diff options
authorBrian Ashworth <bosrsf04@gmail.com>2018-09-28 13:24:49 -0400
committerBrian Ashworth <bosrsf04@gmail.com>2018-09-28 13:30:54 -0400
commita9d9944e761eedf06453b1007998e175d416aa05 (patch)
parentcc6544c538c5f493cc4cbff4364db79205f210c3 (diff)
sway{,bar,input}.5: changes for generic blocks
3 files changed, 29 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/sway/sway-bar.5.scd b/sway/sway-bar.5.scd
index a61e2829..00b9386e 100644
--- a/sway/sway-bar.5.scd
+++ b/sway/sway-bar.5.scd
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ sway-bar - bar configuration file and commands
-Sway allows configuring swaybar in the sway configuration file. Swaybar
-commands must be used inside a _bar { }_ block in the config file.
+Sway allows configuring swaybar in the sway configuration file.
diff --git a/sway/sway-input.5.scd b/sway/sway-input.5.scd
index 707c36af..5736d70a 100644
--- a/sway/sway-input.5.scd
+++ b/sway/sway-input.5.scd
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ sway-input - input configuration file and commands
Sway allows for configuration of devices within the sway configuration file.
-sway-input commands must be used inside an _input { }_ block in the config.
To obtain a list of available device identifiers, run *swaymsg -t get\_inputs*.
@@ -116,8 +115,7 @@ The following commands may only be used in the configuration file.
-Configure options for multiseat mode. sway-seat commands must be used inside a
-_seat { }_ block in the config.
+Configure options for multiseat mode.
A *seat* is a collection of input devices that act independently of each other.
Seats are identified by name and the default seat is _seat0_ if no seats are
diff --git a/sway/sway.5.scd b/sway/sway.5.scd
index 5ed20609..1526eee3 100644
--- a/sway/sway.5.scd
+++ b/sway/sway.5.scd
@@ -19,6 +19,24 @@ bindsym Shift+XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec \\
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1%
+Commands can also be given as a block in the form *command { <subcommands...>
+}*. Anything before the opening *{* will be prepended to the lines inside the
+block. For example:
+output eDP-1 {
+ background ~/wallpaper.png
+ resolution 1920x1080
+is identical to
+output eDP-1 background ~/wallpaper.png
+output eDP-1 resolution 1920x1080
These commands can be executed in your config file, via *swaymsg*(1), or via
the bindsym command.
@@ -37,10 +55,8 @@ which you may only select one. *[...]* is used for optional arguments, and
The following commands may only be used in the configuration file.
-*bar {* <commands...> *}*
- _commands..._ after *{* will be interpreted as bar commands. For
- details, see *sway-bar*(5). A newline is required between *{* and the
- first command, and *}* must be alone on a line.
+*bar* [<bar-id>] <bar-subcommands...>
+ For details on bar subcommands, see *sway-bar*(5).
*default\_orientation* horizontal|vertical|auto
Sets the default container layout for tiled containers.
@@ -420,20 +436,15 @@ The default colors are:
*hide\_edge\_borders* none|vertical|horizontal|both|smart
Hides window borders adjacent to the screen edges. Default is _none_.
-*input* <input\_device> *{* <commands...> *}*
- _commands..._ after *{* will be interpreted as input commands applying to
- the specified input device. For details, see *sway-input*(5). A newline is
- required between *{* and the first command, and *}* must be alone on a
- line.
+*input* <input\_device> <input-subcommands...>
+ For details on input subcommands, see *sway-input*(5).
\* may be used in lieu of a specific device name to configure all input
devices. A list of input device names may be obtained via *swaymsg -t
-*seat* <seat> *{* <commands...> *}*
- _commands..._ after *{* will be interpreted as seat commands applying to
- the specified seat. For details, see *sway-input*(5). A newline is required
- between *{* and the first command, and *}* must be alone on a line.
+*seat* <seat> <seat-subcommands...>
+ For details on seat subcommands, see *sway-input*(5).
*seat* <seat> cursor move|set <x> <y>
Move specified seat's cursor relative to current position or wrap to
@@ -461,10 +472,8 @@ The default colors are:
*mode* <mode>
Switches to the specified mode. The default mode _default_.
-*mode* [--pango\_markup] <mode> *{* <commands...> *}*
- _commands..._ after *{* will be added to the specified mode. A newline is
- required between *{* and the first command, and *}* must be alone on a
- line. Only *bindsym* and *bindcode* commands are permitted in mode blocks.
+*mode* [--pango\_markup] <mode> <mode-subcommands...>
+ The only two valid _mode-subcommands..._ are *bindsym* and *bindcode*.
If _--pango\_markup_ is given, then _mode_ will be interpreted as pango
@@ -529,8 +538,7 @@ You may combine output commands into one, like so:
output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080 pos 1920,0 bg ~/wallpaper.png stretch
You can get a list of output names with *swaymsg -t get\_outputs*. You may also
-match any output by using the output name "\*". Be sure to add this output
-config after the others, or it will be matched instead of the others.
+match any output by using the output name "\*".
*set* $<name> <value>
Sets variable $_name_ to _value_. You can use the new variable in the