From 838c9efb36b3b058c5a5b9d0e8c6d4d4789a44b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hubbs <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 18:29:36 -0500
Subject: Remove gentoo's net.* scripts

It has been determined that it will be best for gentoo's net.* scripts
to be in a separate package to allow independent development.
This package will be called netifrc and maintained by Gentoo.
 net/ | 593 -------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 593 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 net/

(limited to 'net/')

diff --git a/net/ b/net/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3acaf663..00000000
--- a/net/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars ssid mode associate_timeout preferred_aps"
-_config_vars="$_config_vars blacklist_aps"
-	program /sbin/ifconfig
-	after plug
-	before interface
-	provide wireless
-	local status="disabled"
-	local mode=$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" \
-	| sed -n -e 's/^[[:space:]]*authmode \([^ ]*\) privacy ON .*/\1/p')
-	if [ -n "${mode}" ] ; then
-		status="enabled - ${mode}"
-	fi
-	echo "(WEP ${status})"
-	LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
-	sed -n -e "s/^[[:space:]]*ssid \(.*\) channel \([0-9]*\).* bssid \(..:..:..:..:..:..\)\$/\\$1/p"
-	local ssid="$(_iwconfig_get 1)"
-	# If the ssid has a space then it's wrapped in quotes. This is a
-	# problem if the real ssid has a quote at the start or the end :/
-	ssid=${ssid#\"}
-	ssid=${ssid%\"}
-	echo "${ssid}"
-	_iwconfig_get 3
-	_iwconfig_get 2
-	local m="connected to"
-	local ssid="$(_get_ssid)"
-	local mac="$(_get_ap_mac_address "${iface}")"
-	[ -n "${mac}" ] && mac=" at ${mac}"
-	local wep_status="$(iwconfig_get_wep_status "${iface}")"
-	local channel="$(_get_channel)"
-	[ -n "${channel}" ] && channel="on channel ${channel} "
-	eindent
-	einfo "${IFACE} ${m} \"${ssid}\"${mac}"
-	einfo "${channel}${wep_status}"
-	eoutdent
-	local mac="$1" key=
-	[ -n "${mac}" ] && mac="$(echo "${mac}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
-	eval key=\$mac_key_${mac}
-	[ -z "${key}" ] && eval key=\$key_${SSIDVAR}
-	echo "${key:--}"
-	local conf=
-	eval set -- \$ifconfig_${SSIDVAR}
-	for conf in "$@" ; do
-		ifconfig "${IFACE}" ${conf}
-	done
-	local x= opt= unopt="hostap adhoc"
-	case "$1" in
-		master|hostap) unopt="adhoc" opt="hostap" ;;
-		ad-hoc|adhoc) unopt="hostap" opt="adhoc" ;;
-	esac
-	for x in ${unopt} ; do
-		ifconfig "${IFACE}" -mediaopt ${x}
-	done
-	for x in ${opt} ; do
-		ifconfig "${IFACE}" mediaopt ${x}
-	done
-	local mode="${1:-master}" channel=
-	if [ -z "${SSID}" ]; then
-		eerror "${IFACE} requires an SSID to be set to operate in ${mode} mode"
-		eerror "adjust the ssid_${IFVAR} setting in /etc/conf.d/net"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	iwconfig_set_mode "${mode}" || return 1
-	SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
-	local key=$(iwconfig_get_wep_key)
-	# Now set the key
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepkey "${key}"
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" ssid "${SSID}" || return 1
-	eval channel=\$channel_${IFVAR}
-	# We default the channel to 3
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" channel "${channel:-3}" || return 1
-	iwconfig_user_config
-	iwconfig_report "${iface}"
-	return 0
-	local mac="$1" channel="$2" caps="$3"
-	local mode= w="(WEP Disabled)" key=
-	SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
-	key=$(iwconfig_get_wep_key "${mac}")
-	case "${caps}" in
-		[EI]P*)
-		if [ "${key}" = "-" ] ; then
-			ewarn "WEP key is not set for \"${SSID}\""
-			return 1
-		fi
-		;;
-		"") ;;
-		*)
-		if [ "${key}" != "-" ] ; then
-			key="-"
-			ewarn "\"${SSID}\" is not WEP enabled"
-		fi
-		;;
-	esac
-	# Set mode accordingly
-	case "${caps}" in
-		*E*)
-		mode="managed"
-		if LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
-			grep -q "^[[:space:]]*media: .*adhoc" ; then
-			ifconfig "${IFACE}" down -mediaopt adhoc up
-		fi
-		;;
-		*I*)
-		mode="adhoc"
-		if ! LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
-			grep -q "^[[:space:]]*media: .*adhoc" ; then
-			ifconfig "${IFACE}" down mediaopt adhoc up
-		fi
-		;;
-		*)
-		if LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" \
-			| grep -q "^[[:space:]]*media: .*adhoc" ; then
-			mode="adhoc"
-		else
-			mode="managed"
-		fi
-		;;
-	esac
-	if [ "${key}" = "-" ] ; then
-		ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepmode off
-	else
-		ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepmode on
-		ifconfig "${IFACE}" deftxkey 1
-		w=$(iwconfig_get_wep_status)
-	fi
-	ebegin "Connecting to \"${SSID}\" in ${mode} mode ${w}"
-	if ! ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepkey "${key}" ; then
-		eerror "Invalid WEP key ${key}"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" ssid "${SSID}" || return 1
-	iwconfig_user_config
-	if [ "${SSID}" != "any" ] && type preassociate >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
-		veinfo "Running preassociate function"
-		veindent
-		( preassociate )
-		local e=$?
-		veoutdent
-		if [ ${e} -eq 0 ] ; then
-			veend 1 "preassociate \"${SSID}\" on ${IFACE} failed"
-			return 1
-		fi
-	fi
-	local timeout= i=0
-	eval timeout=\$associate_timeout_${IFVAR}
-	timeout=${timeout:-10}
-	[ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] \
-	&& vewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for association on ${IFACE}"
-	while true; do
-		_has_carrier && break
-		sleep 1
-		[ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] && continue
-		: $(( i +=  1 ))
-		[ ${i} -ge ${timeout} ] && { eend 1; return 1; }
-	done
-	_has_carrier || { eend 1; return 1; }
-	eend 0
-	if [ "${SSID}"  = "any" ]; then
-		SSID="$(_get_ssid)"
-		iwconfig_associate
-		return $?
-	fi
-	iwconfig_report
-	if type postassociate >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
-		veinfo "Running postassociate function"
-		veindent
-		( postassociate )
-		veoutdent
-	fi
-	return 0
-	local x= i=0 scan= quality=
-	einfo "Scanning for access points"
-	eindent
-	scan="$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig -v "${IFACE}" list scan 2>/dev/null | sed -e "1 d" -e "s/$/'/g" -e "s/^/'/g")"
-	while [ ${i} -lt 3 -a -z "${scan}" ] ; do
-		scan="${scan}${scan:+ }$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig -v "${IFACE}" scan 2>/dev/null | sed -e "1 d" -e "s/$/'/g" -e "s/^/'/g")"
-		: $(( i += 1 ))
-	done
-	APS=-1
-	eval set -- ${scan}
-	for line in "$@" ; do
-		: $(( APS += 1 ))
-		set -- ${line}
-		while true ; do
-			case "$1" in
-				*:*:*:*:*:*) break ;;
-			esac
-			eval SSID_${APS}="\"\${SSID_${APS}}\${SSID_${APS}:+ }$1\""
-			shift
-		done
-		eval MAC_${APS}="$(echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
-		eval CHAN_${APS}="$2"
-		quality=${4%:*}
-		shift ; shift ; shift ; shift ; shift
-		eval CAPS_${APS}="\"$*\""
-		# Add 1000 for managed nodes as we prefer them to adhoc
-		set -- $*
-		case "$1" in
-			*E*) eval QUAL_${APS}=$(( quality + 1000 )) ;;
-			*)   eval QUAL_${APS}=\$quality ;;
-		esac
-	done
-	if [ -z "${MAC_0}" ]; then
-		ewarn "no access points found"
-		eoutdent
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Sort based on quality
-	local i=0 k=1 a= b= x= t=
-	while [ ${i} -lt ${APS} ] ; do
-		: $(( k = i + 1 ))
-		while [ ${k} -le ${APS} ] ; do
-			eval a=\$QUALITY_${i}
-			[ -z "${a}" ] && break
-			eval b=\$QUALITY_${k}
-			if [ -n "${b}" -a "${a}" -lt "${b}" ] ; then
-				for x in MAC SSID CHAN QUALITY CAPS ; do
-					eval t=\$${x}_${i}
-					eval ${x}_${i}=\$${x}_${k}
-					eval ${x}_${k}=\$t
-				done
-			fi
-			: $(( k += 1 ))
-		done
-		: $(( i += 1 ))
-	done
-	# Strip any duplicates
-	local i=0 k=1 a= b=
-	while [ ${i} -lt ${APS} ] ; do
-		: $(( k = i + 1 ))
-		while [ ${k} -le ${APS} ] ; do
-			eval a=\$MAC_${i}
-			eval b=\$MAC_${k}
-			if [ "${a}" = "${b}" ] ; then
-				eval a=\$QUALITY_${i}
-				eval b=\$QUALITY_${k}
-				if [ -n "${a}" -a -n "${b}" ] ; then
-					if [ ${a} -ge ${b} ] ; then
-						unset MAC_${k} SSID_${k} CHAN_${k} QUALITY_${k} CAPS_${k}
-					else
-						unset MAC_${i} SSID_${i} CHAN_${i} QUALITY_${i} CAPS_${i}
-					fi
-				else
-					unset MAC_${k} SSID_${k} CHAN_${k} QUALITY_${k} CAPS_${k}
-				fi
-			fi
-			: $(( k += 1 ))
-		done
-		: $(( i += 1 ))
-	done
-	local i=0 e= m= s=
-	while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ] ; do
-		eval x=\$MAC_${i}
-		if [ -z "${x}" ] ; then
-			: $(( i += 1 ))
-			continue
-		fi
-		eval m=\$MODE_${i}
-		[ -n "${m}" ] && m=", ${m}"
-		eval s=\$SSID_${i}
-		eval q=\$QUALITY_${i}
-		eval e=\$CAPS_${i}
-		case "${e}" in
-			[EI]P*) e=", encrypted" ;;
-			*) e="" ;;
-		esac
-		if [ -z "${s}" ] ; then
-			einfo "Found ${x}${m}${e}"
-		else
-			einfo "Found \"${s}\" at ${x}${m}${e}"
-		fi
-		x="$(echo "${x}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
-		eval x=\$mac_ssid_${x}
-		if [ -n "${x}" ] ; then
-			eval SSID_${i}=\$x
-			s=${x}
-			eindent
-			einfo "mapping to \"${x}\""
-			eoutdent
-		fi
-		eval set -- $(_flatten_array "blacklist_aps_${IFVAR}")
-		[ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "blacklist_aps")
-		for x; do
-			if [ "${x}" = "${s}" ] ; then
-				ewarn "${s} has been blacklisted - not connecting"
-				unset SSID_${i} MAC_${i} CHAN_${i} QUALITY_${i} CAPS_${i}
-			fi
-		done
-		: $(( i += 1 ))
-	done
-	eoutdent
-	return 0
-	eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
-	[ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
-	[ $# = 0 ] && return 1
-	ewarn "Trying to force preferred in case they are hidden"
-	local ssid=
-	for ssid; do
-		local found_AP=false i=0 e=
-		while [ ${i} -le ${APS:--1} ] ; do
-			eval e=\$SSID_${i}
-			if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ] ; then
-				found_AP=true
-				break
-			fi
-			: $(( i += 1 ))
-		done
-		if ! ${found_AP} ; then
-			SSID=${ssid}
-			iwconfig_associate && return 0
-		fi
-	done
-	ewarn "Failed to associate with any preferred access points on ${IFACE}"
-	return 1
-	eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
-	[ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
-	[ $# = 0 ] && return 1
-	local ssid= i= mode= mac= caps= freq= chan=
-	for ssid; do
-		i=0
-		while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ]  ; do
-			eval e=\$SSID_${i}
-			if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ] ; then
-				SSID=${e}
-				eval mac=\$MAC_${i}
-				eval caps=\$CAPS_${i}
-				eval freq=\$FREQ_${i}
-				eval chan=\$CHAN_${i}
-				iwconfig_associate "${mac}" \
-				"${chan}" "${caps}" && return 0
-			fi
-			: $(( i += 1 ))
-		done
-	done
-	return 1
-	local ssid= i=0 mode= mac= caps= freq= chan= pref=
-	while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ] ; do
-		eval e=\$SSID_${i}
-		if [ -z "${e}" ] ; then
-			: $(( i += 1 ))
-			continue
-		fi
-		eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
-		[ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
-		pref=false
-		for ssid; do
-			if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ] ; then
-				pref=true
-				break
-			fi
-		done
-		if ! ${pref} ; then
-			SSID=${e}
-			eval mac=\$MAC_${i}
-			eval caps=\$CAPS_${i}
-			eval freq=\$FREQ_${i}
-			eval chan=\$CHAN_${i}
-			iwconfig_associate "${mac}"  \
-			"${chan}" "${caps}" && return 0
-		fi
-		: $(( i += 1 ))
-	done
-	return 1
-	# Set some defaults
-	#ifconfig "${iface}" txpower 100 2>/dev/null
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" bssid -
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" ssid -
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepkey 1:- wepkey 2:- wepkey 3:- wepkey 4:-
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" authmode open
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" -mediaopt adhoc
-	ifconfig "${IFACE}" -mediaopt hostap
-	local x= APS=-1
-	eval SSID=\$ssid_${IFVAR}
-	# Setup ad-hoc mode?
-	eval x=\$mode_${IFVAR}
-	x=${x:-managed}
-	case "${x}" in
-		ad-hoc|adhoc|hostap|master) iwconfig_setup_specific "${x}" ;;
-	esac
-	if [ "${x}" != "managed" -a "${x}" != "auto" -a "${x}" != "ad-hoc" -a "${x}" != "adhoc" -a ${x} != "master" ] ; then
-		eerror "Only managed, ad-hoc, master and auto modes are supported"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Has an SSID been forced?
-	if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
-		iwconfig_set_mode "${x}"
-		iwconfig_associate && return 0
-		[ "${SSID}" = "any" ] && iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
-		eval SSID=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
-		if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
-			iwconfig_setup_specific adhoc
-			return $?
-		fi
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Are we forcing preferred only?
-	eval x=\$associate_order_${IFVAR}
-	[ -n "${x}" ] && associate_order=${x}
-	associate_order=${associate_order:-any}
-	if [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferredonly" ]; then
-		iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
-	else
-		iwconfig_scan || return 1
-		iwconfig_connect_preferred && return 0
-		[ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferred" ] || \
-		[ "${associate_order}" = "forceany" ] && \
-		iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
-		[ "${associate_order}" = "any" ] || \
-		[ "${associate_order}" = "forceany" ] && \
-		iwconfig_connect_not_preferred && return 0
-	fi
-	e="associate with"
-	[ -z "${MAC_0}" ] && e="find"
-	[ "${preferred_aps}" = "force" ] || \
-	[ "${preferred_aps}" = "forceonly" ] && \
-	e="force"
-	e="Couldn't ${e} any access points on ${IFACE}"
-	eval SSID=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
-	if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
-		ewarn "${e}"
-		iwconfig_setup_specific adhoc
-		return $?
-	fi
-	eerror "${e}"
-	return 1
-	# We don't configure wireless if we're being called from
-	# the background
-	yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
-	service_set_value "SSID" ""
-	_exists || return 0
-	if ! _is_wireless ; then
-		veinfo "${IFACE} is not wireless"
-		return 0
-	fi
-	iwconfig_defaults
-	iwconfig_user_config
-	# Set the base metric to be 2000
-	metric=2000
-	einfo "Configuring wireless network for ${IFACE}"
-	if iwconfig_configure ; then
-		service_set_value "SSID" "${SSID}"
-		return 0
-	fi
-	eerror "Failed to configure wireless for ${IFACE}"
-	iwconfig_defaults
-	#iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower 0 2>/dev/null
-	_down
-	return 1
-	yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
-	_is_wireless || return 0
-	iwconfig_defaults
-	#iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower 0 2>/dev/null
cgit v1.2.3