#include #include #include #include #include #include "hiredis.h" #include "anet.h" #include "sds.h" static redisReply *redisReadReply(int fd); static redisReply *createReplyObject(int type, sds reply); /* We simply abort on out of memory */ static void redisOOM(void) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory in hiredis.c"); exit(1); } /* Connect to a Redis instance. On success NULL is returned and *fd is set * to the socket file descriptor. On error a redisReply object is returned * with reply->type set to REDIS_REPLY_ERROR and reply->string containing * the error message. This replyObject must be freed with redisFreeReply(). */ redisReply *redisConnect(int *fd, char *ip, int port) { char err[ANET_ERR_LEN]; *fd = anetTcpConnect(err,ip,port); if (*fd == ANET_ERR) return createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_ERROR,sdsnew(err)); anetTcpNoDelay(NULL,*fd); return NULL; } /* Create a reply object */ static redisReply *createReplyObject(int type, sds reply) { redisReply *r = malloc(sizeof(*r)); if (!r) redisOOM(); r->type = type; r->reply = reply; return r; } /* Free a reply object */ void freeReplyObject(redisReply *r) { size_t j; switch(r->type) { case REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER: break; /* Nothing to free */ case REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY: for (j = 0; j < r->elements; j++) freeReplyObject(r->element[j]); free(r->element); break; default: sdsfree(r->reply); break; } free(r); } static redisReply *redisIOError(void) { return createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_ERROR,sdsnew("I/O error")); } /* In a real high performance C client this should be bufferized */ static sds redisReadLine(int fd) { sds line = sdsempty(); while(1) { char c; ssize_t ret; ret = read(fd,&c,1); if (ret == -1) { sdsfree(line); return NULL; } else if ((ret == 0) || (c == '\n')) { break; } else { line = sdscatlen(line,&c,1); } } return sdstrim(line,"\r\n"); } static redisReply *redisReadSingleLineReply(int fd, int type) { sds buf = redisReadLine(fd); if (buf == NULL) return redisIOError(); return createReplyObject(type,buf); } static redisReply *redisReadIntegerReply(int fd) { sds buf = redisReadLine(fd); redisReply *r = malloc(sizeof(*r)); if (r == NULL) redisOOM(); if (buf == NULL) return redisIOError(); r->type = REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER; r->integer = strtoll(buf,NULL,10); return r; } static redisReply *redisReadBulkReply(int fd) { sds replylen = redisReadLine(fd); sds buf; char crlf[2]; int bulklen; if (replylen == NULL) return redisIOError(); bulklen = atoi(replylen); sdsfree(replylen); if (bulklen == -1) return createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_NIL,sdsempty()); buf = sdsnewlen(NULL,bulklen); anetRead(fd,buf,bulklen); anetRead(fd,crlf,2); return createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_STRING,buf); } static redisReply *redisReadMultiBulkReply(int fd) { sds replylen = redisReadLine(fd); long elements, j; redisReply *r; if (replylen == NULL) return redisIOError(); elements = strtol(replylen,NULL,10); sdsfree(replylen); if (elements == -1) return createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_NIL,sdsempty()); if ((r = malloc(sizeof(*r))) == NULL) redisOOM(); r->type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY; r->elements = elements; if ((r->element = malloc(sizeof(*r)*elements)) == NULL) redisOOM(); for (j = 0; j < elements; j++) r->element[j] = redisReadReply(fd); return r; } static redisReply *redisReadReply(int fd) { char type; if (anetRead(fd,&type,1) <= 0) return redisIOError(); switch(type) { case '-': return redisReadSingleLineReply(fd,REDIS_REPLY_ERROR); case '+': return redisReadSingleLineReply(fd,REDIS_REPLY_STRING); case ':': return redisReadIntegerReply(fd); case '$': return redisReadBulkReply(fd); case '*': return redisReadMultiBulkReply(fd); default: printf("protocol error, got '%c' as reply type byte\n", type); exit(1); } } /* Helper function for redisCommand(). It's used to append the next argument * to the argument vector. */ static void addArgument(sds a, char ***argv, int *argc) { (*argc)++; if ((*argv = realloc(*argv, sizeof(char*)*(*argc))) == NULL) redisOOM(); (*argv)[(*argc)-1] = a; } /* Execute a command. This function is printf alike: * * %s represents a C nul terminated string you want to interpolate * %b represents a binary safe string * * When using %b you need to provide both the pointer to the string * and the length in bytes. Examples: * * redisCommand("GET %s", mykey); * redisCommand("SET %s %b", mykey, somevalue, somevalue_len); * * RETURN VALUE: * * The returned value is a redisReply object that must be freed using the * redisFreeReply() function. * * given a redisReply "reply" you can test if there was an error in this way: * * if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { * printf("Error in request: %s\n", reply->reply); * } * * The replied string itself is in reply->reply if the reply type is * a REDIS_REPLY_STRING. If the reply is a multi bulk reply then * reply->type is REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY and you can access all the elements * in this way: * * for (i = 0; i < reply->elements; i++) * printf("%d: %s\n", i, reply->element[i]); * * Finally when type is REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER the long long integer is * stored at reply->integer. */ redisReply *redisCommand(int fd, char *format, ...) { va_list ap; size_t size; char *arg, *c = format; sds cmd = sdsempty(); /* whole command buffer */ sds current = sdsempty(); /* current argument */ char **argv = NULL; int argc = 0, j; /* Build the command string accordingly to protocol */ va_start(ap,format); while(*c != '\0') { if (*c != '%' || c[1] == '\0') { if (*c == ' ') { if (sdslen(current) != 0) { addArgument(current, &argv, &argc); current = sdsempty(); } } else { current = sdscatlen(current,c,1); } } else { switch(c[1]) { case 's': arg = va_arg(ap,char*); current = sdscat(current,arg); break; case 'b': arg = va_arg(ap,char*); size = va_arg(ap,size_t); current = sdscatlen(current,arg,size); break; case '%': cmd = sdscat(cmd,"%"); break; } c++; } c++; } va_end(ap); /* Add the last argument if needed */ if (sdslen(current) != 0) addArgument(current, &argv, &argc); else sdsfree(current); /* Build the command at protocol level */ cmd = sdscatprintf(cmd,"*%d\r\n",argc); for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) { cmd = sdscatprintf(cmd,"$%zu\r\n",sdslen(argv[j])); cmd = sdscatlen(cmd,argv[j],sdslen(argv[j])); cmd = sdscatlen(cmd,"\r\n",2); sdsfree(argv[j]); } free(argv); /* Send the command via socket */ anetWrite(fd,cmd,sdslen(cmd)); sdsfree(cmd); return redisReadReply(fd); }