path: root/sway
diff options
authorYacine Hmito <yacine.hmito@gmail.com>2016-02-26 00:36:05 +0100
committerYacine Hmito <yacine.hmito@gmail.com>2016-02-29 22:12:39 +0100
commit9437eca3ebf1d512df2f276442aea59a68b2875e (patch)
treedb30085c02161bc27c9e6782ba3d3d6233b8563c /sway
parentcc170e1b2d403363b001e8382dc542e941406b66 (diff)
Segregate between config and runtime cmds in doc
In anticipation for #375, reorganized and augmented slightly sway(5) so it makes a difference between commands intended for configuration, commands intended for control, and those that can serve as both.
Diffstat (limited to 'sway')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/sway/sway.5.txt b/sway/sway.5.txt
index 004e0f54..5c1cf44d 100644
--- a/sway/sway.5.txt
+++ b/sway/sway.5.txt
@@ -11,16 +11,22 @@ sway - configuration file and commands
-A sway configuration file is a list of sway commands that are executed by sway on
-startup. These commands usually consist of setting your preferences and setting
-key bindings. An example config is likely present in /etc/sway/config for you to
-check out.
-All of these commands may be issued at runtime through **swaymsg**(1).
+A sway configuration file is a list of sway commands that are executed by sway
+on startup. These commands usually consist of setting your preferences and
+setting key bindings. An example config is likely present in /etc/sway/config
+for you to check out.
+Some of the commands can also or only be sent at runtime with **sway-msg**(1).
+The following commands may only be used in the configuration file.
+**bar** <block of commands>::
+ Append _{_ to this command, the following lines will be commands that
+ configure **swaybar**, and _}_ on its own line to close the block.
**bindsym** <key combo> <command>::
Binds _key combo_ to execute _command_ when pressed. You may use XKB key
names here (**xev**(1) is a good tool for discovering them). An example
@@ -28,12 +34,12 @@ Commands
execute Firefox if the alt, shift, and F keys are pressed together. Any
valid sway command is eligible to be bound to a key combo.
-**exec** <shell command>::
- Executes _shell command_ with sh.
+**set** <name> <value>::
+ Creates a substitution for _value_ that can be used with $_name_ in other
+ commands.
-**exec_always** <shell command>::
- Like exec, but the shell command will be executed _again_ after *reload* or
- *restart* is executed.
+The following commands cannot be used directly in the configuration file.
+They are expected to be used with **bindsym** or at runtime through **swaymsg**(1).
Exit sway and end your Wayland session.
@@ -41,13 +47,6 @@ Commands
**floating** <enable|disable|toggle>::
Make focused view floating, non-floating, or the opposite of what it is now.
-**floating_modifier** <modifier> [normal|inverse]::
- When the _modifier_ key is held down, you may use left click to drag floating
- windows, and right click to resize them. Unlike i3, this modifier may also be
- used to resize and move windows that are tiled. With the _inverse_ mode
- enabled, left click is used for resizing and right click for dragging. The
- mode paramenter is optional and defaults to _normal_ if it isn't defined.
**focus** <direction>::
Direction may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_, or _parent_. The
directional focus commands will move the focus in that direction. The parent
@@ -63,13 +62,73 @@ Commands
**focus** mode_toggle::
Toggles focus between floating view and tiled view.
+ Toggles fullscreen status for the focused view.
+**layout** <mode>::
+ Sets the layout mode of the focused container. _mode_ can be one of _splith_,
+ _splitv_, or _toggle split_.
+**move** <left|right|up|down>::
+ Moves the focused container _left_, _right_, _up_, or _down_.
+**move** <container|window> to workspace <name>::
+ Moves the focused container to the workspace identified by _name_.
+ _name_ may be a special workspace name. See **workspace**.
+**move** <container|window|workspace> to output <name|direction>::
+ Moves the focused container or workspace to the output identified by _name_ or
+ _direction_. _direction_ may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_.
+ Reloads the sway config file without restarting sway.
+**resize** <shrink|grow> <width|height> <amount>::
+ Resizes the currently focused container or view by _amount_. _amount_ can be
+ specified as "n px" or "n ppt" or "n px or n ppt".
+**split** <vertical|v|horizontal|h|toggle|t>::
+ Splits the current container, vertically or horizontally. If toggled then the
+ current container is split opposite to the parent container.
+ Equivalent to **split horizontal**.
+ Equivalent to **split vertical**.
+ Equivalent to **split toggle**.
+**sticky** <enable|disable|toggle>::
+ If enabled and the windows is floating it will always be present on the active
+ workspace on that output.
+The following commands may be used either in the configuration file
+or triggered at runtime.
+**debuglog** <on|off|toggle>::
+ Enables, disables or toggles logging for debug. The toggle argument cannot
+ be used in the configuration file.
+**exec** <shell command>::
+ Executes _shell command_ with sh.
+**exec_always** <shell command>::
+ Like exec, but the shell command will be executed _again_ after *reload* or
+ *restart* is executed.
+**floating_modifier** <modifier> [normal|inverse]::
+ When the _modifier_ key is held down, you may use left click to drag floating
+ windows, and right click to resize them. Unlike i3, this modifier may also be
+ used to resize and move windows that are tiled. With the _inverse_ mode
+ enabled, left click is used for resizing and right click for dragging. The
+ mode paramenter is optional and defaults to _normal_ if it isn't defined.
**focus_follows_mouse** <yes|no>::
If set to _yes_, the currently focused view will change as you move your
mouse around the screen to the view that ends up underneath your mouse.
- Toggles fullscreen status for the focused view.
**for_window** <criteria> <command>::
Whenever a window that matches _criteria_ appears, run list of commands. See
**Criteria** section below.
@@ -77,7 +136,8 @@ Commands
**gaps** edge_gaps <on|off|toggle>::
Whether or not to add gaps between views and workspace edges if amount of
inner gap is not zero. When _no_, no gap is added where the view is aligned to
- the workspace edge, effectively creating gaps only between views.
+ the workspace edge, effectively creating gaps only between views. The toggle
+ argument cannot be used in the configuration file.
**gaps** <amount>::
Sets default _amount_ pixels as the gap between each view, and around each
@@ -94,29 +154,11 @@ Commands
workspace (or current workspace), and _current_ changes gaps for the current
view or workspace.
- Closes the currently focused view.
-**layout** <mode>::
- Sets the layout mode of the focused container. _mode_ can be one of _splith_,
- _splitv_, or _toggle split_.
**mode** <mode_name>::
Switches to the given mode_name. the default mode is simply _default_. To
create a new mode in config append _{_ to this command, the following lines
will be keybinds for that mode, and _}_ on its own line to close the block.
-**move** <left|right|up|down>::
- Moves the focused container _left_, _right_, _up_, or _down_.
-**move** <container|window> to workspace <name>::
- Moves the focused container to the workspace identified by _name_.
- _name_ may be a special workspace name. See **workspace**.
-**move** <container|window|workspace> to output <name|direction>::
- Moves the focused container or workspace to the output identified by _name_ or
- _direction_. _direction_ may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_.
**mouse_warping** <output|none>::
When _output_: place mouse at center of newly focused window when changing
output. When _none_: don't move mouse.
@@ -147,39 +189,11 @@ Commands
this output config after the others, or it will be matched instead of the
- Reloads the sway config file without restarting sway.
-**resize** <shrink|grow> <width|height> <amount>::
- Resizes the currently focused container or view by _amount_. _amount_ can be
- specified as "n px" or "n ppt" or "n px or n ppt".
**seamless_mouse** <on|off>::
Change output seamlessly when pointer touches edge of output. Outputs need to
be configured with perfectly aligned adjacent positions for this option to
have any effect.
-**set** <name> <value>::
- Creates a substitution for _value_ that can be used with $_name_ in other
- commands.
-**split** <vertical|v|horizontal|h|toggle|t>::
- Splits the current container, vertically or horizontally. If toggled then the
- current container is split opposite to the parent container.
- Equivalent to **split horizontal**.
- Equivalent to **split vertical**.
- Equivalent to **split toggle**.
-**sticky** <enable|disable|toggle>::
- If enabled and the windows is floating it will always be present on the active
- workspace on that output.
**workspace** <name>::
Switches to the specified workspace.