diff options
authorantirez <>2010-05-18 20:12:03 +0200
committerantirez <>2010-05-18 20:12:03 +0200
commitbd4ec5705906642268d93561985f216f07dc2ba7 (patch)
parentdf0f2a3aedc4f20af9647acf1512a4401d4cec2e (diff)
minimalistic test suite...
2 files changed, 115 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ee73a1a..815227c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,24 +15,33 @@ CCOPT= $(CFLAGS) $(CCLINK) $(ARCH) $(PROF)
DEBUG?= -g -rdynamic -ggdb
OBJ = anet.o hiredis.o sds.o example.o
+TESTOBJ = anet.o hiredis.o sds.o test.o
PRGNAME = hiredis-example
+TESTNAME = hiredis-test
-all: hiredis-example
+all: hiredis-example hiredis-test
# Deps (use make dep to generate this)
anet.o: anet.c fmacros.h anet.h
+example.o: example.c hiredis.h sds.h
+test.o: test.c hiredis.h sds.h
hiredis.o: hiredis.c hiredis.h sds.h anet.h
sds.o: sds.c sds.h
+hiredis.o: hiredis.c hiredis.h sds.h anet.h
hiredis-example: $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $(PRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(OBJ)
+hiredis-test: $(TESTOBJ)
+ ./hiredis-test
- rm -rf $(PRGNAME) *.o *.gcda *.gcno *.gcov
+ rm -rf $(PRGNAME) $(TESTNAME) *.o *.gcda *.gcno *.gcov
$(CC) -MM *.c
diff --git a/test.c b/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..759eff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "hiredis.h"
+/* The following line is our testing "framework" :) */
+#define test_cond(_c) if(_c) printf("PASSED\n"); else {printf("FAILED\n"); fails++;}
+int main(void) {
+ int fd;
+ int fails = 0;
+ redisReply *reply;
+ reply = redisConnect(&fd, "", 6379);
+ if (reply != NULL) {
+ printf("Connection error: %s", reply->reply);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* test 1 */
+ printf("\n#1 Is able to deliver commands: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"PING");
+ test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING &&
+ strcasecmp(reply->reply,"pong") == 0)
+ /* Switch to DB 9 for testing, now that we know we can chat. */
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"SELECT 9");
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* Make sure the DB is emtpy */
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"DBSIZE");
+ if (reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER ||
+ reply->integer != 0) {
+ printf("Sorry DB 9 is not empty, test can not continue\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ printf("DB 9 is empty... test can continue\n");
+ }
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* test 2 */
+ printf("#2 Is a able to send commands verbatim: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"SET foo bar");
+ test_cond (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING &&
+ strcasecmp(reply->reply,"ok") == 0)
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* test 3 */
+ printf("#3 %%s String interpolation works: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"SET %s %s","foo","hello world");
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"GET foo");
+ test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING &&
+ strcmp(reply->reply,"hello world") == 0);
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* test 4 & 5 */
+ printf("#4 %%b String interpolation works: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"SET %b %b","foo",3,"hello\x00world",11);
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"GET foo");
+ test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING &&
+ memcmp(reply->reply,"hello\x00world",11) == 0)
+ printf("#5 binary reply length is correct: ");
+ test_cond(sdslen(reply->reply) == 11)
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* test 6 */
+ printf("#6 can parse nil replies: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"GET nokey");
+ test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_NIL)
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* test 7 */
+ printf("#7 can parse integer replies: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"INCR mycounter");
+ test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER && reply->integer == 1)
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* test 8 */
+ printf("#8 can parse multi bulk replies: ");
+ freeReplyObject(redisCommand(fd,"LPUSH mylist foo"));
+ freeReplyObject(redisCommand(fd,"LPUSH mylist bar"));
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"LRANGE mylist 0 -1");
+ test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY &&
+ reply->elements == 2 &&
+ !memcmp(reply->element[0]->reply,"bar",3) &&
+ !memcmp(reply->element[1]->reply,"foo",3))
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ /* Clean DB 9 */
+ reply = redisCommand(fd,"FLUSHDB");
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ if (fails == 0) {
+ printf("ALL TESTS PASSED\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("*** %d TESTS FAILED ***\n", fails);
+ }
+ return 0;