# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name> # All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license. ifconfig_depend() { program /sbin/ifconfig provide interface } _up() { ifconfig "${IFACE}" up } _down() { ifconfig "${IFACE}" down } _exists() { grep -Eq "^[[:space:]]*${IFACE}:" /proc/net/dev } _ifindex() { local line= i=-2 while read line; do i=$((${i} + 1)) [ ${i} -lt 1 ] && continue case "${line}" in "${IFACE}:"*) echo "${i}"; return 0;; esac done < /proc/net/dev # Return the next available index i=$((${i} + 1)) echo "${i}" return 1 } _is_wireless() { # Support new sysfs layout [ -d /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/wireless -o \ -d /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/phy80211 ] && return 0 [ ! -e /proc/net/wireless ] && return 1 grep -Eq "^[[:space:]]*${IFACE}:" /proc/net/wireless } _set_flag() { ifconfig "${IFACE}" "$1" } _get_mac_address() { local mac=$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \ sed -n -e 's/.* \(HWaddr\|ether\) \(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p') case "${mac}" in 00:00:00:00:00:00);; 44:44:44:44:44:44);; FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF);; "");; *) echo "${mac}"; return 0;; esac return 1 } _set_mac_address() { ifconfig "${IFACE}" hw ether "$1" } _get_inet_address() { set -- $(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | sed -n -e 's/.*\(inet addr:\|inet \)\([^ ]*\).*\(Mask:\|netmask \)\([^ ]*\).*/\2 \4/p') [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 echo -n "$1" shift echo "/$(_netmask2cidr "$1")" } _get_inet_addresses() { local iface=${IFACE} i=0 local addrs="$(_get_inet_address)" while true; do local IFACE="${iface}:${i}" _exists || break local addr="$(_get_inet_address)" [ -n "${addr}" ] && addrs="${addrs}${addrs:+ }${addr}" i=$((${i} + 1)) done echo "${addrs}" } _cidr2netmask() { local cidr="$1" netmask="" done=0 i=0 sum=0 cur=128 local octets= frac= local octets=$((${cidr} / 8)) local frac=$((${cidr} % 8)) while [ ${octets} -gt 0 ]; do netmask="${netmask}.255" octets=$((${octets} - 1)) done=$((${done} + 1)) done if [ ${done} -lt 4 ]; then while [ ${i} -lt ${frac} ]; do sum=$((${sum} + ${cur})) cur=$((${cur} / 2)) i=$((${i} + 1)) done netmask="${netmask}.${sum}" done=$((${done} + 1)) while [ ${done} -lt 4 ]; do netmask="${netmask}.0" done=$((${done} + 1)) done fi echo "${netmask#.*}" } _add_address() { if [ "$1" = "" -a "${IFACE}" = "lo" ]; then ifconfig "${IFACE}" "$@" 2>/dev/null return 0 fi case "$1" in *:*) ifconfig "${IFACE}" inet6 add "$@"; return $?;; esac # IPv4 is tricky - ifconfig requires an aliased device # for multiple addresses local iface="${IFACE}" if LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${iface}" | grep -Eq '\<inet (addr:)?.*'; then # Get the last alias made for the interface and add 1 to it i=$(ifconfig | sed '1!G;h;$!d' | grep -m 1 -o "^${iface}:[0-9]*" \ | sed -n -e 's/'"${iface}"'://p') i=$((${i:-0} + 1)) iface="${iface}:${i}" fi # ifconfig doesn't like CIDR addresses local ip="${1%%/*}" cidr="${1##*/}" netmask= if [ -n "${cidr}" -a "${cidr}" != "${ip}" ]; then netmask="$(_cidr2netmask "${cidr}")" shift set -- "${ip}" netmask "${netmask}" "$@" fi local arg= cmd= while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in brd) if [ "$2" = "+" ]; then shift else cmd="${cmd} broadcast" fi ;; peer) cmd="${cmd} pointtopoint";; *) cmd="${cmd} $1";; esac shift done ifconfig "${iface}" ${cmd} } _add_route() { local inet6= family= if [ "$1" = "-A" -o "$1" = "-f" -o "$1" = "-family" ]; then family="-A $2" shift; shift fi if [ -n "${metric}" ]; then set -- "$@" metric ${metric} fi if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then set -- "$1" "$2" gw "$3" elif [ "$3" = "via" ]; then local one=$1 two=$2 shift; shift; shift set -- "${one}" "${two}" gw "$@" fi case "$@" in *:*) [ "$1" = "-net" ] && shift;; esac route ${family} add "$@" dev "${IFACE}" } _delete_addresses() { # We don't remove addresses from aliases case "${IFACE}" in *:*) return 0;; esac einfo "Removing addresses" eindent # iproute2 can add many addresses to an iface unlike ifconfig ... # iproute2 added addresses cause problems for ifconfig # as we delete an address, a new one appears, so we have to # keep polling while true; do local addr=$(_get_inet_address) [ -z "${addr}" ] && break if [ "${addr}" = "" ]; then # Don't delete the loopback address [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" -o "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ] && break fi einfo "${addr}" ifconfig "${IFACE}" || break done # Remove IPv6 addresses local addr= for addr in $(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \ sed -n -e 's/^.*\(inet6 addr:\|inet6\) \([^ ]*\) .*\(Scope:[^L]\|scopeid [^<]*<[^l]\).*/\2/p'); do if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" ]; then case "${addr}" in "::1/128"|"/128") continue;; esac fi einfo "${addr}" ifconfig "${IFACE}" inet6 del "${addr}" done return 0 } _has_carrier() { return 0 } _tunnel() { iptunnel "$@" } ifconfig_pre_start() { local tunnel= eval tunnel=\$iptunnel_${IFVAR} if [ -n "${tunnel}" ]; then # Set our base metric to 1000 metric=1000 ebegin "Creating tunnel ${IFVAR}" iptunnel add ${tunnel} eend $? || return 1 _up fi # MTU support local mtu= eval mtu=\$mtu_${IFVAR} [ -n "${mtu}" ] && ifconfig "${IFACE}" mtu "${mtu}" # TX Queue Length support local len= eval len=\$txqueuelen_${IFVAR} [ -n "${len}" ] && ifconfig "${IFACE}" txqueuelen "${len}" return 0 } ifconfig_post_stop() { # Don't delete sit0 as it's a special tunnel [ "${IFACE}" = "sit0" ] && return 0 [ -z "$(iptunnel show "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null)" ] && return 0 ebegin "Destroying tunnel ${IFACE}" iptunnel del "${IFACE}" eend $? }