#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "utf.h" #include "cc.h" static struct expr * mkexpr(enum exprkind k, struct type *t, struct expr *b) { struct expr *e; e = xmalloc(sizeof(*e)); e->qual = QUALNONE; e->type = t; e->lvalue = false; e->decayed = false; e->kind = k; e->base = b; e->next = NULL; return e; } void delexpr(struct expr *e) { struct expr *sub; switch (e->kind) { case EXPRCALL: delexpr(e->base); while (sub = e->call.args) { e->call.args = sub->next; delexpr(sub); } break; case EXPRBITFIELD: case EXPRINCDEC: case EXPRUNARY: case EXPRCAST: delexpr(e->base); break; case EXPRBINARY: delexpr(e->binary.l); delexpr(e->binary.r); break; case EXPRCOND: delexpr(e->base); delexpr(e->cond.t); delexpr(e->cond.f); break; /* XXX: compound assignment causes some reuse of expressions, so we can't free them without risk of a double-free case EXPRASSIGN: delexpr(e->assign.l); delexpr(e->assign.r); break; */ case EXPRCOMMA: while (sub = e->base) { e->base = sub->next; delexpr(sub); } break; } free(e); } static struct expr * mkconstexpr(struct type *t, uint64_t n) { struct expr *e; e = mkexpr(EXPRCONST, t, NULL); e->constant.u = n; return e; } static struct expr *mkunaryexpr(enum tokenkind, struct expr *); /* Conversion of arrays and function designators */ static struct expr * decay(struct expr *e) { struct type *t; enum typequal tq; // XXX: combine with decl.c:adjust in some way? t = e->type; tq = e->qual; switch (t->kind) { case TYPEARRAY: e = mkunaryexpr(TBAND, e); e->type = mkpointertype(t->base, tq); e->decayed = true; break; case TYPEFUNC: e = mkunaryexpr(TBAND, e); e->decayed = true; break; } return e; } static struct expr * mkunaryexpr(enum tokenkind op, struct expr *base) { struct expr *expr; switch (op) { case TBAND: if (base->decayed) { expr = base; base = base->base; free(expr); } /* Allow struct and union types even if they are not lvalues, since we take their address when compiling member access. */ if (!base->lvalue && base->type->kind != TYPEFUNC && base->type->kind != TYPESTRUCT && base->type->kind != TYPEUNION) error(&tok.loc, "'&' operand is not an lvalue or function designator"); if (base->kind == EXPRBITFIELD) error(&tok.loc, "cannot take address of bit-field"); expr = mkexpr(EXPRUNARY, mkpointertype(base->type, base->qual), base); expr->op = op; return expr; case TMUL: if (base->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) error(&tok.loc, "cannot dereference non-pointer"); expr = mkexpr(EXPRUNARY, base->type->base, base); expr->qual = base->type->qual; expr->lvalue = true; expr->op = op; return decay(expr); } /* other unary operators get compiled as equivalent binary ones */ fatal("internal error: unknown unary operator %d", op); } static unsigned bitfieldwidth(struct expr *e) { if (e->kind != EXPRBITFIELD) return -1; return e->type->size * 8 - e->bitfield.bits.before - e->bitfield.bits.after; } struct expr * exprpromote(struct expr *e) { struct type *t; t = typepromote(e->type, bitfieldwidth(e)); return exprconvert(e, t); } static struct type * commonreal(struct expr **e1, struct expr **e2) { struct type *t; t = typecommonreal((*e1)->type, bitfieldwidth(*e1), (*e2)->type, bitfieldwidth(*e2)); *e1 = exprconvert(*e1, t); *e2 = exprconvert(*e2, t); return t; } static bool nullpointer(struct expr *e) { if (e->kind != EXPRCONST) return false; if (!(e->type->prop & PROPINT) && (e->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER || e->type->base != &typevoid)) return false; return e->constant.u == 0; } static struct expr * mkbinaryexpr(struct location *loc, enum tokenkind op, struct expr *l, struct expr *r) { struct expr *e; struct type *t = NULL; enum typeprop lp, rp; lp = l->type->prop; rp = r->type->prop; switch (op) { case TLOR: case TLAND: if (!(lp & PROPSCALAR)) error(loc, "left operand of '%s' operator must be scalar", tokstr[op]); if (!(rp & PROPSCALAR)) error(loc, "right operand of '%s' operator must be scalar", tokstr[op]); t = &typeint; break; case TEQL: case TNEQ: t = &typeint; if (lp & PROPARITH && rp & PROPARITH) { commonreal(&l, &r); break; } if (l->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) e = l, l = r, r = e; if (l->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) error(loc, "invalid operands to '%s' operator", tokstr[op]); if (nullpointer(eval(r, EVALARITH))) { r = exprconvert(r, l->type); break; } if (nullpointer(eval(l, EVALARITH))) { l = exprconvert(l, r->type); break; } if (r->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) error(loc, "invalid operands to '%s' operator", tokstr[op]); if (l->type->base->kind == TYPEVOID) e = l, l = r, r = e; if (r->type->base->kind == TYPEVOID && l->type->base->kind != TYPEFUNC) r = exprconvert(r, l->type); else if (!typecompatible(l->type->base, r->type->base)) error(loc, "pointer operands to '%s' operator are to incompatible types", tokstr[op]); break; case TLESS: case TGREATER: case TLEQ: case TGEQ: t = &typeint; if (lp & PROPREAL && rp & PROPREAL) { commonreal(&l, &r); } else if (l->type->kind == TYPEPOINTER && r->type->kind == TYPEPOINTER) { if (!typecompatible(l->type->base, r->type->base) || l->type->base->kind == TYPEFUNC) error(loc, "pointer operands to '%s' operator must be to compatible object types", tokstr[op]); } else { error(loc, "invalid operands to '%s' operator", tokstr[op]); } break; case TBOR: case TXOR: case TBAND: t = commonreal(&l, &r); break; case TADD: if (lp & PROPARITH && rp & PROPARITH) { t = commonreal(&l, &r); break; } if (r->type->kind == TYPEPOINTER) e = l, l = r, r = e, rp = lp; if (l->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER || !(rp & PROPINT)) error(loc, "invalid operands to '+' operator"); t = l->type; if (t->base->incomplete || !(t->base->prop & PROPOBJECT)) error(loc, "pointer operand to '+' must be to complete object type"); r = mkbinaryexpr(loc, TMUL, exprconvert(r, &typeulong), mkconstexpr(&typeulong, t->base->size)); break; case TSUB: if (lp & PROPARITH && rp & PROPARITH) { t = commonreal(&l, &r); break; } if (l->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER || !(rp & PROPINT) && r->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) error(loc, "invalid operands to '-' operator"); if (l->type->base->incomplete || !(l->type->base->prop & PROPOBJECT)) error(loc, "pointer operand to '-' must be to complete object type"); if (rp & PROPINT) { t = l->type; r = mkbinaryexpr(loc, TMUL, exprconvert(r, &typeulong), mkconstexpr(&typeulong, t->base->size)); } else { if (!typecompatible(l->type->base, r->type->base)) error(&tok.loc, "pointer operands to '-' are to incompatible types"); op = TDIV; t = &typelong; e = mkbinaryexpr(loc, TSUB, exprconvert(l, &typelong), exprconvert(r, &typelong)); r = mkconstexpr(&typelong, l->type->base->size); l = e; } break; case TMOD: if (!(lp & PROPINT) || !(rp & PROPINT)) error(loc, "operands to '%%' operator must be integer"); t = commonreal(&l, &r); break; case TMUL: case TDIV: if (!(lp & PROPARITH) || !(rp & PROPARITH)) error(loc, "operands to '%s' operator must be arithmetic", tokstr[op]); t = commonreal(&l, &r); break; case TSHL: case TSHR: if (!(lp & PROPINT) || !(rp & PROPINT)) error(loc, "operands to '%s' operator must be integer", tokstr[op]); l = exprpromote(l); r = exprpromote(r); t = l->type; break; default: fatal("internal error: unknown binary operator %d", op); } e = mkexpr(EXPRBINARY, t, NULL); e->op = op; e->binary.l = l; e->binary.r = r; return e; } static struct type * inttype(unsigned long long val, bool decimal, char *end) { static struct { struct type *type; const char *end1, *end2; } limits[] = { {&typeint, "", NULL}, {&typeuint, "u", NULL}, {&typelong, "l", NULL}, {&typeulong, "ul", "lu"}, {&typellong, "ll", NULL}, {&typeullong, "ull", "llu"}, }; struct type *t; size_t i, step; for (i = 0; end[i]; ++i) end[i] = tolower(end[i]); for (i = 0; i < LEN(limits); ++i) { if (strcmp(end, limits[i].end1) == 0) break; if (limits[i].end2 && strcmp(end, limits[i].end2) == 0) break; } if (i == LEN(limits)) error(&tok.loc, "invalid integer constant suffix '%s'", end); step = i % 2 || decimal ? 2 : 1; for (; i < LEN(limits); i += step) { t = limits[i].type; if (val <= 0xffffffffffffffffu >> (8 - t->size << 3) + t->basic.issigned) return t; } error(&tok.loc, "no suitable type for constant '%s'", tok.lit); } static int isodigit(int c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '8'; } static size_t decodechar(const char *src, uint_least32_t *chr, bool *hexoct, const char *desc, struct location *loc) { uint_least32_t c; size_t n; int i; const char *s = src; if (*s == '\\') { ++s; switch (*s) { case '\'': case '"': case '?': case '\\': c = *s; ++s; break; case 'a': c = '\a'; ++s; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; ++s; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; ++s; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; ++s; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; ++s; break; case 't': c = '\t'; ++s; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; ++s; break; case 'x': ++s; assert(isxdigit(*s)); c = 0; do c = c * 16 + (*s > '9' ? 10 + tolower(*s) - 'a' : *s - '0'); while (isxdigit(*++s)); if (hexoct) *hexoct = true; break; default: assert(isodigit(*s)); c = 0; i = 0; do c = c * 8 + (*s++ - '0'); while (++i < 3 && isodigit(*s)); if (hexoct) *hexoct = true; } } else { n = utf8dec(&c, s, 4); if (n == -1) error(loc, "%s contains invalid UTF-8", desc); s += n; } *chr = c; return s - src; } static size_t encodechar8(void *dst, uint_least32_t chr, bool hexoct) { if (!hexoct) return utf8enc(dst, chr); *(unsigned char *)dst = chr; return 1; } static size_t encodechar16(void *dst, uint_least32_t chr, bool hexoct) { if (!hexoct) return utf16enc(dst, chr) * sizeof(uint_least16_t); *(uint_least16_t *)dst = chr; return sizeof(uint_least16_t); } static size_t encodechar32(void *dst, uint_least32_t chr, bool hexoct) { *(uint_least32_t *)dst = chr; return sizeof(uint_least32_t); } struct type * stringconcat(struct stringlit *str, bool forceutf8) { static struct array parts; struct { struct location loc; char *str; } *p; int kind, newkind; struct type *t; size_t (*encodechar)(void *, uint_least32_t, bool); char *src; unsigned char *buf, *dst; uint_least32_t chr; bool hexoct; size_t len, width; assert(tok.kind == TSTRINGLIT); parts.len = 0; len = 0; kind = 0; do { src = tok.lit; switch (*src) { case 'u': if (src[1] == '8') ++src; /* fallthrough */ case 'L': case 'U': newkind = *src, ++src; break; case '"': newkind = 0; break; default: assert(0); } if (kind != newkind && kind && newkind) error(&tok.loc, "adjacent string literals have differing prefixes"); if (newkind) kind = newkind; p = arrayadd(&parts, sizeof(*p)); p->loc = tok.loc; p->str = src + 1; len += strlen(src) - 2; next(); } while (tok.kind == TSTRINGLIT); if (forceutf8 || kind == '8') kind = 0; ++len; /* null byte */ switch (kind) { case 0: t = &typechar; break; case 'u': t = &typeushort; break; case 'U': t = &typeuint; break; case 'L': t = targ->typewchar; break; } switch (t->size) { case 1: width = 1; encodechar = encodechar8; buf = xreallocarray(NULL, len, 1); str->data = buf; break; case 2: width = sizeof(uint_least16_t); encodechar = encodechar16; buf = xreallocarray(NULL, len, width); str->data16 = (uint_least16_t *)buf; break; case 4: width = sizeof(uint_least32_t); encodechar = encodechar32; buf = xreallocarray(NULL, len, width); str->data32 = (uint_least32_t *)buf; break; } dst = buf; arrayforeach(&parts, p) { src = p->str; while (*src != '"') { hexoct = false; src += decodechar(src, &chr, &hexoct, "string literal", &p->loc); dst += encodechar(dst, chr, hexoct); } } dst += encodechar(dst, 0, false); str->size = (dst - buf) / width; return t; } static struct expr * generic(struct scope *s) { struct expr *e, *match = NULL, *def = NULL; struct type *t, *want; enum typequal qual; next(); expect(TLPAREN, "after '_Generic'"); e = assignexpr(s); expect(TCOMMA, "after generic selector expression"); want = e->type; delexpr(e); do { if (consume(TDEFAULT)) { if (def) error(&tok.loc, "multiple default expressions in generic association list"); expect(TCOLON, "after 'default'"); def = assignexpr(s); } else { qual = QUALNONE; t = typename(s, &qual); if (!t) error(&tok.loc, "expected typename for generic association"); expect(TCOLON, "after type name"); e = assignexpr(s); if (typecompatible(t, want) && qual == QUALNONE) { if (match) error(&tok.loc, "generic selector matches multiple associations"); match = e; } else { delexpr(e); } } } while (consume(TCOMMA)); expect(TRPAREN, "after generic assocation list"); if (!match) { if (!def) error(&tok.loc, "generic selector matches no associations and no default was specified"); match = def; } else if (def) { delexpr(def); } return match; } /* 6.5 Expressions */ static struct expr * primaryexpr(struct scope *s) { struct expr *e; struct decl *d; struct type *t; char *src, *end; uint_least32_t chr; int base; switch (tok.kind) { case TIDENT: d = scopegetdecl(s, tok.lit, 1); if (!d) error(&tok.loc, "undeclared identifier: %s", tok.lit); e = mkexpr(EXPRIDENT, d->type, NULL); e->qual = d->qual; e->lvalue = d->kind == DECLOBJECT; e->ident.decl = d; if (d->kind != DECLBUILTIN) e = decay(e); next(); break; case TSTRINGLIT: e = mkexpr(EXPRSTRING, NULL, NULL); t = stringconcat(&e->string, false); e->type = mkarraytype(t, QUALNONE, e->string.size); e->lvalue = true; e = decay(e); break; case TCHARCONST: src = tok.lit; t = &typeint; switch (*src) { case 'L': ++src; t = targ->typewchar; break; case 'u': ++src; t = &typeushort; break; case 'U': ++src; t = &typeuint; break; } assert(*src == '\''); ++src; src += decodechar(src, &chr, NULL, "character constant", &tok.loc); e = mkconstexpr(t, chr); if (*src != '\'') error(&tok.loc, "character constant contains more than one character: %c", *src); next(); break; case TNUMBER: e = mkexpr(EXPRCONST, NULL, NULL); base = tok.lit[0] != '0' ? 10 : tolower(tok.lit[1]) == 'x' ? 16 : 8; if (strpbrk(tok.lit, base == 16 ? ".pP" : ".eE")) { /* floating constant */ e->constant.f = strtod(tok.lit, &end); if (end == tok.lit) error(&tok.loc, "invalid floating constant '%s'", tok.lit); if (!end[0]) e->type = &typedouble; else if (tolower(end[0]) == 'f' && !end[1]) e->type = &typefloat; else if (tolower(end[0]) == 'l' && !end[1]) e->type = &typeldouble; else error(&tok.loc, "invalid floating constant suffix '%s'", end); } else { /* integer constant */ e->constant.u = strtoull(tok.lit, &end, 0); if (end == tok.lit) error(&tok.loc, "invalid integer constant '%s'", tok.lit); e->type = inttype(e->constant.u, base == 10, end); } next(); break; case TLPAREN: next(); e = expr(s); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression"); break; case T_GENERIC: e = generic(s); break; default: error(&tok.loc, "expected primary expression"); } return e; } static struct expr *condexpr(struct scope *); /* TODO: merge with init.c:designator() */ static void designator(struct scope *s, struct type *t, unsigned long long *offset) { char *name; struct member *m; uint64_t i; for (;;) { switch (tok.kind) { case TLBRACK: if (t->kind != TYPEARRAY) error(&tok.loc, "index designator is only valid for array types"); next(); i = intconstexpr(s, false); expect(TRBRACK, "for index designator"); t = t->base; *offset += i * t->size; break; case TPERIOD: if (t->kind != TYPESTRUCT && t->kind != TYPEUNION) error(&tok.loc, "member designator only valid for struct/union types"); next(); name = expect(TIDENT, "for member designator"); m = typemember(t, name, offset); if (!m) error(&tok.loc, "%s has no member named '%s'", t->kind == TYPEUNION ? "union" : "struct", name); free(name); t = m->type; break; default: return; } } } static struct expr * builtinfunc(struct scope *s, enum builtinkind kind) { struct expr *e, *param; struct type *t; struct member *m; char *name; unsigned long long offset; switch (kind) { case BUILTINALLOCA: e = exprconvert(assignexpr(s), &typeulong); e = mkexpr(EXPRBUILTIN, mkpointertype(&typevoid, QUALNONE), e); e->builtin.kind = BUILTINALLOCA; break; case BUILTINCONSTANTP: e = mkconstexpr(&typeint, eval(condexpr(s), EVALARITH)->kind == EXPRCONST); break; case BUILTINEXPECT: /* just a no-op for now */ /* TODO: check that the expression and the expected value have type 'long' */ e = assignexpr(s); expect(TCOMMA, "after expression"); delexpr(assignexpr(s)); break; case BUILTININFF: e = mkexpr(EXPRCONST, &typefloat, NULL); /* TODO: use INFINITY here when we can handle musl's math.h */ e->constant.f = strtod("inf", NULL); break; case BUILTINNANF: e = assignexpr(s); if (!e->decayed || e->base->kind != EXPRSTRING || e->base->string.size > 1) error(&tok.loc, "__builtin_nanf currently only supports empty string literals"); e = mkexpr(EXPRCONST, &typefloat, NULL); /* TODO: use NAN here when we can handle musl's math.h */ e->constant.f = strtod("nan", NULL); break; case BUILTINOFFSETOF: t = typename(s, NULL); expect(TCOMMA, "after type name"); name = expect(TIDENT, "after ','"); if (t->kind != TYPESTRUCT && t->kind != TYPEUNION) error(&tok.loc, "type is not a struct/union type"); offset = 0; m = typemember(t, name, &offset); if (!m) error(&tok.loc, "struct/union has no member named '%s'", name); designator(s, m->type, &offset); e = mkconstexpr(&typeulong, offset); free(name); break; case BUILTINTYPESCOMPATIBLEP: t = typename(s, NULL); expect(TCOMMA, "after type name"); e = mkconstexpr(&typeint, typecompatible(t, typename(s, NULL))); break; case BUILTINVAARG: e = mkexpr(EXPRBUILTIN, NULL, assignexpr(s)); e->builtin.kind = BUILTINVAARG; if (!typesame(e->base->type, typeadjvalist)) error(&tok.loc, "va_arg argument must have type va_list"); if (typeadjvalist == targ->typevalist) e->base = mkunaryexpr(TBAND, e->base); expect(TCOMMA, "after va_list"); e->type = typename(s, &e->qual); break; case BUILTINVACOPY: e = mkexpr(EXPRASSIGN, &typevoid, NULL); e->assign.l = assignexpr(s); if (!typesame(e->assign.l->type, typeadjvalist)) error(&tok.loc, "va_copy destination must have type va_list"); if (typeadjvalist != targ->typevalist) e->assign.l = mkunaryexpr(TMUL, e->assign.l); expect(TCOMMA, "after target va_list"); e->assign.r = assignexpr(s); if (!typesame(e->assign.r->type, typeadjvalist)) error(&tok.loc, "va_copy source must have type va_list"); if (typeadjvalist != targ->typevalist) e->assign.r = mkunaryexpr(TMUL, e->assign.r); break; case BUILTINVAEND: e = assignexpr(s); if (!typesame(e->type, typeadjvalist)) error(&tok.loc, "va_end argument must have type va_list"); e = exprconvert(e, &typevoid); break; case BUILTINVASTART: e = mkexpr(EXPRBUILTIN, &typevoid, assignexpr(s)); e->builtin.kind = BUILTINVASTART; if (!typesame(e->base->type, typeadjvalist)) error(&tok.loc, "va_start argument must have type va_list"); if (typeadjvalist == targ->typevalist) e->base = mkunaryexpr(TBAND, e->base); expect(TCOMMA, "after va_list"); param = assignexpr(s); if (param->kind != EXPRIDENT) error(&tok.loc, "expected parameter identifier"); delexpr(param); // XXX: check that this was actually a parameter name? break; default: fatal("internal error; unknown builtin"); } return e; } static struct expr * mkincdecexpr(enum tokenkind op, struct expr *base, bool post) { struct expr *e; if (!base->lvalue) error(&tok.loc, "operand of '%s' operator must be an lvalue", tokstr[op]); if (base->qual & QUALCONST) error(&tok.loc, "operand of '%s' operator is const qualified", tokstr[op]); e = mkexpr(EXPRINCDEC, base->type, base); e->op = op; e->incdec.post = post; return e; } static struct expr * postfixexpr(struct scope *s, struct expr *r) { struct expr *e, *arr, *idx, *tmp, **end; struct type *t; struct param *p; struct member *m; unsigned long long offset; enum typequal tq; enum tokenkind op; bool lvalue; if (!r) r = primaryexpr(s); for (;;) { switch (tok.kind) { case TLBRACK: /* subscript */ next(); arr = r; idx = expr(s); if (arr->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) { if (idx->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) error(&tok.loc, "either array or index must be pointer type"); tmp = arr; arr = idx; idx = tmp; } if (arr->type->base->incomplete) error(&tok.loc, "array is pointer to incomplete type"); if (!(idx->type->prop & PROPINT)) error(&tok.loc, "index is not an integer type"); e = mkunaryexpr(TMUL, mkbinaryexpr(&tok.loc, TADD, arr, idx)); expect(TRBRACK, "after array index"); break; case TLPAREN: /* function call */ next(); if (r->kind == EXPRIDENT && r->ident.decl->kind == DECLBUILTIN) { e = builtinfunc(s, r->ident.decl->builtin); expect(TRPAREN, "after builtin parameters"); break; } if (r->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER || r->type->base->kind != TYPEFUNC) error(&tok.loc, "called object is not a function"); t = r->type->base; e = mkexpr(EXPRCALL, t->base, r); e->call.args = NULL; e->call.nargs = 0; p = t->func.params; end = &e->call.args; while (tok.kind != TRPAREN) { if (e->call.args) expect(TCOMMA, "or ')' after function call argument"); if (!p && !t->func.isvararg && t->func.paraminfo) error(&tok.loc, "too many arguments for function call"); *end = assignexpr(s); if (!t->func.isprototype || (t->func.isvararg && !p)) *end = exprpromote(*end); else *end = exprconvert(*end, p->type); end = &(*end)->next; ++e->call.nargs; if (p) p = p->next; } if (p && !t->func.isvararg && t->func.paraminfo) error(&tok.loc, "not enough arguments for function call"); e = decay(e); next(); break; case TPERIOD: r = mkunaryexpr(TBAND, r); /* fallthrough */ case TARROW: op = tok.kind; if (r->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER) error(&tok.loc, "'%s' operator must be applied to pointer to struct/union", tokstr[op]); t = r->type->base; tq = r->type->qual; if (t->kind != TYPESTRUCT && t->kind != TYPEUNION) error(&tok.loc, "'%s' operator must be applied to pointer to struct/union", tokstr[op]); next(); if (tok.kind != TIDENT) error(&tok.loc, "expected identifier after '%s' operator", tokstr[op]); lvalue = op == TARROW || r->base->lvalue; r = exprconvert(r, mkpointertype(&typechar, QUALNONE)); offset = 0; m = typemember(t, tok.lit, &offset); if (!m) error(&tok.loc, "struct/union has no member named '%s'", tok.lit); r = mkbinaryexpr(&tok.loc, TADD, r, mkconstexpr(&typeulong, offset)); r = exprconvert(r, mkpointertype(m->type, tq | m->qual)); r = mkunaryexpr(TMUL, r); r->lvalue = lvalue; if (m->bits.before || m->bits.after) { e = mkexpr(EXPRBITFIELD, r->type, r); e->lvalue = lvalue; e->bitfield.bits = m->bits; } else { e = r; } next(); break; case TINC: case TDEC: e = mkincdecexpr(tok.kind, r, true); next(); break; default: return r; } r = e; } } static struct expr *castexpr(struct scope *); static struct expr * unaryexpr(struct scope *s) { enum tokenkind op; struct expr *e, *l; struct type *t; op = tok.kind; switch (op) { case TINC: case TDEC: next(); l = unaryexpr(s); e = mkincdecexpr(op, l, false); break; case TBAND: case TMUL: next(); return mkunaryexpr(op, castexpr(s)); case TADD: next(); e = castexpr(s); if (!(e->type->prop & PROPARITH)) error(&tok.loc, "operand of unary '+' operator must have arithmetic type"); if (e->type->prop & PROPINT) e = exprpromote(e); break; case TSUB: next(); e = castexpr(s); if (!(e->type->prop & PROPARITH)) error(&tok.loc, "operand of unary '-' operator must have arithmetic type"); if (e->type->prop & PROPINT) e = exprpromote(e); e = mkbinaryexpr(&tok.loc, TSUB, mkconstexpr(&typeint, 0), e); break; case TBNOT: next(); e = castexpr(s); if (!(e->type->prop & PROPINT)) error(&tok.loc, "operand of '~' operator must have integer type"); e = exprpromote(e); e = mkbinaryexpr(&tok.loc, TXOR, e, mkconstexpr(e->type, -1)); break; case TLNOT: next(); e = castexpr(s); if (!(e->type->prop & PROPSCALAR)) error(&tok.loc, "operator '!' must have scalar operand"); e = mkbinaryexpr(&tok.loc, TEQL, e, mkconstexpr(&typeint, 0)); break; case TSIZEOF: case T_ALIGNOF: next(); if (consume(TLPAREN)) { t = typename(s, NULL); if (t) { expect(TRPAREN, "after type name"); /* might be part of a compound literal */ if (op == TSIZEOF && tok.kind == TLBRACE) parseinit(s, t); } else { e = expr(s); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression"); if (op == TSIZEOF) e = postfixexpr(s, e); } } else if (op == TSIZEOF) { t = NULL; e = unaryexpr(s); } else { error(&tok.loc, "expected ')' after '_Alignof'"); } if (!t) { if (e->decayed) e = e->base; if (e->kind == EXPRBITFIELD) error(&tok.loc, "%s operator applied to bitfield expression", tokstr[op]); t = e->type; } if (t->incomplete) error(&tok.loc, "%s operator applied to incomplete type", tokstr[op]); if (t->kind == TYPEFUNC) error(&tok.loc, "%s operator applied to function type", tokstr[op]); e = mkconstexpr(&typeulong, op == TSIZEOF ? t->size : t->align); break; default: e = postfixexpr(s, NULL); } return e; } static struct expr * castexpr(struct scope *s) { struct type *t; enum typequal tq; struct expr *r, *e, **end; end = &r; while (consume(TLPAREN)) { tq = QUALNONE; t = typename(s, &tq); if (!t) { e = expr(s); expect(TRPAREN, "after expression to match '('"); *end = postfixexpr(s, e); return r; } expect(TRPAREN, "after type name"); if (tok.kind == TLBRACE) { e = mkexpr(EXPRCOMPOUND, t, NULL); e->qual = tq; e->lvalue = true; e->compound.init = parseinit(s, t); e = decay(e); *end = postfixexpr(s, e); return r; } e = mkexpr(EXPRCAST, t, NULL); // XXX check types 6.5.4 *end = e; end = &e->base; } *end = unaryexpr(s); return r; } static int precedence(enum tokenkind t) { switch (t) { case TLOR: return 0; case TLAND: return 1; case TBOR: return 2; case TXOR: return 3; case TBAND: return 4; case TEQL: case TNEQ: return 5; case TLESS: case TGREATER: case TLEQ: case TGEQ: return 6; case TSHL: case TSHR: return 7; case TADD: case TSUB: return 8; case TMUL: case TDIV: case TMOD: return 9; } return -1; } static struct expr * binaryexpr(struct scope *s, struct expr *l, int i) { struct expr *r; struct location loc; enum tokenkind op; int j, k; if (!l) l = castexpr(s); while ((j = precedence(tok.kind)) >= i) { op = tok.kind; loc = tok.loc; next(); r = castexpr(s); while ((k = precedence(tok.kind)) > j) r = binaryexpr(s, r, k); l = mkbinaryexpr(&loc, op, l, r); } return l; } static struct expr * condexpr(struct scope *s) { struct expr *e, *l, *r; struct type *t, *lt, *rt; enum typequal tq; e = binaryexpr(s, NULL, 0); if (!consume(TQUESTION)) return e; l = expr(s); expect(TCOLON, "in conditional expression"); r = condexpr(s); lt = l->type; rt = r->type; if (lt == rt) { t = lt; } else if (lt->prop & PROPARITH && rt->prop & PROPARITH) { t = commonreal(&l, &r); } else if (lt == &typevoid && rt == &typevoid) { t = &typevoid; } else { l = eval(l, EVALARITH); r = eval(r, EVALARITH); if (nullpointer(l) && rt->kind == TYPEPOINTER) { t = rt; } else if (nullpointer(r) && lt->kind == TYPEPOINTER) { t = lt; } else if (lt->kind == TYPEPOINTER && rt->kind == TYPEPOINTER) { tq = lt->qual | rt->qual; lt = lt->base; rt = rt->base; if (lt == &typevoid || rt == &typevoid) t = &typevoid; else if (typecompatible(lt, rt)) t = typecomposite(lt, rt); else error(&tok.loc, "operands of conditional operator must have compatible types"); t = mkpointertype(t, tq); } else { error(&tok.loc, "invalid operands to conditional operator"); } } e = eval(e, EVALARITH); if (e->kind == EXPRCONST && e->type->prop & PROPINT) return exprconvert(e->constant.u ? l : r, t); e = mkexpr(EXPRCOND, t, e); e->cond.t = l; e->cond.f = r; return e; } struct expr * constexpr(struct scope *s) { return eval(condexpr(s), EVALARITH); } uint64_t intconstexpr(struct scope *s, bool allowneg) { struct expr *e; e = constexpr(s); if (e->kind != EXPRCONST || !(e->type->prop & PROPINT)) error(&tok.loc, "not an integer constant expression"); if (!allowneg && e->type->basic.issigned && e->constant.u > INT64_MAX) error(&tok.loc, "integer constant expression cannot be negative"); return e->constant.u; } static struct expr * mkassignexpr(struct expr *l, struct expr *r) { struct expr *e; e = mkexpr(EXPRASSIGN, l->type, NULL); e->assign.l = l; e->assign.r = exprconvert(r, l->type); return e; } struct expr * assignexpr(struct scope *s) { struct expr *e, *l, *r, *tmp, *bit; enum tokenkind op; l = condexpr(s); if (l->kind == EXPRBINARY || l->kind == EXPRCOMMA || l->kind == EXPRCAST) return l; switch (tok.kind) { case TASSIGN: op = TNONE; break; case TMULASSIGN: op = TMUL; break; case TDIVASSIGN: op = TDIV; break; case TMODASSIGN: op = TMOD; break; case TADDASSIGN: op = TADD; break; case TSUBASSIGN: op = TSUB; break; case TSHLASSIGN: op = TSHL; break; case TSHRASSIGN: op = TSHR; break; case TBANDASSIGN: op = TBAND; break; case TXORASSIGN: op = TXOR; break; case TBORASSIGN: op = TBOR; break; default: return l; } if (!l->lvalue) error(&tok.loc, "left side of assignment expression is not an lvalue"); next(); r = assignexpr(s); if (!op) return mkassignexpr(l, r); /* rewrite `E1 OP= E2` as `T = &E1, *T = *T OP E2`, where T is a temporary slot */ if (l->kind == EXPRBITFIELD) { bit = l; l = l->base; } else { bit = NULL; } tmp = mkexpr(EXPRTEMP, mkpointertype(l->type, l->qual), NULL); tmp->lvalue = true; tmp->temp = NULL; e = mkassignexpr(tmp, mkunaryexpr(TBAND, l)); l = mkunaryexpr(TMUL, tmp); if (bit) { bit->base = l; l = bit; } r = mkbinaryexpr(&tok.loc, op, l, r); e->next = mkassignexpr(l, r); return mkexpr(EXPRCOMMA, l->type, e); } struct expr * expr(struct scope *s) { struct expr *r, *e, **end; end = &r; for (;;) { e = assignexpr(s); *end = e; end = &e->next; if (tok.kind != TCOMMA) break; next(); } if (!r->next) return r; return mkexpr(EXPRCOMMA, e->type, r); } struct expr * exprconvert(struct expr *e, struct type *t) { if (typecompatible(e->type, t)) return e; return mkexpr(EXPRCAST, t, e); }