#!@PREFIX@/sbin/runscript # Copyright 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name> # All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license. vpn=${RC_SVCNAME#*.} name="OpenVPN" [ "${vpn}" != "openvpn" ] && name="${name} (${vpn})" command=@PKG_PREFIX@/sbin/openvpn pidfile=@VARBASE@/run/"${RC_SVCNAME}".pid openvpn_dir=${openvpn_dir:-@PKG_PREFIX@/etc/openvpn} openvpn_config=${openvpn_config:-${openvpn_dir}/${vpn}.conf} command_args="${openvpn_args} --daemon --config ${openvpn_config} --writepid ${pidfile}" required_dirs="${openvpn_dir}" required_files="${openvpn_config}" # If we're an openvpn client, then supply a nice default config # You can find sample up/down scripts in the OpenRC support/openvpn dir if yesno "${openvpn_client}"; then openvpn_up=${openvpn_up:-${openvpn_dir}/up.sh} openvpn_down=${openvpn_down:-${openvpn_dir}/down.sh} command_args="${command_args} --nobind --up-delay --up-restart --down-pre" command_args="${command_args} --up ${openvpn_up}" command_args="${command_args} --down ${openvpn_down}" required_files="${required_files} ${openvpn_up} ${openvpn_down}" in_background_fake="start stop" start_inactive="YES" fi depend() { need localmount net use dns after bootmisc } start_pre() { # Linux has good dynamic tun/tap creation if [ "${RC_UNAME}" = "Linux" ]; then if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]; then if ! modprobe tun; then eerror "TUN/TAP support is not available in this kernel" return 1 fi fi if [ -h /dev/net/tun -a -c /dev/misc/net/tun ]; then ebegin "Detected broken /dev/net/tun symlink, fixing..." rm -f /dev/net/tun ln -s /dev/misc/net/tun /dev/net/tun eend $? fi else if type kldload >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Hammer the modules home by default sysctl -a | grep -q '\.tun\.' || kldload if_tun sysctl -a | grep -q '\.tap\.' || kldload if_tap fi fi # If the config file does not specify the cd option, we do # But if we specify it, we override the config option which we do not want if ! grep -q "^[ \t]*cd[ \t].*" "${openvpn_config}"; then command_args="${command_args} --cd ${openvpn_dir}" fi }