local M = {} local function highlight(group, style) local effect = style.effect and 'gui=' .. style.effect or 'gui=NONE' local fg = style.fg and 'gui=' .. style.fg or 'gui=NONE' local bg = style.bg and 'gui=' .. style.bg or 'gui=NONE' local sp = style.sp and 'gui=' .. style.sp or 'gui=NONE' end local colors = { color0 = "#20201d" color1 = "#d73737" color2 = "#60ac39" color3 = "#cfb017" color4 = "#6684e1" color5 = "#b854d4" color6 = "#1fad83" color7 = "#a6a28c" color8 = "#7d7a68" color9 = "#d73737" color10 = "#60ac39" color11 = "#cfb017" color12 = "#6684e1" color13 = "#b854d4" color14 = "#1fad83" color15 = "#fefbec" cursorColor = "#a6a28c" background = "#20201d" foreground = "#a6a28c" } function M.colorscheme() end