path: root/conf.d.Linux/net.example
diff options
authorRoy Marples <roy@marples.name>2007-04-12 15:44:05 +0000
committerRoy Marples <roy@marples.name>2007-04-12 15:44:05 +0000
commitdaa9c99010494439b41c6cdbce3a2625514c12ce (patch)
tree0cd682e0046126c1baaf51e488b7f053431d9307 /conf.d.Linux/net.example
parent67c5d8e940ecd0d856b35b2aa4541fbc5831c085 (diff)
merge wireless.example into net.example, #174282
Diffstat (limited to 'conf.d.Linux/net.example')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/conf.d.Linux/net.example b/conf.d.Linux/net.example
index ffbece15..7244baf8 100644
--- a/conf.d.Linux/net.example
+++ b/conf.d.Linux/net.example
@@ -153,10 +153,213 @@
# iwconfig
# emerge net-wireless/wireless-tools
-# Wireless options are held in /etc/conf.d/wireless - but could be here too
-# Consult the sample file /etc/conf.d/wireless.example for instructions
-# wpa_supplicant is the default if it is installed
+# Most users will just need to set the following options
+# key_SSID1="s:yourkeyhere enc open" # s: means a text key
+# key_SSID2="aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dd" # no s: means a hex key
+# preferred_aps="'SSID 1' 'SSID 2'"
+# Clear? Good. Now configure your wireless network below
+# Hard code an SSID to an interface - leave this unset if you wish the driver
+# to scan for available Access Points
+# Set to "any" to connect to any SSID - the driver picks an Access Point
+# This needs to be done when the driver doesn't support scanning
+# This may work for drivers that don't support scanning but you need automatic
+# AP association
+# I would only set this as a last resort really - use the preferred_aps
+# setting at the bottom of this file
+# However, using ad-hoc (without scanning for APs) and master mode
+# do require the SSID to be set - do this here
+# Set the mode of the interface (managed, ad-hoc, master or auto)
+# The default is auto
+# If it's ad-hoc or master you also may need to specify the channel below
+# If managed mode fails, drop to ad-hoc mode with the below SSID?
+# Some drivers/hardware don't scan all that well. We have no control over this
+# but we can say how many scans we want to do to try and get a better sweep of
+# the area. The default is 1.
+#Channel can be set (1-14), but defaults to 3 if not set.
+# The below is taken verbatim from the BSD wavelan documentation found at
+# http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/network/wavelan.html
+# There are 14 channels possible; We are told that channels 1-11 are legal for
+# North America, channels 1-13 for most of Europe, channels 10-13 for France,
+# and only channel 14 for Japan. If in doubt, please refer to the documentation
+# that came with your card or access point. Make sure that the channel you
+# select is the same channel your access point (or the other card in an ad-hoc
+# network) is on. The default for cards sold in North America and most of Europe
+# is 3; the default for cards sold in France is 11, and the default for cards
+# sold in Japan is 14.
+# Setup any other config commands. This is basically the iwconfig argument
+# without the iwconfig $iface.
+# Set private driver ioctls. This is basically the iwpriv argument without
+# the iwpriv $iface. If you use the rt2500 driver (not the rt2x00 one) then
+# you can set WPA here, below is an example.
+#iwpriv_SSID=" \
+# 'set AuthMode=WPAPSK' \
+# 'set EncrypType=TKIP' \
+# 'set WPAPSK=yourpasskey' \
+#NOTE: Even though you can use WPA like so, you may have to set a WEP key
+#if your driver claims the AP is encrypted. The WEP key itself will not be
+#used though.
+# Seconds to wait before scanning
+# Some drivers need to wait until they have finished "loading"
+# before they can scan - otherwise they error and claim that they cannot scan
+# or resource is unavailable. The default is to wait zero seconds
+# Seconds to wait until associated. The default is to wait 10 seconds.
+# 0 means wait indefinitely. WARNING: this can cause an infinite delay when
+# booting.
+# By default a successful association in Managed mode sets the MAC
+# address of the AP connected to. However, some drivers (namely
+# the ipw2100) don't set an invalid MAC address when association
+# fails - so we need to check on link quality which some drivers
+# don't report properly either.
+# So if you have connection problems try flipping this setting
+# Valid options are MAC, quality and all - defaults to MAC
+# Some driver/card combinations need to scan in Ad-Hoc mode
+# After scanning, the mode is reset to the one defined above
+# Below you can define private ioctls to run before and after scanning
+# Format is the same as the iwpriv_eth0 above
+# This is needed for the HostAP drivers
+#iwpriv_scan_pre_eth0="'host_roaming 2'"
+#iwpriv_scan_post_eth0="'host_roaming 0'"
+# Define a WEP key per SSID or MAC address (of the AP, not your card)
+# The encryption type (open or restricted) must match the
+# encryption type on the Access Point
+# You can't use "any" for an SSID here
+# or you can use strings. Passphrase IS NOT supported
+# To use a string, prefix it with s:
+# Note - this example also sets the encryption method to open
+# which is regarded as more secure than restricted
+#key_SSID="s:foobar enc open"
+#key_SSID="s:foobar enc restricted"
+# If you have whitespace in your key, here's how to set it and use other
+# commands like using open encryption.
+#key_SSID="s:'foo bar' enc open"
+# WEP key for the AP with MAC address 001122334455
+# Here are some more examples of keys as some users find others work
+# and some don't where they should all do the same thing
+#key_SSID="open s:foobar"
+#key_SSID="open 1234-5678-9012"
+#key_SSID="s:foobar enc open"
+#key_SSID="1234-5678-9012 enc open"
+# You may want to set muliple keys - here's an example
+# It sets 4 keys on the card and instructs to use key 2 by default
+#key_SSID="[1] s:passkey1 key [2] s:passkey2 key [3] s:passkey3 key [4] s:passkey4 key [2]"
+# You can also override the interface settings found in /etc/conf.d/net
+# per SSID - which is very handy if you use different networks a lot
+#dhcpcd_SSID="-t 5"
+# Setting name/domain server causes /etc/resolv.conf to be overwritten
+# Note that if DHCP is used, and you want this to take precedence then
+# please put -R in your dhcpcd options
+#dns_search_path_SSID="search.this.domain search.that.domain"
+# Please check the man page for resolv.conf for more information
+# as domain and search (searchdomains) are mutually exclusive and
+# searchdomains takes precedence
+# You can also set any of the /etc/conf.d/net variables per MAC address
+# incase you use Access Points with the same SSID but need different
+# networking configs. Below is an example - of course you use the same
+# method with other variables
+#dhcpcd_001122334455="-t 10"
+# Map a MAC address to an SSID
+# This is used when the Access Point is not broadcasting it's SSID
+# WARNING: This will override the SSID being broadcast due to some
+# Access Points sending an SSID even when they have been configured
+# not to!
+# Change 001122334455 to the MAC address and SSID to the SSID
+# it should map to
+# This lists the preferred SSIDs to connect to in order
+# SSID's can contain any characters here as they must match the broadcast
+# SSID exactly.
+# Surround each SSID with the " character and seperate them with a space
+# If the first SSID isn't found then it moves onto the next
+# If this isn't defined then it connects to the first one found
+#preferred_aps="'SSID 1' 'SSID 2'"
+# You can also define a preferred_aps list per interface
+#preferred_aps_eth0="'SSID 3' 'SSID 4'"
+# You can also say whether we only connect to preferred APs or not
+# Values are "any", "preferredonly", "forcepreferred", "forcepreferredonly" and "forceany"
+# "any" means it will connect to visible APs in the preferred list and then any
+# other available AP
+# "preferredonly" means it will only connect to visible APs in the preferred list
+# "forcepreferred" means it will forceably connect to APs in order if it does not find
+# them in a scan
+# "forcepreferredonly" means it forceably connects to the APs in order and does not bother
+# to scan
+# "forceany" does the same as forcepreferred + connects to any other available AP
+# Default is "any"
+# You can define blacklisted Access Points in the same way
+#blacklist_aps="'SSID 1' 'SSID 2'"
+#blacklist_aps_eth0="'SSID 3' 'SSID 4'"
+# If you have more than one wireless card, you can say if you want
+# to allow each card to associate with the same Access Point or not
+# Values are "yes" and "no"
+# Default is "yes"
+# IMPORTANT: preferred_only, blacklisted_aps and unique_ap only work when
+# essid_eth0 is not set and your card is capable of scanning
+# NOTE: preferred_aps list ignores blacklisted_aps - so if you have
+# the same SSID in both, well, you're a bit silly :p
# wpa_supplicant
# emerge net-wireless/wpa-supplicant
# Wireless options are held in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
@@ -665,7 +868,7 @@
# For configuring system specifics such as domain, dns, ntp and nis servers
# It's rare that you would need todo this, but you can anyway.
# This is most benefit to wireless users who don't use DHCP so they can change
-# their configs based on SSID. See wireless.example for more details
+# their configs based on SSID.
# To use dns settings such as these, dns_servers_eth0 must be set!
# If you omit the _eth0 suffix, then it applies to all interfaces unless