   Finds PID for given daemon criteria
   Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation
   Released under the GPLv2

#include "librc.h"

#if defined(__linux__)
static bool pid_is_cmd (pid_t pid, const char *cmd)
	char buffer[32];
	FILE *fp;
	int c;

	snprintf(buffer, sizeof (buffer), "/proc/%d/stat", pid);
	if ((fp = fopen (buffer, "r")) == NULL)
		return (false);

	while ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '(')

	if (c != '(') {
		return (false);

	while ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF && c == *cmd)

	fclose (fp);

	return ((c == ')' && *cmd == '\0') ? true : false);

static bool pid_is_exec (pid_t pid, const char *exec)
	char cmdline[32];
	char buffer[PATH_MAX];
	char *p;
	int fd = -1;
	int r;

	snprintf (cmdline, sizeof (cmdline), "/proc/%u/exe", pid);
	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
	if (readlink (cmdline, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) != -1) {
		if (strcmp (exec, buffer) == 0)
			return (true);

		/* We should cater for deleted binaries too */
		if (strlen (buffer) > 10) {
			p = buffer + (strlen (buffer) - 10);
			if (strcmp (p, " (deleted)") == 0) {
				*p = 0;
				if (strcmp (buffer, exec) == 0)
					return (true);

	snprintf (cmdline, sizeof (cmdline), "/proc/%u/cmdline", pid);
	if ((fd = open (cmdline, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
		return (false);

	r = read(fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
	close (fd);

	if (r == -1)
		return 0;

	buffer[r] = 0;
	return (strcmp (exec, buffer) == 0 ? true : false);

pid_t *rc_find_pids (const char *exec, const char *cmd,
					 uid_t uid, pid_t pid)
	DIR *procdir;
	struct dirent *entry;
	int npids = 0;
	int foundany = false;
	pid_t p;
	pid_t *pids = NULL;
	char buffer[PATH_MAX];
	struct stat sb;
	pid_t runscript_pid = 0;
	char *pp;

	if ((procdir = opendir ("/proc")) == NULL)
		eerrorx ("opendir `/proc': %s", strerror (errno));

	   We never match RC_RUNSCRIPT_PID if present so we avoid the below

	   /etc/init.d/ntpd stop does
	   start-stop-daemon --stop --name ntpd
	   catching /etc/init.d/ntpd stop


	if ((pp = getenv ("RC_RUNSCRIPT_PID"))) {
		if (sscanf (pp, "%d", &runscript_pid) != 1)
			runscript_pid = 0;

	while ((entry = readdir (procdir)) != NULL) {
		if (sscanf (entry->d_name, "%d", &p) != 1)
		foundany = true;

		if (runscript_pid != 0 && runscript_pid == p)

		if (pid != 0 && pid != p)

		if (uid) {
			snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "/proc/%d", pid);
			if (stat (buffer, &sb) != 0 || sb.st_uid != uid)

		if (cmd && ! pid_is_cmd (p, cmd))

		if (exec && ! cmd && ! pid_is_exec (p, exec))

		pids = realloc (pids, sizeof (pid_t) * (npids + 2));
		if (! pids)
			eerrorx ("memory exhausted");

		pids[npids] = p;
		pids[npids + 1] = 0;
	closedir (procdir);

	if (! foundany)
		eerrorx ("nothing in /proc");

	return (pids);

#elif defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || \
	defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)

# if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
#  ifndef KERN_PROC_PROC
#  endif
#  define _KINFO_PROC kinfo_proc
#  define _KVM_GETARGV kvm_getargv
#  define _GET_KINFO_UID(kp) (kp.ki_ruid)
#  define _GET_KINFO_COMM(kp) (kp.ki_comm)
#  define _GET_KINFO_PID(kp) (kp.ki_pid)
# else
#  define _KINFO_PROC kinfo_proc2
#  define _KVM_GETARGV kvm_getargv2
#  define _GET_KINFO_UID(kp) (kp.p_ruid)
#  define _GET_KINFO_COMM(kp) (kp.p_comm)
#  define _GET_KINFO_PID(kp) (kp.p_pid)
# endif

pid_t *rc_find_pids (const char *exec, const char *cmd,
					 uid_t uid, pid_t pid)
	static kvm_t *kd = NULL;
	char errbuf[_POSIX2_LINE_MAX];
	struct _KINFO_PROC *kp;
	int i;
	int processes = 0;
	int argc = 0;
	char **argv;
	pid_t *pids = NULL;
	int npids = 0;

	if ((kd = kvm_openfiles (NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, errbuf)) == NULL)
		eerrorx ("kvm_open: %s", errbuf);

#if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined( __FreeBSD__)
	kp = kvm_getprocs (kd, KERN_PROC_PROC, 0, &processes);
	kp = kvm_getproc2 (kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2),
	for (i = 0; i < processes; i++) {
		pid_t p = _GET_KINFO_PID (kp[i]);
		if (pid != 0 && pid != p)

		if (uid != 0 && uid != _GET_KINFO_UID (kp[i]))

		if (cmd) {
			if (! _GET_KINFO_COMM (kp[i]) ||
				strcmp (cmd, _GET_KINFO_COMM (kp[i])) != 0)

		if (exec && ! cmd) {
			if ((argv = _KVM_GETARGV (kd, &kp[i], argc)) == NULL || ! *argv)

			if (strcmp (*argv, exec) != 0) 

		pids = realloc (pids, sizeof (pid_t) * (npids + 2));
		if (! pids)
			eerrorx ("memory exhausted");

		pids[npids] = p;
		pids[npids + 1] = 0;

	return (pids);

#  error "Platform not supported!"

static bool _match_daemon (const char *path, const char *file,
						   const char *mexec, const char *mname,
						   const char *mpidfile)
	char buffer[RC_LINEBUFFER];
	char *ffile = rc_strcatpaths (path, file, (char *) NULL);
	FILE *fp;
	int lc = 0;
	int m = 0;

	if (! rc_exists (ffile)) {
		free (ffile);
		return (false);

	if ((fp = fopen (ffile, "r")) == NULL) {
		eerror ("fopen `%s': %s", ffile, strerror (errno));
		free (ffile);
		return (false);

	if (! mname)
		m += 10;
	if (! mpidfile)
		m += 100;

	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
	while ((fgets (buffer, RC_LINEBUFFER, fp))) {
		int lb = strlen (buffer) - 1;
		if (buffer[lb] == '\n')
			buffer[lb] = 0;

		if (strcmp (buffer, mexec) == 0)
			m += 1;
		else if (mname && strcmp (buffer, mname) == 0)
			m += 10;
		else if (mpidfile && strcmp (buffer, mpidfile) == 0)
			m += 100;

		if (m == 111)

		if (lc > 5)
	fclose (fp);
	free (ffile);

	return (m == 111 ? true : false);

void rc_set_service_daemon (const char *service, const char *exec,
							const char *name, const char *pidfile,
							bool started)
	char *svc = rc_xstrdup (service);
	char *dirpath = rc_strcatpaths (RC_SVCDIR, "daemons", basename (svc),
									(char *) NULL);
	char **files = NULL;
	char *file;
	char *ffile = NULL;
	int i;
	char *mexec;
	char *mname;
	char *mpidfile;
	int nfiles = 0;

	free (svc);
	if (! exec && ! name && ! pidfile)

	if (exec) {
		i = strlen (exec) + 6;
		mexec = rc_xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * i);
		snprintf (mexec, i, "exec=%s", exec);
	} else
		mexec = rc_xstrdup ("exec=");

	if (name) {
		i = strlen (name) + 6;
		mname = rc_xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * i);
		snprintf (mname, i, "name=%s", name);
	} else
		mname = rc_xstrdup ("name=");

	if (pidfile) {
		i = strlen (pidfile) + 9;
		mpidfile = rc_xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * i);
		snprintf (mpidfile, i, "pidfile=%s", pidfile);
	} else
		mpidfile = rc_xstrdup ("pidfile=");

	/* Regardless, erase any existing daemon info */
	if (rc_is_dir (dirpath)) {
		char *oldfile = NULL;
		files = rc_ls_dir (NULL, dirpath, 0);
		STRLIST_FOREACH (files, file, i) {
			ffile = rc_strcatpaths (dirpath, file, (char *) NULL);

			if (! oldfile) {
				if (_match_daemon (dirpath, file, mexec, mname, mpidfile)) {
					unlink (ffile);
					oldfile = ffile;
			} else {
				rename (ffile, oldfile);
				free (oldfile);
				oldfile = ffile;
		if (ffile)
			free (ffile); 
		free (files);

	/* Now store our daemon info */
	if (started) {
		char buffer[10];
		FILE *fp;

		if (! rc_is_dir (dirpath))
			if (mkdir (dirpath, 0755) != 0)
				eerror ("mkdir `%s': %s", dirpath, strerror (errno));

		snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%03d", nfiles + 1);
		file = rc_strcatpaths (dirpath, buffer, (char *) NULL);
		if ((fp = fopen (file, "w")) == NULL)
			eerror ("fopen `%s': %s", file, strerror (errno));
		else {
			fprintf (fp, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", mexec, mname, mpidfile);
			fclose (fp);
		free (file);

	free (mexec);
	free (mname);
	free (mpidfile);
	free (dirpath);

bool rc_service_started_daemon (const char *service, const char *exec,
								int indx)
	char *dirpath;
	char *file;
	int i;
	char *mexec;
	bool retval = false;
	char *svc;

	if (! service || ! exec)
		return (false);

	svc = rc_xstrdup (service);
	dirpath = rc_strcatpaths (RC_SVCDIR, "daemons", basename (svc),
							  (char *) NULL);
	free (svc);

	if (! rc_is_dir (dirpath)) {
		free (dirpath);
		return (false);

	i = strlen (exec) + 6;
	mexec = rc_xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * i);
	snprintf (mexec, i, "exec=%s", exec);

	if (indx > 0) {
		int len = sizeof (char *) * 10;
		file = rc_xmalloc (len);
		snprintf (file, len, "%03d", indx);
		retval = _match_daemon (dirpath, file, mexec, NULL, NULL);
		free (file);
	} else {
		char **files = rc_ls_dir (NULL, dirpath, 0);
		STRLIST_FOREACH (files, file, i) {
			retval = _match_daemon (dirpath, file, mexec, NULL, NULL);
			if (retval)
		free (files);

	free (mexec);
	return (retval);

bool rc_service_daemons_crashed (const char *service)
	char *dirpath;
	char **files;
	char *file;
	char *path;
	int i;
	FILE *fp;
	char buffer[RC_LINEBUFFER];
	char *exec = NULL;
	char *name = NULL;
	char *pidfile = NULL;
	pid_t pid = 0;
	pid_t *pids = NULL;
	char *p;
	char *token;
	bool retval = false;
	char *svc;

	if (! service)
		return (false);

	svc = rc_xstrdup (service);
	dirpath = rc_strcatpaths (RC_SVCDIR, "daemons", basename (svc),
							  (char *) NULL);
	free (svc);

	if (! rc_is_dir (dirpath)) {
		free (dirpath);
		return (false);

	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
	files = rc_ls_dir (NULL, dirpath, 0);
	STRLIST_FOREACH (files, file, i) {
		path = rc_strcatpaths (dirpath, file, (char *) NULL);
		fp = fopen (path, "r");
		free (path);
		if (! fp) {
			eerror ("fopen `%s': %s", file, strerror (errno));

		while ((fgets (buffer, RC_LINEBUFFER, fp))) {
			int lb = strlen (buffer) - 1;
			if (buffer[lb] == '\n')
				buffer[lb] = 0;

			p = buffer;
			if ((token = strsep (&p, "=")) == NULL || ! p)

			if (strlen (p) == 0)

			if (strcmp (token, "exec") == 0) {
				if (exec)
					free (exec);
				exec = rc_xstrdup (p);
			} else if (strcmp (token, "name") == 0) {
				if (name)
					free (name);
				name = rc_xstrdup (p);
			} else if (strcmp (token, "pidfile") == 0) {
				if (pidfile)
					free (pidfile);
				pidfile = rc_xstrdup (p);
		fclose (fp);

		pid = 0;
		if (pidfile) {
			if (! rc_exists (pidfile)) {
				retval = true;

			if ((fp = fopen (pidfile, "r")) == NULL) {
				eerror ("fopen `%s': %s", pidfile, strerror (errno));
				retval = true;

			if (fscanf (fp, "%d", &pid) != 1) {
				eerror ("no pid found in `%s'", pidfile);
				fclose (fp);
				retval = true;

			fclose (fp);
			free (pidfile);
			pidfile = NULL;

		if ((pids = rc_find_pids (exec, name, 0, pid)) == NULL) {
			retval = true;
		free (pids);

		if (exec) {
			free (exec);
			exec = NULL;
		if (name) {
			free (name);
			name = NULL;

	if (exec) {
		free (exec);
		exec = NULL;
	if (name) {
		free (name);
		name = NULL;

	free (dirpath);
	rc_strlist_free (files);

	return (retval);