path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-27Sign-extend result of bit-field assignmentsMichael Forney
2019-04-27Fix some function declarator corner casesMichael Forney
2019-04-27init: Allow string literal initializers to be in bracesMichael Forney
2019-04-24Implement _Generic selectionMichael Forney
2019-04-24qbe: Make sure generated code doesn't depend on argument evaluation orderMichael Forney
2019-04-23Fix integer promotion on bit-fieldsMichael Forney
2019-04-22Simplify test/typeofMichael Forney
2019-04-20eval: Handle casts in constant expressionsMichael Forney
2019-04-18Fix potential overflow of bit-field initializers into following memberMichael Forney
2019-04-17Fix bit-field offsets in unionsMichael Forney
2019-04-17Allow designators in __builtin_offsetofMichael Forney
2019-04-16Use undecayed type in __typeof__Michael Forney
2019-04-16Implement __builtin_types_compatible_pMichael Forney
2019-04-16tests -> testMichael Forney