#include struct func; enum tokenkind { TNONE, TEOF, TNEWLINE, TOTHER, TIDENT, TNUMBER, TCHARCONST, TSTRINGLIT, /* keyword */ TALIGNAS, TALIGNOF, TAUTO, TBOOL, TBREAK, TCASE, TCHAR, TCONST, TCONSTEXPR, TCONTINUE, TDEFAULT, TDO, TDOUBLE, TELSE, TENUM, TEXTERN, TFALSE, TFLOAT, TFOR, TGOTO, TIF, TINLINE, TINT, TLONG, TNULLPTR, TREGISTER, TRESTRICT, TRETURN, TSHORT, TSIGNED, TSIZEOF, TSTATIC, TSTATIC_ASSERT, TSTRUCT, TSWITCH, TTHREAD_LOCAL, TTRUE, TTYPEDEF, TTYPEOF, TTYPEOF_UNQUAL, TUNION, TUNSIGNED, TVOID, TVOLATILE, TWHILE, T_ATOMIC, T_BITINT, T_COMPLEX, T_DECIMAL128, T_DECIMAL32, T_DECIMAL64, T_GENERIC, T_IMAGINARY, T_NORETURN, T__ASM__, T__ATTRIBUTE__, /* punctuator */ TLBRACK, TRBRACK, TLPAREN, TRPAREN, TLBRACE, TRBRACE, TPERIOD, TARROW, TINC, TDEC, TBAND, TMUL, TADD, TSUB, TBNOT, TLNOT, TDIV, TMOD, TSHL, TSHR, TLESS, TGREATER, TLEQ, TGEQ, TEQL, TNEQ, TXOR, TBOR, TLAND, TLOR, TQUESTION, TCOLON, TCOLONCOLON, TSEMICOLON, TELLIPSIS, TASSIGN, TMULASSIGN, TDIVASSIGN, TMODASSIGN, TADDASSIGN, TSUBASSIGN, TSHLASSIGN, TSHRASSIGN, TBANDASSIGN, TXORASSIGN, TBORASSIGN, TCOMMA, THASH, THASHHASH }; struct location { const char *file; size_t line, col; }; struct token { enum tokenkind kind; /* whether or not the token is ineligible for expansion */ _Bool hide; /* whether or not the token was preceeded by a space */ _Bool space; struct location loc; char *lit; }; enum typequal { QUALNONE, QUALCONST = 1<<1, QUALRESTRICT = 1<<2, QUALVOLATILE = 1<<3, QUALATOMIC = 1<<4 }; enum typekind { TYPENONE, TYPEVOID, TYPEBOOL, TYPECHAR, TYPESHORT, TYPEINT, TYPEENUM, TYPELONG, TYPELLONG, TYPEFLOAT, TYPEDOUBLE, TYPELDOUBLE, TYPEPOINTER, TYPEARRAY, TYPEFUNC, TYPESTRUCT, TYPEUNION, TYPENULLPTR, }; enum typeprop { PROPNONE, PROPCHAR = 1<<0, PROPINT = 1<<1, PROPREAL = 1<<2, PROPARITH = 1<<3, PROPSCALAR = 1<<4, PROPFLOAT = 1<<5 }; struct param { char *name; struct type *type; enum typequal qual; struct value *value; struct param *next; }; struct bitfield { short before; /* number of bits in the storage unit before the bit-field */ short after; /* number of bits in the storage unit after the bit-field */ }; struct member { char *name; struct type *type; enum typequal qual; unsigned long long offset; struct bitfield bits; struct member *next; }; struct type { enum typekind kind; enum typeprop prop; int align; unsigned long long size; struct value *value; /* used by the backend */ struct type *base; struct list link; /* used only during construction of type */ /* qualifiers of the base type */ enum typequal qual; _Bool incomplete, flexible; union { struct { _Bool issigned, iscomplex; } basic; struct { unsigned long long length; } array; struct { _Bool isprototype, isvararg, isnoreturn, paraminfo; struct param *params; size_t nparam; } func; struct { char *tag; struct member *members; } structunion; } u; }; enum declkind { DECLTYPE, DECLOBJECT, DECLFUNC, DECLCONST, DECLBUILTIN, }; enum linkage { LINKNONE, LINKINTERN, LINKEXTERN, }; enum storageduration { SDSTATIC, SDTHREAD, SDAUTO, }; enum builtinkind { BUILTINALLOCA, BUILTINCONSTANTP, BUILTINEXPECT, BUILTININFF, BUILTINNANF, BUILTINOFFSETOF, BUILTINTYPESCOMPATIBLEP, BUILTINUNREACHABLE, BUILTINVAARG, BUILTINVACOPY, BUILTINVAEND, BUILTINVALIST, BUILTINVASTART, }; struct decl { enum declkind kind; enum linkage linkage; struct type *type; enum typequal qual; struct value *value; char *asmname; _Bool defined; union { struct { /* link in list of tentative object definitions */ struct list tentative; /* alignment of object storage (may be stricter than type requires) */ int align; } obj; struct { /* the function might have an "inline definition" (C11 6.7.4p7) */ _Bool inlinedefn; } func; struct { struct decl *next; } enumconst; enum builtinkind builtin; } u; }; struct scope { struct map tags; struct map decls; struct block *breaklabel; struct block *continuelabel; struct switchcases *switchcases; struct scope *parent; }; enum exprkind { /* primary expression */ EXPRIDENT, EXPRCONST, EXPRSTRING, /* postfix expression */ EXPRCALL, /* member E.M gets transformed to *(typeof(E.M) *)((char *)E + offsetof(typeof(E), M)) */ EXPRBITFIELD, EXPRINCDEC, EXPRCOMPOUND, /* subscript E1[E2] gets transformed to *((E1)+(E2)) */ EXPRUNARY, EXPRCAST, EXPRBINARY, EXPRCOND, EXPRASSIGN, EXPRCOMMA, EXPRBUILTIN, EXPRTEMP, }; struct stringlit { size_t size; void *data; }; struct expr { enum exprkind kind; /* whether this expression is an lvalue */ _Bool lvalue; /* whether this expression is a pointer decayed from an array or function designator */ _Bool decayed; /* the unqualified type of the expression */ struct type *type; /* the type qualifiers of the object this expression refers to (ignored for non-lvalues) */ enum typequal qual; enum tokenkind op; struct expr *base; struct expr *next; union { struct { struct decl *decl; } ident; union { unsigned long long u; long long i; double f; } constant; struct stringlit string; struct { struct expr *args; size_t nargs; } call; struct { struct bitfield bits; } bitfield; struct { enum storageduration storage; struct init *init; } compound; struct { _Bool post; } incdec; struct { struct expr *l, *r; } binary; struct { struct expr *t, *f; } cond; struct { struct expr *l, *r; } assign; struct { enum builtinkind kind; } builtin; struct value *temp; } u; }; struct init { unsigned long long start, end; struct expr *expr; struct bitfield bits; struct init *next; }; /* token */ extern struct token tok; extern const char *tokstr[]; void tokenprint(const struct token *); char *tokencheck(const struct token *, enum tokenkind, const char *); void error(const struct location *, const char *, ...); /* scan */ void scanfrom(const char *, FILE *); void scanopen(void); void scansetloc(struct location loc); void scan(struct token *); /* preprocessor */ enum ppflags { /* preserve newlines in preprocessor output */ PPNEWLINE = 1 << 0, }; extern enum ppflags ppflags; void ppinit(void); void next(void); _Bool peek(int); char *expect(enum tokenkind, const char *); _Bool consume(int); /* type */ struct type *mktype(enum typekind, enum typeprop); struct type *mkpointertype(struct type *, enum typequal); struct type *mkarraytype(struct type *, enum typequal, unsigned long long); _Bool typecompatible(struct type *, struct type *); _Bool typesame(struct type *, struct type *); struct type *typecomposite(struct type *, struct type *); struct type *typeunqual(struct type *, enum typequal *); struct type *typecommonreal(struct type *, unsigned, struct type *, unsigned); struct type *typepromote(struct type *, unsigned); struct type *typeadjust(struct type *); enum typeprop typeprop(struct type *); struct member *typemember(struct type *, const char *, unsigned long long *); _Bool typehasint(struct type *, unsigned long long, _Bool); struct param *mkparam(char *, struct type *, enum typequal); extern struct type typevoid; extern struct type typebool; extern struct type typechar, typeschar, typeuchar; extern struct type typeshort, typeushort; extern struct type typeint, typeuint; extern struct type typelong, typeulong; extern struct type typellong, typeullong; extern struct type typefloat, typedouble, typeldouble; extern struct type typenullptr; extern struct type *typeadjvalist; /* targ */ struct target { const char *name; struct type *typevalist; struct type *typewchar; int signedchar; }; extern const struct target *targ; void targinit(const char *); /* decl */ struct decl *mkdecl(enum declkind, struct type *, enum typequal, enum linkage); _Bool decl(struct scope *, struct func *); struct type *typename(struct scope *, enum typequal *); struct decl *stringdecl(struct expr *); void emittentativedefns(void); /* scope */ void scopeinit(void); struct scope *mkscope(struct scope *); struct scope *delscope(struct scope *); void scopeputdecl(struct scope *, const char *, struct decl *); struct decl *scopegetdecl(struct scope *, const char *, _Bool); void scopeputtag(struct scope *, const char *, struct type *); struct type *scopegettag(struct scope *, const char *, _Bool); extern struct scope filescope; /* expr */ struct type *stringconcat(struct stringlit *, _Bool); struct expr *expr(struct scope *); struct expr *assignexpr(struct scope *); struct expr *evalexpr(struct scope *); unsigned long long intconstexpr(struct scope *, _Bool); void delexpr(struct expr *); struct expr *exprassign(struct expr *, struct type *); struct expr *exprpromote(struct expr *); /* eval */ struct expr *eval(struct expr *); /* init */ struct init *mkinit(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, struct bitfield, struct expr *); struct init *parseinit(struct scope *, struct type *); void stmt(struct func *, struct scope *); /* backend */ struct gotolabel { struct block *label; _Bool defined; }; struct switchcases { void *root; struct type *type; struct block *defaultlabel; }; void switchcase(struct switchcases *, unsigned long long, struct block *); struct block *mkblock(char *); struct value *mkglobal(char *, _Bool); struct value *mkintconst(unsigned long long); unsigned long long intconstvalue(struct value *); struct func *mkfunc(struct decl *, char *, struct type *, struct scope *); void delfunc(struct func *); struct type *functype(struct func *); void funclabel(struct func *, struct block *); struct value *funcexpr(struct func *, struct expr *); void funcjmp(struct func *, struct block *); void funcjnz(struct func *, struct value *, struct type *, struct block *, struct block *); void funcret(struct func *, struct value *); struct gotolabel *funcgoto(struct func *, char *); void funcswitch(struct func *, struct value *, struct switchcases *, struct block *); void funcinit(struct func *, struct decl *, struct init *, _Bool); void emitfunc(struct func *, _Bool); void emitdata(struct decl *, struct init *);