFT; if (button == btn_move && (mod_pressed || on_titlebar)) { seatop_begin_move_floating(seat, container_toplevel_ancestor(cont)); return; } } // Handle beginning floating resize if (cont && is_floating_or_child && !is_fullscreen_or_child && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { // Via border if (button == BTN_LEFT && resize_edge != WLR_EDGE_NONE) { seat_set_focus_container(seat, cont); seatop_begin_resize_floating(seat, cont, resize_edge); return; } // Via mod+click uint32_t btn_resize = config->floating_mod_inverse ? BTN_LEFT : BTN_RIGHT; if (mod_pressed && button == btn_resize) { struct sway_container *floater = container_toplevel_ancestor(cont); edge = 0; edge |= cursor->cursor->x > floater->pending.x + floater->pending.width / 2 ? WLR_EDGE_RIGHT : WLR_EDGE_LEFT; edge |= cursor->cursor->y > floater->pending.y + floater->pending.height / 2 ? WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM : WLR_EDGE_TOP; seat_set_focus_container(seat, floater); seatop_begin_resize_floating(seat, floater, edge); return; } } // Handle moving a tiling container if (config->tiling_drag && (mod_pressed || on_titlebar) && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED && !is_floating_or_child && cont && cont->pending.fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_NONE) { // If moving a container by its title bar, use a threshold for the drag if (!mod_pressed && config->tiling_drag_threshold > 0) { seatop_begin_move_tiling_threshold(seat, cont); } else { seatop_begin_move_tiling(seat, cont); } return; } // Handle mousedown on a container surface if (surface && cont && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { seatop_begin_down(seat, cont, sx, sy); seat_pointer_notify_button(seat, time_msec, button, WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED); return; } // Handle clicking a container surface or decorations if (cont && state == WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { seat_pointer_notify_button(seat, time_msec, button, state); return; } #if HAVE_XWAYLAND // Handle clicking on xwayland unmanaged view struct wlr_xwayland_surface *xsurface; if (surface && (xsurface = wlr_xwayland_surface_try_from_wlr_surface(surface)) && xsurface->override_redirect && wlr_xwayland_or_surface_wants_focus(xsurface)) { struct wlr_xwayland *xwayland = server.xwayland.wlr_xwayland; wlr_xwayland_set_seat(xwayland, seat->wlr_seat); seat_set_focus_surface(seat, xsurface->surface, false); transaction_commit_dirty(); seat_pointer_notify_button(seat, time_msec, button, state); } #endif seat_pointer_notify_button(seat, time_msec, button, state); } /*------------------------------------------\ * Functions used by handle_pointer_motion / *----------------------------------------*/ static void check_focus_follows_mouse(struct sway_seat *seat, struct seatop_default_event *e, struct sway_node *hovered_node) { struct sway_node *focus = seat_get_focus(seat); // This is the case if a layer-shell surface is hovered. // If it's on another output, focus the active workspace there. if (!hovered_node) { struct wlr_output *wlr_output = wlr_output_layout_output_at( root->output_layout, seat->cursor->cursor->x, seat->cursor->cursor->y); if (wlr_output == NULL) { return; } struct sway_output *hovered_output = wlr_output->data; if (focus && hovered_output != node_get_output(focus)) { struct sway_workspace *ws = output_get_active_workspace(hovered_output); seat_set_focus(seat, &ws->node); transaction_commit_dirty(); } return; } // If a workspace node is hovered (eg. in the gap area), only set focus if // the workspace is on a different output to the previous focus. if (focus && hovered_node->type == N_WORKSPACE) { struct sway_output *focused_output = node_get_output(focus); struct sway_output *hovered_output = node_get_output(hovered_node); if (hovered_output != focused_output) { seat_set_focus(seat, seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, hovered_node)); transaction_commit_dirty(); } return; } // This is where we handle the common case. We don't want to focus inactive // tabs, hence the view_is_visible check. if (node_is_view(hovered_node) && view_is_visible(hovered_node->sway_container->view)) { // e->previous_node is the node which the cursor was over previously. // If focus_follows_mouse is yes and the cursor got over the view due // to, say, a workspace switch, we don't want to set the focus. // But if focus_follows_mouse is "always", we do. if (hovered_node != e->previous_node || config->focus_follows_mouse == FOLLOWS_ALWAYS) { seat_set_focus(seat, hovered_node); transaction_commit_dirty(); } } } static void handle_pointer_motion(struct sway_seat *seat, uint32_t time_msec) { struct seatop_default_event *e = seat->seatop_data; struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx, sy; struct sway_node *node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); if (config->focus_follows_mouse != FOLLOWS_NO) { check_focus_follows_mouse(seat, e, node); } if (surface) { if (seat_is_input_allowed(seat, surface)) { wlr_seat_pointer_notify_enter(seat->wlr_seat, surface, sx, sy); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_motion(seat->wlr_seat, time_msec, sx, sy); } } else { cursor_update_image(cursor, node); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_clear_focus(seat->wlr_seat); } struct sway_drag_icon *drag_icon; wl_list_for_each(drag_icon, &root->drag_icons, link) { if (drag_icon->seat == seat) { drag_icon_update_position(drag_icon); } } e->previous_node = node; } static void handle_tablet_tool_motion(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t time_msec) { struct seatop_default_event *e = seat->seatop_data; struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx, sy; struct sway_node *node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); if (config->focus_follows_mouse != FOLLOWS_NO) { check_focus_follows_mouse(seat, e, node); } if (surface) { if (seat_is_input_allowed(seat, surface)) { wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_notify_proximity_in(tool->tablet_v2_tool, tool->tablet->tablet_v2, surface); wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_notify_motion(tool->tablet_v2_tool, sx, sy); } } else { cursor_update_image(cursor, node); wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_tool_notify_proximity_out(tool->tablet_v2_tool); } struct sway_drag_icon *drag_icon; wl_list_for_each(drag_icon, &root->drag_icons, link) { if (drag_icon->seat == seat) { drag_icon_update_position(drag_icon); } } e->previous_node = node; } static void handle_touch_down(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_touch_down_event *event, double lx, double ly) { struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat = seat->wlr_seat; struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; double sx, sy; node_at_coords(seat, seat->touch_x, seat->touch_y, &surface, &sx, &sy); if (surface && wlr_surface_accepts_touch(wlr_seat, surface)) { if (seat_is_input_allowed(seat, surface)) { cursor->simulating_pointer_from_touch = false; seatop_begin_touch_down(seat, surface, event, sx, sy, lx, ly); } } else if (!cursor->simulating_pointer_from_touch && (!surface || seat_is_input_allowed(seat, surface))) { // Fallback to cursor simulation. // The pointer_touch_id state is needed, so drags are not aborted when over // a surface supporting touch and multi touch events don't interfere. cursor->simulating_pointer_from_touch = true; cursor->pointer_touch_id = seat->touch_id; double dx, dy; dx = seat->touch_x - cursor->cursor->x; dy = seat->touch_y - cursor->cursor->y; pointer_motion(cursor, event->time_msec, &event->touch->base, dx, dy, dx, dy); dispatch_cursor_button(cursor, &event->touch->base, event->time_msec, BTN_LEFT, WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED); } } /*----------------------------------------\ * Functions used by handle_pointer_axis / *--------------------------------------*/ static uint32_t wl_axis_to_button(struct wlr_pointer_axis_event *event) { switch (event->orientation) { case WLR_AXIS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL: return event->delta < 0 ? SWAY_SCROLL_UP : SWAY_SCROLL_DOWN; case WLR_AXIS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL: return event->delta < 0 ? SWAY_SCROLL_LEFT : SWAY_SCROLL_RIGHT; default: sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Unknown axis orientation"); return 0; } } static void handle_pointer_axis(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_axis_event *event) { struct sway_input_device *input_device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; struct input_config *ic = input_device ? input_device_get_config(input_device) : NULL; struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; struct seatop_default_event *e = seat->seatop_data; // Determine what's under the cursor struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx, sy; struct sway_node *node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); struct sway_container *cont = node && node->type == N_CONTAINER ? node->sway_container : NULL; enum wlr_edges edge = cont ? find_edge(cont, surface, cursor) : WLR_EDGE_NONE; bool on_border = edge != WLR_EDGE_NONE; bool on_titlebar = cont && !on_border && !surface; bool on_titlebar_border = cont && on_border && cursor->cursor->y < cont->pending.content_y; bool on_contents = cont && !on_border && surface; bool on_workspace = node && node->type == N_WORKSPACE; float scroll_factor = (ic == NULL || ic->scroll_factor == FLT_MIN) ? 1.0f : ic->scroll_factor; bool handled = false; // Gather information needed for mouse bindings struct wlr_keyboard *keyboard = wlr_seat_get_keyboard(seat->wlr_seat); uint32_t modifiers = keyboard ? wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard) : 0; struct wlr_input_device *device = input_device ? input_device->wlr_device : NULL; char *dev_id = device ? input_device_get_identifier(device) : strdup("*"); uint32_t button = wl_axis_to_button(event); // Handle mouse bindings - x11 mouse buttons 4-7 - press event struct sway_binding *binding = NULL; state_add_button(e, button); binding = get_active_mouse_binding(e, config->current_mode->mouse_bindings, modifiers, false, on_titlebar, on_border, on_contents, on_workspace, dev_id); if (binding) { seat_execute_command(seat, binding); handled = true; } // Scrolling on a tabbed or stacked title bar (handled as press event) if (!handled && (on_titlebar || on_titlebar_border)) { struct sway_node *new_focus; enum sway_container_layout layout = container_parent_layout(cont); if (layout == L_TABBED || layout == L_STACKED) { struct sway_node *tabcontainer = node_get_parent(node); struct sway_node *active = seat_get_active_tiling_child(seat, tabcontainer); list_t *siblings = container_get_siblings(cont); int desired = list_find(siblings, active->sway_container) + roundf(scroll_factor * event->delta_discrete / WLR_POINTER_AXIS_DISCRETE_STEP); if (desired < 0) { desired = 0; } else if (desired >= siblings->length) { desired = siblings->length - 1; } struct sway_container *new_sibling_con = siblings->items[desired]; struct sway_node *new_sibling = &new_sibling_con->node; // Use the focused child of the tabbed/stacked container, not the // container the user scrolled on. new_focus = seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, new_sibling); } else { new_focus = seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, &cont->node); } seat_set_focus(seat, new_focus); transaction_commit_dirty(); handled = true; } // Handle mouse bindings - x11 mouse buttons 4-7 - release event binding = get_active_mouse_binding(e, config->current_mode->mouse_bindings, modifiers, true, on_titlebar, on_border, on_contents, on_workspace, dev_id); state_erase_button(e, button); if (binding) { seat_execute_command(seat, binding); handled = true; } free(dev_id); if (!handled) { wlr_seat_pointer_notify_axis(cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->orientation, scroll_factor * event->delta, roundf(scroll_factor * event->delta_discrete), event->source); } } /*------------------------------------\ * Functions used by gesture support / *----------------------------------*/ /** * Check gesture binding for a specific gesture type and finger count. * Returns true if binding is present, false otherwise */ static bool gesture_binding_check(list_t *bindings, enum gesture_type type, uint8_t fingers, struct sway_input_device *device) { char *input = device ? input_device_get_identifier(device->wlr_device) : strdup("*"); for (int i = 0; i < bindings->length; ++i) { struct sway_gesture_binding *binding = bindings->items[i]; // Check type and finger count if (!gesture_check(&binding->gesture, type, fingers)) { continue; } // Check that input matches if (strcmp(binding->input, "*") != 0 && strcmp(binding->input, input) != 0) { continue; } free(input); return true; } free(input); return false; } /** * Return the gesture binding which matches gesture type, finger count * and direction, otherwise return null. */ static struct sway_gesture_binding* gesture_binding_match( list_t *bindings, struct gesture *gesture, const char *input) { struct sway_gesture_binding *current = NULL; // Find best matching binding for (int i = 0; i < bindings->length; ++i) { struct sway_gesture_binding *binding = bindings->items[i]; bool exact = binding->flags & BINDING_EXACT; // Check gesture matching if (!gesture_match(&binding->gesture, gesture, exact)) { continue; } // Check input matching if (strcmp(binding->input, "*") != 0 && strcmp(binding->input, input) != 0) { continue; } // If we already have a match ... if (current) { // ... check if input matching is equivalent if (strcmp(current->input, binding->input) == 0) { // ... - do not override an exact binding if (!exact && current->flags & BINDING_EXACT) { continue; } // ... - and ensure direction matching is better or equal if (gesture_compare(¤t->gesture, &binding->gesture) > 0) { continue; } } else if (strcmp(binding->input, "*") == 0) { // ... do not accept worse input match continue; } } // Accept newer or better match current = binding; // If exact binding and input is found, quit search if (strcmp(current->input, input) == 0 && gesture_compare(¤t->gesture, gesture) == 0) { break; } } // for all gesture bindings return current; } // Wrapper around gesture_tracker_end to use tracker with sway bindings static struct sway_gesture_binding* gesture_tracker_end_and_match( struct gesture_tracker *tracker, struct sway_input_device* device) { // Determine name of input that received gesture char *input = device ? input_device_get_identifier(device->wlr_device) : strdup("*"); // Match tracking result to binding struct gesture *gesture = gesture_tracker_end(tracker); struct sway_gesture_binding *binding = gesture_binding_match( config->current_mode->gesture_bindings, gesture, input); free(gesture); free(input); return binding; } // Small wrapper around seat_execute_command to work on gesture bindings static void gesture_binding_execute(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_gesture_binding *binding) { struct sway_binding *dummy_binding = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_binding)); dummy_binding->type = BINDING_GESTURE; dummy_binding->command = binding->command; char *description = gesture_to_string(&binding->gesture); sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "executing gesture binding: %s", description); free(description); seat_execute_command(seat, dummy_binding); free(dummy_binding); } static void handle_hold_begin(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_hold_begin_event *event) { // Start tracking gesture if there is a matching binding ... struct sway_input_device *device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; list_t *bindings = config->current_mode->gesture_bindings; if (gesture_binding_check(bindings, GESTURE_TYPE_HOLD, event->fingers, device)) { struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; gesture_tracker_begin(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_HOLD, event->fingers); } else { // ... otherwise forward to client struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_hold_begin( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->fingers); } } static void handle_hold_end(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_hold_end_event *event) { // Ensure that gesture is being tracked and was not cancelled struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; if (!gesture_tracker_check(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_HOLD)) { struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_hold_end( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->cancelled); return; } if (event->cancelled) { gesture_tracker_cancel(&seatop->gestures); return; } // End gesture tracking and execute matched binding struct sway_input_device *device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; struct sway_gesture_binding *binding = gesture_tracker_end_and_match( &seatop->gestures, device); if (binding) { gesture_binding_execute(seat, binding); } } static void handle_pinch_begin(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_pinch_begin_event *event) { // Start tracking gesture if there is a matching binding ... struct sway_input_device *device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; list_t *bindings = config->current_mode->gesture_bindings; if (gesture_binding_check(bindings, GESTURE_TYPE_PINCH, event->fingers, device)) { struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; gesture_tracker_begin(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_PINCH, event->fingers); } else { // ... otherwise forward to client struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_pinch_begin( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->fingers); } } static void handle_pinch_update(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_pinch_update_event *event) { // Update any ongoing tracking ... struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; if (gesture_tracker_check(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_PINCH)) { gesture_tracker_update(&seatop->gestures, event->dx, event->dy, event->scale, event->rotation); } else { // ... otherwise forward to client struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_pinch_update( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->dx, event->dy, event->scale, event->rotation); } } static void handle_pinch_end(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_pinch_end_event *event) { // Ensure that gesture is being tracked and was not cancelled struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; if (!gesture_tracker_check(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_PINCH)) { struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_pinch_end( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->cancelled); return; } if (event->cancelled) { gesture_tracker_cancel(&seatop->gestures); return; } // End gesture tracking and execute matched binding struct sway_input_device *device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; struct sway_gesture_binding *binding = gesture_tracker_end_and_match( &seatop->gestures, device); if (binding) { gesture_binding_execute(seat, binding); } } static void handle_swipe_begin(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_swipe_begin_event *event) { // Start tracking gesture if there is a matching binding ... struct sway_input_device *device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; list_t *bindings = config->current_mode->gesture_bindings; if (gesture_binding_check(bindings, GESTURE_TYPE_SWIPE, event->fingers, device)) { struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; gesture_tracker_begin(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_SWIPE, event->fingers); } else { // ... otherwise forward to client struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_swipe_begin( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->fingers); } } static void handle_swipe_update(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_swipe_update_event *event) { // Update any ongoing tracking ... struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; if (gesture_tracker_check(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_SWIPE)) { gesture_tracker_update(&seatop->gestures, event->dx, event->dy, NAN, NAN); } else { // ... otherwise forward to client struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_swipe_update( cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->dx, event->dy); } } static void handle_swipe_end(struct sway_seat *seat, struct wlr_pointer_swipe_end_event *event) { // Ensure gesture is being tracked and was not cancelled struct seatop_default_event *seatop = seat->seatop_data; if (!gesture_tracker_check(&seatop->gestures, GESTURE_TYPE_SWIPE)) { struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_send_swipe_end(cursor->pointer_gestures, cursor->seat->wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->cancelled); return; } if (event->cancelled) { gesture_tracker_cancel(&seatop->gestures); return; } // End gesture tracking and execute matched binding struct sway_input_device *device = event->pointer ? event->pointer->base.data : NULL; struct sway_gesture_binding *binding = gesture_tracker_end_and_match( &seatop->gestures, device); if (binding) { gesture_binding_execute(seat, binding); } } /*----------------------------------\ * Functions used by handle_rebase / *--------------------------------*/ static void handle_rebase(struct sway_seat *seat, uint32_t time_msec) { struct seatop_default_event *e = seat->seatop_data; struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx = 0.0, sy = 0.0; e->previous_node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); if (surface) { if (seat_is_input_allowed(seat, surface)) { wlr_seat_pointer_notify_enter(seat->wlr_seat, surface, sx, sy); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_motion(seat->wlr_seat, time_msec, sx, sy); } } else { cursor_update_image(cursor, e->previous_node); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_clear_focus(seat->wlr_seat); } } static const struct sway_seatop_impl seatop_impl = { .button = handle_button, .pointer_motion = handle_pointer_motion, .pointer_axis = handle_pointer_axis, .tablet_tool_tip = handle_tablet_tool_tip, .tablet_tool_motion = handle_tablet_tool_motion, .hold_begin = handle_hold_begin, .hold_end = handle_hold_end, .pinch_begin = handle_pinch_begin, .pinch_update = handle_pinch_update, .pinch_end = handle_pinch_end, .swipe_begin = handle_swipe_begin, .swipe_update = handle_swipe_update, .swipe_end = handle_swipe_end, .touch_down = handle_touch_down, .rebase = handle_rebase, .allow_set_cursor = true, }; void seatop_begin_default(struct sway_seat *seat) { seatop_end(seat); struct seatop_default_event *e = calloc(1, sizeof(struct seatop_default_event)); sway_assert(e, "Unable to allocate seatop_default_event"); seat->seatop_impl = &seatop_impl; seat->seatop_data = e; seatop_rebase(seat, 0); }