path: root/etc.Linux
diff options
authorRoy Marples <roy@marples.name>2007-04-05 11:18:42 +0000
committerRoy Marples <roy@marples.name>2007-04-05 11:18:42 +0000
commit5af58b45146ab5253ca964738f4e45287bf963d4 (patch)
tree68d3a9a61fa55dd7fe273db776c375f797edaa5b /etc.Linux
Rewrite the core parts in C. We now provide librc so other programs can
query runlevels, services and state without using bash. We also provide libeinfo so other programs can easily use our informational functions. As such, we have dropped the requirement of using bash as the init script shell. We now use /bin/sh and have strived to make the scripts as portable as possible. Shells that work are bash and dash. busybox works provided you disable s-s-d. If you have WIPE_TMP set to yes in conf.d/bootmisc you should disable find too. zsh and ksh do not work at this time. Networking support is currently being re-vamped also as it was heavily bash array based. As such, a new config format is available like so config_eth0="" or like so config_eth0="' netmask' ' netmask'" We will still support the old bash array format provided that /bin/sh IS a link it bash. ChangeLog for baselayout-1 can be found in our SVN repo.
Diffstat (limited to 'etc.Linux')
12 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc.Linux/Makefile b/etc.Linux/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a14505b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+SUBDIRS = modules.d modules.autoload.d
+DIR = /etc
+FILES = filesystems inputrc issue issue.logo
+FILES_NOEXIST = sysctl.conf
+TOPDIR = ..
+include $(TOPDIR)/default.mk
diff --git a/etc.Linux/filesystems b/etc.Linux/filesystems
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bb9c3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/filesystems
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# /etc/filesystems
+# This file defines the filesystems search order used by a
+# 'mount -t auto' command.
+# Uncomment the following line if your modular kernel has vfat
+# support and you want mount to try vfat.
+# Keep the last '*' intact as it directs mount to use the
+# filesystems list available at /proc/filesystems also.
+# Don't remove it unless you REALLY know what you are doing!
diff --git a/etc.Linux/inputrc b/etc.Linux/inputrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fe3ae15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/inputrc
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# /etc/inputrc: initialization file for readline
+# For more information on how this file works, please see the
+# INITIALIZATION FILE section of the readline(3) man page
+# Quick dirty little note:
+# To get the key sequence for binding, you can abuse bash.
+# While running bash, hit CTRL+V, and then type the key sequence.
+# So, typing 'ALT + left arrow' in Konsole gets you back:
+# ^[[1;3D
+# The readline entry to make this skip back a word will then be:
+# "\e[1;3D" backward-word
+# do not bell on tab-completion
+#set bell-style none
+set meta-flag on
+set input-meta on
+set convert-meta off
+set output-meta on
+# Completed names which are symbolic links to
+# directories have a slash appended.
+set mark-symlinked-directories on
+$if mode=emacs
+# for linux console and RH/Debian xterm
+"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
+"\e[4~": end-of-line
+#"\e[5~": beginning-of-history
+#"\e[6~": end-of-history
+"\e[5~": history-search-backward
+"\e[6~": history-search-forward
+"\e[3~": delete-char
+"\e[2~": quoted-insert
+# gnome-terminal (escape + arrow key)
+"\e[5C": forward-word
+"\e[5D": backward-word
+# konsole / xterm / rxvt (escape + arrow key)
+"\e\e[C": forward-word
+"\e\e[D": backward-word
+# konsole (alt + arrow key)
+"\e[1;3C": forward-word
+"\e[1;3D": backward-word
+# aterm / eterm (control + arrow key)
+"\eOc": forward-word
+"\eOd": backward-word
+$if term=rxvt
+"\e[8~": end-of-line
+# for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/Debian xterm
+"\eOH": beginning-of-line
+"\eOF": end-of-line
+# for freebsd console
+"\e[H": beginning-of-line
+"\e[F": end-of-line
+# fix Home and End for German users
+"\e[7~": beginning-of-line
+"\e[8~": end-of-line
diff --git a/etc.Linux/issue b/etc.Linux/issue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..015e46d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/issue
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This is \n.\O (\s \m \r) \t
diff --git a/etc.Linux/issue.logo b/etc.Linux/issue.logo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8e20efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/issue.logo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ .
+ .vir. d$b
+ .d$$$$$$b. .cd$$b. .d$$b. d$$$$$$$$$$$b .d$$b. .d$$b.
+ $$$$( )$$$b d$$$()$$$. d$$$$$$$b Q$$$$$$$P$$$P.$$$$$$$b. .$$$$$$$b.
+ Q$$$$$$$$$$B$$$$$$$$P" d$$$PQ$$$$b. $$$$. .$$$P' `$$$ .$$$P' `$$$
+ "$$$$$$$P Q$$$$$$$b d$$$P Q$$$$b $$$$b $$$$b..d$$$ $$$$b..d$$$
+ d$$$$$$P" "$$$$$$$$ Q$$$ Q$$$$ $$$$$ `Q$$$$$$$P `Q$$$$$$$P
+ $$$$$$$P `""""" "" "" Q$$$P "Q$$$P" "Q$$$P"
+ `Q$$P" """
+This is \n.\O (\s \m \r) \t
diff --git a/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/Makefile b/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b940e73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+DIR = /etc/modules.autoload.d
+FILES_NOEXIST = kernel-2.4 kernel-2.6
+TOPDIR = ../..
+include $(TOPDIR)/default.mk
diff --git a/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4 b/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56bd841b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4: kernel modules to load when system boots.
+# Note that this file is for 2.4 kernels. If you need different modules
+# for a 2.6 kernel, you can create /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6
+# Add the names of modules that you'd like to load when the system
+# starts into this file, one per line. Comments begin with # and
+# are ignored. Read man modules.autoload for additional details.
+# For example:
+# aic7xxx
diff --git a/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 b/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89edd3b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6: kernel modules to load when system boots.
+# Note that this file is for 2.6 kernels.
+# Add the names of modules that you'd like to load when the system
+# starts into this file, one per line. Comments begin with # and
+# are ignored. Read man modules.autoload for additional details.
+# For example:
+# aic7xxx
diff --git a/etc.Linux/modules.d/Makefile b/etc.Linux/modules.d/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26c24963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/modules.d/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+DIR = /etc/modules.d
+FILES_NOEXIST = aliases i386
+TOPDIR = ../..
+include $(TOPDIR)/default.mk
diff --git a/etc.Linux/modules.d/aliases b/etc.Linux/modules.d/aliases
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52f30c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/modules.d/aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Aliases to tell insmod/modprobe which modules to use
+# Uncomment the network protocols you don't want loaded:
+# alias net-pf-1 off # Unix
+# alias net-pf-2 off # IPv4
+# alias net-pf-3 off # Amateur Radio AX.25
+# alias net-pf-4 off # IPX
+# alias net-pf-5 off # DDP / appletalk
+# alias net-pf-6 off # Amateur Radio NET/ROM
+# alias net-pf-9 off # X.25
+# alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6
+# alias net-pf-11 off # ROSE / Amateur Radio X.25 PLP
+# alias net-pf-19 off # Acorn Econet
+alias char-major-10-175 agpgart
+alias char-major-10-200 tun
+alias char-major-81 bttv
+alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
+alias /dev/ppp ppp_generic
+alias tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async
+alias tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty
+alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp
+alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
+alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate
+# Crypto modules (see http://www.kerneli.org/)
+alias loop-xfer-gen-0 loop_gen
+alias loop-xfer-3 loop_fish2
+alias loop-xfer-gen-10 loop_gen
+alias cipher-2 des
+alias cipher-3 fish2
+alias cipher-4 blowfish
+alias cipher-6 idea
+alias cipher-7 serp6f
+alias cipher-8 mars6
+alias cipher-11 rc62
+alias cipher-15 dfc2
+alias cipher-16 rijndael
+alias cipher-17 rc5
+# Support for i2c and lm_sensors
+alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
diff --git a/etc.Linux/modules.d/i386 b/etc.Linux/modules.d/i386
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b89459f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/modules.d/i386
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
+alias char-major-10-144 nvram
+alias binfmt-0064 binfmt_aout
+alias char-major-10-135 rtc
diff --git a/etc.Linux/sysctl.conf b/etc.Linux/sysctl.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3a209e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc.Linux/sysctl.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# /etc/sysctl.conf
+# For more information on how this file works, please see
+# the manpages sysctl(8) and sysctl.conf(5).
+# In order for this file to work properly, you must first
+# enable 'Sysctl support' in the kernel.
+# Look in /proc/sys/ for all the things you can setup.
+# Disables packet forwarding
+#net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
+# Disables IP dynaddr
+#net.ipv4.ip_dynaddr = 0
+# Disable ECN
+#net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0
+# Enables source route verification
+net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
+# Enable reverse path
+net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
+# Enable SYN cookies (yum!)
+# http://cr.yp.to/syncookies.html
+#net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
+# Disable source route
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
+#net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
+# Disable redirects
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
+#net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0
+# Disable secure redirects
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects = 0
+#net.ipv4.conf.default.secure_redirects = 0
+# Ignore ICMP broadcasts
+#net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1
+# Disables the magic-sysrq key
+#kernel.sysrq = 0
+# When the kernel panics, automatically reboot in 3 seconds
+#kernel.panic = 3
+# Allow for more PIDs (cool factor!); may break some programs
+#kernel.pid_max = 999999
+# You should compile nfsd into the kernel or add it
+# to modules.autoload for this to work properly
+# TCP Port for lock manager
+#fs.nfs.nlm_tcpport = 0
+# UDP Port for lock manager
+#fs.nfs.nlm_udpport = 0