HIREDIS OVERVIEW ---------------- Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis Database. It is minimalistic because it just adds minimal support for the protocol, but at the same time it uses an high level printf-alike API in order to make it much higher level than otherwise suggested by its minimal code base and the lack of explicit bindings for every Redis command. Hiredis only supports the Redis new protocol, so you can use it with any Redis version >= 1.2.0. HIREDIS API ----------- Hiredis exports only three function calls: redisReply *redisConnect(int *fd, char *ip, int port); redisReply *redisCommand(int fd, char *format, ...); void freeReplyObject(redisReply *r); The first function is used in order to create a connection to the Redis server: redisReply *reply; int fd; reply = redisConnect(&fd,"",6379); to test for connection errors all it is needed to do is checking if reply is not NULL: if (reply != NULL) { printf("Connection error: %s\n", reply->reply); freeReplyObject(reply); exit(1); } When a reply object returns an error, the reply->type is set to the value REDIS_REPLY_ERROR, and reply->reply points to a C string with the description of the error. In the above example we don't check for reply->type as redisConnect() can only return NULL or a reply object that is actually an error. As you can see redisConnect() will just set (by reference) the fd variable to the file descriptor of the open socket connected to our Redis server. Calls to redisCommand() will require this file descriptor as first argument. SENDING COMMNADS ---------------- Commands are sent using a printf-alike format. In the simplest form it is like that: reply = redisCommand("SET foo bar"); But you can use "%s" and "%b" format specifiers to create commands in a printf-alike fashion: reply = redisComand("SET foo %s", somevalue); If your arguments are binary safe, you can use %b that receives the pointer to the buffer and a size_t integer with the length of the buffer. reply = redisCommand("SET %s %b", "foo", somevalue, somevalue_length); Internally Hiredis will split the command in different arguments and will convert it to the actual protocol used to communicate with Redis. Every space will separate arguments, so you can use interpolation. The following example is valid: reply = redisCommand("SET key:%s %s", myid, value); USING REPLIES ------------- redisCommand() returns a reply object. In order to use this object you need to test the reply->type field, that can be one of the following types: REDIS_REPLY_ERROR The command returned an error string, that can be read accessing to the reply->reply field. REDIS_REPLY_STRING The command returned a string, that can be read accessing to the reply->reply field. The string is always nul-termined, but when you need to work with binary-safe strings you can obtain the exact length of the reply with: sdslen(reply->reply). REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY The command returned an array of reply->elements elements. Every element is a redisReply object, stored at redis->element[..index..] Redis may reply with nexted arrays but this is fully supported. REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER The command replies with an integer. It's possible to access this integer using the reply->integer field that is of type "long long". REDIS_REPLY_NIL The command replies with a NIL special object. There is no data to access. FREEING REPLIES --------------- Replies should be freed using the freeReplyObject() function. Note that this function will take care of freeing sub-replies objects contained in arrays and nested arrays, so there is no need for the user to free the sub replies (it is actually harmful and will corrupt the memory). AUHTOR ------ Hiredis was written by Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez at gmail) and is released under the BSD license.