path: root/sh
diff options
authorRoy Marples <roy@marples.name>2008-04-26 19:32:28 +0000
committerRoy Marples <roy@marples.name>2008-04-26 19:32:28 +0000
commitb08b6cd91b5d7e5f3ad14f5096ae6b551fe2dc67 (patch)
tree11860a94ce8f85467d00dbae7b968a5aae457771 /sh
parent3c2b93fc9c607b3cd9965d0c84db5e32caaa46c4 (diff)
Always define template start/stop functions so that the real script name isn't hidden when errors are in the real start/stop functions, Gentoo #219179
Diffstat (limited to 'sh')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/sh/runscript.sh.in b/sh/runscript.sh.in
index d8a592b6..f48d0f8d 100644
--- a/sh/runscript.sh.in
+++ b/sh/runscript.sh.in
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ fi
# So daemons know where to recall us if needed
export RC_SERVICE="$1"
# Compat
@@ -44,9 +45,49 @@ describe()
+# Template start / stop functions
+ [ -n "${command}" ] || return 0
+ local _background=
+ ebegin "Starting ${name:-${RC_SVCNAME}}"
+ if yesno "${command_background}"; then
+ _background="--background --pidfile"
+ fi
+ if yesno "${start_inactive}"; then
+ local _inactive=false
+ service_inactive && _inactive=true
+ mark_service_inactive
+ fi
+ start-stop-daemon --start \
+ --exec ${command} \
+ ${procname:+--name} ${procname} \
+ ${pidfile:+--pidfile} ${pidfile} \
+ ${_background} ${start_stop_daemon_args} \
+ -- ${command_args}
+ eend $? "Failed to start ${RC_SVCNAME}" && return 0
+ if yesno "${start_inactive}"; then
+ if ! ${_inactive}; then
+ mark_service_stopped
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+ [ -n "${command}" -o -n "${procname}" -o -n "${pidfile}" ] || return 0
+ ebegin "Stopping ${name:-${RC_SVCNAME}}"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop \
+ ${command:+--exec} ${command} \
+ ${procname:+--name} ${procname} \
+ ${pidfile:+--pidfile} ${pidfile}
+ eend $? "Failed to stop ${RC_SVCNAME}"
yesno ${RC_DEBUG} && set -x
# If we're net.eth0 or openvpn.work then load net or openvpn config
if [ -n "${_c}" -a "${_c}" != "${RC_SVCNAME}" ]; then
@@ -73,8 +114,7 @@ unset _conf_d
[ -n "${rc_ulimit:-${RC_ULIMIT}}" ] && ulimit ${rc_ulimit:-${RC_ULIMIT}}
# Load our script
-. $1
+. "${RC_SERVICE}"
for _d in ${required_dirs}; do
if [ ! -d ${_d} ]; then
@@ -92,52 +132,6 @@ for _f in ${required_files}; do
unset _f
-# If we have a default command then supply a default start function
-if [ -n "${command}" ]; then
- if [ "$(command -v start)" != "start" ]; then
- start() {
- local _background=
- ebegin "Starting ${name:-${RC_SVCNAME}}"
- if yesno "${command_background}"; then
- _background="--background --pidfile"
- fi
- if yesno "${start_inactive}"; then
- local _inactive=false
- service_inactive && _inactive=true
- mark_service_inactive
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start \
- --exec ${command} \
- ${procname:+--name} ${procname} \
- ${pidfile:+--pidfile} ${pidfile} \
- ${_background} ${start_stop_daemon_args} \
- -- ${command_args}
- eend $? "Failed to start ${RC_SVCNAME}" && return 0
- if yesno "${start_inactive}"; then
- if ! ${_inactive}; then
- mark_service_stopped
- fi
- fi
- return 1
- }
- fi
-# If we have a default command, procname or pidfile then supply a default stop
-# function
-if [ -n "${command}" -o -n "${procname}" -o -n "${pidfile}" ]; then
- if [ "$(command -v stop)" != "stop" ]; then
- stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping ${name:-${RC_SVCNAME}}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop \
- ${command:+--exec} ${command} \
- ${procname:+--name} ${procname} \
- ${pidfile:+--pidfile} ${pidfile}
- eend $? "Failed to stop ${RC_SVCNAME}"
- }
- fi
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
# See if we have the required function and run it
for _cmd in describe start stop ${extra_commands:-${opts}} \