path: root/sway/commands
diff options
authorTony Crisci <tony@dubstepdish.com>2018-04-02 13:23:43 -0400
committerTony Crisci <tony@dubstepdish.com>2018-04-02 13:23:43 -0400
commit5e024278a62e6fb00a0521240244c428d2382984 (patch)
treed9010d33d4d576297cc5e40d41bed4bb7bf5631a /sway/commands
parent22287b42bf323457d779b1023764ade83313b199 (diff)
parent2a8985a3451f8be7e4b1eb21e3266e9f5b979b39 (diff)
Merge branch 'wlroots' into seat-fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'sway/commands')
2 files changed, 186 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sway/commands/focus.c b/sway/commands/focus.c
index 4fb732dd..74d9d535 100644
--- a/sway/commands/focus.c
+++ b/sway/commands/focus.c
@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ static bool parse_movement_direction(const char *name,
} else if (strcasecmp(name, "child") == 0) {
*out = MOVE_CHILD;
- } else if (strcasecmp(name, "next") == 0) {
- *out = MOVE_NEXT;
- } else if (strcasecmp(name, "prev") == 0) {
- *out = MOVE_PREV;
} else {
return false;
@@ -51,7 +47,8 @@ struct cmd_results *cmd_focus(int argc, char **argv) {
"Expected 'focus <direction|parent|child|mode_toggle>' or 'focus output <direction|name>'");
- struct sway_container *next_focus = container_get_in_direction(con, seat, direction);
+ struct sway_container *next_focus = container_get_in_direction(
+ con, seat, direction);
if (next_focus) {
seat_set_focus(seat, next_focus);
diff --git a/sway/commands/move.c b/sway/commands/move.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..644c622b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sway/commands/move.c
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_output.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_output_layout.h>
+#include <wlr/util/log.h>
+#include "sway/commands.h"
+#include "sway/input/seat.h"
+#include "sway/output.h"
+#include "sway/tree/container.h"
+#include "sway/tree/layout.h"
+#include "sway/tree/workspace.h"
+#include "stringop.h"
+#include "list.h"
+static const char* expected_syntax =
+ "Expected 'move <left|right|up|down> <[px] px>' or "
+ "'move <container|window> to workspace <name>' or "
+ "'move <container|window|workspace> to output <name|direction>' or "
+ "'move position mouse'";
+static struct sway_container *output_in_direction(const char *direction,
+ struct wlr_output *reference, int ref_ox, int ref_oy) {
+ int ref_lx = ref_ox + reference->lx,
+ ref_ly = ref_oy + reference->ly;
+ struct {
+ char *name;
+ enum wlr_direction direction;
+ } names[] = {
+ { "up", WLR_DIRECTION_UP },
+ { "down", WLR_DIRECTION_DOWN },
+ { "left", WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT },
+ { "right", WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT },
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0]); ++i) {
+ if (strcasecmp(names[i].name, direction) == 0) {
+ struct wlr_output *adjacent = wlr_output_layout_adjacent_output(
+ root_container.sway_root->output_layout,
+ names[i].direction, reference, ref_lx, ref_ly);
+ if (adjacent) {
+ struct sway_output *sway_output = adjacent->data;
+ return sway_output->swayc;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output_by_name(direction);
+static struct cmd_results *cmd_move_container(struct sway_container *current,
+ int argc, char **argv) {
+ struct cmd_results *error = NULL;
+ if ((error = checkarg(argc, "move container/window",
+ return error;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "to") == 0
+ && strcasecmp(argv[2], "workspace") == 0) {
+ // move container to workspace x
+ if (current->type == C_WORKSPACE) {
+ // TODO: Wrap children in a container and move that
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move", "Unimplemented");
+ } else if (current->type != C_CONTAINER && current->type != C_VIEW) {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move",
+ "Can only move containers and views.");
+ }
+ struct sway_container *ws;
+ const char *num_name = NULL;
+ char *ws_name = NULL;
+ if (argc == 5 && strcasecmp(argv[3], "number") == 0) {
+ // move "container to workspace number x"
+ num_name = argv[4];
+ ws = workspace_by_number(num_name);
+ } else {
+ ws_name = join_args(argv + 3, argc - 3);
+ ws = workspace_by_name(ws_name);
+ }
+ if (!ws) {
+ ws = workspace_create(ws_name ? ws_name : num_name);
+ }
+ free(ws_name);
+ struct sway_container *old_parent = current->parent;
+ struct sway_container *focus = seat_get_focus_inactive(
+ config->handler_context.seat, ws);
+ container_move_to(current, focus);
+ seat_set_focus(config->handler_context.seat, old_parent);
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL, NULL);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "to") == 0
+ && strcasecmp(argv[2], "output") == 0) {
+ if (current->type == C_WORKSPACE) {
+ // TODO: Wrap children in a container and move that
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move", "Unimplemented");
+ } else if (current->type != C_CONTAINER
+ && current->type != C_VIEW) {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move",
+ "Can only move containers and views.");
+ }
+ struct sway_container *source = container_parent(current, C_OUTPUT);
+ struct sway_container *destination = output_in_direction(argv[3],
+ source->sway_output->wlr_output, current->x, current->y);
+ if (!destination) {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move workspace",
+ "Can't find output with name/direction '%s'", argv[3]);
+ }
+ struct sway_container *focus = seat_get_focus_inactive(
+ config->handler_context.seat, destination);
+ if (!focus) {
+ // We've never been to this output before
+ focus = destination->children->items[0];
+ }
+ struct sway_container *old_parent = current->parent;
+ container_move_to(current, focus);
+ seat_set_focus(config->handler_context.seat, old_parent);
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "move", expected_syntax);
+static struct cmd_results *cmd_move_workspace(struct sway_container *current,
+ int argc, char **argv) {
+ struct cmd_results *error = NULL;
+ if ((error = checkarg(argc, "move workspace", EXPECTED_EQUAL_TO, 4))) {
+ return error;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "to") != 0
+ || strcasecmp(argv[2], "output") != 0) {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "move", expected_syntax);
+ }
+ struct sway_container *source = container_parent(current, C_OUTPUT);
+ int center_x = current->width / 2 + current->x,
+ center_y = current->height / 2 + current->y;
+ struct sway_container *destination = output_in_direction(argv[3],
+ source->sway_output->wlr_output, center_x, center_y);
+ if (!destination) {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move workspace",
+ "Can't find output with name/direction '%s'", argv[3]);
+ }
+ if (current->type != C_WORKSPACE) {
+ current = container_parent(current, C_WORKSPACE);
+ }
+ container_move_to(current, destination);
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL, NULL);
+struct cmd_results *cmd_move(int argc, char **argv) {
+ struct cmd_results *error = NULL;
+ int move_amt = 10;
+ if ((error = checkarg(argc, "move", EXPECTED_AT_LEAST, 1))) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ struct sway_container *current = config->handler_context.current_container;
+ if (argc == 2 || (argc == 3 && strcasecmp(argv[2], "px") == 0)) {
+ char *inv;
+ move_amt = (int)strtol(argv[1], &inv, 10);
+ if (*inv != '\0' && strcasecmp(inv, "px") != 0) {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move",
+ "Invalid distance specified");
+ }
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "left") == 0) {
+ container_move(current, MOVE_LEFT, move_amt);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "right") == 0) {
+ container_move(current, MOVE_RIGHT, move_amt);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "up") == 0) {
+ container_move(current, MOVE_UP, move_amt);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "down") == 0) {
+ container_move(current, MOVE_DOWN, move_amt);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "container") == 0
+ || strcasecmp(argv[0], "window") == 0) {
+ return cmd_move_container(current, argc, argv);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "workspace") == 0) {
+ return cmd_move_workspace(current, argc, argv);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "scratchpad") == 0
+ || (strcasecmp(argv[0], "to") == 0
+ && strcasecmp(argv[1], "scratchpad") == 0)) {
+ // TODO: scratchpad
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move", "Unimplemented");
+ } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "position") == 0) {
+ // TODO: floating
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "move", "Unimplemented");
+ } else {
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "move", expected_syntax);
+ }
+ return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL, NULL);