diff options
authorRyan Dwyer <ryandwyer1@gmail.com>2018-05-15 23:29:54 +1000
committerRyan Dwyer <ryandwyer1@gmail.com>2018-05-17 08:29:14 +1000
commitebb0d051db2f73fd13a4e844a51e70f09703372a (patch)
parentb1645fb352748398783981ecccad0f42e285b6bf (diff)
Fix many border opacity issues
3 files changed, 115 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/sway/desktop/output.c b/sway/desktop/output.c
index 57d71d5e..3f680b36 100644
--- a/sway/desktop/output.c
+++ b/sway/desktop/output.c
@@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ static void render_rect(struct wlr_output *wlr_output,
struct wlr_box box = *_box;
- scale_box(&box, wlr_output->scale);
pixman_region32_t damage;
@@ -313,6 +312,9 @@ damage_finish:
* Render decorations for a view with "border normal".
+ *
+ * Care must be taken not to render over the same pixel multiple times,
+ * otherwise the colors will be incorrect when using opacity.
static void render_container_simple_border_normal(struct sway_output *output,
pixman_region32_t *output_damage,
@@ -320,19 +322,23 @@ static void render_container_simple_border_normal(struct sway_output *output,
struct wlr_texture *title_texture, struct wlr_texture *marks_texture) {
struct wlr_box box;
float color[4];
+ struct sway_view *view = con->sway_view;
+ float output_scale = output->wlr_output->scale;
- if (con->sway_view->border_left) {
+ if (view->border_left) {
// Child border - left edge
memcpy(&color, colors->child_border, sizeof(float) * 4);
color[3] *= con->alpha;
box.x = con->x;
box.y = con->y + 1;
- box.width = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
- box.height = con->height - 1;
+ box.width = view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = con->height - 1
+ - view->border_thickness * view->border_bottom;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
- if (con->sway_view->border_right) {
+ if (view->border_right) {
// Child border - right edge
if (con->parent->children->length == 1
&& con->parent->layout == L_HORIZ) {
@@ -341,14 +347,16 @@ static void render_container_simple_border_normal(struct sway_output *output,
memcpy(&color, colors->child_border, sizeof(float) * 4);
color[3] *= con->alpha;
- box.x = con->x + con->width - con->sway_view->border_thickness;
+ box.x = con->x + con->width - view->border_thickness;
box.y = con->y + 1;
- box.width = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
- box.height = con->height - 1;
+ box.width = view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = con->height - 1
+ - view->border_thickness * view->border_bottom;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
- if (con->sway_view->border_bottom) {
+ if (view->border_bottom) {
// Child border - bottom edge
if (con->parent->children->length == 1
&& con->parent->layout == L_VERT) {
@@ -358,9 +366,10 @@ static void render_container_simple_border_normal(struct sway_output *output,
color[3] *= con->alpha;
box.x = con->x;
- box.y = con->y + con->height - con->sway_view->border_thickness;
+ box.y = con->y + con->height - view->border_thickness;
box.width = con->width;
- box.height = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = view->border_thickness;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
@@ -371,90 +380,118 @@ static void render_container_simple_border_normal(struct sway_output *output,
box.y = con->y;
box.width = con->width;
box.height = 1;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
// Single pixel bar below title
memcpy(&color, colors->border, sizeof(float) * 4);
color[3] *= con->alpha;
- box.x = con->x + con->sway_view->border_thickness;
- box.y = con->sway_view->y - 1;
- box.width = con->width - con->sway_view->border_thickness * 2;
+ box.x = con->x + view->border_thickness;
+ box.y = view->y - 1;
+ box.width = con->width - view->border_thickness * 2;
box.height = 1;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
- // Title background
- memcpy(&color, colors->background, sizeof(float) * 4);
- color[3] *= con->alpha;
- box.x = con->x
- + con->sway_view->border_thickness * con->sway_view->border_left;
- box.y = con->y + 1;
- box.width = con->width
- - con->sway_view->border_thickness * con->sway_view->border_left
- - con->sway_view->border_thickness * con->sway_view->border_right;
- box.height = con->sway_view->y - con->y - 2;
- render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
+ // Setting these makes marks and title easier
+ size_t inner_x = con->x + view->border_thickness * view->border_left;
+ size_t inner_width = con->width - view->border_thickness * view->border_left
+ - view->border_thickness * view->border_right;
- // Title text
- if (title_texture) {
- float output_scale = output->wlr_output->scale;
- struct wlr_box texture_box = {
- .x = box.x * output_scale,
- .y = box.y * output_scale,
- };
- wlr_texture_get_size(title_texture,
+ // Marks
+ size_t marks_width = 0;
+ if (config->show_marks && marks_texture) {
+ struct wlr_box texture_box;
+ wlr_texture_get_size(marks_texture,
&texture_box.width, &texture_box.height);
+ texture_box.x = (inner_x + inner_width) * output_scale - texture_box.width;
+ texture_box.y = (con->y + view->border_thickness) * output_scale;
float matrix[9];
wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, &texture_box,
0.0, output->wlr_output->transform_matrix);
- texture_box.width = box.width * output_scale;
- render_texture(output->wlr_output, output_damage, title_texture,
- &texture_box, matrix, 1.0);
+ render_texture(output->wlr_output, output_damage, marks_texture,
+ &texture_box, matrix, con->alpha);
+ marks_width = texture_box.width;
- // Marks
- if (config->show_marks && marks_texture) {
- float output_scale = output->wlr_output->scale;
+ // Title text
+ size_t title_width = 0;
+ if (title_texture) {
struct wlr_box texture_box;
- wlr_texture_get_size(marks_texture,
+ wlr_texture_get_size(title_texture,
&texture_box.width, &texture_box.height);
- texture_box.x = (box.x + box.width) * output_scale - texture_box.width;
- texture_box.y = (box.y + box.height)
- * output_scale - texture_box.height;
+ texture_box.x = inner_x * output_scale;
+ texture_box.y = (con->y + view->border_thickness) * output_scale;
float matrix[9];
wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, &texture_box,
0.0, output->wlr_output->transform_matrix);
- render_texture(output->wlr_output, output_damage, marks_texture,
- &texture_box, matrix, 1.0);
+ if (inner_width * output_scale - marks_width < texture_box.width) {
+ texture_box.width = inner_width * output_scale - marks_width;
+ }
+ render_texture(output->wlr_output, output_damage, title_texture,
+ &texture_box, matrix, con->alpha);
+ title_width = texture_box.width;
+ }
+ // Title background - above the text
+ memcpy(&color, colors->background, sizeof(float) * 4);
+ color[3] *= con->alpha;
+ box.x = inner_x;
+ box.y = con->y + 1;
+ box.width = inner_width;
+ box.height = view->border_thickness - 1;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
+ render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
+ // Title background - below the text
+ box.y = (con->y + view->border_thickness + config->font_height)
+ * output_scale;
+ render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
+ // Title background - filler between title and marks
+ box.width = inner_width * output_scale - title_width - marks_width;
+ if (box.width > 0) {
+ box.x = inner_x * output_scale + title_width;
+ box.y = (con->y + view->border_thickness) * output_scale;
+ box.height = config->font_height * output_scale;
+ render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
* Render decorations for a view with "border pixel".
+ *
+ * Care must be taken not to render over the same pixel multiple times,
+ * otherwise the colors will be incorrect when using opacity.
static void render_container_simple_border_pixel(struct sway_output *output,
pixman_region32_t *output_damage, struct sway_container *con,
struct border_colors *colors) {
struct wlr_box box;
float color[4];
+ struct sway_view *view = con->sway_view;
+ float output_scale = output->wlr_output->scale;
- if (con->sway_view->border_left) {
+ if (view->border_left) {
// Child border - left edge
memcpy(&color, colors->child_border, sizeof(float) * 4);
color[3] *= con->alpha;
box.x = con->x;
- box.y = con->y;
- box.width = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
- box.height = con->height;
+ box.y = con->y + view->border_thickness * view->border_top;
+ box.width = view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = con->height - view->border_thickness
+ * (view->border_top + view->border_bottom);
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
- if (con->sway_view->border_right) {
+ if (view->border_right) {
// Child border - right edge
if (con->parent->children->length == 1
&& con->parent->layout == L_HORIZ) {
@@ -463,25 +500,28 @@ static void render_container_simple_border_pixel(struct sway_output *output,
memcpy(&color, colors->child_border, sizeof(float) * 4);
color[3] *= con->alpha;
- box.x = con->x + con->width - con->sway_view->border_thickness;
- box.y = con->y;
- box.width = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
- box.height = con->height;
+ box.x = con->x + con->width - view->border_thickness;
+ box.y = con->y + view->border_thickness * view->border_top;
+ box.width = view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = con->height - view->border_thickness
+ * (view->border_top + view->border_bottom);
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
- if (con->sway_view->border_top) {
+ if (view->border_top) {
// Child border - top edge
memcpy(&color, colors->child_border, sizeof(float) * 4);
color[3] *= con->alpha;
box.x = con->x;
box.y = con->y;
box.width = con->width;
- box.height = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = view->border_thickness;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
- if (con->sway_view->border_bottom) {
+ if (view->border_bottom) {
// Child border - bottom edge
if (con->parent->children->length == 1
&& con->parent->layout == L_VERT) {
@@ -491,9 +531,10 @@ static void render_container_simple_border_pixel(struct sway_output *output,
color[3] *= con->alpha;
box.x = con->x;
- box.y = con->y + con->height - con->sway_view->border_thickness;
+ box.y = con->y + con->height - view->border_thickness;
box.width = con->width;
- box.height = con->sway_view->border_thickness;
+ box.height = view->border_thickness;
+ scale_box(&box, output_scale);
render_rect(output->wlr_output, output_damage, &box, color);
diff --git a/sway/tree/container.c b/sway/tree/container.c
index 47ba88a9..e47338e7 100644
--- a/sway/tree/container.c
+++ b/sway/tree/container.c
@@ -123,13 +123,12 @@ static void _container_destroy(struct sway_container *cont) {
if (cont->name) {
- if (cont->title_focused) {
- // If one is set then all of these are set
- wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_focused);
- wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_focused_inactive);
- wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_unfocused);
- wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_urgent);
- }
+ wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_focused);
+ wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_focused_inactive);
+ wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_unfocused);
+ wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_urgent);
cont->children = NULL;
diff --git a/sway/tree/view.c b/sway/tree/view.c
index c0984ca4..648c1655 100644
--- a/sway/tree/view.c
+++ b/sway/tree/view.c
@@ -43,13 +43,10 @@ void view_destroy(struct sway_view *view) {
- if (view->marks_focused) {
- // If one is set then all of these are set
- wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_focused);
- wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_focused_inactive);
- wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_unfocused);
- wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_urgent);
- }
+ wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_focused);
+ wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_focused_inactive);
+ wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_unfocused);
+ wlr_texture_destroy(view->marks_urgent);
@@ -803,6 +800,11 @@ static void update_marks_texture(struct sway_view *view,
char *buffer = calloc(len + 1, 1);
char *part = malloc(len + 1);
+ if (!sway_assert(buffer && part, "Unable to allocate memory")) {
+ free(buffer);
+ return;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < view->marks->length; ++i) {
char *mark = view->marks->items[i];
if (mark[0] != '_') {