diff options
2 files changed, 18 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/sway.5.txt b/sway.5.txt
index 9c40558b..5bccbd12 100644
--- a/sway.5.txt
+++ b/sway.5.txt
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Commands
**bindsym** <key combo> <command>::
- Binds _key combo_ to execute _command_ when pressed. You may use XKB key names
- here (**xev**(1) is a good tool for discovering them). An example bindsym
- command would be _bindsym Mod1+Shift+f exec firefox_, which would execute
- Firefox if the alt, shift, and F keys are pressed together. Any valid sway
- command is eligible to be bound to a key combo.
+ Binds _key combo_ to execute _command_ when pressed. You may use XKB key
+ names here (**xev**(1) is a good tool for discovering them). An example
+ bindsym command would be _bindsym Mod1+Shift+f exec firefox_, which would
+ execute Firefox if the alt, shift, and F keys are pressed together. Any
+ valid sway command is eligible to be bound to a key combo.
**exec** <shell command>::
Executes _shell command_ with sh.
@@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ Commands
**floating** toggle::
Toggles the "floating" status of the focused view.
-**floating** mode_toggle::
- Toggles focus between floating view and tiled view.
**focus** <direction>::
Direction may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_, or _parent_. The
directional focus commands will move the focus in that direction. The parent
@@ -51,6 +48,9 @@ Commands
container, which is useful, for example, to open a sibling of the parent
container, or to move the entire container around.
+**focus** mode_toggle::
+ Toggles focus between floating view and tiled view.
**focus_follows_mouse** <yes|no>::
If set to _yes_, the currently focused view will change as you move your
mouse around the screen to the view that ends up underneath your mouse.
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ Commands
Toggles fullscreen status for the focused view.
-**gaps** <amount>**::
+**gaps** <amount>::
Adds _amount_ pixels between each view, and around each output.
-**gaps** <inner|outer> <amount>**::
+**gaps** <inner|outer> <amount>::
Adds _amount_ pixels as an _inner_ or _outer_ gap, where the former affects
spacing between views and the latter affects the space around each output.
diff --git a/sway/input_state.c b/sway/input_state.c
index 0769c30f..51213b19 100644
--- a/sway/input_state.c
+++ b/sway/input_state.c
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
#include "input_state.h"
-enum { KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH = 64 };
static keycode key_state_array[KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH];
-static uint8_t key_state_length = 0;
static uint8_t find_key(keycode key) {
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < key_state_length; ++i) {
+ for (i = 0; i < KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH; ++i) {
if (key_state_array[i] == key) {
@@ -20,26 +19,25 @@ static uint8_t find_key(keycode key) {
bool check_key(keycode key) {
- return find_key(key) < key_state_length;
+ return find_key(key) < KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH;
void press_key(keycode key) {
// Check if key exists
if (!check_key(key)) {
// Check that we dont exceed buffer length
- if (key_state_length < KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH) {
- key_state_array[key_state_length++] = key;
+ int insert = find_key(0);
+ if (insert < KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH) {
+ key_state_array[insert] = key;
void release_key(keycode key) {
uint8_t index = find_key(key);
- if (index < key_state_length) {
+ if (index < KEY_STATE_MAX_LENGTH) {
//shift it over and remove key
- memmove(&key_state_array[index],
- &key_state_array[index + 1],
- sizeof(*key_state_array) * (--key_state_length - index));
+ key_state_array[index] = 0;