diff options
authorMichael Forney <mforney@mforney.org>2019-04-23 21:05:58 -0700
committerMichael Forney <mforney@mforney.org>2019-04-23 21:05:58 -0700
commite0b772b836265b77686e9a7aa8ad01bb1fca53e7 (patch)
parent9b287512602f9f7ce66eeec228372135df5753a9 (diff)
Improve some error messages
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/expr.c b/expr.c
index 0d66a16..52ff22b 100644
--- a/expr.c
+++ b/expr.c
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ mkbinaryexpr(struct location *loc, enum tokenkind op, struct expr *l, struct exp
case TLOR:
case TLAND:
if (!(lp & PROPSCALAR))
- error(loc, "left-hand-side of logical operator must be scalar");
+ error(loc, "left operand of '%s' operator must be scalar", tokstr[op]);
if (!(rp & PROPSCALAR))
- error(loc, "right-hand-side of logical operator must be scalar");
+ error(loc, "right operand of '%s' operator must be scalar", tokstr[op]);
l = exprconvert(l, &typebool);
r = exprconvert(r, &typebool);
t = &typeint;
@@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ mkbinaryexpr(struct location *loc, enum tokenkind op, struct expr *l, struct exp
case TMUL:
case TDIV:
if (!(lp & PROPARITH) || !(rp & PROPARITH))
- error(loc, "operands to '%c' operator must be arithmetic", op == TMUL ? '*' : '/');
+ error(loc, "operands to '%s' operator must be arithmetic", tokstr[op]);
t = commonreal(&l, &r);
case TSHL:
case TSHR:
if (!(lp & PROPINT) || !(rp & PROPINT))
- error(loc, "operands to '%s' operator must be integer", op == TSHL ? "<<" : ">>");
+ error(loc, "operands to '%s' operator must be integer", tokstr[op]);
l = exprconvert(l, typeintpromote(l->type));
r = exprconvert(r, typeintpromote(r->type));
t = l->type;
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ primaryexpr(struct scope *s)
else if (tolower(end[0]) == 'l' && !end[1])
e->type = &typeldouble;
- error(&tok.loc, "invalid floating constant suffix '%s'", *end);
+ error(&tok.loc, "invalid floating constant suffix '%s'", end);
} else {
/* integer constant */
errno = 0;
@@ -616,14 +616,14 @@ postfixexpr(struct scope *s, struct expr *r)
case TARROW:
op = tok.kind;
if (r->type->kind != TYPEPOINTER)
- error(&tok.loc, "arrow operator must be applied to pointer to struct/union");
+ error(&tok.loc, "'%s' operator must be applied to pointer to struct/union", tokstr[op]);
t = r->type->base;
tq = r->type->qual;
if (t->kind != TYPESTRUCT && t->kind != TYPEUNION)
- error(&tok.loc, "arrow operator must be applied to pointer to struct/union");
+ error(&tok.loc, "'%s' operator must be applied to pointer to struct/union", tokstr[op]);
if (tok.kind != TIDENT)
- error(&tok.loc, "expected identifier after '->' operator");
+ error(&tok.loc, "expected identifier after '%s' operator", tokstr[op]);
lvalue = op == TARROW || r->unary.base->lvalue;
r = exprconvert(r, mkpointertype(&typechar, QUALNONE));
offset = 0;