#include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "cc.h" #define INTTYPE(k, n, r, s, p) { \ .kind = k, .size = n, .align = n, .repr = r, .basic.issigned = s, \ .prop = PROPOBJECT|PROPSCALAR|PROPARITH|PROPREAL|PROPINT|p, \ } #define FLTTYPE(k, n, r) { \ .kind = k, .size = n, .align = n, .repr = r, \ .prop = PROPOBJECT|PROPSCALAR|PROPARITH|PROPREAL|PROPFLOAT, \ } struct type typevoid = {.kind = TYPEVOID, .prop = PROPOBJECT, .incomplete = true}; struct type typebool = INTTYPE(TYPEBOOL, 1, &i8, false, 0); struct type typechar = INTTYPE(TYPECHAR, 1, &i8, true, PROPCHAR); struct type typeschar = INTTYPE(TYPECHAR, 1, &i8, true, PROPCHAR); struct type typeuchar = INTTYPE(TYPECHAR, 1, &i8, false, PROPCHAR); struct type typeshort = INTTYPE(TYPESHORT, 2, &i16, true, 0); struct type typeushort = INTTYPE(TYPESHORT, 2, &i16, false, 0); struct type typeint = INTTYPE(TYPEINT, 4, &i32, true, 0); struct type typeuint = INTTYPE(TYPEINT, 4, &i32, false, 0); struct type typelong = INTTYPE(TYPELONG, 8, &i64, true, 0); struct type typeulong = INTTYPE(TYPELONG, 8, &i64, false, 0); struct type typellong = INTTYPE(TYPELLONG, 8, &i64, true, 0); struct type typeullong = INTTYPE(TYPELLONG, 8, &i64, false, 0); struct type typefloat = FLTTYPE(TYPEFLOAT, 4, &f32); struct type typedouble = FLTTYPE(TYPEDOUBLE, 8, &f64); struct type typeldouble = FLTTYPE(TYPELDOUBLE, 16, NULL); // XXX: not supported by qbe static struct type typevaliststruct = { .kind = TYPESTRUCT, .size = 32, .align = 8, .prop = PROPOBJECT|PROPAGGR, }; struct type typevalist = { .kind = TYPEARRAY, .size = 32, .align = 8, .array = {1}, .base = &typevaliststruct, .prop = PROPOBJECT|PROPDERIVED|PROPAGGR, }; struct type typevalistptr = { .kind = TYPEPOINTER, .size = 8, .align = 8, .repr = &i64, .base = &typevaliststruct, .prop = PROPOBJECT|PROPDERIVED|PROPSCALAR, }; struct type * mktype(enum typekind kind, enum typeprop prop) { struct type *t; t = xmalloc(sizeof(*t)); t->kind = kind; t->prop = prop; t->value = NULL; t->incomplete = false; t->flexible = false; return t; } struct type * mkpointertype(struct type *base, enum typequal qual) { struct type *t; t = mktype(TYPEPOINTER, PROPOBJECT|PROPDERIVED|PROPSCALAR); t->base = base; t->qual = qual; t->size = 8; t->align = 8; t->repr = &i64; return t; } struct type * mkarraytype(struct type *base, enum typequal qual, uint64_t len) { struct type *t; t = mktype(TYPEARRAY, PROPOBJECT|PROPDERIVED|PROPAGGR); t->base = base; t->qual = qual; t->array.length = len; t->incomplete = !len; if (t->base) { t->align = t->base->align; t->size = t->base->size * len; // XXX: overflow? } return t; } static int typerank(struct type *t) { assert(t->prop & PROPINT); switch (t->kind) { case TYPEBOOL: return 1; case TYPECHAR: return 2; case TYPESHORT: return 3; case TYPEENUM: case TYPEINT: return 4; case TYPELONG: return 5; case TYPELLONG: return 6; default: fatal("internal error; unhandled integer type"); } } bool typecompatible(struct type *t1, struct type *t2) { struct type *tmp; struct param *p1, *p2; if (t1 == t2) return true; if (t1->kind != t2->kind) { /* enum types are compatible with 'int', but not with each other (unless they are the same type) */ return (t1->kind == TYPEENUM && t2->kind == TYPEINT || t1->kind == TYPEINT && t2->kind == TYPEENUM) && t1->basic.issigned == t2->basic.issigned; } switch (t1->kind) { case TYPEPOINTER: goto derived; case TYPEARRAY: if (t1->array.length && t2->array.length && t1->array.length != t2->array.length) return false; goto derived; case TYPEFUNC: if (!t1->func.isprototype) { if (!t2->func.isprototype) return true; tmp = t1, t1 = t2, t2 = tmp; } if (t1->func.isvararg != t2->func.isvararg) return false; if (!t2->func.paraminfo) { for (p1 = t1->func.params; p1; p1 = p1->next) { if (!typecompatible(p1->type, typepromote(p1->type, -1))) return false; } return true; } for (p1 = t1->func.params, p2 = t2->func.params; p1 && p2; p1 = p1->next, p2 = p2->next) { tmp = t2->func.isprototype ? p2->type : typepromote(p2->type, -1); if (!typecompatible(p1->type, tmp)) return false; } if (p1 || p2) return false; goto derived; derived: return t1->qual == t2->qual && typecompatible(t1->base, t2->base); } return false; } bool typesame(struct type *t1, struct type *t2) { // XXX: implement return typecompatible(t1, t2); } struct type * typecomposite(struct type *t1, struct type *t2) { // XXX: implement 6.2.7 // XXX: merge with typecompatible? return t1; } struct type * typepromote(struct type *t, unsigned width) { if (t == &typefloat) return &typedouble; if (t->prop & PROPINT && (typerank(t) <= typerank(&typeint) || width <= typeint.size * 8)) { if (width == -1) width = t->size * 8; return width - t->basic.issigned < typeint.size * 8 ? &typeint : &typeuint; } return t; } struct type * typecommonreal(struct type *t1, unsigned w1, struct type *t2, unsigned w2) { struct type *tmp; assert(t1->prop & PROPREAL && t2->prop & PROPREAL); if (t1 == &typeldouble || t2 == &typeldouble) return &typeldouble; if (t1 == &typedouble || t2 == &typedouble) return &typedouble; if (t1 == &typefloat || t2 == &typefloat) return &typefloat; t1 = typepromote(t1, w1); t2 = typepromote(t2, w2); if (t1 == t2) return t1; if (t1->basic.issigned == t2->basic.issigned) return typerank(t1) > typerank(t2) ? t1 : t2; if (t1->basic.issigned) { tmp = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = tmp; } if (typerank(t1) >= typerank(t2)) return t1; if (t1->size < t2->size) return t2; if (t2 == &typelong) return &typeulong; if (t2 == &typellong) return &typeullong; fatal("internal error; could not find common real type"); } struct member * typemember(struct type *t, const char *name, uint64_t *offset) { struct member *m, *sub; assert(t->kind == TYPESTRUCT || t->kind == TYPEUNION); for (m = t->structunion.members; m; m = m->next) { if (m->name) { if (strcmp(m->name, name) == 0) { *offset += m->offset; return m; } } else { sub = typemember(m->type, name, offset); if (sub) { *offset += m->offset; return sub; } } } return NULL; } struct param * mkparam(char *name, struct type *t, enum typequal tq) { struct param *p; p = xmalloc(sizeof(*p)); p->name = name; p->type = t; p->qual = tq; p->next = NULL; return p; }