#include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <strings.h> #include <wlr/config.h> #include <wlr/backend/multi.h> #include <wlr/interfaces/wlr_keyboard.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_idle.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_keyboard.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_keyboard_group.h> #include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon-names.h> #include "sway/commands.h" #include "sway/input/input-manager.h" #include "sway/input/keyboard.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/input/cursor.h" #include "sway/ipc-server.h" #include "log.h" #if WLR_HAS_SESSION #include <wlr/backend/session.h> #endif static struct modifier_key { char *name; uint32_t mod; } modifiers[] = { { XKB_MOD_NAME_SHIFT, WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT }, { XKB_MOD_NAME_CAPS, WLR_MODIFIER_CAPS }, { XKB_MOD_NAME_CTRL, WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL }, { "Ctrl", WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL }, { XKB_MOD_NAME_ALT, WLR_MODIFIER_ALT }, { "Alt", WLR_MODIFIER_ALT }, { XKB_MOD_NAME_NUM, WLR_MODIFIER_MOD2 }, { "Mod3", WLR_MODIFIER_MOD3 }, { XKB_MOD_NAME_LOGO, WLR_MODIFIER_LOGO }, { "Mod5", WLR_MODIFIER_MOD5 }, }; uint32_t get_modifier_mask_by_name(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(modifiers) / sizeof(struct modifier_key)); ++i) { if (strcasecmp(modifiers[i].name, name) == 0) { return modifiers[i].mod; } } return 0; } const char *get_modifier_name_by_mask(uint32_t modifier) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(modifiers) / sizeof(struct modifier_key)); ++i) { if (modifiers[i].mod == modifier) { return modifiers[i].name; } } return NULL; } int get_modifier_names(const char **names, uint32_t modifier_masks) { int length = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(modifiers) / sizeof(struct modifier_key)); ++i) { if ((modifier_masks & modifiers[i].mod) != 0) { names[length] = modifiers[i].name; ++length; modifier_masks ^= modifiers[i].mod; } } return length; } /** * Remove all key ids associated to a keycode from the list of pressed keys */ static bool state_erase_key(struct sway_shortcut_state *state, uint32_t keycode) { bool found = false; size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < state->npressed; ++i) { if (i > j) { state->pressed_keys[j] = state->pressed_keys[i]; state->pressed_keycodes[j] = state->pressed_keycodes[i]; } if (state->pressed_keycodes[i] != keycode) { ++j; } else { found = true; } } while(state->npressed > j) { --state->npressed; state->pressed_keys[state->npressed] = 0; state->pressed_keycodes[state->npressed] = 0; } state->current_key = 0; return found; } /** * Add a key id (with associated keycode) to the list of pressed keys, * if the list is not full. */ static void state_add_key(struct sway_shortcut_state *state, uint32_t keycode, uint32_t key_id) { if (state->npressed >= SWAY_KEYBOARD_PRESSED_KEYS_CAP) { return; } size_t i = 0; while (i < state->npressed && state->pressed_keys[i] < key_id) { ++i; } size_t j = state->npressed; while (j > i) { state->pressed_keys[j] = state->pressed_keys[j - 1]; state->pressed_keycodes[j] = state->pressed_keycodes[j - 1]; --j; } state->pressed_keys[i] = key_id; state->pressed_keycodes[i] = keycode; state->npressed++; state->current_key = key_id; } /** * Update the shortcut model state in response to new input */ static bool update_shortcut_state(struct sway_shortcut_state *state, uint32_t keycode, enum wl_keyboard_key_state keystate, uint32_t new_key, uint32_t raw_modifiers) { bool last_key_was_a_modifier = raw_modifiers != state->last_raw_modifiers; state->last_raw_modifiers = raw_modifiers; if (last_key_was_a_modifier && state->last_keycode) { // Last pressed key before this one was a modifier state_erase_key(state, state->last_keycode); } if (keystate == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { // Add current key to set; there may be duplicates state_add_key(state, keycode, new_key); state->last_keycode = keycode; } else { return state_erase_key(state, keycode); } return false; } /** * If one exists, finds a binding which matches the shortcut model state, * current modifiers, release state, and locked state. */ static void get_active_binding(const struct sway_shortcut_state *state, list_t *bindings, struct sway_binding **current_binding, uint32_t modifiers, bool release, bool locked, bool inhibited, const char *input, bool exact_input, xkb_layout_index_t group) { for (int i = 0; i < bindings->length; ++i) { struct sway_binding *binding = bindings->items[i]; bool binding_locked = (binding->flags & BINDING_LOCKED) != 0; bool binding_inhibited = (binding->flags & BINDING_INHIBITED) != 0; bool binding_release = binding->flags & BINDING_RELEASE; if (modifiers ^ binding->modifiers || release != binding_release || locked > binding_locked || inhibited > binding_inhibited || (binding->group != XKB_LAYOUT_INVALID && binding->group != group) || (strcmp(binding->input, input) != 0 && (strcmp(binding->input, "*") != 0 || exact_input))) { continue; } bool match = false; if (state->npressed == (size_t)binding->keys->length) { match = true; for (size_t j = 0; j < state->npressed; j++) { uint32_t key = *(uint32_t *)binding->keys->items[j]; if (key != state->pressed_keys[j]) { match = false; break; } } } else if (binding->keys->length == 1) { /* * If no multiple-key binding has matched, try looking for * single-key bindings that match the newly-pressed key. */ match = state->current_key == *(uint32_t *)binding->keys->items[0]; } if (!match) { continue; } if (*current_binding) { if (*current_binding == binding) { continue; } bool current_locked = ((*current_binding)->flags & BINDING_LOCKED) != 0; bool current_inhibited = ((*current_binding)->flags & BINDING_INHIBITED) != 0; bool current_input = strcmp((*current_binding)->input, input) == 0; bool current_group_set = (*current_binding)->group != XKB_LAYOUT_INVALID; bool binding_input = strcmp(binding->input, input) == 0; bool binding_group_set = binding->group != XKB_LAYOUT_INVALID; if (current_input == binding_input && current_locked == binding_locked && current_inhibited == binding_inhibited && current_group_set == binding_group_set) { sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Encountered conflicting bindings %d and %d", (*current_binding)->order, binding->order); continue; } if (current_input && !binding_input) { continue; // Prefer the correct input } if (current_input == binding_input && (*current_binding)->group == group) { continue; // Prefer correct group for matching inputs } if (current_input == binding_input && current_group_set == binding_group_set && current_locked == locked) { continue; // Prefer correct lock state for matching input+group } if (current_input == binding_input && current_group_set == binding_group_set && current_locked == binding_locked && current_inhibited == inhibited) { // Prefer correct inhibition state for matching // input+group+locked continue; } } *current_binding = binding; if (strcmp((*current_binding)->input, input) == 0 && (((*current_binding)->flags & BINDING_LOCKED) == locked) && (((*current_binding)->flags & BINDING_INHIBITED) == inhibited) && (*current_binding)->group == group) { return; // If a perfect match is found, quit searching } } } /** * Execute a built-in, hardcoded compositor binding. These are triggered from a * single keysym. * * Returns true if the keysym was handled by a binding and false if the event * should be propagated to clients. */ static bool keyboard_execute_compositor_binding(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard, const xkb_keysym_t *pressed_keysyms, uint32_t modifiers, size_t keysyms_len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < keysyms_len; ++i) { xkb_keysym_t keysym = pressed_keysyms[i]; if (keysym >= XKB_KEY_XF86Switch_VT_1 && keysym <= XKB_KEY_XF86Switch_VT_12) { #if WLR_HAS_SESSION if (server.session) { unsigned vt = keysym - XKB_KEY_XF86Switch_VT_1 + 1; wlr_session_change_vt(server.session, vt); } #endif return true; } } return false; } /** * Get keysyms and modifiers from the keyboard as xkb sees them. * * This uses the xkb keysyms translation based on pressed modifiers and clears * the consumed modifiers from the list of modifiers passed to keybind * detection. * * On US layout, pressing Alt+Shift+2 will trigger Alt+@. */ static size_t keyboard_keysyms_translated(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard, xkb_keycode_t keycode, const xkb_keysym_t **keysyms, uint32_t *modifiers) { *modifiers = wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard->wlr); xkb_mod_mask_t consumed = xkb_state_key_get_consumed_mods2( keyboard->wlr->xkb_state, keycode, XKB_CONSUMED_MODE_XKB); *modifiers = *modifiers & ~consumed; return xkb_state_key_get_syms(keyboard->wlr->xkb_state, keycode, keysyms); } /** * Get keysyms and modifiers from the keyboard as if modifiers didn't change * keysyms. * * This avoids the xkb keysym translation based on modifiers considered pressed * in the state. * * This will trigger keybinds such as Alt+Shift+2. */ static size_t keyboard_keysyms_raw(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard, xkb_keycode_t keycode, const xkb_keysym_t **keysyms, uint32_t *modifiers) { *modifiers = wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard->wlr); xkb_layout_index_t layout_index = xkb_state_key_get_layout( keyboard->wlr->xkb_state, keycode); return xkb_keymap_key_get_syms_by_level(keyboard->wlr->keymap, keycode, layout_index, 0, keysyms); } void sway_keyboard_disarm_key_repeat(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { if (!keyboard) { return; } keyboard->repeat_binding = NULL; if (wl_event_source_timer_update(keyboard->key_repeat_source, 0) < 0) { sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "failed to disarm key repeat timer"); } } struct key_info { uint32_t keycode; uint32_t code_modifiers; const xkb_keysym_t *raw_keysyms; uint32_t raw_modifiers; size_t raw_keysyms_len; const xkb_keysym_t *translated_keysyms; uint32_t translated_modifiers; size_t translated_keysyms_len; }; static void update_keyboard_state(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard, uint32_t raw_keycode, enum wl_keyboard_key_state keystate, struct key_info *keyinfo) { // Identify new keycode, raw keysym(s), and translated keysym(s) keyinfo->keycode = raw_keycode + 8; keyinfo->raw_keysyms_len = keyboard_keysyms_raw(keyboard, keyinfo->keycode, &keyinfo->raw_keysyms, &keyinfo->raw_modifiers); keyinfo->translated_keysyms_len = keyboard_keysyms_translated(keyboard, keyinfo->keycode, &keyinfo->translated_keysyms, &keyinfo->translated_modifiers); keyinfo->code_modifiers = wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard->wlr); // Update shortcut model keyinfo update_shortcut_state(&keyboard->state_keycodes, raw_keycode, keystate, keyinfo->keycode, keyinfo->code_modifiers); for (size_t i = 0; i < keyinfo->raw_keysyms_len; ++i) { update_shortcut_state(&keyboard->state_keysyms_raw, raw_keycode, keystate, keyinfo->raw_keysyms[i], keyinfo->code_modifiers); } for (size_t i = 0; i < keyinfo->translated_keysyms_len; ++i) { update_shortcut_state(&keyboard->state_keysyms_translated, raw_keycode, keystate, keyinfo->translated_keysyms[i], keyinfo->code_modifiers); } } /** * Get keyboard grab of the seat from sway_keyboard if we should forward events * to it. * * Returns NULL if the keyboard is not grabbed by an input method, * or if event is from virtual keyboard of the same client as grab. * TODO: see swaywm/wlroots#2322 */ static struct wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2 *keyboard_get_im_grab( struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { struct wlr_input_method_v2 *input_method = keyboard->seat_device-> sway_seat->im_relay.input_method; struct wlr_virtual_keyboard_v1 *virtual_keyboard = wlr_input_device_get_virtual_keyboard(keyboard->seat_device->input_device->wlr_device); if (!input_method || !input_method->keyboard_grab || (virtual_keyboard && wl_resource_get_client(virtual_keyboard->resource) == wl_resource_get_client(input_method->keyboard_grab->resource))) { return NULL; } return input_method->keyboard_grab; } static void handle_key_event(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard, struct wlr_keyboard_key_event *event) { struct sway_seat *seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat; struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat = seat->wlr_seat; struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device = keyboard->seat_device->input_device->wlr_device; char *device_identifier = input_device_get_identifier(wlr_device); bool exact_identifier = keyboard->wlr->group != NULL; seat_idle_notify_activity(seat, IDLE_SOURCE_KEYBOARD); bool input_inhibited = seat->exclusive_client != NULL || server.session_lock.locked; struct sway_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibitor *sway_inhibitor = keyboard_shortcuts_inhibitor_get_for_focused_surface(seat); bool shortcuts_inhibited = sway_inhibitor && sway_inhibitor->inhibitor->active; if (event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { cursor_notify_key_press(seat->cursor); } // Identify new keycode, raw keysym(s), and translated keysym(s) struct key_info keyinfo; update_keyboard_state(keyboard, event->keycode, event->state, &keyinfo); bool handled = false; // Identify active release binding struct sway_binding *binding_released = NULL; get_active_binding(&keyboard->state_keycodes, config->current_mode->keycode_bindings, &binding_released, keyinfo.code_modifiers, true, input_inhibited, shortcuts_inhibited, device_identifier, exact_identifier, keyboard->effective_layout); get_active_binding(&keyboard->state_keysyms_raw, config->current_mode->keysym_bindings, &binding_released, keyinfo.raw_modifiers, true, input_inhibited, shortcuts_inhibited, device_identifier, exact_identifier, keyboard->effective_layout); get_active_binding(&keyboard->state_keysyms_translated, config->current_mode->keysym_bindings, &binding_released, keyinfo.translated_modifiers, true, input_inhibited, shortcuts_inhibited, device_identifier, exact_identifier, keyboard->effective_layout); // Execute stored release binding once no longer active if (keyboard->held_binding && binding_released != keyboard->held_binding && event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED) { seat_execute_command(seat, keyboard->held_binding); handled = true; } if (binding_released != keyboard->held_binding) { keyboard->held_binding = NULL; } if (binding_released && event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { keyboard->held_binding = binding_released; } // Identify and execute active pressed binding struct sway_binding *binding = NULL; if (event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { get_active_binding(&keyboard->state_keycodes, config->current_mode->keycode_bindings, &binding, keyinfo.code_modifiers, false, input_inhibited, shortcuts_inhibited, device_identifier, exact_identifier, keyboard->effective_layout); get_active_binding(&keyboard->state_keysyms_raw, config->current_mode->keysym_bindings, &binding, keyinfo.raw_modifiers, false, input_inhibited, shortcuts_inhibited, device_identifier, exact_identifier, keyboard->effective_layout); get_active_binding(&keyboard->state_keysyms_translated, config->current_mode->keysym_bindings, &binding, keyinfo.translated_modifiers, false, input_inhibited, shortcuts_inhibited, device_identifier, exact_identifier, keyboard->effective_layout); } // Set up (or clear) keyboard repeat for a pressed binding. Since the // binding may remove the keyboard, the timer needs to be updated first if (binding && !(binding->flags & BINDING_NOREPEAT) && keyboard->wlr->repeat_info.delay > 0) { keyboard->repeat_binding = binding; if (wl_event_source_timer_update(keyboard->key_repeat_source, keyboard->wlr->repeat_info.delay) < 0) { sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "failed to set key repeat timer"); } } else if (keyboard->repeat_binding) { sway_keyboard_disarm_key_repeat(keyboard); } if (binding) { seat_execute_command(seat, binding); handled = true; } if (!handled && keyboard->wlr->group) { // Only handle device specific bindings for keyboards in a group free(device_identifier); return; } // Compositor bindings if (!handled && event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { handled = keyboard_execute_compositor_binding( keyboard, keyinfo.translated_keysyms, keyinfo.translated_modifiers, keyinfo.translated_keysyms_len); } if (!handled && event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { handled = keyboard_execute_compositor_binding( keyboard, keyinfo.raw_keysyms, keyinfo.raw_modifiers, keyinfo.raw_keysyms_len); } if (event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED) { // If the pressed event was sent to a client, also send the released // event. In particular, don't send the released event to the IM grab. bool pressed_sent = update_shortcut_state( &keyboard->state_pressed_sent, event->keycode, event->state, keyinfo.keycode, 0); if (pressed_sent) { wlr_seat_set_keyboard(wlr_seat, keyboard->wlr); wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_key(wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->keycode, event->state); handled = true; } } if (!handled) { struct wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2 *kb_grab = keyboard_get_im_grab(keyboard); if (kb_grab) { wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2_set_keyboard(kb_grab, keyboard->wlr); wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2_send_key(kb_grab, event->time_msec, event->keycode, event->state); handled = true; } } if (!handled && event->state != WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED) { // If a released event failed pressed sent test, and not in sent to // keyboard grab, it is still not handled. Don't handle released here. update_shortcut_state( &keyboard->state_pressed_sent, event->keycode, event->state, keyinfo.keycode, 0); wlr_seat_set_keyboard(wlr_seat, keyboard->wlr); wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_key(wlr_seat, event->time_msec, event->keycode, event->state); } free(device_identifier); } static void handle_keyboard_key(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_keyboard *keyboard = wl_container_of(listener, keyboard, keyboard_key); handle_key_event(keyboard, data); } static void handle_keyboard_group_key(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_keyboard_group *sway_group = wl_container_of(listener, sway_group, keyboard_key); handle_key_event(sway_group->seat_device->keyboard, data); } static void handle_keyboard_group_enter(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_keyboard_group *sway_group = wl_container_of(listener, sway_group, enter); struct sway_keyboard *keyboard = sway_group->seat_device->keyboard; struct wl_array *keycodes = data; uint32_t *keycode; wl_array_for_each(keycode, keycodes) { struct key_info keyinfo; update_keyboard_state(keyboard, *keycode, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED, &keyinfo); } } static void handle_keyboard_group_leave(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_keyboard_group *sway_group = wl_container_of(listener, sway_group, leave); struct sway_keyboard *keyboard = sway_group->seat_device->keyboard; struct wl_array *keycodes = data; bool pressed_sent = false; uint32_t *keycode; wl_array_for_each(keycode, keycodes) { struct key_info keyinfo; update_keyboard_state(keyboard, *keycode, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED, &keyinfo); pressed_sent |= update_shortcut_state(&keyboard->state_pressed_sent, *keycode, WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED, keyinfo.keycode, 0); } if (!pressed_sent) { return; } // Refocus the focused node, layer surface, or unmanaged surface so that // it picks up the current keyboard state. struct sway_seat *seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat; struct sway_node *focus = seat_get_focus(seat); if (focus) { seat_set_focus(seat, NULL); seat_set_focus(seat, focus); } else if (seat->focused_layer) { struct wlr_layer_surface_v1 *layer = seat->focused_layer; seat_set_focus_layer(seat, NULL); seat_set_focus_layer(seat, layer); } else { struct wlr_surface *unmanaged = seat->wlr_seat->keyboard_state.focused_surface; seat_set_focus_surface(seat, NULL, false); seat_set_focus_surface(seat, unmanaged, false); } } static int handle_keyboard_repeat(void *data) { struct sway_keyboard *keyboard = data; if (keyboard->repeat_binding) { if (keyboard->wlr->repeat_info.rate > 0) { // We queue the next event first, as the command might cancel it if (wl_event_source_timer_update(keyboard->key_repeat_source, 1000 / keyboard->wlr->repeat_info.rate) < 0) { sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "failed to update key repeat timer"); } } seat_execute_command(keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat, keyboard->repeat_binding); } return 0; } static void determine_bar_visibility(uint32_t modifiers) { for (int i = 0; i < config->bars->length; ++i) { struct bar_config *bar = config->bars->items[i]; if (bar->modifier == 0) { continue; } bool vis_by_mod = (~modifiers & bar->modifier) == 0; if (bar->visible_by_modifier != vis_by_mod) { // If visible by modifier is set, send that it is no longer visible // by modifier (regardless of bar mode and state). Otherwise, only // send the visible by modifier status if mode and state are hide if (bar->visible_by_modifier || strcmp(bar->mode, bar->hidden_state) == 0) { bar->visible_by_modifier = vis_by_mod; ipc_event_bar_state_update(bar); } } } } static void handle_modifier_event(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { if (!keyboard->wlr->group) { struct wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2 *kb_grab = keyboard_get_im_grab(keyboard); if (kb_grab) { wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2_set_keyboard(kb_grab, keyboard->wlr); wlr_input_method_keyboard_grab_v2_send_modifiers(kb_grab, &keyboard->wlr->modifiers); } else { struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat->wlr_seat; wlr_seat_set_keyboard(wlr_seat, keyboard->wlr); wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_modifiers(wlr_seat, &keyboard->wlr->modifiers); } uint32_t modifiers = wlr_keyboard_get_modifiers(keyboard->wlr); determine_bar_visibility(modifiers); } if (keyboard->wlr->modifiers.group != keyboard->effective_layout) { keyboard->effective_layout = keyboard->wlr->modifiers.group; if (!wlr_keyboard_group_from_wlr_keyboard(keyboard->wlr)) { ipc_event_input("xkb_layout", keyboard->seat_device->input_device); } } } static void handle_keyboard_modifiers(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_keyboard *keyboard = wl_container_of(listener, keyboard, keyboard_modifiers); handle_modifier_event(keyboard); } static void handle_keyboard_group_modifiers(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_keyboard_group *group = wl_container_of(listener, group, keyboard_modifiers); handle_modifier_event(group->seat_device->keyboard); } struct sway_keyboard *sway_keyboard_create(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_seat_device *device) { struct sway_keyboard *keyboard = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_keyboard)); if (!sway_assert(keyboard, "could not allocate sway keyboard")) { return NULL; } keyboard->seat_device = device; keyboard->wlr = wlr_keyboard_from_input_device(device->input_device->wlr_device); device->keyboard = keyboard; wl_list_init(&keyboard->keyboard_key.link); wl_list_init(&keyboard->keyboard_modifiers.link); keyboard->key_repeat_source = wl_event_loop_add_timer(server.wl_event_loop, handle_keyboard_repeat, keyboard); return keyboard; } static void handle_xkb_context_log(struct xkb_context *context, enum xkb_log_level level, const char *format, va_list args) { char *error = vformat_str(format, args); size_t len = strlen(error); if (error[len - 1] == '\n') { error[len - 1] = '\0'; } sway_log_importance_t importance = SWAY_DEBUG; if (level <= XKB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) { // Critical and Error importance = SWAY_ERROR; } else if (level <= XKB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) { // Warning and Info importance = SWAY_INFO; } sway_log(importance, "[xkbcommon] %s", error); char **data = xkb_context_get_user_data(context); if (importance == SWAY_ERROR && data && !*data) { *data = error; } else { free(error); } } struct xkb_keymap *sway_keyboard_compile_keymap(struct input_config *ic, char **error) { struct xkb_context *context = xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_SECURE_GETENV); if (!sway_assert(context, "cannot create XKB context")) { return NULL; } xkb_context_set_user_data(context, error); xkb_context_set_log_fn(context, handle_xkb_context_log); struct xkb_keymap *keymap = NULL; if (ic && ic->xkb_file) { FILE *keymap_file = fopen(ic->xkb_file, "r"); if (!keymap_file) { sway_log_errno(SWAY_ERROR, "cannot read xkb file %s", ic->xkb_file); if (error) { *error = format_str("cannot read xkb file %s: %s", ic->xkb_file, strerror(errno)); } goto cleanup; } keymap = xkb_keymap_new_from_file(context, keymap_file, XKB_KEYMAP_FORMAT_TEXT_V1, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS); if (fclose(keymap_file) != 0) { sway_log_errno(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to close xkb file %s", ic->xkb_file); } } else { struct xkb_rule_names rules = {0}; if (ic) { input_config_fill_rule_names(ic, &rules); } keymap = xkb_keymap_new_from_names(context, &rules, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS); } cleanup: xkb_context_set_user_data(context, NULL); xkb_context_unref(context); return keymap; } static bool repeat_info_match(struct sway_keyboard *a, struct wlr_keyboard *b) { return a->repeat_rate == b->repeat_info.rate && a->repeat_delay == b->repeat_info.delay; } static void destroy_empty_wlr_keyboard_group(void *data) { wlr_keyboard_group_destroy(data); } static void sway_keyboard_group_remove(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { struct sway_input_device *device = keyboard->seat_device->input_device; struct wlr_keyboard_group *wlr_group = keyboard->wlr->group; sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Removing keyboard %s from group %p", device->identifier, wlr_group); wlr_keyboard_group_remove_keyboard(keyboard->wlr->group, keyboard->wlr); if (wl_list_empty(&wlr_group->devices)) { sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Destroying empty keyboard group %p", wlr_group); struct sway_keyboard_group *sway_group = wlr_group->data; wlr_group->data = NULL; wl_list_remove(&sway_group->link); wl_list_remove(&sway_group->keyboard_key.link); wl_list_remove(&sway_group->keyboard_modifiers.link); wl_list_remove(&sway_group->enter.link); wl_list_remove(&sway_group->leave.link); sway_keyboard_destroy(sway_group->seat_device->keyboard); free(sway_group->seat_device->input_device); free(sway_group->seat_device); free(sway_group); // To prevent use-after-free conditions when handling key events, defer // freeing the wlr_keyboard_group until idle wl_event_loop_add_idle(server.wl_event_loop, destroy_empty_wlr_keyboard_group, wlr_group); } } static void sway_keyboard_group_remove_invalid(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { if (!keyboard->wlr->group) { return; } struct sway_seat *seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat; struct seat_config *sc = seat_get_config(seat); if (!sc) { sc = seat_get_config_by_name("*"); } switch (sc ? sc->keyboard_grouping : KEYBOARD_GROUP_DEFAULT) { case KEYBOARD_GROUP_NONE: sway_keyboard_group_remove(keyboard); break; case KEYBOARD_GROUP_DEFAULT: /* fallthrough */ case KEYBOARD_GROUP_SMART:; struct wlr_keyboard_group *group = keyboard->wlr->group; if (!wlr_keyboard_keymaps_match(keyboard->keymap, group->keyboard.keymap) || !repeat_info_match(keyboard, &group->keyboard)) { sway_keyboard_group_remove(keyboard); } break; } } static void sway_keyboard_group_add(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { struct sway_input_device *device = keyboard->seat_device->input_device; struct sway_seat *seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat; struct seat_config *sc = seat_get_config(seat); if (device->is_virtual) { // Virtual devices should not be grouped return; } if (!sc) { sc = seat_get_config_by_name("*"); } if (sc && sc->keyboard_grouping == KEYBOARD_GROUP_NONE) { // Keyboard grouping is disabled for the seat return; } struct sway_keyboard_group *group; wl_list_for_each(group, &seat->keyboard_groups, link) { switch (sc ? sc->keyboard_grouping : KEYBOARD_GROUP_DEFAULT) { case KEYBOARD_GROUP_NONE: // Nothing to do. This shouldn't even be reached return; case KEYBOARD_GROUP_DEFAULT: /* fallthrough */ case KEYBOARD_GROUP_SMART:; struct wlr_keyboard_group *wlr_group = group->wlr_group; if (wlr_keyboard_keymaps_match(keyboard->keymap, wlr_group->keyboard.keymap) && repeat_info_match(keyboard, &wlr_group->keyboard)) { sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Adding keyboard %s to group %p", device->identifier, wlr_group); wlr_keyboard_group_add_keyboard(wlr_group, keyboard->wlr); return; } break; } } struct sway_keyboard_group *sway_group = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_keyboard_group)); if (!sway_group) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to allocate sway_keyboard_group"); return; } sway_group->wlr_group = wlr_keyboard_group_create(); if (!sway_group->wlr_group) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to create keyboard group"); goto cleanup; } sway_group->wlr_group->data = sway_group; wlr_keyboard_set_keymap(&sway_group->wlr_group->keyboard, keyboard->keymap); wlr_keyboard_set_repeat_info(&sway_group->wlr_group->keyboard, keyboard->repeat_rate, keyboard->repeat_delay); sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Created keyboard group %p", sway_group->wlr_group); sway_group->seat_device = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_seat_device)); if (!sway_group->seat_device) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to allocate sway_seat_device for group"); goto cleanup; } sway_group->seat_device->sway_seat = seat; sway_group->seat_device->input_device = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_input_device)); if (!sway_group->seat_device->input_device) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to allocate sway_input_device for group"); goto cleanup; } sway_group->seat_device->input_device->wlr_device = &sway_group->wlr_group->keyboard.base; if (!sway_keyboard_create(seat, sway_group->seat_device)) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to allocate sway_keyboard for group"); goto cleanup; } sway_log(SWAY_DEBUG, "Adding keyboard %s to group %p", device->identifier, sway_group->wlr_group); wlr_keyboard_group_add_keyboard(sway_group->wlr_group, keyboard->wlr); wl_list_insert(&seat->keyboard_groups, &sway_group->link); wl_signal_add(&sway_group->wlr_group->keyboard.events.key, &sway_group->keyboard_key); sway_group->keyboard_key.notify = handle_keyboard_group_key; wl_signal_add(&sway_group->wlr_group->keyboard.events.modifiers, &sway_group->keyboard_modifiers); sway_group->keyboard_modifiers.notify = handle_keyboard_group_modifiers; wl_signal_add(&sway_group->wlr_group->events.enter, &sway_group->enter); sway_group->enter.notify = handle_keyboard_group_enter; wl_signal_add(&sway_group->wlr_group->events.leave, &sway_group->leave); sway_group->leave.notify = handle_keyboard_group_leave; return; cleanup: if (sway_group && sway_group->wlr_group) { wlr_keyboard_group_destroy(sway_group->wlr_group); } free(sway_group->seat_device->keyboard); free(sway_group->seat_device->input_device); free(sway_group->seat_device); free(sway_group); } void sway_keyboard_configure(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { struct input_config *input_config = input_device_get_config(keyboard->seat_device->input_device); if (!sway_assert(!wlr_keyboard_group_from_wlr_keyboard(keyboard->wlr), "sway_keyboard_configure should not be called with a " "keyboard group's keyboard")) { return; } struct xkb_keymap *keymap = sway_keyboard_compile_keymap(input_config, NULL); if (!keymap) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to compile keymap. Attempting defaults"); keymap = sway_keyboard_compile_keymap(NULL, NULL); if (!keymap) { sway_log(SWAY_ERROR, "Failed to compile default keymap. Aborting configure"); return; } } bool keymap_changed = keyboard->keymap ? !wlr_keyboard_keymaps_match(keyboard->keymap, keymap) : true; bool effective_layout_changed = keyboard->effective_layout != 0; int repeat_rate = 25; if (input_config && input_config->repeat_rate != INT_MIN) { repeat_rate = input_config->repeat_rate; } int repeat_delay = 600; if (input_config && input_config->repeat_delay != INT_MIN) { repeat_delay = input_config->repeat_delay; } bool repeat_info_changed = keyboard->repeat_rate != repeat_rate || keyboard->repeat_delay != repeat_delay; if (keymap_changed || repeat_info_changed || config->reloading) { xkb_keymap_unref(keyboard->keymap); keyboard->keymap = keymap; keyboard->effective_layout = 0; keyboard->repeat_rate = repeat_rate; keyboard->repeat_delay = repeat_delay; sway_keyboard_group_remove_invalid(keyboard); wlr_keyboard_set_keymap(keyboard->wlr, keyboard->keymap); wlr_keyboard_set_repeat_info(keyboard->wlr, keyboard->repeat_rate, keyboard->repeat_delay); if (!keyboard->wlr->group) { sway_keyboard_group_add(keyboard); } xkb_mod_mask_t locked_mods = 0; if (input_config && input_config->xkb_numlock > 0) { xkb_mod_index_t mod_index = xkb_map_mod_get_index(keymap, XKB_MOD_NAME_NUM); if (mod_index != XKB_MOD_INVALID) { locked_mods |= (uint32_t)1 << mod_index; } } if (input_config && input_config->xkb_capslock > 0) { xkb_mod_index_t mod_index = xkb_map_mod_get_index(keymap, XKB_MOD_NAME_CAPS); if (mod_index != XKB_MOD_INVALID) { locked_mods |= (uint32_t)1 << mod_index; } } if (locked_mods) { wlr_keyboard_notify_modifiers(keyboard->wlr, 0, 0, locked_mods, 0); uint32_t leds = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WLR_LED_COUNT; ++i) { if (xkb_state_led_index_is_active(keyboard->wlr->xkb_state, keyboard->wlr->led_indexes[i])) { leds |= (1 << i); } } if (keyboard->wlr->group) { wlr_keyboard_led_update(&keyboard->wlr->group->keyboard, leds); } else { wlr_keyboard_led_update(keyboard->wlr, leds); } } } else { xkb_keymap_unref(keymap); sway_keyboard_group_remove_invalid(keyboard); if (!keyboard->wlr->group) { sway_keyboard_group_add(keyboard); } } // If the seat has no active keyboard, set this one struct wlr_seat *seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat->wlr_seat; struct wlr_keyboard *current_keyboard = seat->keyboard_state.keyboard; if (current_keyboard == NULL) { wlr_seat_set_keyboard(seat, keyboard->wlr); } wl_list_remove(&keyboard->keyboard_key.link); wl_signal_add(&keyboard->wlr->events.key, &keyboard->keyboard_key); keyboard->keyboard_key.notify = handle_keyboard_key; wl_list_remove(&keyboard->keyboard_modifiers.link); wl_signal_add(&keyboard->wlr->events.modifiers, &keyboard->keyboard_modifiers); keyboard->keyboard_modifiers.notify = handle_keyboard_modifiers; if (keymap_changed) { ipc_event_input("xkb_keymap", keyboard->seat_device->input_device); } else if (effective_layout_changed) { ipc_event_input("xkb_layout", keyboard->seat_device->input_device); } } void sway_keyboard_destroy(struct sway_keyboard *keyboard) { if (!keyboard) { return; } if (keyboard->wlr->group) { sway_keyboard_group_remove(keyboard); } struct wlr_seat *wlr_seat = keyboard->seat_device->sway_seat->wlr_seat; if (wlr_seat_get_keyboard(wlr_seat) == keyboard->wlr) { wlr_seat_set_keyboard(wlr_seat, NULL); } if (keyboard->keymap) { xkb_keymap_unref(keyboard->keymap); } wl_list_remove(&keyboard->keyboard_key.link); wl_list_remove(&keyboard->keyboard_modifiers.link); sway_keyboard_disarm_key_repeat(keyboard); wl_event_source_remove(keyboard->key_repeat_source); free(keyboard); }