path: root/sway/sway.5.txt
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-vim:set ts=4 sw=4 tw=82 noet:
-sway (5)
-sway - configuration file and commands
-A sway configuration file is a list of sway commands that are executed by sway
-on startup. These commands usually consist of setting your preferences and
-setting key bindings. An example config is likely present in /etc/sway/config
-for you to check out.
-Lines in the configuration file might be extended through multiple lines by
-adding a '\' character at the end of line. e.g.:
- bindsym Shift+XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume \
- $(pactl list sinks | grep -B 1 RUNNING | sed '1q;d' | sed 's/[^0-9]\+//g') +5%
-These commands can be executed in your config file, via **swaymsg**(1), or via
-the bindsym command.
-The following commands may only be used in the configuration file.
-**bar** <block of commands>::
- Append _{_ to this command, the following lines will be commands that
- configure **swaybar**, and _}_ on its own line to close the block.
- +
- See **sway-bar**(5) for details.
-**default_orientation** <horizontal|vertical|auto>::
- Sets the default container layout for tiled containers.
-**set** <name> <value>::
- Sets variable $name to _value_. You can use the new variable in the arguments
- of future commands.
-**swaybg_command** <command>::
- Executes custom bg command, default is _swaybg_.
-The following commands cannot be used directly in the configuration file.
-They are expected to be used with **bindsym** or at runtime through **swaymsg**(1).
-**border** <normal|pixel> [<n>]::
- Set border style for focused window. _normal_ includes a border of thickness
- _n_ and a title bar. _pixel_ is a border without title bar _n_ pixels thick.
- Default is _normal_ with border thickness 2.
-**border** <none|toggle>::
- Set border style for focused window to _none_ or _toggle_ between the
- available border styles: _normal_, _pixel_, _none_.
- Exit sway and end your Wayland session.
-**floating** <enable|disable|toggle>::
- Make focused view floating, non-floating, or the opposite of what it is now.
-**focus** <direction>::
- Direction may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_, _next_, _prev_,
- _parent_, or _child_. The directional focus commands will move the focus
- in that direction. The _next_ and _prev_ directions will focus the next,
- respectively previous, element in the current container. The parent
- focus command will change the focus to the parent of the currently
- focused container, which is useful, for example, to open a sibling of
- the parent container, or to move the entire container around.
-**focus** output <direction|name>::
- Direction may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_. The directional focus
- commands will move the focus to the output in that direction. When name is
- given, the focus is changed to the output with that name.
-**focus** mode_toggle::
- Toggles focus between floating view and tiled view.
- Toggles fullscreen status for the focused view.
-**layout** <mode>::
- Sets the layout mode of the focused container. _mode_ can be one of _splith_,
- _splitv_, _toggle split_, _stacking_, _tabbed_.
-**layout** auto <mode>::
- Sets layout to one of the auto modes, i.e. one of _left_, _right_, _top_,
- or _bottom_.
-**layout** auto <next|prev>::
- Cycles between available auto layouts.
-**layout** auto [master|ncol] [inc|set] <n>::
- Modify the number of master elements, respectively slave columns, in the
- focused container. <n> can be a positive or negative integer. These commands
- only have an effect if the focused container uses one of the "auto" layouts.
-**layout** toggle split::
- Cycles between available split layouts.
-**move** <left|right|up|down> <[px]>::
- Moves the focused container _left_, _right_, _up_, or _down_. If the window
- is floating it moves it _px_ in that direction, defaulting to 10. Tiled
- containers are moved the same regardless of the _px_ argument.
-**move** <next|prev|first>::
- Moving to _prev_ or _next_ swaps the container with its sibling in the same
- container. Move _first_ exchanges the focused element in an auto layout with
- the first element, i.e. promotes the focused element to master position.
-**move** <container|window> to workspace <name>::
- Moves the focused container to the workspace identified by _name_.
- _name_ may be a special workspace name. See **workspace**.
-**move** <container|window|workspace> to output <name|direction>::
- Moves the focused container or workspace to the output identified by _name_ or
- _direction_. _direction_ may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_.
-**move** [to] scratchpad::
- Moves the focused window to the scratchpad.
- Reloads the sway config file without restarting sway.
-**resize** <shrink|grow> <width|height> [<amount>] [px|ppt]::
- Resizes the currently focused container or view by _amount_. _amount_ is
- optional: the default value is 10 (either px or ppt depending on the view type).
- The [px|ppt] parameter is optional. _px_ specifies that _amount_ refers to pixels;
- _ppt_ specifies that _amount_ refers to percentage points of the current
- size. Floating views use px by default (but can use ppt if specified); tiled
- views use ppt by default (but can use px if specified).
-**resize set** <width> [px] <height> [px]::
- Sets the width and height of the currently focused container to _width_ pixels
- and _height_ pixels. The [px] parameters are optional and have no effect. This
- command only accepts a size in pixels.
-**resize set** <width|height> <amount> [px] [<width|height> <amount> [px]]::
- Sets the _width_ and/or _height_ of the currently focused container to
- _amount_. The [px] parameters are optional and have no effect. This command
- only accepts a size in pixels.
-**scratchpad show**::
- Shows a window from the scratchpad. Repeatedly using this command will cycle
- through the windows in the scratchpad.
-**split** <vertical|v|horizontal|h|toggle|t>::
- Splits the current container, vertically or horizontally. If toggled, then the
- current container is split opposite to the parent container.
- Equivalent to **split horizontal**.
- Equivalent to **split vertical**.
- Equivalent to **split toggle**.
-**sticky** <enable|disable|toggle>::
- "Sticks" a floating window to the current output so that it shows up on all
- workspaces.
-The following commands may be used either in the configuration file
-or triggered at runtime.
-**assign** <criteria> [→] <workspace>::
- Assigns views matching _criteria_ (see **Criteria** section below) to
- _workspace_. The → (U+2192) is optional and purely for aesthetics. This
- command is exactly equivalent to "for_window <criteria> move container to
- workspace <workspace>".
-**bindsym** <key combo> <command>::
- Binds _key combo_ to execute _command_ when pressed. You may use XKB key
- names here (**xev**(1) is a good tool for discovering them). An example
- bindsym command would be **bindsym Mod1+Shift+f exec firefox**, which would
- execute Firefox if the alt, shift, and F keys are pressed together. Any
- valid sway command is eligible to be bound to a key combo.
- +
- **bindcode** <code> <command> is also available for binding with key codes
- instead of key names.
-**client**.<color_class> <border> <background> <text> <indicator> <child_border>::
- The client commands control the colors of the view borders and title bars. All
- client commands _require_ five color values. (The one exception is
- **client.background** which _requires_ one color value.) If you only want to
- specify a subset, supply default colors for all the others. Colors must be
- defined in hex. i.e. _#rrggbb_ or _#rrggbbaa_, when including the alpha
- channel.
- +
- The command tokens are:
- **color_class**::: Specifies the view to which the colors apply.
- **client.background**:::: The color a view will be painted, underneath the
- client itself. This will only be visible if a client does not fully
- cover its allocated view space. This command only requires one color. _Note_:
- This is not currently implemented.
- **client.focused**:::: The view that has focus.
- **client.focused_inactive**:::: A view that has focus within its
- container, but the container is not focused.
- **client.placeholder**:::: Used when drawing placeholder view contents.
- Only background and text colors are used. _Note_: This is not
- currently implemented.
- **client.unfocused**:::: A view that does not have focus.
- **client.urgent**:::: A view with an urgency hint. _Note_: This is not
- currently implemented.
- **border**::: The border around the title bar.
- **background**::: The background of the title bar.
- **text**::: The text color of the title bar.
- **indicator**::: The color used to indicate where a new view will open. In a
- tiled container, this would paint the right border of the current view if
- a new view would be opened to the right.
- **child_border**::: The border around the view itself.
-The default colors are:
-|color_class |border |background |text |indicator |child_border
-|background |n/a |#ffffff |n/a |n/a |n/a
-|focused |#4c7899 |#285577 |#ffffff |#2e9ef4 |#285577
-|focused_inactive |#333333 |#5f676a |#ffffff |#484e50 |#5f676a
-|unfocused |#333333 |#222222 |#888888 |#292d2e |#222222
-|urgent |#2f343a |#900000 |#ffffff |#900000 |#900000
-|placeholder |#000000 |#0c0c0c |#ffffff |#000000 |#0c0c0c
-**debuglog** <on|off|toggle>::
- Enables, disables or toggles debug logging. The toggle argument cannot be used
- in the configuration file.
-**default_border** <normal|none|pixel> [<n>]::
- Set default border style for new windows. This command was previously called
- **new_window**. While **new_window** still works, it is considered deprecated
- and support for it will be removed in the future.
-**default_floating_border** <normal|none|pixel> [<n>]::
- Set default border style for new floating windows. This only applies to
- windows that are spawned in floating mode, not windows that become floating
- after the fact. This command was previously called **new_float**. While
- **new_float** still works, it is considered deprecated and support for it will
- be removed in the future.
-**exec** <shell command>::
- Executes _shell command_ with sh.
-**exec_always** <shell command>::
- Like exec, but the shell command will be executed _again_ after *reload* or
- *restart* is executed.
-**floating_maximum_size** <width> x <height>::
- Specifies the maximum size of floating windows.
- Uses the container size as default.
- -1 x -1 will remove any restriction on size.
- 0 x 0 has the same behavior as not setting any value.
- If in conflict, this option has precedence over floating_minimum_size.
-**floating_minimum_size** <width> x <height>::
- Specifies the minimum size of floating windows.
- Default parameters are 75 x 50.
- -1 and 0 are invalid parameters, default will be used instead.
-**floating_modifier** <modifier> [normal|inverse]::
- When the _modifier_ key is held down, you may hold left click to move floating
- windows, and right click to resize them. Unlike i3, this modifier may also be
- used to resize and move windows that are tiled. With the _inverse_ mode
- enabled, left click is used for resizing and right click for dragging. The
- mode parameter is optional and defaults to _normal_ if it isn't defined.
-**floating_scroll** <up|down|left|right> [command]::
- Sets a command to be executed when the mouse wheel is scrolled in the
- specified direction while holding the floating modifier. Resets the command,
- when given no arguments.
-**focus_follows_mouse** <yes|no>::
- If set to _yes_, moving your mouse over a window will focus that window.
-**font** <font>::
- Sets font for use in title bars. Generally the format is something like "Name
- Style Size" e.g. "Deja Vu Sans Book 12". You can also use Pango font
- descriptions with "pango:font".
-**for_window** <criteria> <command>::
- Whenever a window that matches _criteria_ appears, run list of commands. See
- **Criteria** section below.
-**gaps** edge_gaps <on|off|toggle>::
- Whether or not to add gaps between views and workspace edges if amount of
- inner gap is not zero. When _off_, no gap is added where the view is aligned to
- the workspace edge, effectively creating gaps only between views. The toggle
- argument cannot be used in the configuration file.
-**gaps** <amount>::
- Sets default _amount_ pixels as the gap between each view, and around each
- workspace.
-**gaps** <inner|outer> <amount>::
- Sets default _amount_ pixels as the _inner_ or _outer_ gap, where the former
- affects spacing between views and the latter affects the space around each
- workspace.
-**gaps** <inner|outer> <all|workspace|current> <set|plus|minus> <amount>::
- Changes the gaps for the _inner_ or _outer_ gap. _all_ changes the gaps for
- all views or workspace, _workspace_ changes gaps for all views in current
- workspace (or current workspace), and _current_ changes gaps for the current
- view or workspace.
-**hide_edge_borders** <none|vertical|horizontal|both|smart>::
- Hide window borders adjacent to the screen edges. Default is _none_.
-**input** <input_device> <block of commands>::
- Append _{_ to this command, the following lines will be commands to configure
- the named input device, and _}_ on its own line will close the block.
- +
- **input * <block of commands>** may be used to match all input devices.
- +
- See **sway-input**(5) for details.
-**seat** <seat_name> <block of commands>::
- Append _{_ to this command, the following lines will be commands to configure
- the named seat, and _}_ on its own line will close the block.
- See **sway-input**(5) for details.
-**seat** <seat_name> cursor <move|set> <x> <y>::
- Move cursor relatively to current position or set to absolute screen position.
- A value of 0 causes the axis to be ignored in both commands.
-**seat** <seat_name> cursor <press|release> <left|right|1|2|3...>::
- Simulate press of mouse button specified by left, right, or numerical code.
- Kills (force-closes) the currently-focused container and all of its children.
-**smart_gaps** <on|off>::
- If smart_gaps are _on_ then gaps will only be enabled if a workspace has more
- than one child container.
-**mark** \<--add|--replace> \<--toggle> <identifier>::
- Marks are arbitrary labels that can be used to identify certain windows and
- then jump to them at a later time. By default, the **mark** command sets
- _identifier_ as the only mark on a window. By specifying _--add_, mark will
- add _identifier_ to the list of current marks. If _--toggle_ is specified mark
- will remove _identifier_ if it is already a label. Marks may be found by using
- a criteria. See the **Criteria** section below.
-**mode** <mode_name>::
- Switches to the given mode_name. The default mode is simply _default_. To
- create a new mode append _{_ to this command, the following lines
- will be keybindings for that mode, and _}_ on its own line to close the block.
-**mouse_warping** <output|none>::
- When _output_: place mouse at center of newly focused window when changing
- output. When _none_: don't move mouse.
-**no_focus** <criteria>::
- Prevents windows matching <criteria> from being focused automatically when
- they're created. This does not apply to the first window in a workspace.
-**output** <name> mode|resolution|res <WIDTHxHEIGHT>[@<RATE>[Hz]]::
- Configures the specified output to use the given mode. Modes are a combination
- of width and height (in pixels) and a refresh rate that your display can be
- configured to use. For a list of available modes, use swaymsg -t get_outputs.
- +
- Examples:
- +
- output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080
- +
- output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080@60Hz
-**output** <name> position|pos <X,Y>::
- Configures the specified output to be arranged at the given position.
-**output** <name> scale <I>::
- Configures the specified output to be scaled up by the specified integer
- scaling factor (usually 2 for HiDPI screens). Fractional scaling is supported.
-**output** <name> background|bg <file> <mode>::
- Sets the wallpaper for the given output to the specified file, using the given
- scaling mode (one of "stretch", "fill", "fit", "center", "tile").
-**output** <name> background|bg <color> solid_color::
- Sets the background of the given output to the specified color. _color_ should
- be specified as an _#rrggbb_ (no alpha) color.
-**output** <name> transform <transform>::
- Sets the background transform to the given value. Can be one of "90", "180",
- "270" for rotation; or "flipped", "flipped-90", "flipped-180", "flipped-270"
- to apply a rotation and flip, or "normal" to apply no transform.
-**output** <name> disable::
- Disables the specified output.
- You may combine output commands into one, like so:
- +
- output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080 pos 1920,0 bg ~/wallpaper.png stretch
- +
- You can get a list of output names like so:
- +
- swaymsg -t get_outputs
- +
- You may also match any output by using the output name "*". Be sure to add
- this output config after the others, or it will be matched instead of the
- others.
-**seamless_mouse** <on|off>::
- Change output seamlessly when pointer touches edge of output. Outputs need to
- be configured with perfectly aligned adjacent positions for this option to
- have any effect.
-**show_marks** <on|off>::
- If **show_marks** is on then marks will be showed in the window decoration.
- However, any mark that starts with an underscore will not be drawn even if the
- option is on. The default option is _on_.
-**opacity** <value>::
- Set the opacity of the window between 0 (completely transparent) and 1
- (completely opaque).
-**unmark** <identifier>::
- **Unmark** will remove _identifier_ from the list of current marks on a window. If
- no _identifier_ is specified, then **unmark** will remove all marks.
-**workspace** [number] <name>::
- Switches to the specified workspace. The string "number" is optional. The
- workspace _name_, if unquoted, may not contain the string "output", as sway
- will assume that the command is moving a workspace to an output, as described
- below.
-**workspace** <prev|next>::
- Switches to the next workspace on the current output or on the next output
- if currently on the last workspace.
-**workspace** <prev_on_output|next_on_output>::
- Switches to the next workspace on the current output.
-**workspace** <name> output <output>::
- Specifies that the workspace named _name_ should appear on the specified
- _output_.
-**workspace_auto_back_and_forth** <yes|no>::
- When _yes_, repeating a workspace switch command will switch back to the
- prior workspace. For example, if you are currently on workspace 1,
- switch to workspace 2, then invoke the "workspace 2" command again, you
- will be returned to workspace 1. Defaults to _no_.
-**workspace_layout** <default|stacking|tabbed|auto|auto left|auto right|auto
- top|auto bottom>:: Specifies the start layout for new workspaces.
-**include** <path>::
- Includes a sub config file by _path_. _path_ can be either a full path or a
- path relative to the parent config.
-A criteria is a string in the form of e.g.:
- [class="[Rr]egex.*" title="some title"]
-The string contains one or more (space separated) attribute/value pairs. They
-are used by some commands to choose which views to execute actions on. All attributes
-must match for the criteria to match.
-Criteria may be used with either the **for_window** or **assign** commands to
-specify operations to perform on new views. A criteria may also be used to
-perform specific commands (ones that normally act upon one window) on all views
-that match that criteria. For example:
-Focus on a window with the mark "IRC":
- [con_mark="IRC"] focus
-Kill all windows with the title "Emacs":
- [class="Emacs"] kill
-Mark all Firefox windows with "Browser":
- [class="Firefox"] mark Browser
-Currently supported attributes:
- Compare value against the app id. Can be a regular expression. If value is
- __focused__, then the app id must be the same as that of the currently
- focused window.
- Compare value against the window class. Can be a regular expression. If
- value is __focused__, then the window class must be the same as that of the
- currently focused window.
- Compare against the internal container ID, which you can find via IPC.
- Compare against the window marks. Can be a regular expression.
- Matches against floating windows.
- Compare value against the X11 window id. Must be numeric.
- Compare value against the window instance. Can be a regular expression. If
- value is __focused__, then the window instance must be the same as that of
- the currently focused window.
- Matches against tiling windows.
- Compare against the window title. Can be a regular expression. If value is
- __focused__, then the window title must be the same as that of the currently
- focused window.
- Compares the urgent state of the window. Can be "latest" or "oldest".
- Compare against the window role (WM_WINDOW_ROLE). Can be a regular
- expression. If value is __focused__, then the window role must be the same
- as that of the currently focused window.
- Compare against the window type (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE). Possible values are
- normal, dialog, utility, toolbar, splash, menu, dropdown_menu, popup_menu,
- tooltip and notification.
- Compare against the workspace name for this view. Can be a regular
- expression. If the value is __focused__, then all the views on the currently
- focused workspace matches.
-See Also
-**sway**(1) **sway-input**(5) **sway-bar**(5)