diff options
authorDrew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>2015-08-17 21:25:58 -0400
committerDrew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>2015-08-17 21:25:58 -0400
commit4b64e481a807bd97b12c29a7ce5044e5de5fc21d (patch)
parent780893a9338fe948cbb12c3b0ce3942ec8001ccf (diff)
Add man pages
3 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 27839b1d..9a49c169 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,3 +43,29 @@ INSTALL(
DESTINATION /etc/sway/
+ COMMAND a2x --no-xmllint --doctype manpage --format manpage
+ COMMAND a2x --no-xmllint --doctype manpage --format manpage
diff --git a/sway.1.txt b/sway.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75344f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sway.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+vim:set ts=4 sw=4 tw=82 noet:
+sway (1)
+sway - SirCmpwn's Wayland window manager
+'sway' [options] [command]
+*-c, \--config* <config>::
+ Specifies a config file.
+*-C, \--validate*::
+ Check the validity of the config file, then exit.
+*-d, --debug*::
+ Enables full logging, including debug information.
+*-v, \--version*::
+ Show the version number and quit.
+*-V, --verbose*::
+ Enables more verbose logging.
+ Gets the IPC socket path and prints it, then exits.
+sway was created to fill the need of an i3-like window manager for Wayland. The
+upstream i3 developers have no intention of porting i3 to Wayland, and projects
+proposed by others ended up as vaporware. Many thanks to the i3 folks for
+providing such a great piece of software, so good that your users would rather
+write an entirely new window manager from scratch that behaved _exactly_ like i3
+rather than switch to something else.
+You may run sway from an ongoing x11 session to run it within x. Otherwise, you
+can run sway on a tty and it will use your outputs directly.
+*Important note for nvidia users*: The proprietary nvidia driver does _not_ have
+support for Wayland as of 2015-08-17. Use nouveau.
+If sway is currently running, you may run _sway [command]_ to send _command_ to
+the running instance of sway. The same commands you would use in the config file
+are valid here (see **sway**(5)). For compatability reasons, you may also issue
+commands with **sway-msg**(1) or **i3-msg**(1) (or even with **i3**(1), probably).
+If _-c_ is not specified, sway will look in several locations for your config
+file. The default one is provided at /etc/sway/config. The suggested location for
+your config file is ~/.config/sway/config. ~/.sway/config will also work, and the
+rest of the usual XDG config locations are supported. If no sway config is found,
+sway will attempt to load an i3 config from all the config locations i3 supports.
+If still nothing is found, you will receive an error.
+For information on the config file format, see **sway**(5).
+Maintained by Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>, who is assisted by other open
+source contributors. For more information about sway development, see
+See Also
diff --git a/sway.5.txt b/sway.5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f92dfe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sway.5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+vim:set ts=4 sw=4 tw=82 noet:
+sway (5)
+sway - configuration file and commands
+A sway configuration file is a list of sway commands that are exected by sway on
+startup. These commands usually consist of setting your preferences and setting
+key bindings. An example config is likely present in /etc/sway/config for you to
+check out.
+All of these commands may be issued at runtime through **sway-msg**(1).
+**bindsym** <key combo> <command>::
+ Binds _key combo_ to execute _command_ when pressed. You may use XKB key names
+ here (**xev**(1) is a good tool for discovering them). An example bindsym
+ command would be _bindsym Mod1+Shift+f exec firefox_, which would execute
+ Firefox if the alt, shift, and F keys are pressed together. Any valid sway
+ command is eligible to be bound to a key combo.
+**exec** <shell command>::
+ Executes _shell command_ with sh.
+**exec_always** <shell command>::
+ Like exec, but the shell command will be executed _again_ after *reload* or
+ *restart* is executed.
+ Exit sway and end your Wayland session.
+**floating** toggle::
+ Toggles the "floating" status of the focused view.
+**focus** <direction>::
+ Direction may be one of _up_, _down_, _left_, _right_, or _parent_. The
+ directional focus commands will move the focus in that direction. The parent
+ focus command will change the focus to the parent of the currently focused
+ container, which is useful, for example, to open a sibling of the parent
+ container, or to move the entire container around.
+**focus_follows_mouse** <yes|no>::
+ If set to _yes_, the currently focused view will change as you move your
+ mouse around the screen to the view that ends up underneath your mouse.
+ Closes the currently focused view.
+**layout** <mode>::
+ Sets the layout mode of the focused container. _mode_ can be one of _splith_,
+ _splitv_, or _toggle split_.
+ Reloads the sway config file without restarting sway.
+**set** <name> <value>::
+ Creates a substitution for _value_ that can be used with $_name_ in other
+ commands.
+**split** <vertical|horizontal>::
+ Splits the current container, vertically or horiziontally. The letters "h" and
+ "v" can be used instead of the full words "vertical" or "horizontal".
+ Equivalent to **split horizontal**.
+ Equivalent to **split vertical**.
+ Toggles fullscreen status for the focused view.
+**workspace** <name>:
+ Switches to the specified workspace.
+**workspace** <prev_on_output|next_on_output>:
+ Switches to the next workspace on the current output.
+**workspace** <name> output <output>::
+ Specifies that the workspace named _name_ should appear on the specified
+ _output_.