#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "client.h" #include "drm.h" #include "evdev.h" #include "list.h" #include "log.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "seat.h" #include "terminal.h" struct seat *seat_create(const char *seat_name, bool vt_bound) { struct seat *seat = calloc(1, sizeof(struct seat)); if (seat == NULL) { return NULL; } list_init(&seat->clients); seat->vt_bound = vt_bound; seat->curttyfd = -1; seat->seat_name = strdup(seat_name); if (seat->seat_name == NULL) { free(seat); return NULL; } log_debugf("created seat '%s' (vt_bound: %d)", seat_name, vt_bound); return seat; } void seat_destroy(struct seat *seat) { assert(seat); while (seat->clients.length > 0) { struct client *client = seat->clients.items[seat->clients.length - 1]; // This will cause the client to remove itself from the seat assert(client->seat); client_kill(client); } assert(seat->curttyfd == -1); free(seat->seat_name); free(seat); } int seat_add_client(struct seat *seat, struct client *client) { assert(seat); assert(client); if (client->seat != NULL) { log_error("cannot add client: client is already a member of a seat"); return -1; } if (seat->vt_bound && seat->active_client != NULL) { log_error("cannot add client: seat is vt_bound and an active client already exists"); return -1; } client->seat = seat; list_add(&seat->clients, client); log_debug("added client"); return 0; } int seat_remove_client(struct client *client) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); struct seat *seat = client->seat; // We must first remove the client to avoid reactivation bool found = false; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < seat->clients.length; idx++) { struct client *c = seat->clients.items[idx]; if (client == c) { list_del(&seat->clients, idx); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { log_debug("client was not on the client list"); } if (seat->next_client == client) { seat->next_client = NULL; } while (client->devices.length > 0) { struct seat_device *device = list_pop_back(&client->devices); seat_close_device(client, device); } if (seat->active_client == client) { seat_close_client(client); } client->seat = NULL; log_debug("removed client"); return found ? 0 : -1; } struct seat_device *seat_find_device(struct client *client, int device_id) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); assert(device_id != 0); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < client->devices.length; idx++) { struct seat_device *seat_device = client->devices.items[idx]; if (seat_device->device_id == device_id) { return seat_device; } } errno = ENOENT; return NULL; } struct seat_device *seat_open_device(struct client *client, const char *path) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); assert(strlen(path) > 0); struct seat *seat = client->seat; if (client != seat->active_client) { errno = EPERM; return NULL; } if (client->pending_disable) { errno = EPERM; return NULL; } char sanitized_path[PATH_MAX]; if (realpath(path, sanitized_path) == NULL) { log_errorf("invalid path '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } enum seat_device_type type; if (path_is_evdev(sanitized_path)) { type = SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_EVDEV; } else if (path_is_drm(sanitized_path)) { type = SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_DRM; } else { log_errorf("invalid path '%s'", sanitized_path); errno = ENOENT; return NULL; } int device_id = 1; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < client->devices.length; idx++) { struct seat_device *device = client->devices.items[idx]; // If the device already exists, increase the ref count and // return it. if (strcmp(device->path, path) == 0) { device->ref_cnt++; return device; } // If the device has a higher id, up our device id if (device->device_id >= device_id) { device_id = device->device_id + 1; } } if (client->devices.length >= MAX_SEAT_DEVICES) { log_error("max seat devices exceeded"); errno = EMFILE; return NULL; } int fd = open(sanitized_path, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd == -1) { log_errorf("could not open file: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } switch (type) { case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_DRM: if (drm_set_master(fd) == -1) { log_debugf("drm_set_master failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } break; case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_EVDEV: // Nothing to do here break; default: log_error("invalid seat device type"); abort(); } struct seat_device *device = calloc(1, sizeof(struct seat_device)); if (device == NULL) { log_errorf("could not alloc device for '%s': %s", sanitized_path, strerror(errno)); close(fd); errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } device->path = strdup(sanitized_path); if (device->path == NULL) { log_errorf("could not dup path for '%s': %s", sanitized_path, strerror(errno)); close(fd); free(device); return NULL; } log_debugf("seat: %p, client: %p, path: '%s', device_id: %d", (void *)seat, (void *)client, path, device_id); device->ref_cnt = 1; device->type = type; device->fd = fd; device->device_id = device_id; device->active = true; list_add(&client->devices, device); return device; } int seat_close_device(struct client *client, struct seat_device *seat_device) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); assert(seat_device && seat_device->fd != -1); // Find the device in our list size_t idx = list_find(&client->devices, seat_device); if (idx == -1UL) { log_error("seat device not registered by client"); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } log_debugf("seat: %p, client: %p, path: '%s', device_id: %d", (void *)client->seat, (void *)client, seat_device->path, seat_device->device_id); seat_device->ref_cnt--; if (seat_device->ref_cnt > 0) { // We still have more references to this device, so leave it be. return 0; } // The ref count hit zero, so destroy the device list_del(&client->devices, idx); if (seat_device->active && seat_device->fd != -1) { switch (seat_device->type) { case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_DRM: if (drm_drop_master(seat_device->fd) == -1) { log_debugf("drm_drop_master failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } break; case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_EVDEV: if (evdev_revoke(seat_device->fd) == -1) { log_debugf("evdev_revoke failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } break; default: log_error("invalid seat device type"); abort(); } close(seat_device->fd); seat_device->fd = -1; } free(seat_device->path); free(seat_device); return 0; } static int seat_deactivate_device(struct client *client, struct seat_device *seat_device) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); assert(seat_device && seat_device->fd > 0); if (!seat_device->active) { return 0; } switch (seat_device->type) { case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_DRM: if (drm_drop_master(seat_device->fd) == -1) { log_debugf("drm_drop_master failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } break; case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_EVDEV: if (evdev_revoke(seat_device->fd) == -1) { log_debugf("evdev_revoke failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } break; default: log_error("invalid seat device type"); abort(); } seat_device->active = false; return 0; } static int seat_activate_device(struct client *client, struct seat_device *seat_device) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); assert(seat_device && seat_device->fd > 0); if (seat_device->active) { return 0; } switch (seat_device->type) { case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_DRM: if (drm_set_master(seat_device->fd) == -1) { log_debugf("drmset_master failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } seat_device->active = true; break; case SEAT_DEVICE_TYPE_EVDEV: errno = EINVAL; return -1; default: log_error("invalid seat device type"); abort(); } return 0; } int seat_open_client(struct seat *seat, struct client *client) { assert(seat); assert(client); if (seat->vt_bound && client->seat_vt == 0) { int tty0fd = terminal_open(0); if (tty0fd == -1) { log_errorf("unable to open tty0: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } client->seat_vt = terminal_current_vt(tty0fd); close(tty0fd); if (client->seat_vt == -1) { log_errorf("unable to get current VT for client: %s", strerror(errno)); client->seat_vt = 0; return -1; } } if (seat->active_client != NULL) { log_error("client already active"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } assert(seat->curttyfd == -1); if (seat->vt_bound) { int ttyfd = terminal_open(client->seat_vt); if (ttyfd == -1) { log_errorf("unable to open tty for vt %d: %s", client->seat_vt, strerror(errno)); return -1; } terminal_set_process_switching(ttyfd, true); terminal_set_keyboard(ttyfd, false); terminal_set_graphics(ttyfd, true); seat->curttyfd = ttyfd; } for (size_t idx = 0; idx < client->devices.length; idx++) { struct seat_device *device = client->devices.items[idx]; if (seat_activate_device(client, device) == -1) { log_errorf("unable to activate '%s': %s", device->path, strerror(errno)); } } log_debugf("activated %zd devices", client->devices.length); seat->active_client = client; if (client_send_enable_seat(client) == -1) { seat_remove_client(client); return -1; } log_info("client successfully enabled"); return 0; } int seat_close_client(struct client *client) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); struct seat *seat = client->seat; if (seat->active_client != client) { log_error("client not active"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } while (client->devices.length > 0) { struct seat_device *device = list_pop_back(&client->devices); if (seat_close_device(client, device) == -1) { log_errorf("unable to close '%s': %s", device->path, strerror(errno)); } } client->pending_disable = false; seat->active_client = NULL; seat_activate(seat); log_debug("closed client"); return 0; } static int seat_disable_client(struct client *client) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); struct seat *seat = client->seat; if (seat->active_client != client) { log_error("client not active"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } // We *deactivate* all remaining fds. These may later be reactivated. // The reason we cannot just close them is that certain device fds, such // as for DRM, must maintain the exact same file description for their // contexts to remain valid. for (size_t idx = 0; idx < client->devices.length; idx++) { struct seat_device *device = client->devices.items[idx]; if (seat_deactivate_device(client, device) == -1) { log_errorf("unable to deactivate '%s': %s", device->path, strerror(errno)); } } log_debugf("deactivated %zd devices", client->devices.length); client->pending_disable = true; if (client_send_disable_seat(seat->active_client) == -1) { seat_remove_client(client); return -1; } log_debug("disabling client"); return 0; } int seat_ack_disable_client(struct client *client) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); struct seat *seat = client->seat; if (seat->active_client != client || !client->pending_disable) { log_error("client not active or not pending disable"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } client->pending_disable = false; seat->active_client = NULL; seat_activate(seat); log_debug("disabled client"); return 0; } int seat_set_next_session(struct client *client, int session) { assert(client); assert(client->seat); struct seat *seat = client->seat; if (seat->active_client != client || client->pending_disable) { log_error("client not active or pending disable"); errno = EPERM; return -1; } if (session == client_get_session(client)) { log_info("requested session is already active"); return 0; } // Check if the session number is valid if (session <= 0) { log_errorf("invalid session value: %d", session); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } // Check if a switch is already queued if (seat->next_vt > 0 || seat->next_client != NULL) { log_info("switch is already queued"); return 0; } struct client *target = NULL; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < seat->clients.length; idx++) { struct client *c = seat->clients.items[idx]; if (client_get_session(c) == session) { target = c; break; } } if (target != NULL) { log_info("queuing switch to different client"); seat->next_client = target; seat->next_vt = 0; } else if (seat->vt_bound) { log_info("queuing switch to different VT"); seat->next_vt = session; seat->next_client = NULL; } else { log_error("no valid switch available"); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } seat_disable_client(seat->active_client); return 0; } int seat_activate(struct seat *seat) { assert(seat); // We already have an active client! if (seat->active_client != NULL) { return 0; } int vt = -1; if (seat->vt_bound) { int ttyfd = terminal_open(0); if (ttyfd == -1) { log_errorf("unable to open tty0: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } // If we need to ack a switch, do that if (seat->vt_pending_ack) { log_info("acking pending VT switch"); seat->vt_pending_ack = false; if (seat->curttyfd != -1) { terminal_set_process_switching(seat->curttyfd, false); terminal_set_keyboard(seat->curttyfd, true); terminal_set_graphics(seat->curttyfd, false); close(seat->curttyfd); seat->curttyfd = -1; } return 0; } // If we're asked to do a simple VT switch, do that if (seat->next_vt > 0) { log_info("executing VT switch"); terminal_switch_vt(ttyfd, seat->next_vt); seat->next_vt = 0; close(ttyfd); return 0; } // We'll need the VT below vt = terminal_current_vt(ttyfd); if (vt == -1) { log_errorf("unable to get vt: %s", strerror(errno)); close(ttyfd); return -1; } close(ttyfd); } // Try to pick a client for activation struct client *next_client = NULL; if (seat->next_client != NULL) { // A specific client has been requested, use it next_client = seat->next_client; seat->next_client = NULL; } else if (seat->clients.length > 0 && seat->vt_bound) { // No client is requested, try to find an applicable one for (size_t idx = 0; idx < seat->clients.length; idx++) { struct client *client = seat->clients.items[idx]; if (client->seat_vt == vt) { next_client = client; break; } } } else if (seat->clients.length > 0) { next_client = seat->clients.items[0]; } if (next_client == NULL) { // No suitable client found log_info("no client suitable for activation"); if (seat->vt_bound && seat->curttyfd != -1) { terminal_set_process_switching(seat->curttyfd, false); terminal_set_keyboard(seat->curttyfd, true); terminal_set_graphics(seat->curttyfd, false); close(seat->curttyfd); seat->curttyfd = -1; } return -1; } log_info("activating next client"); if (seat->vt_bound && next_client->seat_vt != vt) { int ttyfd = terminal_open(0); if (ttyfd == -1) { log_errorf("unable to open tty0: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } terminal_switch_vt(ttyfd, next_client->seat_vt); close(ttyfd); } return seat_open_client(seat, next_client); } int seat_prepare_vt_switch(struct seat *seat) { assert(seat); if (seat->active_client == NULL) { log_info("no active client, performing switch immediately"); int tty0fd = terminal_open(0); if (tty0fd == -1) { log_errorf("unable to open tty0: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } terminal_ack_switch(tty0fd); close(tty0fd); return 0; } if (seat->vt_pending_ack) { log_info("impatient user, killing session to force pending switch"); seat_close_client(seat->active_client); return 0; } log_debug("delaying VT switch acknowledgement"); seat->vt_pending_ack = true; seat_disable_client(seat->active_client); return 0; }