#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "cc.h" #include "htab.h" static struct list tentativedefns = {&tentativedefns, &tentativedefns}; struct qualtype { struct type *type; enum typequal qual; }; enum storageclass { SCNONE, SCTYPEDEF = 1<<1, SCEXTERN = 1<<2, SCSTATIC = 1<<3, SCAUTO = 1<<4, SCREGISTER = 1<<5, SCTHREADLOCAL = 1<<6, }; enum typespec { SPECNONE, SPECVOID = 1<<1, SPECCHAR = 1<<2, SPECBOOL = 1<<3, SPECINT = 1<<4, SPECFLOAT = 1<<5, SPECDOUBLE = 1<<6, SPECSHORT = 1<<7, SPECLONG = 1<<8, SPECLONG2 = 1<<9, SPECSIGNED = 1<<10, SPECUNSIGNED = 1<<11, SPECCOMPLEX = 1<<12, SPECLONGLONG = SPECLONG|SPECLONG2, }; enum funcspec { FUNCNONE, FUNCINLINE = 1<<1, FUNCNORETURN = 1<<2, }; struct structbuilder { struct type *type; struct member **last; unsigned bits; /* number of bits remaining in the last byte */ }; struct decl * mkdecl(enum declkind k, struct type *t, enum typequal tq, enum linkage linkage) { struct decl *d; d = xmalloc(sizeof(*d)); d->kind = k; d->linkage = linkage; d->type = t; d->qual = tq; d->tentative = false; d->defined = false; d->align = 0; d->value = NULL; return d; } /* 6.7.1 Storage-class specifiers */ static int storageclass(enum storageclass *sc) { enum storageclass allowed, new; switch (tok.kind) { case TTYPEDEF: new = SCTYPEDEF; break; case TEXTERN: new = SCEXTERN; break; case TSTATIC: new = SCSTATIC; break; case T_THREAD_LOCAL: new = SCTHREADLOCAL; break; case TAUTO: new = SCAUTO; break; case TREGISTER: new = SCREGISTER; break; default: return 0; } if (!sc) error(&tok.loc, "storage class not allowed in this declaration"); switch (*sc) { case SCNONE: allowed = ~SCNONE; break; case SCTHREADLOCAL: allowed = SCSTATIC|SCEXTERN; break; case SCSTATIC: case SCEXTERN: allowed = SCTHREADLOCAL; break; default: allowed = SCNONE; break; } if (new & ~allowed) error(&tok.loc, "invalid combination of storage class specifiers"); *sc |= new; next(); return 1; } /* 6.7.3 Type qualifiers */ static int typequal(enum typequal *tq) { switch (tok.kind) { case TCONST: *tq |= QUALCONST; break; case TVOLATILE: *tq |= QUALVOLATILE; break; case TRESTRICT: *tq |= QUALRESTRICT; break; case T_ATOMIC: error(&tok.loc, "_Atomic type qualifier is not yet supported"); default: return 0; } next(); return 1; } /* 6.7.4 Function specifiers */ static int funcspec(enum funcspec *fs) { enum funcspec new; switch (tok.kind) { case TINLINE: new = FUNCINLINE; break; case T_NORETURN: new = FUNCNORETURN; break; default: return 0; } if (!fs) error(&tok.loc, "function specifier not allowed in this declaration"); *fs |= new; next(); return 1; } static void structdecl(struct scope *, struct structbuilder *); static struct type * tagspec(struct scope *s) { struct type *t; char *tag; enum typekind kind; struct decl *d; struct expr *e; struct structbuilder b; uint64_t i; switch (tok.kind) { case TSTRUCT: kind = TYPESTRUCT; break; case TUNION: kind = TYPEUNION; break; case TENUM: kind = TYPEBASIC; break; default: fatal("internal error: unknown tag kind"); } next(); if (tok.kind == TIDENT) { tag = tok.lit; next(); t = scopegettag(s, tag, false); if (s->parent && !t && tok.kind != TLBRACE && (kind == TYPEBASIC || tok.kind != TSEMICOLON)) t = scopegettag(s->parent, tag, true); } else if (tok.kind != TLBRACE) { error(&tok.loc, "expected identifier or '{' after struct/union"); } else { tag = NULL; t = NULL; } if (t) { if (t->kind != kind) error(&tok.loc, "redeclaration of tag '%s' with different kind", tag); } else { t = mktype(kind); if (kind == TYPEBASIC) { *t = typeuint; t->basic.kind = BASICENUM; } else { t->repr = &i64; // XXX t->size = 0; t->align = 0; t->structunion.tag = tag; t->structunion.members = NULL; } t->incomplete = true; if (tag) scopeputtag(s, tag, t); } if (tok.kind != TLBRACE) return t; if (!t->incomplete) error(&tok.loc, "redefinition of tag '%s'", tag); next(); switch (t->kind) { case TYPESTRUCT: case TYPEUNION: b.type = t; b.last = &t->structunion.members; b.bits = 0; do structdecl(s, &b); while (tok.kind != TRBRACE); next(); t->size = ALIGNUP(t->size, t->align); t->incomplete = false; break; case TYPEBASIC: /* enum */ for (i = 0; tok.kind == TIDENT; ++i) { d = mkdecl(DECLCONST, &typeint, QUALNONE, LINKNONE); scopeputdecl(s, tok.lit, d); next(); if (consume(TASSIGN)) { e = constexpr(s); if (e->kind != EXPRCONST || !(typeprop(e->type) & PROPINT)) error(&tok.loc, "expected integer constant expression"); if (e->type->basic.issigned && e->constant.i >= 1ull << 63) t->basic.issigned = true; i = e->constant.i; } d->value = mkintconst(t->repr, i); if (!consume(TCOMMA)) break; } expect(TRBRACE, "to close enum specifier"); t->incomplete = false; } return t; } /* 6.7 Declarations */ static struct qualtype declspecs(struct scope *s, enum storageclass *sc, enum funcspec *fs, int *align) { struct type *t, *other; struct decl *d; struct expr *e; enum typespec ts = SPECNONE; enum typequal tq = QUALNONE; int ntypes = 0; uint64_t i; t = NULL; if (sc) *sc = SCNONE; if (fs) *fs = FUNCNONE; if (align) *align = 0; for (;;) { if (typequal(&tq) || storageclass(sc) || funcspec(fs)) continue; switch (tok.kind) { /* 6.7.2 Type specifiers */ case TVOID: t = &typevoid; ++ntypes; next(); break; case TCHAR: ts |= SPECCHAR; ++ntypes; next(); break; case TSHORT: if (ts & SPECSHORT) error(&tok.loc, "duplicate 'short'"); ts |= SPECSHORT; next(); break; case TINT: ts |= SPECINT; ++ntypes; next(); break; case TLONG: if (ts & SPECLONG2) error(&tok.loc, "too many 'long'"); if (ts & SPECLONG) ts |= SPECLONG2; ts |= SPECLONG; next(); break; case TFLOAT: ts |= SPECFLOAT; ++ntypes; next(); break; case TDOUBLE: ts |= SPECDOUBLE; ++ntypes; next(); break; case TSIGNED: if (ts & SPECSIGNED) error(&tok.loc, "duplicate 'signed'"); ts |= SPECSIGNED; next(); break; case TUNSIGNED: if (ts & SPECUNSIGNED) error(&tok.loc, "duplicate 'unsigned'"); ts |= SPECUNSIGNED; next(); break; case T_BOOL: t = &typebool; ++ntypes; next(); break; case T_COMPLEX: fatal("_Complex is not yet supported"); break; case T_ATOMIC: fatal("_Atomic is not yet supported"); break; case TSTRUCT: case TUNION: case TENUM: t = tagspec(s); ++ntypes; break; case TIDENT: if (t || ts) goto done; d = scopegetdecl(s, tok.lit, 1); if (!d || d->kind != DECLTYPE) goto done; t = d->type; ++ntypes; next(); break; case T__TYPEOF__: next(); expect(TLPAREN, "after '__typeof__'"); t = typename(s, &tq); if (!t) { e = expr(s); t = e->type; tq |= e->qual; delexpr(e); } ++ntypes; expect(TRPAREN, "to close '__typeof__'"); break; /* 6.7.5 Alignment specifier */ case T_ALIGNAS: if (!align) error(&tok.loc, "alignment specifier not allowed in this declaration"); next(); expect(TLPAREN, "after '_Alignas'"); other = typename(s, NULL); if (other) { *align = other->align; } else { i = intconstexpr(s, false); if (!i || i & (i - 1) || i > 16) error(&tok.loc, "invalid alignment: %d", i); *align = (int)i; } expect(TRPAREN, "to close '_Alignas' specifier"); break; default: goto done; } if (ntypes > 1 || (t && ts)) error(&tok.loc, "multiple types in declaration specifiers"); } done: switch ((int)ts) { case SPECNONE: break; case SPECCHAR: t = &typechar; break; case SPECSIGNED|SPECCHAR: t = &typeschar; break; case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECCHAR: t = &typeuchar; break; case SPECSHORT: case SPECSHORT|SPECINT: case SPECSIGNED|SPECSHORT: case SPECSIGNED|SPECSHORT|SPECINT: t = &typeshort; break; case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECSHORT: case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECSHORT|SPECINT: t = &typeushort; break; case SPECINT: case SPECSIGNED: case SPECSIGNED|SPECINT: t = &typeint; break; case SPECUNSIGNED: case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECINT: t = &typeuint; break; case SPECLONG: case SPECLONG|SPECINT: case SPECSIGNED|SPECLONG: case SPECSIGNED|SPECLONG|SPECINT: t = &typelong; break; case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECLONG: case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECLONG|SPECINT: t = &typeulong; break; case SPECLONGLONG: case SPECLONGLONG|SPECINT: case SPECSIGNED|SPECLONGLONG: case SPECSIGNED|SPECLONGLONG|SPECINT: t = &typellong; break; case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECLONGLONG: case SPECUNSIGNED|SPECLONGLONG|SPECINT: t = &typeullong; break; case SPECFLOAT: t = &typefloat; break; case SPECDOUBLE: t = &typedouble; break; case SPECLONG|SPECDOUBLE: t = &typelongdouble; break; default: error(&tok.loc, "invalid combination of type specifiers"); } if (!t && (tq || (sc && *sc) || (fs && *fs))) error(&tok.loc, "declaration has no type specifier"); return (struct qualtype){t, tq}; } /* 6.7.6 Declarators */ static struct param *parameter(struct scope *); static bool istypename(struct scope *s, const char *name) { struct decl *d; d = scopegetdecl(s, name, 1); return d && d->kind == DECLTYPE; } /* When parsing a declarator, qualifiers for derived types are temporarily stored in the `qual` field of the type itself (elsewhere this field is used for the qualifiers of the base type). This is corrected in declarator(). */ static void declaratortypes(struct scope *s, struct list *result, char **name, bool allowabstract) { struct list *ptr; struct type *t; struct param **p; uint64_t i; enum typequal tq; while (consume(TMUL)) { tq = QUALNONE; while (typequal(&tq)) ; t = mkpointertype(NULL, tq); listinsert(result, &t->link); } if (name) *name = NULL; ptr = result->next; switch (tok.kind) { case TLPAREN: next(); if (allowabstract && tok.kind != TMUL && (tok.kind != TIDENT || istypename(s, tok.lit))) goto func; declaratortypes(s, result, name, allowabstract); expect(TRPAREN, "after parenthesized declarator"); break; case TIDENT: if (!name) error(&tok.loc, "identifier not allowed in abstract declarator"); *name = tok.lit; next(); break; default: if (!allowabstract) error(&tok.loc, "expected '(' or identifier"); } for (;;) { switch (tok.kind) { case TLPAREN: /* function declarator */ next(); func: t = mktype(TYPEFUNC); t->qual = QUALNONE; t->func.isprototype = false; t->func.isvararg = false; t->func.isnoreturn = false; t->func.params = NULL; p = &t->func.params; switch (tok.kind) { case TIDENT: if (!istypename(s, tok.lit)) { /* identifier-list (K&R declaration) */ do { *p = mkparam(tok.lit, NULL, QUALNONE); p = &(*p)->next; next(); } while (consume(TCOMMA) && tok.kind == TIDENT); break; } /* fallthrough */ default: t->func.isprototype = true; for (;;) { *p = parameter(s); p = &(*p)->next; if (!consume(TCOMMA)) break; if (consume(TELLIPSIS)) { t->func.isvararg = true; break; } } if (t->func.params->type->kind == TYPEVOID && !t->func.params->next) t->func.params = NULL; break; case TRPAREN: break; } expect(TRPAREN, "to close function declarator"); t->func.paraminfo = t->func.isprototype || t->func.params || tok.kind == TLBRACE; listinsert(ptr->prev, &t->link); break; case TLBRACK: /* array declarator */ next(); tq = QUALNONE; while (consume(TSTATIC) || typequal(&tq)) ; if (tok.kind == TMUL) error(&tok.loc, "VLAs are not yet supported"); if (tok.kind == TRBRACK) { i = 0; next(); } else { i = intconstexpr(s, false); expect(TRBRACK, "after array length"); } t = mkarraytype(NULL, tq, i); listinsert(ptr->prev, &t->link); break; default: return; } } } static struct qualtype declarator(struct scope *s, struct qualtype base, char **name, bool allowabstract) { struct type *t; enum typequal tq; struct list result = {&result, &result}, *l, *prev; declaratortypes(s, &result, name, allowabstract); for (l = result.prev; l != &result; l = prev) { prev = l->prev; t = listelement(l, struct type, link); tq = t->qual; t->base = base.type; t->qual = base.qual; switch (t->kind) { case TYPEFUNC: if (base.type->kind == TYPEFUNC) error(&tok.loc, "function declarator specifies function return type"); if (base.type->kind == TYPEARRAY) error(&tok.loc, "function declarator specifies array return type"); break; case TYPEARRAY: if (base.type->incomplete) error(&tok.loc, "array element has incomplete type"); if (base.type->kind == TYPEFUNC) error(&tok.loc, "array element has function type"); t->align = base.type->align; t->size = base.type->size * t->array.length; // XXX: overflow? break; } base.type = t; base.qual = tq; } return base; } static struct type * adjust(struct type *t) { switch (t->kind) { case TYPEARRAY: t = mkpointertype(t->base, t->qual); break; case TYPEFUNC: t = mkpointertype(t, QUALNONE); break; } return t; } static struct param * parameter(struct scope *s) { char *name; struct qualtype t; enum storageclass sc; t = declspecs(s, &sc, NULL, NULL); if (!t.type) error(&tok.loc, "no type in parameter declaration"); if (sc && sc != SCREGISTER) error(&tok.loc, "parameter declaration has invalid storage-class specifier"); t = declarator(s, t, &name, true); return mkparam(name, adjust(t.type), t.qual); } static bool paramdecl(struct scope *s, struct param *params) { struct param *p; struct qualtype t, base; enum storageclass sc; char *name; base = declspecs(s, &sc, NULL, NULL); if (!base.type) return false; if (sc && sc != SCREGISTER) error(&tok.loc, "parameter declaration has invalid storage-class specifier"); for (;;) { t = declarator(s, base, &name, false); for (p = params; p && strcmp(name, p->name) != 0; p = p->next) ; if (!p) error(&tok.loc, "old-style function declarator has no parameter named '%s'", name); p->type = adjust(t.type); p->qual = t.qual; if (tok.kind == TSEMICOLON) break; expect(TCOMMA, "or ';' after parameter declarator"); } next(); return true; } static void addmember(struct structbuilder *b, struct qualtype mt, char *name, int align, uint64_t width) { struct type *t = b->type; struct member *m; size_t end; assert(mt.type->align > 0); if (name || width == -1) { m = xmalloc(sizeof(*m)); m->type = mt.type; m->qual = mt.qual; m->name = name; m->next = NULL; *b->last = m; b->last = &m->next; } else { m = NULL; } if (width == -1) { m->bits.before = 0; m->bits.after = 0; if (align < mt.type->align) align = mt.type->align; t->size = ALIGNUP(t->size, align); if (t->kind == TYPESTRUCT) { m->offset = t->size; t->size += mt.type->size; } else { m->offset = 0; if (t->size < mt.type->size) t->size = mt.type->size; } } else { /* bit-field */ if (!(typeprop(mt.type) & PROPINT)) error(&tok.loc, "bit-field has invalid type"); if (align) error(&tok.loc, "alignment specified for bit-field"); if (!width && name) error(&tok.loc, "bit-field with zero width must not have declarator"); if (width > mt.type->size * 8) error(&tok.loc, "bit-field exceeds width of underlying type"); /* calculate end of the storage-unit for this bit-field */ end = ALIGNUP(t->size, mt.type->size); if (!width || width > (end - t->size) * 8 + b->bits) { /* no room, allocate a new storage-unit */ t->size = end; b->bits = 0; } if (m) { m->offset = ALIGNDOWN(t->size - !!b->bits, mt.type->size); m->bits.before = (t->size - m->offset) * 8 - b->bits; m->bits.after = mt.type->size * 8 - width - m->bits.before; } t->size += (width - b->bits + 7) / 8; b->bits = (b->bits - width) % 8; align = mt.type->align; } if (t->align < align) t->align = align; } static void structdecl(struct scope *s, struct structbuilder *b) { struct qualtype base, mt; char *name; uint64_t width; int align; base = declspecs(s, NULL, NULL, &align); if (!base.type) error(&tok.loc, "no type in struct member declaration"); if (tok.kind == TSEMICOLON) { if ((base.type->kind != TYPESTRUCT && base.type->kind != TYPEUNION) || base.type->structunion.tag) error(&tok.loc, "struct declaration must declare at least one member"); next(); addmember(b, base, NULL, align, -1); return; } for (;;) { if (consume(TCOLON)) { width = intconstexpr(s, false); addmember(b, base, NULL, 0, width); } else { mt = declarator(s, base, &name, false); width = consume(TCOLON) ? intconstexpr(s, false) : -1; addmember(b, mt, name, align, width); } if (tok.kind == TSEMICOLON) break; expect(TCOMMA, "or ';' after declarator"); } next(); } /* 6.7.7 Type names */ struct type * typename(struct scope *s, enum typequal *tq) { struct qualtype t; t = declspecs(s, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (t.type) { t = declarator(s, t, NULL, true); if (tq) *tq |= t.qual; } return t.type; } bool decl(struct scope *s, struct func *f) { struct qualtype base, qt; struct type *t; enum typequal tq; enum storageclass sc; enum funcspec fs; struct init *init; struct param *p; char *name; int allowfunc = !f; struct decl *d; enum declkind kind; enum linkage linkage; uint64_t c; int align; if (consume(T_STATIC_ASSERT)) { expect(TLPAREN, "after _Static_assert"); c = intconstexpr(s, true); expect(TCOMMA, "after static assertion expression"); expect(TSTRINGLIT, "after static assertion expression"); if (!c) error(&tok.loc, "static assertion failed"); // XXX: add string here expect(TRPAREN, "after static assertion message"); expect(TSEMICOLON, "after static assertion"); return true; } base = declspecs(s, &sc, &fs, &align); if (!base.type) return false; if (!f) { /* 6.9p2 */ if (sc & SCAUTO) error(&tok.loc, "external declaration must not contain 'auto'"); if (sc & SCREGISTER) error(&tok.loc, "external declaration must not contain 'register'"); } if (consume(TSEMICOLON)) { /* XXX 6.7p2 error unless in function parameter/struct/union, or tag/enum members are declared */ return true; } for (;;) { qt = declarator(s, base, &name, false); t = qt.type; tq = qt.qual; kind = sc & SCTYPEDEF ? DECLTYPE : t->kind == TYPEFUNC ? DECLFUNC : DECLOBJECT; d = scopegetdecl(s, name, false); if (d && d->kind != kind) error(&tok.loc, "'%s' redeclared with different kind", name); switch (kind) { case DECLTYPE: if (align) error(&tok.loc, "typedef '%s' declared with alignment specifier", name); if (!d) scopeputdecl(s, name, mkdecl(DECLTYPE, t, tq, LINKNONE)); else if (!typesame(d->type, t) || d->qual != tq) error(&tok.loc, "typedef '%s' redefined with different type", name); break; case DECLOBJECT: if (d) { if (d->linkage == LINKNONE) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' with no linkage redeclared", name); if (!(sc & SCEXTERN)) { linkage = f ? LINKNONE : sc & SCSTATIC ? LINKINTERN : LINKEXTERN; if (d->linkage != linkage) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' redeclared with different linkage", name); } if (!typecompatible(d->type, t) || d->qual != tq) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' redeclared with incompatible type", name); d->type = typecomposite(t, d->type); } else { if (sc & SCEXTERN) { if (s->parent) d = scopegetdecl(s->parent, name, true); linkage = d && d->linkage != LINKNONE ? d->linkage : LINKEXTERN; d = scopegetdecl(&filescope, name, false); if (d) { if (d->linkage != linkage) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' redeclared with different linkage", name); if (!typecompatible(d->type, t) || d->qual != tq) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' redeclared with incompatible type", name); t = typecomposite(t, d->type); } } else { linkage = f ? LINKNONE : sc & SCSTATIC ? LINKINTERN : LINKEXTERN; } d = mkdecl(kind, t, tq, linkage); scopeputdecl(s, name, d); if (linkage != LINKNONE || sc & SCSTATIC) d->value = mkglobal(name, linkage == LINKNONE); } if (d->align < align) d->align = align; if (consume(TASSIGN)) { if (f && d->linkage != LINKNONE) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' with block scope and %s linkage cannot have initializer", name, d->linkage == LINKEXTERN ? "external" : "internal"); if (d->defined) error(&tok.loc, "object '%s' redefined", name); init = parseinit(s, d->type); } else { init = NULL; } if (sc & SCEXTERN) break; if (init || f) { if (d->linkage != LINKNONE || sc & SCSTATIC) emitdata(d, init); else funcinit(f, d, init); d->defined = true; if (d->tentative) { d->tentative = false; listremove(&d->link); } } else if (!d->defined && !d->tentative) { d->tentative = true; listinsert(tentativedefns.prev, &d->link); } break; case DECLFUNC: if (align) error(&tok.loc, "function '%s' declared with alignment specifier", name); t->func.isnoreturn |= fs & FUNCNORETURN; if (f && sc && sc != SCEXTERN) /* 6.7.1p7 */ error(&tok.loc, "function '%s' with block scope may only have storage class 'extern'", name); if (!t->func.isprototype && t->func.params) { if (!allowfunc) error(&tok.loc, "function declaration not allowed"); /* collect type information for parameters before we check compatibility */ while (paramdecl(s, t->func.params)) ; if (tok.kind != TLBRACE) error(&tok.loc, "function declaration with identifier list is not part of definition"); for (p = t->func.params; p; p = p->next) { if (!p->type) error(&tok.loc, "old-style function definition does not declare '%s'", p->name); } } if (d) { if (!typecompatible(t, d->type) || tq != d->qual) error(&tok.loc, "function '%s' redeclared with incompatible type", name); d->type = typecomposite(t, d->type); } else { if (s->parent) d = scopegetdecl(s->parent, name, 1); if (d && d->linkage != LINKNONE) { linkage = d->linkage; if (!typecompatible(t, d->type) || tq != d->qual) error(&tok.loc, "function '%s' redeclared with incompatible type", name); t = typecomposite(t, d->type); } else { linkage = sc & SCSTATIC ? LINKINTERN : LINKEXTERN; } d = mkdecl(kind, t, tq, linkage); d->value = mkglobal(name, false); scopeputdecl(s, name, d); } if (tok.kind == TLBRACE) { if (!allowfunc) error(&tok.loc, "function declaration not allowed"); if (d->defined) error(&tok.loc, "function '%s' redefined", name); s = mkscope(&filescope); f = mkfunc(name, t, s); stmt(f, s); emitfunc(f, d->linkage == LINKEXTERN); s = delscope(s); d->defined = true; return true; } break; } switch (tok.kind) { case TCOMMA: next(); allowfunc = 0; break; case TSEMICOLON: next(); return true; default: error(&tok.loc, "expected ',' or ';' after declarator"); } } } struct decl *stringdecl(struct expr *expr) { static struct hashtable *strings; struct hashtablekey key; void **entry; struct decl *d; if (!strings) strings = mkhtab(64); assert(expr->kind == EXPRSTRING); htabbufkey(&key, expr->string.data, expr->string.size); entry = htabput(strings, &key); d = *entry; if (!d) { d = mkdecl(DECLOBJECT, expr->type, QUALNONE, LINKNONE); d->value = mkglobal("string", true); emitdata(d, mkinit(0, expr->type->size, expr)); *entry = d; } return d; } void emittentativedefns(void) { struct list *l; for (l = tentativedefns.next; l != &tentativedefns; l = l->next) emitdata(listelement(l, struct decl, link), NULL); }