#include <assert.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "util.h" #include "cc.h" static bool gotolabel(struct func *f) { char *name; struct gotolabel *g; if (tok.kind != TIDENT) return false; name = tok.lit; if (!peek(TCOLON)) return false; g = funcgoto(f, name); g->defined = true; funclabel(f, g->label); return true; } /* controlling expression of loops and if-statements */ static struct expr * ctrlexpr(struct scope *s) { struct expr *e; struct type *t; e = expr(s); t = e->type; if (!(t->prop & PROPSCALAR)) error(&tok.loc, "controlling expression must have scalar type"); /* Ideally we would just do this conversion unconditionally, but QBE is not currently able to optimize the conversion away for int. */ if (t->prop & PROPFLOAT || t->size > 4) e = exprconvert(e, &typebool); return e; } /* 6.8 Statements and blocks */ void stmt(struct func *f, struct scope *s) { char *name; struct expr *e; struct type *t; struct value *v; struct block *label[4]; struct switchcases swtch; uint64_t i; while (gotolabel(f)) ; switch (tok.kind) { /* 6.8.1 Labeled statements */ case TCASE: next(); if (!s->switchcases) error(&tok.loc, "'case' label must be in switch"); label[0] = mkblock("switch_case"); funclabel(f, label[0]); i = intconstexpr(s, true); switchcase(s->switchcases, i, label[0]); expect(TCOLON, "after case expression"); stmt(f, s); break; case TDEFAULT: next(); if (!s->switchcases) error(&tok.loc, "'default' label must be in switch"); if (s->switchcases->defaultlabel) error(&tok.loc, "multiple 'default' labels"); expect(TCOLON, "after 'default'"); s->switchcases->defaultlabel = mkblock("switch_default"); funclabel(f, s->switchcases->defaultlabel); stmt(f, s); break; /* 6.8.2 Compound statement */ case TLBRACE: next(); s = mkscope(s); while (tok.kind != TRBRACE) { if (gotolabel(f) || !decl(s, f)) stmt(f, s); } s = delscope(s); next(); break; /* 6.8.3 Expression statement */ case TSEMICOLON: next(); break; default: e = expr(s); v = funcexpr(f, e); delexpr(e); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after expression statement"); break; /* 6.8.4 Selection statement */ case TIF: next(); s = mkscope(s); expect(TLPAREN, "after 'if'"); e = ctrlexpr(s); v = funcexpr(f, e); delexpr(e); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression"); label[0] = mkblock("if_true"); label[1] = mkblock("if_false"); funcjnz(f, v, label[0], label[1]); funclabel(f, label[0]); s = mkscope(s); stmt(f, s); s = delscope(s); if (consume(TELSE)) { label[2] = mkblock("if_join"); funcjmp(f, label[2]); funclabel(f, label[1]); s = mkscope(s); stmt(f, s); s = delscope(s); funclabel(f, label[2]); } else { funclabel(f, label[1]); } s = delscope(s); break; case TSWITCH: next(); s = mkscope(s); expect(TLPAREN, "after 'switch'"); e = expr(s); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression"); if (!(e->type->prop & PROPINT)) error(&tok.loc, "controlling expression of switch statement must have integer type"); e = exprpromote(e); swtch.root = NULL; swtch.type = e->type; swtch.defaultlabel = NULL; label[0] = mkblock("switch_cond"); label[1] = mkblock("switch_join"); v = funcexpr(f, e); funcjmp(f, label[0]); s = mkscope(s); s->breaklabel = label[1]; s->switchcases = &swtch; stmt(f, s); funcjmp(f, label[1]); funclabel(f, label[0]); funcswitch(f, v, &swtch, swtch.defaultlabel ? swtch.defaultlabel : label[1]); s = delscope(s); funclabel(f, label[1]); s = delscope(s); break; /* 6.8.5 Iteration statements */ case TWHILE: next(); s = mkscope(s); expect(TLPAREN, "after 'while'"); e = ctrlexpr(s); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression"); label[0] = mkblock("while_cond"); label[1] = mkblock("while_body"); label[2] = mkblock("while_join"); funclabel(f, label[0]); v = funcexpr(f, e); funcjnz(f, v, label[1], label[2]); funclabel(f, label[1]); s = mkscope(s); s->continuelabel = label[0]; s->breaklabel = label[2]; stmt(f, s); s = delscope(s); funcjmp(f, label[0]); funclabel(f, label[2]); s = delscope(s); break; case TDO: next(); label[0] = mkblock("do_body"); label[1] = mkblock("do_cond"); label[2] = mkblock("do_join"); s = mkscope(s); s = mkscope(s); s->continuelabel = label[1]; s->breaklabel = label[2]; funclabel(f, label[0]); stmt(f, s); s = delscope(s); expect(TWHILE, "after 'do' statement"); expect(TLPAREN, "after 'while'"); funclabel(f, label[1]); e = ctrlexpr(s); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression"); v = funcexpr(f, e); funcjnz(f, v, label[0], label[2]); // XXX: compare to 0 funclabel(f, label[2]); s = delscope(s); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after 'do' statement"); break; case TFOR: next(); expect(TLPAREN, "after while"); s = mkscope(s); if (!decl(s, f)) { if (tok.kind != TSEMICOLON) { e = expr(s); funcexpr(f, e); delexpr(e); } expect(TSEMICOLON, NULL); } label[0] = mkblock("for_cond"); label[1] = mkblock("for_body"); label[2] = mkblock("for_cont"); label[3] = mkblock("for_join"); funclabel(f, label[0]); if (tok.kind != TSEMICOLON) { e = ctrlexpr(s); v = funcexpr(f, e); funcjnz(f, v, label[1], label[3]); delexpr(e); } expect(TSEMICOLON, NULL); e = tok.kind == TRPAREN ? NULL : expr(s); expect(TRPAREN, NULL); funclabel(f, label[1]); s = mkscope(s); s->breaklabel = label[3]; s->continuelabel = label[2]; stmt(f, s); s = delscope(s); funclabel(f, label[2]); if (e) { funcexpr(f, e); delexpr(e); } funcjmp(f, label[0]); funclabel(f, label[3]); s = delscope(s); break; /* 6.8.6 Jump statements */ case TGOTO: next(); name = expect(TIDENT, "after 'goto'"); funcjmp(f, funcgoto(f, name)->label); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after 'goto' statement"); break; case TCONTINUE: next(); if (!s->continuelabel) error(&tok.loc, "'continue' statement must be in loop"); funcjmp(f, s->continuelabel); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after 'continue' statement"); break; case TBREAK: next(); if (!s->breaklabel) error(&tok.loc, "'break' statement must be in loop or switch"); funcjmp(f, s->breaklabel); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after 'break' statement"); break; case TRETURN: next(); t = functype(f); if (t->base != &typevoid) { e = exprconvert(expr(s), t->base); v = funcexpr(f, e); delexpr(e); } else { v = NULL; } funcret(f, v); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after 'return' statement"); break; case T__ASM__: error(&tok.loc, "inline assembly is not yet supported"); } }