#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name> # All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license. # Setup our resolv.conf # Vitally important that we use the domain entry in resolv.conf so we # can setup the nameservers are for the domain ONLY in resolvconf if # we're using a decent dns cache/forwarder like dnsmasq and NOT nscd/libc. # nscd/libc users will get the VPN nameservers before their other ones # and will use the first one that responds - maybe the LAN ones? # non resolvconf users just the the VPN resolv.conf # FIXME:- if we have >1 domain, then we have to use search :/ # We need to add a flag to resolvconf to say # "these nameservers should only be used for the listed search domains # if other global nameservers are present on other interfaces" # This however, will break compatibility with Debians resolvconf # A possible workaround would be to just list multiple domain lines # and try and let resolvconf handle it PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin NS= DOMAIN= SEARCH= i=1 while true; do eval opt=\$foreign_option_${i} [ -z "${opt}" ] && break if [ "${opt}" != "${opt#dhcp-option DOMAIN *}" ]; then if [ -z "${DOMAIN}" ]; then DOMAIN="${opt#dhcp-option DOMAIN *}" else SEARCH="${SEARCH:+ }${opt#dhcp-option DOMAIN *}" fi elif [ "${opt}" != "${opt#dhcp-option DNS *}" ]; then NS="${NS}nameserver ${opt#dhcp-option DNS *}\n" fi i=$((${i} + 1)) done if [ -n "${NS}" ]; then DNS="# Generated by openvpn for interface ${dev}\n" if [ -n "${SEARCH}" ]; then DNS="${DNS}search ${DOMAIN} ${SEARCH}\n" else DNS="${DNS}domain ${DOMAIN}\n" fi DNS="${DNS}${NS}" if type resolvconf >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "${DNS}" | resolvconf -a "${dev}" else # Preserve the existing resolv.conf if [ -e /etc/resolv.conf ]; then cp -p /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf-"${dev}".sv fi (umask 022; printf "${DNS}" > /etc/resolv.conf) fi fi # Below section is OpenRC specific # Quick summary - our init scripts are re-entrant and set the SVCNAME env var # as we could have >1 openvpn service # If we have a service specific script, run this now [ -x "${SVCNAME}"-up.sh ] && "${SVCNAME}"-up.sh # Re-enter the init script to start any dependant services service=/etc/init.d/"${SVCNAME}" [ ! -x "${service}" ] && service=/usr/local/etc/init.d/"${SVCNAME}" if [ -x "${service}" ]; then if ! "${service}" --quiet status; then export IN_BACKGROUND=true "${service}" --quiet start fi fi exit 0