/* einfo.c Gentoo informational functions Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "einfo.h" #include "rc.h" #include "rc-misc.h" #include "hidden-visibility.h" hidden_proto(ecolor) hidden_proto(ebegin) hidden_proto(ebeginv) hidden_proto(ebracket) hidden_proto(eend) hidden_proto(eendv) hidden_proto(eerror) hidden_proto(eerrorn) hidden_proto(eerrorx) hidden_proto(eindent) hidden_proto(eindentv) hidden_proto(einfo) hidden_proto(einfon) hidden_proto(einfov) hidden_proto(einfovn) hidden_proto(eoutdent) hidden_proto(eoutdentv) hidden_proto(ewarn) hidden_proto(ewarnn) hidden_proto(ewarnv) hidden_proto(ewarnvn) hidden_proto(ewarnx) hidden_proto(ewend) hidden_proto(ewendv) /* Incase we cannot work out how many columns from ioctl, supply a default */ #define DEFAULT_COLS 80 #define OK "ok" #define NOT_OK "!!" #define CHECK_VERBOSE if (! is_env ("RC_VERBOSE", "yes")) return 0 /* Number of spaces for an indent */ #define INDENT_WIDTH 2 /* How wide can the indent go? */ #define INDENT_MAX 40 /* Default colours */ #define ECOLOR_GOOD "\033[32;01m" #define ECOLOR_WARN "\033[33;01m" #define ECOLOR_BAD "\033[31;01m" #define ECOLOR_HILITE "\033[36;01m" #define ECOLOR_BRACKET "\033[34;01m" #define ECOLOR_NORMAL "\033[0m" #define ECOLOR_FLUSH "\033[K" /* A cheat sheet of colour capable terminals This is taken from DIR_COLORS from GNU coreutils We embed it here as we shouldn't depend on coreutils */ static const char *color_terms[] = { "Eterm", "ansi", "color-xterm", "con132x25", "con132x30", "con132x43", "con132x60", "con80x25", "con80x28", "con80x30", "con80x43", "con80x50", "con80x60", "cons25", "console", "cygwin", "dtterm", "gnome", "konsole", "kterm", "linux", "linux-c", "mach-color", "mlterm", "putty", "rxvt", "rxvt-cygwin", "rxvt-cygwin-native", "rxvt-unicode", "screen", "screen-bce", "screen-w", "screen.linux", "vt100", "xterm", "xterm-256color", "xterm-color", "xterm-debian", NULL }; static const char *term = NULL; static bool term_is_cons25 = false; /* A pointer to a string to prefix to einfo/ewarn/eerror messages */ static const char *_eprefix = NULL; static bool is_env (const char *var, const char *val) { char *v; if (! var) return (false); v = getenv (var); if (! v) return (val ? false : true); return (strcasecmp (v, val) ? false : true); } static bool colour_terminal (void) { static int in_colour = -1; int i = 0; if (is_env ("RC_NOCOLOR", "yes")) return (false); if (in_colour == 0) return (false); if (in_colour == 1) return (true); if (! term) { term = getenv ("TERM"); if (! term) return (false); } if (strcmp (term, "cons25") == 0) term_is_cons25 = true; else term_is_cons25 = false; while (color_terms[i]) { if (strcmp (color_terms[i], term) == 0) { in_colour = 1; return (true); } i++; } in_colour = 0; return (false); } static int get_term_columns (void) { #if defined(TIOCGSIZE) /* BSD */ struct ttysize ts; if (ioctl(0, TIOCGSIZE, &ts) == 0) return (ts.ts_cols); #elif defined(TIOCGWINSZ) /* Linux */ struct winsize ws; if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == 0) return (ws.ws_col); #endif return (DEFAULT_COLS); } void eprefix (const char *prefix) { _eprefix = prefix; } static void elog (int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *e = getenv ("RC_ELOG"); va_list apc; if (fmt && e) { closelog (); openlog (e, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); va_copy (apc, ap); vsyslog (level, fmt, apc); va_end (apc); closelog (); } } static int _eindent (FILE *stream) { char *env = getenv ("RC_EINDENT"); int amount = 0; char indent[INDENT_MAX]; if (env) { errno = 0; amount = strtol (env, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0 || amount < 0) amount = 0; else if (amount > INDENT_MAX) amount = INDENT_MAX; if (amount > 0) memset (indent, ' ', amount); } /* Terminate it */ memset (indent + amount, 0, 1); return (fprintf (stream, "%s", indent)); } const char *ecolor (einfo_color_t color) { const char *col = NULL; if (! colour_terminal ()) return (""); switch (color) { case ecolor_good: if (! (col = getenv ("ECOLOR_GOOD"))) col = ECOLOR_GOOD; break; case ecolor_warn: if (! (col = getenv ("ECOLOR_WARN"))) col = ECOLOR_WARN; break; case ecolor_bad: if (! (col = getenv ("ECOLOR_BAD"))) col = ECOLOR_BAD; break; case ecolor_hilite: if (! (col = getenv ("ECOLOR_HILITE"))) col = ECOLOR_HILITE; break; case ecolor_bracket: if (! (col = getenv ("ECOLOR_BRACKET"))) col = ECOLOR_BRACKET; break; case ecolor_normal: col = ECOLOR_NORMAL; break; } return (col); } hidden_def(ecolor) #define EINFOVN(_file, _color) \ if (_eprefix) \ fprintf (_file, "%s%s%s|", ecolor (_color), _eprefix, ecolor (ecolor_normal)); \ fprintf (_file, " %s*%s ", ecolor (_color), ecolor (ecolor_normal)); \ retval += _eindent (_file); \ { \ va_list _ap; \ va_copy (_ap, ap); \ retval += vfprintf (_file, fmt, _ap) + 3; \ va_end (_ap); \ } \ if (colour_terminal ()) \ fprintf (_file, ECOLOR_FLUSH); static int _einfovn (const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int retval = 0; EINFOVN (stdout, ecolor_good); return (retval); } static int _ewarnvn (const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int retval = 0; EINFOVN (stdout, ecolor_warn); return (retval); } static int _eerrorvn (const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int retval = 0; EINFOVN (stderr, ecolor_bad); return (retval); } int einfon (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (! fmt || is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _einfovn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(einfon) int ewarnn (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (! fmt || is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _ewarnvn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ewarnn) int eerrorn (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _eerrorvn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(eerrorn) int einfo (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (! fmt || is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _einfovn (fmt, ap); retval += printf ("\n"); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(einfo) int ewarn (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (! fmt || is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); elog (LOG_WARNING, fmt, ap); retval = _ewarnvn (fmt, ap); retval += printf ("\n"); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ewarn) void ewarnx (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (fmt && ! is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) { va_start (ap, fmt); elog (LOG_WARNING, fmt, ap); retval = _ewarnvn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); retval += printf ("\n"); } exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } hidden_def(ewarnx) int eerror (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (! fmt) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); elog (LOG_ERR, fmt, ap); retval = _eerrorvn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); retval += fprintf (stderr, "\n"); return (retval); } hidden_def(eerror) void eerrorx (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (fmt) { va_start (ap, fmt); elog (LOG_ERR, fmt, ap); _eerrorvn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } hidden_def(eerrorx) int ebegin (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; if (! fmt || is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _einfovn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); retval += printf (" ..."); if (colour_terminal ()) retval += printf ("\n"); return (retval); } hidden_def(ebegin) static void _eend (FILE *fp, int col, einfo_color_t color, const char *msg) { int i; int cols; if (! msg) return; cols = get_term_columns () - (strlen (msg) + 5); /* cons25 is special - we need to remove one char, otherwise things * do not align properly at all. */ if (! term) { term = getenv ("TERM"); if (term && strcmp (term, "cons25") == 0) term_is_cons25 = true; else term_is_cons25 = false; } if (term_is_cons25) cols--; if (cols > 0 && colour_terminal ()) { fprintf (fp, "\033[A\033[%dC %s[ %s%s %s]%s\n", cols, ecolor (ecolor_bracket), ecolor (color), msg, ecolor (ecolor_bracket), ecolor (ecolor_normal)); } else { if (col > 0) for (i = 0; i < cols - col; i++) fprintf (fp, " "); fprintf (fp, " [ %s ]\n", msg); } } static int _do_eend (const char *cmd, int retval, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int col = 0; FILE *fp = stdout; va_list apc; if (fmt && retval != 0) { va_copy (apc, ap); if (strcmp (cmd, "ewend") == 0) { col = _ewarnvn (fmt, apc); fp = stdout; } else { col = _eerrorvn (fmt, apc); fp = stderr; } col += fprintf (fp, "\n"); va_end (apc); } _eend (fp, col, retval == 0 ? ecolor_good : ecolor_bad, retval == 0 ? OK : NOT_OK); return (retval); } int eend (int retval, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (retval); va_start (ap, fmt); _do_eend ("eend", retval, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(eend) int ewend (int retval, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (is_env ("RC_QUIET", "yes")) return (retval); va_start (ap, fmt); _do_eend ("ewend", retval, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ewend) void ebracket (int col, einfo_color_t color, const char *msg) { _eend (stdout, col, color, msg); } hidden_def(ebracket) void eindent (void) { char *env = getenv ("RC_EINDENT"); int amount = 0; char num[10]; if (env) { errno = 0; amount = strtol (env, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) amount = 0; } amount += INDENT_WIDTH; if (amount > INDENT_MAX) amount = INDENT_MAX; snprintf (num, 10, "%08d", amount); setenv ("RC_EINDENT", num, 1); } hidden_def(eindent) void eoutdent (void) { char *env = getenv ("RC_EINDENT"); int amount = 0; char num[10]; if (! env) return; errno = 0; amount = strtol (env, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) amount = 0; else amount -= INDENT_WIDTH; if (amount <= 0) unsetenv ("RC_EINDENT"); else { snprintf (num, 10, "%08d", amount); setenv ("RC_EINDENT", num, 1); } } hidden_def(eoutdent) int einfovn (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; if (! fmt) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _einfovn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(einfovn) int ewarnvn (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; if (! fmt) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _ewarnvn (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ewarnvn) int einfov (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; if (! fmt) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _einfovn (fmt, ap); retval += printf ("\n"); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(einfov) int ewarnv (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; if (! fmt) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _ewarnvn (fmt, ap); retval += printf ("\n"); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ewarnv) int ebeginv (const char *fmt, ...) { int retval; va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; if (! fmt) return (0); va_start (ap, fmt); retval = _einfovn (fmt, ap); retval += printf (" ..."); if (colour_terminal ()) retval += printf ("\n"); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ebeginv) int eendv (int retval, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; va_start (ap, fmt); _do_eend ("eendv", retval, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(eendv) int ewendv (int retval, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; CHECK_VERBOSE; va_start (ap, fmt); _do_eend ("ewendv", retval, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return (retval); } hidden_def(ewendv) void eindentv (void) { if (is_env ("RC_VERBOSE", "yes")) eindent (); } hidden_def(eindentv) void eoutdentv (void) { if (is_env ("RC_VERBOSE", "yes")) eoutdent (); } hidden_def(eoutdentv)