path: root/swaybar
diff options
authorMikkel Oscar Lyderik <mikkeloscar@gmail.com>2015-12-20 17:02:35 +0100
committerMikkel Oscar Lyderik <mikkeloscar@gmail.com>2015-12-20 17:52:33 +0100
commitd373a193acfccf7ce2c4118d0c5a0e91481e680a (patch)
tree1d7f8f346a9e520ed38781f638ecaa0c27db0916 /swaybar
parent66554698a08e8c3846d22f61445c880c9de20e26 (diff)
swaybar: pixel perfect layout
This should make the bar workspace button layout identical to the layout used in i3.
Diffstat (limited to 'swaybar')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/swaybar/main.c b/swaybar/main.c
index 4d23e087..5b8ba45d 100644
--- a/swaybar/main.c
+++ b/swaybar/main.c
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
#include "stringop.h"
#include "log.h"
-#define MARGIN 5
struct box_colors {
uint32_t border;
uint32_t background;
@@ -188,6 +186,11 @@ uint32_t parse_position(const char *position) {
+static int margin = 3;
+static const int ws_hor_padding = 5;
+static double ws_ver_padding = 1.5;
+static const int ws_spacing = 1;
void bar_ipc_init(int outputi, const char *bar_id) {
uint32_t len = 0;
char *res = ipc_single_command(socketfd, IPC_GET_OUTPUTS, NULL, &len);
@@ -230,14 +233,14 @@ void bar_ipc_init(int outputi, const char *bar_id) {
if (bar_height) {
- if (json_object_get_int(bar_height) == -1) {
- int width, height;
- get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "Test string for measuring purposes");
- window->height = height + MARGIN * 2;
- }
- else {
- window->height = json_object_get_int(bar_height) + MARGIN * 2;
+ int width, height;
+ get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "Test string for measuring purposes");
+ int bar_height_value = json_object_get_int(bar_height);
+ if (bar_height_value > 0) {
+ margin = (bar_height_value - height) / 2;
+ ws_ver_padding = margin - 1.5;
+ window->height = height + margin * 2;
if (_colors) {
@@ -332,12 +335,12 @@ void render() {
int width, height;
get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "%s", line);
- cairo_move_to(window->cairo, window->width - MARGIN - width, (window->height - height) / 2 );
+ cairo_move_to(window->cairo, window->width - margin - width, margin);
pango_printf(window, "%s", line);
// Workspaces
- cairo_set_line_width(window->cairo, 2.0);
- int x = 1;
+ cairo_set_line_width(window->cairo, 1.0);
+ double x = 0.5;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < workspaces->length; ++i) {
struct workspace *ws = workspaces->items[i];
@@ -352,19 +355,20 @@ void render() {
} else {
box_colors = colors.inactive_workspace;
cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, box_colors.background);
- cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, x, 0, width + MARGIN * 2, window->height);
+ cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, x, 1.5, width + ws_hor_padding * 2 - 1, height + ws_ver_padding * 2);
cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, box_colors.border);
- cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, x, 2, width + MARGIN * 2, window->height - 4);
+ cairo_rectangle(window->cairo, x, 1.5, width + ws_hor_padding * 2 - 1, height + ws_ver_padding * 2);
cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, box_colors.text);
- cairo_move_to(window->cairo, x + MARGIN, (window->height - height) / 2 );
+ cairo_move_to(window->cairo, (int)x + ws_hor_padding, margin);
pango_printf(window, "%s", ws->name);
- x += width + MARGIN * 2 + MARGIN;
+ x += width + ws_hor_padding * 2 + ws_spacing;
@@ -477,7 +481,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int desired_output = atoi(argv[optind]);
struct output_state *output = registry->outputs->items[desired_output];
window = window_setup(registry, output->width, 30, false);
if (!window) {
sway_abort("Failed to create window.");
@@ -508,7 +512,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
line[0] = '\0';