/* * rc-status.c * Display the status of the services in runlevels */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 The OpenRC Authors. * See the Authors file at the top-level directory of this distribution and * https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/AUTHORS * * This file is part of OpenRC. It is subject to the license terms in * the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/LICENSE * This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed * except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "builtins.h" #include "einfo.h" #include "queue.h" #include "rc.h" #include "rc-misc.h" extern const char *applet; static bool test_crashed = false; static RC_DEPTREE *deptree; static RC_STRINGLIST *types; static RC_STRINGLIST *levels, *services, *tmp, *alist; static RC_STRINGLIST *sservices, *nservices, *needsme; bool _rc_can_find_pids(void) { RC_PIDLIST *pids; RC_PID *pid; RC_PID *pid2; bool retval = false; if (geteuid() == 0) return true; /* If we cannot see process 1, then we don't test to see if * services crashed or not */ pids = rc_find_pids(NULL, NULL, 0, 1); if (pids) { pid = LIST_FIRST(pids); if (pid) { retval = true; while (pid) { pid2 = LIST_NEXT(pid, entries); free(pid); pid = pid2; } } free(pids); } return retval; } static void print_level(const char *prefix, const char *level) { if (prefix) printf("%s ", prefix); printf ("Runlevel: "); if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) printf("%s%s%s\n", ecolor(ECOLOR_HILITE), level, ecolor(ECOLOR_NORMAL)); else printf("%s\n", level); } static void print_service(const char *service) { char status[10]; int cols = printf(" %s", service); const char *c = ecolor(ECOLOR_GOOD); RC_SERVICE state = rc_service_state(service); ECOLOR color = ECOLOR_BAD; if (state & RC_SERVICE_STOPPING) snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "stopping "); else if (state & RC_SERVICE_STARTING) { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "starting "); color = ECOLOR_WARN; } else if (state & RC_SERVICE_INACTIVE) { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "inactive "); color = ECOLOR_WARN; } else if (state & RC_SERVICE_STARTED) { errno = 0; if (test_crashed && rc_service_daemons_crashed(service) && errno != EACCES) { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), " crashed "); } else { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), " started "); color = ECOLOR_GOOD; } } else if (state & RC_SERVICE_SCHEDULED) { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "scheduled"); color = ECOLOR_WARN; } else snprintf(status, sizeof(status), " stopped "); errno = 0; if (c && *c && isatty(fileno(stdout))) printf("\n"); ebracket(cols, color, status); } static void print_services(const char *runlevel, RC_STRINGLIST *svcs) { RC_STRINGLIST *l = NULL; RC_STRING *s; char *r = NULL; if (!svcs) return; if (!deptree) deptree = _rc_deptree_load(0, NULL); if (!deptree) { TAILQ_FOREACH(s, svcs, entries) if (!runlevel || rc_service_in_runlevel(s->value, runlevel)) print_service(s->value); return; } if (!types) { types = rc_stringlist_new(); rc_stringlist_add(types, "ineed"); rc_stringlist_add(types, "iuse"); rc_stringlist_add(types, "iafter"); } if (!runlevel) r = rc_runlevel_get(); l = rc_deptree_depends(deptree, types, svcs, r ? r : runlevel, RC_DEP_STRICT | RC_DEP_TRACE | RC_DEP_START); free(r); if (!l) return; TAILQ_FOREACH(s, l, entries) { if (!rc_stringlist_find(svcs, s->value)) continue; if (!runlevel || rc_service_in_runlevel(s->value, runlevel)) print_service(s->value); } rc_stringlist_free(l); } static void print_stacked_services(const char *runlevel) { RC_STRINGLIST *stackedlevels, *servicelist; RC_STRING *stackedlevel; stackedlevels = rc_runlevel_stacks(runlevel); TAILQ_FOREACH(stackedlevel, stackedlevels, entries) { if (rc_stringlist_find(levels, stackedlevel->value) != NULL) continue; print_level("Stacked", stackedlevel->value); servicelist = rc_services_in_runlevel(stackedlevel->value); print_services(stackedlevel->value, servicelist); rc_stringlist_free(servicelist); } rc_stringlist_free(stackedlevels); stackedlevels = NULL; } #include "_usage.h" #define usagestring "" \ "Usage: rc-status [options] ...\n" \ " or: rc-status [options] [-a | -c | -l | -r | -s | -u]" #define getoptstring "aclrsu" getoptstring_COMMON static const struct option longopts[] = { {"all", 0, NULL, 'a'}, {"crashed", 0, NULL, 'c'}, {"list", 0, NULL, 'l'}, {"runlevel", 0, NULL, 'r'}, {"servicelist", 0, NULL, 's'}, {"unused", 0, NULL, 'u'}, longopts_COMMON }; static const char * const longopts_help[] = { "Show services from all run levels", "Show crashed services", "Show list of run levels", "Show the name of the current runlevel", "Show service list", "Show services not assigned to any runlevel", longopts_help_COMMON }; #include "_usage.c" int rc_status(int argc, char **argv) { RC_STRING *s, *l, *t, *level; char *p, *runlevel = NULL; int opt, aflag = 0, retval = 0; test_crashed = _rc_can_find_pids(); while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, getoptstring, longopts, (int *) 0)) != -1) switch (opt) { case 'a': aflag++; levels = rc_runlevel_list(); break; case 'c': services = rc_services_in_state(RC_SERVICE_STARTED); retval = 1; TAILQ_FOREACH(s, services, entries) if (rc_service_daemons_crashed(s->value)) { printf("%s\n", s->value); retval = 0; } goto exit; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'l': levels = rc_runlevel_list(); TAILQ_FOREACH(l, levels, entries) printf("%s\n", l->value); goto exit; case 'r': runlevel = rc_runlevel_get(); printf("%s\n", runlevel); goto exit; /* NOTREACHED */ case 's': services = rc_services_in_runlevel(NULL); print_services(NULL, services); goto exit; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'u': services = rc_services_in_runlevel(NULL); levels = rc_runlevel_list(); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(s, services, entries, t) { TAILQ_FOREACH(l, levels, entries) if (rc_service_in_runlevel(s->value, l->value)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(services, s, entries); free(s->value); free(s); break; } } print_services(NULL, services); goto exit; /* NOTREACHED */ case_RC_COMMON_GETOPT } if (!levels) levels = rc_stringlist_new(); opt = (optind < argc) ? 0 : 1; while (optind < argc) { if (rc_runlevel_exists(argv[optind])) { rc_stringlist_add(levels, argv[optind++]); opt++; } else eerror("runlevel `%s' does not exist", argv[optind++]); } if (opt == 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (!TAILQ_FIRST(levels)) { runlevel = rc_runlevel_get(); rc_stringlist_add(levels, runlevel); } /* Output the services in the order in which they would start */ deptree = _rc_deptree_load(0, NULL); TAILQ_FOREACH(l, levels, entries) { print_level(NULL, l->value); services = rc_services_in_runlevel(l->value); print_services(l->value, services); print_stacked_services(l->value); rc_stringlist_free(nservices); nservices = NULL; rc_stringlist_free(services); services = NULL; } if (aflag || argc < 2) { /* Show hotplugged services */ print_level("Dynamic", "hotplugged"); services = rc_services_in_state(RC_SERVICE_HOTPLUGGED); print_services(NULL, services); rc_stringlist_free(services); services = NULL; /* Show manually started and unassigned depended services */ if (aflag) { rc_stringlist_free(levels); levels = rc_stringlist_new(); if (!runlevel) runlevel = rc_runlevel_get(); rc_stringlist_add(levels, runlevel); } rc_stringlist_add(levels, RC_LEVEL_SYSINIT); rc_stringlist_add(levels, RC_LEVEL_BOOT); services = rc_services_in_runlevel(NULL); sservices = rc_stringlist_new(); TAILQ_FOREACH(l, levels, entries) { nservices = rc_services_in_runlevel_stacked(l->value); TAILQ_CONCAT(sservices, nservices, entries); free(nservices); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(s, services, entries, t) { if ((rc_stringlist_find(sservices, s->value) || (rc_service_state(s->value) & ( RC_SERVICE_STOPPED | RC_SERVICE_HOTPLUGGED)))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(services, s, entries); free(s->value); free(s); } } needsme = rc_stringlist_new(); rc_stringlist_add(needsme, "needsme"); rc_stringlist_add(needsme, "wantsme"); nservices = rc_stringlist_new(); alist = rc_stringlist_new(); l = rc_stringlist_add(alist, ""); p = l->value; TAILQ_FOREACH(level, levels, entries) { TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(s, services, entries, t) { l->value = s->value; setenv("RC_SVCNAME", l->value, 1); tmp = rc_deptree_depends(deptree, needsme, alist, level->value, RC_DEP_TRACE); if (TAILQ_FIRST(tmp)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(services, s, entries); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(nservices, s, entries); } rc_stringlist_free(tmp); } } l->value = p; /* * we are unsetting RC_SVCNAME because last loaded service will not * be added to the list */ unsetenv("RC_SVCNAME"); print_level("Dynamic", "needed/wanted"); print_services(NULL, nservices); print_level("Dynamic", "manual"); print_services(NULL, services); } exit: free(runlevel); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY rc_stringlist_free(alist); rc_stringlist_free(needsme); rc_stringlist_free(sservices); rc_stringlist_free(nservices); rc_stringlist_free(services); rc_stringlist_free(types); rc_stringlist_free(levels); rc_deptree_free(deptree); #endif return retval; }