#include "fmacros.h" #include "sockcompat.h" #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "hiredis.h" #ifdef HIREDIS_TEST_SSL #include "hiredis_ssl.h" #endif #include "net.h" #include "win32.h" enum connection_type { CONN_TCP, CONN_UNIX, CONN_FD, CONN_SSL }; struct config { enum connection_type type; struct { const char *host; int port; struct timeval timeout; } tcp; struct { const char *path; } unix_sock; struct { const char *host; int port; const char *ca_cert; const char *cert; const char *key; } ssl; }; /* The following lines make up our testing "framework" :) */ static int tests = 0, fails = 0, skips = 0; #define test(_s) { printf("#%02d ", ++tests); printf(_s); } #define test_cond(_c) if(_c) printf("\033[0;32mPASSED\033[0;0m\n"); else {printf("\033[0;31mFAILED\033[0;0m\n"); fails++;} #define test_skipped() { printf("\033[01;33mSKIPPED\033[0;0m\n"); skips++; } static long long usec(void) { #ifndef _MSC_VER struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); return (((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000000)+tv.tv_usec; #else FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); return (((long long)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime) / 10; #endif } /* The assert() calls below have side effects, so we need assert() * even if we are compiling without asserts (-DNDEBUG). */ #ifdef NDEBUG #undef assert #define assert(e) (void)(e) #endif static redisContext *select_database(redisContext *c) { redisReply *reply; /* Switch to DB 9 for testing, now that we know we can chat. */ reply = redisCommand(c,"SELECT 9"); assert(reply != NULL); freeReplyObject(reply); /* Make sure the DB is emtpy */ reply = redisCommand(c,"DBSIZE"); assert(reply != NULL); if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER && reply->integer == 0) { /* Awesome, DB 9 is empty and we can continue. */ freeReplyObject(reply); } else { printf("Database #9 is not empty, test can not continue\n"); exit(1); } return c; } static int disconnect(redisContext *c, int keep_fd) { redisReply *reply; /* Make sure we're on DB 9. */ reply = redisCommand(c,"SELECT 9"); assert(reply != NULL); freeReplyObject(reply); reply = redisCommand(c,"FLUSHDB"); assert(reply != NULL); freeReplyObject(reply); /* Free the context as well, but keep the fd if requested. */ if (keep_fd) return redisFreeKeepFd(c); redisFree(c); return -1; } static void do_ssl_handshake(redisContext *c, struct config config) { #ifdef HIREDIS_TEST_SSL redisSecureConnection(c, config.ssl.ca_cert, config.ssl.cert, config.ssl.key, NULL); if (c->err) { printf("SSL error: %s\n", c->errstr); redisFree(c); exit(1); } #else (void) c; (void) config; #endif } static redisContext *do_connect(struct config config) { redisContext *c = NULL; if (config.type == CONN_TCP) { c = redisConnect(config.tcp.host, config.tcp.port); } else if (config.type == CONN_SSL) { c = redisConnect(config.ssl.host, config.ssl.port); } else if (config.type == CONN_UNIX) { c = redisConnectUnix(config.unix_sock.path); } else if (config.type == CONN_FD) { /* Create a dummy connection just to get an fd to inherit */ redisContext *dummy_ctx = redisConnectUnix(config.unix_sock.path); if (dummy_ctx) { int fd = disconnect(dummy_ctx, 1); printf("Connecting to inherited fd %d\n", fd); c = redisConnectFd(fd); } } else { assert(NULL); } if (c == NULL) { printf("Connection error: can't allocate redis context\n"); exit(1); } else if (c->err) { printf("Connection error: %s\n", c->errstr); redisFree(c); exit(1); } if (config.type == CONN_SSL) { do_ssl_handshake(c, config); } return select_database(c); } static void do_reconnect(redisContext *c, struct config config) { redisReconnect(c); if (config.type == CONN_SSL) { do_ssl_handshake(c, config); } } static void test_format_commands(void) { char *cmd; int len; test("Format command without interpolation: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET foo bar"); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command with %%s string interpolation: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %s %s","foo","bar"); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command with %%s and an empty string: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %s %s","foo",""); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$0\r\n\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(0+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command with an empty string in between proper interpolations: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %s %s","","foo"); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$0\r\n\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(0+2)+4+(3+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command with %%b string interpolation: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %b %b","foo",(size_t)3,"b\0r",(size_t)3); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nb\0r\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command with %%b and an empty string: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %b %b","foo",(size_t)3,"",(size_t)0); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$0\r\n\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(0+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command with literal %%: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %% %%"); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$1\r\n%\r\n$1\r\n%\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(1+2)+4+(1+2)); free(cmd); /* Vararg width depends on the type. These tests make sure that the * width is correctly determined using the format and subsequent varargs * can correctly be interpolated. */ #define INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST(fmt, type) do { \ type value = 123; \ test("Format command with printf-delegation (" #type "): "); \ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"key:%08" fmt " str:%s", value, "hello"); \ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*2\r\n$12\r\nkey:00000123\r\n$9\r\nstr:hello\r\n",len) == 0 && \ len == 4+5+(12+2)+4+(9+2)); \ free(cmd); \ } while(0) #define FLOAT_WIDTH_TEST(type) do { \ type value = 123.0; \ test("Format command with printf-delegation (" #type "): "); \ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"key:%08.3f str:%s", value, "hello"); \ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*2\r\n$12\r\nkey:0123.000\r\n$9\r\nstr:hello\r\n",len) == 0 && \ len == 4+5+(12+2)+4+(9+2)); \ free(cmd); \ } while(0) INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("d", int); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("hhd", char); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("hd", short); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("ld", long); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("lld", long long); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("u", unsigned int); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("hhu", unsigned char); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("hu", unsigned short); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("lu", unsigned long); INTEGER_WIDTH_TEST("llu", unsigned long long); FLOAT_WIDTH_TEST(float); FLOAT_WIDTH_TEST(double); test("Format command with invalid printf format: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"key:%08p %b",(void*)1234,"foo",(size_t)3); test_cond(len == -1); const char *argv[3]; argv[0] = "SET"; argv[1] = "foo\0xxx"; argv[2] = "bar"; size_t lens[3] = { 3, 7, 3 }; int argc = 3; test("Format command by passing argc/argv without lengths: "); len = redisFormatCommandArgv(&cmd,argc,argv,NULL); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)); free(cmd); test("Format command by passing argc/argv with lengths: "); len = redisFormatCommandArgv(&cmd,argc,argv,lens); test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$7\r\nfoo\0xxx\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(7+2)+4+(3+2)); free(cmd); sds sds_cmd; sds_cmd = NULL; test("Format command into sds by passing argc/argv without lengths: "); len = redisFormatSdsCommandArgv(&sds_cmd,argc,argv,NULL); test_cond(strncmp(sds_cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)); sdsfree(sds_cmd); sds_cmd = NULL; test("Format command into sds by passing argc/argv with lengths: "); len = redisFormatSdsCommandArgv(&sds_cmd,argc,argv,lens); test_cond(strncmp(sds_cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$7\r\nfoo\0xxx\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 && len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(7+2)+4+(3+2)); sdsfree(sds_cmd); } static void test_append_formatted_commands(struct config config) { redisContext *c; redisReply *reply; char *cmd; int len; c = do_connect(config); test("Append format command: "); len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd, "SET foo bar"); test_cond(redisAppendFormattedCommand(c, cmd, len) == REDIS_OK); assert(redisGetReply(c, (void*)&reply) == REDIS_OK); free(cmd); freeReplyObject(reply); disconnect(c, 0); } static void test_reply_reader(void) { redisReader *reader; void *reply, *root; int ret; int i; test("Error handling in reply parser: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"@foo\r\n",6); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,NULL); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Protocol error, got \"@\" as reply type byte") == 0); redisReaderFree(reader); /* when the reply already contains multiple items, they must be free'd * on an error. valgrind will bark when this doesn't happen. */ test("Memory cleanup in reply parser: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"*2\r\n",4); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"$5\r\nhello\r\n",11); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"@foo\r\n",6); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,NULL); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Protocol error, got \"@\" as reply type byte") == 0); redisReaderFree(reader); reader = redisReaderCreate(); test("Can handle arbitrarily nested multi-bulks: "); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"*1\r\n", 4); } redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"$6\r\nLOLWUT\r\n",12); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); root = reply; /* Keep track of the root reply */ test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && ((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY && ((redisReply*)reply)->elements == 1); test("Can parse arbitrarily nested multi-bulks correctly: "); while(i--) { assert(reply != NULL && ((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY); reply = ((redisReply*)reply)->element[0]; } test_cond(((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING && !memcmp(((redisReply*)reply)->str, "LOLWUT", 6)); freeReplyObject(root); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Correctly parses LLONG_MAX: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, ":9223372036854775807\r\n",22); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && ((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER && ((redisReply*)reply)->integer == LLONG_MAX); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Set error when > LLONG_MAX: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, ":9223372036854775808\r\n",22); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Bad integer value") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Correctly parses LLONG_MIN: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, ":-9223372036854775808\r\n",23); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && ((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER && ((redisReply*)reply)->integer == LLONG_MIN); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Set error when < LLONG_MIN: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, ":-9223372036854775809\r\n",23); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Bad integer value") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Set error when array < -1: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, "*-2\r\n+asdf\r\n",12); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Multi-bulk length out of range") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Set error when bulk < -1: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, "$-2\r\nasdf\r\n",11); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Bulk string length out of range") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); #if LLONG_MAX > SIZE_MAX test("Set error when array > SIZE_MAX: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, "*9223372036854775807\r\n+asdf\r\n",29); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Multi-bulk length out of range") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Set error when bulk > SIZE_MAX: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader, "$9223372036854775807\r\nasdf\r\n",28); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && strcasecmp(reader->errstr,"Bulk string length out of range") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); #endif test("Works with NULL functions for reply: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); reader->fn = NULL; redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"+OK\r\n",5); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && reply == (void*)REDIS_REPLY_STATUS); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Works when a single newline (\\r\\n) covers two calls to feed: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); reader->fn = NULL; redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"+OK\r",4); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); assert(ret == REDIS_OK && reply == NULL); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"\n",1); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && reply == (void*)REDIS_REPLY_STATUS); redisReaderFree(reader); test("Don't reset state after protocol error: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); reader->fn = NULL; redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"x",1); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); assert(ret == REDIS_ERR); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR && reply == NULL); redisReaderFree(reader); /* Regression test for issue #45 on GitHub. */ test("Don't do empty allocation for empty multi bulk: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"*0\r\n",4); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && ((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY && ((redisReply*)reply)->elements == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); /* RESP3 verbatim strings (GitHub issue #802) */ test("Can parse RESP3 verbatim strings: "); reader = redisReaderCreate(); redisReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"=10\r\ntxt:LOLWUT\r\n",17); ret = redisReaderGetReply(reader,&reply); test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && ((redisReply*)reply)->type == REDIS_REPLY_VERB && !memcmp(((redisReply*)reply)->str,"LOLWUT", 6)); freeReplyObject(reply); redisReaderFree(reader); } static void test_free_null(void) { void *redisCtx = NULL; void *reply = NULL; test("Don't fail when redisFree is passed a NULL value: "); redisFree(redisCtx); test_cond(redisCtx == NULL); test("Don't fail when freeReplyObject is passed a NULL value: "); freeReplyObject(reply); test_cond(reply == NULL); } #define HIREDIS_BAD_DOMAIN "idontexist-noreally.com" static void test_blocking_connection_errors(void) { redisContext *c; struct addrinfo hints = {.ai_family = AF_INET}; struct addrinfo *ai_tmp = NULL; int rv = getaddrinfo(HIREDIS_BAD_DOMAIN, "6379", &hints, &ai_tmp); if (rv != 0) { // Address does *not* exist test("Returns error when host cannot be resolved: "); // First see if this domain name *actually* resolves to NXDOMAIN c = redisConnect(HIREDIS_BAD_DOMAIN, 6379); test_cond( c->err == REDIS_ERR_OTHER && (strcmp(c->errstr, "Name or service not known") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "Can't resolve: " HIREDIS_BAD_DOMAIN) == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "Name does not resolve") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "No address associated with hostname") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "Temporary failure in name resolution") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "hostname nor servname provided, or not known") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "no address associated with name") == 0 || strcmp(c->errstr, "No such host is known. ") == 0)); redisFree(c); } else { printf("Skipping NXDOMAIN test. Found evil ISP!\n"); freeaddrinfo(ai_tmp); } #ifndef _WIN32 test("Returns error when the port is not open: "); c = redisConnect((char*)"localhost", 1); test_cond(c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO && strcmp(c->errstr,"Connection refused") == 0); redisFree(c); test("Returns error when the unix_sock socket path doesn't accept connections: "); c = redisConnectUnix((char*)"/tmp/idontexist.sock"); test_cond(c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO); /* Don't care about the message... */ redisFree(c); #endif } static void test_blocking_connection(struct config config) { redisContext *c; redisReply *reply; c = do_connect(config); test("Is able to deliver commands: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"PING"); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcasecmp(reply->str,"pong") == 0) freeReplyObject(reply); test("Is a able to send commands verbatim: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"SET foo bar"); test_cond (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcasecmp(reply->str,"ok") == 0) freeReplyObject(reply); test("%%s String interpolation works: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"SET %s %s","foo","hello world"); freeReplyObject(reply); reply = redisCommand(c,"GET foo"); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING && strcmp(reply->str,"hello world") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); test("%%b String interpolation works: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"SET %b %b","foo",(size_t)3,"hello\x00world",(size_t)11); freeReplyObject(reply); reply = redisCommand(c,"GET foo"); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING && memcmp(reply->str,"hello\x00world",11) == 0) test("Binary reply length is correct: "); test_cond(reply->len == 11) freeReplyObject(reply); test("Can parse nil replies: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"GET nokey"); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_NIL) freeReplyObject(reply); /* test 7 */ test("Can parse integer replies: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"INCR mycounter"); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER && reply->integer == 1) freeReplyObject(reply); test("Can parse multi bulk replies: "); freeReplyObject(redisCommand(c,"LPUSH mylist foo")); freeReplyObject(redisCommand(c,"LPUSH mylist bar")); reply = redisCommand(c,"LRANGE mylist 0 -1"); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY && reply->elements == 2 && !memcmp(reply->element[0]->str,"bar",3) && !memcmp(reply->element[1]->str,"foo",3)) freeReplyObject(reply); /* m/e with multi bulk reply *before* other reply. * specifically test ordering of reply items to parse. */ test("Can handle nested multi bulk replies: "); freeReplyObject(redisCommand(c,"MULTI")); freeReplyObject(redisCommand(c,"LRANGE mylist 0 -1")); freeReplyObject(redisCommand(c,"PING")); reply = (redisCommand(c,"EXEC")); test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY && reply->elements == 2 && reply->element[0]->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY && reply->element[0]->elements == 2 && !memcmp(reply->element[0]->element[0]->str,"bar",3) && !memcmp(reply->element[0]->element[1]->str,"foo",3) && reply->element[1]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcasecmp(reply->element[1]->str,"pong") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); /* Make sure passing NULL to redisGetReply is safe */ test("Can pass NULL to redisGetReply: "); assert(redisAppendCommand(c, "PING") == REDIS_OK); test_cond(redisGetReply(c, NULL) == REDIS_OK); disconnect(c, 0); } /* Send DEBUG SLEEP 0 to detect if we have this command */ static int detect_debug_sleep(redisContext *c) { int detected; redisReply *reply = redisCommand(c, "DEBUG SLEEP 0\r\n"); if (reply == NULL || c->err) { const char *cause = c->err ? c->errstr : "(none)"; fprintf(stderr, "Error testing for DEBUG SLEEP (Redis error: %s), exiting\n", cause); exit(-1); } detected = reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS; freeReplyObject(reply); return detected; } static void test_blocking_connection_timeouts(struct config config) { redisContext *c; redisReply *reply; ssize_t s; const char *sleep_cmd = "DEBUG SLEEP 3\r\n"; struct timeval tv; c = do_connect(config); test("Successfully completes a command when the timeout is not exceeded: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"SET foo fast"); freeReplyObject(reply); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 10000; redisSetTimeout(c, tv); reply = redisCommand(c, "GET foo"); test_cond(reply != NULL && reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING && memcmp(reply->str, "fast", 4) == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); disconnect(c, 0); c = do_connect(config); test("Does not return a reply when the command times out: "); if (detect_debug_sleep(c)) { redisAppendFormattedCommand(c, sleep_cmd, strlen(sleep_cmd)); s = c->funcs->write(c); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 10000; redisSetTimeout(c, tv); reply = redisCommand(c, "GET foo"); #ifndef _WIN32 test_cond(s > 0 && reply == NULL && c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO && strcmp(c->errstr, "Resource temporarily unavailable") == 0); #else test_cond(s > 0 && reply == NULL && c->err == REDIS_ERR_TIMEOUT && strcmp(c->errstr, "recv timeout") == 0); #endif freeReplyObject(reply); } else { test_skipped(); } test("Reconnect properly reconnects after a timeout: "); do_reconnect(c, config); reply = redisCommand(c, "PING"); test_cond(reply != NULL && reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcmp(reply->str, "PONG") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); test("Reconnect properly uses owned parameters: "); config.tcp.host = "foo"; config.unix_sock.path = "foo"; do_reconnect(c, config); reply = redisCommand(c, "PING"); test_cond(reply != NULL && reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS && strcmp(reply->str, "PONG") == 0); freeReplyObject(reply); disconnect(c, 0); } static void test_blocking_io_errors(struct config config) { redisContext *c; redisReply *reply; void *_reply; int major, minor; /* Connect to target given by config. */ c = do_connect(config); { /* Find out Redis version to determine the path for the next test */ const char *field = "redis_version:"; char *p, *eptr; reply = redisCommand(c,"INFO"); p = strstr(reply->str,field); major = strtol(p+strlen(field),&eptr,10); p = eptr+1; /* char next to the first "." */ minor = strtol(p,&eptr,10); freeReplyObject(reply); } test("Returns I/O error when the connection is lost: "); reply = redisCommand(c,"QUIT"); if (major > 2 || (major == 2 && minor > 0)) { /* > 2.0 returns OK on QUIT and read() should be issued once more * to know the descriptor is at EOF. */ test_cond(strcasecmp(reply->str,"OK") == 0 && redisGetReply(c,&_reply) == REDIS_ERR); freeReplyObject(reply); } else { test_cond(reply == NULL); } #ifndef _WIN32 /* On 2.0, QUIT will cause the connection to be closed immediately and * the read(2) for the reply on QUIT will set the error to EOF. * On >2.0, QUIT will return with OK and another read(2) needed to be * issued to find out the socket was closed by the server. In both * conditions, the error will be set to EOF. */ assert(c->err == REDIS_ERR_EOF && strcmp(c->errstr,"Server closed the connection") == 0); #endif redisFree(c); c = do_connect(config); test("Returns I/O error on socket timeout: "); struct timeval tv = { 0, 1000 }; assert(redisSetTimeout(c,tv) == REDIS_OK); int respcode = redisGetReply(c,&_reply); #ifndef _WIN32 test_cond(respcode == REDIS_ERR && c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO && errno == EAGAIN); #else test_cond(respcode == REDIS_ERR && c->err == REDIS_ERR_TIMEOUT); #endif redisFree(c); } static void test_invalid_timeout_errors(struct config config) { redisContext *c; test("Set error when an invalid timeout usec value is given to redisConnectWithTimeout: "); config.tcp.timeout.tv_sec = 0; config.tcp.timeout.tv_usec = 10000001; c = redisConnectWithTimeout(config.tcp.host, config.tcp.port, config.tcp.timeout); test_cond(c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO && strcmp(c->errstr, "Invalid timeout specified") == 0); redisFree(c); test("Set error when an invalid timeout sec value is given to redisConnectWithTimeout: "); config.tcp.timeout.tv_sec = (((LONG_MAX) - 999) / 1000) + 1; config.tcp.timeout.tv_usec = 0; c = redisConnectWithTimeout(config.tcp.host, config.tcp.port, config.tcp.timeout); test_cond(c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO && strcmp(c->errstr, "Invalid timeout specified") == 0); redisFree(c); } static void test_throughput(struct config config) { redisContext *c = do_connect(config); redisReply **replies; int i, num; long long t1, t2; test("Throughput:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) freeReplyObject(redisCommand(c,"LPUSH mylist foo")); num = 1000; replies = malloc(sizeof(redisReply*)*num); t1 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { replies[i] = redisCommand(c,"PING"); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS); } t2 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) freeReplyObject(replies[i]); free(replies); printf("\t(%dx PING: %.3fs)\n", num, (t2-t1)/1000000.0); replies = malloc(sizeof(redisReply*)*num); t1 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { replies[i] = redisCommand(c,"LRANGE mylist 0 499"); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->elements == 500); } t2 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) freeReplyObject(replies[i]); free(replies); printf("\t(%dx LRANGE with 500 elements: %.3fs)\n", num, (t2-t1)/1000000.0); replies = malloc(sizeof(redisReply*)*num); t1 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { replies[i] = redisCommand(c, "INCRBY incrkey %d", 1000000); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER); } t2 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) freeReplyObject(replies[i]); free(replies); printf("\t(%dx INCRBY: %.3fs)\n", num, (t2-t1)/1000000.0); num = 10000; replies = malloc(sizeof(redisReply*)*num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) redisAppendCommand(c,"PING"); t1 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { assert(redisGetReply(c, (void*)&replies[i]) == REDIS_OK); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS); } t2 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) freeReplyObject(replies[i]); free(replies); printf("\t(%dx PING (pipelined): %.3fs)\n", num, (t2-t1)/1000000.0); replies = malloc(sizeof(redisReply*)*num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) redisAppendCommand(c,"LRANGE mylist 0 499"); t1 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { assert(redisGetReply(c, (void*)&replies[i]) == REDIS_OK); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->elements == 500); } t2 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) freeReplyObject(replies[i]); free(replies); printf("\t(%dx LRANGE with 500 elements (pipelined): %.3fs)\n", num, (t2-t1)/1000000.0); replies = malloc(sizeof(redisReply*)*num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) redisAppendCommand(c,"INCRBY incrkey %d", 1000000); t1 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { assert(redisGetReply(c, (void*)&replies[i]) == REDIS_OK); assert(replies[i] != NULL && replies[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER); } t2 = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) freeReplyObject(replies[i]); free(replies); printf("\t(%dx INCRBY (pipelined): %.3fs)\n", num, (t2-t1)/1000000.0); disconnect(c, 0); } // static long __test_callback_flags = 0; // static void __test_callback(redisContext *c, void *privdata) { // ((void)c); // /* Shift to detect execution order */ // __test_callback_flags <<= 8; // __test_callback_flags |= (long)privdata; // } // // static void __test_reply_callback(redisContext *c, redisReply *reply, void *privdata) { // ((void)c); // /* Shift to detect execution order */ // __test_callback_flags <<= 8; // __test_callback_flags |= (long)privdata; // if (reply) freeReplyObject(reply); // } // // static redisContext *__connect_nonblock() { // /* Reset callback flags */ // __test_callback_flags = 0; // return redisConnectNonBlock("", port, NULL); // } // // static void test_nonblocking_connection() { // redisContext *c; // int wdone = 0; // // test("Calls command callback when command is issued: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisSetCommandCallback(c,__test_callback,(void*)1); // redisCommand(c,"PING"); // test_cond(__test_callback_flags == 1); // redisFree(c); // // test("Calls disconnect callback on redisDisconnect: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisSetDisconnectCallback(c,__test_callback,(void*)2); // redisDisconnect(c); // test_cond(__test_callback_flags == 2); // redisFree(c); // // test("Calls disconnect callback and free callback on redisFree: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisSetDisconnectCallback(c,__test_callback,(void*)2); // redisSetFreeCallback(c,__test_callback,(void*)4); // redisFree(c); // test_cond(__test_callback_flags == ((2 << 8) | 4)); // // test("redisBufferWrite against empty write buffer: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // test_cond(redisBufferWrite(c,&wdone) == REDIS_OK && wdone == 1); // redisFree(c); // // test("redisBufferWrite against not yet connected fd: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisCommand(c,"PING"); // test_cond(redisBufferWrite(c,NULL) == REDIS_ERR && // strncmp(c->error,"write:",6) == 0); // redisFree(c); // // test("redisBufferWrite against closed fd: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisCommand(c,"PING"); // redisDisconnect(c); // test_cond(redisBufferWrite(c,NULL) == REDIS_ERR && // strncmp(c->error,"write:",6) == 0); // redisFree(c); // // test("Process callbacks in the right sequence: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisCommandWithCallback(c,__test_reply_callback,(void*)1,"PING"); // redisCommandWithCallback(c,__test_reply_callback,(void*)2,"PING"); // redisCommandWithCallback(c,__test_reply_callback,(void*)3,"PING"); // // /* Write output buffer */ // wdone = 0; // while(!wdone) { // usleep(500); // redisBufferWrite(c,&wdone); // } // // /* Read until at least one callback is executed (the 3 replies will // * arrive in a single packet, causing all callbacks to be executed in // * a single pass). */ // while(__test_callback_flags == 0) { // assert(redisBufferRead(c) == REDIS_OK); // redisProcessCallbacks(c); // } // test_cond(__test_callback_flags == 0x010203); // redisFree(c); // // test("redisDisconnect executes pending callbacks with NULL reply: "); // c = __connect_nonblock(); // redisSetDisconnectCallback(c,__test_callback,(void*)1); // redisCommandWithCallback(c,__test_reply_callback,(void*)2,"PING"); // redisDisconnect(c); // test_cond(__test_callback_flags == 0x0201); // redisFree(c); // } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct config cfg = { .tcp = { .host = "", .port = 6379 }, .unix_sock = { .path = "/tmp/redis.sock" } }; int throughput = 1; int test_inherit_fd = 1; int skips_as_fails = 0; int test_unix_socket; /* Parse command line options. */ argv++; argc--; while (argc) { if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"-h")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.tcp.host = argv[0]; } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"-p")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.tcp.port = atoi(argv[0]); } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"-s")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.unix_sock.path = argv[0]; } else if (argc >= 1 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--skip-throughput")) { throughput = 0; } else if (argc >= 1 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--skip-inherit-fd")) { test_inherit_fd = 0; } else if (argc >= 1 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--skips-as-fails")) { skips_as_fails = 1; #ifdef HIREDIS_TEST_SSL } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--ssl-port")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.ssl.port = atoi(argv[0]); } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--ssl-host")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.ssl.host = argv[0]; } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--ssl-ca-cert")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.ssl.ca_cert = argv[0]; } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--ssl-cert")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.ssl.cert = argv[0]; } else if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"--ssl-key")) { argv++; argc--; cfg.ssl.key = argv[0]; #endif } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } argv++; argc--; } #ifndef _WIN32 /* Ignore broken pipe signal (for I/O error tests). */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); test_unix_socket = access(cfg.unix_sock.path, F_OK) == 0; #else /* Unix sockets don't exist in Windows */ test_unix_socket = 0; #endif test_format_commands(); test_reply_reader(); test_blocking_connection_errors(); test_free_null(); printf("\nTesting against TCP connection (%s:%d):\n", cfg.tcp.host, cfg.tcp.port); cfg.type = CONN_TCP; test_blocking_connection(cfg); test_blocking_connection_timeouts(cfg); test_blocking_io_errors(cfg); test_invalid_timeout_errors(cfg); test_append_formatted_commands(cfg); if (throughput) test_throughput(cfg); printf("\nTesting against Unix socket connection (%s): ", cfg.unix_sock.path); if (test_unix_socket) { printf("\n"); cfg.type = CONN_UNIX; test_blocking_connection(cfg); test_blocking_connection_timeouts(cfg); test_blocking_io_errors(cfg); if (throughput) test_throughput(cfg); } else { test_skipped(); } #ifdef HIREDIS_TEST_SSL if (cfg.ssl.port && cfg.ssl.host) { printf("\nTesting against SSL connection (%s:%d):\n", cfg.ssl.host, cfg.ssl.port); cfg.type = CONN_SSL; test_blocking_connection(cfg); test_blocking_connection_timeouts(cfg); test_blocking_io_errors(cfg); test_invalid_timeout_errors(cfg); test_append_formatted_commands(cfg); if (throughput) test_throughput(cfg); } #endif if (test_inherit_fd) { printf("\nTesting against inherited fd (%s): ", cfg.unix_sock.path); if (test_unix_socket) { printf("\n"); cfg.type = CONN_FD; test_blocking_connection(cfg); } else { test_skipped(); } } if (fails || (skips_as_fails && skips)) { printf("*** %d TESTS FAILED ***\n", fails); if (skips) { printf("*** %d TESTS SKIPPED ***\n", skips); } return 1; } printf("ALL TESTS PASSED (%d skipped)\n", skips); return 0; }