/* * rc-misc.c * rc misc functions */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 The OpenRC Authors. * See the Authors file at the top-level directory of this distribution and * https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/AUTHORS * * This file is part of OpenRC. It is subject to the license terms in * the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/LICENSE * This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed * except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ # include #endif #include #include #include # include #include #include #include #include #include #include "einfo.h" #include "queue.h" #include "rc.h" #include "rc-misc.h" #include "version.h" extern char **environ; bool rc_conf_yesno(const char *setting) { return rc_yesno(rc_conf_value (setting)); } static const char *const env_whitelist[] = { "CONSOLE", "PATH", "SHELL", "USER", "HOME", "TERM", "LANG", "LC_CTYPE", "LC_NUMERIC", "LC_TIME", "LC_COLLATE", "LC_MONETARY", "LC_MESSAGES", "LC_PAPER", "LC_NAME", "LC_ADDRESS", "LC_TELEPHONE", "LC_MEASUREMENT", "LC_IDENTIFICATION", "LC_ALL", "IN_HOTPLUG", "IN_BACKGROUND", "RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG", "EERROR_QUIET", "EINFO_QUIET", NULL }; void env_filter(void) { RC_STRINGLIST *env_allow; RC_STRINGLIST *profile; RC_STRINGLIST *env_list; RC_STRING *env; char *e; size_t i = 0; /* Add the user defined list of vars */ env_allow = rc_stringlist_split(rc_conf_value("rc_env_allow"), " "); profile = rc_config_load(RC_PROFILE_ENV); /* Copy the env and work from this so we can manipulate it safely */ env_list = rc_stringlist_new(); while (environ && environ[i]) { env = rc_stringlist_add(env_list, environ[i++]); e = strchr(env->value, '='); if (e) *e = '\0'; } TAILQ_FOREACH(env, env_list, entries) { /* Check the whitelist */ for (i = 0; env_whitelist[i]; i++) { if (strcmp(env_whitelist[i], env->value) == 0) break; } if (env_whitelist[i]) continue; /* Check our user defined list */ if (rc_stringlist_find(env_allow, env->value)) continue; /* OK, not allowed! */ unsetenv(env->value); } /* Now add anything missing from the profile */ TAILQ_FOREACH(env, profile, entries) { e = strchr(env->value, '='); *e = '\0'; if (!getenv(env->value)) setenv(env->value, e + 1, 1); } #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY rc_stringlist_free(env_list); rc_stringlist_free(env_allow); rc_stringlist_free(profile); #endif } void env_config(void) { size_t pplen = strlen(RC_PATH_PREFIX); char *path; char *p; char *e; size_t l; struct utsname uts; FILE *fp; char *token; char *np; char *npp; char *tok; char *sys = NULL; char buffer[PATH_MAX]; /* Ensure our PATH is prefixed with the system locations first for a little extra security */ path = getenv("PATH"); if (! path) setenv("PATH", RC_PATH_PREFIX, 1); else if (strncmp (RC_PATH_PREFIX, path, pplen) != 0) { l = strlen(path) + pplen + 3; e = p = xmalloc(sizeof(char) * l); p += snprintf(p, l, "%s", RC_PATH_PREFIX); /* Now go through the env var and only add bits not in our * PREFIX */ while ((token = strsep(&path, ":"))) { np = npp = xstrdup(RC_PATH_PREFIX); while ((tok = strsep(&npp, ":"))) if (strcmp(tok, token) == 0) break; if (! tok) p += snprintf(p, l - (p - e), ":%s", token); free (np); } *p++ = '\0'; unsetenv("PATH"); setenv("PATH", e, 1); free(e); } setenv("RC_VERSION", VERSION, 1); setenv("RC_LIBEXECDIR", RC_LIBEXECDIR, 1); setenv("RC_SVCDIR", RC_SVCDIR, 1); setenv("RC_TMPDIR", RC_SVCDIR "/tmp", 1); setenv("RC_BOOTLEVEL", RC_LEVEL_BOOT, 1); e = rc_runlevel_get(); setenv("RC_RUNLEVEL", e, 1); free(e); if ((fp = fopen(RC_KRUNLEVEL, "r"))) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer)); if (fgets(buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp)) { l = strlen (buffer) - 1; if (buffer[l] == '\n') buffer[l] = 0; setenv("RC_DEFAULTLEVEL", buffer, 1); } fclose(fp); } else setenv("RC_DEFAULTLEVEL", RC_LEVEL_DEFAULT, 1); sys = detect_container(); if (!sys) sys = detect_vm(); setenv("RC_SYS", sys, 1); #ifdef PREFIX setenv("RC_PREFIX", RC_PREFIX, 1); #endif /* Some scripts may need to take a different code path if Linux/FreeBSD, etc To save on calling uname, we store it in an environment variable */ if (uname(&uts) == 0) setenv("RC_UNAME", uts.sysname, 1); /* Be quiet or verbose as necessary */ if (rc_conf_yesno("rc_quiet")) setenv("EINFO_QUIET", "YES", 1); if (rc_conf_yesno("rc_verbose")) setenv("EINFO_VERBOSE", "YES", 1); errno = 0; if ((! rc_conf_yesno("rc_color") && errno == 0) || rc_conf_yesno("rc_nocolor")) setenv("EINFO_COLOR", "NO", 1); } int signal_setup(int sig, void (*handler)(int)) { struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_handler = handler; return sigaction(sig, &sa, NULL); } int svc_lock(const char *applet) { char file[PATH_MAX]; int fd; snprintf(file, sizeof(file), RC_SVCDIR "/exclusive/%s", applet); fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_NONBLOCK, 0664); if (fd == -1) return -1; if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) == -1) { close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } int svc_unlock(const char *applet, int fd) { char file[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(file, sizeof(file), RC_SVCDIR "/exclusive/%s", applet); close(fd); unlink(file); return -1; } pid_t exec_service(const char *service, const char *arg) { char *file, sfd[32]; int fd; pid_t pid = -1; sigset_t full; sigset_t old; struct sigaction sa; fd = svc_lock(basename_c(service)); if (fd == -1) return -1; file = rc_service_resolve(service); if (!exists(file)) { rc_service_mark(service, RC_SERVICE_STOPPED); svc_unlock(basename_c(service), fd); free(file); return 0; } snprintf(sfd, sizeof(sfd), "%d", fd); /* We need to block signals until we have forked */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigfillset(&full); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &full, &old); if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* Restore default handlers */ sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, NULL); /* Unmask signals */ sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old, NULL); /* Safe to run now */ execl(file, file, "--lockfd", sfd, arg, (char *) NULL); fprintf(stderr, "unable to exec `%s': %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); svc_unlock(basename_c(service), fd); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pid == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "fork: %s\n",strerror (errno)); svc_unlock(basename_c(service), fd); } else fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old, NULL); free(file); return pid; } int parse_mode(mode_t *mode, char *text) { char *p; unsigned long l; /* Check for a numeric mode */ if ((*text - '0') < 8) { l = strtoul(text, &p, 8); if (*p || l > 07777U) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } *mode = (mode_t) l; return 0; } /* We currently don't check g+w type stuff */ errno = EINVAL; return -1; } int is_writable(const char *path) { if (access(path, W_OK) == 0) return 1; return 0; } static bool file_regex(const char *file, const char *regex) { FILE *fp; char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; regex_t re; bool retval = true; int result; if (!(fp = fopen(file, "r"))) return false; if ((result = regcomp(&re, regex, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) != 0) { fclose(fp); line = xmalloc(sizeof(char) * BUFSIZ); regerror(result, &re, line, BUFSIZ); fprintf(stderr, "file_regex: %s", line); free(line); return false; } while ((rc_getline(&line, &len, fp))) { char *str = line; /* some /proc files have \0 separated content so we have to loop through the 'line' */ do { if (regexec(&re, str, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) goto found; str += strlen(str) + 1; /* len is the size of allocated buffer and we don't want call regexec BUFSIZE times. find next str */ while (str < line + len && *str == '\0') str++; } while (str < line + len); } retval = false; found: fclose(fp); free(line); regfree(&re); return retval; } char *detect_prefix(void) { #ifdef PREFIX return RC_SYS_PREFIX; #else return NULL; #endif } char *get_systype(void) { char *systype = rc_conf_value("rc_sys"); if (systype) { char *s = systype; /* Convert to uppercase */ while (s && *s) { if (islower((unsigned char) *s)) *s = toupper((unsigned char) *s); s++; } } return systype; } char *detect_container(void) { char *systype = get_systype(); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (systype && strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_JAIL) == 0) return RC_SYS_JAIL; int jailed = 0; size_t len = sizeof(jailed); if (sysctlbyname("security.jail.jailed", &jailed, &len, NULL, 0) == 0) if (jailed == 1) return RC_SYS_JAIL; #endif #ifdef __linux__ if (systype) { if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_UML) == 0) return RC_SYS_UML; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_VSERVER) == 0) return RC_SYS_VSERVER; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_OPENVZ) == 0) return RC_SYS_OPENVZ; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_LXC) == 0) return RC_SYS_LXC; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_RKT) == 0) return RC_SYS_RKT; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_SYSTEMD_NSPAWN) == 0) return RC_SYS_SYSTEMD_NSPAWN; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_DOCKER) == 0) return RC_SYS_DOCKER; } if (file_regex("/proc/cpuinfo", "UML")) return RC_SYS_UML; else if (file_regex("/proc/self/status", "(s_context|VxID):[[:space:]]*[1-9]")) return RC_SYS_VSERVER; else if (exists("/proc/vz/veinfo") && !exists("/proc/vz/version")) return RC_SYS_OPENVZ; else if (file_regex("/proc/self/status", "envID:[[:space:]]*[1-9]")) return RC_SYS_OPENVZ; /* old test */ else if (file_regex("/proc/1/environ", "container=lxc")) return RC_SYS_LXC; else if (file_regex("/proc/1/environ", "container=rkt")) return RC_SYS_RKT; else if (file_regex("/proc/1/environ", "container=systemd-nspawn")) return RC_SYS_SYSTEMD_NSPAWN; else if (file_regex("/proc/1/environ", "container=docker")) return RC_SYS_DOCKER; #endif return NULL; } char *detect_vm(void) { char *systype = get_systype(); #ifdef __NetBSD__ if (systype) { if(strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_XEN0) == 0) return RC_SYS_XEN0; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_XENU) == 0) return RC_SYS_XENU; } if (exists("/kern/xen/privcmd")) return RC_SYS_XEN0; if (exists("/kern/xen")) return RC_SYS_XENU; #endif #ifdef __linux__ if (systype) { if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_XEN0) == 0) return RC_SYS_XEN0; if (strcmp(systype, RC_SYS_XENU) == 0) return RC_SYS_XENU; } if (exists("/proc/xen")) { if (file_regex("/proc/xen/capabilities", "control_d")) return RC_SYS_XEN0; return RC_SYS_XENU; } #endif return NULL; }