#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backend.h" #include "connection.h" #include "libseat.h" #include "linked_list.h" #include "log.h" #include "protocol.h" #ifdef BUILTIN_ENABLED #include "poller.h" #include "server.h" #endif const struct seat_impl seatd_impl; const struct seat_impl builtin_impl; struct pending_event { struct linked_list link; // backend_seat::link int opcode; }; struct backend_seatd { struct libseat base; struct connection connection; struct libseat_seat_listener *seat_listener; void *seat_listener_data; struct linked_list pending_events; char seat_name[MAX_SEAT_LEN]; }; static int set_nonblock(int fd) { int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD)) == -1 || fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) { return -1; } if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) == -1 || fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } static int seatd_connect(void) { union { struct sockaddr_un unix; struct sockaddr generic; } addr = {{0}}; int fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { return -1; } if (set_nonblock(fd) == -1) { close(fd); return -1; } char *path = getenv("SEATD_SOCK"); if (path == NULL) { path = "/run/seatd.sock"; } addr.unix.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.unix.sun_path, path, sizeof addr.unix.sun_path); socklen_t size = offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen(addr.unix.sun_path); if (connect(fd, &addr.generic, size) == -1) { close(fd); return -1; }; return fd; } static struct backend_seatd *backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(struct libseat *base) { assert(base); #ifdef BUILTIN_ENABLED assert(base->impl == &seatd_impl || base->impl == &builtin_impl); #else assert(base->impl == &seatd_impl); #endif return (struct backend_seatd *)base; } static void handle_enable_seat(struct backend_seatd *backend) { if (backend->seat_listener != NULL && backend->seat_listener->enable_seat != NULL) { backend->seat_listener->enable_seat(&backend->base, backend->seat_listener_data); } } static void handle_disable_seat(struct backend_seatd *backend) { if (backend->seat_listener != NULL && backend->seat_listener->disable_seat != NULL) { backend->seat_listener->disable_seat(&backend->base, backend->seat_listener_data); } } static size_t read_header(struct connection *connection, uint16_t expected_opcode) { struct proto_header header; if (connection_get(connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1) { return SIZE_MAX; } if (header.opcode != expected_opcode) { connection_restore(connection, sizeof header); errno = EBADMSG; return SIZE_MAX; } return header.size; } static int queue_event(struct backend_seatd *backend, int opcode) { struct pending_event *ev = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pending_event)); if (ev == NULL) { return -1; } ev->opcode = opcode; linked_list_insert(&backend->pending_events, &ev->link); return 0; } static void execute_events(struct backend_seatd *backend) { struct linked_list list = { .next = backend->pending_events.next, .prev = backend->pending_events.prev, }; list.next->prev = &list; list.prev->next = &list; linked_list_init(&backend->pending_events); while (!linked_list_empty(&list)) { struct pending_event *ev = (struct pending_event *)list.next; int opcode = ev->opcode; linked_list_remove(&ev->link); free(ev); switch (opcode) { case SERVER_DISABLE_SEAT: handle_disable_seat(backend); break; case SERVER_ENABLE_SEAT: handle_enable_seat(backend); break; default: abort(); } } } static int dispatch_pending(struct backend_seatd *backend, int *opcode) { int packets = 0; struct proto_header header; while (connection_get(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) != -1) { packets++; switch (header.opcode) { case SERVER_DISABLE_SEAT: case SERVER_ENABLE_SEAT: queue_event(backend, header.opcode); break; default: if (opcode != NULL && connection_pending(&backend->connection) >= header.size) { *opcode = header.opcode; } connection_restore(&backend->connection, sizeof header); return packets; } } return packets; } static int poll_connection(struct backend_seatd *backend, int timeout) { struct pollfd fd = { .fd = backend->connection.fd, .events = POLLIN, }; if (poll(&fd, 1, timeout) == -1) { return (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) ? 0 : -1; } if (fd.revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) { errno = EPIPE; return -1; } int len = 0; if (fd.revents & POLLIN) { len = connection_read(&backend->connection); if (len == 0 || (len == -1 && errno != EAGAIN)) { return -1; } } return len; } static int dispatch(struct backend_seatd *backend) { if (connection_flush(&backend->connection) == -1) { return -1; } int opcode = 0; while (dispatch_pending(backend, &opcode) == 0 && opcode == 0) { if (poll_connection(backend, -1) == -1) { return -1; } } return 0; } static void check_error(struct connection *connection) { struct proto_header header; if (connection_get(connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1) { return; } if (header.opcode != SERVER_ERROR) { errno = EBADMSG; return; } struct proto_server_error msg; if (connection_get(connection, &msg, sizeof msg) == -1) { return; } errno = msg.error_code; } static int get_fd(struct libseat *base) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); return backend->connection.fd; } static int dispatch_background(struct libseat *base, int timeout) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); int dispatched = dispatch_pending(backend, NULL); if (dispatched > 0) { // We don't want to block if we dispatched something, as the // caller might be waiting for the result. However, we'd also // like to read anything pending. timeout = 0; } int read = 0; if (timeout == 0) { read = connection_read(&backend->connection); } else { read = poll_connection(backend, timeout); } if (read > 0) { dispatched += dispatch_pending(backend, NULL); } else if (read == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) { return -1; } execute_events(backend); return dispatched; } static void destroy(struct backend_seatd *backend) { if (backend->connection.fd != -1) { close(backend->connection.fd); backend->connection.fd = -1; } connection_close_fds(&backend->connection); while (!linked_list_empty(&backend->pending_events)) { struct pending_event *ev = (struct pending_event *)backend->pending_events.next; linked_list_remove(&ev->link); free(ev); } free(backend); } static struct libseat *_open_seat(struct libseat_seat_listener *listener, void *data, int fd) { struct backend_seatd *backend = calloc(1, sizeof(struct backend_seatd)); if (backend == NULL) { close(fd); return NULL; } backend->seat_listener = listener; backend->seat_listener_data = data; backend->connection.fd = fd; backend->base.impl = &seatd_impl; linked_list_init(&backend->pending_events); struct proto_header header = { .opcode = CLIENT_OPEN_SEAT, .size = 0, }; if (connection_put(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1 || dispatch(backend) == -1) { destroy(backend); return NULL; } size_t size = read_header(&backend->connection, SERVER_SEAT_OPENED); if (size == SIZE_MAX) { check_error(&backend->connection); destroy(backend); return NULL; } struct proto_server_seat_opened rmsg; if (sizeof rmsg > size) { errno = EBADMSG; return NULL; } if (connection_get(&backend->connection, &rmsg, sizeof rmsg) == -1) { return NULL; }; if (sizeof rmsg + rmsg.seat_name_len > size || rmsg.seat_name_len >= sizeof backend->seat_name) { errno = EBADMSG; return NULL; } if (connection_get(&backend->connection, backend->seat_name, rmsg.seat_name_len) == -1) { return NULL; }; return &backend->base; } static struct libseat *open_seat(struct libseat_seat_listener *listener, void *data) { int fd = seatd_connect(); if (fd == -1) { return NULL; } return _open_seat(listener, data, fd); } static int close_seat(struct libseat *base) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); struct proto_header header = { .opcode = CLIENT_CLOSE_SEAT, .size = 0, }; if (connection_put(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1 || dispatch(backend) == -1) { destroy(backend); return -1; } size_t size = read_header(&backend->connection, SERVER_SEAT_CLOSED); if (size == SIZE_MAX) { check_error(&backend->connection); destroy(backend); return -1; } destroy(backend); return 0; } static const char *seat_name(struct libseat *base) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); return backend->seat_name; } static int open_device(struct libseat *base, const char *path, int *fd) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); size_t pathlen = strlen(path) + 1; if (pathlen > MAX_PATH_LEN) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } struct proto_client_open_device msg = { .path_len = (uint16_t)pathlen, }; struct proto_header header = { .opcode = CLIENT_OPEN_DEVICE, .size = sizeof msg + pathlen, }; if (connection_put(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1 || connection_put(&backend->connection, &msg, sizeof msg) == -1 || connection_put(&backend->connection, path, pathlen) == -1 || dispatch(backend) == -1) { return -1; } size_t size = read_header(&backend->connection, SERVER_DEVICE_OPENED); if (size == SIZE_MAX) { check_error(&backend->connection); return -1; } struct proto_server_device_opened rmsg; if (sizeof rmsg > size) { errno = EBADMSG; return -1; } if (connection_get(&backend->connection, &rmsg, sizeof rmsg) == -1) { return -1; } int received_fd = connection_get_fd(&backend->connection); if (received_fd == -1) { return -1; } *fd = received_fd; return rmsg.device_id; } static int close_device(struct libseat *base, int device_id) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); if (device_id < 0) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } struct proto_client_close_device msg = { .device_id = device_id, }; struct proto_header header = { .opcode = CLIENT_CLOSE_DEVICE, .size = sizeof msg, }; if (connection_put(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1 || connection_put(&backend->connection, &msg, sizeof msg) == -1 || dispatch(backend) == -1) { return -1; } size_t size = read_header(&backend->connection, SERVER_DEVICE_CLOSED); if (size == SIZE_MAX) { check_error(&backend->connection); return -1; } struct proto_server_device_closed rmsg; if (sizeof rmsg > size) { errno = EBADMSG; return -1; } if (connection_get(&backend->connection, &rmsg, sizeof rmsg) == -1) { return -1; } if (rmsg.device_id != device_id) { errno = EBADMSG; return -1; } return 0; } static int switch_session(struct libseat *base, int session) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); if (session < 0) { return -1; } struct proto_client_switch_session msg = { .session = session, }; struct proto_header header = { .opcode = CLIENT_SWITCH_SESSION, .size = sizeof msg, }; if (connection_put(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1 || connection_put(&backend->connection, &msg, sizeof msg) == -1 || connection_flush(&backend->connection) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } static int disable_seat(struct libseat *base) { struct backend_seatd *backend = backend_seatd_from_libseat_backend(base); struct proto_header header = { .opcode = CLIENT_DISABLE_SEAT, .size = 0, }; if (connection_put(&backend->connection, &header, sizeof header) == -1 || connection_flush(&backend->connection) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } const struct seat_impl seatd_impl = { .open_seat = open_seat, .disable_seat = disable_seat, .close_seat = close_seat, .seat_name = seat_name, .open_device = open_device, .close_device = close_device, .switch_session = switch_session, .get_fd = get_fd, .dispatch = dispatch_background, }; #ifdef BUILTIN_ENABLED #include static int set_deathsig(int signal); #if defined(__linux__) #include static int set_deathsig(int signal) { return prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, signal); } #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) #include static int set_deathsig(int signal) { return procctl(P_PID, 0, PROC_PDEATHSIG_CTL, &signal); } #else #error Unsupported platform #endif static struct libseat *builtin_open_seat(struct libseat_seat_listener *listener, void *data) { int fds[2]; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds) == -1) { return NULL; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); return NULL; } else if (pid == 0) { int fd = fds[0]; int res = 0; struct server server = {0}; if (server_init(&server) == -1) { res = 1; goto error; } if (server_add_client(&server, fd) == -1) { res = 1; goto server_error; } set_deathsig(SIGTERM); while (server.running) { if (poller_poll(&server.poller) == -1) { res = 1; goto server_error; } } server_error: server_finish(&server); error: close(fd); exit(res); } else { int fd = fds[1]; return _open_seat(listener, data, fd); } } const struct seat_impl builtin_impl = { .open_seat = builtin_open_seat, .disable_seat = disable_seat, .close_seat = close_seat, .seat_name = seat_name, .open_device = open_device, .close_device = close_device, .switch_session = switch_session, .get_fd = get_fd, .dispatch = dispatch_background, }; #endif