

grimshot - a helper for screenshots within sway


*grimshot* [--notify] [--cursor] (copy|save) [TARGET] [FILE]++
*grimshot* check++
*grimshot* usage


	Show notifications to the user that a screenshot has been taken.

	Include cursors in the screenshot.

	Save the screenshot into a regular file. Grimshot will write image
	files to *XDG_SCREENSHOTS_DIR* if this is set (or defined
	in *user-dirs.dir*), or otherwise fall back to *XDG_PICTURES_DIR*.
	Set FILE to '-' to pipe the output to STDOUT.

	Copy the screenshot data (as image/png) into the clipboard.


Grimshot is an easy-to-use screenshot utility for sway. It provides a
convenient interface over grim, slurp and jq, and supports storing the
screenshot either directly to the clipboard using wl-copy or to a file.


An example usage pattern is to add these bindings to your sway config:

# Screenshots:
# Super+P: Current window
# Super+Shift+p: Select area
# Super+Alt+p Current output
# Super+Ctrl+p Select a window

bindsym Mod4+p       exec grimshot save active
bindsym Mod4+Shift+p exec grimshot save area
bindsym Mod4+Mod1+p  exec grimshot save output
bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+p  exec grimshot save window


grimshot can capture the following named targets:

	Captures the currently active window.

	Captures the entire screen. This includes all visible outputs.

	Allows manually selecting a rectangular region, and captures that.

	Allows manually selecting a single window (by clicking on it), and
	captures it.

	Captures the currently active output.


Grimshot will print the filename of the captured screenshot to stdout if called
with the _save_ subcommand.

