path: root/qbe.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'qbe.c')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/qbe.c b/qbe.c
index 25db122..fd1f851 100644
--- a/qbe.c
+++ b/qbe.c
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ static struct {
static struct value *
-funcinst(struct function *f, int op, struct representation *repr, struct value *args[])
+funcinstn(struct function *f, int op, struct representation *repr, struct value *args[])
struct instruction *inst;
size_t n;
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ funcinst(struct function *f, int op, struct representation *repr, struct value *
return instdesc[op].ret ? &inst->res : NULL;
+#define funcinst(f, op, repr, ...) funcinstn(f, op, repr, (struct value *[]){__VA_ARGS__})
struct value *
mkintconst(struct representation *r, uint64_t n)
@@ -274,17 +276,17 @@ funcstore(struct function *f, struct type *t, struct value *addr, struct value *
dst = addr;
align = mkintconst(&iptr, t->align);
for (offset = 0; offset < t->size; offset += t->align) {
- tmp = funcinst(f, loadop, &iptr, (struct value *[]){src});
- funcinst(f, op, NULL, (struct value *[]){tmp, dst});
- src = funcinst(f, IADD, &iptr, (struct value *[]){src, align});
- dst = funcinst(f, IADD, &iptr, (struct value *[]){dst, align});
+ tmp = funcinst(f, loadop, &iptr, src);
+ funcinst(f, op, NULL, tmp, dst);
+ src = funcinst(f, IADD, &iptr, src, align);
+ dst = funcinst(f, IADD, &iptr, dst, align);
fatal("unimplemented store");
- funcinst(f, op, NULL, (struct value *[]){v, addr});
+ funcinst(f, op, NULL, v, addr);
static struct value *
@@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ funcload(struct function *f, struct type *t, struct value *addr)
fatal("unimplemented load %d", t->kind);
- return funcinst(f, op, t->repr, (struct value *[]){addr});
+ return funcinst(f, op, t->repr, addr);
struct value *
@@ -406,14 +408,14 @@ funclabel(struct function *f, struct value *v)
funcjmp(struct function *f, struct value *v)
- funcinst(f, IJMP, NULL, (struct value *[]){v});
+ funcinst(f, IJMP, NULL, v);
f->end->terminated = true;
funcjnz(struct function *f, struct value *v, struct value *l1, struct value *l2)
- funcinst(f, IJNZ, NULL, (struct value *[]){v, l1, l2});
+ funcinstn(f, IJNZ, NULL, (struct value *[]){v, l1, l2});
f->end->terminated = true;
@@ -427,7 +429,7 @@ funcret(struct function *f, struct value *v)
funcinit(f, d, NULL);
v = funcload(f, d->type, d->value);
- funcinst(f, IRET, NULL, (struct value *[]){v});
+ funcinst(f, IRET, NULL, v);
f->end->terminated = true;
@@ -481,7 +483,7 @@ objectaddr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
if (e->type->kind != TYPESTRUCT && e->type->kind != TYPEUNION)
- return funcinst(f, ICOPY, &iptr, (struct value *[]){funcexpr(f, e)});
+ return funcinst(f, ICOPY, &iptr, funcexpr(f, e));
error(&tok.loc, "expression is not an object");
@@ -493,30 +495,30 @@ utof(struct function *f, struct representation *r, struct value *v)
struct value *odd, *big, *phi[5] = {0}, *join;
if (v->repr->base == 'w') {
- v = funcinst(f, IEXTUW, &i64, (struct value *[]){v});
- return funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, (struct value *[]){v});
+ v = funcinst(f, IEXTUW, &i64, v);
+ return funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, v);
phi[0] = mkblock("utof_small");
phi[2] = mkblock("utof_big");
join = mkblock("utof_join");
- big = funcinst(f, ICSLTL, &i32, (struct value *[]){v, mkintconst(&i64, 0)});
+ big = funcinst(f, ICSLTL, &i32, v, mkintconst(&i64, 0));
funcjnz(f, big, phi[2], phi[0]);
funclabel(f, phi[0]);
- phi[1] = funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, (struct value *[]){v});
+ phi[1] = funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, v);
funcjmp(f, join);
funclabel(f, phi[2]);
- odd = funcinst(f, IAND, &i64, (struct value *[]){v, mkintconst(&i64, 1)});
- v = funcinst(f, ISHR, &i64, (struct value *[]){v, mkintconst(&i64, 1)});
- v = funcinst(f, IOR, &i64, (struct value *[]){v, odd}); /* round to odd */
- v = funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, (struct value *[]){v});
- phi[3] = funcinst(f, IADD, r, (struct value *[]){v, v});
+ odd = funcinst(f, IAND, &i64, v, mkintconst(&i64, 1));
+ v = funcinst(f, ISHR, &i64, v, mkintconst(&i64, 1));
+ v = funcinst(f, IOR, &i64, v, odd); /* round to odd */
+ v = funcinst(f, ISLTOF, r, v);
+ phi[3] = funcinst(f, IADD, r, v, v);
funclabel(f, join);
- return funcinst(f, IPHI, r, phi);
+ return funcinstn(f, IPHI, r, phi);
static struct value *
@@ -526,8 +528,8 @@ ftou(struct function *f, struct representation *r, struct value *v)
enum instructionkind op = v->repr->base == 's' ? ISTOSI : IDTOSI;
if (r->base == 'w') {
- v = funcinst(f, op, &i64, (struct value *[]){v});
- return funcinst(f, ICOPY, r, (struct value *[]){v});
+ v = funcinst(f, op, &i64, v);
+ return funcinst(f, ICOPY, r, v);
phi[0] = mkblock("ftou_small");
@@ -537,20 +539,20 @@ ftou(struct function *f, struct representation *r, struct value *v)
maxflt = mkfltconst(v->repr, 0x1p63);
maxint = mkintconst(&i64, 1ull<<63);
- big = funcinst(f, v->repr->base == 's' ? ICGES : ICGED, &i32, (struct value *[]){v, maxflt});
+ big = funcinst(f, v->repr->base == 's' ? ICGES : ICGED, &i32, v, maxflt);
funcjnz(f, big, phi[2], phi[0]);
funclabel(f, phi[0]);
- phi[1] = funcinst(f, op, r, (struct value *[]){v});
+ phi[1] = funcinst(f, op, r, v);
funcjmp(f, join);
funclabel(f, phi[2]);
- v = funcinst(f, ISUB, v->repr, (struct value *[]){v, maxflt});
- v = funcinst(f, op, r, (struct value *[]){v});
- phi[3] = funcinst(f, IXOR, r, (struct value *[]){v, maxint});
+ v = funcinst(f, ISUB, v->repr, v, maxflt);
+ v = funcinst(f, op, r, v);
+ phi[3] = funcinst(f, IXOR, r, v, maxint);
funclabel(f, join);
- return funcinst(f, IPHI, r, phi);
+ return funcinstn(f, IPHI, r, phi);
static struct value *
@@ -563,7 +565,7 @@ extend(struct function *f, struct type *t, struct value *v)
case 2: op = t->basic.issigned ? IEXTSH : IEXTUH; break;
default: return v;
- return funcinst(f, op, &i32, (struct value *[]){v});
+ return funcinst(f, op, &i32, v);
struct value *
@@ -605,7 +607,7 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
r = mkfltconst(e->type->repr, 1);
fatal("not a scalar");
- v = funcinst(f, e->incdec.op == TINC ? IADD : ISUB, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){l, r});
+ v = funcinst(f, e->incdec.op == TINC ? IADD : ISUB, e->type->repr, l, r);
funcstore(f, e->type, addr, v);
return e->incdec.post ? l : v;
@@ -619,7 +621,7 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
if (e->call.func->type->base->func.isvararg)
*argval++ = &ellipsis;
*argval = NULL;
- return funcinst(f, ICALL, e->type == &typevoid ? NULL : e->type->repr, argvals);
+ return funcinstn(f, ICALL, e->type == &typevoid ? NULL : e->type->repr, argvals);
//if (e->call.func->type->base->func.isnoreturn)
// funcret(f, NULL);
@@ -689,7 +691,7 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
op = ICOPY;
- return funcinst(f, op, dst->repr, (struct value *[]){l, r});
+ return funcinst(f, op, dst->repr, l, r);
if (e->binary.op == TLOR || e->binary.op == TLAND) {
@@ -706,7 +708,7 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
r = funcexpr(f, e->binary.r);
label[3] = (struct value *)f->end;
funclabel(f, label[1]);
- return funcinst(f, IPHI, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){label[2], l, label[3], r, NULL});
+ return funcinstn(f, IPHI, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){label[2], l, label[3], r, NULL});
l = funcexpr(f, e->binary.l);
r = funcexpr(f, e->binary.r);
@@ -795,7 +797,7 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
if (op == INONE)
fatal("internal error; unimplemented binary expression");
- return funcinst(f, op, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){l, r});
+ return funcinst(f, op, e->type->repr, l, r);
label[0] = mkblock("cond_true");
label[1] = mkblock("cond_false");
@@ -816,7 +818,7 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
funclabel(f, label[2]);
if (e->type == &typevoid)
return NULL;
- return funcinst(f, IPHI, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){label[3], l, label[4], r, NULL});
+ return funcinstn(f, IPHI, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){label[3], l, label[4], r, NULL});
r = funcexpr(f, e->assign.r);
if (e->assign.l->kind == EXPRTEMP) {
@@ -834,17 +836,17 @@ funcexpr(struct function *f, struct expression *e)
switch (e->builtin.kind) {
l = funcexpr(f, e->builtin.arg);
- funcinst(f, IVASTART, NULL, (struct value *[]){l});
+ funcinst(f, IVASTART, NULL, l);
l = funcexpr(f, e->builtin.arg);
- return funcinst(f, IVAARG, e->type->repr, (struct value *[]){l});
+ return funcinst(f, IVAARG, e->type->repr, l);
/* no-op */
l = funcexpr(f, e->builtin.arg);
- return funcinst(f, IALLOC16, &iptr, (struct value *[]){l});
+ return funcinst(f, IALLOC16, &iptr, l);
fatal("internal error: unimplemented builtin");
@@ -872,8 +874,8 @@ zero(struct function *func, struct value *addr, int align, uint64_t offset, uint
while (offset < end) {
if ((align - (offset & align - 1)) & a) {
- tmp = offset ? funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, (struct value *[]){addr, mkintconst(&iptr, offset)}) : addr;
- funcinst(func, store[a], NULL, (struct value *[]){&z, tmp});
+ tmp = offset ? funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, addr, mkintconst(&iptr, offset)) : addr;
+ funcinst(func, store[a], NULL, &z, tmp);
offset += a;
if (a < align)
@@ -893,12 +895,12 @@ funcinit(struct function *func, struct declaration *d, struct initializer *init)
zero(func, d->value, d->type->align, offset, init->start);
if (init->expr->kind == EXPRSTRING) {
for (i = 0; i < init->expr->string.size && i < init->end - init->start; ++i) {
- dst = funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, (struct value *[]){d->value, mkintconst(&iptr, init->start + i)});
- funcinst(func, ISTOREB, NULL, (struct value *[]){mkintconst(&i8, init->expr->string.data[i]), dst});
+ dst = funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, d->value, mkintconst(&iptr, init->start + i));
+ funcinst(func, ISTOREB, NULL, mkintconst(&i8, init->expr->string.data[i]), dst);
offset += i;
} else {
- dst = funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, (struct value *[]){d->value, mkintconst(&iptr, init->start)});
+ dst = funcinst(func, IADD, &iptr, d->value, mkintconst(&iptr, init->start));
src = funcexpr(func, init->expr);
funcstore(func, init->expr->type, dst, src);
offset = init->end;
@@ -922,10 +924,10 @@ casesearch(struct function *f, struct value *v, struct switchcase *c, struct val
// XXX: linear search if c->node.height < 4
key = mkintconst(&i64, c->node.key);
- res = funcinst(f, ICEQW, &i32, (struct value *[]){v, key});
+ res = funcinst(f, ICEQW, &i32, v, key);
funcjnz(f, res, c->body, label[0]);
funclabel(f, label[0]);
- res = funcinst(f, ICULTW, typeint.repr, (struct value *[]){v, key});
+ res = funcinst(f, ICULTW, typeint.repr, v, key);
funcjnz(f, res, label[1], label[2]);
funclabel(f, label[1]);
casesearch(f, v, c->node.child[0], defaultlabel);