diff options
authorWilliam Hubbs <w.d.hubbs@gmail.com>2013-03-18 18:29:36 -0500
committerWilliam Hubbs <w.d.hubbs@gmail.com>2013-08-13 16:33:41 -0500
commit838c9efb36b3b058c5a5b9d0e8c6d4d4789a44b9 (patch)
parentb2f8ac9382d5dad70181ef803a37f43896f5cb91 (diff)
Remove gentoo's net.* scripts
It has been determined that it will be best for gentoo's net.* scripts to be in a separate package to allow independent development. This package will be called netifrc and maintained by Gentoo.
54 files changed, 16 insertions, 8107 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 45fee28e..119a27e7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ include Makefile.inc
SUBDIR= conf.d etc init.d local.d man scripts sh src sysctl.d
-# Build our old net foo or not
-ifeq (${MKNET},oldnet)
-SUBDIR+= net doc
# Build pkgconfig or not
ifeq (${MKPKGCONFIG},yes)
diff --git a/README b/README
index e787ea76..44d27ca2 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ You may wish to tweak the installation with the below arguments
diff --git a/README.newnet b/README.newnet
index 2e157e2b..41db1c51 100644
--- a/README.newnet
+++ b/README.newnet
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-The following applies only to the newnet stack, which is not presently
-maintained in OpenRC. The oldnet stack is maintained instead.
-- Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org>, 2011/02/21
OpenRC Network Ideals
diff --git a/conf.d/Makefile b/conf.d/Makefile
index 24db5891..aefb6121 100644
--- a/conf.d/Makefile
+++ b/conf.d/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+include ../mk/net.mk
CONF= bootmisc fsck hostname localmount netmount urandom tmpfiles \
-ifeq (${MKNET},)
+ifeq (${MKNET},yes)
CONF+= network staticroute
TARGETS+= network staticroute
CLEANFILES+= network staticroute
diff --git a/conf.d/net b/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 52a03e36..00000000
--- a/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# This blank configuration will automatically use DHCP for any net.*
-# scripts in /etc/init.d. To create a more complete configuration,
-# please review /usr/share/doc/openrc*/net.example* and save your configuration
-# in /etc/conf.d/net (this file :]!).
diff --git a/doc/.gitignore b/doc/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c6f833..00000000
--- a/doc/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fbf3e8b..00000000
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-DIR= ${DOCDIR}/openrc
-SRCS= net.example.in
-INC= net.example
-MK= ../mk
-include ${MK}/os.mk
-%.example.in: %.example${SFX}
- ${CP} $< $@
-include ${MK}/scripts.mk
diff --git a/doc/net.example.BSD.in b/doc/net.example.BSD.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aae310c..00000000
--- a/doc/net.example.BSD.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-# The quickest start is if you want to use DHCP.
-# In that case, everything should work out of the box, no configuration
-# necessary, though the startup script will warn you that you haven't
-# specified anything.
-# WARNING :- some examples have a mixture of IPv4 (ie and IPv6
-# (ie 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab) internet addresses. They only work if you have
-# the relevant kernel option enabled. So if you don't have an IPv6 enabled
-# kernel then remove the IPv6 address from your config.
-# If you want to use a static address or use DHCP explicitly, jump
-# down to the section labeled INTERFACE HANDLERS.
-# If you want to do anything more fancy, you should take the time to
-# read through the rest of this file.
-# We now support modular networking scripts which means we can easily
-# add support for new interface types and modules while keeping
-# compatibility with existing ones.
-# Modules load by default if the package they need is installed. If
-# you specify a module here that doesn't have its package installed
-# then you get an error stating which package you need to install.
-# Ideally, you only use the modules setting when you have two or more
-# packages installed that supply the same service.
-# In other words, you probably should DO NOTHING HERE...
-# For a static configuration, use something like this
-# If you need more than one address, you can use something like this
-# NOTE: ifconfig creates an aliased device for each extra IPv4 address
-# (eth0:1, eth0:2, etc)
-# iproute2 does not do this as there is no need to
-# You can also use IPv6 addresses
-# (you should always specify a prefix length with IPv6 here)
-#config_eth0=" 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab/64 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ac/64"
-# If you wish to keep existing addresses + routing and the interface is up,
-# you can specify a noop (no operation). If the interface is down or there
-# are no addresses assigned, then we move onto the next step (default dhcp)
-# This is useful when configuring your interface with a kernel command line
-# or similar
-# If you don't want ANY address (only useful when calling for advanced stuff)
-# Here's how to do routing if you need it
-# We add an IPv4 default route, IPv4 subnet route and an IPv6 unicast route
-#routes_eth0="default via
-# via
-# If a specified module fails (like dhcp - see below), you can specify a
-# fallback like so
-#fallback_eth0=" netmask"
-#fallback_routes_eth0="default via"
-# NOTE: fallback entry must match the entry location in config_eth0
-# As such you can only have one fallback route.
-# Also, if you do not set a fallback_routes entry for an interface, the
-# routes entry will be used if that is set.
-# Some users may need to alter the MTU - here's how
-# Most drivers that report carrier status function correctly, but some do not
-# One of these faulty drivers is for the Intel e1000 network card, but only
-# at boot time. To get around this you may alter the carrier_timeout value for
-# the interface. 0 is disable and any other number of seconds is how
-# long we wait for carrier. The current default is disabled.
-# You may wish to disable the interface being brought down when stopping.
-# This is only of use for WakeOnLan.
-# WIRELESS (802.11 support)
-# Wireless can be provided by BSDs ifconfig (iwconfig) or wpa_supplicant
-# wpa_supplicant is preferred, use the modules directive to prefer iwconfig.
-# ifconfig (iwconig) support is a one shot script - wpa_supplicant is daemon
-# that scans, associates and re-configures if association is lost.
-# We call it iwconfig to separate the wireless setup from ifconfig.
-# Most users will just need to set the following options
-# key_SSID1="s:yourkeyhere enc open" # s: means a text key
-# key_SSID2="aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dd" # no s: means a hex key
-# preferred_aps="SSID1 SSID2"
-# Clear? Good. Now configure your wireless network below
-# Hard code an SSID to an interface - leave this unset if you wish the driver
-# to scan for available Access Points
-# I would only set this as a last resort really - use the preferred_aps
-# setting at the bottom of this file
-# Some drivers/hardware don't scan all that well. We have no control over this
-# but we can say how many scans we want to do to try and get a better sweep of
-# the area. The default is 1.
-#Channel can be set (1-14), but defaults to 3 if not set.
-# The below is taken verbatim from the BSD wavelan documentation found at
-# http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/network/wavelan.html
-# There are 14 channels possible; We are told that channels 1-11 are legal for
-# North America, channels 1-13 for most of Europe, channels 10-13 for France,
-# and only channel 14 for Japan. If in doubt, please refer to the documentation
-# that came with your card or access point. Make sure that the channel you
-# select is the same channel your access point (or the other card in an ad-hoc
-# network) is on. The default for cards sold in North America and most of Europe
-# is 3; the default for cards sold in France is 11, and the default for cards
-# sold in Japan is 14.
-# Setup any other config commands. This is basically the ifconfig argument
-# without the ifconfig $iface.
-# You can do the same per SSID too.
-# Seconds to wait until associated. The default is to wait 10 seconds.
-# 0 means wait indefinitely. WARNING: this can cause an infinite delay when
-# booting.
-# Define a WEP key per SSID or MAC address (of the AP, not your card)
-# The encryption type (open or restricted) must match the
-# encryption type on the Access Point.
-# To set a hex key, prefix with 0x
-# or you can use strings. Passphrase IS NOT supported
-# WEP key for the AP with MAC address 001122334455
-# You can also override the interface settings found in /etc/conf.d/net
-# per SSID - which is very handy if you use different networks a lot
-# Setting name/domain server causes /etc/resolv.conf to be overwritten
-# Note that if DHCP is used, and you want this to take precedence then
-# please put -R in your dhcpcd options
-#dns_search_SSID="search.this.domain search.that.domain"
-# Please check the man page for resolv.conf for more information
-# as domain and search (searchdomains) are mutually exclusive and
-# searchdomains takes precedence
-# You can also set any of the /etc/conf.d/net variables per MAC address
-# incase you use Access Points with the same SSID but need different
-# networking configs. Below is an example - of course you use the same
-# method with other variables
-# Map a MAC address to an SSID
-# This is used when the Access Point is not broadcasting its SSID
-# WARNING: This will override the SSID being broadcast due to some
-# Access Points sending an SSID even when they have been configured
-# not to!
-# Change 001122334455 to the MAC address and SSID to the SSID
-# it should map to
-# This lists the preferred SSIDs to connect to in order
-# SSID's can contain any characters here as they must match the broadcast
-# SSID exactly.
-# Surround each SSID with the " character and separate them with a space
-# If the first SSID isn't found then it moves onto the next
-# If this isn't defined then it connects to the first one found
-#preferred_aps="SSID1 SSID2"
-# You can also define a preferred_aps list per interface
-#preferred_aps_eth0="SSID3 SSID4"
-# You can also say whether we only connect to preferred APs or not
-# Values are "any", "preferredonly", "forcepreferred", "forcepreferredonly"
-# and "forceany"
-# "any" means it will connect to visible APs in the preferred list and then
-# any other available AP
-# "preferredonly" means it will only connect to visible APs in the preferred
-# list
-# "forcepreferred" means it will forcibly connect to APs in order if it does
-# not find them in a scan
-# "forcepreferredonly" means it forcibly connects to the APs in order and
-# does not bother to scan
-# "forceany" does the same as forcepreferred + connects to any other
-# available AP
-# Default is "any"
-# You can define blacklisted Access Points in the same way
-#blacklist_aps="SSID1 SSID2"
-#blacklist_aps_eth0="SSID3 SSID4"
-# If you have more than one wireless card, you can say if you want
-# to allow each card to associate with the same Access Point or not
-# Values are "yes" and "no"
-# Default is "yes"
-# IMPORTANT: preferred_only, blacklisted_aps and unique_ap only work when
-# essid_eth0 is not set and your card is capable of scanning
-# NOTE: preferred_aps list ignores blacklisted_aps - so if you have
-# the same SSID in both, well, you're a bit silly :p
-# wpa_supplicant
-# emerge net-wireless/wpa_supplicant
-# Wireless options are held in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
-# Consult the wpa_supplicant.conf.example that is installed in
-# /usr/share/doc/wpa_supplicant
-# By default we don't wait for wpa_supplicant to associate and authenticate.
-# If you would like to, so can specify how long in seconds
-# A value of 0 means wait forever.
-# You can also override any settings found here per SSID - which is very
-# handy if you use different networks a lot. See below for using the SSID
-# in our variables
-# See the System module below for setting dns/nis/ntp per SSID
-# You can also override any settings found here per MAC address of the AP
-# in case you use Access Points with the same SSID but need different
-# networking configs. Below is an example - of course you use the same
-# method with other variables
-# When an interface has been associated with an Access Point, a global
-# variable called SSID is set to the Access Point's SSID for use in the
-# pre/post user functions below (although it's not available in preup as you
-# won't have associated then)
-# If you're using anything else to configure wireless on your interface AND
-# you have installed wpa_supplicant, you need to disable wpa_supplicant
-#modules="!iwconfig !wpa_supplicant"
-# Remember to change SSID to your SSID.
-# Say that your SSID is My NET - the line
-# #key_SSID="s:passkey"
-# becomes
-# #key_My_NET="s:passkey"
-# Notice that the space has changed to an underscore - do the same with all
-# characters not in a-z A-Z (English alphabet) 0-9. This only applies to
-# variables and not values.
-# Any SSID's in values like essid_eth0="My NET" may need to be escaped
-# This means placing the character \ before the character
-# \" need to be escaped for example
-# So if your SSID is
-# My "\ NET
-# it becomes
-# My \"\\ NET
-# for example
-# #essid_eth0="My\"\\NET"
-# So using the above we can use
-# #dns_domain_My____NET="My\"\\NET"
-# which is an invalid dns domain, but shows the how to use the variable
-# structure
-# DHCP can be provided by dhclient.
-# dhcpcd: emerge net-misc/dhcpcd
-# dhclient: emerge net-misc/dhcp
-# Regardless of which DHCP client you prefer, you configure them the
-# same way using one of following depending on which interface modules
-# you're using.
-# For passing custom options to dhcpcd use something like the following. This
-# example reduces the timeout for retrieving an address from 60 seconds (the
-# default) to 10 seconds.
-#dhcpcd_eth0="-t 10"
-# Set generic DHCP options like so
-#dhcp_eth0="release nodns nontp nonis nogateway nosendhost"
-# This tells the dhcp client to release its lease when it stops, not to
-# overwrite dns, ntp and nis settings, not to set a default route and not to
-# send the current hostname to the dhcp server and when it starts.
-# You can use any combination of the above options - the default is not to
-# use any of them.
-# System
-# For configuring system specifics such as domain, dns, ntp and nis servers
-# It's rare that you would need todo this, but you can anyway.
-# This is most benefit to wireless users who don't use DHCP so they can change
-# their configs based on SSID.
-# If you omit the _eth0 suffix, then it applies to all interfaces unless
-# overridden by the interface suffix.
-#dns_search_eth0="this.domain that.domain"
-#dns_options_eth0="timeout:1 rotate"
-# See the man page for resolv.conf for details about the options and sortlist
-# directives
-# NOTE: Setting any of these will stamp on the files in question. So if you
-# don't specify dns_servers but you do specify dns_domain then no nameservers
-# will be listed in /etc/resolv.conf even if there were any there to start
-# with.
-# If this is an issue for you then maybe you should look into a resolv.conf
-# manager like resolvconf-gentoo to manage this file for you. All packages
-# that baselayout supports use resolvconf-gentoo if installed.
-# Cable in/out detection
-# Sometimes the cable is in, others it's out. Obviously you don't want to
-# restart net.eth0 every time when you plug it in either.
-# BSD has the Device State Change Daemon - or devd for short
-# To enable this, simple add devd to the boot runlevel
-#rc-update add devd boot
-# Four functions can be defined which will be called surrounding the
-# start/stop operations. The functions are called with the interface
-# name first so that one function can control multiple adapters. An extra two
-# functions can be defined when an interface fails to start or stop.
-# The return values for the preup and predown functions should be 0
-# (success) to indicate that configuration or deconfiguration of the
-# interface can continue. If preup returns a non-zero value, then
-# interface configuration will be aborted. If predown returns a
-# non-zero value, then the interface will not be allowed to continue
-# deconfiguration.
-# The return values for the postup, postdown, failup and faildown functions are
-# ignored since there's nothing to do if they indicate failure.
-# ${IFACE} is set to the interface being brought up/down
-# ${IFVAR} is ${IFACE} converted to variable name bash allows
-# For historical and compatibility reasons, preup is actually normally called
-# in the following sequence: up ; preup ; up.
-# The first up causes the kernel to initialize the device, so
-# that it is available for use in the preup function. However, for some
-# hardware, e.g. CAN devices, some configuration is needed before trying to up
-# the interface will actually work. For such hardware, the
-# up_before_preup variables will allow skipping the first up call if set
-# to yes.
-#preup() {
-# # Remember to return 0 on success
-# return 0
-#predown() {
-# # The default in the script is to test for NFS root and disallow
-# # downing interfaces in that case. Note that if you specify a
-# # predown() function you will override that logic. Here it is, in
-# # case you still want it...
-# if is_net_fs /; then
-# eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${IFACE}"
-# return 1
-# fi
-# # Remember to return 0 on success
-# return 0
-#postup() {
-# # This function could be used, for example, to register with a
-# # dynamic DNS service. Another possibility would be to
-# # send/receive mail once the interface is brought up.
-#postdown() {
-# # Return 0 always
-# return 0
-#failup() {
-# # This function is mostly here for completeness... I haven't
-# # thought of anything nifty to do with it yet ;-)
-#faildown() {
-# # This function is mostly here for completeness... I haven't
-# # thought of anything nifty to do with it yet ;-)
-# You should note that we don't stop the network at system shutdown by default.
-# If you really need this, then set keep_network=NO
diff --git a/doc/net.example.Linux.in b/doc/net.example.Linux.in
deleted file mode 100644
index d8fa0842..00000000
--- a/doc/net.example.Linux.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1247 +0,0 @@
-# The quickest start is if you want to use DHCP.
-# In that case, everything should work out of the box, no configuration
-# necessary, though the startup script will warn you that you haven't
-# specified anything.
-# WARNING :- some examples have a mixture of IPv4 (ie and IPv6
-# (ie 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab) internet addresses. They only work if you have
-# the relevant kernel option enabled. So if you don't have an IPv6 enabled
-# kernel then remove the IPv6 address from your config.
-# If you want to use a static address or use DHCP explicitly, jump
-# down to the section labeled INTERFACE HANDLERS.
-# If you want to do anything more fancy, you should take the time to
-# read through the rest of this file.
-# We now support modular networking scripts which means we can easily
-# add support for new interface types and modules while keeping
-# compatibility with existing ones.
-# Modules load by default if the package they need is installed. If
-# you specify a module here that doesn't have its package installed
-# then you get an error stating which package you need to install.
-# Ideally, you only use the modules setting when you have two or more
-# packages installed that supply the same service.
-# In other words, you probably should DO NOTHING HERE...
-# Prefer ifconfig over iproute2
-# You can also specify other modules for an interface
-# In this case we prefer udhcpc over dhcpcd
-# You can also specify which modules not to use - for example you may be
-# using a supplicant or linux-wlan-ng to control wireless configuration but
-# you still want to configure network settings per SSID associated with.
-#modules="!iwconfig !wpa_supplicant"
-# IMPORTANT: If you need the above, please disable modules in that order
-# We provide two interface handlers presently: ifconfig and iproute2.
-# You need one of these to do any kind of network configuration.
-# For ifconfig support, emerge sys-apps/net-tools
-# For iproute2 support, emerge sys-apps/iproute2
-# If you don't specify an interface then we prefer iproute2 if it's installed
-# To prefer ifconfig over iproute2
-# For a static configuration, use something like this
-# (They all do exactly the same thing btw)
-#config_eth0=" netmask"
-# If you need more than one address, you can use something like this
-# NOTE: ifconfig creates an aliased device for each extra IPv4 address
-# (eth0:1, eth0:2, etc)
-# iproute2 does not do this as there is no need to
-# WARNING: You cannot mix multiple addresses on a line with other parameters!
-# However, that only works with CIDR addresses, so you can't use netmask.
-# You can also use IPv6 addresses
-# (you should always specify a prefix length with IPv6 here)
-#config_eth0=" 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab/64 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ac/64"
-# If you wish to keep existing addresses + routing and the interface is up,
-# you can specify a noop (no operation). If the interface is down or there
-# are no addresses assigned, then we move onto the next step (default dhcp)
-# This is useful when configuring your interface with a kernel command line
-# or similar
-# If you don't want ANY address (only useful when calling for advanced stuff)
-# If you need to pass parameters to go with an address, you can do so on the
-# same line as the address. You should split multiple addresses with newlines.
-# WARNING: You cannot mix multiple addresses on a line with other parameters!
-#config_eth0=" scope host"
-#config_eth0="4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab/64 nodad home preferred_lft 0"
-#config_eth0=" scope host
-#4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab/64 nodad home preferred_lft 0"
-# Here's how to do routing if you need it
-# We add an IPv4 default route, IPv4 subnet route and an IPv6 unicast route
-#routes_eth0="default via
-# via
-# If a specified module fails (like dhcp - see below), you can specify a
-# fallback like so
-#fallback_routes_eth0="default via"
-# NOTE: fallback entry must match the entry location in config_eth0
-# As such you can only have one fallback route.
-# Also, if you do not set a fallback_routes entry for an interface, the
-# routes entry will be used if that is set.
-# Some users may need to alter the MTU - here's how
-# Same for TX Queue Length
-# Each module described below can set a default base metric, lower is
-# preferred over higher. This is so we can prefer a wired route over a
-# wireless route automatically. You can override this by setting
-# or on a global basis
-# The only downside of the global setting is that you have to ensure that
-# there are no conflicting routes yourself. For users with large routing
-# tables you may have to set a global metric as the due to a simple read of
-# the routing table taking over a minute at a time.
-# Most drivers that report carrier status function correctly, but some do not
-# One of these faulty drivers is for the Intel e1000 network card, but only
-# at boot time. To get around this you may alter the carrier_timeout value for
-# the interface. 0 is disable and any other number of seconds is how
-# long we wait for carrier. The current default is disabled.
-# You may wish to disable the interface being brought down when stopping.
-# This is only of use for WakeOnLan.
-# WIRELESS (802.11 support)
-# Wireless can be provided by iwconfig or wpa_supplicant
-# wpa_supplicant is preferred, use the modules directive to prefer iwconfig.
-# iwconfig
-# emerge net-wireless/wireless-tools
-# Most users will just need to set the following options
-# key_SSID1="s:yourkeyhere enc open" # s: means a text key
-# key_SSID2="aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dd" # no s: means a hex key
-# preferred_aps="'SSID 1' 'SSID 2'"
-# Clear? Good. Now configure your wireless network below
-# Hard code an SSID to an interface - leave this unset if you wish the driver
-# to scan for available Access Points
-# Set to "any" to connect to any SSID - the driver picks an Access Point
-# This needs to be done when the driver doesn't support scanning
-# This may work for drivers that don't support scanning but you need automatic
-# AP association
-# I would only set this as a last resort really - use the preferred_aps
-# setting at the bottom of this file
-# However, using ad-hoc (without scanning for APs) and master mode
-# do require the SSID to be set - do this here
-# Set the mode of the interface (managed, ad-hoc, master or auto)
-# The default is auto
-# If it's ad-hoc or master you also may need to specify the channel below
-# If managed mode fails, drop to ad-hoc mode with the below SSID?
-# Some drivers/hardware don't scan all that well. We have no control over this
-# but we can say how many scans we want to do to try and get a better sweep of
-# the area. The default is 1.
-#Channel can be set (1-14), but defaults to 3 if not set.
-# The below is taken verbatim from the BSD wavelan documentation found at
-# http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/network/wavelan.html
-# There are 14 channels possible; We are told that channels 1-11 are legal for
-# North America, channels 1-13 for most of Europe, channels 10-13 for France,
-# and only channel 14 for Japan. If in doubt, please refer to the documentation
-# that came with your card or access point. Make sure that the channel you
-# select is the same channel your access point (or the other card in an ad-hoc
-# network) is on. The default for cards sold in North America and most of Europe
-# is 3; the default for cards sold in France is 11, and the default for cards
-# sold in Japan is 14.
-# Setup any other config commands. This is basically the iwconfig argument
-# without the iwconfig $iface.
-# Set private driver ioctls. This is basically the iwpriv argument without
-# the iwpriv $iface. If you use the rt2500 driver (not the rt2x00 one) then
-# you can set WPA here, below is an example.
-#iwpriv_SSID="set AuthMode=WPAPSK
-#set EncrypType=TKIP
-#set WPAPSK=yourpasskey"
-#NOTE: Even though you can use WPA like so, you may have to set a WEP key
-#if your driver claims the AP is encrypted. The WEP key itself will not be
-#used though.
-# Seconds to wait before scanning
-# Some drivers need to wait until they have finished "loading"
-# before they can scan - otherwise they error and claim that they cannot scan
-# or resource is unavailable. The default is to wait zero seconds
-# Seconds to wait until associated. The default is to wait 10 seconds.
-# 0 means wait indefinitely. WARNING: this can cause an infinite delay when
-# booting.
-# By default a successful association in Managed mode sets the MAC
-# address of the AP connected to. However, some drivers (namely
-# the ipw2100) don't set an invalid MAC address when association
-# fails - so we need to check on link quality which some drivers
-# don't report properly either.
-# So if you have connection problems try flipping this setting
-# Valid options are MAC, quality and all - defaults to MAC
-# Some driver/card combinations need to scan in Ad-Hoc mode
-# After scanning, the mode is reset to the one defined above
-# Below you can define private ioctls to run before and after scanning
-# Format is the same as the iwpriv_eth0 above
-# This is needed for the HostAP drivers
-#iwpriv_scan_pre_eth0="'host_roaming 2'"
-#iwpriv_scan_post_eth0="'host_roaming 0'"
-# Define a WEP key per SSID or MAC address (of the AP, not your card)
-# The encryption type (open or restricted) must match the
-# encryption type on the Access Point
-# You can't use "any" for an SSID here
-# or you can use strings. Passphrase IS NOT supported
-# To use a string, prefix it with s:
-# Note - this example also sets the encryption method to open
-# which is regarded as more secure than restricted
-#key_SSID="s:foobar enc open"
-#key_SSID="s:foobar enc restricted"
-# If you have whitespace in your key, here's how to set it and use other
-# commands like using open encryption.
-#key_SSID="s:'foo bar' enc open"
-# WEP key for the AP with MAC address 001122334455
-# Here are some more examples of keys as some users find others work
-# and some don't where they should all do the same thing
-#key_SSID="open s:foobar"
-#key_SSID="open 1234-5678-9012"
-#key_SSID="s:foobar enc open"
-#key_SSID="1234-5678-9012 enc open"
-# You may want to set multiple keys - here's an example
-# It sets 4 keys on the card and instructs to use key 2 by default
-#key_SSID="[1] s:passkey1 key [2] s:passkey2 key [3] s:passkey3 key [4] s:passkey4 key [2]"
-# You can also override the interface settings found in /etc/conf.d/net
-# per SSID - which is very handy if you use different networks a lot
-#dhcpcd_SSID="-t 5"
-# Setting name/domain server causes /etc/resolv.conf to be overwritten
-# Note that if DHCP is used, and you want this to take precedence then
-# please put -R in your dhcpcd options
-#dns_search_SSID="search.this.domain search.that.domain"
-# Please check the man page for resolv.conf for more information
-# as domain and search (searchdomains) are mutually exclusive and
-# searchdomains takes precedence
-# You can also set any of the /etc/conf.d/net variables per MAC address
-# incase you use Access Points with the same SSID but need different
-# networking configs. Below is an example - of course you use the same
-# method with other variables
-#dhcpcd_001122334455="-t 10"
-# Map a MAC address to an SSID
-# This is used when the Access Point is not broadcasting its SSID
-# WARNING: This will override the SSID being broadcast due to some
-# Access Points sending an SSID even when they have been configured
-# not to!
-# Change 001122334455 to the MAC address and SSID to the SSID
-# it should map to
-# This lists the preferred SSIDs to connect to in order
-# SSID's can contain any characters here as they must match the broadcast
-# SSID exactly.
-# Surround each SSID with the " character and separate them with a space
-# If the first SSID isn't found then it moves onto the next
-# If this isn't defined then it connects to the first one found
-#preferred_aps="SSID1 SSID2"
-# You can also define a preferred_aps list per interface
-#preferred_aps_eth0="SSID3 SSID4"
-# You can also say whether we only connect to preferred APs or not
-# Values are "any", "preferredonly", "forcepreferred", "forcepreferredonly" and "forceany"
-# "any" means it will connect to visible APs in the preferred list and then any
-# other available AP
-# "preferredonly" means it will only connect to visible APs in the preferred list
-# "forcepreferred" means it will forcibly connect to APs in order if it does not find
-# them in a scan
-# "forcepreferredonly" means it forcibly connects to the APs in order and does not bother
-# to scan
-# "forceany" does the same as forcepreferred + connects to any other available AP
-# Default is "any"
-# You can define blacklisted Access Points in the same way
-#blacklist_aps="SSID1 SSID2"
-#blacklist_aps_eth0="SSID3 SSID4"
-# If you have more than one wireless card, you can say if you want
-# to allow each card to associate with the same Access Point or not
-# Values are "yes" and "no"
-# Default is "yes"
-# IMPORTANT: preferred_only, blacklisted_aps and unique_ap only work when
-# essid_eth0 is not set and your card is capable of scanning
-# NOTE: preferred_aps list ignores blacklisted_aps - so if you have
-# the same SSID in both, well, you're a bit silly :p
-# wpa_supplicant
-# emerge net-wireless/wpa_supplicant
-# Wireless options are held in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
-# Consult the wpa_supplicant.conf.example that is installed in
-# /usr/share/doc/wpa_supplicant
-# To configure wpa_supplicant
-#wpa_supplicant_ath0="-Dmadwifi" # For Atheros based cards
-# Consult wpa_supplicant for more drivers - the default is -Dwext which should
-# work for most cards.
-# By default we don't wait for wpa_supplicant to associate and authenticate.
-# If you need to change this behaviour then you don't know how our scripts work
-# and setting this value could cause strange things to happen.
-# If you would like it to wait, you can specify how long in seconds.
-# A value of 0 means wait forever.
-# You can also override any settings found here per SSID - which is very
-# handy if you use different networks a lot. See below for using the SSID
-# in our variables
-# See the System module below for setting dns/nis/ntp per SSID
-# You can also override any settings found here per MAC address of the AP
-# in case you use Access Points with the same SSID but need different
-# networking configs. Below is an example - of course you use the same
-# method with other variables
-# When an interface has been associated with an Access Point, a global
-# variable called SSID is set to the Access Point's SSID for use in the
-# pre/post user functions below (although it's not available in preup as you
-# won't have associated then)
-# If you're using anything else to configure wireless on your interface AND
-# you have installed wpa_supplicant, you need to disable wpa_supplicant
-#modules="!iwconfig !wpa_supplicant"
-# Remember to change SSID to your SSID.
-# Say that your SSID is My NET - the line
-# #key_SSID="s:passkey"
-# becomes
-# #key_My_NET="s:passkey"
-# Notice that the space has changed to an underscore - do the same with all
-# characters not in a-z A-Z (English alphabet) 0-9. This only applies to
-# variables and not values.
-# Any SSID's in values like essid_eth0="My NET" may need to be escaped
-# This means placing the character \ before the character
-# \" need to be escaped for example
-# So if your SSID is
-# My "\ NET
-# it becomes
-# My \"\\ NET
-# for example
-# #essid_eth0="My\"\\NET"
-# So using the above we can use
-# #dns_domain_My____NET="My\"\\NET"
-# which is an invalid dns domain, but shows the how to use the variable
-# structure
-# DHCP can be provided by dhclient, dhcpcd, pump or udhcpc.
-# dhclient: emerge net-misc/dhcp
-# dhcpcd: emerge net-misc/dhcpcd
-# pump: emerge net-misc/pump
-# udhcpc: emerge sys-apps/busybox
-# If you have more than one DHCP client installed, you need to specify which
-# one to use - otherwise we default to dhcpcd if available.
-#modules="dhclient" # to select dhclient over dhcpcd
-# Notes:
-# - All clients send the current hostname to the DHCP server by default
-# - dhcpcd does not daemonize when the lease time is infinite
-# - udhcp-0.9.3-r3 and earlier do not support getting NTP servers
-# - pump does not support getting NIS servers
-# - DHCP tends to erase any existing device information - so add
-# static addresses after dhcp if you need them
-# - dhclient and udhcpc can set other resolv.conf options such as "option"
-# and "sortlist"- see the System module for more details
-# Regardless of which DHCP client you prefer, you configure them the
-# same way using one of following depending on which interface modules
-# you're using.
-# For passing custom options to dhcpcd use something like the following. This
-# example reduces the timeout for retrieving an address from 60 seconds (the
-# default) to 10 seconds.
-#dhcpcd_eth0="-t 10"
-# dhclient, udhcpc and pump don't have many runtime options
-# You can pass options to them in a similar manner to dhcpcd though
-# Set generic DHCP options like so
-#dhcp_eth0="release nodns nontp nonis nogateway nosendhost"
-# This tells the dhcp client to release its lease when it stops, not to
-# overwrite dns, ntp and nis settings, not to set a default route and not to
-# send the current hostname to the dhcp server and when it starts.
-# You can use any combination of the above options - the default is not to
-# use any of them.
-# For APIPA support, emerge net-misc/iputils or net-analyzer/arping
-# APIPA is a module that tries to find a free address in the range
-# by arping a random address in that range on the
-# interface. If no reply is found then we assign that address to the interface
-# This is only useful for LANs where there is no DHCP server and you don't
-# connect directly to the internet.
-# ARPING Gateway configuration
-# and
-# Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA)
-# For arpingnet / apipa support, emerge net-misc/iputils or net-analyzer/arping
-# This is a module that tries to find a gateway IP. If it exists then we use
-# that gateways configuration for our own. For the configuration variables
-# simply ensure that each octet is zero padded and the dots are removed.
-# Below is an example.
-#routes_192168000001="default via"
-#routes_010000000001="default via"
-# We can also specify a specific MAC address for each gateway if different
-# networks have the same gateway.
-#routes_192168000001_001122AABBCC="default via"
-#routes_010000000001_334455DDEEFF="default via"
-# If you need to spoof the source address, you can add that as third parameter
-# like so
-# This requires arping to be installed though
-# If we don't find any gateways (or there are none configured) then we try and
-# use APIPA to find a free address in the range
-# by arping a random address in that range on the interface. If no reply is
-# found then we assign that address to the interface.
-# This is only useful for LANs where there is no DHCP server.
-# or if no DHCP server can be found
-# NOTE: We default to sleeping for 1 second the first time we attempt an
-# arping to give the interface time to settle on the LAN. This appears to
-# be a good default for most instances, but if not you can alter it here.
-# NOTE: We default to waiting 3 seconds to get an arping response. You can
-# change the default wait like so.
-# VLAN (802.1q support)
-# For VLAN support, emerge sys-apps/iproute2
-# The old vconfig based VLAN support is no longer available.
-# Specify the VLAN numbers for the interface like so
-# Please ensure your VLAN IDs are NOT zero-padded
-#vlans_eth0="1 2"
-# You may not want to assign an IP the the physical interface, but we still
-# need it up.
-# You can also configure the VLAN - see for ip man page for more details
-# To change the vlan interface name. If not set, the standard "iface.vlanid"
-# will be used. This is the replacement for the old 'vconfig set_name_type'
-# functionality. If you previously relied on the DEV_PLUS_VID or
-# DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD options to have different VLANs with same ID value, on
-# different interfaces, please note that you need to use both the interface and
-# vlan number in the numbering. This applies for all of the options: name,
-# txqueuelen, mac, broadcast, mtu, ingress, egress, flags
-# The following shows the old set_name_type setting and what new option to set:
-# Using eth9 & VLAN VID 26 as an example.
-# VLAN_PLUS_VID vlan26_name="vlan0026"
-# VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD vlan26_name="vlan26"
-# DEV_PLUS_VID eth9_vlan26_name="eth9.0026"
-# DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD eth9_vlan26_name="eth9.26"
-# Set the vlan flags
-#vlan1_flags="reorder_hdr off gvrp on loose_binding on"
-#eth0_vlan1_flags="reorder_hdr off gvrp on loose_binding on"
-# Configure in/egress maps
-#vlan1_ingress="2:6 3:5"
-# NOTE: Vlans can be configured with a . in their interface names
-# When configuring vlans with this name type, you need to replace . with a _
-#config_eth0.1="dhcp" - does not work
-#config_eth0_1="dhcp" - does work
-# NOTE: Vlans are controlled by their physical interface and not per vlan
-# This means you do not need to create init scripts in /etc/init.d for each
-# vlan, you must need to create one for the physical interface.
-# If you wish to control the configuration of each vlan through a separate
-# script then you need to do this.
-# If you do the above then you may want to depend on eth0 like so
-# rc_net_vlan1_need="net.eth0"
-# NOTE: depend functions only work in /etc/conf.d/net
-# and not in profile configs such as /etc/conf.d/net.foo
-# Also, you might want to make eth0 not provide net in this case so that
-# dependent services will start when the vlan is active instead of the
-# physical interface.
-# rc_net_eth0_provide="!net"
-# MAC-VLAN support
-# The following configuration can be used to create a new interface 'macvlan0'
-# linked to 'eth0'
-# MAC-VLAN mode (private, vepa, bridge, passtru)
-# IP address, MAC address, ... are configured as a normal interface
-# Bonding
-# For link bonding/trunking on 2.4 kernels, or kernels without sysfs
-# emerge net-misc/ifenslave
-# To bond interfaces together
-#slaves_bond0="eth0 eth1 eth2"
-#config_bond0="null" # You may not want to assign an IP the the bond
-# Please note, that you should generally NOT try to change the MAC addresses of
-# a bond interface yourself. If you do so, the kernel and your network switches
-# may not work quite right. It is permissible to set the MAC addresses of bond
-# slaves BEFORE the bond comes up, but not after the bond is up (it will change
-# MAC addresses of the slaves on it's own).
-# You can also configure the parameters of the bond here, which must be done
-# via sysfs on 2.6 kernels or newer. The description of all the options can be
-# found in the kernel: /usr/src/linux-*/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt
-# You will probably want the 'mode' option at the least.
-# Some possible parameters: mode fail_over_mac arp_validate arp_interval
-# arp_ip_target downdelay updelay lacp_rate ad_select xmit_hash_policy
-# num_grat_arp num_unsol_na miimon primary primary_reselect use_carrier
-# active_slave queue_id all_slaves_active resend_igmp min_links
-# If any of the slaves require extra configuration - for example wireless or
-# ppp devices - we need to depend function on the bonded interfaces
-#rc_net_bond0_need="net.eth0 net.eth1"
-# Bonding subsume support (prevents crashes for root-on-NFS)
-# - Only tested in the default bonding mode ('active-backup') with
-# IPv4
-# - Only subsumes basic interface characteristics (IP, netmask) and
-# excludes additional routes, interface properties such as MTU,
-# interface-associated netfilter rules, etc.
-# In the example below, the (usually kernel-autoconfigured)
-# 'eth0' interface is a member of bond0, which subsumes the
-# existing interface configuration without upsetting NFS.
-#slaves_bond0="eth0 eth1"
-# Classical IP over ATM
-# For CLIP support emerge net-dialup/linux-atm
-# Ensure that you have /etc/atmsigd.conf setup correctly
-# Now setup each clip interface like so
-#clip_atm0="peer_ip [if.]vpi.vci [opts],"
-# where "peer_ip" is the IP address of a PVC peer (in case of an ATM connection
-# with your ISP, your only peer is usually the ISP gateway closest to you),
-# "if" is the number of the ATM interface which will carry the PVC, "vpi.vci"
-# is the ATM VC address, and "opts" may optionally specify VC parameters like
-# qos, pcr, and the like (see "atmarp -s" for further reference). Please also
-# note quoting: it is meant to distinguish the VCs you want to create. You may,
-# in example, create an atm0 interface to more peers, like this:
-# By default, the PVC will use the LLC/SNAP encapsulation. If you rather need a
-# null encapsulation (aka "VC mode"), please add the keyword "null" to opts.
-# PPP
-# For PPP support, emerge net-dialup/ppp
-# PPP is used for most dialup connections, including ADSL.
-# The older ADSL module is documented below, but you are encouraged to try
-# this module first.
-# You need to create the PPP net script yourself. Make it like so
-#ln -s net.lo /etc/init.d/net.ppp0
-# Each PPP interface requires an interface to use as a "Link"
-#link_ppp0="/dev/ttyS0" # Most PPP links will use a serial port
-#link_ppp0="eth0" # PPPoE requires an ethernet interface
-#link_ppp0="[itf.]vpi.vci" # PPPoA requires the ATM VC's address
-#link_ppp0="/dev/null" # ISDN links should have this
-#link_ppp0="pty 'your_link_command'" # PPP links over ssh, rsh, etc
-# Here you should specify what pppd plugins you want to use
-# Available plugins are: pppoe, pppoa, capi, dhcpc, minconn, radius,
-# radattr, radrealms and winbind
-#plugins_ppp0="pppoe" # Required plugin for PPPoE
-#plugins_ppp0="pppoa vc-encaps" # Required plugin for PPPoA with an option
-#plugins_ppp0="capi" # Required plugin for ISDN
-# PPP requires at least a username. You can optionally set a password here too
-# If you don't, then it will use the password specified in /etc/ppp/*-secrets
-# against the specified username
-# NOTE: You can set a blank password like so
-# The PPP daemon has many options you can specify - although there are many
-# and may seem daunting, it is recommended that you read the pppd man page
-# before enabling any of them
-# maxfail 0 # WARNING: It's not recommended you use this
-# # if you don't specify maxfail then we assume 0
-# updetach # If not set, "/etc/init.d/net.ppp0 start" will return
-# # immediately, without waiting the link to come up
-# # for the first time.
-# # Do not use it for dial-on-demand links!
-# debug # Enables syslog debugging
-# noauth # Do not require the peer to authenticate itself
-# defaultroute # Make this PPP interface the default route
-# usepeerdns # Use the DNS settings provided by PPP
-# On demand options
-# demand # Enable dial on demand
-# idle 30 # Link goes down after 30 seconds of inactivity
-# # Phony IP addresses
-# ipcp-accept-remote # Accept the peers idea of remote address
-# ipcp-accept-local # Accept the peers idea of local address
-# holdoff 3 # Wait 3 seconds after link dies before re-starting
-# Dead peer detection
-# lcp-echo-interval 15 # Send a LCP echo every 15 seconds
-# lcp-echo-failure 3 # Make peer dead after 3 consecutive
-# # echo-requests
-# Compression options - use these to completely disable compression
-# noaccomp noccp nobsdcomp nodeflate nopcomp novj novjccomp
-# Dial-up settings
-# lock # Lock serial port
-# 115200 # Set the serial port baud rate
-# modem crtscts # Enable hardware flow control
-# # Local and remote IP addresses
-# Dial-up PPP users need to specify at least one telephone number
-#phone_number_ppp0="12345689" # Maximum 2 phone numbers are supported
-# They will also need a chat script - here's a good one
-#ABORT 'Invalid Login'
-#ABORT 'Login incorrect'
-#'' ATZ
-#OK AT # Put your modem initialization string here
-#~-- ''
-# If the link require extra configuration - for example wireless or
-# RFC 268 bridge - we need to depend on the bridge so they get
-# configured correctly.
-#WARNING: if MTU of the PPP interface is less than 1500 and you use this
-#machine as a router, you should add the following rule to your firewall
-#iptables -I FORWARD 1 -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
-# For ADSL support, emerge net-dialup/rp-pppoe
-# WARNING: This ADSL module is being deprecated in favour of the PPP module
-# above.
-# You should make the following settings and also put your
-# username/password information in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
-# Configure the interface to use ADSL
-# You probably won't need to edit /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf if you set this
-# For ISDN support, emerge net-dialup/isdn4k-utils
-# You should make the following settings and also put your
-# username/password information in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
-# Configure the interface to use ISDN
-# It's important to specify dhcp if you need it!
-# Otherwise, you can use a static IP
-# NOTE: The interface name must be either ippp or isdn followed by a number
-# You may need this option to set the default route
-# MAC changer
-# Warning: Do NOT use this on bonding interfaces! Bonding changes MACs itself.
-# To set a specific MAC address
-# For changing MAC addresses using the below, emerge net-analyzer/macchanger
-# - to randomize the last 3 bytes only
-# - to randomize between the same physical type of connection (e.g. fibre,
-# copper, wireless) , all vendors
-# - to randomize between any physical type of connection (e.g. fibre, copper,
-# wireless) , all vendors
-# - full randomization - WARNING: some MAC addresses generated by this may NOT
-# act as expected
-# custom - passes all parameters directly to net-analyzer/macchanger
-#mac_eth0="some custom set of parameters"
-# You can also set other options based on the MAC address of your network card
-# Handy if you use different docking stations with laptops
-# For TUN/TAP support install iproute2, openvpn or usermode-utilities
-# You must specify if we're a tun or tap device. Then you can give it any
-# name you like - such as vpn
-# Or stick wit the generic names - like tap0
-# Use something like this to pass custom options to iproute2 during
-# tunnel creation. This sets the user and group ownership of the node.
-#iproute2_tun1="user foo group bar"
-# For passing custom options to tunctl use something like the following. This
-# example sets the owner to adm
-#tunctl_tun1="-u adm"
-# OpenVPN-2.1_rc6 and newer allow --user and --group to set owner and group
-# of the node as well
-#openvpn_tun1="--user foo --group bar"
-# Bridging (802.1d)
-# For bridging support emerge net-misc/bridge-utils
-# To add ports to bridge br0
-#bridge_br0="eth0 eth1"
-# or dynamically add them when the interface comes up
-# NOTE: If you want to manually start an empty bridge, and then dynamically add
-# ports to it you must set at least one of the following variables based on the
-# interface name, so that we can pick it up from your configuration. Even an
-# empty value variable is fine, but at least one of them must be set:
-# brctl_IFVAR
-# You need to configure the ports to null values so dhcp does not get started
-# Finally give the bridge an address - dhcp or a static IP, this is assigned to
-# the bridge when the bridge is explicitly started.
-#config_br0="dhcp" # may not work when adding ports dynamically
-# If any of the ports require extra configuration - for example wireless or
-# ppp devices - we need to depend on them like so.
-#rc_net_br0_need="net.eth0 net.eth1"
-# Below is an example of configuring the bridge
-# Consult "man brctl" for more details
-#brctl_br0="setfd 15
-#sethello 2
-#stp on"
-# You can also configure the bridge or bridge members via sysfs on 2.6 kernels
-# or newer. See the kernel bridge documentation for a description of these
-# options.
-# RFC 2684 Bridge Support
-# For RFC 2684 bridge support emerge net-misc/br2684ctl
-# Interface names have to be of the form nas0, nas1, nas2, etc.
-# You have to specify a VPI and VCI for the interface like so
-#br2684ctl_nas0="-a 0.38" # UK VPI and VCI
-# You may want to configure the encapsulation method as well by adding the -e
-# option to the command above (may need to be before the -a command)
-# -e 0 # LLC (default)
-# -e 1 # VC mux
-# Then you can configure the interface as normal
-# Tunneling
-# WARNING: For tunneling it is highly recommended that you
-# emerge sys-apps/iproute2
-# For GRE tunnels
-#iptunnel_vpn0="mode gre remote key 0xffffffff ttl 255"
-# For IPIP tunnels
-#iptunnel_vpn0="mode ipip remote ttl 255"
-# To configure the interface
-#config_vpn0=" pointopoint" # ifconfig style
-#config_vpn0=" peer" # iproute2 style
-# 6to4 Tunnels allow IPv6 to work over IPv4 addresses, provided you
-# have a non-private address configured on an interface.
-# link_6to4="eth0" # Interface to base its addresses on
-# config_6to4="ip6to4"
-# You may want to depend on eth0 like so
-# To ensure that eth0 is configured before 6to4. Of course, the tunnel could be
-# any name and this also works for any configured interface.
-# NOTE: If you're not using iproute2 then your 6to4 tunnel has to be called
-# sit0 - otherwise use a different name like 6to4 in the example above.
-# You can also specify a relay and suffix if you like.
-# The default relay is and the default suffix is :1
-# Advanced Routing
-# WARNING: For advanced routing you MUST be using sys-apps/iproute2
-# This provides a means to do multi-homing and more using the Routing Policy
-# Database (RPDB).
-# See the following links for background and more information.
-# http://linux-ip.net/html/ch-routing.html
-# http://linux-ip.net/html/ch-advanced-routing.html
-# The rules listed will be added with 'ip rule add LINE' when the interface is
-# being brought up. They will also be removed with 'ip rule delete LINE'.
-# The rules added are also stored for later removal, so if you alter your rules
-# directly before stopping, you should review your rules again after stopping.
-# Note in earlier versions of openrc, this was provided as an example in
-# postup/postdown, however that implementation suffered some bugs in corner
-# cases, which are now fixed with this merger. If you used the previous
-# example, you should only need to drop the relevent portions of your
-# postup/postdown functions, and review the quoting in your rules_IFACE
-# variables.
-# Below is a trivial example for a dual-homed connection where there is an OOB
-# management network. Only packets explicitly with an address from or to the
-# OOB are sent via eth0. All others go via eth1 as the eth1 rules have a lower
-# priority.
-# If you want to use names for your tables, you should put lines into
-# /etc/iproute2/rt_tables, an example follows:
-# 2 oob
-# 3 external
-# IPv6 RPDB entries are to be found in the rules6_IFVAR variables:
-#from ZZZ.ZZZ.200.128/27 table oob priority 500
-#to ZZZ.ZZZ.200.128/27 table oob priority 550"
-#from XXX.XXX.112.0/24 table external priority 400
-#to XXX.XXX.112.0/24 table external priority 450"
-#ZZZ.ZZZ.200.128/27 dev eth0 table oob scope link
-#default via ZZZ.ZZZ.200.129 table oob"
-#XXX.XXX.112.0/24 dev eth1 table external scope link
-#default via XXX.XXX.112.1 dev eth1"
-# IPv6 example:
-#from 2001:0DB8:AAAA:BBBB::/64 table vpn priority 100
-#to 2001:0DB8:AAAA:BBBB::/64 table vpn priority 150"
-# System
-# For configuring system specifics such as domain, dns, ntp and nis servers
-# It's rare that you would need todo this, but you can anyway.
-# This is most benefit to wireless users who don't use DHCP so they can change
-# their configs based on SSID.
-# If you omit the _eth0 suffix, then it applies to all interfaces unless
-# overridden by the interface suffix.
-#dns_search_eth0="this.domain that.domain"
-#dns_options_eth0="timeout:1 rotate"
-# See the man page for resolv.conf for details about the options and sortlist
-# directives
-# NOTE: Setting any of these will stamp on the files in question. So if you
-# don't specify dns_servers but you do specify dns_domain then no nameservers
-# will be listed in /etc/resolv.conf even if there were any there to start
-# with.
-# If this is an issue for you then maybe you should look into a resolv.conf
-# manager like resolvconf-gentoo to manage this file for you. All packages
-# that baselayout supports use resolvconf-gentoo if installed.
-# Cable in/out detection
-# Sometimes the cable is in, others it's out. Obviously you don't want to
-# restart net.eth0 every time when you plug it in either.
-# netplug is a package that detects this and requires no extra configuration
-# on your part.
-# emerge sys-apps/netplug
-# or
-# emerge sys-apps/ifplugd
-# and you're done :)
-# By default we don't wait for netplug/ifplugd to configure the interface.
-# If you would like it to wait so that other services know that network is
-# up then you can specify a timeout here. A value of 0 means wait forever,
-# and a negative value means never wait.
-# If you want to set it for all interfaces:
-# If you don't want to use netplug on a specific interface but you have it
-# installed, you can disable it for that interface via the modules statement
-# You can do the same for ifplugd
-# You can disable them both with the generic plug
-# To use specific ifplugd options, fex specifying wireless mode
-# man ifplugd for more options
-# Interface hardware tuning & configuration via ethtool
-# If you need to change explicit hardware settings on your network card prior
-# to bringing the interface up, the following is available.
-# For a full listing of settings, please consulting ethtool(8) and the output
-# of "ethtool --help".
-# Multiple entries (seperated by newlines) are supported in all of the
-# variables as some settings cannot be changed at the same time.
-# Valid variable name fragments: change pause coalesce ring offload
-# change_eeprom identify nfc flash rxfh_indir ntuple
-# Set Wake-On-Lan to listen for SecureOn MagicPacket(tm), the message level to
-# notify us of WOL changes, and the SecureOn password to 'DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE'.
-#ethtool_change_eth0="wol gs
-#msglvl wol on
-#sopass DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"
-# Disable pause auto-negotiation and explicitly enable RX and TX pause.
-#ethtool_pause_eth0="autoneg off
-#rx on tx on"
-# Enasble adaptive RX and TX coalescing
-#ethtool_coalesce_eth0="adaptive-rx on adaptive-tx on"
-# Change ring buffer settings
-# Enable all offload settings
-#ethtool_offload_eth0="rx on tx on sg on tso on ufo on gso on gro on lro on"
-# Change specific bytes in the EEPROM
-# Run the identify sequence on the interface for 1 second (does not return until completion)
-# Configure receive network flow classification
-#rx-flow-hash tcp4 f
-#rx-flow-hash udp4 s"
-# Flash firmware to all regions
-#ethtool_flash_eth0="/some/path/firmware1 0"
-# Flash firmware to region 1
-#ethtool_flash_eth0="/some/path/firmware2 1"
-# Set receive flow hash indirection table for even balancing between N receive queues
-#ethtool_rxfh_indir_eth0="equal 4"
-# Configure Rx ntuple filters and actions
-# Additionally, there is a special control variable, if you need to change the
-# order of option processing. The default order is:
-# flash change-eeprom change pause coalesce ring offload identify nfc rxfh-indir ntuple
-# Set global order to default
-#ethtool_order="flash change-eeprom change pause coalesce ring offload identify nfc rxfh-indir ntuple"
-# Hypothetical network card that requires a change-eeprom toggle to enable flashing
-#ethtool_order_eth0="change-eeprom flash change pause coalesce ring offload nfc rxfh-indir ntuple"
-# Firewalld support
-# If you are using the firewalld daemon to configure your firewall
-# settings and you have specific zones you want to apply to your
-# interfaces, you can do this here.
-# Four functions can be defined which will be called surrounding the
-# start/stop operations. The functions are called with the interface
-# name first so that one function can control multiple adapters. An extra two
-# functions can be defined when an interface fails to start or stop.
-# The return values for the preup and predown functions should be 0
-# (success) to indicate that configuration or deconfiguration of the
-# interface can continue. If preup returns a non-zero value, then
-# interface configuration will be aborted. If predown returns a
-# non-zero value, then the interface will not be allowed to continue
-# deconfiguration.
-# The return values for the postup, postdown, failup and faildown functions are
-# ignored since there's nothing to do if they indicate failure.
-# ${IFACE} is set to the interface being brought up/down
-# ${IFVAR} is ${IFACE} converted to variable name bash allows
-# For historical and compatibility reasons, preup is actually normally called
-# in the following sequence: up ; preup ; up.
-# The first up causes the kernel to initialize the device, so
-# that it is available for use in the preup function. However, for some
-# hardware, e.g. CAN devices, some configuration is needed before trying to up
-# the interface will actually work. For such hardware, the
-# up_before_preup variables will allow skipping the first up call if set
-# to yes.
-#preup() {
-# # Test for link on the interface prior to bringing it up. This
-# # only works on some network adapters and requires the
-# # sys-apps/net-tools package to be installed.
-# if mii-tool "${IFACE}" 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'no link'; then
-# ewarn "No link on ${IFACE}, aborting configuration"
-# return 1
-# fi
-# # Test for link on the interface prior to bringing it up. This
-# # only works on some network adapters and requires the ethtool
-# # package to be installed.
-# if ethtool "${IFACE}" | grep -q 'Link detected: no'; then
-# ewarn "No link on ${IFACE}, aborting configuration"
-# return 1
-# fi
-# # Test to see if we're docked or not and configure like so
-# # config_docked="dhcp"
-# if grep -q "1" /sys/devices/platform/dock.0/docked; then
-# einfo "${IFACE} is docked - configuring"
-# _configure_variables "docked"
-# fi
-# # Remember to return 0 on success
-# return 0
-#predown() {
-# # The default in the script is to test for NFS root and disallow
-# # downing interfaces in that case. Note that if you specify a
-# # predown() function you will override that logic. Here it is, in
-# # case you still want it...
-# if is_net_fs /; then
-# eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${IFACE}"
-# return 1
-# fi
-# # Remember to return 0 on success
-# return 0
-#postup() {
-# # This function could be used, for example, to register with a
-# # dynamic DNS service. Another possibility would be to
-# # send/receive mail once the interface is brought up.
-#postdown() {
-# # Enable Wake-On-LAN for every interface except for lo
-# # Probably a good idea to set ifdown="no" in /etc/conf.d/net
-# # as well ;)
-# [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" ] && ethtool -s "${IFACE}" wol g
-# # Return 0 always
-# return 0
-#failup() {
-# # This function is mostly here for completeness... I haven't
-# # thought of anything nifty to do with it yet ;-)
-#faildown() {
-# # This function is mostly here for completeness... I haven't
-# # thought of anything nifty to do with it yet ;-)
-# You should note that we don't stop the network at system shutdown by default.
-# If you really need this, then set keep_network=NO
diff --git a/init.d/Makefile b/init.d/Makefile
index fc55b3ec..c2c3ea1f 100644
--- a/init.d/Makefile
+++ b/init.d/Makefile
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
+include ../mk/net.mk
SRCS= bootmisc.in fsck.in hostname.in local.in localmount.in loopback.in \
netmount.in root.in savecache.in swap.in swapfiles.in \
tmpfiles.setup.in swclock.in sysctl.in urandom.in ${SRCS-${OS}}
-# Build our old net foo or not
-ifeq (${MKNET},)
+# Are we installing our network scripts?
+ifeq (${MKNET},yes)
SRCS+= network.in staticroute.in
-ifeq (${MKNET},oldnet)
-INSTALLAFTER= _installafter_net.lo
-SRCS+= net.lo.in
MK= ../mk
include ${MK}/os.mk
-NET_LO-FreeBSD= net.lo0
# Generic BSD scripts
SRCS-FreeBSD= hostid.in moused.in newsyslog.in pf.in rarpd.in rc-enabled.in \
rpcbind.in savecore.in syslogd.in
@@ -25,12 +21,10 @@ SRCS-FreeBSD= hostid.in moused.in newsyslog.in pf.in rarpd.in rc-enabled.in \
SRCS-FreeBSD+= adjkerntz.in devd.in dumpon.in encswap.in ipfw.in \
mixer.in nscd.in powerd.in syscons.in
-NET_LO-Linux= net.lo
SRCS-Linux= devfs.in dmesg.in hwclock.in consolefont.in keymaps.in \
killprocs.in modules.in mount-ro.in mtab.in numlock.in \
procfs.in sysfs.in termencoding.in tmpfiles.dev.in
-NET_LO-NetBSD= net.lo0
# Generic BSD scripts
SRCS-NetBSD= hostid.in moused.in newsyslog.in pf.in rarpd.in rc-enabled.in \
rpcbind.in savecore.in syslogd.in
@@ -43,6 +37,3 @@ SRCS-NetBSD+= devdb.in swap-blk.in ttys.in wscons.in
include ${MK}/scripts.mk
_installafter_: realinstall
-_installafter_net.lo: realinstall
- ${INSTALL} -m ${BINMODE} net.lo ${DESTDIR}/${INITDIR}/${NET_LO-${OS}}
diff --git a/init.d/net.lo.in b/init.d/net.lo.in
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3bfd03..00000000
--- a/init.d/net.lo.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="config routes"
-description="Configures network interfaces."
-# Handy var so we don't have to embed new lines everywhere for array splitting
- local IFACE=${RC_SVCNAME#*.}
- local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}")
- need localmount
- if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux -a "$IFACE" != lo ]; then
- need sysfs
- fi
- after bootmisc
- keyword -jail -prefix -vserver
- case "${IFACE}" in
- lo|lo0) ;;
- *)
- after net.lo net.lo0 dbus
- provide net
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "$(command -v "depend_${IFVAR}")" = "depend_${IFVAR}" ]; then
- depend_${IFVAR}
- fi
- local dep= prov=
- for dep in need use before after provide keyword; do
- eval prov=\$rc_${dep}_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${prov}" ]; then
- ${dep} ${prov}
- ewarn "rc_${dep}_${IFVAR} is deprecated."
- ewarn "Please use rc_net_${IFVAR}_${dep} instead."
- fi
- done
-# Support bash arrays - sigh
- local _a=
- eval _a=\$$1
- _a=$(echo "${_a}" | sed -e 's:^[[:space:]]*::' -e 's:[[:space:]]*$::' -e '/^$/d' -e 's:[[:space:]]\{1,\}: :g')
- [ -n "${_a}" ] && printf "%s\n" "${_a}"
- local _a=
- if [ -n "${BASH}" ]; then
- case "$(declare -p "$1" 2>/dev/null)" in
- "declare -a "*)
- ewarn "You are using a bash array for $1."
- ewarn "This feature will be removed in the future."
- ewarn "Please see net.example for the correct format for $1."
- eval "set -- \"\${$1[@]}\""
- for _a; do
- printf "%s\n" "${_a}"
- done
- return 0
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- _array_helper $1
-# Flatten bash arrays to simple strings
- if [ -n "${BASH}" ]; then
- case "$(declare -p "$1" 2>/dev/null)" in
- "declare -a "*)
- ewarn "You are using a bash array for $1."
- ewarn "This feature will be removed in the future."
- ewarn "Please see net.example for the correct format for $1."
- eval "set -- \"\${$1[@]}\""
- for x; do
- printf "'%s' " "$(printf "$x" | sed "s:':'\\\'':g")"
- done
- return 0
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- _array_helper $1
- local timeout= efunc=einfon
- _has_carrier && return 0
- eval timeout=\$carrier_timeout_${IFVAR}
- timeout=${timeout:-${carrier_timeout:-0}}
- # Incase users don't want this nice feature ...
- [ ${timeout} -le 0 ] && return 0
- yesno ${RC_PARALLEL} && efunc=einfo
- ${efunc} "Waiting for carrier (${timeout} seconds) "
- while [ ${timeout} -gt 0 ]; do
- if _has_carrier; then
- [ "${efunc}" = "einfon" ] && echo
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- sleep 1
- : $(( timeout -= 1 ))
- [ "${efunc}" = "einfon" ] && printf "."
- done
- [ "${efunc}" = "einfon" ] && echo
- eend 1
- return 1
- # Some shells cannot handle hex arithmetic, so we massage it slightly
- # Buggy shells include FreeBSD sh, dash and busybox.
- # bash and NetBSD sh don't need this.
- case $1 in
- 0x*)
- local hex=${1#0x*} quad=
- while [ -n "${hex}" ]; do
- local lastbut2=${hex#??*}
- quad=${quad}${quad:+.}0x${hex%${lastbut2}*}
- hex=${lastbut2}
- done
- set -- ${quad}
- ;;
- esac
- local i= len=
- local IFS=.
- for i in $1; do
- case $i in
- 0x*) i=$((i)) ;;
- esac
- while [ ${i} -ne 0 ]; do
- : $(( len += i % 2 ))
- : $(( i >>= 1 ))
- done
- done
- echo "${len}"
- local var= v= t=
- for var in ${_config_vars}; do
- local v=
- for t; do
- eval v=\$${var}_${t}
- if [ -n "${v}" ]; then
- eval ${var}_${IFVAR}=\$${var}_${t}
- continue 2
- fi
- done
- done
- local i OIFS
- # Empty
- [ -z "$1" ] && return
- # check paths
- IFS=:
- for i in $PATH ; do
- [ -x $i/$1 ] && echo $i/$1 && break
- done
-# Like _which, but also consider shell builtins, and multiple alternatives
- [ -z "$1" ] && return 0
- local x=
- for x; do
- case "${x}" in
- /*) [ -x "${x}" ] && break;;
- *) type "${x}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && break;;
- esac
- unset x
- done
- [ -n "${x}" ] && echo $x && return 0
- return 1
- einfo "received address $(_get_inet_address "${IFACE}")"
-# Basically sorts our modules into order and saves the list
- local x= f= force=$1
- if ! ${force} && [ -s "${MODULESLIST}" -a "${MODULESLIST}" -nt "${MODULESDIR}" ]; then
- local update=false
- for x in "${MODULESDIR}"/*.sh; do
- [ -e "${x}" ] || continue
- if [ "${x}" -nt "${MODULESLIST}" ]; then
- update=true
- break
- fi
- done
- ${update} || return 0
- fi
- einfo "Caching network module dependencies"
- # Run in a subshell to protect the main script
- (
- after() {
- eval ${MODULE}_after="\"\${${MODULE}_after}\${${MODULE}_after:+ }$*\""
- }
- before() {
- local mod=${MODULE}
- local MODULE=
- for MODULE; do
- after "${mod}"
- done
- }
- program() {
- if [ "$1" = "start" -o "$1" = "stop" ]; then
- local s="$1"
- shift
- eval ${MODULE}_program_${s}="\"\${${MODULE}_program_${s}}\${${MODULE}_program_${s}:+ }$*\""
- else
- eval ${MODULE}_program="\"\${${MODULE}_program}\${${MODULE}_program:+ }$*\""
- fi
- }
- provide() {
- eval ${MODULE}_provide="\"\${${MODULE}_provide}\${${MODULE}_provide:+ }$*\""
- local x
- for x in $*; do
- eval ${x}_providedby="\"\${${MODULE}_providedby}\${${MODULE}_providedby:+ }${MODULE}\""
- done
- }
- for MODULE in "${MODULESDIR}"/*.sh; do
- sh -n "${MODULE}" || continue
- . "${MODULE}" || continue
- eval ${MODULE}_depend
- done
- visit() {
- case " ${VISITED} " in
- *" $1 "*) return;;
- esac
- eval AFTER=\$${1}_after
- for MODULE in ${AFTER}; do
- eval PROVIDEDBY=\$${MODULE}_providedby
- if [ -n "${PROVIDEDBY}" ]; then
- for MODULE in ${PROVIDEDBY}; do
- visit "${MODULE}"
- done
- else
- visit "${MODULE}"
- fi
- done
- eval PROVIDE=\$${1}_provide
- for MODULE in ${PROVIDE}; do
- visit "${MODULE}"
- done
- eval PROVIDEDBY=\$${1}_providedby
- [ -z "${PROVIDEDBY}" ] && SORTED="${SORTED} $1"
- }
- for MODULE in ${MODULES}; do
- visit "${MODULE}"
- done
- printf "" > "${MODULESLIST}"
- i=0
- for MODULE in ${SORTED}; do
- eval PROGRAM=\$${MODULE}_program
- eval PROGRAM_START=\$${MODULE}_program_start
- eval PROGRAM_STOP=\$${MODULE}_program_stop
- eval PROVIDE=\$${MODULE}_provide
- echo "module_${i}='${MODULE}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
- echo "module_${i}_program='${PROGRAM}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
- echo "module_${i}_program_start='${PROGRAM_START}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
- echo "module_${i}_program_stop='${PROGRAM_STOP}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
- echo "module_${i}_provide='${PROVIDE}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- echo "module_${i}=" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
- )
- return 0
- local starting=$1 mymods=
- # Ensure our list is up to date
- _gen_module_list false
- if ! . "${MODULESLIST}"; then
- _gen_module_list true
- fi
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" -a "${IFACE}" != "lo0" ]; then
- eval mymods=\$modules_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${mymods}" ] && mymods=${modules}
- fi
- local i=-1 x= mod= f= provides=
- while true; do
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- eval mod=\$module_${i}
- [ -z "${mod}" ] && break
- [ -e "${MODULESDIR}/${mod}.sh" ] || continue
- eval set -- \$module_${i}_program
- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
- if ! _program_available "$@" >/dev/null; then
- vewarn "Skipping module $mod due to missing program: $@"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- if ${starting}; then
- eval set -- \$module_${i}_program_start
- else
- eval set -- \$module_${i}_program_stop
- fi
- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
- if ! _program_available "$@" >/dev/null; then
- vewarn "Skipping module $mod due to missing program: $@"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- eval provides=\$module_${i}_provide
- if ${starting}; then
- case " ${mymods} " in
- *" !${mod} "*) continue;;
- *" !${provides} "*) [ -n "${provides}" ] && continue;;
- esac
- fi
- # Now load and wrap our functions
- if ! . "${MODULESDIR}/${mod}.sh"; then
- eend 1 "${RC_SVCNAME}: error loading module \`${mod}'"
- exit 1
- fi
- [ -z "${provides}" ] && continue
- # Wrap our provides
- local f=
- for f in pre_start start post_start; do
- eval "${provides}_${f}() { [ "$(command -v "${mod}_${f}")" = "${mod}_${f}" ] || return 0; ${mod}_${f} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
- eval module_${mod}_provides="${provides}"
- eval module_${provides}_providedby="${mod}"
- done
- # Wrap our preferred modules
- for mod in ${mymods}; do
- case " ${MODULES} " in
- *" ${mod} "*)
- eval x=\$module_${mod}_provides
- [ -z "${x}" ] && continue
- for f in pre_start start post_start; do
- eval "${x}_${f}() { [ "$(command -v "${mod}_${f}")" = "${mod}_${f}" ] || return 0; ${mod}_${f} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
- eval module_${x}_providedby="${mod}"
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # Finally remove any duplicated provides from our list if we're starting
- # Otherwise reverse the list
- local LIST="${MODULES}" p=
- if ${starting}; then
- for mod in ${LIST}; do
- eval x=\$module_${mod}_provides
- if [ -n "${x}" ]; then
- eval p=\$module_${x}_providedby
- [ "${mod}" != "${p}" ] && continue
- fi
- done
- else
- for mod in ${LIST}; do
- done
- fi
- veinfo "Loaded modules: ${MODULES}"
- local config="$(_get_array "config_${IFVAR}")"
- local fallback="$(_get_array fallback_${IFVAR})"
- config_index=0
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- set -- ${config}
- # We should support a space separated array for cidr configs
- # But only as long as they do not contain other parameters for the address
- if [ $# = 1 ]; then
- unset IFS
- set -- ${config}
- # Of course, we may have a single address added old style.
- # If the NEXT argument is a v4 or v6 address, it's the next config.
- # Otherwise, it's arguments to the first config...
- if [ "${2#*.*}" = "${2}" -a "${2#*:*}" = "${2}" ]; then
- # Not an IPv4/IPv6
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- set -- ${config}
- fi
- fi
- # Ensure that loopback has the correct address
- if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" -o "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ]; then
- if [ "$1" != "null" ]; then
- config_0=""
- config_index=1
- fi
- else
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- ewarn "No configuration specified; defaulting to DHCP"
- config_0="dhcp"
- config_index=1
- fi
- fi
- # We store our config in an array like vars
- # so modules can influence it
- for cmd; do
- eval config_${config_index}="'${cmd}'"
- : $(( config_index += 1 ))
- done
- # Terminate the list
- eval config_${config_index}=
- config_index=0
- for cmd in ${fallback}; do
- eval fallback_${config_index}="'${cmd}'"
- : $(( config_index += 1 ))
- done
- # Terminate the list
- eval fallback_${config_index}=
- # Don't set to zero, so any net modules don't have to do anything extra
- config_index=-1
-# Support functions
- local cmd=$1 iface=$2 ifr=${IFACE} ifv=${IFVAR}
- # Ensure that we don't stamp on real values
- local IFACE= IFVAR=
- shift
- if [ -n "${iface}" ]; then
- IFACE="${iface}"
- [ "${iface}" != "${ifr}" ] && IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}")
- else
- IFACE=${ifr}
- IFVAR=${ifv}
- fi
- ${cmd}
- _run_if _exists "$@"
- _run_if _up "$@"
- _run_if _down "$@"
- local IFACE=${RC_SVCNAME#*.} oneworked=false fallback=false module=
- local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}") cmd= our_metric=
- local metric=0 _up_before_preup
- eval _up_before_preup="\$up_before_preup_${IFVAR}"
- [ -z "${_up_before_preup}" ] && _up_before_preup=$up_before_preup
- einfo "Bringing up interface ${IFACE}"
- eindent
- if [ -z "${MODULES}" ]; then
- local MODULES=
- _load_modules true
- fi
- # We up the iface twice if we have a preup to ensure it's up if
- # available in preup and afterwards incase the user inadvertently
- # brings it down
- if [ "$(command -v preup)" = "preup" ]; then
- yesno "${_up_before_preup:-yes}" && _up 2>/dev/null
- ebegin "Running preup"
- eindent
- preup || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- _up 2>/dev/null
- for module in ${MODULES}; do
- if [ "$(command -v "${module}_pre_start")" = "${module}_pre_start" ]; then
- ${module}_pre_start || exit $?
- fi
- done
- if ! _exists; then
- eerror "ERROR: interface ${IFACE} does not exist"
- eerror "Ensure that you have loaded the correct kernel module for your hardware"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! _wait_for_carrier; then
- if service_started devd; then
- ewarn "no carrier, but devd will start us when we have one"
- mark_service_inactive "${RC_SVCNAME}"
- else
- eerror "no carrier"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- local config= config_index=
- _load_config
- config_index=0
- eval our_metric=\$metric_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${our_metric}" ]; then
- metric=${our_metric}
- elif [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" -a "${IFACE}" != "lo0" ]; then
- : $(( metric += $(_ifindex) ))
- fi
- while true; do
- eval config=\$config_${config_index}
- [ -z "${config}" ] && break
- set -- ${config}
- if [ "$1" != "null" -a "$1" != "noop" ]; then
- ebegin "$1"
- fi
- eindent
- case "$1" in
- noop)
- if [ -n "$(_get_inet_address)" ]; then
- oneworked=true
- break
- fi
- ;;
- null) :;;
- [0-9]*|*:*) _add_address ${config};;
- *)
- if [ "$(command -v "${config}_start")" = "${config}_start" ]; then
- "${config}"_start
- else
- eerror "nothing provides \`${config}'"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if eend $?; then
- oneworked=true
- else
- eval config=\$fallback_${config_index}
- if [ -n "${config}" ]; then
- fallback=true
- eoutdent
- ewarn "Trying fallback configuration ${config}"
- eindent
- eval config_${config_index}=\$config
- unset fallback_${config_index}
- : $(( config_index -= 1 ))
- fi
- fi
- eoutdent
- : $(( config_index += 1 ))
- done
- if ! ${oneworked}; then
- if [ "$(command -v failup)" = "failup" ]; then
- ebegin "Running failup"
- eindent
- failup
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- local hideFirstroute=false first=true routes=
- if ${fallback}; then
- routes="$(_get_array "fallback_routes_${IFVAR}")"
- fi
- if [ -z "${routes}" ]; then
- routes="$(_get_array "routes_${IFVAR}")"
- fi
- if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" -o "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ]; then
- if [ "${config_0}" != "null" ]; then
- routes=" via
- hideFirstroute=true
- fi
- fi
- local OIFS="${IFS}" SIFS="${IFS-y}"
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- local fam
- for cmd in ${routes}; do
- unset IFS
- if ${first}; then
- first=false
- einfo "Adding routes"
- fi
- case ${cmd} in
- -6" "*) fam="-6"; cmd=${cmd#-6 };;
- -4" "*) fam="-4"; cmd=${cmd#-4 };;
- esac
- eindent
- ebegin ${cmd}
- # Work out if we're a host or a net if not told
- case ${cmd} in
- -net" "*|-host" "*);;
- *" "netmask" "*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
- *.*.*.*/32*) cmd="-host ${cmd}";;
- *.*.*.*/*||" "*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
- default|default" "*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
- *:*/128*) cmd="-host ${cmd}";;
- *:*/*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
- *) cmd="-host ${cmd}";;
- esac
- if ${hideFirstroute}; then
- _add_route ${fam} ${cmd} >/dev/null 2>&1
- hideFirstroute=false
- else
- _add_route ${fam} ${cmd} >/dev/null
- fi
- eend $?
- eoutdent
- done
- if [ "${SIFS}" = "y" ]; then
- unset IFS
- else
- IFS="${OIFS}"
- fi
- for module in ${MODULES}; do
- if [ "$(command -v "${module}_post_start")" = "${module}_post_start" ]; then
- ${module}_post_start || exit $?
- fi
- done
- if [ "$(command -v postup)" = "postup" ]; then
- ebegin "Running postup"
- eindent
- postup
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
- # Don't stop the network at shutdown.
- # We don't use the noshutdown keyword so that we are started again
- # correctly if we go back to multiuser.
- yesno ${keep_network:-YES} && yesno $RC_GOINGDOWN && return 0
- local IFACE=${RC_SVCNAME#*.} module=
- local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}") opts=
- einfo "Bringing down interface ${IFACE}"
- eindent
- if [ -z "${MODULES}" ]; then
- local MODULES=
- _load_modules false
- fi
- if [ "$(command -v predown)" = "predown" ]; then
- ebegin "Running predown"
- eindent
- predown || return 1
- eoutdent
- else
- if is_net_fs /; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${IFACE}"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- for module in ${MODULES}; do
- if [ "$(command -v "${module}_pre_stop")" = "${module}_pre_stop" ]; then
- ${module}_pre_stop || exit $?
- fi
- done
- for module in ${MODULES}; do
- if [ "$(command -v "${module}_stop")" = "${module}_stop" ]; then
- ${module}_stop
- fi
- done
- # Only delete addresses for interfaces that exist
- if _exists; then
- # PPP can manage it's own addresses when IN_BACKGROUND
- # Important in case "demand" set on the ppp link
- if ! (yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && is_ppp) ; then
- _delete_addresses "${IFACE}"
- fi
- fi
- for module in ${MODULES}; do
- if [ "$(command -v "${module}_post_stop")" = "${module}_post_stop" ]; then
- ${module}_post_stop
- fi
- done
- # If not in background, and not loopback then bring the interface down
- # unless overridden.
- if ! yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && \
- [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" -a "${IFACE}" != "lo0" ]; then
- eval module=\$ifdown_${IFVAR}
- module=${module:-${ifdown:-YES}}
- yesno ${module} && _down 2>/dev/null
- fi
- type resolvconf >/dev/null 2>&1 && resolvconf -d "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null
- if [ "$(command -v "postdown")" = "postdown" ]; then
- ebegin "Running postdown"
- eindent
- postdown
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
diff --git a/mk/net.mk b/mk/net.mk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abc198c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/net.mk
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MKNET?= yes
diff --git a/net/.gitignore b/net/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c5832e..00000000
--- a/net/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/net/Makefile b/net/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cc24a802..00000000
--- a/net/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-SRCS= ifconfig.sh.in ${SRCS-${OS}}
-INC= dhclient.sh dhcpcd.sh ifconfig.sh macchanger.sh macnet.sh \
- ssidnet.sh system.sh wpa_supplicant.sh ${INC-${OS}}
-MK= ../mk
-include ${MK}/os.mk
-SRCS-FreeBSD= iwconfig.sh.in
-INC-FreeBSD= iwconfig.sh
-SRCS-Linux= iwconfig.sh.in
-INC-Linux= adsl.sh apipa.sh arping.sh bonding.sh br2684ctl.sh bridge.sh \
- ccwgroup.sh clip.sh ethtool.sh iproute2.sh ifplugd.sh ip6to4.sh \
- ipppd.sh iwconfig.sh netplugd.sh pppd.sh pump.sh tuntap.sh udhcpc.sh \
- vlan.sh macvlan.sh ip6rd.sh firewalld.sh
-INC-NetBSD= ifwatchd.sh
-%.sh: %.sh${SFX}
- ${CP} $< $@
-include ${MK}/scripts.mk
diff --git a/net/adsl.sh b/net/adsl.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 744ebc25..00000000
--- a/net/adsl.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /usr/sbin/adsl-start /usr/sbin/pppoe-start
- before dhcp
- local startstop="$1" cfgexe=
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/pppoe-start ]; then
- exe="/usr/sbin/pppoe-${startstop}"
- cfgexe=pppoe-setup
- else
- exe="/usr/sbin/adsl-${startstop}"
- cfgexe=adsl-setup
- fi
- # Decide which configuration to use. Hopefully there is an
- # interface-specific one
- cfgfile="/etc/ppp/pppoe-${IFACE}.conf"
- [ -f "${cfgfile}" ] || cfgfile="/etc/ppp/pppoe.conf"
- if [ ! -f "${cfgfile}" ]; then
- eerror "no pppoe.conf file found!"
- eerror "Please run ${cfgexe} to create one"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
- local exe= cfgfile= user=
- adsl_setup_vars start || return 1
- # Might or might not be set in conf.d/net
- eval user=\$adsl_user_${IFVAR}
- # Start ADSL with the cfgfile, but override ETH and PIDFILE
- einfo "Starting ADSL for ${IFACE}"
- (
- cat "${cfgfile}";
- echo "ETH=${IFACE}";
- echo "PIDFILE=/var/run/rp-pppoe-${IFACE}.pid";
- [ -n "${user}" ] && echo "USER=${user}";
- ) | ${exe} >/dev/null
- eend $?
- local exe= cfgfile=
- [ ! -f /var/run/rp-pppoe-"${IFACE}".pid ] && return 0
- adsl_setup_vars stop || return 1
- einfo "Stopping ADSL for ${IFACE}"
- (
- cat "${cfgfile}";
- echo "ETH=${IFACE}";
- echo "PIDFILE=/var/run/rp-pppoe-${IFACE}.pid";
- ) | ${exe} >/dev/null
- eend $?
- return 0
diff --git a/net/apipa.sh b/net/apipa.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a4aee8a4..00000000
--- a/net/apipa.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /sbin/arping
- local r=${RANDOM} # checkbashisms: false positive, we handle it AFTERWARDS
- if [ -n "${r}" ]; then
- echo "${r}"
- else
- uuidgen | sed -n -e 's/[^[:digit:]]//g' -e 's/\(^.\{1,7\}\).*/\1/p'
- fi
- local iface="$1" i1= i2= addr= i=0
- _exists true || return 1
- einfo "Searching for free addresses in"
- eindent
- while [ ${i} -lt 64516 ]; do
- : $(( i1 = (_random % 255) + 1 ))
- : $(( i2 = (_random % 255) + 1 ))
- addr="169.254.${i1}.${i2}"
- vebegin "${addr}/16"
- if ! arping_address "${addr}"; then
- eval config_${config_index}="\"${addr}/16 broadcast\""
- : $(( config_index -= 1 ))
- veend 0
- eoutdent
- return 0
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- eerror "No free address found!"
- eoutdent
- return 1
diff --git a/net/arping.sh b/net/arping.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 83360d78..00000000
--- a/net/arping.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /sbin/arping /usr/sbin/arping2
- before interface
- local ip=${1%%/*} mac="$2" spoof="$3" foundmac= i= w= opts=
- # We only handle IPv4 addresses
- case "${ip}" in
-|0) return 1;;
- *.*.*.*);;
- *) return 1;;
- esac
- # We need to bring the interface up to test
- _exists "${iface}" || return 1
- _up "${iface}"
- eval w=\$arping_wait_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${w}" ] && w=${arping_wait:-5}
- if type arping2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if [ -n "${spoof}" ]; then
- opts="${opts} -S ${spoof}"
- else
- [ -z "$(_get_inet_address)" ] && opts="${opts} -0"
- fi
- while [ ${w} -gt 0 -a -z "${foundmac}" ]; do
- foundmac="$(arping2 ${opts} -r -c 1 -i "${IFACE}" "${ip}" 2>/dev/null | \
- sed -e 'y/abcdef/ABCDEF/')"
- : $(( w -= 1 ))
- done
- else
- [ -z "$(_get_inet_address)" ] && opts="${opts} -D"
- foundmac="$(arping -w "${w}" ${opts} -f -I "${IFACE}" "${ip}" 2>/dev/null | \
- sed -n -e 'y/abcdef/ABCDEF/' -e 's/[^[]*\[\([^]]*\)\].*/\1/p')"
- fi
- [ -z "${foundmac}" ] && return 1
- if [ -n "${mac}" ]; then
- if [ "${mac}" != "${foundmac}" ]; then
- vewarn "Found ${ip} but MAC ${foundmac} does not match"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- return 0
- _get_array "config_${IFVAR}" | while read i; do
- [ "${i}" = "arping" ] && return 1
- done
- return 1
- local gateways= x= conf= i=
- einfo "Pinging gateways on ${IFACE} for configuration"
- eval gateways=\$gateways_${IFVAR}
- if [ -z "${gateways}" ]; then
- eerror "No gateways have been defined (gateways_${IFVAR}=\"...\")"
- return 1
- fi
- eindent
- for x in ${gateways}; do
- local IFS=,
- set -- ${x}
- local ip=$1 mac=$2 spoof=$3 extra=
- unset IFS
- if [ -n "${mac}" ]; then
- mac="$(echo "${mac}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
- extra="(MAC ${mac})"
- fi
- vebegin "${ip} ${extra}"
- if arping_address "${ip}" "${mac}" "${spoof}"; then
- local IFS=.
- for i in ${ip}; do
- if [ "${#i}" = "2" ]; then
- conf="${conf}0${i}"
- elif [ "${#i}" = "1" ]; then
- conf="${conf}00${i}"
- else
- conf="${conf}${i}"
- fi
- done
- unset IFS
- [ -n "${mac}" ] && conf="${conf}_$(echo "${mac}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
- eend 0
- eoutdent
- veinfo "Configuring ${IFACE} for ${ip} ${extra}"
- _configure_variables ${conf}
- # Call the system module as we've aleady passed it by ....
- # And it *has* to be pre_start for other things to work correctly
- system_pre_start
- # Ensure that we have a valid config - ie arping is no longer there
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for i in $(_get_array "config_${IFVAR}"); do
- if [ "${i}" = "arping" ]; then
- eend 1 "No config found for ${ip} (config_${conf}=\"...\")"
- continue 2
- fi
- done
- unset IFS
- _load_config
- return 0
- fi
- veend 1
- done
- eoutdent
- return 1
diff --git a/net/bonding.sh b/net/bonding.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index fb008256..00000000
--- a/net/bonding.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before interface macchanger
- program /sbin/ifconfig /bin/ifconfig
- # If you do not have sysfs, you MUST have this binary instead for ioctl
- # Also you will loose some functionality that cannot be done via sysfs:
- if [ ! -d /sys/class/net ]; then
- program /sbin/ifenslave
- fi
-_config_vars="$_config_vars slaves"
- [ -f "/proc/net/bonding/${IFACE}" ]
- local x= s= n= slaves= primary=
- slaves="$(_get_array "slaves_${IFVAR}")"
- unset slaves_${IFVAR}
- eval primary="\$primary_${IFVAR}"
- unset primary_${IFVAR}
- eval subsume="\$subsume_${IFVAR}"
- unset subsume_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${slaves}" ] && return 0
- # Load the kernel module if required
- if [ ! -d /proc/net/bonding ]; then
- if ! modprobe bonding; then
- eerror "Cannot load the bonding module"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -d /sys/class/net ]; then
- ewarn "sysfs is not available! You will be unable to create new bonds, or change dynamic parameters!"
- fi
- # We can create the interface name we like now, but this
- # requires sysfs
- if ! _exists && [ -d /sys/class/net ]; then
- echo "+${IFACE}" > /sys/class/net/bonding_masters
- fi
- _exists true || return 1
- if ! _is_bond; then
- eerror "${IFACE} is not capable of bonding"
- return 1
- fi
- # Interface must be down in order to configure
- _down
- # Configure the bond mode & link monitoring, then we can reloop to ensure
- # we configure all other options
- # mode needs to be done before all other options.
- # miimon needs to be done BEFORE downdelay
- [ -d /sys/class/net ] && for n in mode miimon; do
- x=/sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/bonding/$n
- [ -f "${x}" ] || continue
- eval s=\$${n}_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${s}" ]; then
- einfo "Setting ${n}: ${s}"
- echo "${s}" >"${x}" || \
- eerror "Failed to configure $n (${n}_${IFVAR})"
- fi
- done
- # Nice and dynamic for remaining options:)
- [ -d /sys/class/net ] && for x in /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/bonding/*; do
- [ -f "${x}" ] || continue
- n=${x##*/}
- eval s=\$${n}_${IFVAR}
- # skip mode and miimon
- [ "${n}" == "mode" -o "${n}" == "miimon" ] && continue
- if [ -n "${s}" ]; then
- einfo "Setting ${n}: ${s}"
- echo "${s}" >"${x}" || \
- eerror "Failed to configure $n (${n}_${IFVAR})"
- fi
- done
- ebegin "Adding slaves to ${IFACE}"
- eindent
- einfo "${slaves}"
- # Check that our slaves exist
- (
- for IFACE in ${slaves}; do
- _exists true || return 1
- done
- # Unless we are subsuming an existing interface (NFS root), we down
- # slave interfaces to work around bugs supposedly in some chipsets
- # that cause failure to enslave from other states.
- if [ -z "${subsume}" ]; then
- for IFACE in ${slaves}; do
- _delete_addresses
- _down
- done
- fi
- )
- # Now force the master to up
- # - First test for interface subsume request (required for NFS root)
- if [ -n "${subsume}" ]; then
- einfo "Subsuming ${subsume} interface characteristics."
- eindent
- local oiface=${IFACE}
- IFACE=${subsume}
- local addr="$(_get_inet_address)"
- einfo "address: ${addr}"
- IFACE=${oiface}
- unset oiface
- eoutdent
- # subsume (presumably kernel auto-)configured IP
- ifconfig ${IFACE} ${addr} up
- else
- # warn if root on nfs and no subsume interface supplied
- local root_fs_type=$(mountinfo -s /)
- if [ "${root_fs_type}" = "nfs" ]; then
- warn_nfs=1
- ewarn "NFS root detected!!!"
- ewarn " If your system crashes here, /etc/conf.d/net needs"
- ewarn " subsume_${IFACE}=\"<iface>\" ... where <iface> is the"
- ewarn " existing, (usually kernel auto-)configured interface."
- fi
- # up the interface
- _up
- fi
- # finally add in slaves
- # things needed in the process, and if they are done by ifenslave, openrc, and/or the kernel.
- # down new slave interface: ifenslave, openrc
- # set mtu: ifenslave, kernel
- # set slave MAC: ifenslave, kernel
- eoutdent
- if [ -d /sys/class/net ]; then
- sys_bonding_path=/sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/bonding
- local oiface
- oiface=$IFACE
- if [ -n "${primary}" ]; then
- IFACE=$primary
- _down
- IFACE=$oiface
- echo "+${primary}" >$sys_bonding_path/slaves
- echo "${primary}" >$sys_bonding_path/primary
- fi
- for s in ${slaves}; do
- [ "${s}" = "${primary}" ] && continue
- if ! grep -q ${s} $sys_bonding_path/slaves; then
- IFACE=$s
- _down
- IFACE=$oiface
- echo "+${s}" >$sys_bonding_path/slaves
- fi
- done
- else
- ifenslave "${IFACE}" ${slaves} >/dev/null
- fi
- eend $?
- return 0 #important
- _is_bond || return 0
- # Wipe subsumed interface
- if [ -n "${subsume}" ]; then
- ifconfig ${subsume}
- fi
- local slaves= s=
- slaves=$( \
- sed -n -e 's/^Slave Interface: //p' "/proc/net/bonding/${IFACE}" \
- | tr '\n' ' ' \
- )
- [ -z "${slaves}" ] && return 0
- # remove all slaves
- ebegin "Removing slaves from ${IFACE}"
- eindent
- einfo "${slaves}"
- eoutdent
- if [ -d /sys/class/net ]; then
- for s in ${slaves}; do
- echo -"${s}" > /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/bonding/slaves
- done
- else
- ifenslave -d "${IFACE}" ${slaves}
- fi
- # reset all slaves
- (
- for IFACE in ${slaves}; do
- if _exists; then
- _delete_addresses
- _down
- fi
- done
- )
- _down
- if [ -d /sys/class/net ]; then
- echo "-${IFACE}" > /sys/class/net/bonding_masters
- fi
- eend 0
- return 0
diff --git a/net/br2684ctl.sh b/net/br2684ctl.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b3f61196..00000000
--- a/net/br2684ctl.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before ppp
- program start br2684ctl
-_config_vars="$_config_vars bridge bridge_add brctl"
- local opts=
- eval opts=\$br2684ctl_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && return 0
- if [ "${IFACE#nas[0-9]*}" = "${IFACE}" ]; then
- eerror "Interface must be called nas[0-9] for RFC 2684 Bridging"
- return 1
- fi
- case " ${opts} " in
- *" -b "*|*" -c "*)
- eerror "The -b and -c options are not allowed for br2684ctl_${IVAR}"
- return 1
- ;;
- *" -a "*);;
- *)
- eerror "-a option (VPI and VCI) is required in br2684ctl_${IFVAR}"
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
- einfo "Starting RFC 2684 Bridge control on ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec $(_which br2684ctl) --background \
- --make-pidfile --pidfile "/var/run/br2684ctl-${IFACE}.pid" \
- -- -c "${IFACE#nas*}" ${opts}
- eend $?
- local pidfile="/var/run/br2684ctl-${IFACE}.pid"
- [ -e "${pidfile}" ] || return 0
- einfo "Stopping RFC 2684 Bridge control on ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/bridge.sh b/net/bridge.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 60d3eebc..00000000
--- a/net/bridge.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before interface macnet
- program brctl
-_config_vars="$_config_vars bridge bridge_add brctl"
- [ -d /sys/class/net/"${1:-${IFACE}}"/bridge ]
- return $?
- [ -d /sys/class/net/"${1:-${IFACE}}"/brport ]
- return $?
- for x in /sys/class/net/"${1:-${IFACE}}"/brif/*; do
- n=${x##*/}
- echo $n
- done
- local brif= oiface="${IFACE}" e= x=
- # ports is for static add
- local ports="$(_get_array "bridge_${IFVAR}")"
- # old config options
- local opts="$(_get_array "brctl_${IFVAR}")"
- # brif is used for dynamic add
- eval brif=\$bridge_add_${IFVAR}
- # we need a way to if the bridge exists in a variable name, not just the
- # contents of a variable. Eg if somebody has only bridge_add_eth0='br0',
- # with no other lines mentioning br0.
- eval bridge_unset=\${bridge_${IFVAR}-y\}
- eval brctl_unset=\${brctl_${IFVAR}-y\}
- if [ -z "${brif}" -a "${brctl_unset}" = 'y' ]; then
- if [ -z "${ports}" -a "${bridge_unset}" = "y" ]; then
- #eerror "Misconfigured static bridge detected (see net.example)"
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- # If the bridge was already up, we should clear it
- [ "${bridge_unset}" != "y" ] && bridge_post_stop
- (
- # Normalize order of variables
- if [ -z "${ports}" -a -n "${brif}" ]; then
- # Dynamic mode detected
- ports="${IFACE}"
- IFACE="${brif}"
- IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}")
- else
- # Static mode detected
- ports="${ports}"
- metric=1000
- fi
- if ! _is_bridge ; then
- ebegin "Creating bridge ${IFACE}"
- if ! brctl addbr "${IFACE}"; then
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # TODO: does this reset the bridge every time we add a interface to the
- # bridge? We should probably NOT do that.
- # Old configuration set mechanism
- # Only a very limited subset of the options are available in the old
- # configuration method. The sysfs interface is in the next block instead.
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for x in ${opts}; do
- unset IFS
- set -- ${x}
- x=$1
- shift
- set -- "${x}" "${IFACE}" "$@"
- brctl "$@"
- done
- unset IFS
- # New configuration set mechanism, matches bonding
- for x in /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/bridge/*; do
- [ -f "${x}" ] || continue
- n=${x##*/}
- eval s=\$${n}_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${s}" ]; then
- einfo "Setting ${n}: ${s}"
- echo "${s}" >"${x}" || \
- eerror "Failed to configure $n (${n}_${IFVAR})"
- fi
- done
- if [ -n "${ports}" ]; then
- einfo "Adding ports to ${IFACE}"
- eindent
- local BR_IFACE="${IFACE}"
- for x in ${ports}; do
- ebegin "${x}"
- local IFACE="${x}"
- local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}")
- if ! _exists "${IFACE}" ; then
- eerror "Cannot add non-existent interface ${IFACE} to ${BR_IFACE}"
- return 1
- fi
- # The interface is known to exist now
- _up
- if ! brctl addif "${BR_IFACE}" "${x}"; then
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- # Per-interface bridge settings
- for x in /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/brport/*; do
- [ -f "${x}" ] || continue
- n=${x##*/}
- eval s=\$${n}_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${s}" ]; then
- einfo "Setting ${n}@${IFACE}: ${s}"
- echo "${s}" >"${x}" || \
- eerror "Failed to configure $n (${n}_${IFVAR})"
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- done
- eoutdent
- fi
- ) || return 1
- # Bring up the bridge
- _set_flag promisc
- _up
- local port= ports= delete=false extra=
- if _is_bridge "${IFACE}"; then
- ebegin "Destroying bridge ${IFACE}"
- _down
- for x in /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/brif/*; do
- [ -s $x ] || continue
- n=${x##*/}
- ports="${ports} ${n}"
- done
- delete=true
- iface=${IFACE}
- eindent
- else
- # We are taking down an interface that is part of a bridge maybe
- ports="${IFACE}"
- local brport_dir="/sys/class/net/${IFACE}/brport"
- [ -d ${brport_dir} ] || return 0
- iface=$(readlink ${brport_dir}/bridge)
- iface=${iface##*/}
- [ -z "${iface}" ] && return 0
- extra=" from ${iface}"
- fi
- for port in ${ports}; do
- ebegin "Removing port ${port}${extra}"
- local IFACE="${port}"
- _set_flag -promisc
- brctl delif "${iface}" "${port}"
- eend $?
- done
- if ${delete}; then
- eoutdent
- brctl delbr "${iface}"
- eend $?
- fi
- return 0
diff --git a/net/ccwgroup.sh b/net/ccwgroup.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf7de6b..00000000
--- a/net/ccwgroup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars ccwgroup"
- before interface
- # make sure we have ccwgroup support or this is a crap shoot
- if [ ! -d /sys/bus/ccwgroup ] ; then
- modprobe -q ccwgroup
- if [ ! -d /sys/bus/ccwgroup ] ; then
- eerror "ccwgroup support missing in kernel"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # verify the specific interface is supported
- if [ ! -d /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/$1 ] ; then
- modprobe $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ ! -d /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/$1 ] ; then
- eerror "$1 support missing in kernel"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- return 0
- local ccwgroup="$(_get_array "ccwgroup_${IFVAR}")"
- [ -z "${ccwgroup}" ] && return 0
- local ccw_type
- eval ccw_type=\${ccwgroup_type_${IFVAR}:-qeth}
- ccwgroup_load_modules ${ccw_type} || return 1
- einfo "Enabling ccwgroup/${ccw_type} on ${IFACE}"
- set -- ${ccwgroup}
- local first=$1; shift
- if [ -e /sys/devices/${ccw_type}/${first}/online ]; then
- echo "0" >/sys/devices/${ccw_type}/${first}/online
- else
- echo "${first}$(printf ',%s' "$@")" >/sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/${ccw_type}/group
- fi
- local var val
- for var in $(_get_array "ccwgroup_opts_${IFVAR}") online=1 ; do
- val=${var#*=}
- var=${var%%=*}
- echo "${val}" > /sys/devices/${ccw_type}/${first}/${var}
- done
- eend $?
- # Now that we've properly configured the device, we can run
- # bring the interface up. Common code tried to do this already,
- # but it failed because we didn't setup sysfs yet.
- _up
- local path="/sys/class/net/${IFACE}"
- # Erase any existing ccwgroup to be safe
- service_set_value ccwgroup_device ""
- service_set_value ccwgroup_type ""
- [ ! -L "${path}"/device/driver ] && return 0
- case "$(readlink "${path}"/device/driver)" in
- */bus/ccwgroup/*) ;;
- *) return 0;;
- esac
- local device
- device="$(readlink "${path}"/device)"
- device=${device##*/}
- service_set_value ccwgroup_device "${device}"
- device="$(readlink "${path}"/device/driver)"
- device=${device##*/}
- service_set_value ccwgroup_type "${device}"
- local device="$(service_get_value ccwgroup_device)"
- [ -z "${device}" ] && return 0
- local ccw_type="$(service_get_value ccwgroup_type)"
- local path="/sys/devices/${ccw_type}/${device}"
- einfo "Disabling ccwgroup/${ccw_type} on ${IFACE}"
- if echo "0" >"${path}"/online &&
- echo "1" >"${path}"/ungroup ; then
- # The device doesn't disappear right away which breaks
- # restart, or a quick start up, so wait around.
- while [ -e "${path}" ] ; do :; done
- fi
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/clip.sh b/net/clip.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc290f4..00000000
--- a/net/clip.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
- program /usr/sbin/atmsigd
- before interface
-_config_vars="$_config_vars clip"
-# This starts a service. Albeit atmsigd, ilmid and atmarpd do allow for back-
-# grounding through the -b option, its usage causes them to be sensible to
-# SIGHUP, which is sent to all daemons when console detaches right after
-# startup. This is probably due to the fact that these programs don't detach
-# themself from the controlling terminal when backgrounding... The only way I
-# see to overcame this is to use the --background option in start-stop-daemon,
-# which is reported as a "last resort" method, but it acts correctly about this.
- ebegin "Starting $2 Daemon ($1)"
- start-stop-daemon --start \
- --background \
- --make-pidfile --pidfile "/var/run/$1.pid" \
- --exec "/usr/sbin/$1" -- -l syslog
- eend $?
- einfo "First CLIP instance: starting ATM CLIP daemons"
- eindent
- if yesno ${clip_full:-yes}; then
- atmclip_svc_start atmsigd "Signaling" && \
- atmclip_svc_start ilmid "Integrated Local Management Interface" && \
- atmclip_svc_start atmarpd "Address Resolution Protocol"
- else
- atmclip_svc_start atmarpd "Address Resolution Protocol"
- fi
- local r=$?
- eoutdent
- return ${r}
- ebegin "Stopping $2 Daemon ($1)"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet \
- --pidfile "/var/run/$1.pid" \
- --exec "/usr/sbin/$1"
- eend $?
- einfo "Last CLIP instance: stopping ATM CLIP daemons"
- eindent
- # Heartake operation!
- sync
- atmclip_svc_stop atmarpd "Address Resolution Protocol"
- if yesno ${clip_full:-yes}; then
- atmclip_svc_stop ilmid "Integrated Local Management Interface"
- atmclip_svc_stop atmsigd "Signaling"
- fi
- eoutdent
- start-stop-daemon --quiet --test --stop --pidfile /var/run/atmarpd.pid || return 1
- if yesno ${clip_full:-yes}; then
- start-stop-daemon --quiet --test --stop --pidfile /var/run/ilmid.pid || return 1
- start-stop-daemon --quiet --test --stop --pidfile /var/run/atmsigd.pid || return 1
- fi
- return 0
- local clip=
- eval clip=\$clip_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${clip}" ] && return 0
- if [ ! -r /proc/net/atm/arp ]; then
- modprobe clip && sleep 2
- if [ ! -r /proc/net/atm/arp ]; then
- eerror "You need first to enable kernel support for ATM CLIP"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- local started_here=
- if ! are_atmclip_svcs_running; then
- atmclip_svcs_start || return 1
- started_here=1
- fi
- if ! _exists; then
- ebegin "Creating CLIP interface ${IFACE}"
- atmarp -c "${IFACE}"
- if ! eend $?; then
- [ -z "${started_here}" ] && atmclip_svcs_stop
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- return 0
- local clip="$(_get_array "clip_${IFVAR}")"
- [ -z "${clip}" ] && return 0
- are_atmclip_svcs_running || return 1
- # The atm tools (atmarpd?) are silly enough that they would not work with
- # iproute2 interface setup as opposed to the ifconfig one.
- # The workaround is to temporarily toggle the interface state from up
- # to down and then up again, without touching its address. This (should)
- # work with both iproute2 and ifconfig.
- _down
- _up
- # Now the real thing: create a PVC with our peer(s).
- # There are cases in which the ATM interface is not yet
- # ready to establish new VCCs. In that cases, atmarp would
- # fail. Here we allow 10 retries to happen every 2 seconds before
- # reporting problems. Also, when no defined VC can be established,
- # we stop the ATM daemons.
- local has_failures= i=
- for i in ${clip}; do
- local IFS=","
- set -- ${i}
- unset IFS
- local peerip="$1"; shift
- local ifvpivci="$1"; shift
- ebegin "Creating PVC ${ifvpivci} for peer ${peerip}"
- local nleftretries=10 emsg= ecode=
- while [ ${nleftretries} -gt 0 ]; do
- : $(( nleftretries -= 1 ))
- emsg="$(atmarp -s "${peerip}" "${ifvpivci}" "$@" 2>&1)"
- ecode=$? && break
- sleep 2
- done
- if ! eend ${ecode}; then
- eerror "Creation failed for PVC ${ifvpivci}: ${emsg}"
- has_failures=1
- fi
- done
- if [ -n "${has_failures}" ]; then
- clip_pre_stop "${iface}"
- clip_post_stop "${iface}"
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
- are_atmclip_svcs_running || return 0
- # We remove all the PVCs which may have been created by
- # clip_post_start for this interface. This shouldn't be
- # needed by the ATM stack, but sometimes I got a panic
- # killing CLIP daemons without previously vacuuming
- # every active CLIP PVCs.
- # The linux 2.6's ATM stack is really a mess...
- local itf= t= encp= idle= ipaddr= left=
- einfo "Removing PVCs on this interface"
- eindent
- {
- read left && \
- while read itf t encp idle ipaddr left; do
- if [ "${itf}" = "${IFACE}" ]; then
- ebegin "Removing PVC to ${ipaddr}"
- atmarp -d "${ipaddr}"
- eend $?
- fi
- done
- } < /proc/net/atm/arp
- eoutdent
-# Here we should teorically delete the interface previously created in the
-# clip_pre_start function, but there is no way to "undo" an interface creation.
-# We can just leave the interface down. "ifconfig -a" will still list it...
-# Also, here we can stop the ATM CLIP daemons if there is no other CLIP PVC
-# outstanding. We check this condition by inspecting the /proc/net/atm/arp file.
- are_atmclip_svcs_running || return 0
- local itf= left= hasothers=
- {
- read left && \
- while read itf left; do
- if [ "${itf}" != "${IFACE}" ]; then
- hasothers=1
- break
- fi
- done
- } < /proc/net/atm/arp
- if [ -z "${hasothers}" ]; then
- atmclip_svcs_stop || return 1
- fi
diff --git a/net/dhclient.sh b/net/dhclient.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c100dd4..00000000
--- a/net/dhclient.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- after interface
- program start /sbin/dhclient
- provide dhcp
-_config_vars="$_config_vars dhcp dhcpcd"
- local args= opt= opts= pidfile="/var/run/dhclient-${IFACE}.pid"
- local sendhost=true dconf=
- # Get our options
- # These options only work in Gentoo, and maybe RedHat
- eval args=\$dhclient_${IFVAR}
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- for opt in ${opts}; do
- case "${opt}" in
- nodns) args="${args} -e PEER_DNS=no";;
- nontp) args="${args} -e PEER_NTP=no";;
- nogateway) args="${args} -e PEER_ROUTERS=no";;
- nosendhost) sendhost=false;;
- esac
- done
- # Add our route metric
- [ "${metric:-0}" != "0" ] && args="${args} -e IF_METRIC=${metric}"
- if ${sendhost}; then
- local hname="$(hostname)"
- if [ "${hname}" != "(none)" -a "${hname}" != "localhost" ]; then
- dhconf="${dhconf} interface \"${IFACE}\" {"
- dhconf="${dhconf} send host-name \"${hname}\";"
- dhconf="${dhconf}}"
- fi
- fi
- # Bring up DHCP for this interface
- ebegin "Running dhclient"
- echo "${dhconf}" | start-stop-daemon --start --exec /sbin/dhclient \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}" \
- -- ${args} -q -1 -pf "${pidfile}" "${IFACE}"
- eend $? || return 1
- _show_address
- return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/dhclient-${IFACE}.pid" opts=
- [ ! -f "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- # Get our options
- if [ -x /sbin/dhclient ]; then
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- fi
- ebegin "Stopping dhclient on ${IFACE}"
- case " ${opts} " in
- *" release "*) dhclient -q -r -pf "${pidfile}" "${IFACE}";;
- *)
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet \
- --exec /sbin/dhclient --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- ;;
- esac
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/dhcpcd.sh b/net/dhcpcd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c0f9197..00000000
--- a/net/dhcpcd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- after interface
- program start dhcpcd
- provide dhcp
- # We prefer dhcpcd over the others
- after dhclient pump udhcpc
-_config_vars="$_config_vars dhcp dhcpcd"
- local args= opt= opts= pidfile="/var/run/dhcpcd-${IFACE}.pid" new=true
- eval args=\$dhcpcd_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${args}" ] && args=${dhcpcd}
- # Get our options
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- case "$(dhcpcd --version)" in
- "dhcpcd "[123]*) new=false;;
- esac
- # Map some generic options to dhcpcd
- for opt in ${opts}; do
- case "${opt}" in
- nodns)
- if ${new}; then
- args="${args} -C resolv.conf"
- else
- args="${args} -R"
- fi
- ;;
- nontp)
- if ${new}; then
- args="${args} -C ntp.conf"
- else
- args="${args} -N"
- fi
- ;;
- nonis)
- if ${new}; then
- args="${args} -C yp.conf"
- else
- args="${args} -Y"
- fi
- ;;
- nogateway) args="${args} -G";;
- nosendhost) args="${args} -h ''";
- esac
- done
- # Add our route metric if not given
- case " $args " in
- *" -m "*) ;;
- *) [ "${metric:-0}" != 0 ] && args="$args -m $metric";;
- esac
- # Bring up DHCP for this interface
- ebegin "Running dhcpcd"
- eval dhcpcd "${args}" "${IFACE}"
- eend $? || return 1
- _show_address
- return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/dhcpcd-${IFACE}.pid" opts= sig=SIGTERM
- [ ! -f "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- ebegin "Stopping dhcpcd on ${IFACE}"
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- case " ${opts} " in
- *" release "*) sig=SIGHUP;;
- esac
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal ${sig} --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/ethtool.sh b/net/ethtool.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 6023d749..00000000
--- a/net/ethtool.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011 by Gentoo Foundation
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program ethtool
- before interface
-# This is just to trim whitespace, do not add any quoting!
-_trim() {
- echo $*
-ethtool_pre_start() {
- local order opt OFS="${OIFS}"
- eval order=\$ethtool_order_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${order}" ] && eval order=\$ethtool_order
- [ -z "${order}" ] && order="flash change-eeprom change pause coalesce ring offload identify nfc rxfh-indir ntuple"
- # ethtool options not used: --driver, --register-dump, --eeprom-dump, --negotiate, --test, --statistics
- eindent
- for opt in ${order} ; do
- local args
- eval args=\$ethtool_$(echo $opt | tr - _)_${IFVAR}
- # Skip everything if no arguments
- [ -z "${args}" ] && continue
- # Split on \n
- OIFS="${IFS}"
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for p in ${args} ; do
- IFS="${OIFS}"
- local args_pretty="$(_trim "${p}")"
- # Do nothing if empty
- [ -z "${args_pretty}" ] && continue
- [ "${opt}" = "ring" ] && opt="set-ring"
- args_pretty="--${opt} $IFACE ${args_pretty}"
- args="--${opt} $IFACE ${args}"
- ebegin "ethtool ${args_pretty}"
- ethtool ${args}
- rc=$?
- eend $rc "ethtool exit code $rc"
- # TODO: ethtool has MANY different exit codes, with no
- # documentation as to which ones are fatal or not. For now we
- # simply print the exit code and don't stop the start sequence.
- done
- IFS="${OIFS}"
- done
- eoutdent
diff --git a/net/firewalld.sh b/net/firewalld.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ae83c575..00000000
--- a/net/firewalld.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 Doug Goldstein <cardoe@cardoe.com>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- after interface
- before dhcp
- program firewall-cmd
- [ "$IFACE" != "lo" ] && need firewalld
-_config_vars="$_config_vars firewalld_zone"
- local firewalld_zone=
- eval firewalld_zone=\$firewalld_zone_${IFVAR}
- _exists || return 0
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" ]; then
- firewall-cmd --zone="${firewalld_zone}" \
- --change-interface="${IFACE}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- return 0
- _exists || return 0
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" ]; then
- firewall-cmd --remove-interface="${IFACE}" > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- return 0
diff --git a/net/ifconfig.sh.BSD.in b/net/ifconfig.sh.BSD.in
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e98a28..00000000
--- a/net/ifconfig.sh.BSD.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /sbin/ifconfig
- provide interface
- # Only FreeBSD sees to have /dev/net .... is there something
- # other than ifconfig we can use for the others?
- if [ -d /dev/net ]; then
- [ -e /dev/net/"${IFACE}" ]
- else
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" up
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" down
- local x= i=1
- case "${RC_UNAME}" in
- FreeBSD|DragonFly)
- for x in /dev/net[0-9]*; do
- if [ "${x}" -ef /dev/net/"${IFACE}" ]; then
- echo "${x#/dev/net}"
- return 0
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- ;;
- default)
- for x in $(ifconfig -l); do
- if [ "${x}" = "${IFACE}" ]; then
- echo "${i}"
- return 0
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- ;;
- esac
- # Return the next available index
- echo "${i}"
- return 1
- LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null | while read ent rest; do
- case "${ent}" in
- $1) echo "${rest}";;
- esac
- done
- local ent="ether"
- case "${RC_UNAME}" in
- NetBSD|OpenBSD) ent="address:";;
- esac
- case $(_ifconfig_ent "${ent}") in
- 00:00:00:00:00:00);;
- 44:44:44:44:44:44);;
- "") return 1;;
- *) echo "${address}";;
- esac
- return 0;
- case "$(_ifconfig_ent "media:")" in
- IEEE802.11*|"IEEE 802.11 Wireless"*) return 0;;
- *) return 1;;
- esac
- local inet= address= n= netmask= rest=
- LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | while read inet address n netmask rest; do
- if [ "${inet}" = "inet" ]; then
- echo "${address}/$(_netmask2cidr "${netmask}")"
- return 0
- fi
- done
- local inet6=
- case "$@" in
- *:*) inet6=inet6;;
- esac
- if [ "${metric:-0}" != "0" ]; then
- set -- "$@" metric ${metric}
- fi
- # ifconfig doesn't like CIDR addresses
- case "${RC_UNAME}" in
- OpenBSD)
- local ip="${1%%/*}" cidr="${1##*/}" netmask=
- if [ -n "${cidr}" -a "${cidr}" != "${ip}" ]; then
- netmask="$(_cidr2netmask "${cidr}")"
- shift
- set -- "${ip}" netmask "${netmask}" "$@"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" ${inet6} "$@" alias
- if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then
- if [ "$3" = "gw" -o "$3" = "via" ]; then
- local one=$1 two=$2
- shift; shift; shift
- set -- "${one}" "${two}" "$@"
- fi
- fi
- case "$@" in
- *:*) route add -inet6 "$@";;
- *) route add "$@";;
- esac
- einfo "Removing addresses"
- eindent
- LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | while read inet address ali rest; do
- case "${inet}" in
- inet|inet6)
- if [ "${address}" = "alias" ]; then
- address="${ali}"
- fi
- case "${address}" in
- *"%${IFACE}"|::1) continue;;
- [ "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ] && continue;;
- esac
- einfo "${address}"
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" "${inet}" "${address}" -alias
- eend $?
- ;;
- esac
- done
- eoutdent
- return 0
- einfo "received address $(_get_inet_address "${IFACE}")"
- case "$(_ifconfig_ent "status:")" in
- ""|active|associated) return 0;;
- *) return 1;;
- esac
- local config="$(_get_array "ifconfig_${IFVAR}")" conf= arg= args=
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- [ -z "${config}" ] && return 0
- veinfo "Running ifconfig commands"
- eindent
- for conf in ${config}; do
- unset IFS
- args=
- for arg in ${conf}; do
- case ${arg} in
- [Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp]);;
- [Nn][Oo][Aa][Uu][Tt][Oo]);;
- [Nn][Oo][Ss][Yy][Nn][Cc][Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp]);;
- [Ss][Yy][Nn][Cc][Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp]);;
- [Ww][Pp][Aa]);;
- *) args="${args} ${arg}";;
- esac
- done
- [ -z "${args}" ] && continue
- vebegin "ifconfig${args}"
- eval ifconfig "${IFACE}" "${args}"
- veend $?
- done
- eoutdent
- return 0
- local inet= address= rest=
- LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | while read inet address rest; do
- case "${inet}" in
- inet6)
- case "${rest}" in
- *" "tentative*) return 2;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- done
- [ $? = 2 ]
- if _ifconfig_ipv6_tentative; then
- ebegin "Waiting for IPv6 addresses"
- while true; do
- _ifconfig_ipv6_tentative || break
- done
- eend 0
- fi
-# Is the interface administratively/operationally up?
-# The 'UP' status in ifconfig is the administrative status
-# Operational state does not seem to be available in BSD?
-# 0: up
-# 1: down
-# 2: invalid arguments
- local iface="$1"
- [ -z "$iface" ] && iface="$IFACE"
- ifconfig "${iface}" | \
- sed -n '1,1{ /flags=.*[<,]UP[,>]/{ q 0 }}; q 1; '
- eerror "TODO: is_oper_up not available on BSD"
- return 2
diff --git a/net/ifconfig.sh.Linux.in b/net/ifconfig.sh.Linux.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 2afa66cb..00000000
--- a/net/ifconfig.sh.Linux.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /sbin/ifconfig /bin/ifconfig
- provide interface
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" up
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" down
- [ -e /sys/class/net/"$IFACE" ]
- local index=-1
- local f v
- if [ -e /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/ifindex ]; then
- index=$(cat /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/ifindex)
- else
- for f in /sys/class/net/*/ifindex ; do
- v=$(cat $f)
- [ $v -gt $index ] && index=$v
- done
- : $(( index += 1 ))
- fi
- echo "${index}"
- return 0
- # Support new sysfs layout
- [ -d /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/wireless -o \
- -d /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/phy80211 ] && return 0
- [ ! -e /proc/net/wireless ] && return 1
- grep -Eq "^[[:space:]]*${IFACE}:" /proc/net/wireless
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" "$1"
- local mac=$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e 's/.* \(HWaddr\|ether\) \(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p')
- case "${mac}" in
- 00:00:00:00:00:00);;
- 44:44:44:44:44:44);;
- "");;
- *) echo "${mac}"; return 0;;
- esac
- return 1
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" hw ether "$1"
- set -- $(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" |
- sed -n -e 's/.*\(inet addr:\|inet \)\([^ ]*\).*\(Mask:\|netmask \)\([^ ]*\).*/\2 \4/p')
- [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
- echo -n "$1"
- shift
- echo "/$(_netmask2cidr "$1")"
- local iface=${IFACE} i=0
- local addrs="$(_get_inet_address)"
- while true; do
- local IFACE="${iface}:${i}"
- _exists || break
- local addr="$(_get_inet_address)"
- [ -n "${addr}" ] && addrs="${addrs}${addrs:+ }${addr}"
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- echo "${addrs}"
- local cidr="$1" netmask="" done=0 i=0 sum=0 cur=128
- local octets= frac=
- local octets=$(( cidr / 8 ))
- local frac=$(( cidr % 8 ))
- while [ ${octets} -gt 0 ]; do
- netmask="${netmask}.255"
- : $(( octets -= 1 ))
- : $(( done += 1 ))
- done
- if [ ${done} -lt 4 ]; then
- while [ ${i} -lt ${frac} ]; do
- : $(( sum += cur ))
- : $(( cur /= 2 ))
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- netmask="${netmask}.${sum}"
- : $(( done += 1 ))
- while [ ${done} -lt 4 ]; do
- netmask="${netmask}.0"
- : $(( done += 1 ))
- done
- fi
- echo "${netmask#.*}"
- if [ "$1" = "" -a "${IFACE}" = "lo" ]; then
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" "$@" 2>/dev/null
- return 0
- fi
- case "$1" in
- *:*) ifconfig "${IFACE}" inet6 add "$@"; return $?;;
- esac
- # IPv4 is tricky - ifconfig requires an aliased device
- # for multiple addresses
- local iface="${IFACE}"
- if LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${iface}" | grep -Eq '\<inet (addr:)?.*'; then
- # Get the last alias made for the interface and add 1 to it
- i=$(ifconfig | sed '1!G;h;$!d' | grep -m 1 -o "^${iface}:[0-9]*" \
- | sed -n -e 's/'"${iface}"'://p')
- : $(( i = ${i:-0} + 1 ))
- iface="${iface}:${i}"
- fi
- # ifconfig doesn't like CIDR addresses
- local ip="${1%%/*}" cidr="${1##*/}" netmask=
- if [ -n "${cidr}" -a "${cidr}" != "${ip}" ]; then
- netmask="$(_cidr2netmask "${cidr}")"
- shift
- set -- "${ip}" netmask "${netmask}" "$@"
- fi
- local arg= cmd=
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- case "$1" in
- brd)
- if [ "$2" = "+" ]; then
- shift
- else
- cmd="${cmd} broadcast"
- fi
- ;;
- peer) cmd="${cmd} pointopoint";;
- *) cmd="${cmd} $1";;
- esac
- shift
- done
- ifconfig "${iface}" ${cmd}
- local inet6= family=
- if [ "$1" = "-A" -o "$1" = "-f" -o "$1" = "-family" ]; then
- family="-A $2"
- shift; shift
- elif [ "$1" = "-4" ]; then
- family="-A inet"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "-6" ]; then
- family="-A inet6"
- shift
- fi
- if [ -n "${metric}" ]; then
- set -- "$@" metric ${metric}
- fi
- if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
- set -- "$1" "$2" gw "$3"
- elif [ "$3" = "via" ]; then
- local one=$1 two=$2
- shift; shift; shift
- set -- "${one}" "${two}" gw "$@"
- fi
- case "$@" in
- *:*|default*) [ "$1" = "-net" -o "$1" = "-host" ] && shift;;
- esac
- route ${family} add "$@" dev "${IFACE}"
- # We don't remove addresses from aliases
- case "${IFACE}" in
- *:*) return 0;;
- esac
- einfo "Removing addresses"
- eindent
- # iproute2 can add many addresses to an iface unlike ifconfig ...
- # iproute2 added addresses cause problems for ifconfig
- # as we delete an address, a new one appears, so we have to
- # keep polling
- while true; do
- local addr=$(_get_inet_address)
- [ -z "${addr}" ] && break
- if [ "${addr}" = "" ]; then
- # Don't delete the loopback address
- [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" -o "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ] && break
- fi
- einfo "${addr}"
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" || break
- done
- # Remove IPv6 addresses
- local addr=
- for addr in $(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e 's/^.*\(inet6 addr:\|inet6\) \([^ ]*\) .*\(Scope:[^L]\|scopeid [^<]*<[^l]\).*/\2/p'); do
- if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" ]; then
- case "${addr}" in
- "::1/128"|"/128") continue;;
- esac
- fi
- einfo "${addr}"
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" inet6 del "${addr}"
- done
- return 0
- return 0
- iptunnel "$@"
- local tunnel=
- eval tunnel=\$iptunnel_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${tunnel}" ]; then
- # Set our base metric to 1000
- metric=1000
- ebegin "Creating tunnel ${IFVAR}"
- iptunnel add ${tunnel}
- eend $? || return 1
- _up
- fi
- # MTU support
- local mtu=
- eval mtu=\$mtu_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${mtu}" ] && ifconfig "${IFACE}" mtu "${mtu}"
- # TX Queue Length support
- local len=
- eval len=\$txqueuelen_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${len}" ] && ifconfig "${IFACE}" txqueuelen "${len}"
- return 0
- # Don't delete sit0 as it's a special tunnel
- [ "${IFACE}" = "sit0" ] && return 0
- [ -z "$(iptunnel show "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null)" ] && return 0
- ebegin "Destroying tunnel ${IFACE}"
- iptunnel del "${IFACE}"
- eend $?
-# Is the interface administratively/operationally up?
-# The 'UP' status in ifconfig/iproute2 is the administrative status
-# Operational state is available in iproute2 output as 'state UP', or the
-# operstate sysfs variable.
-# 0: up
-# 1: down
-# 2: invalid arguments
- local iface="$1"
- [ -z "$iface" ] && iface="$IFACE"
- ifconfig "${iface}" | \
- sed -n '1,1{ /flags=.*[<,]UP[,>]/{ q 0 }}; q 1; '
- local iface="$1"
- [ -z "$iface" ] && iface="$IFACE"
- read state </sys/class/net/"${iface}"/operstate
- [ "x$state" = "up" ]
diff --git a/net/ifplugd.sh b/net/ifplugd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bcde2f3..00000000
--- a/net/ifplugd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars plug_timeout"
- program start /usr/sbin/ifplugd
- after macnet rename
- before interface
- provide plug
- local pidfile="/var/run/ifplugd.${IFACE}.pid" timeout= args=
- # We don't start ifplugd if we're being called from the background
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- _exists || return 0
- # We need a valid MAC address
- # It's a basic test to ensure it's not a virtual interface
- if ! _get_mac_address >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- vewarn "ifplugd only works on interfaces with a valid MAC address"
- return 0
- fi
- # We don't work on bonded, bridges, tun/tap, vlan or wireless
- for f in bond bridge tuntap vlan wireless; do
- if type "_is_${f}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if _is_${f}; then
- veinfo "ifplugd does not work with ${f}"
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- done
- ebegin "Starting ifplugd on ${IFACE}"
- eval args=\$ifplugd_${IFVAR}
- # Mark the us as inactive so netplug can restart us
- mark_service_inactive
- # Start ifplugd
- eval start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/ifplugd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}" -- "${args}" --iface="${IFACE}"
- eend $? || return 1
- eindent
- # IFACE-specific, then global, then default
- eval timeout=\$plug_timeout_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${timeout}" ] && timeout=$plug_timeout
- [ -z "${timeout}" ] && timeout=-1
- if [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ]; then
- ewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for ${IFACE} to come up"
- elif [ ${timeout} -lt 0 ]; then
- einfo "Backgrounding ..."
- exit 1
- fi
- veinfo "Waiting for ${IFACE} to be marked as started"
- local i=0
- while true; do
- if service_started; then
- _show_address
- exit 0
- fi
- sleep 1
- [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] && continue
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- [ ${i} -ge ${timeout} ] && break
- done
- eend 1 "Failed to configure ${IFACE} in the background"
- exit 1
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/ifplugd.${IFACE}.pid"
- [ ! -e "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- ebegin "Stopping ifplugd on ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/ifplugd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}" --signal QUIT
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/ifwatchd.sh b/net/ifwatchd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a39e1c18..00000000
--- a/net/ifwatchd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars plug_timeout"
- program start /usr/sbin/ifwatchd
- after macnet rename wireless
- before interface
- provide plug
- # We don't start ifwatchd if we're being called from the background
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- _exists || return 0
- # We need a valid MAC address
- # It's a basic test to ensure it's not a virtual interface
- if ! _get_mac_address >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- vewarn "ifwatchd only works on interfaces with a valid MAC address"
- return 0
- fi
- ebegin "Starting ifwatchd on ${IFACE}"
- # Mark the us as inactive so ifwatchd can restart us
- mark_service_inactive
- # Start ifwatchd
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/ifwatchd \
- -- -c "${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/ifwatchd-carrier.sh" \
- -n "${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh" "${IFACE}"
- eend "$?" || return 1
- einfo "Backgrounding ..."
- exit 1
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- start-stop-daemon --test --quiet --stop --exec /usr/sbin/ifwatchd \
- -- -c "${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/ifwatchd-carrier.sh" \
- -n "${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh" "${IFACE}" \
- || return 0
- ebegin "Stopping ifwatchd on" "${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /usr/sbin/ifwatchd \
- -- -c "${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/ifwatchd-carrier.sh" \
- -n "${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh" "${IFACE}"
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/ip6rd.sh b/net/ip6rd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a35e2b76..00000000
--- a/net/ip6rd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011 by Gentoo Foundation
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars link prefix suffix ipv4mask relay"
- program ip
- after interface
- # ALL interfaces run pre_start blocks, not just those with something
- # assigned, so we must check if we need to run on this interface before we
- # do so.
- local config
- eval config=\$config_${IFVAR}
- [ "$config" = "ip6rd" ] || return 0
- case "${MODULES}" in
- *" ifconfig "*)
- eerror "ifconfig is not supported for 6rd"
- eerror "Please emerge sys-apps/iproute2"
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
- local host= suffix= relay= addr= iface=${IFACE} config_ip6rd= localip= ipv4mask=
- eval host=\$link_${IFVAR}
- if [ -z "${host}" ]; then
- eerror "link_${IFVAR} not set"
- return 1
- fi
- eval host=\${link_${IFVAR}}
- eval ipv4mask=\${ipv4mask_${IFVAR}:-0}
- eval suffix=\${suffix_${IFVAR}:-1}
- eval relay=\${relay_${IFVAR}}
- eval prefix=\${prefix_${IFVAR}}
- IFACE=${host}
- addrs=$(_get_inet_addresses)
- IFACE=${iface}
- if [ -z "${addrs}" ]; then
- eerror "${host} is not configured with an IPv4 address"
- return 1
- fi
- # TODO: Get this settings from DHCP (Option 212)
- if [ -z "${prefix}" ]; then
- eerror "prefix_${IFVAR} not set"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -z "${relay}" ]; then
- eerror "relay_${IFVAR} not set"
- return 1
- fi
- for addr in ${addrs}; do
- # Strip the subnet
- local ip="${addr%/*}" subnet="${addr#*/}"
- # We don't work on private IPv4 addresses
- if _ip6rd_inet_is_private_network "${ip}"
- then
- continue
- fi
- local ip6= ip6_prefix="${prefix%::/*}" ip6_subnet="${prefix#*/}"
- ip6_subnet=$((ip6_subnet + (32-ipv4mask)))
- eval ip6="$(printf "${ip6_prefix}:%s::%s" \
- $(_ip6rd_prefix_shave_bits ${ip} ${ipv4mask}) ${suffix})"
- veinfo "Derived IPv6 address: ${ip6}"
- # Now apply our IPv6 address to our config
- config_ip6rd="${config_ip6rd}${config_ip6rd:+ }${ip6}/${ip6_subnet}"
- if [ -n "${localip}" ]; then
- localip="any"
- else
- localip="${ip}"
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "${config_ip6rd}" ]; then
- eerror "No global IPv4 addresses found on interface ${host}"
- return 1
- fi
- ebegin "Creating 6rd tunnel ${IFACE}"
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "sit0" ]; then
- _tunnel add "${IFACE}" mode sit ttl 255 remote any local "${localip}"
- fi
- _tunnel 6rd dev "${IFACE}" 6rd-prefix "${prefix}"
- eend $? || return 1
- _up
- routes_ip6rd="2003::/3 via ::${relay} metric 2147483647"
- service_set_value "config_ip6rd_$IFVAR" "$config_ip6rd"
- service_set_value "routes_ip6rd_$IFVAR" "$routes_ip6rd"
- local config_ip6rd=$(service_get_value "config_ip6rd_$IFVAR")
- local routes_ip6rd=$(service_get_value "routes_ip6rd_$IFVAR")
- # Now apply our config
- eval config_${config_index}=\'"${config_ip6rd}"\'
- : $(( config_index -= 1 ))
- # Add a route for us, ensuring we don't delete anything else
- local routes="$(_get_array "routes_${IFVAR}")
- eval routes_${IFVAR}=\$routes
- local IFS="${IFS}." ipi=0 j=3
- for i in $1 ; do
- # post-decrement isn't valid
- ipi=$(( ipi | (i << (8*j)) ))
- j=$(( j - 1 ))
- done
- echo ${ipi}
- local ipi=$1 bitmask v
- bitmask=$(( (1 << 24)-1 ))
- for i in 0 1 2 3; do
- v=$(( (ipi & ~bitmask) >> 24 ))
- ipi=$(( (ipi & bitmask) << 8 ))
- if [ $i != 3 ] ; then
- printf "%d." $v
- else
- printf "%d\n" $v
- fi
- done
- local a=$(_ip6rd_inet_atoi $1)
- local net=$(( a & ( (1<<$2)-1 ) ))
- local cidr=$(( 32 - $2 ))
- echo $(_ip6rd_inet_itoa $(( (net << cidr ) )) )
- if [ "$(_ip6rd_inet_get_network $1 16)" = "" ]\
- || [ "$(_ip6rd_inet_get_network $1 8)" = "" ]\
- || [ "$(_ip6rd_inet_get_network $1 12)" = "" ]\
- || [ "$(_ip6rd_inet_get_network $1 16)" = "" ]
- then
- return 0;
- fi
- return 1;
- local ipi=
- ipi=$(( ($(_ip6rd_inet_atoi $1) & (1<<(32-$2))-1) << $2))
- if [ $2 -le 16 ]
- then
- printf "%04x:%0$(( (16-$2>>2)+(($2%4)?1:0) ))x" \
- $((ipi >> 16)) $((ipi & (1<<(16-$2))-1))
- elif [ $2 -lt 32 ]
- then
- printf "%0$(( (32-$2>>2)+(($2%4)?1:0) ))x" \
- $((ipi >> 16))
- fi
diff --git a/net/ip6to4.sh b/net/ip6to4.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b38581..00000000
--- a/net/ip6to4.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars link suffix relay"
- after interface
- program ip
- # ALL interfaces run pre_start blocks, not just those with something
- # assigned, so we must check if we need to run on this interface before we
- # do so.
- local config
- eval config=\$config_${IFVAR}
- [ "$config" = "ip6to4" ] || return 0
- case " ${MODULES} " in
- *" ifconfig "*)
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "sit0" ]; then
- eerror "ip6to4 can only work on the sit0 interface using ifconfig"
- eerror "emerge sys-apps/iproute2 to use other interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- esac
- local host= suffix= relay= addr= iface=${IFACE} config_ip6to4= localip=
- eval host=\$link_${IFVAR}
- if [ -z "${host}" ]; then
- eerror "link_${IFVAR} not set"
- return 1
- fi
- eval suffix=\${suffix_${IFVAR}:-1}
- eval relay=\${relay_${IFVAR}:-}
- IFACE=${host}
- addrs=$(_get_inet_addresses)
- IFACE=${iface}
- if [ -z "${addrs}" ]; then
- eerror "${host} is not configured with an IPv4 address"
- return 1
- fi
- for addr in ${addrs}; do
- # Strip the subnet
- local ip="${addr%/*}" subnet="${addr#*/}"
- # We don't work on private IPv4 addresses
- case "${ip}" in
- 127.*) continue;;
- 10.*) continue;;
- 192.168.*) continue;;
- 172.*)
- local i=16
- while [ ${i} -lt 32 ]; do
- case "${ip}" in
- 172.${i}.*) break;;
- esac
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- [ ${i} -lt 32 ] && continue
- ;;
- esac
- veinfo "IPv4 address on ${host}: ${ip}/${subnet}"
- local ipa= ip6= IFS="${IFS}."
- for i in ${ip}; do
- ipa="${ipa} ${i}"
- done
- unset IFS
- eval ip6="$(printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x::%s" ${ipa} ${suffix})"
- veinfo "Derived IPv6 address: ${ip6}"
- # Now apply our IPv6 address to our config
- config_ip6to4="${config_ip6to4}${config_ip6to4:+ }${ip6}/48"
- if [ -n "${localip}" ]; then
- localip="any"
- else
- localip="${ip}"
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "${config_ip6to4}" ]; then
- eerror "No global IPv4 addresses found on interface ${host}"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "sit0" ]; then
- ebegin "Creating 6to4 tunnel on ${IFACE}"
- _tunnel add "${IFACE}" mode sit ttl 255 remote any local "${localip}"
- eend $? || return 1
- _up
- fi
- routes_ip6to4="2003::/3 via ::${relay} metric 2147483647"
- service_set_value "config_ip6to4_$IFVAR" "$config_ip6to4"
- service_set_value "routes_ip6to4_$IFVAR" "$routes_ip6to4"
- local config_ip6to4=$(service_get_value "config_ip6to4_$IFVAR")
- local routes_ip6to4=$(service_get_value "routes_ip6to4_$IFVAR")
- # Now apply our config
- eval config_${config_index}=\'"${config_ip6to4}"\'
- : $(( config_index -= 1 ))
- # Add a route for us, ensuring we don't delete anything else
- local routes="$(_get_array "routes_${IFVAR}")
- eval routes_${IFVAR}=\$routes
diff --git a/net/ipppd.sh b/net/ipppd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 537065a9..00000000
--- a/net/ipppd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program start /usr/sbin/ipppd
- after macnet
- before interface
- provide isdn
-_config_vars="$_config_vars ipppd"
- local opts= pidfile="/var/run/ipppd-${IFACE}.pid"
- # Check that we are a valid ippp interface
- case "${IFACE}" in
- ippp[0-9]*);;
- *) return 0;;
- esac
- # Check that the interface exists
- _exists || return 1
- # Might or might not be set in conf.d/net
- eval opts=\$ipppd_${IFVAR}
- einfo "Starting ipppd for ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/ipppd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}" \
- -- ${opts} pidfile "${pidfile}" \
- file "/etc/ppp/options.${IFACE}" >/dev/null
- eend $?
- local pidfile="/var/run/ipppd-${IFACE}.pid"
- [ ! -f "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- einfo "Stopping ipppd for ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/ipppd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/iproute2.sh b/net/iproute2.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bab7b74..00000000
--- a/net/iproute2.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program ip
- provide interface
- after ifconfig
- ip link set dev "${IFACE}" up
- ip link set dev "${IFACE}" down
- [ -e /sys/class/net/"$IFACE" ]
- local index=-1
- local f v
- if [ -e /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/ifindex ]; then
- index=$(cat /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/ifindex)
- else
- for f in /sys/class/net/*/ifindex ; do
- v=$(cat $f)
- [ $v -gt $index ] && index=$v
- done
- : $(( index += 1 ))
- fi
- echo "${index}"
- return 0
- # Support new sysfs layout
- [ -d /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/wireless -o \
- -d /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/phy80211 ] && return 0
- [ ! -e /proc/net/wireless ] && return 1
- grep -Eq "^[[:space:]]*${IFACE}:" /proc/net/wireless
- local flag=$1 opt="on"
- if [ "${flag#-}" != "${flag}" ]; then
- flag=${flag#-}
- opt="off"
- fi
- ip link set dev "${IFACE}" "${flag}" "${opt}"
- local mac=$(LC_ALL=C ip link show "${IFACE}" | sed -n \
- -e 'y/abcdef/ABCDEF/' \
- -e '/link\// s/^.*\<\(..:..:..:..:..:..\)\>.*/\1/p')
- case "${mac}" in
- 00:00:00:00:00:00);;
- 44:44:44:44:44:44);;
- "");;
- *) echo "${mac}"; return 0;;
- esac
- return 1
- ip link set dev "${IFACE}" address "$1"
- LC_ALL=C ip -family inet addr show "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e 's/.*inet \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'
- set -- $(_get_inet_addresses)
- [ $# = "0" ] && return 1
- echo "$1"
- if [ "$1" = "" -a "${IFACE}" = "lo" ]; then
- ip addr add "$@" dev "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null
- return 0
- fi
- local x
- local address netmask broadcast peer anycast label scope
- local valid_lft preferred_lft home nodad
- local confflaglist
- address="$1" ; shift
- while [ -n "$*" ]; do
- x=$1 ; shift
- case "$x" in
- netmask|ne*)
- netmask="/$(_netmask2cidr "$1")" ; shift ;;
- broadcast|brd|br*)
- broadcast="$1" ; shift ;;
- pointopoint|pointtopoint|peer|po*|pe*)
- peer="$1" ; shift ;;
- anycast|label|scope|valid_lft|preferred_lft|a*|l*|s*|v*|pr*)
- case $x in
- a*) x=anycast ;;
- l*) x=label ;;
- s*) x=scope ;;
- v*) x=valid_lft ;;
- pr*) x=preferred_lft ;;
- esac
- eval "$x=$1" ; shift ;;
- home|nodad|h*|no*)
- case $x in h*) x=home ;; n*) x=nodad ;; esac
- # FIXME: If we need to reorder these, this will take more code
- confflaglist="${confflaglist} $x" ; ;;
- *)
- ewarn "Unknown argument to config_$IFACE: $x"
- esac
- done
- # Always scope lo addresses as host unless specified otherwise
- if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" ]; then
- [ -z "$scope" ] && scope="host"
- fi
- # figure out the broadcast address if it is not specified
- # This must NOT be set for IPv6 addresses
- if [ "${address#*:}" = "${address}" ]; then
- [ -z "$broadcast" ] && broadcast="+"
- elif [ -n "$broadcast" ]; then
- eerror "Broadcast keywords are not valid with IPv6 addresses"
- return 1
- fi
- # This must appear on a single line, continuations cannot be used
- set -- "${address}${netmask}" ${peer:+peer} ${peer} ${broadcast:+broadcast} ${broadcast} ${anycast:+anycast} ${anycast} ${label:+label} ${label} ${scope:+scope} ${scope} dev "${IFACE}" ${valid_lft:+valid_lft} $valid_lft ${preferred_lft:+preferred_lft} $preferred_lft $confflaglist
- veinfo ip addr add "$@"
- ip addr add "$@"
- local family=
- if [ "$1" = "-A" -o "$1" = "-f" -o "$1" = "-family" ]; then
- family="-f $2"
- shift; shift
- elif [ "$1" = "-4" ]; then
- family="-f inet"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "-6" ]; then
- family="-f inet6"
- shift
- fi
- if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
- set -- "$1" "$2" via "$3"
- elif [ "$3" = "gw" ]; then
- local one=$1 two=$2
- shift; shift; shift
- set -- "${one}" "${two}" via "$@"
- fi
- local cmd= have_metric=false
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- case "$1" in
- metric) cmd="${cmd} $1"; have_metric=true;;
- netmask) cmd="${cmd}/$(_netmask2cidr "$2")"; shift;;
- -host|-net);;
- *) cmd="${cmd} $1";;
- esac
- shift
- done
- # We cannot use a metric if we're using a nexthop
- if ! ${have_metric} && \
- [ -n "${metric}" -a \
- "${cmd##* nexthop }" = "$cmd" ]
- then
- cmd="${cmd} metric ${metric}"
- fi
- veinfo ip ${family} route append ${cmd} dev "${IFACE}"
- ip ${family} route append ${cmd} dev "${IFACE}"
- eend $?
- ip addr flush dev "${IFACE}" scope global 2>/dev/null
- ip addr flush dev "${IFACE}" scope site 2>/dev/null
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" ]; then
- ip addr flush dev "${IFACE}" scope host 2>/dev/null
- fi
- return 0
- LC_ALL=C ip link show dev "${IFACE}" | grep -q "LOWER_UP"
- ip tunnel "$@"
-# This is just to trim whitespace, do not add any quoting!
-_trim() {
- echo $*
-# This is our interface to Routing Policy Database RPDB
-# This allows for advanced routing tricks
-_ip_rule_runner() {
- local cmd rules OIFS="${IFS}" family
- if [ "$1" = "-4" -o "$1" = "-6" ]; then
- family="$1"
- shift
- else
- family="-4"
- fi
- cmd="$1"
- rules="$2"
- veindent
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for ru in $rules ; do
- unset IFS
- ruN="$(_trim "${ru}")"
- [ -z "${ruN}" ] && continue
- vebegin "${cmd} ${ruN}"
- ip $family rule ${cmd} ${ru}
- veend $?
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- done
- IFS="${OIFS}"
- veoutdent
- local tunnel=
- eval tunnel=\$iptunnel_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${tunnel}" ]; then
- # Set our base metric to 1000
- metric=1000
- # Bug#347657: If the mode is 'ipip6' or 'ip6ip6', the -6 must be passed
- # to iproute2 during tunnel creation.
- local ipproto=''
- [ "${tunnel##mode ipip6}" != "${tunnel}" ] && ipproto='-6'
- [ "${tunnel##mode ip6ip6}" != "${tunnel}" ] && ipproto='-6'
- ebegin "Creating tunnel ${IFVAR}"
- ip ${ipproto} tunnel add ${tunnel} name "${IFACE}"
- eend $? || return 1
- _up
- fi
- # MTU support
- local mtu=
- eval mtu=\$mtu_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${mtu}" ] && ip link set dev "${IFACE}" mtu "${mtu}"
- # TX Queue Length support
- local len=
- eval len=\$txqueuelen_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${len}" ] && ip link set dev "${IFACE}" txqueuelen "${len}"
- return 0
- # Only check tentative when we have a carrier.
- _has_carrier || return 1
- LC_ALL=C ip addr show dev "${IFACE}" | \
- grep -q "^[[:space:]]*inet6 .* tentative"
- local n=5
- # Kernel may not have IP built in
- if [ -e /proc/net/route ]; then
- local rules="$(_get_array "rules_${IFVAR}")"
- if [ -n "${rules}" ]; then
- if ! ip -4 rule list | grep -q "^"; then
- eerror "IP Policy Routing (CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES) needed for ip rule"
- else
- service_set_value "ip_rule" "${rules}"
- einfo "Adding IPv4 RPDB rules"
- _ip_rule_runner -4 add "${rules}"
- fi
- fi
- ip -4 route flush table cache dev "${IFACE}"
- fi
- # Kernel may not have IPv6 built in
- if [ -e /proc/net/ipv6_route ]; then
- local rules="$(_get_array "rules6_${IFVAR}")"
- if [ -n "${rules}" ]; then
- if ! ip -6 rule list | grep -q "^"; then
- eerror "IPv6 Policy Routing (CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES) needed for ip rule"
- else
- service_set_value "ip6_rule" "${rules}"
- einfo "Adding IPv6 RPDB rules"
- _ip_rule_runner -6 add "${rules}"
- fi
- fi
- ip -6 route flush table cache dev "${IFACE}"
- fi
- if _iproute2_ipv6_tentative; then
- ebegin "Waiting for IPv6 addresses"
- while [ $n -ge 0 ]; do
- _iproute2_ipv6_tentative || break
- sleep 1
- : $(( n -= 1 ))
- done
- [ $n -ge 0 ]
- eend $?
- fi
- return 0
- # Kernel may not have IP built in
- if [ -e /proc/net/route ]; then
- local rules="$(service_get_value "ip_rule")"
- if [ -n "${rules}" ]; then
- einfo "Removing IPv4 RPDB rules"
- _ip_rule_runner -4 del "${rules}"
- fi
- # Only do something if the interface actually exist
- if _exists; then
- ip -4 route flush table cache dev "${IFACE}"
- fi
- fi
- # Kernel may not have IPv6 built in
- if [ -e /proc/net/ipv6_route ]; then
- local rules="$(service_get_value "ip6_rule")"
- if [ -n "${rules}" ]; then
- einfo "Removing IPv6 RPDB rules"
- _ip_rule_runner -6 del "${rules}"
- fi
- # Only do something if the interface actually exist
- if _exists; then
- ip -6 route flush table cache dev "${IFACE}"
- fi
- fi
- # Don't delete sit0 as it's a special tunnel
- if [ "${IFACE}" != "sit0" ]; then
- if [ -n "$(ip tunnel show "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- ebegin "Destroying tunnel ${IFACE}"
- ip tunnel del "${IFACE}"
- eend $?
- fi
- fi
-# Is the interface administratively/operationally up?
-# The 'UP' status in ifconfig/iproute2 is the administrative status
-# Operational state is available in iproute2 output as 'state UP', or the
-# operstate sysfs variable.
-# 0: up
-# 1: down
-# 2: invalid arguments
- local iface="$1"
- [ -z "$iface" ] && iface="$IFACE"
- ip link show dev $iface | \
- sed -n '1,1{ /[<,]UP[,>]/{ q 0 }}; q 1; '
- local iface="$1"
- [ -z "$iface" ] && iface="$IFACE"
- read state </sys/class/net/"${iface}"/operstate
- [ "x$state" = "up" ]
diff --git a/net/iwconfig.sh.BSD.in b/net/iwconfig.sh.BSD.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 3acaf663..00000000
--- a/net/iwconfig.sh.BSD.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars ssid mode associate_timeout preferred_aps"
-_config_vars="$_config_vars blacklist_aps"
- program /sbin/ifconfig
- after plug
- before interface
- provide wireless
- local status="disabled"
- local mode=$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" \
- | sed -n -e 's/^[[:space:]]*authmode \([^ ]*\) privacy ON .*/\1/p')
- if [ -n "${mode}" ] ; then
- status="enabled - ${mode}"
- fi
- echo "(WEP ${status})"
- LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e "s/^[[:space:]]*ssid \(.*\) channel \([0-9]*\).* bssid \(..:..:..:..:..:..\)\$/\\$1/p"
- local ssid="$(_iwconfig_get 1)"
- # If the ssid has a space then it's wrapped in quotes. This is a
- # problem if the real ssid has a quote at the start or the end :/
- ssid=${ssid#\"}
- ssid=${ssid%\"}
- echo "${ssid}"
- _iwconfig_get 3
- _iwconfig_get 2
- local m="connected to"
- local ssid="$(_get_ssid)"
- local mac="$(_get_ap_mac_address "${iface}")"
- [ -n "${mac}" ] && mac=" at ${mac}"
- local wep_status="$(iwconfig_get_wep_status "${iface}")"
- local channel="$(_get_channel)"
- [ -n "${channel}" ] && channel="on channel ${channel} "
- eindent
- einfo "${IFACE} ${m} \"${ssid}\"${mac}"
- einfo "${channel}${wep_status}"
- eoutdent
- local mac="$1" key=
- [ -n "${mac}" ] && mac="$(echo "${mac}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
- eval key=\$mac_key_${mac}
- [ -z "${key}" ] && eval key=\$key_${SSIDVAR}
- echo "${key:--}"
- local conf=
- eval set -- \$ifconfig_${SSIDVAR}
- for conf in "$@" ; do
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" ${conf}
- done
- local x= opt= unopt="hostap adhoc"
- case "$1" in
- master|hostap) unopt="adhoc" opt="hostap" ;;
- ad-hoc|adhoc) unopt="hostap" opt="adhoc" ;;
- esac
- for x in ${unopt} ; do
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" -mediaopt ${x}
- done
- for x in ${opt} ; do
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" mediaopt ${x}
- done
- local mode="${1:-master}" channel=
- if [ -z "${SSID}" ]; then
- eerror "${IFACE} requires an SSID to be set to operate in ${mode} mode"
- eerror "adjust the ssid_${IFVAR} setting in /etc/conf.d/net"
- return 1
- fi
- iwconfig_set_mode "${mode}" || return 1
- SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
- local key=$(iwconfig_get_wep_key)
- # Now set the key
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepkey "${key}"
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" ssid "${SSID}" || return 1
- eval channel=\$channel_${IFVAR}
- # We default the channel to 3
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" channel "${channel:-3}" || return 1
- iwconfig_user_config
- iwconfig_report "${iface}"
- return 0
- local mac="$1" channel="$2" caps="$3"
- local mode= w="(WEP Disabled)" key=
- SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
- key=$(iwconfig_get_wep_key "${mac}")
- case "${caps}" in
- [EI]P*)
- if [ "${key}" = "-" ] ; then
- ewarn "WEP key is not set for \"${SSID}\""
- return 1
- fi
- ;;
- "") ;;
- *)
- if [ "${key}" != "-" ] ; then
- key="-"
- ewarn "\"${SSID}\" is not WEP enabled"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # Set mode accordingly
- case "${caps}" in
- *E*)
- mode="managed"
- if LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- grep -q "^[[:space:]]*media: .*adhoc" ; then
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" down -mediaopt adhoc up
- fi
- ;;
- *I*)
- mode="adhoc"
- if ! LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- grep -q "^[[:space:]]*media: .*adhoc" ; then
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" down mediaopt adhoc up
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if LC_ALL=C ifconfig "${IFACE}" \
- | grep -q "^[[:space:]]*media: .*adhoc" ; then
- mode="adhoc"
- else
- mode="managed"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "${key}" = "-" ] ; then
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepmode off
- else
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepmode on
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" deftxkey 1
- w=$(iwconfig_get_wep_status)
- fi
- ebegin "Connecting to \"${SSID}\" in ${mode} mode ${w}"
- if ! ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepkey "${key}" ; then
- eerror "Invalid WEP key ${key}"
- return 1
- fi
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" ssid "${SSID}" || return 1
- iwconfig_user_config
- if [ "${SSID}" != "any" ] && type preassociate >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
- veinfo "Running preassociate function"
- veindent
- ( preassociate )
- local e=$?
- veoutdent
- if [ ${e} -eq 0 ] ; then
- veend 1 "preassociate \"${SSID}\" on ${IFACE} failed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- local timeout= i=0
- eval timeout=\$associate_timeout_${IFVAR}
- timeout=${timeout:-10}
- [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] \
- && vewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for association on ${IFACE}"
- while true; do
- _has_carrier && break
- sleep 1
- [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] && continue
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- [ ${i} -ge ${timeout} ] && { eend 1; return 1; }
- done
- _has_carrier || { eend 1; return 1; }
- eend 0
- if [ "${SSID}" = "any" ]; then
- SSID="$(_get_ssid)"
- iwconfig_associate
- return $?
- fi
- iwconfig_report
- if type postassociate >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
- veinfo "Running postassociate function"
- veindent
- ( postassociate )
- veoutdent
- fi
- return 0
- local x= i=0 scan= quality=
- einfo "Scanning for access points"
- eindent
- scan="$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig -v "${IFACE}" list scan 2>/dev/null | sed -e "1 d" -e "s/$/'/g" -e "s/^/'/g")"
- while [ ${i} -lt 3 -a -z "${scan}" ] ; do
- scan="${scan}${scan:+ }$(LC_ALL=C ifconfig -v "${IFACE}" scan 2>/dev/null | sed -e "1 d" -e "s/$/'/g" -e "s/^/'/g")"
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- APS=-1
- eval set -- ${scan}
- for line in "$@" ; do
- : $(( APS += 1 ))
- set -- ${line}
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- *:*:*:*:*:*) break ;;
- esac
- eval SSID_${APS}="\"\${SSID_${APS}}\${SSID_${APS}:+ }$1\""
- shift
- done
- eval MAC_${APS}="$(echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
- eval CHAN_${APS}="$2"
- quality=${4%:*}
- shift ; shift ; shift ; shift ; shift
- eval CAPS_${APS}="\"$*\""
- # Add 1000 for managed nodes as we prefer them to adhoc
- set -- $*
- case "$1" in
- *E*) eval QUAL_${APS}=$(( quality + 1000 )) ;;
- *) eval QUAL_${APS}=\$quality ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -z "${MAC_0}" ]; then
- ewarn "no access points found"
- eoutdent
- return 1
- fi
- # Sort based on quality
- local i=0 k=1 a= b= x= t=
- while [ ${i} -lt ${APS} ] ; do
- : $(( k = i + 1 ))
- while [ ${k} -le ${APS} ] ; do
- eval a=\$QUALITY_${i}
- [ -z "${a}" ] && break
- eval b=\$QUALITY_${k}
- if [ -n "${b}" -a "${a}" -lt "${b}" ] ; then
- eval t=\$${x}_${i}
- eval ${x}_${i}=\$${x}_${k}
- eval ${x}_${k}=\$t
- done
- fi
- : $(( k += 1 ))
- done
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- # Strip any duplicates
- local i=0 k=1 a= b=
- while [ ${i} -lt ${APS} ] ; do
- : $(( k = i + 1 ))
- while [ ${k} -le ${APS} ] ; do
- eval a=\$MAC_${i}
- eval b=\$MAC_${k}
- if [ "${a}" = "${b}" ] ; then
- eval a=\$QUALITY_${i}
- eval b=\$QUALITY_${k}
- if [ -n "${a}" -a -n "${b}" ] ; then
- if [ ${a} -ge ${b} ] ; then
- unset MAC_${k} SSID_${k} CHAN_${k} QUALITY_${k} CAPS_${k}
- else
- unset MAC_${i} SSID_${i} CHAN_${i} QUALITY_${i} CAPS_${i}
- fi
- else
- unset MAC_${k} SSID_${k} CHAN_${k} QUALITY_${k} CAPS_${k}
- fi
- fi
- : $(( k += 1 ))
- done
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- local i=0 e= m= s=
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ] ; do
- eval x=\$MAC_${i}
- if [ -z "${x}" ] ; then
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- continue
- fi
- eval m=\$MODE_${i}
- [ -n "${m}" ] && m=", ${m}"
- eval s=\$SSID_${i}
- eval q=\$QUALITY_${i}
- eval e=\$CAPS_${i}
- case "${e}" in
- [EI]P*) e=", encrypted" ;;
- *) e="" ;;
- esac
- if [ -z "${s}" ] ; then
- einfo "Found ${x}${m}${e}"
- else
- einfo "Found \"${s}\" at ${x}${m}${e}"
- fi
- x="$(echo "${x}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
- eval x=\$mac_ssid_${x}
- if [ -n "${x}" ] ; then
- eval SSID_${i}=\$x
- s=${x}
- eindent
- einfo "mapping to \"${x}\""
- eoutdent
- fi
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "blacklist_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "blacklist_aps")
- for x; do
- if [ "${x}" = "${s}" ] ; then
- ewarn "${s} has been blacklisted - not connecting"
- unset SSID_${i} MAC_${i} CHAN_${i} QUALITY_${i} CAPS_${i}
- fi
- done
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- eoutdent
- return 0
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
- [ $# = 0 ] && return 1
- ewarn "Trying to force preferred in case they are hidden"
- local ssid=
- for ssid; do
- local found_AP=false i=0 e=
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS:--1} ] ; do
- eval e=\$SSID_${i}
- if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ] ; then
- found_AP=true
- break
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- if ! ${found_AP} ; then
- SSID=${ssid}
- iwconfig_associate && return 0
- fi
- done
- ewarn "Failed to associate with any preferred access points on ${IFACE}"
- return 1
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
- [ $# = 0 ] && return 1
- local ssid= i= mode= mac= caps= freq= chan=
- for ssid; do
- i=0
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ] ; do
- eval e=\$SSID_${i}
- if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ] ; then
- SSID=${e}
- eval mac=\$MAC_${i}
- eval caps=\$CAPS_${i}
- eval freq=\$FREQ_${i}
- eval chan=\$CHAN_${i}
- iwconfig_associate "${mac}" \
- "${chan}" "${caps}" && return 0
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- done
- return 1
- local ssid= i=0 mode= mac= caps= freq= chan= pref=
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ] ; do
- eval e=\$SSID_${i}
- if [ -z "${e}" ] ; then
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- continue
- fi
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
- pref=false
- for ssid; do
- if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ] ; then
- pref=true
- break
- fi
- done
- if ! ${pref} ; then
- SSID=${e}
- eval mac=\$MAC_${i}
- eval caps=\$CAPS_${i}
- eval freq=\$FREQ_${i}
- eval chan=\$CHAN_${i}
- iwconfig_associate "${mac}" \
- "${chan}" "${caps}" && return 0
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- return 1
- # Set some defaults
- #ifconfig "${iface}" txpower 100 2>/dev/null
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" bssid -
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" ssid -
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" wepkey 1:- wepkey 2:- wepkey 3:- wepkey 4:-
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" authmode open
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" -mediaopt adhoc
- ifconfig "${IFACE}" -mediaopt hostap
- local x= APS=-1
- eval SSID=\$ssid_${IFVAR}
- # Setup ad-hoc mode?
- eval x=\$mode_${IFVAR}
- x=${x:-managed}
- case "${x}" in
- ad-hoc|adhoc|hostap|master) iwconfig_setup_specific "${x}" ;;
- esac
- if [ "${x}" != "managed" -a "${x}" != "auto" -a "${x}" != "ad-hoc" -a "${x}" != "adhoc" -a ${x} != "master" ] ; then
- eerror "Only managed, ad-hoc, master and auto modes are supported"
- return 1
- fi
- # Has an SSID been forced?
- if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
- iwconfig_set_mode "${x}"
- iwconfig_associate && return 0
- [ "${SSID}" = "any" ] && iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
- eval SSID=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
- iwconfig_setup_specific adhoc
- return $?
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- # Are we forcing preferred only?
- eval x=\$associate_order_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && associate_order=${x}
- associate_order=${associate_order:-any}
- if [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferredonly" ]; then
- iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
- else
- iwconfig_scan || return 1
- iwconfig_connect_preferred && return 0
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferred" ] || \
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forceany" ] && \
- iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
- [ "${associate_order}" = "any" ] || \
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forceany" ] && \
- iwconfig_connect_not_preferred && return 0
- fi
- e="associate with"
- [ -z "${MAC_0}" ] && e="find"
- [ "${preferred_aps}" = "force" ] || \
- [ "${preferred_aps}" = "forceonly" ] && \
- e="force"
- e="Couldn't ${e} any access points on ${IFACE}"
- eval SSID=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
- ewarn "${e}"
- iwconfig_setup_specific adhoc
- return $?
- fi
- eerror "${e}"
- return 1
- # We don't configure wireless if we're being called from
- # the background
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- service_set_value "SSID" ""
- _exists || return 0
- if ! _is_wireless ; then
- veinfo "${IFACE} is not wireless"
- return 0
- fi
- iwconfig_defaults
- iwconfig_user_config
- # Set the base metric to be 2000
- metric=2000
- einfo "Configuring wireless network for ${IFACE}"
- if iwconfig_configure ; then
- service_set_value "SSID" "${SSID}"
- return 0
- fi
- eerror "Failed to configure wireless for ${IFACE}"
- iwconfig_defaults
- #iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower 0 2>/dev/null
- _down
- return 1
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- _is_wireless || return 0
- iwconfig_defaults
- #iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower 0 2>/dev/null
diff --git a/net/iwconfig.sh.Linux.in b/net/iwconfig.sh.Linux.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 293bc1f3..00000000
--- a/net/iwconfig.sh.Linux.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars ssid mode associate_timeout sleep_scan"
-_config_vars="$_config_vars preferred_aps blacklist_aps"
- program /sbin/iwconfig
- after plug
- before interface
- provide wireless
- local mode= status="disabled"
- # No easy way of doing this grep in bash regex :/
- if LC_ALL=C iwconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- grep -qE "^ +Encryption key:[*0-9,A-F]"; then
- status="enabled"
- mode=$(LC_ALL=C iwconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e 's/^.*Security mode:\(.*[^ ]\).*/\1/p')
- [ -n "${mode}" ] && mode=" - ${mode}"
- fi
- echo "(WEP ${status}${mode})"
- local i=5 ssid=
- while [ ${i} -gt 0 ]; do
- ssid=$(iwgetid --raw "${IFACE}")
- if [ -n "${ssid}" ]; then
- echo "${ssid}"
- return 0
- fi
- sleep 1
- : $(( i -= 1 ))
- done
- return 1
- local mac="$(iwgetid --raw --ap "${IFACE}")"
- case "${mac}" in
- "00:00:00:00:00:00") return 1;;
- "44:44:44:44:44:44") return 1;;
- "FF:00:00:00:00:00") return 1;;
- "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF") return 1;;
- *) echo "${mac}";;
- esac
- LC_ALL=C iwgetid --mode "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e 's/^.*Mode:\(.*\)/\1/p' | \
- tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
- local mode="$1"
- [ "${mode}" = "$(iwconfig_get_mode)" ] && return 0
- # Devicescape stack requires the interface to be down
- _down
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" mode "${mode}" || return 1
- _up
- LC_ALL=C iwconfig "${IFACE}" | \
- sed -n -e 's/^'"$1"' *\([^ ]* [^ ]*\).*/\1/p'
- local mac= m="connected to"
- local ssid="$(_get_ssid)"
- local wep_status="$(iwconfig_get_wep_status)"
- local channel="$(iwgetid --raw --channel "${iface}")"
- [ -n "${channel}" ] && channel="on channel ${channel} "
- local mode="$(iwconfig_get_mode)"
- if [ "${mode}" = "master" ]; then
- m="configured as"
- else
- mac="$(_get_ap_mac_address)"
- [ -n "${mac}" ] && mac=" at ${mac}"
- fi
- eindent
- einfo "${IFACE} ${m} SSID \"${SSID}\"${mac}"
- einfo "in ${mode} mode ${channel}${wep_status}"
- eoutdent
- local mac="$1" key=
- [ -n "${mac}" ] && mac="$(echo "${mac}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
- eval key=\$mac_key_${mac}
- [ -z "${key}" ] && eval key=\$key_${SSIDVAR}
- if [ -z "${key}" ]; then
- echo "off"
- else
- set -- ${key}
- local x= e=false
- for x; do
- if [ "${x}" = "enc" ]; then
- e=true
- break
- fi
- done
- ${e} || key="${key} enc open"
- echo "${key}"
- fi
- local conf= var=${SSIDVAR} config=
- [ -z "${var}" ] && var=${IFVAR}
- config="$(_get_array "iwconfig_${var}")"
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for conf in ${config}; do
- unset IFS
- if ! eval iwconfig "${IFACE}" "${conf}"; then
- ewarn "${IFACE} does not support the following configuration commands"
- ewarn " ${conf}"
- fi
- done
- unset IFS
- config="$(_get_array "iwpriv_${var}")"
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for conf in ${config}; do
- unset IFS
- if ! eval iwpriv "${IFACE}" "${conf}"; then
- ewarn "${IFACE} does not support the following private ioctls"
- ewarn " ${conf}"
- fi
- done
- local mode="$1" channel=
- if [ -z "${SSID}" ]; then
- eerror "${IFACE} requires an SSID to be set to operate in ${mode} mode"
- eerror "adjust the ssid_${IFVAR} setting in /etc/conf.d/net"
- return 1
- fi
- SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
- local key=$(iwconfig_get_wep_key)
- iwconfig_set_mode "${mode}"
- # Now set the key
- if ! eval iwconfig "${IFACE}" key "${key}"; then
- if [ "${key}" != "off" ]; then
- ewarn "${IFACE} does not support setting keys"
- ewarn "or the parameter \"mac_key_${SSIDVAR}\" or \"key_${SSIDVAR}\" is incorrect"
- fi
- fi
- # Then set the SSID
- if ! iwconfig "${IFACE}" essid "${SSID}"; then
- eerror "${IFACE} does not support setting SSID to \"${SSID}\""
- return 1
- fi
- eval channel=\$channel_${SSIDVAR}
- [ -z "${channel}" ] && eval channel=\$channel_${IFVAR}
- # We default the channel to 3
- if ! iwconfig "${IFACE}" channel "${channel:-3}"; then
- ewarn "${IFACE} does not support setting the channel to \"${channel:-3}\""
- return 1
- fi
- # Finally apply the user Config
- iwconfig_user_config
- iwconfig_report
- return 0
- local timeout= i=0
- eval timeout=\$associate_timeout_${IFVAR}
- timeout=${timeout:-10}
- [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] \
- && vewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for association on ${IFACE}"
- while true; do
- # Use sysfs if we can
- if [ -e /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/carrier ]; then
- if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/carrier)" = "1" ]; then
- # Double check we have an ssid and a non-zero
- # mac address. This is mainly for buggy
- # prism54 drivers that always set their
- # carrier on or buggy madwifi drivers that
- # sometimes have carrier on and ssid set
- # without being associated. :/
- [ -n "$(iwgetid --raw "${IFACE}")" ] && [ "$(iwgetid --ap --raw "${IFACE}")" != "00:00:00:00:00:00" ] && return 0
- fi
- else
- local atest=
- eval atest=\$associate_test_${IFVAR}
- atest=${atest:-mac}
- if [ "${atest}" = "mac" -o "${atest}" = "all" ]; then
- [ -n "$(_get_ap_mac_address)" ] && return 0
- fi
- if [ "${atest}" = "quality" -o "${atest}" = "all" ]; then
- [ "$(sed -n -e 's/^.*'"${IFACE}"': *[0-9]* *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p' \
- /proc/net/wireless)" != "0" ] && return 0
- fi
- fi
- sleep 1
- [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] && continue
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- [ ${i} -ge ${timeout} ] && return 1
- done
- return 1
- local mode="${1:-managed}" mac="$2" wep_required="$3"
- local freq="$4" chan="$5"
- local w="(WEP Disabled)" key=
- iwconfig_set_mode "${mode}"
- if [ "${SSID}" = "any" ]; then
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" ap any 2>/dev/null
- unset SSIDVAR
- else
- SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
- key="$(iwconfig_get_wep_key "${mac}")"
- if [ "${wep_required}" = "on" -a "${key}" = "off" ]; then
- ewarn "WEP key is not set for \"${SSID}\""
- return 1
- fi
- if [ "${wep_required}" = "off" -a "${key}" != "off" ]; then
- key="off"
- ewarn "\"${SSID}\" is not WEP enabled"
- fi
- if ! eval iwconfig "${IFACE}" key "${key}"; then
- if [ "${key}" != "off" ]; then
- ewarn "${IFACE} does not support setting keys"
- ewarn "or the parameter \"mac_key_${SSIDVAR}\" or \"key_${SSIDVAR}\" is incorrect"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- [ "${key}" != "off" ] && w="$(iwconfig_get_wep_status "${iface}")"
- fi
- if ! iwconfig "${IFACE}" essid "${SSID}"; then
- if [ "${SSID}" != "any" ]; then
- ewarn "${IFACE} does not support setting SSID to \"${SSID}\""
- fi
- fi
- # Only use channel or frequency
- if [ -n "${chan}" ]; then
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" channel "${chan}"
- elif [ -n "${freq}" ]; then
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" freq "${freq}"
- fi
- [ -n "${mac}" ] && iwconfig "${IFACE}" ap "${mac}"
- # Finally apply the user Config
- iwconfig_user_config
- ebegin "Connecting to \"${SSID}\" in ${mode} mode ${w}"
- if [ "${SSID}" != "any" ] && type preassociate >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- veinfo "Running preassociate function"
- veindent
- ( preassociate )
- local e=$?
- veoutdent
- if [ ${e} -eq 0 ]; then
- veend 1 "preassociate \"${SSID}\" on ${IFACE} failed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- if ! iwconfig_wait_for_association; then
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- eend 0
- if [ "${SSID}" = "any" ]; then
- SSID="$(_get_ssid)"
- iwconfig_associate
- return $?
- fi
- iwconfig_report
- if type postassociate >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- veinfo "Running postassociate function"
- veindent
- ( postassociate )
- veoutdent
- fi
- return 0
- local x= i=0 scan=
- einfo "Scanning for access points"
- eindent
- # Sleep if required
- eval x=\$sleep_scan_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && sleep "${x}"
- while [ ${i} -lt 3 ]; do
- local scan="${scan}${scan:+ }$(LC_ALL=C iwlist "${IFACE}" scan 2>/dev/null | sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" -e "s/$/'/g" -e "s/^/'/g")"
- # If this is the first pass and txpower as off and we have no
- # results then we need to wait for at least 2 seconds whilst
- # the interface does an initial scan.
- if [ "${i}" = "0" -a "${txpowerwasoff}" = "0" ]; then
- case "${scan}" in
- "'${IFACE} "*"No scan results"*)
- sleep 2
- txpowerwasoff=1
- continue
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- if [ -z "${scan}" ]; then
- ewarn "${iface} does not support scanning"
- eoutdent
- eval x=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && return 0
- if [ -n "${preferred_aps}" ]; then
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferred" ] || \
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferredonly" ] && return 0
- fi
- eerror "You either need to set a preferred_aps list in /etc/conf.d/wireless"
- eerror " preferred_aps=\"SSID1 SSID2\""
- eerror " and set associate_order_${IFVAR}=\"forcepreferred\""
- eerror " or set associate_order_${IFVAR}=\"forcepreferredonly\""
- eerror "or hardcode the SSID to \"any\" and let the driver find an Access Point"
- eerror " ssid_${IFVAR}=\"any\""
- eerror "or configure defaulting to Ad-Hoc when Managed fails"
- eerror " adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}=\"WLAN\""
- eerror "or hardcode the SSID against the interface (not recommended)"
- eerror " ssid_${IFVAR}=\"SSID\""
- return 1
- fi
- APS=-1
- eval set -- ${scan}
- for line; do
- case "${line}" in
- *Address:*)
- : $(( APS += 1 ))
- eval MAC_${APS}="\""$(echo "${line#*: }" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"\""
- eval QUALITY_${APS}=0
- ;;
- *ESSID:*)
- x=${line#*\"}
- x=${x%*\"}
- eval SSID_${APS}=\$x
- ;;
- *Mode:*)
- x="$(echo "${line#*:}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
- if [ "${x}" = "master" ]; then
- eval MODE_${APS}=managed
- else
- eval MODE_${APS}=\$x
- fi
- ;;
- *'Encryption key:'*)
- x=${line#*:}
- eval ENC_${APS}=\$x
- ;;
- #*Frequency:*)
- # freq[i]="${line#*:}"
- # x="${freq[i]#* }"
- # freq[i]="${freq[i]%% *}${x:0:1}"
- # ;;
- *Channel:*)
- x=${line#*:}
- x=${x%% *}
- eval CHAN_${APS}=\$x
- ;;
- *Quality*)
- x=${line#*:}
- x=${x%/*}
- x="$(echo "${x}" | sed -e 's/[^[:digit:]]//g')"
- x=${x:-0}
- eval QUALITY_${APS}=\$x
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -z "${MAC_0}" ]; then
- ewarn "no access points found"
- eoutdent
- return 1
- fi
- # Sort based on quality
- local i=0 k=1 a= b= x= t=
- while [ ${i} -lt ${APS} ]; do
- : $(( k = i + 1 ))
- while [ ${k} -le ${APS} ]; do
- eval a=\$QUALITY_${i}
- [ -z "${a}" ] && break
- eval b=\$QUALITY_${k}
- if [ -n "${b}" -a "${a}" -lt "${b}" ]; then
- eval t=\$${x}_${i}
- eval ${x}_${i}=\$${x}_${k}
- eval ${x}_${k}=\$t
- done
- fi
- : $(( k += 1 ))
- done
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- # Strip any duplicates
- local i=0 k=1 a= b=
- while [ ${i} -lt ${APS} ]; do
- : $(( k = i + 1 ))
- while [ ${k} -le ${APS} ]; do
- eval a=\$MAC_${i}
- eval b=\$MAC_${k}
- if [ "${a}" = "${b}" ]; then
- eval a=\$QUALITY_${i}
- eval b=\$QUALITY_${k}
- local u=${k}
- # We need to split this into two tests, otherwise bash errors
- [ -n "${a}" -a -n "${b}" ] && [ "${a}" -lt "${b}" ] && u=${i}
- unset MAC_${u} SSID_${u} MODE_${u} CHAN_${u} QUALITY_${u} ENC_${u}
- fi
- : $(( k += 1 ))
- done
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- local i=0 e= m= s=
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ]; do
- eval x=\$MAC_${i}
- if [ -z "${x}" ]; then
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- continue
- fi
- eval m=\$MODE_${i}
- eval s=\$SSID_${i}
- eval q=\$QUALITY_${i}
- eval e=\$ENC_${i}
- if [ -n "${e}" -a "${e}" != "off" ]; then
- e=", encrypted"
- else
- e=""
- fi
- if [ -z "${s}" ]; then
- einfo "Found ${x}, ${m}${e}"
- else
- einfo "Found \"${s}\" at ${x}, ${m}${e}"
- fi
- x="$(echo "${x}" | sed -e 's/://g')"
- eval x=\$mac_ssid_${x}
- if [ -n "${x}" ]; then
- eval SSID_${i}=\$x
- s=${x}
- eindent
- einfo "mapping to \"${x}\""
- eoutdent
- fi
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "blacklist_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "blacklist_aps")
- for x; do
- if [ "${x}" = "${s}" ]; then
- ewarn "${s} has been blacklisted - not connecting"
- unset SSID_${i} MAC_${i} ${MODE}_${i} CHAN_${i} QUALITY_${i} ENC_${i}
- fi
- done
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- eoutdent
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
- [ $# = 0 ] && return 1
- ewarn "Trying to force preferred in case they are hidden"
- for ssid; do
- local found_AP=false i=0 e=
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ]; do
- eval e=\$SSID_${i}
- if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ]; then
- found_AP=true
- break
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- if ! ${found_AP}; then
- SSID=${ssid}
- iwconfig_associate && return 0
- fi
- done
- ewarn "Failed to associate with any preferred access points on ${IFACE}"
- return 1
- local ssid= i= mode= mac= enc= freq= chan=
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
- for ssid; do
- unset IFS
- i=0
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ]; do
- eval e=\$SSID_${i}
- if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ]; then
- SSID=${e}
- eval mode=\$MODE_${i}
- eval mac=\$MAC_${i}
- eval enc=\$ENC_${i}
- eval freq=\$FREQ_${i}
- eval chan=\$CHAN_${i}
- iwconfig_associate "${mode}" "${mac}" "${enc}" "${freq}" \
- "${chan}" && return 0
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- done
- return 1
- local ssid= i=0 mode= mac= enc= freq= chan= pref=false
- while [ ${i} -le ${APS} ]; do
- eval e=\$SSID_${i}
- if [ -n "${e}" ]; then
- eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps_${IFVAR}")
- [ $# = 0 ] && eval set -- $(_flatten_array "preferred_aps")
- for ssid; do
- if [ "${e}" = "${ssid}" ]; then
- pref=true
- break
- fi
- done
- if ! ${pref}; then
- SSID=${e}
- eval mode=\$MODE_${i}
- eval mac=\$MAC_${i}
- eval enc=\$ENC_${i}
- eval freq=\$FREQ_${i}
- eval chan=\$CHAN_${i}
- iwconfig_associate "${mode}" "${mac}" "${enc}" "${freq}" \
- "${chan}" && return 0
- fi
- fi
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- done
- return 1
- # Turn on the radio
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower on 2>/dev/null
- # Release the AP forced
- # Must do ap and then ssid otherwise scanning borks
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" ap off 2>/dev/null
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" essid off 2>/dev/null
- local x= APS=-1
- eval SSID=\$ssid_${IFVAR}
- # Support old variable
- [ -z "${SSID}" ] && eval SSID=\$essid_${IFVAR}
- # Setup ad-hoc mode?
- eval x=\$mode_${IFVAR}
- x=${x:-managed}
- if [ "${x}" = "ad-hoc" -o "${x}" = "master" ]; then
- iwconfig_setup_specific "${x}"
- return $?
- fi
- if [ "${x}" != "managed" -a "${x}" != "auto" ]; then
- eerror "Only managed, ad-hoc, master and auto modes are supported"
- return 1
- fi
- # Has an SSID been forced?
- if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
- iwconfig_set_mode "${x}"
- iwconfig_associate && return 0
- [ "${SSID}" = "any" ] && iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
- eval SSID=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
- iwconfig_setup_specific ad-hoc
- return $?
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- eval x=\$preferred_aps_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && preferred_aps=${x}
- eval x=\$blacklist_aps_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && blacklist_aps=${x}
- eval x=\$associate_order_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && associate_order=${x}
- associate_order=${associate_order:-any}
- if [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferredonly" ]; then
- iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
- else
- iwconfig_scan || return 1
- iwconfig_connect_preferred && return 0
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forcepreferred" ] || \
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forceany" ] && \
- iwconfig_force_preferred && return 0
- [ "${associate_order}" = "any" ] || \
- [ "${associate_order}" = "forceany" ] && \
- iwconfig_connect_not_preferred && return 0
- fi
- e="associate with"
- [ -z "${MAC_0}" ] && e="find"
- [ "${preferred_aps}" = "force" ] || \
- [ "${preferred_aps}" = "forceonly" ] && \
- e="force"
- e="Couldn't ${e} any access points on ${IFACE}"
- eval SSID=\$adhoc_ssid_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${SSID}" ]; then
- ewarn "${e}"
- iwconfig_setup_specific ad-hoc
- return $?
- fi
- eerror "${e}"
- return 1
- # We don't configure wireless if we're being called from
- # the background
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- service_set_value "SSID" ""
- _exists || return 0
- if ! _is_wireless; then
- veinfo "Wireless extensions not found for ${IFACE}"
- return 0
- fi
- # Warn about old file - we want to punt it really
- if [ -e /etc/conf.d/wireless ]; then
- ewarn "/etc/conf.d/wireless is deprecated"
- ewarn "Please put all settings into /etc/conf.d/net"
- . /etc/conf.d/wireless
- fi
- # Store the fact that tx-power was off so we default to a longer
- # wait if our scan returns nothing
- LC_ALL=C iwconfig "${IFACE}" | sed -e '1d' | grep -q "Tx-Power=off"
- local txpowerwasoff=$?
- iwconfig_defaults
- iwconfig_user_config
- # Set the base metric to be 2000
- metric=2000
- # Check for rf_kill - only ipw supports this at present, but other
- # cards may in the future.
- if [ -e /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/device/rf_kill ]; then
- if [ $(cat /sys/class/net/"${IFACE}"/device/rf_kill) != "0" ]; then
- eerror "Wireless radio has been killed for interface ${IFACE}"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Configuring wireless network for ${IFACE}"
- # Are we a proper IEEE device?
- # Most devices reutrn IEEE 802.11b/g - but intel cards return IEEE
- # in lower case and RA cards return RAPCI or similar
- # which really sucks :(
- # For the time being, we will test prism54 not loading firmware
- # which reports NOT READY!
- x="$(iwconfig_get_type)"
- if [ "${x}" = "NOT READY!" ]; then
- eerror "Looks like there was a problem loading the firmware for ${IFACE}"
- return 1
- fi
- if iwconfig_configure; then
- service_set_value "SSID" "${SSID}"
- return 0
- fi
- eerror "Failed to configure wireless for ${IFACE}"
- iwconfig_defaults
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower off 2>/dev/null
- _down
- return 1
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- _exists || return 0
- iwconfig_defaults
- iwconfig "${IFACE}" txpower off 2>/dev/null
diff --git a/net/macchanger.sh b/net/macchanger.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e535ec3..00000000
--- a/net/macchanger.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before macnet
- # no program 'macchanger', as we have partial functionality without it
-_config_vars="$_config_vars mac"
- # We don't change MAC addresses from background
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- local mac= opts=
- eval mac=\$mac_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${mac}" ] && return 0
- _exists true || return 1
- ebegin "Changing MAC address of ${IFACE}"
- # The interface needs to be up for macchanger to work most of the time
- _down
- mac=$(echo "${mac}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
- local hex="[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]"
- case "${mac}" in
- # specific mac-addr
- ${hex}:${hex}:${hex}:${hex}:${hex}:${hex})
- # We don't need macchanger to change to a specific
- # mac address
- _set_mac_address "${mac}"
- if eend "$?"; then
- mac=$(_get_mac_address)
- eindent
- einfo "changed to ${mac}"
- eoutdent
- _up
- return 0
- fi
- ;;
- # increment MAC address, default macchanger behavior
- increment) opts="${opts}";;
- # randomize just the ending bytes
- random-ending) opts="${opts} -e";;
- # keep the same kind of physical layer (eg fibre, copper)
- random-samekind) opts="${opts} -a";;
- # randomize to any known vendor of any physical layer type
- random-anykind) opts="${opts} -A";;
- # fully random bytes
- random-full|random) opts="${opts} -r";;
- # default case is just to pass on all the options
- *) opts="${opts} ${mac}";;
- esac
- if [ ! -x /sbin/macchanger ]; then
- eerror "For changing MAC addresses, emerge net-analyzer/macchanger"
- return 1
- fi
- mac=$(/sbin/macchanger ${opts} "${IFACE}" \
- | sed -n -e 's/^Faked MAC:.*\<\(..:..:..:..:..:..\)\>.*/\U\1/p' )
- _up
- # Sometimes the interface needs to be up ....
- if [ -z "${mac}" ]; then
- mac=$(/sbin/macchanger ${opts} "${IFACE}" \
- | sed -n -e 's/^Faked MAC:.*\<\(..:..:..:..:..:..\)\>.*/\U\1/p' )
- fi
- if [ -z "${mac}" ]; then
- eend 1 "Failed to set MAC address"
- return 1
- fi
- eend 0
- eindent
- einfo "changed to" "${mac}"
- eoutdent
- return 0
diff --git a/net/macnet.sh b/net/macnet.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ec2ad7f..00000000
--- a/net/macnet.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before rename interface wireless
- after macchanger
- local mac=$(_get_mac_address 2>/dev/null)
- [ -z "${mac}" ] && return 0
- vebegin "Configuring ${IFACE} for MAC address ${mac}"
- mac=$(echo "${mac}" | sed -e 's/://g')
- _configure_variables "${mac}"
- veend 0
diff --git a/net/macvlan.sh b/net/macvlan.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b95f5c0..00000000
--- a/net/macvlan.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# 2011-09-22 Stef Simoens <stef@bgs.org>
-# based on vlan.sh & tuntap.sh
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program ip
- after interface
- before dhcp macchanger
- [ -n "$(RC_SVCNAME="net.${IFACE}"; export RC_SVCNAME ; service_get_value macvlan)" ]
- # MAC-VLAN needs an existing interface to link to
- local macvlan=
- eval macvlan=\$macvlan_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${macvlan}" ] && return 0
- case " ${MODULES} " in
- *" ifconfig "*)
- eerror "sys-apps/iproute2 is required to configure MACVLANs"
- return 1 ;;
- esac
- # optional mode, default to "private"
- local mode=
- eval mode=\$mode_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${mode}" ] && mode="private"
- ebegin "Creating MAC-VLAN ${IFACE} to ${macvlan}"
- e="$(ip link add link "${macvlan}" name "${IFACE}" type macvlan mode "${mode}" 2>&1 1>/dev/null)"
- if [ -n "${e}" ]; then
- eend 1 "${e}"
- else
- eend 0 && _up && service_set_value macvlan "${macvlan}"
- fi
- _is_macvlan || return 0
- ebegin "Removing MAC-VLAN ${IFACE}"
- ip link delete "${IFACE}" type macvlan >/dev/null
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/netplugd.sh b/net/netplugd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index f43a5e64..00000000
--- a/net/netplugd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars plug_timeout"
- program start /sbin/netplugd
- after macnet rename
- before interface
- provide plug
- # Prefer ifplugd
- before ifplugd
- local pidfile="/var/run/netplugd-${IFACE}.pid" timeout=
- # We don't start netplug if we're being called from the background
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- _exists || return 0
- # We need a valid MAC address
- # It's a basic test to ensure it's not a virtual interface
- if ! _get_mac_address >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- vewarn "netplug only works on interfaces with a valid MAC address"
- return 0
- fi
- # We don't work on bonded, bridges, tun/tap, vlan or wireless
- for f in bond bridge tuntap vlan wireless; do
- if type "_is_${f}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if _is_${f}; then
- veinfo "netplug does not work with" "${f}"
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- done
- ebegin "Starting netplug on" "${IFACE}"
- # Mark the us as inactive so netplug can restart us
- mark_service_inactive
- # Start netplug
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec /sbin/netplugd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}" \
- -- -i "${IFACE}" -P -p "${pidfile}" -c /dev/null
- eend "$?" || return 1
- eindent
- # IFACE-specific, then global, then default
- eval timeout=\$plug_timeout_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${timeout}" ] && timeout=$plug_timeout
- [ -z "${timeout}" ] && timeout=-1
- if [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ]; then
- ewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for ${IFACE} to come up"
- elif [ ${timeout} -lt 0 ]; then
- einfo "Backgrounding ..."
- exit 1
- fi
- veinfo "Waiting for ${IFACE} to be marked as started"
- local i=0
- while true; do
- if service_started; then
- _show_address
- exit 0
- fi
- sleep 1
- [ ${timeout} -eq 0 ] && continue
- : $(( i += 1 ))
- [ ${i} -ge ${timeout} ] && break
- done
- eend 1 "Failed to configure ${IFACE} in the background"
- exit 1
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/netplugd-${IFACE}.pid"
- [ ! -e "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- ebegin "Stopping netplug on" "${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /sbin/netplugd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/pppd.sh b/net/pppd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 97bd3ee5..00000000
--- a/net/pppd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /usr/sbin/pppd
- after interface
- before dhcp
- provide ppp
- [ -e /var/run/ppp-"${IFACE}".pid ]
- printf "'%s' " "$@"
- # Interface has to be called ppp
- [ "${IFACE%%[0-9]*}" = "ppp" ] || return 0
- # Set our base metric
- metric=4000
- if yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND}; then
- local config=
- eval config=\$config_${IFVAR}
- # If no config for ppp then don't default to DHCP
- if [ -z "${config}" ]; then
- eval config_${IFVAR}=null
- fi
- return 0
- fi
- local link= i= unit="${IFACE#ppp}" opts=
- # PPP requires a link to communicate over - normally a serial port
- # PPPoE communicates over Ethernet
- # PPPoA communicates over ATM
- # In all cases, the link needs to be available before we start PPP
- eval link=\$link_${IFVAR}
- [ -n "${link}" ] || return 0
- case "${link}" in
- /*)
- if [ ! -e "${link}" ]; then
- eerror "${link} does not exist"
- eerror "Please verify hardware or kernel module (driver)"
- return 1
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -z "${unit}" ]; then
- eerror "PPP requires a unit - use net.ppp[0-9] instead of net.ppp"
- return 1
- fi
- # We need to flatten the useless array
- set -- $(_get_array "pppd_${IFVAR}")
- opts="$@"
- local mtu= hasmtu=false hasmru=false hasmaxfail=false haspersist=false
- local hasupdetach=false hasdefaultmetric=false
- for i in ${opts}; do
- case "${i}" in
- unit|nodetach|linkname)
- eerror "The option \"${i}\" is not allowed in pppd_${IFVAR}"
- return 1
- ;;
- defaultmetric) hasdefaultmetric=true;;
- mtu) hasmtu=true;;
- mru) hasmru=true;;
- maxfail) hasmaxfail=true;;
- persist) haspersist=true;;
- updetach) hasupdetach=true;;
- esac
- done
- # Might be set in conf.d/net
- local username= password= passwordset=
- eval username=\$username_${IFVAR}
- eval password=\$password_${IFVAR}
- eval passwordset=\$\{password_${IFVAR}-x\}
- if [ -n "${username}" ] \
- && [ -n "${password}" -o -z "${passwordset}" ]; then
- opts="plugin passwordfd.so ${opts} passwordfd 0"
- fi
- if ! ${hasdefaultmetric}; then
- local m=
- eval m=\$metric_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${m}" ] && : $(( m = metric + $(_ifindex) ))
- opts="${opts} defaultmetric ${m}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${mtu}" ]; then
- ${hasmtu} || opts="${opts} mtu ${mtu}"
- ${hasmru} || opts="${opts} mru ${mtu}"
- fi
- ${hasmaxfail} || opts="${opts} maxfail 0"
- ${haspersist} || opts="${opts} persist"
- # Set linkname because we need /var/run/ppp-${linkname}.pid
- # This pidfile has the advantage of being there,
- # even if ${IFACE} interface was never started
- opts="linkname ${IFACE} ${opts}"
- # Setup auth info
- if [ -n "${username}" ]; then
- opts="user '${username}' remotename ${IFACE} ${opts}"
- fi
- # Load a custom interface configuration file if it exists
- [ -f "/etc/ppp/options.${IFACE}" ] \
- && opts="${opts} file '/etc/ppp/options.${IFACE}'"
- # Set unit
- opts="unit ${unit} ${opts}"
- # Setup connect script
- local chatprog="/usr/sbin/chat -e -E -v" phone=
- eval phone=\$phone_number_${IFVAR}
- set -- ${phone}
- [ -n "$1" ] && chatprog="${chatprog} -T '$1'"
- [ -n "$2" ] && chatprog="${chatprog} -U '$2'"
- # We need to flatten the useless array
- set -- $(_get_array "chat_${IFVAR}")
- if [ $# != 0 ]; then
- opts="${opts} connect '$(echo ${chatprog} $@ | sed -e "s:':'\\\\'':g")'"
- fi
- # Add plugins
- local haspppoa=false haspppoe=false plugins="$(_get_array "plugins_${IFVAR}")"
- local IFS="$__IFS"
- for i in ${plugins}; do
- unset IFS
- set -- ${i}
- case "$1" in
- passwordfd) continue;;
- pppoa) shift; set -- "pppoatm" "$@";;
- pppoe) shift; set -- "rp-pppoe" "$@";;
- capi) shift; set -- "capiplugin" "$@";;
- esac
- case "$1" in
- rp-pppoe) haspppoe=true;;
- pppoatm) haspppoa=true;;
- esac
- if [ "$1" = "rp-pppoe" ] || [ "$1" = "pppoatm" -a "${link}" != "/dev/null" ]; then
- opts="${opts} connect true"
- set -- "$@" "${link}"
- fi
- opts="plugin $1.so ${opts}"
- shift
- opts="${opts} $@"
- done
- unset IFS
- #Specialized stuff. Insert here actions particular to connection type (pppoe,pppoa,capi)
- local insert_link_in_opts=1
- if ${haspppoe}; then
- if [ ! -e /proc/net/pppoe ]; then
- # Load the PPPoE kernel module
- if ! modprobe pppoe; then
- eerror "kernel does not support PPPoE"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Ensure that the link exists and is up
- ( IFACE="${link}"; _exists true && _up ) || return 1
- insert_link_in_opts=0
- fi
- if ${haspppoa}; then
- if [ ! -d /proc/net/atm ]; then
- # Load the PPPoA kernel module
- if ! modprobe pppoatm; then
- eerror "kernel does not support PPPoATM"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${link}" != "/dev/null" ]; then
- insert_link_in_opts=0
- else
- ewarn "WARNING: An [itf.]vpi.vci ATM address was expected in link_${IFVAR}"
- fi
- fi
- [ "${insert_link_in_opts}" = "0" ] || opts="${link} ${opts}"
- ebegin "Starting pppd in ${IFACE}"
- mark_service_inactive
- if [ -n "${username}" ] \
- && [ -n "${password}" -o -z "${passwordset}" ]; then
- printf "%s" "${password}" | \
- eval start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/pppd \
- --pidfile "/var/run/ppp-${IFACE}.pid" -- "${opts}" >/dev/null
- else
- eval start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/pppd \
- --pidfile "/var/run/ppp-${IFACE}.pid" -- "${opts}" >/dev/null
- fi
- if ! eend $? "Failed to start PPP"; then
- mark_service_stopped
- return 1
- fi
- if ${hasupdetach}; then
- _show_address
- else
- einfo "Backgrounding ..."
- fi
- # pppd will re-call us when we bring the interface up
- exit 0
-# Dummy function for users that still have config_ppp0="ppp"
- return 0
- yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/ppp-${IFACE}.pid"
- [ ! -s "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- # Give pppd at least 30 seconds do die, #147490
- einfo "Stopping pppd on ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/pppd \
- --pidfile "${pidfile}" --retry 30
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/pump.sh b/net/pump.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd454cb..00000000
--- a/net/pump.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program /sbin/pump
- after interface
- provide dhcp
-_config_vars="$_config_vars dhcp pump"
- local args= opt= opts=
- # Get our options
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- # Map some generic options to dhcpcd
- for opt in ${opts}; do
- case "${opt}" in
- nodns) args="${args} --no-dns";;
- nontp) args="${args} --no-ntp";;
- nogateway) args="${args} --no-gateway";;
- esac
- done
- # Add our route metric
- [ "${metric:-0}" != "0" ] && args="${args} --route-metric ${metric}"
- args="${args} --win-client-ident"
- args="${args} --keep-up --interface ${IFACE}"
- ebegin "Running pump"
- eval pump "${args}"
- eend $? || return 1
- _show_address
- return 0
- # We check for a pump process first as querying for status
- # causes pump to spawn a process
- start-stop-daemon --quiet --test --stop --exec /sbin/pump || return 0
- # Check that pump is running on the interface
- if ! pump --status --interface "${IFACE}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- return 0
- fi
- # Pump always releases the lease
- ebegin "Stopping pump on ${IFACE}"
- pump --release --interface "${IFACE}"
- eend $? "Failed to stop pump"
diff --git a/net/ssidnet.sh b/net/ssidnet.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b0eed567..00000000
--- a/net/ssidnet.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before interface system
- after wireless
- [ -z "${SSID}" -a -z "${SSIDVAR}" ] && return 0
- local mac=$(_get_ap_mac_address | sed -e 's/://g') x=
- vebegin "Configuring ${IFACE} for SSID ${SSID}"
- _configure_variables "${mac}" "${SSIDVAR}"
- # Backwards compat for old gateway var
- eval x=\$gateway_${SSIDVAR}
- [ -n "${x}" ] && gateway=${x}
- veend 0
diff --git a/net/system.sh b/net/system.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 98017d5d..00000000
--- a/net/system.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
-_config_vars="$_config_vars dns_servers dns_domain dns_search"
-_config_vars="$_config_vars dns_sortlist dns_options"
-_config_vars="$_config_vars ntp_servers nis_servers nis_domain"
- after interface
- before dhcp
- local servers= domain= search= sortlist= options= x= imetric=
- eval servers=\$dns_servers_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${servers}" ] && servers=${dns_servers}
- eval domain=\$dns_domain_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${domain}" ] && domain=${dns_domain}
- eval search=\$dns_search_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${search}" ] && search=${dns_search}
- eval sortlist=\$dns_sortlist_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${sortlist}" ] && sortlist=${dns_sortlist}
- eval options=\$dns_options_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${options}" ] && options=${dns_options}
- [ -z "${servers}" -a -z "${domain}" -a -z "${search}" \
- -a -z "${sortlist}" -a -z "${options}" ] && return 0
- local buffer="# Generated by net-scripts for interface ${IFACE}\n"
- [ -n "${domain}" ] && buffer="${buffer}domain ${domain}\n"
- [ -n "${search}" ] && buffer="${buffer}search ${search}\n"
- for x in ${servers}; do
- buffer="${buffer}nameserver ${x}\n"
- done
- [ -n "${sortlist}" ] && buffer="${buffer}sortlist ${sortlist}\n"
- [ -n "${options}" ] && buffer="${buffer}options ${options}\n"
- # Support resolvconf if we have it.
- if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
- x="-a ${IFACE}"
- eval imetric=\${metric_${IFVAR}}
- if [ -n "${imetric}" ]; then
- x="${x} -m ${imetric}"
- fi
- printf "${buffer}" | resolvconf ${x}
- else
- printf "${buffer}" > /etc/resolv.conf
- chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf
- fi
- local servers= buffer= x=
- eval servers=\$ntp_servers_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${servers}" ] && servers=${ntp_servers}
- [ -z "${servers}" ] && return 0
- buffer="# Generated by net-scripts for interface ${IFACE}\n"
- buffer="${buffer}restrict default noquery notrust nomodify\n"
- buffer="${buffer}restrict\n"
- for x in ${servers}; do
- buffer="${buffer}restrict ${x} nomodify notrap noquery\n"
- buffer="${buffer}server ${x}\n"
- done
- printf "${buffer}" > /etc/ntp.conf
- chmod 644 /etc/ntp.conf
- local servers= domain= x= buffer=
- eval servers=\$nis_servers_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${servers}" ] && servers=${nis_servers}
- eval domain=\$nis_domain_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${domain}" ] && domain=${nis_domain}
- [ -z "${servers}" -a -z "${domain}" ] && return 0
- buffer="# Generated by net-scripts for interface ${iface}\n"
- if [ -n "${domain}" ]; then
- hostname -y "${domain}"
- if [ -n "${servers}" ]; then
- for x in ${servers}; do
- buffer="${buffer}domain ${domain} server ${x}\n"
- done
- else
- buffer="${buffer}domain ${domain} broadcast\n"
- fi
- else
- for x in ${servers}; do
- buffer="${buffer}ypserver ${x}\n"
- done
- fi
- printf "${buffer}" > /etc/yp.conf
- chmod 644 /etc/yp.conf
- _system_dns
- _system_ntp
- _system_nis
- return 0
diff --git a/net/tuntap.sh b/net/tuntap.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 331fd83f..00000000
--- a/net/tuntap.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- before bridge interface macchanger
- program ip openvpn tunctl
-_config_vars="$_config_vars iproute2 openvpn tunctl"
- [ -n "$(RC_SVCNAME="net.${IFACE}"; export RC_SVCNAME ; service_get_value tuntap)" ]
- local tuntap=
- local rc=
- eval tuntap=\$tuntap_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${tuntap}" ] && return 0
- if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]; then
- if ! modprobe tun; then
- eerror "TUN/TAP support is not present in this kernel"
- return 1
- fi
- vebegin "Waiting for /dev/net/tun"
- # /dev/net/tun can take its time to appear
- local timeout=10
- while [ ! -e /dev/net/tun -a ${timeout} -gt 0 ]; do
- sleep 1
- : $(( timeout -= 1 ))
- done
- if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]; then
- eerror "TUN/TAP support present but /dev/net/tun is not"
- return 1
- fi
- veend 0
- fi
- ebegin "Creating Tun/Tap interface ${IFACE}"
- # Set the base metric to 1000
- metric=1000
- local i_opts= o_opts= t_opts=
- local do_iproute2=false do_openvpn=false do_tunctl=false
- eval i_opts=\$iproute2_${IFVAR}
- eval o_opts=\$openvpn_${IFVAR}
- eval t_opts=\$tunctl_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${i_opts}" ] && type ip >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- do_iproute2=true
- elif [ -n "${o_opts}" ] && type openvpn >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- do_openvpn=true
- elif [ -n "${t_opts}" ] && type tunctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- do_tunctl=true
- elif type ip >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- do_iproute2=true
- elif type openvpn >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- do_openvpn=true
- elif type tunctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- do_tunctl=true
- fi
- if ${do_iproute2}; then
- ip tuntap add dev "${IFACE}" mode "${tuntap}" ${i_opts}
- rc=$?
- elif ${do_openvpn}; then
- openvpn --mktun --dev-type "${tuntap}" --dev "${IFACE}" \
- ${o_opts} >/dev/null
- rc=$?
- elif ${do_tunctl}; then
- tunctl ${t_opts} -t "${IFACE}" >/dev/null
- rc=$?
- else
- eerror "Neither iproute2, openvpn nor tunctl has been found, please install"
- eerror "either \"iproute2\" \"openvpn\" or \"usermode-utilities\"."
- rc=1
- fi
- eend $rc && _up && service_set_value tuntap "${tuntap}"
- _is_tuntap || return 0
- ebegin "Destroying Tun/Tap interface ${IFACE}"
- if type ip > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- ip tuntap del dev ${IFACE} mode $(service_get_value tuntap)
- elif type tunctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- tunctl -d "${IFACE}" >/dev/null
- else
- openvpn --rmtun \
- --dev-type "$(service_get_value tuntap)" \
- --dev "${IFACE}" >/dev/null
- fi
- eend $?
diff --git a/net/udhcpc.sh b/net/udhcpc.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 130f8736..00000000
--- a/net/udhcpc.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program start /bin/busybox
- after interface
- provide dhcp
-_config_vars="$_config_vars dhcp udhcpc"
- local args= opt= opts= pidfile="/var/run/udhcpc-${IFACE}.pid"
- local sendhost=true cachefile="/var/cache/udhcpc-${IFACE}.lease"
- eval args=\$udhcpc_${IFVAR}
- # Get our options
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- # This omits the Gentoo specific patch to busybox,
- # but it creates temporary files.
- # We can move this stuff to udhcpc hook script to avoid that, should we do?
- local conf="/var/run/udhcpc-${IFACE}.conf"
- echo -n >"$conf"
- # Map some generic options to dhcpcd
- for opt in ${opts}; do
- case "${opt}" in
- nodns) echo "PEER_DNS=no" >>"$conf" ;;
- nontp) echo "PEER_NTP=no" >>"$conf" ;;
- nogateway) echo "PEER_ROUTERS=no" >>"$conf" ;;
- nosendhost) sendhost=false;
- esac
- done
- [ "${metric:-0}" != "0" ] && echo "IF_METRIC=${metric}" >>"$conf"
- ebegin "Running udhcpc"
- # Try and load the cache if it exists
- if [ -f "${cachefile}" ]; then
- case "$ {args} " in
- *" --request="*|*" -r "*);;
- *)
- local x=$(cat "${cachefile}")
- # Check for a valid ip
- case "${x}" in
- *.*.*.*) args="${args} --request=${x}";;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- case " ${args} " in
- *" --quit "*|*" -q "*) x="/bin/busybox udhcpc";;
- *) x="start-stop-daemon --start --exec /bin/busybox \
- --pidfile \"${pidfile}\" -- udhcpc";;
- esac
- case " ${args} " in
- *" --hostname="*|*" -h "*|*" -H "*);;
- *)
- if ${sendhost}; then
- local hname="$(hostname)"
- if [ "${hname}" != "(none)" ] && [ "${hname}" != "localhost" ]; then
- args="${args} -x hostname:'${hname}'"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- eval "${x}" "${args}" --interface="${IFACE}" --now \
- --script="${RC_LIBEXECDIR}/sh/udhcpc-hook.sh" \
- --pidfile="${pidfile}" >/dev/null
- eend $? || return 1
- _show_address
- return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/udhcpc-${IFACE}.pid" opts=
- [ ! -f "${pidfile}" ] && return 0
- # Get our options
- eval opts=\$dhcp_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${opts}" ] && opts=${dhcp}
- ebegin "Stopping udhcpc on ${IFACE}"
- case " ${opts} " in
- *" release "*)
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal USR2 \
- --exec /bin/busybox --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- if [ -f /var/cache/udhcpc-"${IFACE}".lease ]; then
- rm -f /var/cache/udhcpc-"${IFACE}".lease
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /bin/busybox --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
- if [ -e "/var/run/udhcpc-${IFACE}.conf" ]; then
- rm -f "/var/run/udhcpc-${IFACE}.conf"
- fi
diff --git a/net/vlan.sh b/net/vlan.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 10040afa..00000000
--- a/net/vlan.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- program ip
- after interface
- before dhcp
-_config_vars="$_config_vars vlans"
- [ ! -d /proc/net/vlan ] && return 1
- [ -e /proc/net/vlan/"${IFACE}" ] && return 0
- grep -Eq "^${IFACE}[[:space:]]+" /proc/net/vlan/config
- [ -e /proc/net/vlan/config ] || return 1
- sed -n -e 's/^\W*\([^ ]*\) \(.* \) .*'"${IFACE}"'$/\1/p' /proc/net/vlan/config
- if [ ! -d /proc/net/vlan ]; then
- modprobe 8021q
- if [ ! -d /proc/net/vlan ]; then
- eerror "VLAN (802.1q) support is not present in this kernel"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- local vconfig
- eval vconfig=\$vconfig_${IFVAR}
- if [ -n "${vconfig}" ]; then
- eerror "You must convert your vconfig_ VLAN entries to vlan${N} entries."
- return 1
- fi
- local vlans=
- eval vlans=\$vlans_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "$vlans" ] && return 0
- case " ${MODULES} " in
- *" ifconfig "*)
- eerror "sys-apps/iproute2 is required to configure VLANs"
- return 1 ;;
- esac
- local vlans=
- eval vlans=\$vlans_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${vlans}" ] && return 0
- _check_vlan || return 1
- _exists || return 1
- local vlan= e= s= vname= vflags= vingress= vegress=
- for vlan in ${vlans}; do
- einfo "Adding VLAN ${vlan} to ${IFACE}"
- # We need to gather all interface configuration options
- # 1) naming. Default to the standard "${IFACE}.${vlan}" but it can be anything
- eval vname=\$${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}_name
- [ -z "${vname}" ] && eval vname=\$vlan${vlan}_name
- [ -z "${vname}" ] && vname="${IFACE}.${vlan}"
- # 2) flags
- eval vflags=\$${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}_flags
- [ -z "${vflags}" ] && eval vflags=\$vlan${vlan}_flags
- # 3) ingress/egress map
- eval vingress=\$${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}_ingress
- [ -z "${vingress}" ] && eval vingress=\$vlan${vlan}_ingress
- [ -z "${vingress}" ] || vingress="ingress-qos-map ${vingress}"
- eval vegress=\$${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}_egress
- [ -z "${vegress}" ] && eval vegress=\$vlan${vlan}_egress
- [ -z "${vegress}" ] || vegress="egress-qos-map ${vegress}"
- # txqueue
- local txqueuelen=
- eval txqueuelen=\$txqueuelen_${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}
- [ -z "${txqueuelen}" ] && eval txqueuelen=\$txqueuelen_vlan${vlan}
- # mac
- local mac=
- eval mac=\$mac_${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}
- [ -z "${mac}" ] && eval mac=\$mac_vlan${vlan}
- # broadcast
- local broadcast=
- eval broadcast=\$broadcast_${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}
- [ -z "${broadcast}" ] && eval broadcast=\$broadcast_vlan${vlan}
- # mtu
- local mtu=
- eval mtu=\$mtu_${IFACE}_vlan${vlan}
- [ -z "${mtu}" ] && eval mtu=\$mtu_vlan${vlan}
- # combine it all
- local opts="${txqueuelen:+txqueuelen} ${txqueuelen} ${mac:+address} ${mac} ${broadcast:+broadcast} ${broadcast} ${mtu:+mtu} ${mtu}"
- veinfo "ip link add link \"${IFACE}\" name \"${vname}\" ${opts} type vlan id \"${vlan}\" ${vflags} ${vingress} ${vegress}"
- e="$(ip link add link "${IFACE}" name "${vname}" ${opts} type vlan id "${vlan}" ${vflags} ${vingress} ${vegress} 2>&1 1>/dev/null)"
- if [ -n "${e}" ]; then
- eend 1 "${e}"
- continue
- fi
- # We may not want to start the vlan ourselves
- eval s=\$vlan_start_${IFVAR}
- yesno ${s:-yes} || continue
- # We need to work out the interface name of our new vlan id
- local ifname="$(sed -n -e \
- 's/^\([^[:space:]]*\) *| '"${vlan}"' *| .*'"${IFACE}"'$/\1/p' \
- /proc/net/vlan/config )"
- mark_service_started "net.${ifname}"
- (
- RC_SVCNAME="net.${ifname}" ; export RC_SVCNAME
- start
- ) || mark_service_stopped "net.${ifname}"
- done
- return 0
- local vlan=
- _exists || return 0
- for vlan in $(_get_vlans); do
- einfo "Removing VLAN ${vlan##*.} from ${IFACE}"
- (
- RC_SVCNAME="net.${vlan}" ; export RC_SVCNAME
- stop
- ) && {
- mark_service_stopped "net.${vlan}"
- ip link delete "${vlan}" type vlan >/dev/null
- }
- done
- return 0
diff --git a/net/wpa_supplicant.sh b/net/wpa_supplicant.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b0256c..00000000
--- a/net/wpa_supplicant.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
-# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
- wpas=/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant
- [ -x ${wpas} ] || wpas=/sbin/wpa_supplicant
- if [ -x ${wpas} ]; then
- program start ${wpas}
- # bug 345281: if wpa_supplicant is built w/ USE=dbus, we need to start
- # dbus before we can start wpa_supplicant.
- ${wpas} -h |grep DBus -sq
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && need dbus
- fi
- after macnet plug
- before interface
- provide wireless
- # Prefer us over iwconfig
- after iwconfig
-# Only set these functions if not set already
-# IE, prefer to use iwconfig
-if ! type _get_ssid >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- local timeout=5 ssid=
- while [ ${timeout} -gt 0 ]; do
- ssid=$(wpa_cli -i"${IFACE}" status | sed -n -e 's/^ssid=//p')
- if [ -n "${ssid}" ]; then
- echo "${ssid}"
- return 0
- fi
- sleep 1
- : $(( timeout -= 1 ))
- done
- return 1
- wpa_cli -i"${IFACE}" status | sed -n -e 's/^bssid=\(.*\)$/\1/p' \
- | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
- local opts= cliopts= cfgfile= ctrl_dir= wireless=true
- local wpas=/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant wpac=/usr/bin/wpa_cli
- local actfile=/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_cli.sh
- if [ ! -x "${wpas}" ]; then
- wpas=/sbin/wpa_supplicant
- wpac=/bin/wpa_cli
- fi
- [ "${RC_UNAME}" = "Linux" ] || unset wpac
- [ -e "${actfile}" ] || unset wpac
- eval opts=\$wpa_supplicant_${IFVAR}
- eval cliopts=\$wpa_cli_${IFVAR}
- [ -z "${cliopts}" ] && cliopts=${wpa_cli}
- case " ${opts} " in
- *" -Dwired "*) wireless=false;;
- *) _is_wireless || return 0;;
- esac
- # We don't configure wireless if we're being called from
- # the background unless we're not currently running
- if yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND}; then
- if ${wireless} && \
- service_started_daemon "${RC_SVCNAME}" "${wpas}"; then
- SSID=$(_get_ssid "${IFACE}")
- SSIDVAR=$(shell_var "${SSID}")
- service_set_value "SSID" "${SSID}"
- metric=2000
- fi
- return 0
- fi
- service_set_value "SSID" ""
- ebegin "Starting wpa_supplicant on ${IFVAR}"
- if type iwconfig_defaults >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- iwconfig_defaults
- iwconfig_user_config
- fi
- cfgfile=${opts##* -c}
- if [ -n "${cfgfile}" -a "${cfgfile}" != "${opts}" ]; then
- case "${cfgfile}" in
- " "*) cfgfile=${cfgfile# *};;
- esac
- cfgfile=${cfgfile%% *}
- else
- # Support new and old style locations
- cfgfile="/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-${IFACE}.conf"
- [ ! -e "${cfgfile}" ] \
- && cfgfile="/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf"
- [ ! -e ${cfgfile} ] \
- && cfgfile="/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf"
- opts="${opts} -c ${cfgfile}"
- fi
- if [ ! -f ${cfgfile} ]; then
- eend 1 "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf not found"
- return 1
- fi
- # Work out where the ctrl_interface dir is if it's not specified
- local ctrl_dir=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' \
- -e '/^ctrl_interface=/!d' \
- -e 's/^ctrl_interface=//' \
- -e 's/^ *//' \
- -e 's/^DIR=//' \
- -e 's/^ *//' \
- -e 's/GROUP=.*//' \
- -e 's/ *$//' \
- "${cfgfile}")
- if [ -z "${ctrl_dir}" ]; then
- ctrl_dir=${opts##* -C}
- if [ -n "${ctrl_dir}" -a "${ctrl_dir}" != "${opts}" ]; then
- case "${ctrl_dir}" in
- " "*) ctrl_dir=${ctrl_dir# *};;
- esac
- ctrl_dir=${ctrl_dir%% *}
- else
- ctrl_dir="/var/run/wpa_supplicant"
- opts="${opts} -C ${ctrl_dir}"
- fi
- fi
- service_set_value ctrl_dir "${ctrl_dir}"
- if [ -n "${wpac}" ]; then
- opts="${opts} -W"
- elif service_started devd; then
- mark_service_inactive
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec "${wpas}" \
- --pidfile "/var/run/wpa_supplicant-${IFACE}.pid" \
- -- ${opts} -B -i "${IFACE}" \
- -P "/var/run/wpa_supplicant-${IFACE}.pid"
- eend $? || return 1
- # If we don't have a working wpa_cli and action file continue
- if [ -z "${wpac}" ]; then
- if service_started devd; then
- ebegin "Backgrounding ..."
- exit 1
- fi
- return 0
- fi
- # Starting wpa_supplication-0.4.0, we can get wpa_cli to
- # start/stop our scripts from wpa_supplicant messages
- local inact=false
- service_inactive && inact=true
- mark_service_inactive
- ebegin "Starting wpa_cli on" "${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec "${wpac}" \
- --pidfile "/var/run/wpa_cli-${IFACE}.pid" \
- -- ${cliopts} -a "${actfile}" -p "${ctrl_dir}" -i "${IFACE}" \
- -P "/var/run/wpa_cli-${IFACE}.pid" -B
- if eend $?; then
- ebegin "Backgrounding ..."
- exit 1
- fi
- # wpa_cli failed to start? OK, error here
- start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --exec "${wpas}" \
- --pidfile "/var/run/wpa_supplicant-${IFACE}.pid"
- ${inact} || mark_service_stopped
- return 1
- local wpas=/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant wpac=/usr/bin/wpa_cli
- if [ ! -x "${wpas}" ]; then
- wpas=/sbin/wpa_supplicant
- wpac=/bin/wpa_cli
- fi
- if yesno "${IN_BACKGROUND}"; then
- # Only stop wpa_supplicant if it's not the controlling daemon
- ! service_started_daemon "${RC_SVCNAME}" "${wpas}" 1
- fi
- [ $? != 0 ] && return 0
- local pidfile="/var/run/wpa_cli-${IFACE}.pid"
- if [ -f ${pidfile} ]; then
- ebegin "Stopping wpa_cli on ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec "${wpac}" --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
- fi
- pidfile="/var/run/wpa_supplicant-${IFACE}.pid"
- if [ -f ${pidfile} ]; then
- ebegin "Stopping wpa_supplicant on ${IFACE}"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec "${wpas}" --pidfile "${pidfile}"
- eend $?
- fi
- # If wpa_supplicant exits uncleanly, we need to remove the stale dir
- [ -S "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/${IFACE}" ] \
- && rm -f "/var/run/wpa_supplicant/${IFACE}"
diff --git a/runlevels/Makefile b/runlevels/Makefile
index f6911139..25e3e1ab 100644
--- a/runlevels/Makefile
+++ b/runlevels/Makefile
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+include ../mk/net.mk
BOOT= bootmisc fsck hostname localmount loopback \
root swap swapfiles sysctl urandom ${BOOT-${OS}}
DEFAULT= local netmount
@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ BOOTDIR= ${LEVELDIR}/boot
-ifeq (${MKNET},)
+ifeq (${MKNET},yes)
BOOT+= network staticroute
@@ -25,12 +27,6 @@ BOOT-${OS}=
-ifeq (${MKNET},oldnet)
-BOOT-FreeBSD+= net.lo0
-BOOT-Linux+= net.lo
-BOOT-NetBSD+= net.lo0
BOOT-BSD= hostid newsyslog savecore syslogd swap-blk
# Generic BSD stuff
diff --git a/sh/.gitignore b/sh/.gitignore
index 9fe55105..386c42f6 100644
--- a/sh/.gitignore
+++ b/sh/.gitignore
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ runscript.sh
diff --git a/sh/Makefile b/sh/Makefile
index 043b1448..7307f63a 100644
--- a/sh/Makefile
+++ b/sh/Makefile
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ SRCS-FreeBSD=
SRCS-Linux= cgroup-release-agent.sh.in init-early.sh.in migrate-to-run.sh.in \
- rc-cgroup.sh.in udhcpc-hook.sh.in
+ rc-cgroup.sh.in
BIN-Linux= cgroup-release-agent.sh init-early.sh migrate-to-run.sh \
- rc-cgroup.sh udhcpc-hook.sh
+ rc-cgroup.sh
-SRCS-NetBSD= ifwatchd-carrier.sh.in ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh.in
-BIN-NetBSD= ifwatchd-carrier.sh ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh
include ${MK}/scripts.mk
diff --git a/sh/ifwatchd-carrier.sh.in b/sh/ifwatchd-carrier.sh.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b5d8b34..00000000
--- a/sh/ifwatchd-carrier.sh.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Wrapper for ifwatchd(8)
-$RC_SERVICE --quiet start
diff --git a/sh/ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh.in b/sh/ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh.in
deleted file mode 100644
index bbecfe84..00000000
--- a/sh/ifwatchd-nocarrier.sh.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Wrapper for ifwatchd(8)
-$RC_SERVICE --quiet stop
diff --git a/sh/udhcpc-hook.sh.in b/sh/udhcpc-hook.sh.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 0744a04c..00000000
--- a/sh/udhcpc-hook.sh.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# busybox udhcp setup script
- [ -n "$1" ] && [ "$1" != "yes" ]
- peer_var "${PEER_DNS}" && return
- [ -z "${domain}" ] && [ -z "${dns}" ] && return
- conf="# Generated by udhcpc for ${interface}\n"
- [ -n "${domain}" ] && conf="${conf}domain ${domain}\n"
- for i in ${dns} ; do
- conf="${conf}nameserver ${i}\n"
- done
- if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ] ; then
- printf "${conf}" | resolvconf -a ${interface}
- else
- printf "${conf}" > /etc/resolv.conf
- chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf
- fi
- peer_var "${PEER_NTP}" && return
- [ -z "${ntpsrv}" ] && return
- conf="# Generated by udhcpc for interface ${interface}\n"
- conf="${conf}restrict default noquery notrust nomodify\n"
- conf="${conf}restrict\n"
- for i in ${ntpsrv} ; do
- conf="${conf}restrict ${i} nomodify notrap noquery\n"
- conf="${conf}server ${i}\n"
- done
- conf="${conf}driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift\n"
- conf="${conf}logfile /var/log/ntp.log\n"
- printf "${conf}" > /etc/ntp.conf
- chmod 644 /etc/ntp.conf
- peer_var "${PEER_HOSTNAME}" && return
- [ -z "${hostname}" ] && return
- myhost="$(hostname)"
- [ -z "${myhost}" ] || [ "${myhost}" = "(none)" ] && hostname "${hostname}"
- [ -n "${broadcast}" ] && broadcast="broadcast ${broadcast}"
- [ -n "${subnet}" ] && netmask="netmask ${subnet}"
- [ -n "${mtu}" ] && mtu="mtu ${mtu}"
- ifconfig "${interface}" ${ip} ${broadcast} ${netmask} ${mtu}
- peer_var "${PEER_ROUTERS}" && return
- if [ -n "${router}" ] ; then
- metric=
- [ -n "${IF_METRIC}" ] && metric="metric ${IF_METRIC}"
- for i in ${router} ; do
- route add default gw "${i}" ${metric} dev "${interface}"
- done
- fi
- ifconfig "${interface}"
- if ! peer_var "${PEER_ROUTERS}" ; then
- while route del default dev "${interface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; do
- :
- done
- fi
- if ! peer_var "${PEER_DNS}" ; then
- [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ] && resolvconf -d "${interface}"
- fi
-if [ -r "/var/run/udhcpc-${interface}.conf" ]; then
- . "/var/run/udhcpc-${interface}.conf"
-case "$1" in
- bound|renew)
- update_hostname
- update_interface
- update_routes
- update_dns
- update_ntp
- ;;
- deconfig|leasefail)
- deconfig
- ;;
- nak)
- echo "nak: ${message}"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "unknown option $1" >&2
- echo "Usage: $0 {bound|deconfig|leasefail|nak|renew}" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0