#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "cc.h" struct name { char *str; uint64_t id; }; struct repr { char base; char ext; struct name abi; }; struct value { enum { VALNONE, VALGLOBAL, VALCONST, VALLABEL, VALTEMP, } kind; struct repr *repr; union { struct name name; uint64_t i; double f; }; }; struct lvalue { struct value *addr; struct bitfield bits; }; enum instkind { INONE, #define OP(op, ret, arg, name) op, #include "ops.h" #undef OP }; struct inst { enum instkind kind; struct value res, *arg[]; }; struct block { struct value label; bool terminated; struct array insts; struct block *next; }; struct switchcase { struct treenode node; struct value *body; }; struct func { char *name; struct decl *namedecl; struct type *type; struct block *start, *end; struct map *gotos; uint64_t lastid; }; struct repr i8 = {'w', 'b'}; struct repr i16 = {'w', 'h'}; struct repr i32 = {'w', 'w'}; struct repr i64 = {'l', 'l'}; struct repr f32 = {'s', 's'}; struct repr f64 = {'d', 'd'}; struct repr iptr = {'l', 'l'}; void switchcase(struct switchcases *cases, uint64_t i, struct value *v) { struct switchcase *c; c = treeinsert(&cases->root, i, sizeof(*c)); if (!c->node.new) error(&tok.loc, "multiple 'case' labels with same value"); c->body = v; } /* functions */ struct value * mkblock(char *name) { static uint64_t id; struct block *b; b = xmalloc(sizeof(*b)); b->label.kind = VALLABEL; b->label.name.str = name; b->label.name.id = ++id; b->terminated = false; b->insts = (struct array){0}; b->next = NULL; return &b->label; } static void emittype(struct type *); static void emitvalue(struct value *); static void funcname(struct func *f, struct name *n, char *s) { n->id = ++f->lastid; n->str = s; } static void functemp(struct func *f, struct value *v, struct repr *repr) { if (!repr) fatal("temp has no type"); v->kind = VALTEMP; funcname(f, &v->name, NULL); v->repr = repr; } static struct { int ret, arg; char *str; } instdesc[] = { #define OP(op, ret, arg, name) [op] = {ret, arg, name}, #include "ops.h" #undef OP }; static struct value * funcinstn(struct func *f, int op, struct repr *repr, struct value *args[]) { struct inst *inst; size_t n; if (f->end->terminated) return NULL; n = instdesc[op].arg; if (n == -1) { for (n = 0; args[n]; ++n) ; ++n; } if (n > (SIZE_MAX - sizeof(*inst)) / sizeof(args[0])) { errno = ENOMEM; fatal("malloc:"); } inst = xmalloc(sizeof(*inst) + n * sizeof(args[0])); inst->kind = op; if (repr) functemp(f, &inst->res, repr); else inst->res.kind = VALNONE; memcpy(inst->arg, args, n * sizeof(args[0])); arrayaddptr(&f->end->insts, inst); return instdesc[op].ret ? &inst->res : NULL; } #define funcinst(f, op, repr, ...) funcinstn(f, op, repr, (struct value *[]){__VA_ARGS__}) struct value * mkintconst(struct repr *r, uint64_t n) { struct value *v; v = xmalloc(sizeof(*v)); v->kind = VALCONST; v->repr = r; v->i = n; return v; } uint64_t intconstvalue(struct value *v) { assert(v->kind == VALCONST); return v->i; } static struct value * mkfltconst(struct repr *r, double n) { struct value *v; v = xmalloc(sizeof(*v)); v->kind = VALCONST; v->repr = r; v->f = n; return v; } static void funcalloc(struct func *f, struct decl *d) { enum instkind op; struct inst *inst; assert(!d->type->incomplete); assert(d->type->size > 0); if (!d->align) d->align = d->type->align; else if (d->align < d->type->align) error(&tok.loc, "object requires alignment %d, which is stricter than %d", d->type->align, d->align); switch (d->align) { case 1: case 2: case 4: op = IALLOC4; break; case 8: op = IALLOC8; break; case 16: op = IALLOC16; break; default: fatal("internal error: invalid alignment: %d\n", d->align); } inst = xmalloc(sizeof(*inst) + sizeof(inst->arg[0])); inst->kind = op; functemp(f, &inst->res, &iptr); inst->arg[0] = mkintconst(&i64, d->type->size); d->value = &inst->res; arrayaddptr(&f->start->insts, inst); } static void funcstore(struct func *f, struct type *t, enum typequal tq, struct lvalue lval, struct value *v) { enum instkind loadop, storeop; enum typeprop tp; unsigned long long mask; if (tq & QUALVOLATILE) error(&tok.loc, "volatile store is not yet supported"); if (tq & QUALCONST) error(&tok.loc, "cannot store to 'const' object"); tp = t->prop; assert(!lval.bits.before && !lval.bits.after || tp & PROPINT); switch (t->kind) { case TYPESTRUCT: case TYPEUNION: case TYPEARRAY: { struct value *src, *dst, *tmp, *align; uint64_t offset; switch (t->align) { case 1: loadop = ILOADUB, storeop = ISTOREB; break; case 2: loadop = ILOADUH, storeop = ISTOREH; break; case 4: loadop = ILOADUW, storeop = ISTOREW; break; case 8: loadop = ILOADL, storeop = ISTOREL; break; default: fatal("internal error; invalid alignment %d", t->align); } src = v; dst = lval.addr; align = mkintconst(&iptr, t->align); for (offset = 0; offset < t->size; offset += t->align) { tmp = funcinst(f, loadop, &iptr, src); funcinst(f, storeop, NULL, tmp, dst); src = funcinst(f, IADD, &iptr, src, align); dst = funcinst(f, IADD, &iptr, dst, align); } break; } case TYPEPOINTER: t = &typeulong; /* fallthrough */ default: assert(tp & PROPSCALAR); switch (t->size) { case 1: loadop = ILOADUB; storeop = ISTOREB; break; case 2: loadop = ILOADUH; storeop = ISTOREH; break; case 4: loadop = ILOADUW; storeop = tp & PROPFLOAT ? ISTORES : ISTOREW; break; case 8: loadop = ILOADL; storeop = tp & PROPFLOAT ? ISTORED : ISTOREL; break; default: fatal("internal error; unimplemented store"); } if (lval.bits.before || lval.bits.after) { mask = 0xffffffffffffffffu >> lval.bits.after + 64 - t->size * 8 ^ (1 << lval.bits.before) - 1; v = funcinst(f, IOR, t->repr, funcinst(f, IAND, t->repr, funcinst(f, loadop, t->repr, lval.addr), mkintconst(t->repr, ~mask), ), funcinst(f, IAND, t->repr, funcinst(f, ISHL, t->repr, v, mkintconst(&i32, lval.bits.before)), mkintconst(t->repr, mask), ), ); } funcinst(f, storeop, NULL, v, lval.addr); break; } } static struct value * funcload(struct func *f, struct type *t, struct lvalue lval) { struct value *v; enum instkind op; switch (t->kind) { case TYPEPOINTER: op = ILOADL; break; case TYPESTRUCT: case TYPEUNION: case TYPEARRAY: v = xmalloc(sizeof(*v)); *v = *lval.addr; v->repr = t->repr; return v; default: assert(t->prop & PROPREAL); switch (t->size) { case 1: op = t->basic.issigned ? ILOADSB : ILOADUB; break; case 2: op = t->basic.issigned ? ILOADSH : ILOADUH; break; case 4: op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ILOADS : t->basic.issigned ? ILOADSW : ILOADUW; break; case 8: op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ILOADD : ILOADL; break; default: fatal("internal error; unimplemented load"); } } v = funcinst(f, op, t->repr, lval.addr); if (lval.bits.after) v = funcinst(f, ISHL, t->repr, v, mkintconst(&i32, lval.bits.after)); if (lval.bits.before + lval.bits.after) v = funcinst(f, t->basic.issigned ? ISAR : ISHR, t->repr, v, mkintconst(&i32, lval.bits.before + lval.bits.after)); return v; } struct value * mkglobal(char *name, bool private) { static uint64_t id; struct value *v; v = xmalloc(sizeof(*v)); v->kind = VALGLOBAL; v->repr = &iptr; v->name.str = name; v->name.id = private ? ++id : 0; return v; } /* XXX: If a function declared without a prototype is declared with a parameter affected by default argument promotion, we need to emit a QBE function with the promoted type and implicitly convert to the declared parameter type before storing into the allocated memory for the parameter. */ struct func * mkfunc(char *name, struct type *t, struct scope *s) { struct func *f; struct param *p; struct decl *d; f = xmalloc(sizeof(*f)); f->name = name; f->type = t; f->start = f->end = (struct block *)mkblock("start"); f->gotos = mkmap(8); f->lastid = 0; emittype(t->base); /* allocate space for parameters */ for (p = t->func.params; p; p = p->next) { if (!p->name) error(&tok.loc, "parameter name omitted in function definition"); if (!t->func.isprototype && !typecompatible(p->type, typepromote(p->type, -1))) error(&tok.loc, "old-style function definition with parameter type incompatible with promoted type is not yet supported"); emittype(p->type); d = mkdecl(DECLOBJECT, p->type, p->qual, LINKNONE); p->value = xmalloc(sizeof(*p->value)); functemp(f, p->value, p->type->repr); if (p->type->repr->abi.id) { d->value = xmalloc(sizeof(*d->value)); *d->value = *p->value; d->value->repr = &iptr; } else { funcinit(f, d, NULL); funcstore(f, p->type, QUALNONE, (struct lvalue){d->value}, p->value); } scopeputdecl(s, p->name, d); } t = mkarraytype(&typechar, QUALCONST, strlen(name) + 1); d = mkdecl(DECLOBJECT, t, QUALNONE, LINKNONE); d->value = mkglobal("__func__", true); scopeputdecl(s, "__func__", d); /* needed for glibc's assert definition with __GNUC__=2 __GNUC_MINOR__=4 XXX: this should also work at file scope, where it should evaluate to "toplevel" */ scopeputdecl(s, "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__", d); f->namedecl = d; funclabel(f, mkblock("body")); return f; } struct type * functype(struct func *f) { return f->type; } void funclabel(struct func *f, struct value *v) { assert(v->kind == VALLABEL); f->end->next = (struct block *)v; f->end = f->end->next; } void funcjmp(struct func *f, struct value *v) { funcinst(f, IJMP, NULL, v); f->end->terminated = true; } void funcjnz(struct func *f, struct value *v, struct value *l1, struct value *l2) { funcinst(f, IJNZ, NULL, v, l1, l2); f->end->terminated = true; } void funcret(struct func *f, struct value *v) { funcinst(f, IRET, NULL, v); f->end->terminated = true; } struct gotolabel * funcgoto(struct func *f, char *name) { void **entry; struct gotolabel *g; struct mapkey key; mapkey(&key, name, strlen(name)); entry = mapput(f->gotos, &key); g = *entry; if (!g) { g = xmalloc(sizeof(*g)); g->label = mkblock(name); *entry = g; } return g; } static struct lvalue funclval(struct func *f, struct expr *e) { struct lvalue lval = {0}; struct decl *d; if (e->kind == EXPRBITFIELD) { lval.bits = e->bitfield.bits; e = e->bitfield.base; } switch (e->kind) { case EXPRIDENT: d = e->ident.decl; if (d->kind != DECLOBJECT && d->kind != DECLFUNC) error(&tok.loc, "identifier is not an object or function"); // XXX: fix location, var name if (d == f->namedecl) { fputs("data ", stdout); emitvalue(d->value); printf(" = { b \"%s\", b 0 }\n", f->name); f->namedecl = NULL; } lval.addr = d->value; break; case EXPRSTRING: d = stringdecl(e); lval.addr = d->value; break; case EXPRCOMPOUND: d = mkdecl(DECLOBJECT, e->type, e->qual, LINKNONE); funcinit(f, d, e->compound.init); lval.addr = d->value; break; case EXPRUNARY: if (e->unary.op != TMUL) break; lval.addr = funcexpr(f, e->unary.base); break; default: if (e->type->kind != TYPESTRUCT && e->type->kind != TYPEUNION) break; lval.addr = funcinst(f, ICOPY, &iptr, funcexpr(f, e)); } if (!lval.addr) error(&tok.loc, "expression is not an object"); return lval; } /* TODO: move these conversions to QBE */ static struct value * utof(struct func *f, struct repr *r, struct value *v) { struct value *odd, *big, *phi[5] = {0}, *join; if (v->repr->base == 'w') { v = funcinst(f, IEXTUW, &i64, v); return funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, v); } phi[0] = mkblock("utof_small"); phi[2] = mkblock("utof_big"); join = mkblock("utof_join"); big = funcinst(f, ICSLTL, &i32, v, mkintconst(&i64, 0)); funcjnz(f, big, phi[2], phi[0]); funclabel(f, phi[0]); phi[1] = funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, v); funcjmp(f, join); funclabel(f, phi[2]); odd = funcinst(f, IAND, &i64, v, mkintconst(&i64, 1)); v = funcinst(f, ISHR, &i64, v, mkintconst(&i64, 1)); v = funcinst(f, IOR, &i64, v, odd); /* round to odd */ v = funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, v); phi[3] = funcinst(f, IADD, r, v, v); funclabel(f, join); return funcinstn(f, IPHI, r, phi); } static struct value * ftou(struct func *f, struct repr *r, struct value *v) { struct value *big, *phi[5] = {0}, *join, *maxflt, *maxint; enum instkind op = v->repr->base == 's' ? ISTOSI : IDTOSI; if (r->base == 'w') { v = funcinst(f, op, &i64, v); return funcinst(f, ICOPY, r, v); } phi[0] = mkblock("ftou_small"); phi[2] = mkblock("ftou_big"); join = mkblock("ftou_join"); maxflt = mkfltconst(v->repr, 0x1p63); maxint = mkintconst(&i64, 1ull<<63); big = funcinst(f, v->repr->base == 's' ? ICGES : ICGED, &i32, v, maxflt); funcjnz(f, big, phi[2], phi[0]); funclabel(f, phi[0]); phi[1] = funcinst(f, op, r, v); funcjmp(f, join); funclabel(f, phi[2]); v = funcinst(f, ISUB, v->repr, v, maxflt); v = funcinst(f, op, r, v); phi[3] = funcinst(f, IXOR, r, v, maxint); funclabel(f, join); return funcinstn(f, IPHI, r, phi); } static struct value * extend(struct func *f, struct type *t, struct value *v) { enum instkind op; switch (t->size) { case 1: op = t->basic.issigned ? IEXTSB : IEXTUB; break; case 2: op = t->basic.issigned ? IEXTSH : IEXTUH; break; default: return v; } return funcinst(f, op, &i32, v); } struct value * funcexpr(struct func *f, struct expr *e) { enum instkind op = INONE; struct decl *d; struct value *l, *r, *v, **argvals, **argval; struct lvalue lval; struct expr *arg; struct value *label[5]; struct type *t; switch (e->kind) { case EXPRIDENT: d = e->ident.decl; switch (d->kind) { case DECLOBJECT: return funcload(f, d->type, (struct lvalue){d->value}); case DECLCONST: return d->value; default: fatal("unimplemented declaration kind %d", d->kind); } break; case EXPRCONST: if (e->type->prop & PROPINT || e->type->kind == TYPEPOINTER) return mkintconst(e->type->repr, e->constant.i); return mkfltconst(e->type->repr, e->constant.f); case EXPRBITFIELD: case EXPRCOMPOUND: lval = funclval(f, e); return funcload(f, e->type, lval); case EXPRINCDEC: lval = funclval(f, e->incdec.base); l = funcload(f, e->incdec.base->type, lval); if (e->type->kind == TYPEPOINTER) r = mkintconst(e->type->repr, e->type->base->size); else if (e->type->prop & PROPINT) r = mkintconst(e->type->repr, 1); else if (e->type->prop & PROPFLOAT) r = mkfltconst(e->type->repr, 1); else fatal("not a scalar"); v = funcinst(f, e->incdec.op == TINC ? IADD : ISUB, e->type->repr, l, r); funcstore(f, e->type, e->qual, lval, v); return e->incdec.post ? l : v; case EXPRCALL: argvals = xreallocarray(NULL, e->call.nargs + 3, sizeof(argvals[0])); argvals[0] = funcexpr(f, e->call.func); emittype(e->type); for (argval = &argvals[1], arg = e->call.args; arg; ++argval, arg = arg->next) { emittype(arg->type); *argval = funcexpr(f, arg); } *argval = NULL; op = e->call.func->type->base->func.isvararg ? IVACALL : ICALL; return funcinstn(f, op, e->type == &typevoid ? NULL : e->type->repr, argvals); //if (e->call.func->type->base->func.isnoreturn) // funcret(f, NULL); case EXPRUNARY: switch (e->unary.op) { case TBAND: lval = funclval(f, e->unary.base); return lval.addr; case TMUL: r = funcexpr(f, e->unary.base); return funcload(f, e->type, (struct lvalue){r}); } fatal("internal error; unknown unary expression"); break; case EXPRCAST: { struct type *src, *dst; l = funcexpr(f, e->cast.e); r = NULL; src = e->cast.e->type; if (src->kind == TYPEPOINTER) src = &typeulong; dst = e->type; if (dst->kind == TYPEPOINTER) dst = &typeulong; if (dst->kind == TYPEVOID) return NULL; if (!(src->prop & PROPREAL) || !(dst->prop & PROPREAL)) fatal("internal error; unsupported conversion"); if (dst->kind == TYPEBOOL) { l = extend(f, src, l); r = mkintconst(src->repr, 0); if (src->prop & PROPINT) op = src->size == 8 ? ICNEL : ICNEW; else op = src->size == 8 ? ICNED : ICNES; } else if (dst->prop & PROPINT) { if (src->prop & PROPINT) { if (dst->size <= src->size) { op = ICOPY; } else { switch (src->size) { case 4: op = src->basic.issigned ? IEXTSW : IEXTUW; break; case 2: op = src->basic.issigned ? IEXTSH : IEXTUH; break; case 1: op = src->basic.issigned ? IEXTSB : IEXTUB; break; default: fatal("internal error; unknown int conversion"); } } } else { if (!dst->basic.issigned) return ftou(f, dst->repr, l); op = src->size == 8 ? IDTOSI : ISTOSI; } } else { if (src->prop & PROPINT) { if (!src->basic.issigned) return utof(f, dst->repr, l); op = src->size == 8 ? ISLTOF : ISWTOF; } else { if (src->size < dst->size) op = IEXTS; else if (src->size > dst->size) op = ITRUNCD; else op = ICOPY; } } return funcinst(f, op, dst->repr, l, r); } case EXPRBINARY: if (e->binary.op == TLOR || e->binary.op == TLAND) { label[0] = mkblock("logic_right"); label[1] = mkblock("logic_join"); l = funcexpr(f, e->binary.l); label[2] = (struct value *)f->end; if (e->binary.op == TLOR) funcjnz(f, l, label[1], label[0]); else funcjnz(f, l, label[0], label[1]); funclabel(f, label[0]); r = funcexpr(f, e->binary.r); label[3] = (struct value *)f->end; funclabel(f, label[1]); return funcinst(f, IPHI, e->type->repr, label[2], l, label[3], r, NULL); } l = funcexpr(f, e->binary.l); r = funcexpr(f, e->binary.r); t = e->binary.l->type; if (t->kind == TYPEPOINTER) t = &typeulong; switch (e->binary.op) { case TMUL: op = IMUL; break; case TDIV: op = !(e->type->prop & PROPINT) || e->type->basic.issigned ? IDIV : IUDIV; break; case TMOD: op = e->type->basic.issigned ? IREM : IUREM; break; case TADD: op = IADD; break; case TSUB: op = ISUB; break; case TSHL: op = ISHL; break; case TSHR: op = t->basic.issigned ? ISAR : ISHR; break; case TBOR: op = IOR; break; case TBAND: op = IAND; break; case TXOR: op = IXOR; break; case TLESS: l = extend(f, t, l); r = extend(f, t, r); if (t->size <= 4) op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICLTS : t->basic.issigned ? ICSLTW : ICULTW; else op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICLTD : t->basic.issigned ? ICSLTL : ICULTL; break; case TGREATER: l = extend(f, t, l); r = extend(f, t, r); if (t->size <= 4) op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICGTS : t->basic.issigned ? ICSGTW : ICUGTW; else op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICGTD : t->basic.issigned ? ICSGTL : ICUGTL; break; case TLEQ: l = extend(f, t, l); r = extend(f, t, r); if (t->size <= 4) op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICLES : t->basic.issigned ? ICSLEW : ICULEW; else op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICLED : t->basic.issigned ? ICSLEL : ICULEL; break; case TGEQ: l = extend(f, t, l); r = extend(f, t, r); if (t->size <= 4) op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICGES : t->basic.issigned ? ICSGEW : ICUGEW; else op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICGED : t->basic.issigned ? ICSGEL : ICUGEL; break; case TEQL: l = extend(f, t, l); r = extend(f, t, r); if (t->size <= 4) op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICEQS : ICEQW; else op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICEQD : ICEQL; break; case TNEQ: l = extend(f, t, l); r = extend(f, t, r); if (t->size <= 4) op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICNES : ICNEW; else op = t->prop & PROPFLOAT ? ICNED : ICNEL; break; } if (op == INONE) fatal("internal error; unimplemented binary expression"); return funcinst(f, op, e->type->repr, l, r); case EXPRCOND: label[0] = mkblock("cond_true"); label[1] = mkblock("cond_false"); label[2] = mkblock("cond_join"); v = funcexpr(f, e->cond.e); funcjnz(f, v, label[0], label[1]); funclabel(f, label[0]); l = funcexpr(f, e->cond.t); label[3] = (struct value *)f->end; funcjmp(f, label[2]); funclabel(f, label[1]); r = funcexpr(f, e->cond.f); label[4] = (struct value *)f->end; funclabel(f, label[2]); if (e->type == &typevoid) return NULL; return funcinst(f, IPHI, e->type->repr, label[3], l, label[4], r, NULL); case EXPRASSIGN: r = funcexpr(f, e->assign.r); if (e->assign.l->kind == EXPRTEMP) { e->assign.l->temp = r; } else { lval = funclval(f, e->assign.l); funcstore(f, e->assign.l->type, e->assign.l->qual, lval, r); } return r; case EXPRCOMMA: for (e = e->comma.exprs; e->next; e = e->next) funcexpr(f, e); return funcexpr(f, e); case EXPRBUILTIN: switch (e->builtin.kind) { case BUILTINVASTART: l = funcexpr(f, e->builtin.arg); funcinst(f, IVASTART, NULL, l); break; case BUILTINVAARG: l = funcexpr(f, e->builtin.arg); return funcinst(f, IVAARG, e->type->repr, l); case BUILTINVAEND: /* no-op */ break; case BUILTINALLOCA: l = funcexpr(f, e->builtin.arg); return funcinst(f, IALLOC16, &iptr, l); default: fatal("internal error: unimplemented builtin"); } return NULL; case EXPRTEMP: assert(e->temp); return e->temp; default: fatal("unimplemented expression %d", e->kind); } } static void zero(struct func *func, struct value *addr, int align, uint64_t offset, uint64_t end) { enum instkind store[] = { [1] = ISTOREB, [2] = ISTOREH, [4] = ISTOREW, [8] = ISTOREL, }; struct value *tmp; static struct value z = {.kind = VALCONST, .repr = &i64}; int a = 1; while (offset < end) { if ((align - (offset & align - 1)) & a) { tmp = offset ? funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, addr, mkintconst(&iptr, offset)) : addr; funcinst(func, store[a], NULL, &z, tmp); offset += a; } if (a < align) a <<= 1; } } void funcinit(struct func *func, struct decl *d, struct init *init) { struct lvalue dst; struct value *src; uint64_t offset = 0, max = 0; size_t i; funcalloc(func, d); if (!init) return; for (; init; init = init->next) { zero(func, d->value, d->type->align, offset, init->start); dst.bits = init->bits; if (init->expr->kind == EXPRSTRING) { for (i = 0; i < init->expr->string.size && i < init->end - init->start; ++i) { dst.addr = funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, d->value, mkintconst(&iptr, init->start + i)); funcstore(func, &typechar, QUALNONE, dst, mkintconst(&i8, init->expr->string.data[i])); } offset = init->start + i; } else { if (offset < init->end && (dst.bits.before || dst.bits.after)) zero(func, d->value, d->type->align, offset, init->end); dst.addr = funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, d->value, mkintconst(&iptr, init->start)); src = funcexpr(func, init->expr); funcstore(func, init->expr->type, QUALNONE, dst, src); offset = init->end; } if (max < offset) max = offset; } zero(func, d->value, d->type->align, max, d->type->size); } static void casesearch(struct func *f, struct value *v, struct switchcase *c, struct value *defaultlabel) { struct value *res, *label[3], *key; if (!c) { funcjmp(f, defaultlabel); return; } label[0] = mkblock("switch_ne"); label[1] = mkblock("switch_lt"); label[2] = mkblock("switch_gt"); // XXX: linear search if c->node.height < 4 key = mkintconst(&i64, c->node.key); res = funcinst(f, ICEQW, &i32, v, key); funcjnz(f, res, c->body, label[0]); funclabel(f, label[0]); res = funcinst(f, ICULTW, typeint.repr, v, key); funcjnz(f, res, label[1], label[2]); funclabel(f, label[1]); casesearch(f, v, c->node.child[0], defaultlabel); funclabel(f, label[2]); casesearch(f, v, c->node.child[1], defaultlabel); } void funcswitch(struct func *f, struct value *v, struct switchcases *c, struct value *defaultlabel) { casesearch(f, v, c->root, defaultlabel); } /* emit */ static void emitname(struct name *n) { if (n->str) fputs(n->str, stdout); if (n->id) printf(".%" PRIu64, n->id); } static void emitvalue(struct value *v) { static char sigil[] = { [VALLABEL] = '@', [VALTEMP] = '%', [VALGLOBAL] = '$', }; switch (v->kind) { case VALCONST: if (v->repr->base == 's' || v->repr->base == 'd') printf("%c_%a", v->repr->base, v->f); else printf("%" PRIu64, v->i); break; default: if (v->kind >= LEN(sigil) || !sigil[v->kind]) fatal("invalid value"); putchar(sigil[v->kind]); if (v->kind == VALGLOBAL && v->name.id) fputs(".L", stdout); emitname(&v->name); } } static void emitrepr(struct repr *r, bool abi, bool ext) { if (!r) fatal("type has no QBE representation"); if (abi && r->abi.id) { putchar(':'); emitname(&r->abi); } else if (ext) { putchar(r->ext); } else { putchar(r->base); } } /* XXX: need to consider _Alignas on struct members */ static void emittype(struct type *t) { static uint64_t id; struct member *m; struct type *sub; uint64_t i; if (!t->repr || t->repr->abi.id || t->kind != TYPESTRUCT && t->kind != TYPEUNION) return; t->repr = xmalloc(sizeof(*t->repr)); t->repr->base = 'l'; t->repr->abi.str = t->structunion.tag; t->repr->abi.id = ++id; for (m = t->structunion.members; m; m = m->next) { for (sub = m->type; sub->kind == TYPEARRAY; sub = sub->base) ; emittype(sub); } fputs("type :", stdout); emitname(&t->repr->abi); fputs(" = { ", stdout); for (m = t->structunion.members; m; m = m->next) { if (t->kind == TYPEUNION) fputs("{ ", stdout); for (i = 1, sub = m->type; sub->kind == TYPEARRAY; sub = sub->base) i *= sub->array.length; emitrepr(sub->repr, true, true); if (i > 1) printf(" %" PRIu64, i); if (t->kind == TYPEUNION) fputs(" } ", stdout); else fputs(", ", stdout); } puts("}"); } static void emitinst(struct inst *inst) { struct value **arg; putchar('\t'); assert(inst->kind < LEN(instdesc)); if (instdesc[inst->kind].ret && inst->res.kind) { emitvalue(&inst->res); fputs(" =", stdout); emitrepr(inst->res.repr, inst->kind == ICALL || inst->kind == IVACALL, false); putchar(' '); } fputs(instdesc[inst->kind].str, stdout); switch (inst->kind) { case ICALL: case IVACALL: putchar(' '); emitvalue(inst->arg[0]); putchar('('); for (arg = &inst->arg[1]; *arg; ++arg) { if (arg != &inst->arg[1]) fputs(", ", stdout); emitrepr((*arg)->repr, true, false); putchar(' '); emitvalue(*arg); } if (inst->kind == IVACALL) fputs(", ...", stdout); putchar(')'); break; case IPHI: putchar(' '); for (arg = inst->arg; *arg; ++arg) { if (arg != inst->arg) fputs(", ", stdout); emitvalue(*arg); putchar(' '); emitvalue(*++arg); } break; case IRET: if (!inst->arg[0]) break; /* fallthrough */ default: putchar(' '); emitvalue(inst->arg[0]); if (instdesc[inst->kind].arg > 1) { fputs(", ", stdout); emitvalue(inst->arg[1]); } if (instdesc[inst->kind].arg > 2) { fputs(", ", stdout); emitvalue(inst->arg[2]); } } putchar('\n'); } void emitfunc(struct func *f, bool global) { struct block *b; struct inst **inst; struct param *p; size_t n; if (!f->end->terminated) funcret(f, strcmp(f->name, "main") == 0 ? mkintconst(&i32, 0) : NULL); if (global) puts("export"); fputs("function ", stdout); if (f->type->base != &typevoid) { emitrepr(f->type->base->repr, true, false); putchar(' '); } printf("$%s(", f->name); for (p = f->type->func.params; p; p = p->next) { if (p != f->type->func.params) fputs(", ", stdout); emitrepr(p->type->repr, true, false); putchar(' '); emitvalue(p->value); } if (f->type->func.isvararg) fputs(", ...", stdout); puts(") {"); for (b = f->start; b; b = b->next) { emitvalue(&b->label); putchar('\n'); n = b->insts.len / sizeof(*inst); for (inst = b->insts.val; n; --n, ++inst) emitinst(*inst); } puts("}"); } static void dataitem(struct expr *expr, uint64_t size) { struct decl *decl; size_t i; char c; switch (expr->kind) { case EXPRUNARY: if (expr->unary.op != TBAND) fatal("not a address expr"); expr = expr->unary.base; if (expr->kind != EXPRIDENT) error(&tok.loc, "initializer is not a constant expression"); decl = expr->ident.decl; if (decl->value->kind != VALGLOBAL) fatal("not a global"); emitvalue(decl->value); break; case EXPRBINARY: if (expr->binary.l->kind != EXPRUNARY || expr->binary.r->kind != EXPRCONST) error(&tok.loc, "initializer is not a constant expression"); dataitem(expr->binary.l, 0); fputs(" + ", stdout); dataitem(expr->binary.r, 0); break; case EXPRCONST: if (expr->type->prop & PROPFLOAT) printf("%c_%a", expr->type->size == 4 ? 's' : 'd', expr->constant.f); else printf("%" PRIu64, expr->constant.i); break; case EXPRSTRING: fputc('"', stdout); for (i = 0; i < expr->string.size && i < size; ++i) { c = expr->string.data[i]; if (isprint(c) && c != '"' && c != '\\') putchar(c); else printf("\\%03hho", c); } fputc('"', stdout); if (i < size) printf(", z %" PRIu64, size - i); break; default: fatal("unimplemented initdata"); } } void emitdata(struct decl *d, struct init *init) { struct init *cur; uint64_t offset = 0, start, end, bits = 0; if (!d->align) d->align = d->type->align; else if (d->align < d->type->align) error(&tok.loc, "object requires alignment %d, which is stricter than %d", d->type->align, d->align); for (cur = init; cur; cur = cur->next) cur->expr = eval(cur->expr); if (d->linkage == LINKEXTERN) fputs("export ", stdout); fputs("data ", stdout); emitvalue(d->value); printf(" = align %d { ", d->align); while (init) { cur = init; while (init = init->next, init && init->start * 8 + init->bits.before < cur->end * 8 - cur->bits.after) { /* XXX: Currently, if multiple union members are initialized, these assertions may not hold. (https://todo.sr.ht/~mcf/cc-issues/38) */ assert(cur->expr->kind == EXPRSTRING); assert(init->expr->kind == EXPRCONST); cur->expr->string.data[init->start - cur->start] = init->expr->constant.i; } start = cur->start + cur->bits.before / 8; end = cur->end - (cur->bits.after + 7) / 8; if (offset < start && bits) { printf("b %u, ", (unsigned)bits); /* unfinished byte from previous bit-field */ ++offset; bits = 0; } if (offset < start) printf("z %" PRIu64 ", ", start - offset); if (cur->bits.before || cur->bits.after) { /* XXX: little-endian specific */ assert(cur->expr->type->prop & PROPINT); assert(cur->expr->kind == EXPRCONST); bits |= cur->expr->constant.i << cur->bits.before % 8; for (offset = start; offset < end; ++offset, bits >>= 8) printf("b %u, ", (unsigned)bits & 0xff); /* clear the upper `after` bits in the last byte, or all bits when `after` is 0 (we ended on a byte boundary). */ bits &= 0x7f >> (cur->bits.after + 7) % 8; } else { printf("%c ", cur->expr->type->kind == TYPEARRAY ? cur->expr->type->base->repr->ext : cur->expr->type->repr->ext); dataitem(cur->expr, cur->end - cur->start); fputs(", ", stdout); } offset = end; } if (bits) { printf("b %u, ", (unsigned)bits); ++offset; } assert(offset <= d->type->size); if (offset < d->type->size) printf("z %" PRIu64 " ", d->type->size - offset); puts("}"); }