.\" Copyright (c) 2007-2015 The OpenRC Authors. .\" See the Authors file at the top-level directory of this distribution and .\" https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/HEAD/AUTHORS .\" .\" This file is part of OpenRC. It is subject to the license terms in .\" the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this .\" distribution and at https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/HEAD/LICENSE .\" This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed .\" except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. .\" .Dd Mar 16, 2008 .Dt RC_DEPTREE 3 SMM .Os OpenRC .Sh NAME .Nm rc_deptree_update , rc_deptree_update_needed , rc_deptree_load , .Nm rc_deptree_depend , rc_deptree_depends , rc_deptree_order , .Nm rc_deptree_free .Nd RC dependency tree functions .Sh LIBRARY Run Command library (librc, -lrc) .Sh SYNOPSIS .In rc.h .Ft bool Fn rc_deptree_update void .Ft bool Fn rc_deptree_update_needed void .Ft RC_DEPTREE Fn rc_deptree_load void .Ft "RC_STRINGLIST *" Fo rc_deptree_depend .Fa "const RC_DEPTREE *deptree" .Fa "const char *type" .Fa "const char *service" .Fc .Ft bool Fo rc_deptree_depends .Fa "const RC_DEPTREE *deptree" .Fa "const char *const *types" .Fa "const char *const *services" .Fa "const char *runlevel" .Fa "int options" .Fc .Ft "RC_STRINGLIST *" Fo rc_deptree_order .Fa "const RC_DEPTREE *deptree" .Fa "const char *runlevel" .Fa "int options" .Fc .Ft void Fn rc_deptree_free "RC_DEPTREE *deptree" .Sh DESCRIPTION These functions provide a means of querying the dependencies of OpenRC services. .Pp .Fn rc_deptree_update updates the service dependency tree, normally .Pa /lib/rc/init.d/deptree . .Fn rc_deptree_update_needed checks to see if the dependency tree needs updated based on the mtime of it compared to .Pa /etc/init.d , .Pa /etc/conf.d , .Pa /usr/local/etc/init.d , .Pa /usr/local/etc/conf.d , .Pa /etc/rc.conf and any files specified by a service. .Pp .Fn rc_deptree_load loads the deptree and returns a pointer to it which needs to be freed by .Fn rc_deptree_free when done. .Pp .Fn rc_deptree_depend , .Fn rc_deptree_depends and .Fn rc_deptree_order return a list of services from the .Fa deptree based on the .Fa type or .Fa types of dependency. .Fa options can be a bitmask of .Va RC_DEP_TRACE and .Va RC_DEP_STRICT . .Va RC_DEP_TRACE follows each services dependencies right down to the first service needed and .Va RC_DEP_STRICT only lists services actually needed or in the .Va runlevel . .Sh IMPLEMENTATION NOTES Each function that returns .Fr "RC_STRINGLIST *" should be freed by calling .Fn rc_stringlist_free when done. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr malloc 3 , .Xr free 3 , .Xr rc_stringlist_free 3 , .Xr openrc-run 8 .Sh AUTHORS .An Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>